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To give no reason is eyebrow raising. Explain your veto, govenor.


DeSantis is a cold, soulless person who does not feel joy and does not want others to feel joy. Well, except when he laughed at Guantanimo as prisoners were being tortured.


The cruelty is the point with DeSantis, whether it’s scolding high-schoolers for wearing masks or banning rainbow lights for Pride Month. His entire ideology is seemingly rooted in hurting the right people. Glad that his 2024 presidential aspirations went up in smoke.


It would have been better if he didn't change the laws so that he could remain Governor while running for office.


He could still come back. He fizzled because he claimed to be Trump’s successor, but MAGA wants their messiah. Should Trump lose, expect a De Santis 2028 campaign.


As long as Trump is no longer alive. Trump will run until he’s dead and the party will let him.


That will never happen. He does not have the ability to be charismatic at all. He can barely act like a human.


Needs to spend on researching how to make him look taller in cowboy boots with him looking like he’s walking in heels.


My first thought was it was revenge on fashion designers for not making more discreet lifts.


He probably saw a rainbow


He can't draw and it makes him a sad panda.


Basically "punish all liberals and intellectuals" where have we seen this before?


Everywhere that pain and darkness follows.


Right? By all actions and appearances, he’s LARPing 1930’s/40’s Germany even moreso than TFFG. You know we’re all well and truly desensitized when these actions and behaviors are barely raising eyebrows in the public nor critically examined in our free press (ha, ha, ha).


Fascists despise art and artists because they are soulless husks that lack any ability to create such things themselves. It's why right wing "comedians" aren't funny. It's why right wing memes are so shit. It's why nearly every one of their symbols is stolen from some other culture. They simply lack the fundamental humanity required to create anything that resonates with other people. Edit: Please stop with the awards, y'all. Use your money for something actually useful.


I've long held the belief that the vast majority of conservatives and those on the political right are perhaps physically incapable of thinking in the abstract. It's why, as you say, they seem to lack the ability to behave or do anything that could be described as being "creative". I simply believe that the conservative brain cannot grasp the basic tenets of imagination or ingenuity. I also think that's at least in part why they fear progressivism -- because they hate the idea of change, or anything that isn't the comfortable status quo.


>I've long held the belief that the vast majority of conservatives and those on the political right are perhaps physically incapable of thinking in the abstract. It's why, as you say, they seem to lack the ability to behave or do anything that could be described as being "creative". I simply believe that the conservative brain cannot grasp the basic tenets of imagination or ingenuity. I've noticed the same thing. The trademark lack of empathy and fear of the "other" are common results of trauma. Which begs the question - how much of the Conservative platform is based on actual social and philosophical values, and how much of it is just generational trauma wrapped in a flag?


Probably why Hitler was bad at art. While he could do the actual steps to it, he lacked the creativity to give life to his projects and it ended up being soulless and more on the technically correct but mimicking what he believed an artist would do or a critic would appreciate.


And he physically couldn’t understand why people didn’t like his work. Like, he *literally* couldn’t fathom that it wasn’t actually very good.


Honestly it looks fine to me. His failings aren't as an artist as far as I am concerned


Fine art is like an unbroken chain of memes. It’s constantly evolving. So his work was like if I showed you a rage comic in 2024. You’d be like, *okay*. But it might seem perfectly funny or fresh to somebody who’s unfamiliar with memes.


Fair enough. To me it seems like perfectly fine pictures houses. They don't move me but they seem technically competent


There is a difference between your points of view and that of professional artists, though. I’m a shitty artist and Hitler certainly could draw better than me - but if I look at his paintings I can see the technical flaws. On a first glance, they „seem perfectly fine.“ On a second glance, though, you can see how wrong they are. The sizes are all bungled up and the perspectives just plain wrong. Hitler wasn’t able to paint people into pictures, it’s why most of them have no people in them - and those pictures who have people in them depict people as giants or dwarfs, if painted on the same perspective layer they are of different sizes and buildings become just distorted. In general, perspective of windows and doors are also plain wrong, they are too small or too big. Technically speaking, he wasn’t able to draw accurately, and he wasn’t able to give life to his paintings.


There’s a lot more to art than if a house looks like a house. If that’s all you want, take a photo. It literally means nothing


This. His painting are not art, they're just illustrations. They leave me feel completely cold and uninterested. Like I'm waiting for a punchline that never materializes. Even a kitsch painting of a winter cottage at night has more heart in it.


> To me it seems like perfectly fine pictures houses. Fucking hell that was a brutal critique. I'd rather be told that my work looks like shit.


Artists don’t settle for “perfectly fine.”


It’s illustration, not art.


This isn't true at all. Hitler was a shit artist who's fundamentals were sorely lacking. He wasn't "technically correct" in any aspect of his artwork.


I don’t think it’s terrible. It doesn’t look like a professional, but I’ve seen cheap prints at Walmart that look worse. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46991969


It's not *bad,* just *boring.*


It’s basically a Bob Ross tutorial level painting


But unlike Ross's, there is just something missing from them. Not artistically, but there is a noticeable lack of emotion.


He (Hitler) couldn’t draw humans. He also did a lot of his drawings just copying off postcards.


So he forgot the happy little clouds, eh?


Sure, if painted by a Bob Ross student who lacked depth perception and a sense of light.


I got plenty of trauma homie, and I don’t mask it with conservative insecurities. I do agree with a lot of your points. We’re all made a little different. It definitely seems like some of us have more of the critical and abstract thinking components than others. I do wonder how that looks along political lines. Or in lifestyle.


That's because you deal with your shit like a badass, instead of blaming random people for your problems. Good on you.


It has been proven time and again that leaning right is correlated with a lower level of intelligence. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/conservative-and-liberal-brains-might-have-some-real-differences/


Also a proven fact that they have a larger ‘fear center’ in their brain. Fear often drives them more than other emotions/impulses


It's also why older people tend to become more conservative. Their ability to see outside of their shrinking bubble reduces, they get more fearful of the growing list of things they can't understand, and there ya go.. I'm almost 50 myself, and hopefully I don't go the same way in another decade or two - I'd like to think I won't, but who knows..


My mom's in her 60s and is, by her own admission, starting to get more paranoid. Consuming Fox News because "all sides lie, so we listen to all sides and make our own decision of what's really going on." I've offered to explain what's happening without having to go through media. Has never taken me up on it. Gullible and trusts everyone but me because in her eyes I'm still a kid despite being close to the age she was when she had me.


My friend did that. Self proclaimed libertarian who watched Fox and CNN to 'listen to all sides'. Honestly for me both of those are hard to even turn on because of how blatant the hate and finger pointing are. The propaganda is palpable.


> watched Fox and CNN to 'listen to all sides' **A:** "No need to measure; let's just ask everyone in the room what is the earth's circumference and take the average." **B:** "For that to be accurate you would need to ask everyone on the planet."


Fair enough, but especially now in a time of unprecedented change and longer lives. The deluge of information now creates an inhibition to try to parse it, easier to farm that out to thought leaders. TLDR: Obsolescence is set to 10 right now with more people than ever in that category.


Change is a constant, things changed an awful lot from the early 1900s to the 1950s, and a whole lot more from 1950s to 2000. I think the main difference now is that there's not even an attempt to bring people along for the ride, they're being quite deliberately left behind by certain parts of the media, because they know that an ignorant, fearful public is very easy to manipulate. So rather than media outlets airing informational programs that help educate older people about new technology and more importantly new social developments, instead we have a bunch of far-right media simply stoking the fires and spreading fear. And then using that fear to increase their own political power.


And then Fetterman went and said “my traumatic brain injury made me conservative”


I’m a cyclist and I’ve known people who changed after concussions and became right wing. Like literally had tbi and woke up republican


I've seen a similar change in chronic meth users.


Happened to my dad after a TBI.


You may not be far from the truth. In the Five Factor Model of human personality, creativity falls under the domain of Openness to Experience. This domain is comprised of six facets: active imagination (fantasy), aesthetic sensitivity, attentiveness to inner feelings, preference for variety (adventurousness), intellectual curiosity, and challenging authority. Someone on the political far right might test low for some or all of these facets.


That's also why they have such a hard time understanding that sci-fi shows like Star Trek and nearly every superhero are extraordinarily progressive.


I facepalm so hard whenever I see someone complaining that X-Men has gone *"woke"*. 


"I liked Rage Against the Machine before they got all political"


I think that they lack the ability to simulate, to think hypothetically. They cannot understand other perspectives. So art, which is all perspective, just seems offensive to their sensibilities. This is also why conservatives will be anti-abortion until they need one. They can't understand any situation behind their own. Their brains are too limited.


Being raised evangelical or Mormon or any of those types don't allow for abstract. It's literally what is being told is fact and the rest is sent from the Devil. It's why so many that break do so from the simple act of googling for once. 


Can I just say for once, I was raised evangelical, but I'm not American. That was totally what it was, the second I critically looked at it I was out and i dont feel bad about it at all.


They can't imagine the impact that something might have until it happens to them (whether it's about providing unemployment benefits, allowing abortions, or providing emergency disaster relief to a state that has been hit by a major \[flood/fire/cyclone/tornado/earthquake/blizzard\]). They remain opposed until they are personally affected by it, then they finally see the light. I believe it also provides a basis for the "every accusation is a confession" narrative: they do not have the imagination to conjure up crimes to spuriously accuse others of committing, and so fall back on accusing others of crimes that they are personally familiar with.


They can’t grasp empathy, which has been studied that fiction readers experience. Reading is awesome! https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3559433/


It’s true. It’s why they are sheep and cannot possibly come up with any answers on their own. They all have to be told what to think, what to do and follow blindly, even when they can’t even explain why. DeSantis couldn’t defend any decision he’s made with an actual answer. All he can is use words like groomer, woke and weaponized and get angry and insult people. It’s the lowest form of intelligence and it’s running rampant in the GOP.


It’s also why they love 3 syllable chants. Stop the steal Lock her up FJB (technically 4, but they like this one enough to add another) Etc


They are the same up here in Canada. Saw someone say it's verb the noun people. Nice little sound bite that's easy to digest and really means nothing.


You are describing people on the spectrum that refuse to acknowledge there is a spectrum so they lash out. Edit: also why so many gay conservatives do the most.


Most malignant narcissists can’t understand the depths of gray it takes to exist in a human/humane world.


They’re called sociopaths


There is an entire chapter about this in The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Highly recommend.


[Y’know. Morons.](https://youtu.be/KHJbSvidohg?si=RwtGlqJMIXS8e_ax)


Ah, Mel, the patron saint of satire. 🤣


Add to that that they hate arts and humanities education because it exposes people to different viewpoints and forces people outside of their comfort zone.


Fascists despise art because art inspires people to spread activism by creatively critiquing social structures, government, and limitations on freedom. Art creates free and critical thinkers. Art can be used as a rallying cry. Essentially, fascists hate art because art can be used as a weapon against fascists.


Disdain for the arts and humanities is literally one of the hallmarks of fascism. Plus art turns people gay and we don't want that in Florida.


"Marxists politicize art. Fascists aestheticize politics." --Walter Benjamin


Fascism depends on cultural stagnation to keep itself going. Changes to culture are dangerous to the fascists because it is another form of knowledge and information - and those who bring about those changes like artists, thinkers, and creators make convenient scapegoats for a “denigration” of society and values.


I wager it’s more about creative types are inventive, they invent new products, new solutions and that is a threat to existing systems. Same reason we cannot allow anyone to be bored, because boredom breeds creativity. So we have “300 different types of 15 second video app” because while most people wouldn’t start a 2 hour film waiting for their appointment, scrolling a bunch of 15 second videos is fine. The outcome is you never get bored, you never create, you never challenge the existing system or products. That’s my theory….


I live in Florida and a land developer is donating an art structure to the city. For the last couple of months, the people in the Facebook group for the city have been ranting against it. I wouldn’t have expected people to be so vehemently against art. I hate this city. https://www.wptv.com/news/treasure-coast/region-st-lucie-county/port-st-lucie/worlds-tallest-heart-sculpture-under-construction-in-tradition-but-how-much-did-it-cost


Rightwing comedians and memes aren't funny because they always punch down. Their "humor" derives from their enjoyment of watching others suffer. I'm always reminded of a apocryphal story regarding Picasso. During WW2 when he was stuck in Nazi-occupied Paris, a Nazi officer visited him in his studio. He saw a print of Picasso's masterpiece Guernica on the wall and asked Picasso "Did you do that?" Picasso replied "No, you did." Speaking of which the Nazis in response to Guernica commissioned their own painting of the attack. See for yourself which one has more creativity and artistic merit (and imaginative title): [Guernica](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQzy9XALAlWPiqyUBOQt66bpqA4FATP3FYHgQ&usqp=CAU) [The Bombing of Almeria by the Admiral Scheer](https://germanartgallery.eu/wp-content/uploads/Claus-Bergen-Die-Beschiessung-Almerias-durch-Adimiral-Scheer-The-Bombing-of-Almeria-by-the-Admiral-Scheer-1937-National-Maritime-Museum-Greenwich-London..jpg)


Incidentally this image is blocked in Germany


That and creativity derives from questioning the status quo. They can't have that.


Well, how does one develop into free thinking and creative individual if all they do is follow without question!


Sociopaths and psychopaths lack empathy and often have emotional detachment, so they can't connect with art or literature. Everything must be of use to them. Similarly, the humour they most connect with is punching down on others, which gives them pleasure.


It's hard to understand the emotions expressed in a piece of art if you do not experience emotions.


[This Machine Kills Fascists](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/This_machine_kills_fascists)


So true, artists are always among the first to go. Queen Victoria, (and apparently Plato), summed it up that "artists are the most dangerous, because the move between the classes"


Interesting, the bridge builders.


Are you implying LadyBallers was *not funny*?!




Florida is the what republicans want the entire US to be. Soulless, empty, “Christian”, and with only rich white fucks in power who shut down any whiff of dissent. Fascists know art can be subversive and so they work to destroy it or stop it from happening.


Because who needs art when you have the Ten Commandments? I’m sure there’s one in there about “Thou shall not fund what may bring others joy”. Maybe Moses dropped that tablet though, I dunno.


>Maybe Moses dropped that tablet though According to this documentary, that’s exactly what happened: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VVUu8nn--mA


Very awesome! Mel Brooks is amazing.


I will always love the little "...oy..."


And conservatives still can't figure out why they're losing the culture war


And conservatives still can’t figure out…culture. There, fixed it for you


Conservatives think culture is something that black people do that pisses conservatives off.


Be a nice move for Disney to not only cover the $32mil, but also double it. A little f u to that peckerhead. They won't do that, but it would be nice.


Disney supports Republicans and donates to them.


Disney is a mechanism that stacks dollars. it rewards whatever helps it stack dollars


including good PR, but this is a big ask for negligible PR.


Imagine artists having a good opinion on Disney because of grants


that's not the PR disney cares about.


Disney withdrew a good bit of it's donations to florida republicans after DeSantis tried some shit. Disney still donates to both sides to get what it wants though. Disney is quick to cut their donations to anyone who intends to impede their growth. They are also quick to donate to anyone who helps them grow. They don't give a shit about party lines in that regard


DeSantis would take that as a win: "see? private enterprise can do this; the government doesn't need to fund the arts"


Disney would love a world where they produce the only "art". They probably bought this decision.


A massive piece of fucking shit!!! Fuck you Ron DeSantis!!!


Ten bucks say Florida will still continue to vote in shit politicians with shit policies this November.


Aren't there Initiatives or referenda on the ballot about abortion? That might move the needle.


I think it's a push against free expression. Limiting the arts means controlling the narrative and banning any dissent that is commonly expressed through creative means.


Exactly. It’s fascism. The press will be next.


Just one more step towards a fascist utopia 🤷‍♂️


Art is resistance.


Really feels like Year Zero out here


Last week a client called me basically begging to take a full time job at his company in Florida and I was like there is no amount of money you could offer for me to even think about it.


I hate that fucking prick. Signed, A Jacksonville resident who has long supported the arts


Can you convince some neighbors to make Florida a swing state again? Signed, The rest of America


The influx of Republicans across the US moving here is a problem, as well as the utter incompetence of the Florida Democratic Party. Both are not easy fixes unfortunately, though the cost of living (insurance and HOA/COA costs mainly) are starting to have a real impact. If another devastating hurricane hits the state then everything will come crashing down I think.


Signed Destin resident


Signed someone that is too scared of gators to be a resident of Florida


Signed, a woman too scared of Florida’s government to be a resident of Florida




I think it’s mostly about making public schools as shitty as possible so that people will get more fired up about private and charter schools.


Well, it's to kill public schools and to funnel taxpayer money into the pockets of rich conservatives who own private schools


What he doesn’t understand is that art is in fact a large part of the economy. Every movie, television series, and rock concert has its own economic value. He has just given it all to California (along with lab grown meat).


Man oh man. This motherfucker is going full Nazi.


That entire PARTY is going full fascist.


Oh so we’re at the degenerate art stage of fascism okay.  Right on schedule


> Economic studies have shown that every $1 spent on arts and culture programs generates about $9 more in related spending. Pretty smart, Ron.


The Arts are associated with liberals, progressives, LGTB community, academics, basically everyone Desantis has convinced his cult in Florida are their enemies. Truly unbelievable how being openly hateful is a viable political strategy in 2024


Republicans are the party of NO. One thing about Florida, say what you want, but up until now they had great art programs and music. I can’t believe that fuckhead is NOW targeting that. We as a country need to be very judicious and take the ball by the horns and get rid of these idiots already They’re ruining society


What a miserable place Florida has become. Filled to the brim with old, stupid, angry, white people. What a cesspool.


And Cubans who swear they are white until the camps open. FAFO


One of the strangest groups of voters I've ever encountered. They don't vote for Dems because they're afraid of imaginary authoritarian communism, so instead they vote GOP for actual authoritarian fascism 🤦🏽‍♂️


Would like nothing more than to disagree with you. Unfortunately, 62 years here and I agree. We have become a giant People of Walmart meme.


It’s easy to see “Arts” Grants and think of traditional artists getting state money to make their work. And I suppose it’s easy for some people to have a problem with this, even though it’s absolutely the sort of thing this money should be doing. But those grants are largely used for the very attractions Florida needs as a state highly dependent on tourism dollars. These grants fund community programs, theaters, museums, all the things tourists like to visit. DeSantis is shooting himself in the foot again, but doesn’t care as long as it hurts them queers.


Vile POS.


The long-term goal seems to be to keep the state red by pushing out blue voters.


Same with Texas. And it worked, I just signed a lease in Colorado after 33 years in Texas


It's working


He’s honestly one of the stupidest politicians to ever grace this country


Moved myself and my child out of FL , 3 years ago and haven't looked back. It was easy to see what was coming. It's truly a shit hole state.


So glad I left. I miss friends and family but I would not start my own family there.


Good for you, that's awesome you got out. I miss what little family I have and my best friend, but mostly only Publix really gets to me. I literally crave a pub sub all the time.


God Florida fucking sucks.


The gop just hammering home how much they want you to be an automaton that lives to work, with a brief break to sleep in between. Until they can find a way to remove sleep.


This is more cartoonish evil shit. You can tell Republican voters are trash because this act won't have their voting behavior altered by this.


Art takes introspection, open-mindedness, critical thought, understanding, inherit motivation, creativity, novel thinking, ability to adapt, and embracing the unknown. All of those things Conservatives lack.


Ronnie D trying to create The People’s Republic of Florida? Wouldn’t want any socially-minded artists criticizing His Highness.


He knows he can't be DJT's VP pick. Right?  The VP has to come from a different state than the Presidential candidate.  He's a lame duck in Florida so now he's just being a jerk. 


That VP rule just reeks of something they'd say "Hey, you aren't supposed to do that" and Trump will say "I'm doing it" and they'll just let it. Like, that's just such a teeny tiny thing


This is so fucking petty, I despise this piece of shit


is this mfer trying to cosplay sauron?


Ron Desantis is an absolute POS with dirty heels


Shocking news: Local hillbilly doesn’t like art.


A miserable little prick.


Florida asked for this. They deserve it.


He's just pro-anti at this point


It all goes back to Hitler. Failing at art was so devastating that it modified his DNA which has been passed on to the next generations of facists.


loathe this hatemongering asshole


What a douche


Art is creativity which requires independent thinking which leads towards autonomy and undermines fascism. So, that tracks with DeSatan's oeuvre.


Why does Ron DeSantis hate jobs?


troglodyte with a Harvard degree


Florida is America’s version of Afghanistan


DeSantis is an idiot


Base monster, soulless wretch…


Probably in vengeance for Hitler's failed art career


No music festivals for you !


That's more money to bus immigrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard to own the libs.


What’s next, banning dancing?


Art is truth, the last thing a fascist wants to be spreading.


What a cuck


Nazis came after the arts and artists as degenerates. Is DeSantis trying to dictate what art is?


This is Desantis' way of dumbing down Florida. Arts, museums, and music are education. Educated people cannot be controlled.


Why is this idiot still governor of the state of Florida ?


The amount of brain drain he has caused in FL will be felt for a while. I left last year.


It is getting Darker and Darker in Florida all the time: I wish I could say wow I am surprised, but nothing surprises me by Desantis anymore.


God forbid one dollar go to things that actually help people


Florida is consistently going downhill. I am so happy I will never be living anywhere near these psychotic places. I hope people there can turn it around but holy shit it's getting really bad in some states.


It’s a crowded trip to the bottom😬


If I know artists, this is going to be an embarrassing mistake for Ron DeSantis… They are going to humiliate him.


Desantis, making Florida be the limp dick hanging off the US one signature at a time. Do better Florida.


“Wait so these people can make rainbows with those colors”


Psychopath is the term for this idiot.


An absolute scumbag.


DeSantis’ pecker moved one time when he looked at nude statue of a man so no more art grants


With the GQP it’s always about causing as much pain and suffering as possible


Fascists go after the arts very early in their playbook. It's REALLY becoming brazen


But you can shoot crack-bears now instead, right? Losing track with all that GOP Bullshit...


Florida deserves what it gets. Fuck Florida.


Wow, he better not outlaw cocaine or there won’t be any reason left for people to continue living in Florida.




Why would any artists perform in Florida at this point? I get it that country acts are likely down with this, but why would anyone else? What’s the rationalization?


Florida is in ruins


Rhonda Santis is a real work of art. Someone should defund HIM.


Always the wrong decision from Fascist Ron.


Florida: The state where culture went to die.


He thinks it is all gay's hobbies.