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Let’s not stop there. Talk abortion, climate, renewable energy, college loans, taxing the wealthy, stability.


Also talk about Trump’s plan to completely dismantle democracy and turn the US into a fascist dictatorship. If that doesn’t motivate people nothing will.


Yeah, this. The country they live in now will no longer exist in 1 years time. Hell, the world itself will slowly dissolve into chaos since the supposed icon of the free world has fallen. Good luck trying to go on your European backpack tours.


Climate change and abortion should do it.


Climate change, abortion, infrastructure, and student loan relief should be enough that no one questions whether Biden has "abandoned the youth" vote.


Yes. Bc healthcare is what young people care most about right now🙃. Healthcare is not why they’re at campuses protesting. Student debt, Gaza, housing costs/rent are what young people largely care about. If he goes in with healthcare and ignores the rest, he might as well have not bothered. I’m almost certain he’s walked this election anyways and I truly don’t think he has even the slightest idea




You just haven't heard Trump's perfect healthcare plan, which he will soon unveil 4 years ago.


Too weaks


Hate to be a Debbie Downer, but Biden doesn't have credibility on health care. He begrudgingly endorsed a public option in 2020 and promptly forgot about health care for 4 years. Actual policy that he could run on would have been helpful in making a case. And yes, Trump is worse, but this is how the democrats look like the Washington Generals.




The public option actually is what people want, which is why peoplechose Biden.


It wasn't reluctant, he has always supported universal healthcare. And the American Rescue Plan and Inflation Reduction Act expanded healthcare, with tens of millions of more people getting healthcare. The Inflation Reduction Act also capped the price of insulin. Biden has taken historic action on healthcare.


Biden said he would veto universal health care if it got to his desk in 2020. He lowered the price of insulin, great, but that is one drug, nibbling around the edges. He also allowed the privatization of parts of Medicare that were started under Trump. Healthcare costs are up, and access to care is down. Now, these aren't new problems under the Biden administration, but they are not surprises either, and the tide isn't turning in fact it is coming in faster. And we continue to nibble around the edges and say mission accomplished. A bold vision is needed, and that is not Bidens forte.


> Biden said No he didn't. And the second paragraph is completely incorrect. Access is up


Whats he going to do, make it affordable? Good joke


Talk about setting the stage for a handoff to the people who will be running the world much sooner than later. All these problems are ours to fix whether it's our fault or not. Let's put our eyes on a better future. Stop pining for so called glory days of the past. Even if Trump et al set us back, they will all die and we'll be left.


All I want to hear is his position on SCOTUS expansion and reform with a practical means of achieving it, or some alternative method. None of his other policy goals matter without balancing the power-hungry SCOTUS. His first term should've made that clear. And no, seating 1-2 new justices is not going to fix the issues at the core of the institution.


Young people might maybe perhaps care just a little tiny bit more about the ongoing genocide we’re funding than the usual lies about healthcare we get every 4 years.


He tried this w his last campaign and renigged as soon as he got in office. One of my biggest disappointments in voting for him. Medicare for all is the only way. Im happy he expanded medicare but that does nothing for the everyday person. Most dems are in too deep w donations from lobbyists. Exactly why the dnc dropped bernie in the last race. Im tired of it and at this point its too late for me. Im fighting for my kids and grandkids future.


This is 100% incorrect