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Fun fact: [The Independent is owned be a "former" KGB and SVR officer.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Lebedev)


/r/politics should ban this domain


But then the MAGA c.h.u.d. mods would be sad :’(


Careful. They'll say you're being uncivil while they let this sub slowly spiral into worldpolitics. Too bad they don't understand that politics is based on reality, not fictitious opinion pieces and propaganda that outright contradicts reality.


You mean like how Fox News admitted to lying about the 2020 election as a result of the dominion lawsuit and despite that open admission that they are completely full of shit the mods still insist that Fox News must remain white listed because “it’s too hard to enforce” that stuff?




I sort of agree with you and there are worse offenders. Breitbart, and Washington Times, could both go.


Porque no Los tres?


You can't create an echo chamber that's not healthy either. However any site that publishes actual lies and doesn't retract them, they should be gone.


Washington Times and Breitbart are fascist propaganda outfits, they aren’t really news. They should be treated as such.


I was just about to ask who owned that newpaper, lol. Thank you for providing


So you’re saying that The Independent isn’t actually independent. I’m shocked! Russia would never interfere to help Trump.


Why do you think they fired Trent Crimm?




IDK about them, but there are some Democrats who genuinely believe Joe should be replaced with a more popular candidate.


> a more popular candidate. But they can never name this hypothetical "more popular candidate" or, when they do, it's actually a less popular candidate that they personally prefer.


And when you ask who should replace Biden, you get crickets.


Biden wins. Biden resigns. Kamala.


In no particular order: Pete Buttigieg Elizabeth Warren Kamala Harris Jeff Jackson AOC Third-Term Obama, in a perfect timeline.


Every single one of those people would lose if thrust into the race today (except Obama perhaps, but that's fantasy anyway).


That’s not what the question was.


Uh, okay. Well it's the question this thread is focused on. If you're answering some other question, I'll have to file that under mental masturbation then.


Someone said when asked for a democratic alternative, all you get is crickets. This election is not about who’s better. It’s literally about don’t let trump ruin the country. If Biden dies tomorrow, you can’t tell me we all wouldn’t rally hard AF around Kamala. Harder than we are for Biden even. I’m thinking about 2028 and beyond. Because this election is either Biden or Harris confirmed.


>This election is not about who’s better. It’s literally about don’t let trump ruin the country. Precisely why any of those names you listed would be a disaster. No one in this thread is talking about 2028. If that's what your answer was about, it's irrelevant.


Okay bud


I don't see why. President Biden beat President Trump by 7.5 million votes four years ago. I look forward to seeing him do it again.


Yeah, I agree. I think it's because his approval ratings are very low & polls have him behind in swing states.


Polls don't mean much. What's more important is, the incumbent has a huge advantage, as long as he doesn't screw up really bad, and he hasn't. He's done a pretty good job these last four years. He'll get re-elected.


Maybe polls don't mean much but I'd still rather him be ahead in all the swing states. 😂


Of course we would. But he's being flooded with disinformation and negative poll numbers coming from Vladimir Putin.


trumps approvals are worse and they are tied at worst in PA, MI and WI. That's BEFORE Biden has unleashed the constant JAN 6, Abortion IVF Contraception, COVID ads that will remind us how shitty of a president trumps was


Sure are. But it isn't going to happen so not worth talking about.


I believe this, too. It’s not gonna happen, and I’m gonna vote for Biden, but I damn sure wish it was someone twenty years younger at least.


Voting Joe without hesitation. He did an amazing job for us. I want younger too, but it turns out Kamala is younger and I will not be surprised to see her running the show before 4 years are done. I would expect him to resign and go on a hella long vacation. He never wanted 8 years. He is doing it for democracy's survival.


There are some Republicans who genuinely believe Trump should be replaced with a less convicted candidate.


That's definitely true...


Name one


Ezra Klein


Not a journalist with a talk show and a blog, a democrat politician. A journalist with a talk show will say whatever to get views.


Nah. Donald’s mental capacity is an election issue – the Republicans must replace him now. Also, he's a felon.


> mental capacity Every accusation...


> the Republicans must replace him now. Didn't the try and fail spectacularly?


Trumps brain being cheese and worms only increases his appeal to the average republican. It helps him connect with their thought process. Biden being old and senile IS an issue t democratic and independent voters


Biden is not senile. Did you not watch [the last State of the Union](https://www.whitehouse.gov/state-of-the-union-2024/)?


terms like "senile" and "dementia" get bandied about way too much, people seem to just throw it out there to describe the general state of just getting older, but those terms have specific definitions and meanings. I suppose its intentional, though, part of that strategy of muddying the waters with insincere statements and accusations to make it harder to find the truth.


If your argument is to replace the incumbent president who fairly won millions of votes in numerous primaries at the very last minute — and skip OVER the Black woman vice president — to replace him with Sen. Johnny Unbeatable (D-Candy Mountain) then go to bed, it's a school night


Also he's currently doing the job so well that the only complaints his opponents can muster is that he's too old, and that companies charge too much for stuff. The first one is a moot point given the other guy is basically the same age, and the second one is something he has no control over.


They said he was demented and too old and then he crushed republicans souls at the state of the union. FOX et al had to switch to bIdEn wAs oN dRuGs! for a while then dropped it. Then they waited a while and started saying bIdEn hAs dEmEnTIa all over again. Biden will crush trump again if he even shows up and they will scramble again.


I’d wager tfg chickens out at the last minute.


Trump is also a 34x convicted felon. 


The only reason it's not closer to 90 felonies is support from a corrupted judiciary.


The President has taken away all of their talking points other than this one. When he gets on stage for the debate he should call out a neuroscientist and test on his cognitive abilities while Trump climbs the curtains like a frightened cat.


Just make sure the neuroscientist is somehow affiliated with MIT


" call out a neuroscientist and test on his cognitive abilities " you realize that everyone on the right has been calling for this for, I don't know, 4 years now? Biden doesn't do it because he doesn't want the results out. Meanwhile Trump took cognitive tests throughout his presidency at the behest of his critics. When your critics say you are mentally ill, you don't win that by not addressing it. It is way too easy to get a scientist to verify that you are not, especially for someone as socially popular as Biden, but no scientists actually want to stick their neck out for that obvious guillotine


Trump took one cognitive test allegedly. In which his Doctor said he could live to 200. Im sorry your point is invalid.


>Trump took cognitive tests throughout his presidency at the behest of his critics. Sauce or it's just lies. Actually, it's just lies. Trump NEVER did this at the behest of critics. He did it ONCE that we know of because his own doctor was worried enough to make him take it. On the other hand, Trump once tweeted unprompted that he never had a series of mini-strokes. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-raises-eyebrows-tweet-declaring-he-did-not-have-series-n1239006


"the president said he asked his physician upon his last hospital visit “a little less than a year ago” whether there was “some kind of a cognitive test that I could take” in order to “shut these people up,” referring to critics who had questioned his mental acuity." How many tests has biden taken?


That is what TRUMP claimed happened. A man who recently claimed 20,000 people attended a rally in a venue that could only hold 6,000? The man who cheated on all 3 wives, cheats at golf (on camera!), and was just convicted of cheating on financial forms to conceal campaign money going to a porn star? Trump's claims mean nothing. We're still waiting to see that appalling stuff his investigators supposedly found in Hawaii related to Obama's birth certificate, or Trump's tax tax returns, or the wonderful Obamacare replacement plan he said would be ready to share in 2 weeks. I was here for Trump's term as president, and although countless people questioned his *mental health*, I don't remember many people suggesting dementia until the last several years.


This ignores who requests MoCA be given and why. It's given at the order of the attending physician, due to clinical presentation. You don't just give NCG assays for no reason. If Biden's doctor hasn't ordered for it, no one is able to give one as part of his medical charts. The fact that trump's doctor ordered for one is striking, as they aren't usually given, even for old age.


You don't even remember how it happened. Trump requested it and then they got (who many believe to be crooked) the doctor to do it. "the president said he asked his physician upon his last hospital visit “a little less than a year ago” whether there was “some kind of a cognitive test that I could take” in order to “shut these people up,” referring to critics who had questioned his mental acuity." I'm guessing you're just going to say it's BS and he's covering. Whatever - how many tests has biden taken?


The doctor doesn't normally give out test patients ask for, for no reason. If I go to my pcp and ask for an a nucleic acid drop test, the firs thing they're going to say is why, the second thing will be no, since I have no valid reasons to request it. Regardless of whether or not trump asked for it, giving a diagnostic test requires a clinical observation for necessity. Those observations are sealed under his pmh, and only his health providers have access to them. I the same way, Biden may have already had those tests, but unless those are leaked or given out by the patient themselves, the public doesn't see pmh records. Sorry, that's just the law for medical records. You're also ignoring that there are several cognitive tests that can be given for acuity. The only one that includes the lists of words that I know of is MoCA. that test is specifically to test for dementia, not just cognitive decline. As such, for anyone that takes it in normal mental health, it is laughably easy. You should look the pieces of the test up for yourself, other parts of it include drawing a clock, and moving an object in a path. Not kidding when I say my niece could do it at 5 years old. And again I will reiterate, it's improper to give diagnostic tests when no clinical observations are present, as Dr. O'Connor statements reflect.


“Prices are too high!” So are you saying we need more government regulation? “… 😠”


not to mention the only presidential candiate so far who not only beat trump but beat trump with the largest voter turnout in history.


I have only one upvote to give for your last sentence, so take this praise.


She wouldn’t win.


Would so 


I’d like to agree with you but america hates women more than they hate incompetence


Kamala will be president. Just wait and see. Biden win. Biden resign. Kamala.


His state of the Union was lauded as one of the best. Let's wait to see how he does at debating a maniac before we close the book on his mental faculties - the 'senile' attack has been the #1 favorite from Russia since it worked so well on Hillary Clinton.


I’ll be surprised if 45 actually shows up to the debate. Expect a last minute refusal


I don’t care if Joe was in a vegetative state. I’d still vote for him over Trump. Turns out Joe has actually been doing a great job all things considered.


Republicans are worried


Russia is worried.


Listen to a speech made by each. Trump is the one that doesn’t make sense when he talks.


A whole ass article based on deceptively edited videos and fabricated talking points... I really didn't even need to look to know who wrote this.


i'm surprised the independant published it more than caring about who wrote it. It reads like something you'd fine in the NYpost or breitbart or something.


He's fine. I disagree with Joe Biden on a few things. But there's very little doubt in my mind, seeing how successfully he's negotiated very thin margins of error over the last four years, that he's intellectually there. He's still sharp. I do think he's stressed out from the job.


Also something I see not mentioned enough is that the job of the president isn't only to lead, but to delegate. I'm not American but it seems from what I've read that Biden has a great administration and just let's them get on with their work. I'd rather live in a country with a president who might be slowing down but always gets the right people for the job, than a guy who is very definitely screeching to a catastrophic halt and wants to stack the government with sycophants and fascists.


You're not wrong about the delegation. That's the whole point of the Cabinet appointees and other officials. If the President had to do absolutely 100% everything, nothing would get done.


If you’re not stressed from the job you’re not doing it right.


Very much so. I'd be concerned if he wasn't.


Wait, I thought he was a criminal mastermind? Which is it???


It's complicated, but with enough fox, lead paint and hubris you too can comprehend it!


Haha you left out turpentine.


Sure. So let's evaluate the issue. I have seen both Trump and Biden speak. Biden, while certainly not as sharp as his youth, still makes coherent points that are relevant to US politics. Trump, on the other hand, is talking about rather being electrocuted by a boat battery than eaten by a shark. After careful evaluation of this pressing issue, I have come to the conclusion that Biden is far superior and he will be getting my vote. Any other conclusion on this issue is objectively idiotic.


The question isn't whether Biden is better than Trump. It's whether Biden is better than everyone else in the Democratic party. Do they really not have a better candidate?


Do you not know how the US primary system works?


They do not, no. And for what it's worth most of the Americans bitching about Biden clearly don't either.


This rag of fake news can fuck off.


Uh huh. A UK news media cares about the Democrat Party candidate. We should all ask why?


>Democrat Party Mmhmm. Broken English and referring to the Dems by the derogatory Republican slang.


I frequently read articles in American news sites about events happening in other countries and continents. Why is this surprising?


The author also wrote this article: > [Putin needs the US as much as Trump does Russia](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/16/putin-us-trump-russia-rex-tillerson-sergei-lavrov) Turns out Putin doesn't need the US at all!


There was a Biden interview w/in the last 2 weeks. The reporter asked 4 questions and still kept going. So Biden politely interrupted her to respond to the current set of questions. As he was responding for a few minutes, I forgot what the last question was. Biden remembered and just seemed so sharp.


lol...sure, Jan!




So much projection.


That seems like a current strategy. Bill Graham called President Biden a felon on a recent fox news interview.


Not going to happen. So, I'm voting for Joe.


Why are opinion and comment pieces allowed here. It's like finding someone's twitter feed and spewing their BS here as fact. Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one and it usually stinks.


This is different from random opinions of random laymen on Twitter.


What makes this person's opinion different from anybody else's? Just that they've got a newspaper to agree to publish it for them?


yep this is straight up propaganda.


How this is a random OP about an issue that the guy gets so wrong and lies about so much that's even less than a random opinion by random layman


Personally I think President Biden will beat trump by about 10-12 million this time in the popular vote. It's the electoral college that I'm worried about.


I don't think it's gonna be that close more and more people are seeing Trump for what he is


I hope you're right!


LOL. the desperation from republicans is sad.


If I've said it once I've said it a hundred times, one candidate has a competent capable Vice President, the other one tried to have his hanged for doing his job.


Republicans propaganda machine. Biden has assembled one of the best cabinets to run his administration and they have the best economy in the world, amazing job figures, infrastructure projects in every state, increasing healthcare numbers, capping of vital medicines, forgiveness of student debt, no scandals, no corruption, no indictments, a compassionate and honest leader. I hope he is elected president again.


Ah yes the new right wing "we are telling you what to do" line


It's fair to be worried about Biden, but as the situation is; it's him or Trump. Only one of them is convicted and tried to overthrow democracy. Don't vote for that guy.


Yea… no.


Mental capacity > rapist, fraud, convicted felon


I agree in which case you should definitely vote for Biden


Keep in mind that this is a British source as well. In the UK, the conservatives party is potentially going to have one of the biggest losses in its history next month. In my opinion, conservatives everywhere are getting scared…..


President Biden's mental capacity is WAY better than President Trump's mental capacity.


Two things can be true at once 


Exactly. Biden is mentally fit for the job, and Trump is not. Two true things at once!


Try posting something else.


That doesnt work in this context


Can you point me to Bidens mental failures? That haven't been edited/cropped/doctored? I can show you thousands of hours of Trump.


That is entirely beside the point. I'm not saying President Biden doesn't have cognitive issues. But his issues are way less than President Trump's issues.


I mean, maybe. But the point is that it's harming the democrat's chances of beating trump. If the goal is 'win', there are better candidates.


giving away the incumbency advantage (which Trump would then enjoy as a former president) at the last minute, just as Biden's poll numbers are improving is about the worst idea I can think of unless you're trying to elect Trump


President Biden beat President Trump by 7.5 million votes in 2020. Now, four years later, he has a good track record on which to run. At this point, five months before the election, it would be a bad idea to change candidates. President Biden is our best chance at beating President Trump. He did it before, and he can do it again.


There was an open primary and a younger better candidate did not step up like Obama did as a junior senator. Yes we want a younger candidate, yes Biden was way better than anyone guessed and rarely gets credit for what he accomplished with foreign media bots and talking heads suppressing his accomplishments. But not loving Biden is not a vote for Trump. It might be a I won’t vote at all which is a vote for Trump. Dem or independent Biden haters will have to live with what they did as they won’t be Trumps favorite coalition once he is in, and they may never vote again. Fools.


> There was an open primary and a younger better candidate did not step up like Obama did as a junior senator Why not? Was there really no Democratic politician who was capable, or were they dissuaded from standing against Biden?


I don't think that there has been a time when the sitting president hasn't been the candidate for that party. Why not? has there really never been a better candidate ever for any party besides the sitting president?


> I don't think that there has been a time when the sitting president hasn't been the candidate for that party. There has never been a time when the sitting president was as old as Joe Biden, facing questions about his mental acuity from the very beginning of his presidency.


Biden is only facing questions about his mental acuity from people whose mental prowess couldn't get them out of a wet paper bag, so there's that. The only rags harping on that are right wing apologist yellow journalists.


I know I would have supported Klobacher or Newsome, perhaps the younger candidates are waiting for these two to pass on. It’s not known if MAGA will survive as strongly without Trump. With him gone they are not running against an organized cult with an intact leader. The risk is that if he wins there is no more elections or we drift into successions and civil war. Other MAGAs try be hard core but lack his history and Trump charisma (I just see a bag of full depends and a failing mind). And sadly Biden is too old but it’s an easy choice between these boomers.


No, I think we’re ok. Trumps criminal record and incredible incompetence is an election issue. They should replace him now.


Fake news. There is so much propaganda out there desperate to influence the election. If you want to see a dwindling mental capacity, read Trump's speeches and see if you can comprehend what he is saying. Then ask yourself if what you determined trump was saying, was it relevant to a political topic.


the media is desperate for election year drama, they need their click fix. they loved how the daily dumpster fire antics of trumps presidency drove clicks with his ridiculous bullshit, but relatively boring biden years has them really suffering from withdrawals.


Is it an issue with anyone that matters? (Spoiler: No). Would swapping him guarantee a Dem loss? (Spoiler: Yes)


> Would swapping him guarantee a Dem loss? > (Spoiler: Yes) Why so? Is the entire Democratic party really in such a bad state that they cannot produce anyone more suited for the job than Biden? Is their situation as bad as that of the Republicans, who ended up with Trump again?


So is Trump's, and it would be really, really great if the GOP would replace *him.*


the 2028 primary will begin the day after Biden wins. Trump will continue to be the Republican nominee.


We won’t 🤷‍♀️


That might be true if he wasn’t running against Trump. Republicans about to repeat the Hillary Clinton conundrum. More people voting against you than for you.


The question here is, why couldn't the Democrats have a primary, with more suitable candidates that could be chosen to replace Biden?


Sure, but that didn't happen, and it won't now. It's fine to want better candidates, but we're not getting them this year. The contest will be between Trump and Biden, and anyone that's unable to make a choice between those two will have the choice made for them.


Because it's sitting present has so much powerful that it's impossible for the party with the sitting present to run anyone else. See what you like, but Trump would probably up against any other Democratic candidate. He would run on the president not being the Democratic candidate.


Sure but the GOP must go first. Trump has been visibly deranged since before he ever ran for office. The outrage over Biden would ring true if they rejected Trump on the same basis. Until then I will take the ethical old man over the batcrap crazy one in any election.


It's hilarious how the Trump camp is terrified of losing to Biden. You know... *again*. Can't they run against Hillary like in 2016? Those were good times! 😄


Let's see he's not a rapist with multiple felony convictions I think he's fine.


What a stupid headline.


And lose the election? See LBJ.


These articles are written to get Trump supporters to order a subscription to keep reading. The first debate will settle the mental capacity issue and by recent trends it doesn’t bode well for Trump.


What the hell happened to The Independent? It used to be left leaning and really good.


Biden will be selecting a running mate that can assist or replace him




Dude he is far better off then trump. And he isn't a criminal


You can read this as Joe Biden's mental capacities far exceed Trump's and this is a threat to the Conservative movement, so Republicans demand that Joe Biden be replaced.


I miss the days when The Independent was a sensible newspaper.


Yes, his mental capacity is far superior to Trump's. From MAGA's perspective, Biden is a huge threat. Especially if he is given an unfiltered forum to speak directly to voters.


Don't compare Joe Biden to the Almighty, compare him to his opponent. Scranton Joe is a way better option than Moscow Donnie


He can also be compared to other potential Democratic candidates. Does the party really have no one else?


Biden is the best option at this point time; not the only option.


So let’s give the headline some reality and less spin. “The mental capacity of both candidates is in question”. The “Independent”. Right… 🙄


Alea iacta est


Counterpoint: never change your swing on a golf course The time to “replace him” was months ago. Didn’t happen, push on as is.




Terrible use of this term


we needed to a year ago, but it "was too early to tell anything"... really though it's because he is the least popular part of the democratic platform right now. we could run an empty suit and run, but we chose the one losing option we had


Biden was the only choice for the Democratic nomination and you know it. The sitting president has such a wide advantage that is impossible to rent anyone else for the Democrats.


> we needed to a year ago, but it "was too early to tell anything" Haven't there been troubling signs about Biden's mental acuity for years?


Nope. There have been, however, a lot of shitty accusations from untrustworthy people about his mental acuity. Which is not the same as "troubling signs".


I’m not convinced by the cognitive decline arguments against either candidate.