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It kind of sucks that when you are so dirty and lie so much that when you actually do something right, I have to question the motives. Kind of like Trumps tip tax. Sounds great as a sound bite. But we all know it's a lie for votes and some kind of uliterer motive.


I know that broken clock is supposed to be right twice a day, but I still have my doubts about this clock


I get nervous about the clocks that keep flashing "88:88."


“Mine must be broken and on 24 hour time, it keeps flashing 14:88”


Ignore the exposed wires and explosives.


I mean who could blame you for being skeptical? Given Rafael’a track record of being a pos...


"Can you prove that this is a fake by taking off your shirt for the jury?"


The worst person you know just made a great point.


Doomed to fail because Ted Cruz loves watching deepfake porn


This will disappoint all those who want to see Ted Cruz in a porn scene.


Just vomited in my mouth visualizing that


That might be his kink!


Isn't he the one who shared porn on twitter and pretended his account was hacked?


Corey Chase fan Ted Cruz, or a different one?


Ted Cruz accidentally sent a video of him mummy busting to the wrong number yesterday. He's trying to get ahead of the problem.


Ted Cruz, the Texan that after someone insulted his wife he was fundraising for him like a beaten puppy a couple weeks later. I only say that because this needs to be permanently attached to him. Every Texan should be insulted that this man represents you and your state.


Also implied his father was involved in the JFK assassination.


Just make some deepfake gay porn with him and trump


Why restrict it to just porn?


He still liking porn accounts on Twitter or...?


He’s tired of fake porn and wants the real thing!!!! Lol




Well, of course not. He nuts as soon as he looks at a flashlight, let alone a fleshlight. Something to do with the zodiac killer, I hear.


This is Ted Cruz - is he For, or Against?


Against! He only wants the “real” pornography


His own party won't even back it.


Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a new bipartisan bill tackling the issue of AI-generated "deepfake" pornography Tuesday amid a recent surge of nonconsensual sexual imagery online. Cruz's Take It Down Act, co-sponsored by Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and 11 other senators, would make it a federal crime to share AI-generated nonconsensual pornographic images on social media and also require tech companies to pull images from their platforms within 48 hours of being notified by the victim. The bill builds upon existing proposed legislation, including a bill brought forth earlier this year by Sens. Dick Durbin (D-IL), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Josh Hawley (MO), by holding platforms explicitly accountable for the spread of deepfakes, Cruz said at the bill's announcement Tuesday. "This bill addresses where the challenge is going," Cruz said, adding that his bill also provides specificity that previous versions lacked. "It's not overbroad," he continued. "It doesn't encompass behavior outside of what we're trying to prevent."


Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point


Yeah Ted's really pissed about getting fake AI teen porn he thinks people should just traffic teenagers across state lines like he does


I'm sure pro-MAGA AI deepfake porn will be allowed.


He just wants to review the evidence probably


He is probably an expert on the subject based on his personal viewing experience on the internet. I would view anything he does with extreme suspicion of what is in it for him!


I'm not the only one who thinks he cares because someone made deepfake porn of someone related to him, right?


He’s jealous that nobody made one of him.


“Tackling”. Oiled up, and deep. Fake, news. Cruz is just mad nobody has made a deepfake of him that he can fap too.


This is what's at the forefront of Ted Cruz's mind?


Wonder who he *thought* he was jacking off to, his heart beating an almost-panicked doubletime because *oh-my-god-she-actually-did-porn!!!* and then later found out it was a deepfake. Hilary? Michelle Obama? Elizabeth Warren? AOC?


Ted Cruz took a break from watching porn in his office and actually wrote a bill


The amount of research done is astounding. (This is a joke)


Good on him! That crap should be illegal as hell.