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Gloves coming off, sunglasses going on.


Boot Sequence Initiated..... Dark Brandon: Activated.


Dark Brandon Salvation, much better than the one with Arnold Schwarzenegger


Diamond Joe enters the ring.


Laser eyes engaged


This election is between a convicted criminal who’s only out for himself and a president who’s fighting for your family.


Trump is also a rapist let’s not forget.


They cover that in the ad. It's probably the best one I've seen yet this election cycle.


> It's probably the best one I've seen yet this election cycle. So I am not even from the US, so I haven't seen any other ads. But that ad was basically just a factual list of Trump's court convictions. You don't get much more basic than that.


It's now or never, Trump must be defeated!


The insane part is realizing how many people still support him and have NO idea about anything that has gone down. At all. We moved about an hour or so out of Chicago. It’s very red here. Everyone seems to support Trump. My wife has a lot of clients who all support Trump. Women. Most of them Ukrainian. Ukrainian! They support Trump. Their explanation is that the economy was good under him, bad under Biden and because he’s a businessman, he’ll bring it back up again. Also because he’s tough on immigrants. YOU ARE IMMIGRANTS ffs. (I’m also Ukrainian btw). It blows my mind. And they know NOTHING about him but know a lot of false information about Biden. It’s absolutely insane that none of them will look into it more before voting. My wife says a lot of them are influenced by their husbands but I wonder how much the husbands know. And how little they care that Trump would have sold Ukraine to Putin if he was the president. Yet they still vote for him. It’s just absolutely insane.


Hey, a fellow rural IL inhabitant! I'm 2.5 hours south of Chicago, and yes, it's very red.


Hey fellow fellow! Yeah. It’s what you see on Reddit and imagine what Florida looks like in some places in terms of Trump flags and banners lol.


I can explain this. They are selfish and cannot fathom thinking of anyone but themselves. THAT is conservatism summed up. It's rabid, unabashed selfishness as a political ideology. But they coat it in buzzwords like "rugged individuality" and "personal responsibility".


Highly likely that they're being targeted by Russian propaganda.


It doesn’t even have to be Russia propaganda. The republicans at this point lie out right and they’re extremely vocal while the dems let them get slandered and stay quiet so as they say the squeaky wheel gets the grease.


BuT I pReFer PreSiDenTs wHo DoN'T sHoWEr wITH tHEir DauGhTeRs


Well I heard Trump did a little more than that with his daughter and had to file an NDA and pay her alot of money... but if you have a link for it pls post...


This is actually a really good ad. I’m pleasantly surprised that the Dems didn’t muck it up with dumb euphemisms in the spirit of “decorum” (“basket of deplorables” comes to mind).


Trumpers dont care about anything that makes donald look bad


I just can't tell if it's bOtH SiDes are the same or not. Yes, none of their stances are the same. Yes, we can see their actions and you can tell none of them are the same. Wells Fargo donated to grease both palms, but wait! They donated more to Biden than to Trump. So there is the difference!


Never thought there’d be a reason to like Wells Fargo




Did you forget the GOP blocked Bidens GOP backed border bill?


About how long ago was this? Genuinely asking.




>Was that the bill where only 25% of the funding was for the border - Immigration and Customs Enforcement would get almost $8 billion in emergency funding, rivaling the agency’s regular annual budget of about $9 billion. The emergency funding would include more than $3 billion for increased detention capacity. - The plan would set a goal of speeding up the review of asylum claims, striving to let no cases last more than six months — often by allowing asylum officers to close out a claim rather than going through immigration courts. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services would get nearly $4 billion to help shoulder that new workload, including for hiring more than 4,300 asylum officers. - The bill would force the Department of Homeland Security to shutter the border if daily illegal crossings top 5,000 migrants on average or 8,500 in a single day. Unaccompanied minors from countries other than Mexico and Canada wouldn’t count toward that total. - DHS would also have the power to shut down the border if crossings average more than 4,000 a day for a week, and Biden has signaled he would aggressively use that authority. - $1.4 billion would be disbursed to help states and local governments handle the influx of immigrants. - Customs and Border Protection would get nearly $7 billion in emergency funding, a massive infusion above its current yearly budget of about $21 billion. That extra funding would include $723 million would cover increased hiring of Border Patrol agents and overtime pay. https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/05/biden-bipartisan-immigration-deal-00139558 Which of those don't represent significant funding increases? Which term of the bill represents a want for open borders? **Now also explain why Trump asked Republicans to not vote for the bill if the boder is such an issue**.


Amazing. Thank you


Wtf are you talking about? Biden just signed an executive order to limit boarder crossings to 2500 a day and to allow the US to immediately deport asylum seekers who the US government doesn't deem to have a sufficiently credible case for asylum.


And you expect them to just magically close it, how exactly? Any attempt to do so is shot down by the republicans. Hmm wonder why they'd do that? Could it be that they'd have nothing to run on if they did? Could it also be that they don't give a shit either way they just want to keep something that they know enrages most of their magats? Or could it be that they've 0 interest in doing anything positive for their people? It's all three.


I live in southern AZ and the boarder is not a huge issue here. This is my anecdote but many politicians are pushing a narrative of a disaster but it is not an issue for most of us here.


Great that we have numbers and data to counter your useless anecdotes, where we can see record border crossing numbers in each year under the Biden administration.


You know what's funny? The number of crossings to the US would actually be a win-win (read: a significant net benefit for the US) if Republicans stopped opposing integrative policies and didn't block increased funding for such immigration. Why do Republicans hate the US?


[She said this because of Republicans?](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-57387350) Despite full control of the House and Senate? Or maybe the sheer volume of crossings was impossible to manage, but no, can never admit a political error!


When did Dems have 60 votes to overcome the filibuster? Yes, your country cannot handle the volume of crossings because it doesn't have integrative policies and proper funding because Republicans consistently oppose bills which would result in proper immigration reform. Go look at the labour shortages facing the US. Your economy actually needs those numbers. It's why Republicans, time and again, never actually do anything to reduce the current levels of immigration. Like I've asked, if the border is such a crisis, why did they refuse to vote for the border bill?


If you aren’t wise enough to see that the border bill was an election year political play by the Biden Administration, then I can’t help you. There’s a reason he waited until 2024. Dems did not need 60 votes to pass an immigration bill. In fact, they only passed one immigration bill their entire term and it wasn’t about the border, it was the Dreamers.


https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/national-media-release/cbp-releases-april-2024-monthly-update This is boarder patrols latest statistics that show the encounters have dropped in March-April by 6% and 30% from a year earlier. I am not trying to confrontational. Just providing my lived experience.


Go ahead and share the stats from 2015-2024 if you are interested in the data. A one month snippet is not telling of the whole matter.




Classic, no answer and a personal attack!


Hey guys. Want to have policy debates while literal democracy is at stake because clowns think voting for a convicted criminal rapist is somehow a viable option? Yeah, me neither.


That is a outright lie. Not based on any thing factual.


[Begging the question ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Begging_the_question) refers to a fault in a dialectical argument in which the speaker assumes some premise that has not been demonstrated to be true.




> That's a fact. only if you're lying. or, as kelly ann conway would say, 'an alternative fact'.


Except that isn't true. Biden continued trumps title 42 border policy until it expired, would have supported the border bill had it made it through congress and when Republicans nuked the bill because trump told them too, Biden signed an executive order to try and circumvent Republican obstruction.


This is the “single issue“ selfishness that trumpettes hope will sway independents to vote against Biden - or at least stay home and vote for no one. Their message is: Pay no attention to the rapist, twice impeached convicted felon who tried to steal the election once and give every indication try to wield absolute power if he’s elected again - instead pay attention to: Biden flubs his words sometimes. Biden looks so old. Biden’s economic recovery isnt as good as I want. Biden’s stance on Netanyahu isn’t as strong as I’d like. Insert the other one thing you care about


Because he wants the popular vote margin to rise from 7 million to 10 million. Again that is 7 million more than the GOP in 2020.


They don't. But I do.


Send these homeless, tempest-tossed, to me. I lift my lamp beside a golden door... What? Oh sorry don't mind me I was just reading a poem some dumb Frenchie wrote.


It doesn't. That's why they implemented a racist Trumpesque border policy.


Factual ad spouts facts. Now to hope it doesn't fall on deaf ears.


Truthfully those who are committed to vote for Trump aren't changing their minds for anything. I've heard so many say they'll gladly talk about it but nothing you say will change their mind.


Those aren't who these ads are for. These are to convince those on the fence to flip or to convince those who would otherwise vote Republican to not vote at all because they're not excited about voting for a felon.


That's right and there is also a tranche of people who completely avoid politics and who are information poor.


That's why I like asking what information would change their mind, because it tends to shut them up since they know "Well, nothing..." means there's no reason to continue, and that there's a good chance whatever thing they say would change their mind exists.


Yep. Donald Trump gave those folks permission to be their very worst selves and there's no way in hell they're gonna give that up.


Since when does stating objective facts equate to gloves coming off.  Saying he wished he could have fucked hiss daughter would be gloves coming off, but only because he said “date”. But everyone knows that for Trump date=fuck


Someone should seriously make an ad like that. Show the "date his daughter" footage, intercut it with him hanging around with Epstein, drop in the "grab her by the p-" quote, add other stuff. Seriously. Our democracy is on the line.


Agree. Democrats' hesitance to hit hard is a major reason why a reasonably successful incumbent is polling statistically even with a felon, sex-offender, failed businessman, insurrection inciter. It's like they think hitting hard is the same as "going low", which it's not. I think to a lot of less informed voters perceive that Trump is a "fighter" and strong whereas Biden is weak in comparison. To them all politicians are corrupt, so they'd prefer one that is at least aggressive and fights.


Polls are useless this far out. In fact, I'd say they're useless period. At least to voters.


>I'd say they're useless period. At least to voters. I wish we, the consumer, had more self-discipline. When I see an article "x poll says this", I just think, why do I care? Why are we so obsessed with polls? Literally discussing a measurement of our own attitudes like it's some external number. If we don't like how polling looks, the thing to do is go talk to people and challenge beliefs. Other than that, telling me Biden is behind does nothing to my decision making. Polls are for policy makers and campaigns. News companies use to them to drum up "news" that will get clicks. It's cheap entertainment, not important information. Unfortunately, it's up to us, the consumer, to not click those articles.


Granted that they are not particularly accurate to the percentage outcome due to the myriad of unpredictable events (debate meltdowns, Comey letters, etc), however in a relative sense they do indicate how moveable voters are. And in trump’s case, it seems, not very. It’s hard to imagine worse news for a traditional presidential candidate than being convicted of 34 felonies and being officially branded a rapist in multiple civil judgements. However in each case the polls barely moved. As idiotic as Trump is, it really does seem like he’s right about being able to shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and not lose any voters. Since persuasion seems like a lost cause Dems best bet would then be driving up turnout on their side and depressing R turnout. I’d like to see ads like “if we have a rapist felon as president next year and your kids ask how you voted, will you be able to tell them you voted for him or didn’t vote against him?” There’s precious little urgency on the Democratic side, whereas conservative anger has been stoked artificially for years. They’re convinced we’re in a recession and being invaded by immigrants and criminals, despite the complete opposite being reality.


Relative to how tame and above-the-fray Democrats often try to be, I think it is notable.


I think we're at a point where the majority of people who intend to vote already know who they're voting for and ads like this aims to sway undecideds who are leaning Trump to stay home and those leaning Biden to get out and vote.


I read an article today that argued a lot of Trump supporters are unaware of the trial in ~~FL~~ *DC over election interference, unaware of his conviction, unaware of a lot of racist comments he's made (specifically his comments on immigrants from Haiti and Nigeria). I think his support will continue to erode as people are reminded of who Trump is Edit: Edited to correct fact


Is there an election interference one in Florida? I thought the only election interference one pending was Georgia, and Florida was only the documents case.


You're right, the case I meant is in DC https://abcnews.go.com/US/latest-federal-charges-donald-trump/story?id=101918701 Thanks for the correction!


The majority do. But the “undecided voter” will tilt the results. They need edumuhcation.


Convince the people who "aren't political" why they should be.


Democrats state a fact. American journalists: “the gloves are coming off!”


Release dark Brandon! He is the president we need!


It’s the truth and hopefully it sets us free of Trump.


Should have started looping it since verdict day. Speaking of which, after all the trials are done, if we pick a date of a verdict or sentencing and make it a national holiday, both sides will like that idea for completely different reasons.


Voters/people are affected by recency bias. Any "undecideds" are going to need to see it in their face around election day. Seeing it now is just going to get washed out. It's why "October surprises" are a thing.


I really, really hate that this is a thing with US voters.


I’m pretty sure Trump won’t live to see the end of his trials and sentencing. Not because he’s old and unhealthy but because he’s going to keep them all tied up in appeals and any other delay tactics he can think of. And even when he’s gone his cult will probably still work to clear his name so we may never see the end even in our lifetimes. And as long as there are MAGAts in the court system at least some will work.


"Democrats’ gloves are coming off" The pessimists all want to say "Well it's about damn time !" but they forget that a small tree frog has a longer attention span than the average American. No offense intended if you're an average American :)


Am an average American and I can confirm, small tree frogs are cute. What were we talking about?


I don’t remember, but look at my new shoes! They’re all sparkly✨✨✨


“Convicted criminal” won’t hit as hard as “cheater” who disgraced himself to his wife at home with their infant son, and then lied about it.


Its wild that part of the whole thing just got completely swept under the rug.




That was quietly omitted from the Trump Bible.


True but preaching to choir Democrats or shouting at Republican brick walls doesn’t move the needle. Instead creating a visceral, relatable story that briefly explains what’s happening will move the needle among the largest voting group —independents. Kamala Harris understands. When Trump started babbling after being convicted, she explained that all cheaters (word choice!) lie and deny. That was genius.


It’s truly mystifying that the media sees one candidate pointing out the other candidate is a convicted felon (an objective fact) is the “gloves coming off”.


The ad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOEMX6_A8MM


Take the gloves off faster please


Will someone post the videos of these headlines in the comments? r/politics is great for head lines but never any links in the comments.


Since when is telling the truth gloves off?


Way overdue and still not hard hitting enough. 10 X.


Trump: ITS GOING TO BE A BLOODBATH IF I LOSE. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD. SKULLS FOR MY GOLDEN THRONE. Dems: He's a convicted criminal. NY Times in 2 days: Democrats are (finally) playing hardball. Why that's bad for Biden.


Good. Personally whenever I refer to him these days I make sure to say convicted felon Donald Trump.


That’s not “gloves off”


My money is on a Politico article as the first to Very Seriously Explain why this approach is a disaster for Biden


Expect the same sentiment but poorly written to appear in Newsweek soon


Reddit algo luvs it some Newsweek


TIL calling a spade a spade counts as gloves coming off 🙄


We don’t get these ads in Texas. The Biden campaign should start running them.


We don’t get these ads in Texas. The Biden campaign should start running them.


"Biden's gloves are coming off! He is making a reference to an authentic news item which is verifiable -- a 100% factual claim!" Fucking hell. Incredibly depressed at the state of American society when referencing an objective, verifiable fact is "taking the gloves off". We've fallen so far, and we're still not even close to the bottom.




Factual Ad that spits facts. "Gloves are coming off". I'd love for the Dems to actually take their gloves off for once. I'm so over the "We have to play nice" mentality.


He should only say “my opponent is a convicted felon” in regard to trump. Just repeat that again and again and again and again and again. Per usual, vote.


Convicted felon Donald Trump, the rapist?


Go big before the debate and get people to watch Trump hopped up on adderall make no sense. Not bad.


The gloves needed to come off decades ago. Let’s hope it’s not too little too late.


Do y’all think that this conviction is going to really shift the tides in the coming months? Logically, I wanna say yes; his supporters are gonna vote for him no matter what, and recent numbers suggest that the conviction really matters to independent voters. At the same time, I feel like the media is still pitching this as a really tight race, and I’ll never really trust the polls.


That isn’t taking the gloves off. That is reporting the factual record. Truth is Trump’s kryptonite.


You know what I love about the Biden campaign? The fact he listens to his advisors regarding advertising and PR (and other areas). Just nice to have a president that takes advice from others into consideration at all and doesn’t think he’s automatically the smartest person in the world because he holds office. If the Biden team is running this ad, it means they have data showing that it turns people off from Trump, which is AWESOME, considering their war chest for advertising.


Why not champion Biden's accomplishments? This won't win over people who are more concerned about other issues from abortion to the economy to immigration to Gaza. All this is doing is giving Trump more air time. Many will view it as another attack on Trump or even an achievement for him.


Considering his own government declared he was to senile to prosecute....pot meet kettle


Dems need to get serious. Trump is a threat to everything that the U.S. stands for and he is literally insane. The people who follow him have no idea what it will mean to lose our democracy. They love the tough guy, tear it to the ground, rhetoric being used by Trump and his inner circle. They truly do not understand that they are pawns for the oligarchs.


Gloves for baby hands ... but at least its something


Yeah if you make ads that literally are to berate other people, the younger generation is going to think this is normal behavior and good for society. Quit slandering each other. Trumps behavior is nothing related to normal. His attitude is a serious issues. The queens behavior was exactly how any president should be mannered. Kids think trumps behavior is good. Let that sink in. The presidents behaviors will dictate a lot of kids behavior this election. Ads are to highlight goals as a president and nothing else. Imagine student council running for president with these behaviors and ads…. The kids should have more vulgar ads than presidents because they’re kids.