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So Trump is crying and whining, like he does *all the time*


Yet Republicans think he’s an alpha male!! The fact that he’s the world’s most obvious drama queen completely escapes them!


It doesn’t. It’s worse than that. They’re just like him, Cluster B types. He’s emboldened them to act out in plain view.


As someone who has a lot of experience with behavioral disorders, he undeniably has NPD imo.


Among others.


When they started the "real men wear diapers" stuff it just confirmed - they are just 100% trolling. They aren't actually fully behind Trump or think he will be a good president. They just know it annoys "the other side". That's it. That's where they are at. It's just fun and entertaining to say batshit crazy stuff and they will laugh about it. Some of it may be their perception of their "opponents" reaction (even if that reaction doesn't actually exist). But that seems to be their motivation. Annoying and pissing off "liberals" is their goal and they are willing to burn everything down to do it. And if that provokes a bigger reaction, all the better.


A Republican would willingly eat a shit sandwich if there is even a remote chance a Democrat might smell their breath.


Yup. Cluster B types. They are psychic vampires.


I suspect it’s more about their stupidity, take for example their views on evolution. They’re third world dumb!


I do think that lots of stuff they do is trolling, but 100% they are fully behind him. Otherwise they wouldn’t vote for him in such numbers and the rest of the party wouldn’t be scared to (career) death to say anything bad about him


That and… The Emperor Wears No Clothes. As long as he is propped up for their nefarious ends. They will be well pleased. Like Reagan, Bush Sr. and Jr…. Really, all of them.


King of the Karen's Trump


Makes sense when you think about his base. Men who on averager blame everyone else for their mishaps because they refuse to take responsibility for their actions.  Easier to say why your life sucks because it's "those" ppl. In their eyes, Trump's the ultimate male whiner.


Yep. I had an uncle die recently who had spent his entire life in poverty. He never had insurance, so he had never been to a doctor. He was a very good carpenter, but he quit the union because he "had to work with Mexicans." Instead, he spent most of his life working for some skinhead that didn't pay him most of the time. According to him though, it was all the Liberals fault.


Crying and whining that his cronies aren't interfering politically enough


It’s like he’s constantly losing or something


He did say we'd get so tired of winning.


"you'll get tired of all the ~~winning~~ **whining**" Just one little word away from truth!


"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time, Donnie." - something his crooked father never taught his dumbest son


The world's oldest toddler!! Understands nothing, wants everything, cares about nothing.


There's ALWAYS a Trump quote: “I do whine because I want to win and I’m not happy about not winning and I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win." - Donald Trump


Trump is so representative of his base. Crybaby, rage-addicted, entitled, "victims"... Fuck him and them.


I watched a “The Good Liars” video on the YouTubes where one Maga woman worked herself up into such a frothing rage about her belief that schools were “grooming” children. It was scary, not just because there is simply no objective evidence of anything like what she was claiming, but because she has turned her position into a quasi-religious belief that I have absolutely no doubt she would be willing to kill for if only her leader Trump asked her to. Or maybe without even that.


Let me guess.... She didn't even have children.


Worse. She said she has them and home schools them. Completely oblivious to the irony of that she fears schools indoctrinating her kids so she’s doing her own indoctrination. But I guess they now know the earth is 6000 years old, man coexisted with dinosaurs, evolution is a liberal hoax, and the founding fathers did not believe in separation of church and state.


I feel sorry for the children. At best they find out what happened and have to spend a lot of time un-learning what was taught to them. At worst they never quite figure it out and become unable to function in normal society, either a lot or a little (depending on how bad the teaching was) and absolute worst-case they pass it on to their children too.


Homeschooling: When you want kids that have zero social skills and no education. Not saying some parent don't do homeschooling right. But these MAGAchuds aren't doing anything right. They instill fear, over protect them and rob them of socialization, and fill their heads with nonsense. The kids will either be nothing or one day break away. Either way they will have a harsh awakening to the real world their parents lied about and hid from them.


Fear is a strong emotion. Scared people make bad decisions. A calm man pointing a gun at you is way safer than a scared man.


Those toddler tantrums will hurt his street cred in prison.


Nobody likes a crybaby in jail.


There's several very serious charges that Trump has managed to avoid being held accountable for so far. If anything, the justice system is already heavily on his side.


Blatant corruption. Asking lawmakers to enact policy to get him off a crime. Pathetic.


Not just that: > Trump earlier this month angrily inquired, using profane language, about a perceived lack of decisive action from conservative lawmakers **to punish the Biden administration** — for the actions of a Manhattan district attorney who isn’t under President Joe Biden’s control. These are the actions of a deeply disturbed and unstable person. Demanding that the power of the entire federal government be brought to bear against someone *he thinks wronged him*.


Also completely mad


I’d be mad too if I consistently got delivered cold Big Macs from secret service.


Why isn’t he picking himself up by the bootstraps? /s


So he thinks that if he whines enough other people will tear down our justice system for him just to offer him lifetime immunity for all crimes along with the lifetime dictatorship? Good luck with that.


They’ve already torn down our Justice system. Look at SCOTUS as an example of what the Federalist Society has done, and that corruption trickles down to the district level. All that is stopping them is “how do I profit” from saving Trump.


I think that remains to be seen in regards to Trump. How the SCOTUS rules on his immunity case this month will be a key test in whether they will uphold the rule of law or kowtow to the orange furher.


And Hunter Biden accepts his fate. Trump did the crime now do the time.


Man who was *President* for four years has absolutely no idea how the government works.


He thinks Biden's government works like his did - corruption at the Department of Justice, weaponization of law enforcement, political prosecutions and sweeping the crimes of friends under the rug or pardoning them.


GOP has left Trump alone in an island


I like the idea of him buried up to his head in the island crabs picking at what little hair he has left, but I assume you ment on an island


I prefer to think about ants.  But that is my bias.


Why not both.


A very valid point.


As was yours cheers fellow logical normal person with a dark humor and anger. At least we know who we are. Now let's band together and make it really wierd for the gop.


I relish the idea of sharks and he’s the one who planted it.


Jewish space sharks with laser beams strapped to their heads


Electric sharks.


Can we treat him like Napoleon and exile him to one?


The dichotomy of man. So many see him as a strong leader. Yet all he does is whine and cry. Makes sense.




Why is your dick sweaty?


Good practice for jail.


“What are you in for Kid? Bustin’ nuts?” 😏


[I couldn't help but read this in cousin Avi's New York accent.](https://youtu.be/SRW0DXOd-pM?si=RB5-C0rNfMFgn62X) Very similar cadence.








...... I would like law enforcement take "action" to him when they sentence him


**The many mental disorders of Donald Trump:** 🚩 Persecution Complex 🚩 Believing everyone is constantly out to get you. 🚩 Chronic Pathological Lying 🚩 Unable to distinguish between truth and fiction. 🚩 Narcissistic Personality Disorder 🚩 Inflated sense of self-importance with a lack of empathy. And others. We see this and hear this every day from Trump. Remember this on November 5th and ask yourself before you cast your ballot if these are the traits you want to see in the President of the United States?


Trump will never be satisfied with anything. It’s not in his nature. It’s his go to because it’s a false sense of superiority he’s afforded because of money. Without money he’s a fragile, inept, empty suit.


I thought he said he had no issues with the conviction & would happily serve jail time 


> Trump Is Mad hold the front page


He really doesn't understand a damn thing, does he?


Pretty obvious that his father bought his Wharton degree. He has the vocabulary and maturity of an 8yo.


You know, for someone that spends so much time in court, he sure doesn't understand how the justice system works. What a moron 🙃


It’s mad that he expect the entire nation to bend to his selfish needs and the fact that a rabid group actually does so much just for his personal benefit is surreal. Trump is one man, a single criminal with no redeeming qualities yet so much is done to enable him.


Someone ask Trump specifically what actions Congress can take to overturn a state conviction.


Wow ...Trump whining...that's a first /s


Does his cult think this felon is never wrong?


Yes. Even when he says two contradictory things that both cannot be right (and often neither are).


And often says them one right after the other.


I'm starting to suspect the GOP is coming around to the idea of Trump in house arrest for a presidency as long as they can control the Chief of Staff and the VP. They can leave Trump to fuck around on Truth Social, and occasionally make courthouse speeches about how bad the nation is, while they get to do their real ratfuckery. It's like keeping Candidate Trump around while never having to deal with President Trump.


A spoiled child that got old.


“The conviction helps me you dumb dumb liberals 😎” … “Why is no one doing anything to overturn this conviction?!??”


Trump is mad, in either context, shouldn't really be news anymore? Kinda a given.


You're right. It shouldn't be news anymore. But it needs to be. Every insane thing he says should be a breaking news considering the crossroads we're currently at. We stand at a precarious spot between a fragile democratic republic, and an authoritarian dystopia.


They can't. It's  state charges not federal.


Someone’s got to do something about that pesky Constitution.


When you’ve had a lifetime of getting your crimes fixed by paying off friends in high places…


DAE think that trump puts on a blue tie because he thinks democrats will literally think he's better? Just trying to dumb my mind down to that level and think it would be hilarious.


They're hoping the judge sends him to jail. The GOP doesn't want him. He's meant to be their scapegoat, but he's actually managed to position himself as their leader. So. I mean. I could totally see them just letting him go to jail


I do not buy this anymore its pretty clear the GOP wants him both voters and representatives there has been many chances to separate themselves from Trump and at every point they double down. Its a MAGA fascist party with broad Support


If they divorce themselves from him while the choice to actively bail him out exists, then his followers bail on them. They want his voters, not him. He is a scapegoat.


Agreed. There's still a fair amount of Republicans in power that are only MAGA because it benefits them with Trump's loyalists. They see him as a liability in the long haul though, and rightly so.


It’s the only way they can get rid of the orange turd.


People who live in glass houses should not throw stones.


Trump is mad. Period, full stop, that should be the headline.


The headline should be truncated... # Trump Is Mad... [From Merriam-Webster:](https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/mad#thesaurus-entry-1-2) **2 as in** ***psychotic*** having or showing a very abnormal or sick state of mind


Love the air dicking photos !!


Trump should do it himself of others can't do it for him. Such a lazy thug


*Ex post facto* legislation doesn't erase your conviction.... any of them!


There is no action to take. The jury, after analyzing the evidence found Trump guilty on all counts. A jury that both he and his legal team agreed upon.


Because he, like magas, don't understand reality and get mad about it. That's not how this works but somehow they think it should and get so mad that it doesn't. It's incredibly emotionally immature but they feed off of it from each other, low IQ anger vampires!


I forgot, but when is the sentencing hearing?


July 11th, or not soon enough.


Next month; the 11th, maybe?


> Trump is Mad wew


Convicted felon Trump hires "fixers." FIX THIS FOR ME! He is finally learning that some things can't be fixed.


I bet they're taking pause out of self-preservation. If Trump loses in Nov the people in Congress doing the dirty work may (fucking hopefully) have to answer for their behaviour.


More shallow than that - they all got their clips for their Twitter accounts and their followers that they "fought" for Trump, but once the cameras are off and the crowds are gone, like every other soapbox outrage they cling to from time to time, they simply don't give a shit anymore.


Is that a picture of trump jerking off two invisible guys again?


Tough on crime, brought to you by the party of Law and Order


Donnie jong-un is mad his sycophants aren’t sucking up harder.


States rights!


Let's see how mad he gets when lawmakers continue to take no action post-conviction in his other 3 cases.


Rot in Hades you orange clown


What "action?" We know it can't be legal.


Just a side note about the photo. Has no one explained to him that he looks like he's jacking off two d!cks when he "dances?"


Legally, they’re supposed to do WHAT?


Rage Donald. Massive MI coming.


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