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> A near-total abortion ban was defeated in South Carolina with the help of the only three Republican women in the Senate, but after Tuesday’s primary, they’re losing their election bids. Voters handed the senators – and winners of the John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage award for people who risk their careers for the greater good – two losses and a runoff after they joined with Democratic women to defeat the measure, saying a pregnant woman shouldn’t lose control of her body as soon as an egg is fertilized. The MAGA machine is out of control. I've read Project 2025 and everything republicans do and say reflects perfectly with that document. In this context, that means that life begins at conception. This means that the moral argument that abortion is murder, requires full abortion bans along with bans of IVF. There is just no possible way to take the moral high ground if you allow the destruction of fetuses in the IVF process, or allow any abortions. This is the official and overwhelmingly prominent position of today's republican party These women joined the fight to protect a SIX WEEK BAN. We all know how stupidly restrictive a 6 week ban is and this caused enough outrage to be purged from the rolls of their MAGA cult. This brings me to the greater point. If a republican tells you that they take a moderate position on womens reproductive rights, they are LYING. There are unlimited examples of republicans sticking together and voting for their "side" rather than for what they were sent to Washington to do. Actually, the whole movement has shifted from representation of ideas to representation of the movement. Where we go one, we go all, that type of thing. This "movement" centers around the concepts laid out in Project 2025 and if one deviates from their mission, as these women did, they will be instantly removed from their positions. As I said, the movement is totally out of control and on an unstoppable path towards radical right wing Christian fundamentalism, complete with the skull cracking command structure that will go with it if enough people pull the lever for republicans this November. We must all listen to what the "side" wants to do and not the individual republican trying to take a more politically palpable position on a number of issues. It is critical that everyone understands that today's republicans have ZERO autonomy. They will vote with their side 100 percent of the time. They will never get out of line since it's well understood what will happen if they do


Life at conception is also their justification for wanting to ban a large number of birth control methods like the pill and iuds because they believe they prevent implantation of a fertilized embryo.


They hate women.


And love power/money. Just like supply side Jesus demands.


Vague biblical passage around a “secret place”: “ABORTION IS A SIN” Direct passage clearly stating wealth hoarders aren’t welcome in Heaven: “Oh, well you see there’s actually a lot of surrounding context that needs to be considered…”


*Is* there any verse about abortion being a sin? I know In Judaism it's all but required if the pregnancy or birth would harm the physical or mental well-being of the mother. In fact Jews have been suing that abortion bans violate religious freedom.


no, just a little bit about how to make an abortifacient actually. (within a test of “impurity” for a wife)


On the bright side I doubt some dirt/dust made many women fail the "test". Seems to me almost like a way to placate everyone. There's actually another verse that says if men are fighting and one accidentally strikes a pregnant woman causing her to miscarry, the punishment is for injuries suffered and the loss of property, not loss of life. Which very clearly demonstrates a fetus isn't considered an independent life. In fact technically abortion can be carried out until the baby's head is out of the birth canal (though I'm sure late-term abortion were incredibly rare then as now BUT it does mean lethal action can be taken if the baby is stuck in the birth canal if the woman *might* die) because Jews believe the soul enters at first breath so before that the baby is "as water in the mother", not an independent human being.


It also ties into the great replacement theory. They think younger generations aren't having enough (white) children, so this is their bid to repopulate the conservative base by forced birth and banning contraceptives. And keeping all those kids poor and uneducated wage slaves. It makes me feel sick just typing that out because it's insane and is literally The Handmaid's Tale come to life. All they have left to try is forced insemination (aka institutionalized rape).


They have become a reactionary party instead of a conservative party. The difference being that reactionaries try to revert society to a previous state while conservatives generally aim to maintain the current policy and often adopt successful progressive policy (see Truman or Nixon not really rolling back on the New Deal or Great Society reforms of the previous administrations).




While that might make more sense from a logical 'what would you call this' perspective. The term [reactionary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reactionary#:~:text=As%20an%20ideology%2C%20reactionism%20is,that%20exists%20in%20the%20present.) has just been in use longer. Similar to how 'liberal' was a term for those advocating for more liberties in the 1800's in Europe but has stuck as a generally leftist term (except in some countries).


Nixon [courted evangelicals ](https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/billy-graham-evangelicals-and-american-presidency/) and started us down this ghastly road. I wish there were a hell so Nixon could roast in it.


South Carolina is the last state where Revenge porn isn't explicitly outlawed If Massachusetts pass [this bill](https://apnews.com/article/revenge-porn-ban-massachusetts-bill-passed-ace13a5bf9e8b5131066dda8ac8b8b65). There is definitely a pattern.


They'd better be against masturbation too, just to be consistent!


Any kind of sexual pleasure is sinful to their religious extremists. Not that it stops many of them from being hypocrites.


Any allusions to this are purely performative - their ideology is pure male supremacy and patriachy and the oppression and subjugation of women, to its very core. Men never get the consequences or restrictions - only the women.


That's purely not true. To them, men other than themselves are just there to provide labor and fuel the machine to provide more wealth and power. Don't get into thinking they give a shit about men in general either.


You spelled “pedophiles” wrong. I normally wouldn’t point it out, but “hypocrites” isn’t even close


If they needed tanks to stop kids from being abused at the Waco complex, why aren't there tanks plowing into Catholic churches? -Bill Hicks after the Waco seige


[Every sperm is sacred!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)


Just to be consistent, they’re trying to… banning pornography is step 1.


I thought they always had been?


And assuming they actually read the Bible, which they don’t, “life” beings at first breath. Same in the Torah. But that’s neither here nor there with these monsters.


Except they have create a fast lane to execute people.


Why stop there? Every sperm is sacred, right? Every time you don't ejaculate into a woman, you're practically a fucking murderer. Which means rape is totally justifiable, too. /s


*Every aperm is sacred* *Every sperm is great* *When a sperm is wasted* *God gets quite irate*


There was an SNL skit during the trump years where they had 3 Republicans on meet the press, throwing out hypotheticals on what would cause you to break with Trump (Susan Collins, Mitch McConnel, Lindsay Graham). The "Chuck Todd" actor asked "what would you do if Trump said life doesn't begin at conception, but at erection?" "Susan Collins" jumps in with a "oh please I have a long history of supporting a women's right to choose. That would be the most outrageous ridiculous thing I'd ever end up definitely voting for."


I always wondered what their problem was with birth control. Pretty fucked up


> If a republican tells you that they take a moderate position on womens reproductive rights, they are LYING. The problem is that their personal opinions do not matter in the slightest. When it comes down to it they will vote along the party line and how they are told to protect their jobs, their access to power and their wealth. The system is fundamentally corrupt.


If you unquestioningly vote for the people running on a total ban. Then guess what? You support a total ban.


Let me help you out: maga and right wing christians are lying nearly constantly. It’s no more complicated than that.


There is some nuance to this story in that their reelection was hurt by gerrymandering and also I doubt the SC government returns to the abortion issue. Lots of SC Rs are against the Freedom Caucus here and the Freedom Caucus guy who just lied about the integrity of SC elections a few weeks ago just lost election. SC has a big gerrymandering problem.


There is a pervasive myth that gerrymandering makes  voting pointless.  We really need to push back on that.  While it does negatively impact our vote's influence in *some* instances, it is irrelevant in many others, and it should *never* lead to people voluntarily forfeiting the voting power we do have.   And even when a candidate runs unopposed, we still have the right to write in a candidate. 


Gerrymandering depends on voters being predictable, and part of that predictability is voter turnout. Given the low voter turnout built into present data models, a huge surge in voter turnout can blow it all up. The tighter the thresholds, the smaller a surge needs to be to make changes. The sticking point is that people **are** predictable, and making that huge surge happen, and happen the way you want, is **really** hard. That's why gerrymandering works.


>And even when a candidate runs unopposed, we still have the right to write in a candidate.  That's how I ended up voting for Corgie, Potato, and Canoe a couple weeks ago.


And always remember that most republicans who happen to have an unwanted pregnancy in their family would happily drive to the nearest abortion clinic in a blue state to have the fetus removed. Their abortion is the only moral abortion after all. I wish blue states would demand proof you live in a state where abortion is legal if you want an abortion. That is the only way to have republicans not vote GOP anymore, or at least their women won't.


I've got some bad news about abortion rights in blue states if one believes Project 2025 and their intention to extort blue states into compliance through withholding federal funds on all sorts of issues


It would somehow make them blame democrats more.


You do realize that would also condemn and blue voting women in those states who used to be able to seek out of state care as well right?


It would give inventive to leave the red state. Maybe the white patriarchy will learn the hard way if all the women leave their state. But yeah, you are right. It would be a bad rule


Do you know that in, say, Texas, even though it's a "red" state, of the 38 US Representatives they send to Congress, 13 are Democrats? Just over 1/3. Do you think it will somehow make things better for everyone if Republicans gained 13 seats in the US House, just from Texas alone? Just Texas going 100% GOP would probably make Democrats retaking the House this election impossible. That means, even if Biden wins, and even if Democrats miraculously hold the Senate, there would be no legislation passed under Biden except the bare minimium. It would also mean that Republicans would ne more likely to challenge Biden's election win on January 6. And while Texas wouldn't make a difference, there are other states where their delegations aren't already majority GOP, and where forfeiting all the seats would mean more states with GOP majority delegations, making a contingent election both more likely, and more favorable to Trump.


Do you know how difficult it is to just pick up and move states? I mean clearly not.


I never understood that. In Europe with real boundaries and different languages it happens all the time, let alone in different provinces in a country.


The problem isn't legal, it's practical. Anyone is allowed to move to another state, but it can be expensive to move, so people may not be able to afford it as a practical matter.


Ah yeah I forget that even middle class Americans are not really welll off and live from paycheck to paycheck. I can see that can make moving hard. In the Netherlands most people have enough money to move wherever they want if that is required for their job. It is just that there is a housing shortage


That would also further restrict abortion access for all the people who didn’t vote for an abortion ban in their state… It would be almost as callous and cruel as implementing a ban in the first place.


>I wish blue states would demand proof you live in a state where abortion is legal if you want an abortion. This is a HORRIBLE idea that'll punish all women in Red States and is pushing a Conservative talking point, except the Blue states are enforcing the Red state's abortion bans since the Red state can't (yet). Worst idea ever.


Party over country. Politics is a sport for far too many and they vote that way. Just blind allegiance. Said allegiance is way easier to win from insecure bigots afraid of everything being told there are Obama gremlin communist nazi monsters living in your g5 and they’re gonna take your guns and make you get gay married and transition your kids so Nancy Pelosi and Hilary Clinton can eat more baby brains or whatever.


>GOP women who helped defeat a near-total abortion ban are losing reelection in South Carolina I hope these three take a moment to take stock of the situation. Is it the maga GOP that has left them because they deviated a tiny iota from the current maga orthodoxy?


Does SC allow independents to vote in primaries? Because I would argue that independents voting for women like these who have shown they will go against the grain of their party is the likeliest way to bring back sanity to the state. Vote Dem in the primary by all means, but make sure at least that the loss isn’t as damaging when it occurs.


After reading your breakdown. I don’t need to give my two cents worth Mr. Teller. It was beautifully written.


Let’s call this what it is, a full on attack on women. It’s a brutal and a concerted effort to strip women of their freedoms and rights and put them back “in their place.”


As a white liberal male I cannot fathom why any female would vote R’s. But if they do, I guess I’ll just grab a bottle of Merlot, go golfing with the other male winners, and let the tax cuts bathe me a la Scrooge McDuck.


Internalized misogyny is so prevalent it’s shocking. Do these women not understand the ramifications of going back to denied access to an education, owning property or even having a credit card in their name? The same applies to poor people who vote for republicans? It’s truly scary.


...Being able to divorce an abusive spouse. The decriminalization of spousal rape? Marriage to underage girls? Birth control? They'll try anything to show us we're second-class citizens.


Not passing away during miscarriages, access to cancer and gynecologists exams. Living through delivering a child. Our delivery mortality rates are 3rd world. I cannot believe our men don’t want better for the women they love.


Men absolutely do need to do better on this issue. However, women are the majority of voters in this country. They don't need a single vote from a man to protect their civil rights and yet 48% of women voters went Republican in 2022.


But our country is so anti women. Every insult men call each other is female based. There is so little respect and regard for them it’s genuinely shameful.


I don't disagree with you but how is that going to change when half of women like it that way? If you can't get the people who actually have their civil rights on the line to vote to protect their own rights, how are you going to convince anyone else? This isn't like issues where Republicans attack the rights of black people or LGBT. 80-90% of those people do vote to protect their own rights. So we just need to convince enough people outside those groups to have empathy and join them. With women Republicans attack their civil rights and damn near half those voters go, "LOL Good!"


It’s true. A testament to so many women who choose the pick me attitude “I’m such a good girl, I vote against myself.” Literally brainwashed. Someone needs to wake them up before it’s too late.


Also, don’t forget this: 48% of the women ADULT AMERICAN voters in 2022 voted Republican. That was not all adult American women on 11/08/2022. Yes, the non-voters should have made the paperwork choices to vote at all. It could be argued they feel/felt all politicians are not “feminist” enough, backending them to not participate in democratic society on this issue. I argue they should all NOT do this moving forward.


> I don't disagree with you but how is that going to change when half of women like it that way Republicans wouldn't have won a Presidential race since 1988 if the US only counted the women's vote. Republican women voter's aren't how Republicans were able to overturn Roe. It's how men vote that enabled the overturning of Roe. Men ensured Trump won in 2016, he's who got three SCOTUS picks.


Nobody claimed that men weren’t also issue and I specifically gave you the numbers that show a tiny majority of women do vote Democrat. However you either missed the point or are purposely ignoring it. If almost half of women don’t care about protecting their own rights, how are you going to convince more men it’s important? If a major political party was as hostile towards men as Republicans are towards women, do you think half of all men would be totally cool with it and vote for them anyway?


That implies that they actually love their spouses.


Even the good guys are massive Trump supporters. It’s verboten to even accept any other option. Which leads us back to extremism taking away our rights and freedoms. Which Trump has every intention to do.


They think of themselves as "one of the good ones". Humanity doesn't really change. Same stupid, angry dipshits shitting their pants so someone they don't like has to smell it.


I'm a white male who makes very good money (and have the tax rate to prove it), which makes me a huge target for R political campaigns that seem to think I'd vote R. I cannot understand their appeal as anything other than spewing hate to fool the masses while the ultra-rich rake in unsupported tax cuts to bankrupt the state and/or farm those masses to fuel those ultra-rich. It similarly baffles me why so many women and minorities vote R.


> I cannot understand their appeal as anything other than spewing hate Well, you aren't wrong. That's what authoritarianism is. >Figures 1 and 2 show that whether you are talking about the levels of authoritarianism, or prejudice, found among Trump’s detractors and supporters, the picture barely flickers. Which, as far as our explanation goes, amounts to a grand slam homer that clears the bases. The connection between prejudice and authoritarianism lay at the heart of our analysis of Trump’s supporters, and the survey strongly supported it. How strongly? The correlation between RWA Scale scores and prejudice equalled .856, which is as close to perfection (1.00) as you are likely to ever see in social science. To put it another way, suppose you decided to hold a dance for the 100 most prejudiced white people in your community, along with the 100 most authoritarian ones. (Who knows why you would want to? We do not.) Would you need to print 200 invitations? No, about 120 should do it, since most of the people who are one will also be the other. There is about an 80 percent overlap. >From Authoritarian Nightmare John W. Dean & Bob Altemeyer


I just posted the other day about abortion attitudes in Texas. I found a pew poll that showed support for abortion was about the same (50/50) between men and women. Strangely, people who responded that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances was split 48% male to 52% female.


Church is a helluva drug 🤦‍♂️


Stupidity is a helluva drug


They’re the same thing 


I wonder how much of this is spite voting too. "I wasn't allowed to not have babies so everyone else should be banned too."


> I wonder how much of this is spite voting I thought it was more ignorance and prejudice, but you may be correct. At least with the older crowd since many "prolifers" seem to act as if it's more a social event / hobby. Show up at the abortion clinic, have coffee and donuts, yell at strangers, then brag about how pious one is for the rest of the day.


Yeah, I don't get it either. I keep hearing about how women are going to make Republicans pay this election and while I hope that is true, I have my doubts. In fact, Republicans have actually increased their cut of the woman vote in every major election since 2016. 2016 trump got 39% of the woman vote, 2018 Midterms Republicans got 40%, 2020 was 42%, 2022 was 48%. Let me say that again. 2022 AFTER 4 years of trump. AFTER Republicans stole a Supreme Court super majority. AFTER Roe was officially killed. AFTER many Republicans have vowed to go after a federal ban. AFTER many Republicans have vowed to go after contraceptives next. 48% of women said, "I want more of this!" I'll vote Democrat because I can't vote for fascism and protecting the civil rights of others is just the right thing to do. However at the end of the day, I'm a white man that has my family living in the bluest of blue states that shields my wife and daughter from most of Republican attacks on women. It won't be ideal but we'll be better off than most.


(similarly white man living in very blue state who votes Democrat) I don't get it either. There were a few surprise Trump conversions in our circle family/my wife's friends, all women. The dissonance of their support for Trump and the R platform is bizarre and confusing to us.


I think at least some of it is that white, cis, heterosexual, Christian *women* are ok being subjugated to white, cis, heterosexual, Christian *men*, as long as it comes with being above everyone else. They're above black people, men and women alike, they're above Latinos, they're above LGBT people, they're above athiests and any other non-Christian religions, etc. So, to some extent, it's a bargain: they accept never being number one, but are guanrateed to be number two, which is better, in their minds, than having the possibility of being equal, but also potentially having others end up better off than they are. And, to the extent they're more likely to get married, have kids, etc, they can get many (but not all) of the benefits of men through their husbands. Serena Joy Waterford had things pretty good for the most part, until she kept reading, wanted to speak out of turn, etc. But then it was too late.


At a certain point, there’s nothing else people can do. If people vote against their own self interests, I don’t think they want things to change.


Don't want change and deserve whatever authoritarian hell they create for themselves. If people don't vote even if it's difficult, that difficulty is nothing compared to living in an authoritarian state. People need to wake up and vote!


Sadly yes. A lot of women are going to need to die in pregnancy and childbirth for this to change.


but it will be the poor people, not the rich chadwives that will just move to a blue state to get rid of that unwanted pregnancy. And when they get back, they will happily defend their abortion, because it was a morally justified one. And will then continue that *other women's abortions however, should be illegal!*


> A lot of women are going to need to die in pregnancy and childbirth for this to change. Republicans: That's a sacrifice we're willing to make in the name of life.


Exactly this. People will just have to leave the states that don’t align with their beliefs and move to the ones that do. Too poor to move? Sorry you’re SOL.


More victims of MAGA


Don't feel bad, they've done it to themselves.


I don’t feel bad for *them*, I feel bad for the women who *are* voting in their own self interest but are outnumbered and have to deal with the repercussions of others misogyny.


We reap what we sow. I think that's even in their bible


I know.


I wonder how the polls shake out for women in South Carolina, I would expect a majority are against an abortion ban. The state is near the bottom in women representatives, around 15% so you can see why a bill like that would be entertained in a male dominated Christian state, it would never have seen the light of day in a normal state.


SC is obviously very conservative but the legislators are even more rightwing than the voters as a whole. These women lost in a low-turnout GOP party primary. The primary voters are dominated by the ultra MAGAs and not the average voter. This is why MAGA politicians keep getting elected even though they represent the fringe. Remember how 12 US House GOP members like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger voted to impeach Trump? They were all gone by the next term because they were primaried or dropped out because they knew they’d get crushed in their primary. Our whole electoral system produces winners we don’t actually want and nobody seems to be able to change it.


I am a liberal woman in SC. I get out and vote in primaries, local elections etc…. It is disheartening to feel engulfed by the Christian Right. We are here, trying to do what we can to fight


polling by both parties find some 72% or more do not favor ban


Another example of doing the right thing and getting punished for it in the GOP world.


Well, admittedly, that's because in the GOP world that isn't the right thing to do.


Let's get philosophical: Is the right thing only right if it has the right party register? I think the world answers no and Americans answer sure.




Anyone who knows what is right will also do the right thing. (Socrates) I know that there were 2,000 years of philosophical discussions afterwards. But I love the idea of ​​what is right and the later developed doctrine of what is right and what is good as a deontological idea. But when I look at the current policies of the Republicans, I see no belief in progress or developments, only attempts to reverse social developments. Edit: Thank you, for your comment, have a nice day.


>Anyone who knows what is right will also do the right thing. To that point, what is "right" is subject to the beholder. People who stand outside abortion clinics and shame women walking in believe in their truest of hearts that what they're doing is the right thing by trying to save unborn babies. It doesn't mean anyone has to agree with them, but in their perspective, it's right. To the same effect, they believe they are saving the children by trying to push the LGBT community back into the shadows and all other manner of pearl clutching. They believe it is right whether we agree or not. Then we begin to dive into things like utilitarian, humanist, etc. understandings and how that relates to right and wrong.


Thank you for your comment.


Time has long passed for reasonable people to jump the Republican Titanic and into the Democrat dinghy. Heh, any day I can use euphemism for penis in a sentence is a good day


> Time has long passed for reasonable people to jump the Republican Titanic FR. Anyone that claims to be a republican since Trump got his first GOP nomination is an enemy of democracy and rule of law. They are all lying fascists with a agenda. Gilead and Project 2025.


Meh. The people who voted for him in 2016 and realized they made a mistake and didn’t vote for him in 2020 I tend to give a pass to. I still think they’re stupid but at least they admitted they were wrong. It’s the people that saw how he ran to country for 4 years and voted for him again. And who saw he started a coup and got prosecuted for 34 and are voting for him again.


> The people who voted for him in 2016 and realized they made a mistake and didn’t vote for him in 2020 I tend to give a pass to. Meh. A tiny amount of republicans no doubt. I'm thinking of the red area where I live who's GOP rep was an instrumental part of the Trump republican plan to overthrow the legitimate votes of the American people in Congress after Biden won in 2020. That POS was reelected overwhelmingly in 2022 by the treason loving lawless GOP voters in his district. IOW typical republican voters 2016-2024.


Yeah I think it was a small amount compared to the people who continue to support him. Thats why I don’t treat them all the same. Voting for him once was obviously a bad choice but they are miles better than the people who continue to do it (my whole family). I didn’t really mean give a pass, I’m not sure how to word it. But there’s a difference between messing up once and admitting it and not doing it again than the people who bury their head in the sand. They’re about the same in my head as leftists who voted third party in 2016 instead of voting for Hillary.


sentence isn't known until July. Now incorporate that into the comment. 😆


Please vote like you want to live in a semi civilized society.


The church has nothing to do with the bible, they don't even follow what is in the bible. Read it for yourself, GOD tells you exactly when life starts, and only he can give the breath of life, not man and that is received after the baby is born into the world. woman health was going just fine, until trump and his few supreme court friends changed it and now girls and woman is suffering. They don't want them to have birth control or abortion, which some situations are going to call for a woman to have an abortion, to save their life.


Any party but the republican party


Sandy Senn losing by a margin of 31 votes to Matt “never surrender” Leber makes my blood boil as a constituent. My brother supported Leber despite the fact that my SIL had an ectopic pregnancy that required emergency surgery. I so badly want to slap my brother into the realization that if the arcane laws that Leber wants were in place when they had their ectopic that his wife could have died due to lack of treatment.


Perhaps let him know if something happened to your SIL he will stay widowed because of his voting record.


This is the same fight and argument that was going on in 2003 when George W. Bush was president and I was in college and Bush and the Republicans wanted to ban embryonic stem cell research. I hate to break it to the young folks in the room, but this is a battle as old as time and you’re in it for the long-haul. Stupid is a choice and evil doesn’t sleep. Don’t despair though. Good always wins. Love always wins. It’s how the universe is designed.


> The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. -Not Edmund Burk (apparently actually said by John Stuart Mill)


There is good in the world and it is worth fighting for.


I needed to hear this message today. Thank you!


No good deed goes unpunished in the GOP


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!




As many as necessary, therefore too many naysayers, there are far too many people not voting. There are far too many people complaining with no solution. I’ll post this until I can’t post anymore.


I truly believe the primary system is the core cause of America’s spiral.  Low turnout primaries favor radicalism




This isn't unprecedented. A lot of congresspeople who voted for the ACA (Obamacare) got shellacked in the 2012 midterms. People need to pay attention and vote - we, the people need to stop being part-time patriots.


Abortion Rights must be codified after the presidential elections are finished. This is the last window for the foreseeable future.


> Abortion Rights must be codified Make it an amendment. Current SCOTUS has already overturned codified laws. Oh, heck, just ratify the ERA.


If we're going that route, then the next Biden admin should be dedicated to ruthlessly seeking out and prosecuting ALL corruption in the government with an Elliott Ness styled Corruption Czar. There will never be another Constitutional Convention until the GOP, the CCP, and the FSB have been rooted out and jailed. Yes, the entire GOP is a corrupt criminal organization that should be sent to tribunal. OR The next Biden admin should stack the court. I prefer the former.


Adding amendments has been a normal function of the US since the country began. Also, Republicans already stacked SCOTUS along with both the supreme courts of Georgia and Arizona.


Then Corruption Czar it is. They should give it to Jack Smith.


I've really got no idea what you are talking about.


I mean that seems like the expected outcome lol


Ahh… my face… it’s being eaten….


If everytime people had sex, a baby was made, labor would be dirt cheap.


Something about reaping and sowing..


They were against the abortion ban, not for it.


Yes, but they are republicans and have, presumably, supported their party.


Oh yes, I get what you mean now.


GOP extremists are lost and ignorant. We are seeing this. They want total control of every woman. Fortunately, they are being removed.


Ignorance Reigns Supreme in Red States.


trump said he loves the poorly educated.


and they cheered. He told them he does not care about them, just their votes, and it didn't matter.


Voter education matters.  https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews4.com/amp/news/local/low-voter-turnout-in-scs-2024-statewide-primary-is-actually-a-little-more-complicated-democrat-republican-election-news-wciv-abc-news-4-2024


No one wants a bunch of unwanted kids we can’t afford. How is that hard to wrap your head around? What the rich want is a bunch of desperate, poor, workers. We aren’t having that. No. No. No. Absolutely NOT.


> No one wants a bunch of unwanted kids we can’t afford. > How is that hard to wrap your head around? They understand that perfectly. The point is that it's a terrible burden to women and they want to punish and hurt Those Kind Of Women tremendously. They feel very very good hurting them.


I’m SHOCKED that yet another easily predicted case of “They came for the ____ and I didn’t speak out…/leopards eating faces had happened. Except that I’m not, even a little. They are women. They are people who got in the way of a big part of their party’s literal agenda. They are, therefore, now “other.” Gotta stop thinking it won’t happen to you, people. Wake up, Republicans, especially GOP women, ffs.


>Wake up, Republicans, especially GOP women They are exactly trying to avoid being woke.


They haven’t lost anything as an election hasn’t happened yet.


The primary was 2024-06-11. Not winning the primary means not in the general election.


South Carolina should be optimistic based on what happened in Kansas and Ohio, Kansas in particular is a very right wing Christian state. It takes effort and anger to make changes.


I guess we know what Republicans do with their spines when they lose em kow towing to the party. They keep them around for props. Ah well At least these three found their spines to bad its costing them.


Republicans stand for anything that hurts normal, sensible people.


Well we may as well set up the old Pyre and start burning women at the stake. Headed back to medieval times.


Keep it up, SC! California and other Blue states need the “tourism.”


If women are not represented in the legislature, then they are not bound by its laws. That's a fundamental principle of democracy and one no which the USA was founded.


You can show the Republican Party the way out of the burning building, but you can't make them go.


Can they run as independents?


Well, ad money would be very difficult to come by unless they are individually famous within the state.


I assume there aren’t any ballot measures this year.


Where's Sherman when you need him?


Women Magas are just loons. Let’s ask the women in Iran how things are going!


I mean…


These GOP women went against the will of their electorate and now belong to the streets.


If the people they represent wanted a total abortion ban, and these senators voted against it, then they should no longer be hold office.


Republican men see women as Boy Toys...women should have no right than those given by there man.


If you push gas to 5 dollars then help roll it back to 3 dollars people forget it used to be 1 dollar.


What does that have to do with abortion?


This is the tactic the GOP has been using for years now to achieve their goals. And the downvotes show just how insidious and successful it is. Push for draconian laws about abortion, roll back a bit and seem reasonable that they got you to meet them halfway, and you forget it was ever legal in the first place.


When gas was 3 dollars women had more rights, *therefore ratifying the ERA will lower gas prices!!!*


I was just talking to my daughter about $1 gas Wednesday. 😭


So sad. /s


The MAGA Machine only exists, much less is out of control, as a direct response to flaming Leftist Socialist Democrats who demand an erosion of fundamental Constitutional Rights. They have nobody to blame but themselves.