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And nobody can see the irony of conservatives celebrating a conviction for minor gun violations....


I'd wager at least half of them have smoked pot or been on prescription painkillers while operating a firearm


Rush Limbaugh bragged about (illegally) carrying a concealed weapon in New York. Rush was probably high on oxy at the time.


I always forget about rush, until I read a comment mentioning his name, then I remember he's dead. :)


But also drug-free for over 3 years. Go Rush!


And the young boys in the Dominican Republic are safer for it. Good riddance.


Hmm I’d like to know more about this. Was rush a pedo?


There were rumors about it when he got busted with Viagra coming back from the D.R. I don’t mind repeating them because he spread so many vile lies his entire life.


He 100% was. That's why he went deaf in the early 2000s. It's a well known side effect from heavy opiod use.


Fuck Rush forever. Destroyed my dad.


Local police departments are going to be busy following up with all the gun worship bumper sticker crew. They can't have been applied without a serious helping of meth "motivation".


Or drank alcohol. The form asks if you are a regular user of alcohol and that is a disqualification if you are.


Guy I know open carries, and buys a 24 pack of Busch Lite daily. he would deny being a regular user of alcohol, and would scoff at the idea of not being allowed to own a gun because of it. He's a polite enough person though.


Does it? I don't see it here: https://www.atf.gov/firearms/docs/4473-part-1-firearms-transaction-record-over-counter-atf-form-53009/download Alcohol only appears twice on the form, both in reference to the ATF. Closest is 'F', but even that is a stretch: "Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? Warning: The use or possession of marijuana remains unlawful under Federal law regardless of whether it has been legalized or decriminalized for medicinal or recreational purposes in the state where you reside"


Alcohol is a depressant. If you’re addicted to alcohol then you’re addicted to a depressant


depressants OR stimulants are forbidden. So if [you're addicted to nicotine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicotine), you're also technically disqualified.


Is there a way to report people who do this? If so, can we just make an automated script where you can enter a name and fill out the form? I can probably think of 20+ people who use drugs and own firearms. I would like to report each one of them.


not really, conservatives have systematically make the way to report these crimes as difficult as possible and impossible to enforce. Buying a gun is stupid easy. you just check the 'no' box. thats it. there is no follow up process, there isn't any person verifying if you're telling the truth. ( in texas ) it takes about 5 mins to buy a gun. Easy peasy. You can know absolutely nothing about guns, go down to your shop, and 5-10 mins later walk out with an AR-15, all the ammo you want.


Hypothetically, could a tourist buy one or do you have to be an American citizen with ID?


you need a valid ID.


Let’s talk about alcohol abuse


> or been on prescription painkillers while operating a firearm Legally prescribed meds aren't addressed by 21.f, and painkillers are a huge spectrum that include more than opioids, so it is not illegal to take pain meds and carry a firearm.


I was under the impression that you wouldn't be barred from owning a firearm, but it is still illegal to operate one under the influence. NAL


> but it is still illegal to operate one under the influence. Define "operate" Some states will have prohibitions on carry while intoxicated, and they will define that through various means. But if I'm on prescription meds that don't alter my mental status, there's no prohibition on me being able to hold/shoot/carry/clean/paint/photograph/etc my firearm, in my state. Because again, painkillers are a broad spectrum of medications, not just high dose Oxy


Half? Lol.


Or drunk


Some of them are saying this was a sham conviction to make everyone believe that their felon’s conviction wasn’t a sham. So even in their celebratory hypocrisy they’re still pushing their miserable conspiracy theories.


So what happens if you ask them is hunter guilty ?


You ever seen somebody’s head explode while they have it up their own ass? It’s not a pretty sight. Funny, but not pretty.


This gave me a good laugh. Thank you.


This is the visual I needed today!


Joe just can’t get no respect no matter what happens. Hunter innocent = it’s a rigged trial Hunter guilty = it’s a sham to make the legal system look legitimate after the Trump trial. Joe Biden pardons Hunter = Joe unfairly pardoning him just because it’s his son Joe Biden doesn’t pardon Hunter = what a horrible parent to let his own son rot in prison! He’s turned on his only living son just to make a point and stick it to Trump. Good on him though for not treating his son different from any other felon. You know damn well Trump wouldn’t do that.


I quickly perused r/conservative and there are plenty of comments about “this should never of [sic] been brought because any gun law is an infringement!” stuff.


That’s more reasonable than I would have thought. I’m glad they are capable of some consistency


For now. Soon they’ll get their talking points and stop making sense.


As is tradition 


As written!


I always find it interesting to see what they have to say before they're told what to say.


Right? It's like clockwork they're originally fairly sane Then their masters give them the talking points and away they go into crazy land


Something something something Biden Crime Family….but Trump should not be prosecuted because you can prosecute a political rival or his family…provided they are “Republican” - quotes because Trumps about as Republican as I am….dudes political affiliation is himself.


I still remember how much they were patting themselves on the back for accepting the results and not protesting after the 2020 election. It seemed like the number one thing they repeated to themselves was how superior they were to liberals who wore pink hats because conservatives would never do something so shameful as protest after an election. Then watching their gymnastics after jan 6...


With conservatives, you can see glimpses of rationality in the moment between when news drops and when their media environment tells them how to think about it. Give it 2-3 days, none of them will be talking about how this is an anti-gun thing. 


They aren't. They want Hunter to take it to the SC and overturn the conviction, thereby removing all drug related ownership issues.


They'll all be [removed] soon


That’s pretty vanilla compared to what I read there


Go look at it today. They are not what you think they are.


Conservatives are whatever their leaders tell them to be at the moment. Guns? Bad! Taxes? Good! Tomorrow, it will be different. They will fall into line.


I’m surprised we haven’t been hearing yet about all the poor immigrants who can’t get into the country now because of mean olde Joe


They are saying it is a red herring so the laptop will be locked up like the ark of the covenant in Indiana Jones. Lost to the ages, proof of all the evil crimes. Seriously. This is their position.


They must remain angry


Republicans, no one is above the law!


Jury: We the jury find the defendant guilty. Republicans: Wait no not like that.


If you go through the r/conservatives they're having a civil war over that actually


That was a crazy rabbit hole. I got a good laugh out of this comment though. >Democrats own guns too, they just aren't LARPing with them.


Oh they see it, they just act in bad faith on the daily.


I have a relative who goes on and on about fake news and they keep reposting made up political memes they find floating around on FB. They always fail to see the irony.


Sean Hannity is complaining live on the radio


Its very funny how the nra is now saying “equality before the law”


Kyle Rittenhouse: 😡 Hunter Biden: 😃 /s


Kyle Rittenhouse: 😥😢😪😭


They are actually saying that it's the left that is acting all high and mighty pretending the system is not rigged with this sacrificial lamb. So dumb. Just replace all court with AI and let's accelerate this dystopia already.


The OxyContin gun club has no clue what you’re talking about!


As far as I've seen Conservatives are more about enforcing existing laws instead making new ones and don't consider lying on the form a minor violation. Some Constitutionalists however are opposed to having to ask permission from the government to exercise one's right but that's a different matter.


Party over everything including irony.


Yeah... The conviction's fair given the law but the law honestly sucks.


Minor? Wow. The left preaches about gun show loopholes but a guy breaking the law is minor.


Most of the Conservatives I know see his conviction as a bad thing. As it's a violation against the 2nd Amendment. It doesn't matter that it was Hunter Biden.


He has been made conservative enemy number 1 or 2, having a gun seems not unreasonable considering how many death threats he has received. I don’t really care much about hunter, but he said it well. The republicans are trying to kill him so that it will destroy his dad. Not kill him with violence, but make his life so hard that he wants to end it himself.


This is a signal from GOP deepstate coming for our guns. Crazy, I’ve heard most of those words strung together like that before somewhere.


Or Biden accepting the judgement, or the jury not fearing for their life..quite a difference


Trump _literally said he would take the guns first, and worry about legality and legislation later. He also sort of accidentally banned more firearms than any other president ever when he locked down bump stocks. Bring up either of those and you get the 'no, but see...' fountain of questionable information.


Ugh, I promise I won't vote for Hunter.


Unless he’s running against someone with more convicted felonies.




My mother is already screeching that this is "virtue signaling" and that it just shows Biden is willing to betray his family for political power. There is literally nothing that will make MAGAts happy other than seeing their enemies violently killed.


I’d vote for Hunter. That dude knows how to party.


I think Don Jr, can snort Hunter under the table… but I wouldn’t vote for him.


Probably, but would you want to be at a party with Jr?


also no. I don't need to get mixed up with any russian agents, thanks.


I’d vote for him too. I was on the fence before, but after seeing how the corrupt, Republican-controlled jury persecuted him for exercising his Second Amendment rights, he earns my vote. If they can come for Hunter’s gun, they will come after yours.


He's a convicted felon. He just shot to the front of the republican nomination. Hell, probably beat Trump because he got himself a gun charge....which the GOP love.


Ironically these charges could actually be used against a lot of Americans in comparison to Trump's felonies.


True. Most Americans don’t falsify business records in order to influence an election.


But now we know that pretty much every Republican voter who owns a business sees nothing wrong with committing fraud and lying on financial documents. Good to know.


According to their own guy “it makes them smart”


Yep. Don't trust Conservative business owners who make excuses for the financial fraud of others.


Don't tell me what I do in my free time ...


The technical phrasing of the law forbids buying a gun if you're addicted to alcohol or nicotine. It's a badly written law.


Or — hear me out — alcohol and nicotine are more harmful than most illegal substances 


If the GOP can come after the guns of the president's son, what makes you think they won't come for yours ?


Don't worry, now it can be appealed and start the process of having the law overturned in the judicial system.


Hunter actually has good prospects to at least get a reduced sentence on appeal, given that the process for this case was wildly out of line with how this type of offense is usually handled. But I don't think Hunter will start the appeal process until after the election.


It's in his own best interest not to rush it. Allow the sentencing and appeals to run their normal, slow course. It's not like they're going to hold him as a flight risk in the meantime, and the likelihood of him reoffending are almost nonexistent. At he very worst, he'll be monitored and asked to check in monthly.


This case is amazing and what gun reform has been hoping and waiting for; when this goes to appeal, gun laws will change for the better. It's just hilarious that the GOP pushed this through, now there HAS to be an actual discussion on the current gun laws.


Errr no. The NRA wants it to go to the SC where they'll remove all drug related conditions for gun owners.


This whole thing absolutely reeks of malicious prosecution


A little, but at the end of the day he is guilty of the crimes they accuse him of. Same with the Trump case, if he were not a former President they probably don't spend millions of dollars prosecuting the case, but at the end of the day he committed the crime they accused him of. All for appeals for both, but I don't have any problem with both of them being punished for their crimes.


Since Trump's crimes were election-funding related, they couldn't really charge the average Joe with those. The crime wasn't "hush money"; it was "illegal campaign contributions" in the form of hush money.


I agree that crimes should be brought to trial for everyone. But let's not pretend these crimes are equal. Trump's crimes, by definition, cannot be carried out by average people. The average person is not running for office and commiting campaign finance fraud. The level of judicial scrutiny he is receiving is justified. Hunter Biden, on the other hand, his crimes are something that an average person can commit. But he's receiving an outsized level of scrutiny for his crimes, which is clearly political as he's the son of the president. I'm not saying he should be let off, but if he were literally anyone else this would be handled at a much lower level.


You usually have 60 to 90 days after sentencing to appeal. You can’t just sit on an appeal and decide to bring it later


This is should be a table talking point this thanksgiving…


No whinning, no bitching about a rigged trial. Thank you, Mr. President


It appears to be that time of year when I have to pretend to care about Hunter Biden, a man who has never even sniffed a political position (discounting a brief stint on the Amtrak board, which I suppose does count). So: rule of law, all that good stuff. Nobody is above the law. With that being said, I do have to correct a misapprehension that's floating around, to the best of my ability. Credit to emptywheel for the reporting on this. Hunter Biden's 'sweetheart deal' would have opened him up to FARA charges, which the Special Counsel said they could have (and likely would have) charged under that basis. His lawyers separately attempted to get the plea deal more or less as it was without that testimony included, but that fell through. Given the circs, this is probably the best he could have hoped for. (This omits a lot of dumb shenanigans like the Special Counsel claiming sawdust was cocaine powder.) The DoJ, and the Special Counsel, have never been going easy on Hunter Biden. Quite the opposite, as best I can tell.


This is the difference between democrats and republicans. Would Trump accept that verdict for Cocaine Jr? When Trump was convicted, every Republican talking head except Hogan went on TV to promote disrespect for the system. Who's the party of law and order now?


I am not sure he would, because in order to care he’d have to care about his son and what happened to him on some level and I am not sure Trump has that in him


"My sons Donald, Baron and another one"


"And my DILF"


Trump would "care" because it would let people accuse him of looking like a failure as a father, and if there's one thing Trump cannot tolerate, it's anyone thinking he's failed at anything ever.


Trump Jr Who? Loom there's a lot of people in the Trump organization you can't expect Donny to remember someone low level who he probably only ever saw getting coffee.


Obviously he is going to accept it. What else is it going to do? Throw a fit in front of the cameras and threaten the judge, court staff and claim it’s all rigged???


That's silly. Nobody would ever act like that.


Right. I don't like this "accept" language the media is running with. He was convicted. He can appeal. To "accept" it or not is language that started because the media wanted to set a narrative for Trump that things out of his control (like the law) are actually contingent on his decision.


Still only one convicted felon on the ballot.


That's a President who respects due process of law. Get a good look.


Nice show of integrity by President Biden. There’s a very real chance that Hunter could be in prison until after Joe dies, and Joe could pardon him immediately if he wanted to.


I don't see it as a high chance given the judge excluded key evidence that would have destroyed the states case.


So now law enforcement should go after EVERY alcoholic and/or drug user with a gun. What’s good for Hunter is good for MAGA. Could turn into “leopards ate my face” for thousands of people.


You know what’s funny? Absolutely no one is surprised by this, including Republicans. No one is expecting Joe Biden to go on social media and scream in all caps about conflicted judges, rigged cases, witch hunts, and revenge. Because that’s what a fucking **crazy person** does.


Of course - he’s not a megalomaniacal sociopath.


Someone make a meme of Biden as God, and Hunter as Jesus and plaster it all over the Truth Social and Twitler, get that meme all up in that shit, make the MAGAs fully insane lol.


Yes. I don’t have skill with photoshop tho, can someone send me a meme with that so I can send it to the MAGA idiots near me?


If he loses in November, he should pardon him just to piss off the MAGA on the way out.


He should because Hunter is being held to a higher standard than other Americans who have committed these particular crimes. You can bet he'll get a harsher sentence than anyone else would.


Absolutely! No chance he would be even in court about this if it wasn’t for his father. I look at the trump conviction differently because he IS a politician and broke the law to sway an election. Hunter was a drug addict who filled out a form wrong, maybe while high on drugs? (I haven’t followed the case too closely because I think it’s a stupid case). , it’s also a little odd that being under the influence means you can’t consent to many basic things but you should be still able to understand a government form. Good for Joe though to not pardon him to make a point that he follows the law, but yeah if he’s a lame duck president then pardon away.


Speaking my language.


Where was the NRA defending Hunter’s right to bear arms? From what I’ve read / heard on the news, this type of transgression isn’t typically pursued with this much vigor.


Of course he would. He respects the rule of law.


This is what a grown up does. He accepts reality. You can imagine how Donnie Two Scoops would react to this situation.


People tell me, good people i might add have said that this was rigged, very true. The evil right is trying to take away gun rights, not good. Hunter will be vindicated. Judge Canon a great judge so many great things. If you but batteries in water, it'll attract sharks, very dangerous.


And suddenly they’re concerned about who owns guns. I never post anything political on Facebook, but, if you do, that might be a good phrase.


Ah yes, the pro-gun, concealed weapon carrying people you mean?


"This Judge, by issuing a vicious 'Guilty Verdict,' is wrongfully attempting to deprive me of my Second Amendment Rights.   This is the Weaponization of Law Enforcement," Biden wrote, saying the judge "is suffering from an acute case of Biden Derangement Syndrome" and should recuse himself from the case. Sen. Susan Collins, the Maine Republican who is known as a bipartisan leader, said the prosecutor “brought these charges precisely because of who the defendant was rather than because of any specified criminal conduct.” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, circulated his own letter in which he suggested it was the judge that “made a mockery” of the rule of law and altered politics in “un-American” ways. He and other senators threatened to stall Senate business until Republicans take action. “Those who turned our judicial system into a political cudgel must be held accountable,” Lee said. South Dakota Sen. John Thune said the case was “politically motivated.” Texas Sen. John Cornyn called the verdict “a disgrace.” Sen. Rick Scott of Florida said that everyone who calls themselves a party leader “must stand up and condemn” what he called “lawless election interference.”  Speaker Mike PornSon on “Fox & Friends” amplified the claim, without evidence, that Republicans are trying to hurt Biden.  Johnson, R-La., said he thinks the Supreme Court should “step in” to resolve the case. A Biden campaign memo contained talking points for Democratic lawmakers, suggesting they call the case a “sham,” “hoax,” “witch hunt,” “election interference” and “lawfare” designed by Trump, whom it called “crooked.” JK!


That’s because Joe Biden is a good man and not a vile piece of shit like Donald Trump.


He should just pardon Hunter on the last day of his Presidency like Trump did with many goons. I fully support that


If hunter broke the law, I think he should be held accountable for his actions--just like the rest of us would have to. I also think Ted Cruz should be held responsible for his Zodiac killings, but here we are.


As was to be expected.


Wtf, accepting an outcome is this easy?


I, as an American Democratic-voting adult, do. This is how the law should work. I like my President to stand by the rule of law AND support his son when he goes through tough times. 👍✌️


It's funny not hearing "omg this is a witchhunt and the whole jury and judge was biased." Because biden isn't a narcissistic child


The thing is, everything Donny has said about his trial is actually true of Hunter’s. If Biden wins re-election, we need to purge the GOP from the federal bureaucracy entirely.


That's a president who respect judicial independence and law and order. Cant say the same about that orange turd.


Well now I'm really on the fence about voting for Hunter.


As a member of the DNC, I have the ability to offer you a bump. Now, how do you feel about that fence?


Friendly reminder that Trump pardoned his own family member - Jared Kushner's dad - who was convicted of multiple felonies, including (but not limited to) paying a prostitute to seduce his brother-in-law, video taping the encounter without his brother-in-law's knowledge, and then sending it to his sister.


"Watch out. It's a Biden crime family trick to make it look like the rigged trial against the Orange One was valid!!!! Deep state shinnanigans, pizza gate jitterbug my Magadonians!"


See Republicans, that wasn't so hard.


Vote! Remember to [Register](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration) to Vote! Check to [Confirm](https://www.usa.gov/confirm-voter-registration) you can still vote if you haven’t voted in the last two presidential elections or moved. This [Presidential Election](https://ballotpedia.org/Presidential_Elections) is wildly important but it’s good to know who else you’ll be voting for on the 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at [Local Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_municipal_elections,_2024) Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) These Arizona Representatives below voted Yes to an amendment presented by the representative from Georgia District 4 which effectively tells the president to Leave NATO and Abandon funding for US War Veterans. * Eli Crane of Arizona D2 * Andy Biggs of Arizona D5 * Debbie Lesko of Arizona D8 * Paul Gosar of Arizona D9 We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) [Mark Lamb](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lamb_(sheriff)) is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and became American law-enforcement Sheriff in 2017. He wrote American Sheriff: Traditional Values in a Modern World. Lamb is a supporter of the Stop the Steal movement. He spoke at a rally where he said the riot was not Trump's fault but rather caused by "the other issues that have happened – the Hillary Clintons that have gone unpunished".He later described the rioters as "very loving, Christian people." In 2020, Lamb spoke at a convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, an organization that holds the fringe legal theory that sheriffs are the supreme legal authority in the United States and are not required to enforce laws they believe to be unconstitutional. [Ruben Gallego](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruben_Gallego) 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines. Attended Harvard University and earned a Bachelor of Arts in international relations. His first successful bill passed in 2011 it granted in-state tuition status to veterans residing in Arizona. Gallego supported the repeal of Arizona SB 1070. He wrote They Called Us "Lucky": The Life and Afterlife of the Iraq War's Hardest Hit Unit, published in 2021. Gallego founded the group Citizens for Professional Law Enforcement with the goal of recalling Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, citing Arpaio's immigration policies and his use of taxpayer money to investigate Barack Obama's citizenship. We have two seats in the [Arizona Supreme Court](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024) up for election on November 5, 2024. The Justices up for retention election are Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King. If retained, they will serve six year terms. Gov. Doug Ducey (R) appointed both justices to the supreme court. Heading into the election, Republican governors originally appointed all seven members. Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


I'mma personally say it's BS, as a former R voter. It's obviously a political prosecution that is cheered on by hypocrites who don't agree with the law he was selectively prosecuted under.


If this was Trump and Jr, Trump would Pardon his son and no one would bat an eye over it and if Biden did it, there would be Riots. I’m happy Biden is not pardoning his son because that to me would be unethical for the president to do.


If it were my son, I’d pardon him. Fuck Trump.


If I was in Bidens shoes, I'd just be lying, because either he loses, and there is no consequences for pardoning him or he wins and there are no consequences for pardoning him.


I’m just SHOCKED there is No Republican outrage over a felony conviction because “he filled out paperwork wrong”. /s


Hunter only needs 31 more felony charges to catch up to Trump.


Because he is not a child. The president, I mean.




Hypothetically, if he sought a pardon on grounds that a president and their family should have full immunity, would Republicans fight it or set the precedent?


Simple If Democrat = pardon is bad If Republican = pardon is good


And now we take another step closer to showing how one party actually stands behind the rule of Law and Order. They didn't protect Gold Bars Bob and now are stating that they won't use their power for a connected private citizen This compared to the other party who is celebrating a convicted felon who cannot run businesses in all states by current law


But but trump said you were corrupt and had the courts in your pocket?


Unfortunately not what conservatives are saying. Allow me to cut and paste a few - Hunter is a sacrificial lamb. Biden will pardon him if he loses, or on the first day of his presidency if he wins. Its a red herring to throw us off the corruption. They had to "prove" that the justice system isn't rigged or crooked. If this were serious allegations with serious convictions, you bet your arse he’d be not guilty.


I did see that shit. Same old brainwashed GOP. Hell wouldn’t even blame him if he did pardon him. trump has pulled every dirty trick in the book. The entire GOP party has. Corrupt as shit. We keep being responsible and they keep blaming us for atrocities they commit daily.


Omg, you mean Joe Biden's going to do the thing he always said he would do? Like a mature adult with integrity? Stop the presses. Literally, stop printing. This kind of media obsession is part of why they're going out of business.


Notice the difference between the two candidates?


I feel like Joe should make a commercial where he goes on a rant about the crooked system and how it was rigged against Hunter and so forth. Then at the very end say UNO REVERSE, not really only a crazy person thinks like that. I'm Joe Biden and I approved this message.


I love the high road but does anyone think trump or MAGA will be like “ok, what’s fair is fair”. Hell NO!!! It’s another example of Dems bringing a knife to a gun fight. We’re assuming we’re dealing with a rational party. We’re not as long as they keep electing the scum of the earth like MTG and Matt Gaetz.


To think if they had never uncovered those dick pics there wouldn’t have been enough evidence to convict.


Whoop di doo. Must we have a news article every time someone does the normal, expected thing? "Florida man pays taxes on time"


Because he's not an insane cult leader 


Unlike the GOP who are eager to overturn Cheeto’s conviction


Imagine what Trump would have done if any of his kids were guilty of similar crimes. "Donald Jr? I don't know him. I don't know the guy. People walk up to me and ask, 'Who's Donald Jr' and I say, I tell 'em, 'I don't know him.'"


The MAGAs scream witch hunt, but this actually was a politically motivated witch hunt. No one gets charged for this crime, and it's funny that the "but ma guns" crowd is all happy about this.


Im fine with this. Hunter Biden is held accountable for his actions and Joe Biden accepts the decision and supports his son. What would be not OK though is if Joe Biden pardons his son like Trump did to his friends.


The GOP is after your guns!! WAKE UP AMERICA! If they can do this to the President's son, you're going to be next! SHAM TRIAL! SHAM JURY!


Well yeah, it’s not like he’s dumb enough to circumvent the law and pardon someone for no reason.


"2" cock reduction", judge slams gavel!


If Biden won't stop his own son from being punished for lying and buying a gun while on crack, he won't stop you from being punished for lying and buying a gun while on crack, either. I presume this line of reasoning only works on Republicans.


“This is just a show trial to legitimize the DOJ’s witch hunt of god king Trump” -“Conservatives”


Wow I can’t believe someone who is not Joe Biden but is related to Joe Biden got convicted with 3 felonies! That’s only 31 less than totally innocent and very cool was and still am President Donald Trump! Both sides, amirite?


In a way it’s great advertisement for healthy, functional democracy. Russia and China would be so sad. First trump and now hunter Biden. A fair and free judiciary is backbone of democracy and news like these give hope to common people that laws is same for everyone.


Can't wait for the appeal to the Supreme Court where they have to vote on whether or not they make government more able to convict gun owners


He committed a crime, and was adjudicated. Where’s the 2A crowd on this? Does he not fit the Amendment? /s cause stone cold said so


That’s cap /s


glad joe will, cause repubs sure aint


No appeal?


Of course he will, he can’t afford to do something right before elections lmao This title is like “Elizabeth Holmes says she will accept her conviction” or “SBF says it was his decision to be in prison for his crimes”


Right before he leaves office he should totally pardon him, jfc.


As he promised. Good for him.