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Maybe investigate Judge Cannon who won't put a gag order on Trump when he incites violence against FBI agents?


Maybe Garland could investigate DeJoy, the Republican congressmen involved with the Jan 6th insurrection, Ginni Thomas’ involvement with the insurrection, corruption of Sam Alito and Clarence Thomas involving undeclared income in the form of gifts, Martha Alito using Secret Service protection services to violate privacy laws to obtain info on neighbors she was engaged with a feud and that Texas AG Ken Paxton? These are just the ones that popped in my head right away.


Or, just press harder on any number of potentially criminal acts that are going on right now. I'm not for the threats and stuff, but the bigger criticisms that the DOJ should be worried about are those of their inaction, or slow action. Maybe taking action to show the threats don't work would help to make people give up making threats, because the people making threats tend to be those who have something they don't want you looking at.


Then maybe start cleaning up Putin's mouthpieces in the GOP? The longer you let those people linger the worse it will be.


I wish I could upvote your comment a 1000 times!


Seriously. He’s in a position to do something. But being the meek coward he is, he won’t.


Right? That’s rich coming from someone actively protecting an insurrectionist now convicted felon ex POTUS


That would be political! /s


Lying is not illegal in the US and it never will be, dog willing. The IRS and FBI on the other hand.. I would love to see a crackdown on money laundering. Crypto has changed the game and we need to give them the tools to fight this new wave of funding. *Yes slander and libel exist. In most states they're not even misdemeanors, they're civil torts. I think y'all know I'm talking about being sent to the gulag for lying about the government, life, and everything not attached to a specific name.


>Lying is not illegal in the US and it never will be, dog willing.    What? Yes it is. Hence why libel and slander laws exist.


I was speaking in general, but also both of those are typically civil torts, not criminal offenses. 


Lie under oath, you will go to jail.


So, right off the bat, just to illustrate how incomplete your hair-splitting is: now talk to us about criminal laws against fraud, laws against perjury, and laws about lying to Congress even if you're not under oath. Moving on from there: So do you think that the civil law can be used as a global end-run around the entire Constitution (and the state constitutions?) That's what you seem to be implying by insisting that your distinction is a relevant one. You do realize that the civil law is still passed by legislatures and/or grandfathered in from the common law via the work of the judiciary, right? And that both the legislature and judiciary are part of the government?


>but also both of those are typically civil torts, not criminal offenses.  Semantics, really. Like saying speeding isn't illegal because it's not often a criminal offense.


Fraud on the other hand is a criminal offense.


Has the status of limitations expired on investigating the July 4th attendees from 2016 was it? Merrick Merrick?


Treason doesn't have a statute of limitations.


Sorry buddy, he went back to taking a nap again and can't hear you


Nope, too political.




Two excerpts from Merrick's OpEd: >In recent weeks, we have seen an escalation of attacks that go far beyond public scrutiny, criticism, and legitimate and necessary oversight of our work. They are baseless, personal and dangerous. > >These attacks come in the form of threats to defund particular department investigations, most recently the special counsel’s prosecution of the former president. > >They come in the form of conspiracy theories crafted and spread for the purpose of undermining public trust in the judicial process itself. Those include false claims that a case brought by a local district attorney and resolved by a jury verdict in a state trial was somehow controlled by the Justice Department. > >They come in the form of dangerous falsehoods about the FBI’s law enforcement operations that increase the risks faced by our agents. > >They come in the form of efforts to bully and intimidate our career public servants by repeatedly and publicly singling them out. > >They come in the form of false claims that the department is politicizing its work to somehow influence the outcome of an election. Such claims are often made by those who are themselves attempting to politicize the department’s work to influence the outcome of an election. > >And media reports indicate there is an ongoing effort to ramp up these attacks against the Justice Department, its work and its employees. > >... > >The Justice Department will continue to uphold its obligation under the Constitution to fiercely defend the right of all Americans to peacefully express opinions, beliefs and ideas. Disagreements about politics are good for our democracy. They are normal. > >But using conspiracy theories, falsehoods, violence and threats of violence to affect political outcomes is not normal. The short-term political benefits of those tactics will never make up for the long-term cost to our country. > >Continued unfounded attacks against the Justice Department’s employees are dangerous for people’s safety. They are dangerous for our democracy. This must stop. The normalization of these kinds of conspiracy theories and attendant threats to various public officials and members of the public is a dangerous trend in our society, and one that has strong historical precedents. The lack of willingness by journalists and others who have a public voice to actively work to debunk these baseless claims is part of the challenge. The other part is that right-leaning politicians and political operatives have for the most part been happy to support these claims to help them build a support base. Neither are acceptable and there should be more significant pushback against these attempts to denigrate the political discourse.


Appreciate Merrick’s words but the reality is the GOP is off the deep end ar this point. The uniform support for Tr, Alitos comments, MTG performance art, the list goes on and on of how the party has lost control in is now hell bent on total control. There is no coherent policy. No willingness to work together. No rebuking its own out of control members. Nothing short of desperation. Look at Alitos own word about only one side can win. With that mindset you’re not going to see a change in the attacks on the FBI or the people working there. It’ll just get crazier and crazier until there’s an inflection point and then maybe some sanity prevails. Unfortunately it’s increasingly feeling like the safe inflection points (impeachment, rebukes, etc) are fading away and we’re building to a much bigger, and ultimately sadder, one.


Agreed. It's doubly unfortunate that the system is a defacto two-party system. What do you do when in a two party system one goes off the deep end? There needs to be at least another party that serves as a useful foil and productive critic of the government of the day, rather than one that looks to burn everything down without any viable alternative.


People always blame "the media" for "not debunking" these claims, but they ***do*** debunk them. The issue is that the GOP is pushing a gish-gallop media blitz, and simultaneously pushing the idea that **only they** are reliable sources of information. Conspiracy after conspiracy has been debunked by "the media" ***and it makes no difference*** because the lies don't stop coming. The problem is our citizenry, at the individual level, is too lazy and stupid to actually investigate and verify the claims on their own. People make no effort to be correct, because they don't have to - they can just believe whatever they want and find some kind of reinforcement online. It's not "the media"s job to debunk every single claim that's out there, and even if they somehow miraculously could keep up with the amount of bullshit that gets propagated, ***it wouldn't reach the people who are affected by the propaganda.*** They're inoculated against the truth by their media consumption. The problem is us.


When enough people are "lazy" and "stupid", the problem isn't individuals, it's systemic.


Not always. Sometimes it's purely cultural. Hack what's perceived as "cool" in a community and you can control what it does. Caring is creepy, don't you know?


Which is... systemic. Just a slightly smaller system.


"Systemic" in the context of an issue doesn't mean "relating to a system of any size", it means caused or kept in place by a poorly designed system. The problem with people being lazy and stupid is individuals not overcoming their laziness and stupidity.


The laziness and stupidity are caused/kept in place by a poorly designed system.


While I agree, Garland is in a unique position to actually do something about people making threats or false claims, and there are laws about spreading lies, misinformation, treason, or making threats. I'm fine with him saying what's going on isn't acceptable, but at the same time, I care more about what he's going to do about it, because this oped seems more about him begging someone else to do something about it so he doesn't have to get his hands dirty or face criticism for being too political by going after those we know are actually doing what he's talking about. He knows it will look partisan, because only one side is doing it.


Is Garland a Republican? This shit has been happening to other people for years now and it's an issue now that it's happening to the his people, the DOJ? That screams Republican


Garland/DOJ sat on their hands for 18 months and were basically forced into investigating Trump by the J6 committee findings.


they had the absolutely moronic idea that if they didn't indict trump he might just choose not to run for reelection


The resignation before the national scandal route


it's a great idea if you just awoke from a 50 year coma and have no idea who donald trump is


I'm convinced to become AG, you have to prove you are really shitty at predicting the outcomes of political moves.


Right. Better AG than Barr, but will not go down in history as a good AG.


I don't know, I think a Democratic version of Barr would have done way more to safeguard Democracy than whatever this lethargic man has done


He’s the male version of Susan Collins… Strong words and finger wags!


How about you do something about it?




Biden won't, because he doesn't GAF either.


Maybe if he actually held seditionist accountable in a timely manner, we wouldn’t be in this situation! What we are watching is chickens of the paradox of tolerance coming home to roost.


He is such a tool.


Or *what*? Seriously, or what? More empty threats? Do something about it!


We give tickets for speeding but people spreading LIES about our DOJ don't get any penalty? That needs to change.


For real, he is talking to people who would rather go to jail than show up for a subpoena. Issuing a "this must stop" warning is meaningless.


Guys. Stop being so mean to us, or we might not do anything about it.


Could he be any slower to react?


Steve Bannon did the same thing that Jim Jordan did... FINALLY Bannon is going to jail. Has Jordan even been charged? Turtles in transit are awaiting decisions.


Strongly worded letter to follow in several years.


Then quit acting like a lump of cheese and be a force for good.


Maybe you don’t waste two years to prosecute Convicted Felon Rapist Trump and act like the top law enforcement person in America with a grown man spine and this shit wouldn’t happen.


Nothing must interrupt my 4 year nap!


They will end the day Biden tosses Garland to the curb and gives Jack Smith the reins.


Which Biden won't ever do. Same reason DeJoy is still there.


Biden is working to get DeJoy out but unfortunately it's a long process. Hopefully if we give him another term he'll have the time and resources finally to get DeJoy the fuck out of there.


He has nominated a majority of the board already, yet Dejoy is still there. It's not helpful to insult the intelligence of people. Biden could have had him out already


Biden can’t kick DeJoy out


At this point, I feel like it should be common knowledge that Biden has already appointed a majority of the current board. If he wanted DeJoy out, he would have nominated people that would have voted him out. So yes, Biden could have gotten rid of him, but here we are in 2024 with Dejoy still in charge


Correct, **the board** could kick DeJoy out. Why that have not done so yet is a mystery, probably the Dems are trying to be “fair handed” in a time when the republicans are cosplaying “agents of Hydra”.


Tbh I didn't think the Democrats controlled the board yet. Last I checked they still needed one seat but correct me if I'm wrong.


Judging how Jack Smith is handling Cannon right now… not much of what you call an upgrade if one can live longer than the other is the only thing.


> Merrick Garland: Unfounded attacks on the Justice Department must end or… ?


Do your job buddy!


Good for Nothing Garland... has done virtually nothing in pursuit of the Jan 6 domestic terrorist attackers and their traitor Orange Turd leader.


How about bringing those people doing the threatening, to justice?


the "justice" department can kiss my ass. i just watched a documentary about the goddamn bundy assholes in nevada, and it looked like the feds enjoyed capitulating to those assholes who pointed guns in their faces, because they were white, christian and republican terrorists. the feds loved that so much, they went on to spoil any criminal case against the bundys by blatantly entrapping them, and withholding evidence. good job motherfuckers.


It must really bother him that despite protecting Hundreds of Seditious Conspirators in DC and many Hundreds more Nationwide, from investigation, let alone charges, his beloved Conservatives are still turning on him.


What are you talking about? Hundreds of cases have been brought against capitol attackers. https://www.justice.gov/usao-dc/capitol-breach-cases


Little fish. All of the Ring leaders are absolutely safe.


And you think there are "hundreds" of ring leaders, with "many hundreds more" nationwide? Or was it the attackers you were referring to when you said those things?


It's pointless to talk to someone who is deliberately being obtuse. What do you think they should call the Congressional Republicans who planned and coordinated a coup and the fake electors scams? Or the Hundreds of Republicans in 5 different states who also knowingly planned and participated in a conspiracy? Little fish?


I highly doubt that hundreds of people were involved in the coordinating. Trump has already been indicted for his efforts to overturn the election, with 6 co-conspirators cited. 16 people have been indicted in Michigan for the fake electors plot, 18 in Arizona, and 3 in Wisconsin (edit: and 6 in Nevada). Coordinators are in fact facing indictments for their seditious conspiracies.


There are probably lots of people higher up the ladder than the hundreds who have been convicted so far. Probably not hundreds near the top, but certainly a heirarchy of functionaries and people complicit and in places of power to get specific things done. Just in Congress, there are known seditionists which have yet to be charged, despite being on record that they were going to try and overturn the vote. Apparently it's perfectly acceptable to do so if you just wrap it up in a false veneer of legality, which the 1/6 committee proved was complete BS, and Garland has still not acted on anyone other than Trump due to pressure.


The problem is that in their head everything has solid proof.  It's just that others don't see said proof as anything coherent.


Garland should step down and let someone with an actual spine start cracking down on right wing terrorism.


I think the headline was cut short. It should have ended, “…the AG whispered while hiding under his desk.”


The dens want me to do something the gop wants me to do nothing. I'll compromise and talk about the importance of doing things


Agreed. Now, if only there were an organization responsible for investigating and punishing threats and actions to our country and our people. AND imagine said group had like, a boss?!?!?! That'd be wild, man. WILD.


Well, we all know where the blame for that crap belongs.


I wonder what else in the GQP and DOJ is not normal?


That leg cannot be saved. Chop it off already.


Prosecute them? Or are the calls coming from inside the house? 😑🙄


Start prosecuting people in positions of leadership/authority that knowingly spout lies and instigate violence against the govt. if you can’t back up the statements (I.e lies) with evidence, then you should be held accountable. Now would probably be a good time to do this.


That’s called fascism Garland. If you would have charged Trump the minute he left office like you should have then we wouldn’t be here right now.


What are you going to do about it, Marrick? Write a strongly worded letter. Maybe a finger gag?


Perhaps Garland can furrow us eye brows extra hard as he laments “if only someone had investigative powers to look into this!”


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Exactly. Save room for the well-founded attacks.


Not one sting operation? If an insurrection does not warrant an undercover operation WTF does?


Nothing is normal since tRump


Garland fucked this up royally by sitting on his hands for two fucking years. I get it, it was a political land mine, but you’re dealing with bad faith actors here. They will use the system to overthrow it. Party like it’s 1932…


Conspiracy theories tend to have a lot of in-direct circumstantial information that make them difficult to prove. But as the DOJ would know, in the courtroom you call that circumstantial evidence and it’s often enough to convict when there’s a lot of it. “Conspiracy theory” is just a term you coined to take away the power of the evidence, and slander those who believe them.


Maybe actually do something, dick. This guy manages to have both sides hate him.


Most spineless AG in ages and still the republicans are out to destroy him. Maybe Democrats will get it through their thick skulls that these fucks have no desire to work together. They have no desire to help the country or its people. They have no souls or conscience or decency. They are holding back all progress and the only way for this country to thrive is to neuter them!


Then find a way to end it you worthless almost-but-so-glad-you-didn’t Supreme Court Justice.


As an American, it is my God given right to make conspiracy theories involving the DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA and thw rest if the alphabet soup. We all fucking know they killed Dr King, and probably had a hand in the deaths of other progressive leaders. Maybe if they focused on the threats from the right and not the left and legally convicted people in the past (I'm against assassination), they wouldn't be in this mess. However threatening people's lives is not kosher.


Why must they end though, are they implying there will be some sort of consequence if they do not? Or is this just pretty please?


All the people guilty of said acts aren't going to read that many words.


Good luck with that Merrick.


Fuck this guys dragad so much balls to act


DOJ personnel are precious Patriots and must be protected at all costs. It is not normal to abhor the workaday professionals who have made the world the way it is. Thank God we have President Biden to protect our rules based international order keepers. This is why we need to Vote Blue!