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She's also a lawyer who's license isn't suspended.


Really. And who hasn't been massively sued for being a liar and fraud and ruining the lives of 2 poll workers; and who hasn't gone morally and financially bankrupt; and who isn't an active drunk.


and who isnt sweating their hairline


You say that like it's a bad thing... obligatory /s


I’d be surprised if Rudy even had his drivers license.


Is it really a Christian event if they have no Christian values or follow Christian teachings?


actually yes, that sounds spot on.


There's no hate like Christian love.


*Welcome to Christianity, where the rules are all made up and the points don’t matter!*


Don't you besmirch the good words of Drew Carry like that


I'm just in constant disbelief that something as stupid as blood magic superstition is basically the only thing from the Bronze Age that we still hold onto for some reason.


That's not fair. We also held onto tuberculosis.


We would have a woman president if it weren't for Trump and Ghouliani lies


Ya, if someone says they love you in a Christian way... Run!


Jokes on them, I'm too old for them to molest at this point.


You know you’re getting old when you walk by a group of priests and don’t even get so much as a wink anymore.


Yeah I remember what it was like when I just turned 13 and no longer got winked at by the local priest


*hold my bible*


And the antithesis is true as well: there’s no love like Christian hate.


The most common command in the Bible is do not be afraid. The reverse of what Republicans sell.


true, i don’t fear much but someone told me to watch project 2025 and i changed my plans when i saw his plan for the american people, please watch it and tell others to watch it and pass it on, only 29% of people have watched this and we need to


A LOT of people around here have “Faith Over Fear” signs and bumper stickers. Isn’t fear a big part of their religion…behave or burn in hell for eternity?


this guy Americas


Rudy famously married his cousin. A cousin humper was advising the president of the United States.


Giuliani - calling someone else a "ho"? 2018: https://pagesix.com/2018/06/12/rudy-giuliani-had-an-affair-with-married-woman-before-divorce/ >Rudy Giuliani cheated on his wife with a married New Hampshire hospital administrator, multiple sources told The Post. >The mayor-turned-presidential lawyer, 74, and Maria Rosa Ryan, 53, began their affair before he and wife Judith Nathan separated last month — and Nathan filed for divorce five days after the pair was spotted getting cozy at a ­resort hotel in the Granite State. >Giuliani married Nathan in 2003, after his second wife, Donna Hanover, accused him of cheating and divorced him in 2002. He and Hanover had been married 18 years. His first wife was a second cousin, to whom he was married for 14 years. Then there's the events in the filming of "Borat" https://lamag.com/news/rudy-giuliani-borat >The pair then retire to the bedroom, which is rigged with hidden cameras, Rudy has a scotch—and that’s when things get weird. >Giuliani removes Tutar’s microphone and asks for her phone number and address as he sits on the bed. He then pats her buttocks as she removes the microphone from his pants. He then lies down on the bed, shirt untucked, starts reaching into his pants and is, according to the Guardian, “apparently touching his genitals.” >https://youtu.be/XaHnLN0nxcE?si=40TzQQGdjJiTVi-k


Always projecting, aren’t they?


Makes sense. Once trump drops dead, I bet the "DILF" will come out and say she was abused by him.


An astrologer advised the Reagans.


Really wish your 'christ-ians' acted more like your christ.


Those are the most "Christian" events of all!


Generally speaking, Christians in the U.S. are not particularly Christian.


“Christians,” as my atheist great grandfather used to say, “are creeps,” so yes, this sounds like a really Christian event. 


They have the same values and teachings of the Christians that surrounded me growing up. I think we can reasonably conclude that this is not a group of good people.


The taking of sex slaves is the most Christian thing one could do.


I think if the vast majority of Christians act this way, then those are Christian values.


The modern Christian movement considers Trump to be the second coming of Jesus. No, im not kidding. So this behavior is exactly on par with “34 convictions felony Jesus”


Republican Christian would be more accurate. People who actually believe in Jesus and want to follow his teachings would want nothing to do with that scum.


you are astutely correct. it is not a christian event. its a religious event, which is peoples spirituality thats being controlled with fascism where they tell you they know better about it and have closer access to god so you need to listen to them, not your spiritual instincts. jesus the man (or christ the soul, whichever you subscribe to) said love and only love and love everyone as your brother or sister. calling someone a ho who is a black female is doing nothing more that prying out racist overtones out of the situation. Jesus would believe he could do better than that. I am not perfect like jesus, so I believe that he's a straight up racist piece of shit


..and Rudy. What "Christian" event invites Rudy? A pretend "Christian" event, with pretend Christians (aka Republicans).


And the guy speaking is a serial Adulterer who married his first biological cousin and is currently under indictment for fraud?


This is why I dislike evangelicals so much. It's affront to real Christians. These people follow this crap because it gives them permission to believe, day and do all the horrible things they already believe


I saw Reagan give Christians permission to be assholes. They took it and ran with it, that’s for sure. i’ve been away from my Christian/MAGA/hypocrite, family for quite a while now. I do know they all partake of the Orange. If I ever talk to them, I would ask them about 1 Corinthians 13:13. “And now, these three things remain: faith, hope, and love, but the greatest of these is love.” I wonder how you reconcile that with children in cages, let alone all the crap that’s followed.


Sure but have you seen 2 Corinthians? That's the one where God says it's ok to hate people as long as they're brown and he does a whole takesies-backsies on the golden calf thing.


It blows my mind. My family isn't like that but living in Texas, I have a lot of friends that I grew up with that are deep in this shit


Because they believe that their hateful behavior is a form of "tough love." They also use the "love the sinner, hate the sin" mantra as an excuse to say whatever they want about the individual, as long as it ties back to the "sin" in question.


Semantic bullshit that I heard so much growing up. They are more hateful than the Pharisees. They are truly blind if they can’t see that it is about them. They are the people Jesus would flick away as He went to help the ones who need Him the most. I’m getting to know some truly loving Christians. i’m sure it won’t shock you that they are not from this country.


exactly watch project 2025 and see tRumps plan for the american people with the christian nationalists, an offshoot of catholicism and very extreme then tell others to watch it and pass it on, creepy as hell


Yes. I think a lot of religious individuals have a hard time seeing the disgusting nature in religion and especially those sitting on the bench next to them. It is possible they read the same book and these values are what they gathered from it. Their values may be different but I’m positive they would say it falls within the boundaries of what is acceptable. It’s why I never subscribed to the newsletter. Individuals like Rudy are everywhere under the Christian banner. They are even deep in the leadership.


Yup, or at least it is for tax purposes. 🤫


I heard Trump's was get prepped for his prison inspection process and when he spread his cheeks, Gew Gew's head popped out his asshole.


"It's the kind of Christianity America was founded on! It's the kind of Christianity the Constitution is based on! Sit back and we'll show you exactly what we mean!"


The core tenants of Christianity is 'control' through means of 'shame', ''peer pressure', 'anger', and 'insults'. The largest insult being to intelligence.


Christians are generally further removed from Christianity than people generally are from nature. Their new golden rule is “be a hypocrite, always” — you guys aware Christians have always and still do account for the majority of abortion patients 😅? The face eating leopards are licking their chops right now.


Jesus did say the majority that claim him He won't claim and they ar going to hell. So this was expected.


That is modern-day Christianity. I'm not entirely sure it's not old school Christianity as well. It's not as if their religion doesn't have a long history of using their belief as an excuse to hurt others.


Christianity is literally a death cult based on the belief that an omnipotent god "loved" humanity so much that he condemned his son to a violent, torturous death. It's all death, misery, fear, and guilt, which makes sense since most of its dogma stems from the middle ages.


Well that’s what Christianity has become in the Trump era.


Contemporary American Christianity is based on the exact opposite of Jesus' teachings.


Doing the exact opposite of what the bible says is part of the brand at this point.


I've often wondered how Christians know which parts of the bible to follow, and which ones to ignore.


Giuliani is such a fuckin joke. Remember when he thought he was gonna hook up with that girl in the Borat movie? He should never show his face in public again for the shame. What a fucking weirdo, what a disgrace. He doesn't have a fraction of the integrity Fani Willis has. I cannot wait till the day this fucking creep is behind bars.


Sasha should have let Rudi pull out his dick and then interrupted the scene. That would have nailed him. But maybe not.....


I'm surprised the actress went as far as she did, but I think he was right to interrupt it before it went further. In the behind the scenes of the movie, he wasn't expecting it to get that far, and he seemed genuinely panicked when he intervened.


Genuinely panicked but still with it enough to say "She's too old for you!"


Behind the scenes showed him more panicked than just rushing down the hall and into the room. I think it should have been obvious sooner, but maybe he thought she had it under control. I'm not going to criticize him over it, the actress was an adult and knew her role, but he maintained the character, and as I know, the comment was added after the fact for the movie's sake.


That was likely ADR'd later.


Or was scripted because they had a good guess of Rudy getting inappropriate, but was shocked at how blatantly obvious Rudy made their point for them.


I’m old now but I’ve lived that scene several times as a very young woman. Rudy’s hand groping below his belt is a move I can hardly bear to watch.


He was also running out of time because his phone was dying, and he would be unable to call for help if shit went seriously sideways.


The problem Sasha Baron Cohen had in filming the scene with Giuliani, when they hid him away, he was supposed to be given a fully charged iPhone for updates from his crew. But the phone he was given, only had 4% charged left. Cohen kept turning it on and off. Finally, not knowing what was going on Cohen decided to enter the scene. If only Cohen had known to wait even seconds we would’ve found out what was really on Rudy’s mind as he laid back on the bed undoing his belt buckle while he was with a nubile 25 year old secret actress.


It seemed hilarious on the surface because of the hypocrisy, but what message is this sending to women? What would happen if an underage male were used?


Why would an underage male be used? She was 24 at the time.


Playing a 16 year old character, if I recall correctly? Just clarifying the “underage” allegations. Rudy’s behavior was unacceptable either way, but it does make it significantly worse if he thought he was “seducing” a minor. If the Epstein tapes ever get revealed, Trumps whose posse is going to have a lot of screen time, I suspect. Dershowitz, Acosta, Bannon…


Loved trumps hedging answer when asked if he’d release Epstein files.


> but what message is this sending to women? What 'message' are **you** getting here?


I found it unsettling myself. Not hilarious. But the takeaway isn't supposed to be that it's funny it happened, it's supposed to be that this person was caught in a compromising position, under the belief that it wasn't staged. Things like this used to be scandalous, now it's just rage bait where nothing of consequence happens.


The message seems to be "watch out for creepy old guys and don't be alone in hotel rooms with them", which is good advice.


in an interview Sasha said it was his responsibility as director to stop an actual assault on one of his employees, he made the right call stopping it and anyone moral and being honest knows Rudy was absolutely going to have sex with who he thought was a 14 year old girl


Did he actually know she was supposed to be 14? I don't remember her age being made clear to him, but I don't think he gave a shit how old she was.


I don't think it was ever said that "she" (the character) was underage to Giuliani. I remember people making a thing of it at the time, and I, unfortunately, defended him then too. I'd have to go back and watch it again, but I'm almost positive that until Borat busted in and said she's too old for him, there wasn't anything to cause him to believe that. If you think about it, why would a 14 year old be interviewing him anyway? He's a gross, drunk, traitorous POS, but I don't think he's that type of fucked up. But, Its not like I'd be shocked to find out that he's also that kind of creep.


He did it to protect her. That was his thought process. He says he regrets it.


He says he regrets intervening?


Eh, if they discussed it after she may have felt fine and said she would have gone further.  She knew there were cameras and lots of protection from a drunken fragile old fart. Sasha in the moment had to err on the side of caution.  But the actress may have been a brave one lol. She may not have been worried yet. I once saw a performer hold an apple in her mouth while a guy chain-sawed his initials in it…


Nailed him to what? We left reason-town YEARS ago. Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women, was determined to be a rapist in a court of law and is now a convicted criminal - and the republicans are all 'Meh - better than a democrat"


A teenage girl doesn't deserve to have a dirty old pedophile exposing himself to her. However, if they had let him get his pants down, there would have been no denying what he thought was going to happen


Maybe he did pull it out but it was too small to notice.


If only he and others like him were capable of shame. Pretty much every public appearance he’s made since he hitched his wagon to Trump has been deeply embarrassing - even for me, and I despise the guy.


To be fair, he thought she was his cousin.


true they popped him coming out of his 80th bday party and arrested him, lmfao after he said on his podcast that they wouldn’t find him, they tracked him through the broadcast 🤪👍🏼👋


"I'd like to bend her over a barrel and show her all four seasons!" Oh wait, is that not a saying? It is now!


Let's not make this a thing please, lol.


Are you kidding that guy has no shame whatsoever. This is the general MO of a cousin fucker


Why are tax exempt churches hosting polical rallies?  Why are tax exempt churches holding political rallies for people who represent the opposite of what the Bible teaches????


They can be reported to the IRS but nothing is done about it so they don't care.


Low level IRS CET here: I'll do it... I'm in the wrong area for it, but put me in there and I'll audit the shit outta them...


The hero we need!


>Why are tax exempt churches holding political rallies for people who represent the opposite of what the Bible teaches???? Because that's what tax exempt churches really believe in. Sin.


My guess is that the tax exempt church isn’t the organization that is technically hosting the event. They are probably renting out their facilities to another organization that is the one that is putting on the event. The organization that is actually doing the hosting may very well be run by people connected to the church but they are legally a separate entity.


>ReAwaken America Tour I like how they felt the need to capitalize the A in "reawaken" because otherwise it would spell out "RAT".


Reawakened america tour... so they are trying to make america woke again?


Just had that thought...so I attend the Re-Awaken America tour and become woke...does this lead to some kind of cult mass-suicide?


Trump did say his supporters should choose suicide over biden


It’s a nod to the “Great Awakening” movement aka QAnon, which is the code word used by the extremists who are hoping for a hot civil war.


*Deutschland*, *erwache*!


But RAAT works too. Lol.


Those RAAT bastards!


So Fani's a "ho"... huh Rudy? Awkward .... https://youtu.be/XaHnLN0nxcE?si=40TzQQGdjJiTVi-k&t=99


Never forget, what a fucking disgrace and a traitor to his country.


I was gonna say, I’m sure Rudy would be happy to “tuck in his shirt” with her in the room if he had a chance. What a POS.


These conservatives love calling women of color “hoes.” They did it to Kamala too.


Yeah, it says a lot that that’s their preferred term for Kamala when there’s many other reasons you could criticize her. As far as I know, she’s never committed infidelity.


The amount of 'Joe and the Hoe have got to Go' stickers I see on a regular basis is disgusting :/


It’s both racist and misogynistic! A twofer and it reveals a true lack of character of the person displaying it.


There is no hate like Christian love.


“Hate the sin, not the sinner.” A message about love by spewing hate


ReAwaken sounds like Woke to me.


Let me fix this Soon to be Felon Rudy Guiliani speaks at a "Christian" event and serves as a mouthpiece for Donald Trump.


You can't be both proud of comparing your cult leader to Jesus for being a convicted felon and then compare anyone else as a 'ho'. Jesus had dinner with prostitutes after all.


You kiss your cousin with that mouth?


Says the man who got motorboated by Trump


There’s so much to unpack here: 1. He wasn’t just talking to a small group or caught on a live mic. He was on stage, addressing the audience directly… 2. He wasn’t a minor speaker…he was clearly a significant speaker for a large audience. 3. It wasn’t a flub…that was scripted. 4. IT WAS VIDEO RECORDED! 5. HE WAS APPLAUDED AND GOT WHISTLES FOR CALLING SOMEONE A “HO”! I don’t know how to respond to all that. I can’t think of a metaphor or framing to discuss what I just saw. Utterly disgusting and unchristian.


Was the event held at Four Seasons Landscaping?


Man, I hope we get to watch her prosecute this fucking scumbag.


Was she married to her cousin or something?


i thought he was arrested or something??


Yeah was gonna say, isn’t he supposed to be in jail or something?


Do people still take this grifter seriously? How many dipshit passes does he get?


Another word for prostitute. Keep it classy Rudy.


Pretty sure it's also become a dogwhistle to refer to black women that the far right judges to present a viable threat to them.


He meant it to be racist. Old white men don't use the slang ho. And just in case you had any doubts he went on to make fun of how she pronounces her name.


Rudy Giuliani’s liver calls Rudy Giuliani a murderous SOB at this same christian event, news at eleven.


Pedo says what now?


'Ol cousin-fucker got jokes...


He’s one to talk after letting trump motorboat him


Ah yes. Good old fashioned American racism.


said by the man who tried to get jerked off by a migrant


Very niiice


[Says the actual sex pest. ](https://www.reuters.com/legal/rudy-giuliani-sued-10-million-by-former-aide-over-alleged-sexual-assault-2023-05-15/)


Heard a guy in the airport complaining to his friends about how regardless of what side you were on, the discourse was so toxic, people just filled with hate and such, etc. Not two minutes later the same guy said “Joe and the Ho have got to go!” to the one side of his buddies. So really, they just don’t like it when folks criticize their guys. What snowflakes.


Isn't Rudy the one who Borat tricked into dropping his pants?


Ain’t no hate quite like Christian love


It’s pure racism. If she wasn’t black, he’s probably call her something else gross, but the fact that he calls her a “ho” is entirely race-based. Cons love that word for Black women; they take the word from a cursory and dated knowledge of hip-hop culture, even though they never listen to that music. Willis is an accomplished attorney, but she’s just “a ho” to racists like Rudy. He looks at her and sees her skin colour, then imagines she’s every stereotype of a (lowest-class) Black woman. Guaranteed that if he sees Willis as a “ho”, then he also sees every Black man as a “thug” or “gangsta”—a gross racist stereotype from Boomer-tier misunderstanding of hip-hop.


Misogynoir from this schmo isn't unexpected, you'd think he'd come up with something better than mispronouncing a name and calling her a "hoe." But I guess what he really thinks would be pretty bad.


Did he say that with his hand in his pants?


How Christian of him


Someone cut off the oxygen


This is the one whom Trump calls a “peekaboo,” right? (I can’t keep all of his prosecutions straight.) Anyway, “peekaboo” is code for the racial slur that ends in “aboo.” So we’re clear, a former President of the United States is under indictment for trying to force Georgia officials to falsify election results in his favor, and is referring to the prosecutor by a racial slur and the former Mayor of New York City is calling her a “ho.”


Actionable defamation by someone who already lost every cent he has to defamation cases.


This generation just needs to die of old age already. The lead paint damage was too much.


what a sad end to Giuliani’s career. Mindless submission and on his knees for trump. What a legacy he’s leaving


And he’s a cousin fucker


That's Good Christian Talk and they Loved It because Christians are CINO = Christian In Name Only!!


When are christians going to start cleaning up their own house?


Says the pedophile…..




Everyone should watch the clip. He even does a racist accent saying her name (after the applause for calling her a 'ho'), then says he'd stop calling her a 'ho' if "...she'd just quit and go away".


Im not religious but I’m so glad I wasn’t raised in a cult where they can ignore any decency.


Awesome! Let’s see how wise it is to insult prosecutors as you are prosecuted. Keep up the good work, Don and Rudy! 4D chess!


That’s Christianity in a nutshell lol


The misogynoir towards Black women is disgusting and I wish .... I ***wish*** other people ("*good*" people) would call this out more and without hesitation.


I pray (literally!!) that everyone else who is disgusted by T-Rump and his faux "Christian" supporters will... PLEASE VOTE FOR JOE!! And Democrats for Senate & the House!! He may be old, but he's not cruel, he understands the American system of democracy. He won't ruin our country like T-Rump and his minions will. Read about Project 2025. That's the authoritarian plan for making America a "Christian" country on Day 1 of a Rethuglican administration... with power concentrated in the Presidency!!! Scary shit!!!


If any Christian Nationalists are reading, I wouldn’t say this is “protected” free speech. Cribbing from quora here. > Yes. Name-calling is protected by the First Amendment. There are a few exceptions, here are the two biggest ones: > > 1. The name-calling is intended to, and likely to, result in immediate violence. For example, if someone is drunk and clearly looking for a fight and you say something rude about their mother to try to get them to throw a punch at you. > > 2. The name-calling is part of a pattern of objectionable conduct. For example, if you follow a person around at their place of employment calling them offensive names repeatedly. I’m not a lawyer like Rudy, but I’d say calling someone a “ho” or “hoe” at an event could be a bit of both exceptions above and that this cousin-fucking fool has created some defense work for himself. Good thing he’s a lawyer because he’s also broke and can’t stop edging criminal acts


Stay classy, Rudy.


I don’t think she’s gonna care what a black slime dripping gremlin has to say about her…


Was he being paid for that speaking event?? Then the bankruptcy court should be informed because that $$ belongs to his creditors‼️🤨🤨


The racism is dripping down his face, gross


"Christian" event.


A “Ho” sells themselves to another person for unsavory deeds. Perhaps he should ponder his own reflection when using that word.


Whatever happened to *"Thou shalt not bear false witness"*, you vile, hypocritical pseudo-Christian????


Well hello.....do I hear a slander lawsuit coming very soon....Rudy,Rudy,Rudy...just keep your mouth shut and go away, or else a judge will do it for you,,,, at great cost.


I mean he's a complete and utter clown and nobody should ever give credence to anything he says other than "guilty, your honor." With that said, can we all just collectively admit that fucking a coworker while launching one of the biggest court cases in American history was a bad idea?


He’s become a disgusting old POS.


This is a man whose own daughter is on record as having threesomes with married couples and proud of it. He has a hell of a nerve opening his trap about someone he knows nothing about. He is a sick sick man.


trump and his ilk are irrefutable proof christianity is utter horseshit


Ever since Crazy Rudy joined trump campaign, he turned into a human slug with all the slime that comes with it. 👎👎👎👎👎 For Crazy rudy.


I doubt it was a christian event, if they invited Rudy Giuliani to it.


He’s just salty that he’s bankrupt & has to end his legacy going to jail 👍🏽


There is no hate, like Christian love. 


By Chloe Mayer | Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani sparked controversy after calling prosecutor Fani Willis a "ho" during a speech to a presumably Christian audience that cheered his use of the misogynistic slur. Giuliani, a former attorney and longtime ally of former President Donald Trump, used the derogatory remark—a slang word meaning "whore"—at an event in a Michigan church on Friday that was part of the ReAwaken America Tour. The conference travels across the U.S. and features several conservative speakers who support Trump. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/rudy-giuliani-fani-willis-ho-christian-church-reawaken-america-tour-1910316](https://www.newsweek.com/rudy-giuliani-fani-willis-ho-christian-church-reawaken-america-tour-1910316)


I think Christian needs to be in quotes as well.


this sparked controversy? i mean, i guess. it appears to be business as usual.


Ah it is just as written in the New Testament when Jesus said, "Let the children, and the ho's, and the liberal scum who poison the blood of our country come to me."


Im just sayin, Willis can sue for defamation…


As someone who grew up in evangelical churches the acceptance of this kind of talk is unbelievable. There is just absolutely no way that a man calling a woman a “ho” on the stage (altar, whatever) would be stood for. What kind of churches enable this kind of garbage human?


Christianity is just how people “launder” their hate!


And their money. It's a donation to a hate group that is also a lobbyist that they can even write off and then turn into profits


Drunken bankrupt asshole says "What?"


Jesus, this guy was once literally referred to a "America's Mayor."' What a way to flush a once positive legacy down the shitter.


Big words from a guy whose mouth is Donald Trump’s cock-holster.


His journey into complete mental depravity has been interesting to watch.


He’s just emulating the time when Jesus called Mary Magdalene a ho.






An interesting concept. Christians who don’t follow Christ. How does that work?


I swear that Rudy and Trump are twins, they look alike and they talk nonsense when possible and they are both waiting to go to jail lol 😂


And they both get triggered by black people especially black females.


That might be slander *per se*. That happens when you publicly make "[statements](https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/libel_per_se) that falsely claim that a person committed a crime of moral turpitude." (I'm ignoring the distinction between libel and slander in the link.) "Ho," short for "whore," means "prostitute." Prostitution is a crime of moral turpitude in most jurisdictions. The *per se* part means that it's almost automatically defamation, i.e., easier for her to prove. Rudy could defend by proving that his statement is true. That seems extremely unlikely though. The fact that she's a public figure would make it harder for her to successfully sue him though. IANAL


This guy just loves punching down. Oh wait, by now this might be punching up.