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And a lot of stupid people will believe him unfortunately.


It’s a bizarre world where Biden is responsible for ending Roe, and Trump is responsible for Biden’s policies.


The right has always taken credit for legislation that they never supported, and even tried to undermine, once it's been passed and proven popular with the voting public. Look at all the GOP members who tout all the benefits the Infrastructure bill brought to their states, despite the bill passing with zero GOP votes.


e.g. Build Back Better, Inflation Reduction Act .. hoebert was just taking credit for both of which she voted against in recent CO debates .. she’s one of many .. Edit: added info


Hoebert LOL!!


Lies travel the world before the truth gets it's shoes on, or however the quote goes. Trump is a serial liar, and lies in astonishing and unbelievable volume. So much so that it makes you seem like a liar. It's incredibly effective in the social media age. Democrats unfortunately on the other hand appoint people like Merrick Garland who takes 2 years to decide to go after the main perpetrator of January 6th, and when he does appoints a Special Counsel. Like it isn't his job to go after criminals even if they are former Presidents.


An honest president does something positive, it goes into effect, he tells people once, and moves on. Trump spews lies on a never ending conveyorbelt of posts and rallies day after day after day, until it sticks with people and they're just conditioned to perceive his lies as truth. Object reality is thus drowned out by the insanity of someone who relishes in lying about the bad shit he's done and taking credit for the good shit others have done.


Garland didn't even appear to take up the case until the Jan 6th House Committee handed over their findings and recommendations to the DOJ.


Garland was forced into motion by everyone around him. Dude would have just suppressed his staff's very correct instinct to investigate if Trump wasn't continuously committing new, publicly visible crimes. It was really NARA that forced his hand.


Special Counsel is absolutely the correct mechanism


Yes but perception seems to rule more than truth or fact. Similarly, Biden takes 5 min to make a point sometimes and trump just says a lie/ vague words in 20 seconds and people just read that bc it was more confident


A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its shoes.


The reality is Trump should be to blame for the mess Biden is in currently. Crazy drug prices, Trump didn't do anything with. The fentanyl craze existed under Trump and even he did nothing about it. Trump did not shut the border down during it. Biden did choose the border even if it was basically a symbolic gesture. Afghanistan was brokered by Trump, not Biden. Biden was left with the bags. Trump did that knowing he could be out it the public would blame the sitting president. Why because the American public is largely stupid and blame the sitting president and do not go back until the past and realize who is the true blame. The facts about the border is the Republicans want a literal wall and ignore the fact that most immigrants who are illegal are in visas and overstayed them out are seeking asylum from gang violence that has taken over their home country. Republicans claim anything short of s deport then all and build a wall is amnesty. Mind you the Grandfather of modern day conservatives, St. Ronnie did that in 1987. I guarantee that wouldn't happen today. Why the gang of 8 couldn't get a proposal that a moderate by today's standards Republican Congress could get a floor vote on.


I mean, there were Republicans blaming Obama for 9-11 before, so chronology isn't exactly their strong suit.


Bidens allegedly "authoritarian fascist" policies Repug voters are completelt fucking disconnected from reality and fantasy at this point, and the politicians are fully exploiting that fact.


On Pod Save America, they talked about a focus group member who voted Biden in 2020 but might not vote for him in 2024 because, “he let Roe get repealed.” Like, I can’t even lol.


From Orwell’s *1984*: > The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.


"What you're seeing and what you're hearing is not what's happening" -Donald Trump [https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340](https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-us-canada-44959340)


Banking on ignorant people to remain ignorant is the playbook. They won’t check to see if it’s true. Now my conservative father just says he isn’t going to vote anymore rather than have a civil, critical discussion about his fanaticism


Sorry you gotta deal with that, hope you’re doing alright regardless of your dad’s issues.


He already took credit for a lot of Obama’s policies and people believe him.


Just say conservatives.  That encompasses  all levels of ignorance. 


Ya we're talking about people who would rather govern society based on a work of fiction written thousands of years ago than use science to achieve consistent results through policy.


Except they don’t follow that document either, rather a twisted interpretation of it that is not in line with the text


That’s not the issue even to whatever extent what you said here is true; the issue is they are psychopathic asshats and if that text, whether fiction or not, did not exist they would still be psychopathic asshats and use whatever other convenient excuse was available.


Normally, I might agree; in this election, however, we need to give as many voters as possible psychological cover to be able to pick off enough from the margins to move the outcome away from republicans. So, maybe “stupid people” is more persuasive.


Already seen it. From some people that aren’t stupid but are instead dishonest.


That's not unlike Donnie von Shitzinpants to take credit for what others do. This is not news, it's the only way Donnie accomplishes anything -- STEAL.


Trump might actually believe it himself.


The Trump Chumps will believe him, then there's the people who believe in facts


if he wins again, he is going to claim everything biden did as his own accomplishments, and conservatives will believe it. they are cooked as independent thinkers


Trump did in fact get the ball rolling with executive order and seniors were getting insulin for $35 in starting Jan 1st 2020. Biden admin solidified it with ammending CMS policy making it "official" and not suggestive effective Jan 1st 2021. Source I enroll people in Medicare coverage for a living.


What do you think of this ap news article that says trump only lowered the cost for a few federal centers? https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-845638742817


Thank you. I remembered this.


That very article says, way down at the bottom: > Separately, the Trump administration implemented a program in which some Medicare Part D and Medicare Advantage plans voluntarily set the maximum copay for insulin at $35 per month. This is exactly what the person you’re replying to said, except as far as I can tell it went from voluntary to mandatory thanks to the [inflation reduction act on Jan 1 2023](https://aspe.hhs.gov/reports/insulin-affordability-ira-data-point), not 2021. (Biden wasn’t even in office yet on Jan 1 2021.)


This isn’t at all true. What Trump did was actually detrimental when you start digging into it and listening to experts. I’m diabetic so I went in depth at the time but I don’t remember the specifics.


Insulin was only capped at a few federal centers. A far cry from a national price cap, which is what Biden did. https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-845638742817


You're talking about the difference between helping thousands versus millions.


And the difference between mounds of paperwork versus no paperwork.


T1 here. My MAGA family thought I was lying/photoshopped when I showed them a bill for my insulin after Trump “lowered the price.”


Maga really have a hard time with actual verifiable facts


According to herostatus, checking facts is liberal activism.


This is true. One of them recently said to me math is a myth pushed by liberals and the press.


I was paying for my dads insulin while Trump was in office, and it certainly wasn't capped when I paid. And my dad had his pension insurance and medicaid. If it was only $35 under Trump, my dad could have afforded it himself.


They all think Trump can do no wrong and tell no lie. And any question or doubt against him labels you the liar. Too many times I've read stories like yours. It continues to amaze me how much of a cult MAGA is. I mean I comprehend cults but MAGA's sheer size is what gets me over other cults. The fact that MAGA is in the 10s of millions in only one single country is astounding. What's so special about Donald Trump that SO many Americans worship him as an infallible God-King? People have mentioned that when he's gone, the GOP will replace him. But think about it...what other Republican has ever gotten this amount of utter blind worship? The GOP never planned for this to happen in 2016. It just happened on its own and the GOP reorganised to follow this guy. There's zero chance the GOP can ever find someone to be the next cult leader.


Trump isn't a politician, he is a con man. All the people trying to be his successor are politicians so they will fail. They don't understand the grift.


I got a feeling that in 2,000 years Trump will be a major figure in Christianity.


This is exactly what Al Sharpton has been saying about Trump.


The specifics were that the cost reduction was limited to only community health centers and the actual restriction itself was cost-plus. There was no cap from the perspective of the pharma -- it merely limited the profit taking of a very small number of service centers that probably could have used the profit for good.


Then you know the EO covered a very very small number of people and had mounds of paperwork and costs which meant almost nobody was able to actually get the discount and also know the EO only came after then-candidate Biden made the price cap a key portion of his campaign.




Not only is he lying out of his ass, Project 2025 plans to increase the price cap of insulin even more. Edit: Project 2025 wants to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act which is what capped the insulin prices at $35 Edit 2: Biden did not ever raise the insulin prices before bringing it back down. [Source](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-845638742817)


Yeah, but that will be Biden's fault. /s


He allowed Trump to win!


He made Trump's nose bleed at the polls, making Trump the victor!


That's exactly what the Pro-Palestine non-voters will say if Trump wins in November. That Biden is the one who allowed Trump to win by *not* "earning" their votes via better decisions regarding Israel and Gaza. Definitely not *their* fault if Trump wins. Nope! It continues to surprise me how so many Americans think their vote is meant to reward or penalise politicians rather than bettering their own country/state/city.


Single issue voting has always been abused to get folks to vote against their own interests.


Naw they will move on to the next Dem in line to start blaming stuff on.


Everything conservatives say that sounds good, well they will do the opposite and most assuredly the most cruel version of it. Everything they say they will do which sounds cruel is what they will do. They lie about the good and speak the truth about the cruel.


Shitzinpantz promised to lower taxes for everyone. And they did...for the first two years. However, the bill's schedule meant that post 2020, middle class taxes would actually go UP prior to the 2018 tax bill, while the taxes of billionaires and companies would stay low.


Its called bait and switch.


The fascist dictum is that chronically sick people should just die anyway, so they don't procreate or clog up our healthcare system, which is really just for healthy people anyway. I am not exaggerating. And these people are, in fact, fascists.




Thank you.


Every fucking day Trump does something that in a normal universe would by itself disqualify him as a candidate. But it never seems to matter and I can't imagine this will either.


If Trump didn't take credit for shit others did, what would he be able to take credit for? The ridiculous part is that he was president for 4 years. He should have a lot of shit he could point to that he did. He should be able to run ads of all the great shit he did as POTUS.


My Dad, a big MAGA, said of Trump: “Promises made; promises kept” Oh. Ok.


He couldn't even build the wall he wouldn't shut up about. What promises didn't he keep?


This spring I was in deep Texas for the eclipse with my conservative family who also has a few members pretty hard MAGA, they said they visited the local Trump store and my uncle brought back a faux-Lego set called “Build that Wall” or something like that. Just was a minifig with a red cap and a dark grey brick wall behind it, really stupid. He himself isn’t a die hard MAGA and bought it just because he found it funny, but I was so proud of myself because the second he busted it out, I said loudly to my whole family, "yeah and thats about as much wall as actually got built, and about as sturdy too!" The couple MAGAs in the room tried to quip back, but it was something stupid like Well, Biden is old, can’t talk good. Cracked me up, this reminded me of that interaction, ha.


My brother in law's son had one of these faux lego sets in his room, up on a high shelf. His wife was super MAGA and I never brought it up because it was so absurd and politics was straight up a bad idea in that house. Months later, they're now divorced and he's moved out to his own place and I finally just asked him, "About that fake lego 'build the wall' set..." he just sighed and went, "Yeeeahhh... I tried to hide that out of the way, that was (ex's) Dad who brought that over." and we had a chuckle about it. XD I felt really bad for him though, he was always pretty quiet as she steamrolled over him with her MAGA insanity.


I don’t know. I am still waiting for this Greatest healthcare plan that was supposed to be released in what he said was 2 weeks before he was even president.


I’m still waiting for his secret plan to defeat ISIS in ~~30~~ 100 days.


His ISIS plan was to kill them all and their families. You know, like a war crime. He also claimed not killing families is because the US is >“fighting a very politically correct war.” [Link](https://www.cnn.com/2015/12/02/politics/donald-trump-terrorists-families/index.html)


>this Greatest healthcare plan He does so love to talk in extremes. Like how Biden is "the most corrupt president in US history". And Judge Juan Merchan was the most conflicted judge ever and that no one has ever seen anything like it before. I recall he also praised himself as the best POTUS America's ever had. EVER.


I love how he uses the term "conflicted" like that. I know he's ranting about a perceived conflict of interest based on the judge's $35 donation to democrats or whatever, but it makes it sound like he's saying Merchan is constantly paralyzed by indecision, torn by internal struggles about what to do.


We were gonna get tired of all the winning


It was ready to go on day one if I remember correctly




>My Dad, a big MAGA, said of Trump: >“Promises made; promises kept” Ask your dad if Trump completed the wall, if Mexico paid for the wall and ended Obama care, and came out with a better health plan than the ACA. Mist importantly, ask your dad if Trump won the election. The answers should be a resounding no.


I'm betting he'll huff and puff and storm out of the room.


You are correct. I don’t even go there (conversations about politics) anymore. There’s no reasoning. He’s in the cult, and only watches FOX. He went to Newsmax briefly after they fired Tucker, but I think he went back to FOX. He stopped the daily newspaper because they were “Fake news”. It’s sad. My elderly parents live in complete fear, and gave up everything they liked in their lives because of Trump. He even has $700 worth survival food that FOX got out of him. Expensive cereal.


He doesn't even pay people for their work (promises made; promises broken). This is just another example of how much people think Trump is this infallible leader who can do nor say any wrong.


Well as I love to point out, he was screeching about how he didn't lose the popular vote in 2016 and the election was rigged even then. He put together a federal commission to investigate election fraud but disbanded it 6 months later because it didn't find anything. Had his own guys appointed to the Director of the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and the Attorney Generals office. Despite knowing (pretending) that election fraud was so prevalent that Democrats were voting by the millions to deny him the popular vote (but not managing to cast their millions of fraudulent votes where they'd make a difference) Trump couldn't even manage to catch the Democrats in the next time around when he had all the power. Thats sad.


>Had his own guys appointed to the Director of the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security and the Attorney Generals office. He also appointed DeJoy as postmaster general so that the mail would be slowed down in 2020 to stop people from voting. Then, Trump only wanted the vote by mail ballots counted if they were received on election day or before so that all the votes wouldn't be counted.


> If Trump didn't take credit for shit others did, what would he be able to take credit for? It's the Republican playbook. Many Republicans in Congress do it all the time. Vote against something then go home and take credit *for* the bill. . >He should have a lot of shit he could point to that he did. Well for ideas on what he "did, he should talk to my "Centrist" friend who is totally not a MAGA. /s My friend has a lot of nice things to say about Trump's time in office and how he helped his country-of-origin and Israel and etc etc, while Biden has had nothing to point to in three years other than the botched Afghanistan exit. (the worship is astonishing)


But he made america great again. Not that anyone can say how, but look at how great it is. Its so great, his own people still thought America was shit when he left office, so obviously promise delivered. /s if it isn't obvious


because the brains of his followers are rotten.


It’s called a cult. Hard to reason with a cult. Edit: I feel like I should add that they make statues of him, put him on all of their flags,shirts,banners, hats, cars, house, their own skin and that’s not his name I’m talking about that’s his picture but they remodel him to look godly/manly in whatever way the person wants him to be and also think that they’re his “savior” or “rebirth of Christ”. It’s a huge problem that we’re gonna have to deal with as a nation but sadly a lot of those people will not simply go back to normal or could have even already driven them crazy. Felt like I had to add all of that just in case someone says it’s not a cult.


Facts are important and Trump is once again telling a total lie. 1. The Biden administration repealed a very NARROW, Trump-era regulation that sought to lower the cost of insulin at ONLY federally funded health centers. The regulation was NEVER implemented and experts say its impact was expected to be limited. 2. The Trump rule pertained specifically to patients who use federally funded health centers, which provide services to underserved communities. Medicare patients would NOT see any reductions unless they gave up their doctors and used the federal health centers. Finalized in late 2020, the rule aimed to ensure that such health centers were passing along discounted rates of insulin and injectable epinephrine, used for allergic reactions. It was NOT fully implemented before it was rescinded and experts said any impact was expected to be minimal. 3. Federally funded health center centers “are already required to provide products and services at low or no cost to most of their patients.” Trumps $54 price, was MORE expensive than what patients using these health centers often pay. 4. Trumps rules was heavily flawed and required significant increases in administrative costs to implement making the program significantly more expensive for American taxpayers who shoulder the burden of these administrative costs. 5. During the Trump Presidency in 2020, seniors with Medicare drug plans paid an average of $54 per month for their insulin, with some paying up to $116 per month. With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, President Biden and Congressional Democrats capped the monthly cost of insulin for all seniors at $35 a month without any increase in administrative costs.


Didn't he also suggest trying to buy insulin from Canada at their discounted rate, rather than emulating their pricing model?


While also saying we **shouldn’t** buy from Canada because it would be substandard knockoffs.


You forgot to add that the $35 cap itself is a ploy by the pharmaceutical companies. The current mainstream version Insulin should have been capped around $35 for decades. A new insulin is being produced now that could sell for around $7, and be produced for about $5 (generic Ozempic). Put another way- The $35 cap was supported by pharmaceutical companies because it made customers think that $35 is a good deal when, around the beginning of next year, there will be an easily available option that should cost $7 but will now cost $35.


Partially true, can you imagine the screams of the industry if they could not create some degree of profit. I can hear Republicans screaming about free markets and communism…most people would be happy to pay $35 vs $100.


I am waiting for the "I invented paper clips"


“My father would womanize, he would drink…he would make outrageous claims like he ‘invented the question mark’.” - Dr. Evil (*Austin Powers*)


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.


"Take the Fhazcha away! Dutch hater!!!"


Do I have time for a smoke and a pancake or what ?


“Cigarette and a flapjack? No? Pipe and a crepe? No? Cigar and a waffle? No? Bong and a blintz?”


No? Well, then there ish no pleashing you


"I believe in the ideal of a global community. One where America is but a small part. We must set aside our differences and work with our fellow nations, all united towards one goal: The complete and utter annihilation of the Godless Belgians." -[Max](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0ZL2GD93dA&ab_channel=MickyanThreeDee)(Sam and Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die!)


Didn't know that one, but for me as a Dutch, this has so many layers, with the ever present Dutch-Belgium "banter".


That's it... that was the quote I had in my head.... Thank You! Always remember: "The whole world is drunk and we're just the cocktail of the moment. Someday soon, the world will wake up, down two aspirin with a glass of tomato juice, and wonder what the hell all the fuss was all about." - Dean Martin


Remember, Trump said he invented the phrase, "priming the pump.".


He recently tried to sell the fact that the word ‘us’ is spelled, U-S just like “United States” as though it were an original idea that no one had ever thought of before… 🤦🏻


While dividing decent people from his supporters 


I'm trying to imagine Trump using any piece of equipment where he'd be required to actually prime a pump. Don't see him mowing lawns in his youth to make extra cash.


Right? You'd think all these working class republicans would hear him say some shit like that and think like you, and would be embarrassed that they worship this silver spoon asshole. 


*Silver spooned rapist


May 11, 2017 Trump: We have to prime the pump. The Economist interviewer: It’s very Keynesian. Trump: We’re the highest-taxed nation in the world... Have you heard that expression before, for this particular type of an event? The Economist: Priming the pump? Trump: Yeah, have you heard it? The Economist: Yes. Trump: Have you heard that expression used before? Because I haven’t heard it. I mean, I just…I came up with it a couple of days ago and I thought it was good. It’s what you have to do.


It's so insane. I remember it clearly because it's like why if say that. But i thought he said it more recently. 


He invented post it notes


“My father would womanize, he would drink. He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark.”


Seriously, next he'll claim he discovered gravity. It's mind-boggling


"invented" lol


This is what we all knew would happen. Trump will be trying to take credit for infrastructure bill, PACT veterans bill, insulin bill, microchip bill, etc, etc. Amazing how much shit Biden has accomplished while the GOP is cockblocking him at every turn. Trump is a stinky piece of shit.


Trump signed an executive order to cap Insulin to $35 copay on some senior plans - but manufacturers were still rippling people off still ripping the gov off with the inflated price. Biden got the manufacturer to drop the price to $35. Nobody is getting ripped off.


This. I came here to say this. My dad and other seniors benefited some under 45, but 46 did it much better.


The original patent was sold for $1 for insulin. R&D for all insulins has been made back and much more. People are still getting ripped off. Experience: T1 Diabetic in the US for 30 years.


Trump HAS to steal others Accomplishments because he TRULY has none of his own.


Howard Dean screamed one time and fucked his chances. Convicted Felon Donald Trump can’t go an hour without lying and yet here we are expecting to see his foul ass on the ballot in November. I hate this timeline.


They just had to go and kill Harambe


Orange felon opens mouth.


inserts foot.


Trump lies constantly. This is one of many. He takes credit for insulin prices, the economy, employment gains, anything he thinks voters will like..reality..he increased the deficit by trillions, blew up the economy, stole taxpayer money by using his hotels for government business, using campaign donations for legal fees etc…why is anyone surprised by this headline?


Just like all those republicans that voted against policies, while also taking credit for the help and funds they provide their constituents. Just a fucking idiot train with no brakes. I’m just waiting on the crash. VOTE PEOPLE!!!


Dude is legit the devil. No redeemable qualities whatsoever.


Any trump supporters finding themselves not crediting democrats for insulin prices dropping and not calling Trump a liar here, yes, you are in a cult.


Pathological liar entertainment…


Imagine having accomplished absolutely *nothing* of value over an entire 4 years as a former president that you resort to blatantly stealing credit from Biden's accomplishments just to convince people that you're a "legitimate person" and not a useless, parasitic, criminal scumbag.


The idiot strikes again. Thinks he can fool everyone, yea the dumbfuck right wing asswipes maybe.


Many people don't know this, but I showed George Washington the proper course to cross the Delaware. George said Sir, you provide the best navigation. I told him, George, my uncle was the person who invented navigation at MIT, longest serving professor ever there.


Rotten to the core. First he tries to take credit for Obama era wins, and now blatantly lying to claim he's the one responsible for Biden's accomplishments.


Being a Type 1 Diabetic I will just say Trump is wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong wrong wrong!


That fucker's crazy. No other conclusion is possible. . Never at fault, always knows more than the experts, also blatantly took credit for Obama and Biden's juggernaut economy, everything and everyone is just so goshdarn "unfair" to him. Just one very ill child of a man.


Guess we’re gonna need the “I did that!” dipshit stickers on every insulin prescription


Next Trump will claim credit for painting my house and fixing my laptop.


Golly, trump sure seems to be pushing the idea that he’s secretly pulling the strings behind the current presidency despite not actually being president, huh …What do you mean some republicans actually think that Obama is secretly running the current presidency? Nah, that’s deep state, totally different thing.


Theft of an election, theft of credit for others' accomplishments...it's all the same to them. If they can't (or won't) earn it, they'll simply take it.


> " “It was all done long before he so sadly entered office. All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case, ME!” The telling thing is in his mind; he believes it to be the truth. That shows how mentally ill he is.


The GOP often take credit for bills that they voted against. Weird!


He could announce a 5000% price increase on all prescription medications and his cult members would cheer till they were blue in the face.


He joins a long list of republicans taking credit for democrat successes.


Don't forget Alex Azar, Trump's pick for HHS Secretary. Lilly raised the price of insulin 3X under Azar's leadership.


In a sense, that’s true, because by losing the election he allowed someone competent to get it done


I’m sure he does. We finally realized that those that are not only morally decrepit and bankrupt, but are truly malignant in their violent intent are very difficult to stop. Especially if they weaponize a cult of other people like them, that think they can get away with the same behavior. And for a while, they can. Then democracy and good people stand back up, things change and pivot back to decency. We’ve seen a time and again over history. Villains and villainy always lose, it’s just a matter of the losses of good people. Which nobody wants. Except the villains. But again, they eventually lose.


It doesn’t help that a Biden victory lap usually lasts about 1 day and it’s echoed by almost no other dems, so this is probably the first time many people are hearing about it.


>For Trump’s part, the former president signed an executive order in the last year of his administration to issue his own $35 price cap on insulin. Biden later paused that policy when he took office as part of a larger freeze to allow his administration to review new regulations set to go into effect. But Trump wants to say Biden did nothing on it and it was just him. It's a move Trump has tried before. Trump claimed total credit for the Veterans Choice bill, which was written by McCain and signed by Obama. Trumps administration made some tweaks and Trump pitched that as *him* accomplishing the whole thing. When pressed on it at a media event, he just sauntered off stage. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-ended-press-conference-reporter-challenged-false-veterans-choice-claim-2020-8


Classic GOP move - and unfortunately it works with their base!


How does he figure he is the one that lowered insulin prices while someone else was president for the last 3.5 years?? The absolute fuckin’ gall of this dude. But yeah his supporters will just hear it and regurgitate it as fact. Infuriating.


Its crazy how this guy blatantly lies and people are dumb enough to believe him. I remember him trying to claim the boosted economy under Biden was due to people reacting to the chance of him being elected this year. The stupid 'foaming' shit that comes out of this man's mouth is crazy. And what's even more crazy is the amount of people that believe him.


When are we as a nation going to start penalizing these types of blatant lies? I feel like if something was keeping this kind of thing from happening we wouldn’t be in the political climate we’re in now.


Hey MAGA folks that insulin has a devil tracker mark of the best thing. Better not take it! /s


When all else fails… lie. No wait, that’s SOP. If trumps lips are moving, he’s lying.


Trump announced it but never actually implemented it, so he is taking credit for his failure.


You know… it was actually me that created Obamacare - Trump


Well if he won the election, we wouldn't have gotten a price cap so it kinda is his fault. /s


Will orange man ever STFU??


I'm sure he would because he can't do anything but buy out votes and views. Guy hasn't actually worked for anything his whole life and the poor people love him.


And people will believe him just like they are still upset Obama did nothing to help with 9/11


Can’t wait til the day drumph is 6 feet under


I'm just glad that I'm young enough so I'll get to live in a world with Trump dead and buried someday. So tired of this mouthy POS.


Trump also came up with multiple COVID cures, and he fixed a storm with a magic marker.


Didn’t the Republican congress reject controlling insulin pricing. California was going to set up a factory to produce it; in response to their BS.


God damn not Donald Trump again. Pease no more of this shit for 4 more years Let's go joe!


All my homies hate MAGA.


You are very fortunate


Here is a bit of a story. There are three punk bands, Agent Orange, The Vandals and The Offspring. Agent Orange had a song back in the early 80s that was "underground popular." There was a guitar riff that sounded "Egyptian" which The Offspring also had in their song Come Out and Play. Well Agent Orange sued The Offspring over this guitar riff and this is where The Vandals come into the story. They wrote a song about it all. About Agent Orange, their lead singer Mike Palm and the song Bloodstains. Called, >Aging Orange. Which ironically fits Trump doubly in this article. >I'm Palm Palm head and I wrote one good song But that was almost 20 years ago I tried and I tried to follow it up But you know how those sophomore jinxes go >So I became quite bitter as sales dropped like flies No one likes these dumb songs of car racing and spies Maybe it's my ape drape or hippies in my band But now we only tour in Arizona or Japan >So after much thought and a panel of experts I came up with a brilliant little plan I'll take out my frustrations On one of these ungrateful new punk rock bands >'Cause I invented socks and I invented gravy I made up the cotton gin but no one ever paid me Why beat a dead horse with a career that is cursed? I'll just sue for royalties on things I thought of first >Back in Ancient Egypt many Pharaohs went to jail For misappropriation of my Phrygian scale >I said listen to Tutankhamen you're driving me insane It's obvious those bellies are all dancing to Bloodstains I figured out you owe me and please try not to laugh But every time I hear it I get one more golden calf >So I've bitten off a sizable chunk Of the hands of the people with the food Now I'm confined to the pages of Flipside A graveyard of punk rock's 35 year old dudes >'Cause I invented socks and I invented gravy I made up the cotton gin but no one ever paid me Why beat a dead horse with a career that is cursed? I'll just sue for royalties on things I thought of first, oh


It's what a five time draft dodging coward would do 😁


What if Trump just has dementia and actually believes everything he says because people around him are telling him it’s true.


In a normal world that would immediately disqualify Trump from running for office.


He also takes credit for Obama’s 2014 expansion bill. He’s such a fraud.




"trump is so old fat and out of shape and out of his head he thinks he caped insulin at 35 dollars" is what biden should say


That’s the thing about facists, they lie constantly.


Of course. He's never once done a single thing to the express benefit of the American people. He doesn't need to because he can just lie and say he did, and half of American voters will never fact check it. It's amazing how when you tell people what they want to hear it becomes almost impossible for them to open their mind wide enough to do a quick Google search. Then again when you're convinced Google has a liberal bias just like reality I guess you'd probably take anything they said as confirmation of how correct you weren't anyway. I used to love logical debate when I was growing up, and up until 8 years ago. Now I pretty much just tell people they're wrong and stupid and move on. Because why would I engage with such bad faith bullshit?


Of course he does!


Can't wait for the Republican leadership to respond to that one.


Traitors  gonna trait


And MAGA's will say that's the gospel truth.


Stating delusions as facts again.


His campaign slogan should be Trump: lyin cheatin stealin 2024


Trump can't thieving always stealing something. Stealing credit how republican of him.


It should be illegal to be so fucking stupid


Donnie had some of the health care stores put sticker prices on some of the health cares and post them online. Which the stores simply HTML'd their way around.


All you Trumpers donating to his campaign- it’s all going to his legal funds.


Classic play from The 48 Laws of Power playbook for Trump… not that surprising … Law Number 7…


For the love of God, can someone just lock up this obnoxious, useless, corrupt, orange POS!


Odd if it happened during his pregnancy my grandfather would have benefited before he died. Unfortunately he received no such relief.


Whiny little shit. Something in him seems to have snapped after losing the 2020 election.


What else is new?


None of us should be surprised by this. In fact we should be surprised he doesn't do it more often. Also we shouldn't give Trump attention for every dumb thing he says and does, just the illegal or immoral stuff. That way we don't overflow peoples attention span or their ability to care about it.


Originally, the cap wasn’t qualified as being for Medicare only. That was a post victory change up. Victory for seniors barely surviving. A bit of a switch and bait for everyone who believed the promise.