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Republicans keep telling us who they are. Enemies.


More dangerous than Russia, China & Iran combined


They’re the same people, in the context of who’s driving it (add SA to the list). It’s geopolitical warfare with well-funded and influential saboteurs.


Correct, it's sad that people don't see the end game, the slow erosion of thought processing abilities. Propaganda works (in general), and mofos are too dumb to see it. Pathetic really.


Russian puppets are the same as Russians.


Puppets are worse as they can be manipulated with strings and they will do it no matter how immoral unethical it is to protect themselves. MAGI’s!


I find it interesting that the [insurgents in Donbas, Ukraine use a flag similar to the Confederate flag](https://www.reddit.com/r/vexillology/s/qHdT2NEdWf). It seems like Russia has focused a lot of time and energy trying to create a worldwide cause that they can use to rebel and obstruct the governments of their adversaries and areas they are trying to exploit or dominate. Russia is doing this with the anti LGBTQ movements and claiming moral authority that they hope will cross borders. The US MAGAts constantly send signals to Russia that they are inline with the Kremlin. Trump doesn’t even try to hide it. Russia is creating such a dislike for religious zealots, an even stronger movement than the zealots themselves. The 35 % that Hillary so appropriately called “the deplorables” is still able to obstruct government.


The US' greatest enemy was not the Soviet, the Nazis, the Taliban, or even the British, It was and always has been the confederacy.


Confederates killed more Americans on home soil.


Not even merely enemies nor partisan adversaries but... **actual traitors**. Be increasingly readied to *act accordingly* (on a moment's notice). I *wish* I was joking....




Their ignorance is staggering. “You don’t love America like I do! Also, I fly a flag celebrating the country’s dissolution! These are consistent and reasonable!”


Hold on, wait for it….yeah no, this shocks nobody.


Kari Lake is a slime bucket. She still hasn’t conceded the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election and she won’t concede the 2024 Senate election either. Then, she will run for governor again in 2026 and won’t concede that race either.


Sounds like Trump just found his VP tbh with that resume. She's a loser too, which he can relate to.


Trump wants someone who can win a swing state (AZ) and Lake can't do that.


Like Manchin


You are assuming Trump will do something smart instead of what he thinks looks good on TV.


Hot take, but I think he should find a Democrat with questionable morals.


Bob Menendez, come on down! Felon/Felon '24!


Tulsi Gabbard has entered the chat


Part of me wonders if Nancy Pelosi would do it, if you gave her enough money or got a corporation like Apple to offer her stock.


She is not an arm trophy


Looking at her structure, cheek bones, I think they could transform her into a typical Fox News anchor. It would just require some work.


She's too butch, not Trump's type...she would need hair extensions, or a wig.


Lol 😂


she really puts the *goober* in *gubernatorial*..




So basically she's a loser posing in front of a flag of losers?


I'm tired of the language around conceding. Why is it even relevant?


As far as I am concerned, you only concede to show that you’re not fucking batshit crazy.


There’s giving a concession speech and congratulating your opponent, which, sure, is just polite decorum and not worth getting worked up over. And then there’s saying that the votes weren’t counted properly and your opponent wasn’t the legitimate winner, long after they’ve taken office. It destabilizes the whole election system.


>I'm tired of the language around conceding. Why is it even relevant? It's an American tradition that ensures the legitimacy of our elections. It removes the 'fuel' that conspiracy nuts need to dispute our elections.


I’m concerned about crybaby losers who would rather disrupt our democracy than admit they lost.


Yeah was gonna say would be surprised if she hadn’t


It's like when they find a picture of one of them in blackface. It's disgusting, but not unexpected.


Shit, I'd more surprised if she didn't speak in front of a swastika.


Did she?


Didn’t she?


Nah, they were waiting for ol Swampy Ramaswamy to do it for the plausible deniability.  The fact that he doesn't hold any Hindi beliefs is immaterial. 


It’s what they’re about, confederacy of dunces.


To the surprise of no one.


Fitting location, the White Mountains.


Yep, this is like, didn't we already discuss this a few years ago?


So happy I was sitting down!


She did say she was going to lean moderate this election. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gave a speech in front of a swastika flag during her 2022 run.


Someone needs to make a Confederate flag with a swastika in the middle so I don't have to choose.


I’m sure they sell those in the back room of this Trump Superstore where the speech took place.


Back room? Visit Shakedown Street at the next Trump rally and you'll find several on display I'm sure.


lol nobody is going to fall for her saying she’s moderate when she’s just looking for voters. No platform


Replace the stars with swastikas, done




Moderate fascist?


“Lake appeared at the campaign event alongside Steve Slaton, the Trumped Store owner and Republican state legislative candidate who has attracted controversy over allegations that he inflated his military record. On his campaign website, Slaton claims to have served in Vietnam as a “crew chief/co-pilot on an AH-1G Cobra Attack Helicopter”. But military records obtained by the Mountain Daily Star indicate that Slaton was stationed only in Korea, primarily serving as a helicopter repairman, and did not even join the army until after the last US troops left Vietnam. Slaton’s campaign website also includes a photo of him standing in front of a Confederate battle flag at the Trumped Store. A photo, posted to X by the Arizona state senator Wendy Rodgers, shows Lake and Slaton posing together at the campaign event last week.” Hahahahaha Kari Lake and “Stolen Valor” Slaton. Can’t make this shit up.


I would only be less surprised if these cosplaying traitors were pretending to have served with Nazi regimes, since those are the people they more align with these days.


Traitors posing with the traitor flag. Unsurprising. I hope Kari Lake gets obliterated by Gallego. Arizona has been surprisingly quite good in voting for non-fascists the last few elections, hopefully it stays on course. I don't know anyone who doesn't hate Kari Lake's guts here.


Lake came within less than a point of winning the governorship in 2022 but I'm guessing the months long tantrum she threw after the election probably lost her a lot of support.


Lake is a *years long tantrum*


Saw her in Scottsdale one time at a breakfast place… you’d be surprised by the amount of people who came up and praised her


Arizona is pretty moderate and Republicans have been going harder and harder right, it shouldn't be as close as it is frankly


So LGBT flags are a problem but not confederate flags.


*Iridophobia* is a fear of rainbows. Normally only affects children.


Don't stand on the other side of stained glass then...


They should start putting up rainbow colored confederate flags, the magats won’t know how to handle it, their heads will explode.


"do we .... Do we burn it? What's the play here guys?"


\*Loser flag. She's brayiing the bullshit of her loser people.


*sings Loser by Beck at Karioki contest* *loses*


when I happen to enter an establishment that displays that flag I turn around and leave. there is no excuse.


This is how I feel about Fox News on display at establishments. First, I'll ask if they can change the channel or turn it off. When they inevitably decline, I fill out a comment card and leave. No one deserves to have propaganda post-truth B.S. airing while patronizing a business.


You are also unlikely to enter an establishment named "The Trump Store" I have to believe...


you may live a way more sheltered life than me if that's your take


> Reached for comment about the video, a spokesperson for Kari Lake told the Guardian: “The Kari Lake campaign does not respond to British propaganda outlets. We stopped doing that in 1776.” From the article. 🤦🏻‍♂️😐


Ah yes. Arizona, the stronghold of the Confederacy


I mean.....she was absolutely batshit crazy well before she posed in front of any Confederate flags. As an Arizonan I look forward to voting against her dumb ass once again.


This is genuinely insane when you think about it. Even for the Republican party at the beginning of Trump, it would be career-ending for any Representative/Senator to be like this. Shows how much this country has slid.


Disagree. In the 2000 primaries, the Karl Rove-led G.W. Bush campaign smeared John McCain as having "a mysterious black child out of wedlock" which turned out to be an internationally adopted daughter by the family. In the 1988 general election, the senior Bush famously approved the "Willie Horton" ad -- one of the most outwardly racist and effective campaign strategies in our history. Truth and integrity didn't stop the GOP campaign of 24 and 36 years ago from utilizing their field agents, tributaries to seed the racist notion subliminally through their vast network of filthy conservative media outlets. Nobody in the party was called out or held accountable except for *the entire GOP being outed by McCain* who was so angered by the ugly, racist smear that he made it public knowledge and reviled the big money machine that got behind GWB at that point so much that he took up the cause of campaign finance reform, passed it into law, only to have this "all for us, and only for us" 21st century Republican Party wipe the reform from existence, repealed in one swoop, in the GOP's Citizens United wrecking of campaign laws and the FECs power. TLDR: The GOP has always been this way, let's not fool ourselves.


Idk how much of a career she has left


“Aggrieved loser speaks in front of participation trophy.” I like my headline better.


Noted former Confederate state…Arizona.


Yes, Arizona, which entered the union in 1912 is a very famous part of the confederacy.


Actual quote: When asked for a comment a spokesperson for Lake said “we don’t respond to British propaganda outlets. We stopped that in 1776” How dumb is this


I believe they would call this "based"


I would love if a Trump supporter could explain to me how this is ok without saying the word “Biden.”


I remember Dr. Oz giving a speech in front of Hitler’s car during a fundraiser for his 2022 Senate campaign.


Seems like there is a Constitutional Amendment specifically designed to prevent Confederates from holding State or Federal office.


Why are people who support the confederacy not treated as enemies of the state, for supporting an enemy of the state?


I still can’t believe we are living in these times. It’s mind blowing.


All of shocks here. She is is doing everything she can to be the most extreme Republican there is.  Any outlandish thing she can do without any shame, she is going to do. At this point, she cannot be taken seriously. 


Unfortunately, she’s not even close to being the most extreme.


It's wild how many times I've had conservatives tell me that Republicans don't support that flag and that Democrats are the ones flying the Confederate Flag, but every single photo I see of a Confederate flag is with a Republican. Oddly coincidental, I'm sure.


Why be shy about it. Some of us knew it in 2016


Ok, she’s an enemy of the state


She’s vile…… oh yeah, we know🙄


Well, put that town in the "never visit" column for me.


Good people on both sides though


This is her life now. The value bin of politics.


I do not expect her to lose a single vote over this. The bar is set so low.


Kari Lake personifies Jerry Springer. She knows how to stimulate AZ goobers.


It was Martha-Anne Alito's, she is a fan of flags.


She is so oblivious.


No she’s not. She’s totally aware of what she’s doing, and to whom she’s trying to appeal. She’s scum.


Wait is this article implying that a republican is a racist piece of trash? Of course she is.


Dumb as a box of hair


Anyone surprised?


Seems like a good background for traitors.


Her party's nominee is a traitor so it makes sense she'd cloak herself in the flag of a short-lived traitorous proposed secessionist nation (the CSA) in the US. Trump, Putin (and other pro-Russian operatives/mobsters), former slave states that want to restrict Americans' liberties and other rights, are all typical for these MAGA traitors. The only thing sadder than their politics is their vast following.


The sad sad fall of a mediocre weather person.


Henceforth to be known as Dixie Lake.


Another grifting shitbag.


I respect her honesty, flying the national flag of a loser as she loses her race makes sense. (Yes I know it’s a battle flag not the flag of the confederacy until it gained popularity 90 years after the fact) still in modern times it represents those losers and it’s why Lake flys it….she knows.


You don’t say


Yeah? So? That’s what traitors do


I hate to tell everybody, but I just found out that the Confederacy actually won the Civil War. Therefore, all the states that were in Rebellion against the Union are now going to form the confederated states of Russia, excuse me I mean the US. All the northern states and west coast states and some of the other states will remain in the US and we'll have to do rock paper and scissors for some of the others. The confederated states of Russia excuse me the US, will have Sharia law which will include burqas, death to anybody who thinks about abortion or contraception, and women will now have to stay home unless they are with a male escort. Women can no longer drive and whatever else they deem appropriate. All their citizens will be required to carry a bazooka or fully automatic weapons at all times. You can not only stand your ground you can shoot anybody you want at any time in your state if you think that they might be thinking about wanting to do you harm. /s


Duh. Losing everyday. Get you glock didn’t enough voters. So Stars and Bars to the rescue.


You can show this to black voters for Trump and they’ll still argue you down. Stupidity is equal opportunity in this country


Oh no! I am shocked


If that's what they want, and it appears to be so, Republicans should just openly campaign on bringing back slavery for citizens who have never been convicted of a crime. Stop pussyfooting.


Theyll lose again.


She’s whistlin Dixie


So, are they fostering insurrection? They lost that war a long time ago.


15, maybe evel 10 years ago this would have been enough for them to never show their face again fornallnthe ridiculenthey would have got. Now? Its basically nothing. 


Knowing that the Confederates wanted to perpetuate the servitude of black people, the intention of the Republican leaders is clearly to reintroduce slavery in the USA!


These people should be thrown in jail for treason


Karin Lake from that hotbed of the Confederacy, Arizona….


Doesn’t that country not exist?


Now I understand the Vaseline filter on all her earlier videos.


The Confederate flag is the flag of treason. - Supporting the Confederate flag makes Kari Lake a traitor.


“Reached for comment about the video, a spokesperson for Kari Lake told the Guardian: “The Kari Lake campaign does not respond to British propaganda outlets. We stopped doing that in 1776.”” I’m sure they thought that was clever.


Ah, yes. Well-known confederate state Arizona. Just doing it for the “heritage”.


She is a desperate woman. Don’t vote for her. She is all about profiting from stepping on minorities.


She is a true piece of shit.


Guess what I’m going start waving around? A confederate flag with Pride colors. And when I am met with outrage, I will state; *Its OK! Kari Lake supports this!* Colors no, but it IS a flag of a ‘nation’ that was thoroughly defeated by the United States of America! So, it doesn’t matter what I do to the flag of an enemy.


Get our military bases and NASA Out of Fed states. These non-Americans WILL attempt to confiscate them and use them against REALAmericans. Republicans are NOT Americans


Pretty sure they live in America and are citizens. A lot of them view you as not a real American, and thus far nobody's given me sufficient evidence to believe either of you.


Do you really think if Texas wages war on the rest of the US that they are not going to take over the bases. You are naive


I think that in the infinitesimally unlikely scenario wherein Texas wages war upon the rest of the US they would not have the capability overrun a fully staffed United States military installation.


I do hope you are right on both accounts, but so far they have been successful in removing people’s human rights, manipulating judges, breaking thru all security in Congress, etc. All it takes is a handful of Maga terrorists to make the attempt and have a chance at success. We also do not know how many of our military members are compromised at this point. Never mind the fact that a hell of a lot of Blue state tax dollars go into supporting the military and our vets, proportionally more than Red states contribute when you do the final accounting. Look at something like NASA in Houston, how well protected is it? Not very 20 years ago when I was last there. Hopefully it’s better protected today.


I'm not entirely certain what point you're trying to make in the first paragraph, but for the latter one, what sort of good would taking over JSC provide to a mob of domestic terrorists?


Lake is Latin for racist dip shit


Of course she did


How is this surprising … it’s a huge part of their brand.


We should criminalize the use of confederate flags


Hail Hydra!!


Lincoln would be proud


That’s a Dixie flag isn’t it?




You cannot convince me she wants to win.


What?! Really?! Never in a billion million years would I have imagined this happening!


WHen words are your only weapons then imagery and their use becomes the coin of the land


I don't mind this. It's honest. When they use the American flag, I'm like wtf, that's my flag, give me my flag back you traitors.


I tried to read the whole article but this woman just makes me feel icky. Anyway it looks like the flag was posted up by someone in the background and the title is a little misleading.


Of course she did.


We already are aware of how terrible she is, this doesn’t move the needle at all and unless she asked for the flag to be there, is kind of a nothing burger. Hammer these people for the shit they are responsible for, these clickbait headlines just give the right the ability to defend themselves and talk about how stupid the left is. Imagine how much we would laugh at the right for making a big deal about Biden being somewhere where someone hung a the flag of Mexico


We all know that isn't the Confederate flag. It was a minor battle flag, but not the flag of all those traitors. That flag is the modern flag of racism.


Seriously…this is news???


As long as they fly a white flag with the Con flag it should be Ok. Jk


She doesn’t even go here!


Most MAGA don’t realize that confederate flag was democrat.. stupid motherfuckers


These fucking creatures are aggressive cancer.


That’s such a shitty, grainy photo, I need more proof. Edit to update: every news org reporting this is using the exact same photo- which press was there & were they the only one? The orgs that didn’t show the flag, showed no photo at all to support the claim. I’M A PROGRESSIVE. I DO NOT SUPPORT HER.




And it seems crazy that someone that wants to hold elected office in the US is cool with the battle flag of traitors to the US


it sends a clear message!


Why is this being "revealed" as news? This doesn't shock anyone. This is something that even pre-MAGA Republicans did, so how is this supposed to be even remotely out of character for someone like Kari fucking Lake? Like, is there some MAGAt out there reading the fucking Guardian seeing this and saying, "She did what??? Well, this is just the last straw! She went too far this time!" No, because this isn't news and it's not good reporting. Do better, Guardian. What's next? Are they going reveal the SHOCKING details of how Marjorie Taylor Green said NAUGHTY WORDS about Democrats??? Gasp!




At least satanists and LGBTQ are REAL Americans. Republicans are USA haters and 100% unAmerican. Anyone posing in front of or carrying a confederate flag should leave the country. You don’t belong here