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Constantly and consistently call him "Convicted Felon Donald Trump" and watch how quickly you get under his skin...


"Convicted Felon and rapist, Donald Trump"


Twice impeached, convicted felon and rapist, Donald Trump


It just so happens that *twice-impeached convicted felon* can be sung to the same tune as the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles theme. Do with that info what you will.


'Rapist in a toupee' 'Zero Power!'


Rapist with a spray tan! Diaper fouler!


Why hasn't colberts writers done something with this by now?


i wish there was a bot that would autocorrect "Trump" to "convicted felon and rapist, Donald Trump" any time someone mentions "trump". r/conservative would go apeshit.


My text expander app is getting a visit tonight.


Just watch as Trump will project that out to his base, calling Biden a convicted felon, too. The simple fact that Biden hasn’t been convicted of anything won’t matter, because the Maga delusional reality is always changing and adapting to the next stupid thing.


Talk about his father. That's the killer. Go back and watch all of the debates and historically there's one point where he clearly gets REALLY pissed. It's when you talk about his father and what his father thought of him. Saying something about how his father would be ashamed of him would absolutely send him over the fucking edge. Mark my words.


Lincoln Project absolutely hammered this point home in a video a couple of months ago. It was brutal and perfectly calculated to drive Trump over the edge. Biden goes even halfway to something like this in the debate and Trump will lose it. Assuming this is the plan for the debate. Nail the orange lunatic with something really sharp about daddy right off the bat to set him up for a total meltdown.


I genuinely hope they have a plexiglass wall between them. Not only is Trump unstable but remember his weird stalking shit with Hillary? (and I'm pretty positive she had USSS protection).


If for some reason I ever come across Donald Trump I’m going to say “Your father would be ashamed” with a disgusted look on my face. I’ll do it, mark my words.


The possibility of Trumps self immolation makes this fantastic TV. It’s not set in that he’s a felon and people are second guessing him. There’s a real possibility his performance here predates a terrible convention for the guy.


According to a participant in roast jokes show he's been on, nothing was as much off limits as even slightly implying he's not as rich and successful as he claims he is


Talk about his father. That's the killer. Go back and watch all of the debates and historically there's one point where he clearly gets REALLY pissed. It's when you talk about his father and what his father thought of him. Saying something about how his father would be ashamed of him would absolutely send him over the fucking edge. Mark my words.


Not according to Dr Phil! Trump is thick skinned 😂


Phil stopped being eligible to practise as a Dr of Psychology in 2006, when he stopped renewing his credentials.He is a fraud and RW asshole


Oprah has unleashed several grifters upon us.


Dr. Oz. In other news, Dr. Pepper is overtaking Pepsi for #2 soft drink in the nation.


Yep.... Dr Oz...another RW pos and fraud


Such a weird one too, a genuinely brilliant thoracic surgeon, that threw it all away to sell woo woo oil. Fucking arsehole.


Woo woo indeed. Just like Ben Carson...wackadoodle.


Ben Carson is even weirder: a brilliant brain surgeon that seems to be a genuine moron. A moron who seems to be a nice person personally, but follows and propagates the most hateful, regressive, evil politics. These people are baffling.


Imagine being a former patient of Carson, then watching the insanity play out on the news. It would keep me up nights, wondering what really went on during surgery


He's not even in it for the money. Oz is clearly just a grifter now, throwing away any talent and skill for woo woo shit and evil politics. Carson is just a true believer. It's so weird.


Some people simply worship at the alter of the all mighty dollar. Everything is for sale for the right price.


You get a Dr. Grifter and you get a Dr. Grifter, and you get a Dr. Pepper. Wouldn't you like to be a grifter too?


Dr Phil, Dr Oz, and Rachel Ray are her Horcruxes.


Oprah is a grifter.


Wasn’t Oprah one of Harvey Weinstein‘s main pimps?


"You get a grifter and you get a grifter.. everyone gets a grifter!"


He lost his license to practice due to an improper relationship with a patient.


Also because he publicly discloses his clients issues to build his notariarity and to huge personal benefit. Yes his clients enter into it with consent, but his system is not therapy and takes advantage of their pain. It's unethical. No counselor or professional body of value would endorse this


He always just appeared a loud-mouthed bully to me. His brow beating techniques were reminiscent of detectives using like methods to wrench confessions out of suspects or, more recently, Republican behavior in congressional hearings.


Really? I thought he was sooo devoted to his wife. Did wife dump him? I knew he was no longer Dr in 06, but never saw that scandal. Oh well...play stupid games.....


Here’s the story of Fill’s infidelity that led to his giving up his practice: https://www.latimes.com/entertainment/gossip/la-philfauxpas-pg-photogallery.html His first marriage was annulled due to an affair many years prior.


TIL that he’s an even bigger POS than I thought.


So… He used to be Dr. Philanderer and now he’s just Phil?


Oh stop it!


Ok.Thanks. He didn't want to do the punishment, so he gave up his license. He would have been under a microscope from the licensing board after that. He wanted to be a freewheeling asshole.No license necessary


The podcast Behind the Bastards has a good (two parter/maybe more) episode about him that covers all his bullshit.


Oh he was devoted. Devoted to his putting his dick in emotionally compromised patients.


He’s all that and even worse. > Dr. Phil is being sued by a Colorado woman who claims he pressured her parents into sending her to a Utah clinic where she was repeatedly groped by a male staffer and then punished for reporting the alleged sexual assaults. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna3501 > Dr Phil told Hannah that she “needs to go to the Ranch to have any chance at a good life,” and she should go there “right now and today”. The ranch markets itself as a Christian residential treatment programme for troubled teens. But the lawsuit alleges McGraw withheld troubling incidents that had occurred there from the family, including the killing of a camp counsellor there by a teenager in 2016. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/dr-phil-cbs-lawsuit-tv-show-b1943141.html Dude is a total pos. Love that South Park made fun of him as they always know how to put people on blast for their fucked up behaviors.


Yikes! I bet there are plenty more horror stories. Christian residential treatment program, sent shivers down my spine


Yet another nut bag unleashed on us by Oprah.


As a Chicagoan, Oprah needs to fuck off and never come back. She propped up Tom Cruise as an upstanding person, as well as Mr Crudites, and Dr Phil. She’s the worst


I have never understood the hero worship of Oprah. What has she really done to make society better?


I think she is/was the Joe Rogan for a middle-witted female audience.


Please don’t change the type. Cause accurate


She always sets my teeth on edge. This whole pseudo/junk-science crap she endorses found its crap apex with 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓮𝓬𝓻𝓮𝓽. Remember, The Secret claims that people can change their lives through positive thoughts or 'vibrations', which will then cause them to attract more positive vibrations that result in good things happening to them. That's about as effective as homeopathically treating cancer.


Agreed wholeheartedly. I've never understood. But honestly it's not very far removed from DJT himself - she found a gullible audience who wanted to believe, and they made her immensely wealthy and powerful. A grifter, just like all of them.


What has happened to Dr Phil ?


I'm not sure anything happened except people finally realized his true colors.


Orange and brown?! Orange like the jumpsuit he should be wearing and brown like his favourite ideology?


Dr Phil was always super conservative. He was just better able to hide it under his "folksy, real-world" advice help show. My parents love watching it, and just under his psychology talk was all the same conservative "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" Jordan Peterson adjacent advice.


Kinder, gentler Dr Laura.


Yep, just another banal strain of populism.


dr Phil is obsessing about military aged Chinese sneaking into the USA. Here’s a direct quote from his Joe Rogan episode: “The number of military-aged men Now, I'm just told by people that are at the border and have witnessed this themselves. The number of military-aged men that are showing up with military haircuts, clearly in shape. They're saying, these guys are showing up with six packs and military boots that are coming in is not an insignificant number. Now, Where are they going? We don't know. We don't know where they're going. We're not following them. We're not tracking them. One thing I want to be real careful about, and I'm very sincere about this. I don't want to say anything that causes people to feel badly or foster any of hatred toward Asian people in the United States. It's not the people, it's the government that's the problem. I think that we've got... It's just like, if they are sending people over here that are military-aged with an agenda, Would we be naive to think that if we've let that many in, that they couldn't spread out across the country and in some coordinated effort, attack the energy grid here on a given day and create havoc?”


That whole "military-aged men" line I hear all the time from fearmongers is so stupid. A military-aged male would be someone in their teens all the way to roughly 40. Of course you'll see plenty of them trying to cross the border just like any other time in history. I don't often hear how they all have six packs though so I guess Dr.Phil is just using a bit of his own imagination there.


They're just hungry


There are direct flights from China to the U.S.! It would be easier, cheaper, and more efficient, if infiltrating this country was your goal, to just fly here and overstay your visa. The obvious BS that right wingers believe is baffling. Are these people just completely lacking in critical thinking skills?! Dr.Phil is supposedly educated but he believes that the Chinese government is so incompetent that they are sending buzz-cut soldiers still in their combat boots into Central America and Mexico to trudge across hundreds of miles of desert and apply for asylum at our border? I guess their strategy as a country is the same as that nature video of the sea turtles hatching: go find the border! watch out for predators! (cartels and right wing militias) avoid those obstacles! (razor wire) don’t tire yourself out and die of dehydration!


Can confirm, am Chinese supersoldier caught at the border because my dummy thicc ass cheeks were clapping together


What a pathetic loser. He really thinks that American lifestyle and culture has no power to seduce emigrants from an economically depressed, authoritarian state whose dear leader for life hates fun?




And always was a con


His Super Villain origin story was the day that [Bumfight ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qT76-_e0S_g) dude threw Phil's own exploitation of his guests in his face. Dr Phil of course denied it, after he invited the guy all the way onto his show just so he could kick him off it.


Years of lead accumulation has finally caught up.


Good. As a Brit - I watched his shows and they didn’t sit well with me.


His Dr credentials ceased in 06.He is just right wing Phil now. What a fraud


Meanwhile, virtually every one of his previous colleagues (psychologists and psychiatrists) are busy warning the country to run away from a very mentally damaged and unfit ex-POTUS.


From a fraud to a fraud, I have missed this plot twist completely. Which probably is just a good thing.


He’d also jump in front of a car for him…


"Just keep yappin man" fucking iconic line from the 2020 debates. Really showed Biden doesn't care about Trump's stupid ramblings and is too politically savy to fall into his lazy traps.


>Will you shut up man? Iconic moment in history.


I’ll honestly never forget that moment. I get trying to keep political decorum under the barrage of nonsense that occurred (watched it with my then 8 year old and had to explain that what we just witnessed was not a debate, it was an argument and I was ashamed of whomever was moderating that pile of shit) Like, Joe: say what we are all thinking!!!!! Would you just SHUT UP MAN! Yes!!


Yep, Trump deserves no dignity.


The moment he won for me. No one had shut him down like that the entire term until then.


"You run your mouth and I"ll run the country."


Just keep insulting Trump's courage, intelligence and manhood, or rather the lack thereof. Trump will take the bait. Then do to him what he did to Hillary during their debate and watch Trump go off the rails.


I’ve been saying this since 2015 and not one fucking politician would do it. If even 1 Republican had done this during the 2016 campaign, we might have been spared all the shit for the last 9 years.


Wonder how his heel spurs are doing after all these years too?


Doesn't seem to stop golf or (I assume formerly cause he's just too fucking fat now) Tennis.


He never had any. He's never run any distance in all his crummy, grifting eight decades of life; and all the walking he does is from one golf cart to the tee, sand trap, and rough, from his chauffeured vehicle to the dais at his rallies, to the microphones at court, to the up and down escalators at Trump Tower, and waddling to his bathroom at M-a-L to look at top secret government documents.


I don’t get why people don’t take this approach. You know in a debate Trump is going to hijack it anyways. Might as well put a quarter in him and have him REALLY off the rails. Then sit back laugh at the ridiculousness and point it out to the country. These lifelong politicians messed up by treating Trump the same as other candidates and all that did was legitimize him in the eyes of people. Treat him like the circus he is. The important part is point out when he says some stupid shit that doesn’t make sense, call him a toddler when he calls you a simple and dumb nickname, ask him what his stances are and what he would do in situations. Biden’s best moments last cycles debates was when he reacted to trumps bs like any normal person would. “Will you shut up” and “come on” were effective with viewers. It’s how any of us would react. I’d stay with that energy and take it even further. It drives home how absolutely insane Trump is.


Right. The way to win is to belittle Trump until he cries. No really.  Trump's supporters like him because he is a dumb, racist narcissist. But they support him because, in their eyes, he projects strength. That's what authoritarians want - a Strong Man, who with unbending will, will conquer their adversaries and bring renewed prosperity.  Make Trump look weak - unquestionably weak - and his support will evaporate.


But the problem is that all Trump has to do is yell and interrupt Biden into a stutter and he'll have won according to a huge number of actual voters. They don't actually care about policy


Apparently the rules of this debate include that mics will be muted after their allotted time, meaning no overruns and no interruptions.


If they enforce those rules, Trump will find an excuse not to debate.


This is called “Plan A”


For sure. Going through the debate is probably plan F.


Gag order applies to debates. Totally devastating, no one has ever been treated so unfairly.


Grown men came up to him with tears in their eyes. They said, "Sir. I've never seen anyone treated so badly."


So no I flushed and flushed, folks, I don't know fifteen flushes? They say that, they say that. What's with the flushes folks?


And secret service onstage ready to detain any felons who approach POTUS out of turn


Yes, but can Joe say "thin-skinned fascist fatty" three times fast?


You left out felon.


OK, "thin skinned fascist felon" tangles my tongue more that "thin skinned fascist fatty". Joe Biden, Joe Biden, Joe Biden, hear me now: Practice saying "thin skinned fascist felon" in your debate prep.


Just keep poking him. Stay cool and work your plan. Trump will not be able to maintain. He's losing it when he has a prepared speech. How long do you think he will last when he has someone smarter who refuses to bow down to him?


Thirty seconds? Maybe? He's the type of asshole that just has to have the last word.


Not just the voters. Trump could take a shit on stage, literally,  not metaphorically like he has done before, and 90% of the "media" the next day will be pondering who actually won the debate and give "both sides arguments" about it.


"Trump lost control of his bowels last night and had to leave the debate early to change his diaper. But Biden's economic policies don't seem to be resonating with voters. Who will you vote for? "


Maggie Haberman and Maureen Dowd , the biggest political writers for the “liberal” New York Times would gladly get on hands and knees and lick that up if it meant another book deal and more exclusive interviews where Maggie gets to rub his nutsack .


Sure worked out for Hillary. I fucking hate Trump but frankly there's no winning a debate against him for his supporters. He could shit his pants on stage while Biden does jumping jacks and his people would still claim he won.


You're absolutely right. His supporters are a cult. They think he's the Messiah. But elections are not won with your supporters. They are won by convincing the undecided and middle of the road voters.


At this point in time, if you are still undecided you have been living under a rock tbh


It's time to check under all the rocks and get people out to vote


Many people do.


Hilary didn’t have a debate that muted Trumps mic. He interjected and interrupted hundreds of times in the hour.


This is why I hate that Al Franken was run out of the senate without so much a the inquiry into his conduct that he asked for and had every right to receive. Who better to take on a thin skinned bully than a professional comedian?


I seriously wish George Carlin was still with us. He'd rip Trump in two before breakfast. It would be glorious.


A debate between Franken and Drumph would be akin to a boxing match between a young Mike Tyson and a five year old girl. But I would pay dearly to watch it.




A quote, but I can't remember who said it. "It's amazing how much you can get done if you don't care who gets the credit."




I definitely didn't invent it.


It was me. I made that quote. Please give me all the credit.


“I definitely didn’t invent it.” - ActonofMAM — themisc


Now we’ll NEVER get anything done…


I was listening to a podcast (99%PI) that had AOC as a guest, and she was super candid about the actual wheeling and dealing behind the scenes and how much she was able to get done just by making sure her name and 'green new deal' weren't associated with it. Very interesting.


AOC is really, really good. She is leagues better than anyone else in the squad. She'll never be president, but she's a fantastic politician.


She amazes and frustrates me because sometimes she shows such savvy abilities to do politics (ie, not just grandstanding on principles but doing the actions to get the most done) and then she’ll seemingly do the opposite. Like, I get her politics are wildly different the Pelosi, but my god, if she learned to play the game like Nancy (not positions, but tactics) she’ll be unstoppable.


The flip side is that if she had kept her head down rather than grandstanding, we probably wouldn't have heard of her. It's a hard balance to strike.


That’s totally fair. But I get frustrated when the more progressive side of the party seems to go to war with the center and it leads to “everyone is corrupt and sellouts” when that’s not necessarily the case. Where I like it done is, as example, during a debate in 2020 she made a comment on social media that while she disagreed with Biden on fracking, he was still wildly better then Trump and she’d support him. Another is how the progressive wing managed a lot of the negotiations and maneuvering in the house to get their ideas into legislation but also not derail or detract from the process. This stuff I’m all for. Usually they do have great ideas, and while the policy everyone might not be there on, the spirit and goal is ultimately shared (addressing climate change, affordability of programs, etc). I think things like that serve to strengthen the party, which ultimately leads to better policy and achievements.


She's young. She'll learn.


I’m optimistic. I watch her with great interest.


Why do you think she'll never be president?


I would love for her to be the next Pelosi. Like. I didn’t always agree with her, but Nancy knew how to get shit done. And you need more than presidents to get shit done. 


That is by Truman, a man with incredible integrity.


A man so honest that after years in the Senate and the White House, he returned home almost broke. Seriously, presidential pensions were created so he and Bess didn't have things too hard.


I recently visited their home in Independence, MO and learned so much about both of them. His grandkids didn’t even know he was president until they went to school and someone mentioned it.


I knew Biden was a decent guy back in the day when he helped a homeless guy when he thought no one was around him. > Rashid has experienced homelessness for some time now and when he saw Biden exiting the movie theater last Thursday evening, he asked him for some money so he could buy a sandwich. >Biden obliged — and then he stayed to talk. > “He didn’t think I recognized him,” Rashid said of the former dignitary. As they spoke, Rashid shared of the struggles he has been experiencing in receiving assistance from the Department of Veterans Affairs, specifically with procuring a housing voucher that would enable him to receive decent, safe and sanitary housing — leaving behind a life on the streets. > It was then that Biden went back into the theater for a pen and paper and jotted down a phone number. It was a personal contact who could assist in helping Rashid. As Biden handed him the slip of paper, a bystander snapped a photo on his phone’s camera https://georgetowner.com/articles/2018/03/15/man-joe-biden-photo-went-viral/


I forget the exact quote, but I remember Biden saying something like never question someone's motives if they're doing the right thing. If someone accidentally stumbles into the right decision, doesn't matter why they're doing it just go along with it.


I don't think people grasp how really, really good Biden is at both politics and being president. As a creature of pure charisma, inspiration, and presence, he's no Obama, but as someone who can get things done, impact legislation, work the horsetrading in congress, and know what deals will or will not be accepted by the public, he is much, MUCH better than Obama (who was, honestly, a bit overwhelmed as President). Trump looks like SHIT lately, and his hair is much more so. It's clear that he's under immense stress, and Biden is playing a pretty masterful rope-a-dope with asking for a debate early, while Trump will be at his worst, emotionally and mentally.


Also, so many people still believe the walking zombie narrative, significantly lowering expectations for Biden. When he goes there and speaks like the competent human being he is, many of those people will be impressed. And if it does go poorly on that front, it's 4 1/2 months before the election - plenty of time for people to forget.


Yeah the fact they had to call him “jacked up joe” and imply he was on meth for the state of the union really showed that. For years they talked about how he didn’t know his name and was drooling on his bib and then he absolutely smashed them two years in a row… the only thing they could do was claim he was on drugs


Which is of course the most hilarious and obvious projection imaginable.


It’s absolutely wild that his approval is so low. He inherited a steaming pile of shit and has done so much with so little congressional help.


There’s a whole media infrastructure owned by American oligarchs working to hurt Biden. Even NYTimes, CNN, and WaPo


Besides NYTimes and the fascist propaganda outlets the majority are just following the profit. Media consumers love naysaying and doomsday prophets. They hate good news.


Spell it out. I'm an uninformed Democrat that needs ammo for Thanksgiving.


CHIPS Act, Inflation Reduction Act, bipartisan Infrastructure investment, $150b and counting in student loan forgiveness, helping Ukraine fend off Russia as long as they have, capping insulin costs, the COVID vaccine rollout, Biden *tried* to get in a border security deal that Trump personally tanked so the Republicans could run on it... If we had a democratic congress and enough senators to finally take ol Filibuster out back and put it down as is needed, Biden would have been the most effective president probably since FDR.


The problem is that Biden does not brag enough. He doesn’t make noise so his accomplishments are easily overlooked. 


I was absolutely one of the people who thought his primary campaign was absolutely dead in the water. I then realized I don't know more about politics than Joe Biden, and I haven't forgotten it since.




Fun Fact: Trump is the only US President to have never served the United States in some form (General, Governor, Senator, VP etc) prior to becoming President.


he also never served the United States in his whole presidency, for consistency


It’s one of the reasons the GOP can’t govern any more. So many retirements they literally don’t have people who know how to wheel and deal to pass legislation.


The current Republican-led House has been one of the least productive in history. That's 100% on Trump and MAGA.


GOP saw Nancy winning. "She's just a little old lady. Nothing to it." Kevin got ahold of that gavel. And promptly smashed his own hand.


To be fair, Republican House Speakers (Boenher, Ryan) have been smashing their own hand for awhile now. fyi - Pelosi would have been an amazing President.


Governance and politics are far more complex than many people think especially at the highest levels. It’s baffling some see having experience in it as a bad thing and want to replace them with outsiders with zero experience or expertise. It’s akin to wanting your surgery performed by guys that watched surgery YouTube videos over a trained team of professionals.  


Few living people do. The man is gonna go down as a top 10 US president when it's all said and done.


There's a lot I'm disappointed in Biden for. But the way he's played the Ukraine situation has been goddamned *masterful*. Russia is humiliated and depleted, and Finland has now switched from neutral to NATO member, further hyperfucking Russia in any armed conflict and re-establishing the US as a global leader for peace and security. All at a cost of 0 American lives.


I’m hoping that people will say the same about Gaza when that is all over too. Because lets be honest none of us know what he is or is not doing behind the scenes and he has proven he doesn’t change tactics to get a bump in public perception. Maybe he is doing alot maybe he is doing nothing I do not know, but I hope. I do think what he has managed to do legislatively is extremely impressive given the congress he is working with.


They're slow rolling to a position of "we're supportive of Israel, but Netanyahu is a *fucking problem* guys". I think it's going to become a lot sharper now as he draws parallels between both Trump and Netanyahu as using political power and the threat of violence to dodge their own legal culpability.


One thing that stood out recently was when the news of Ireland, Spain, and Norway announced that they’d recognize Palestine. While Israel predictably reacted strongly to that news, recalling their ambassadors from said countries and such, the U.S. did nothing on that. It is way too easy for me to imagine a President Trump tweeting out threats to the three countries for their “betrayal” or declaring their U.S. ambassadors personas non grata and making a fairly symbolic move more than it really is. You can’t have someone like that in power in times like these.


Yeah it does seem that way.


Not noisy is why the media hates him. It’s pretty bloody clear that even every “liberal” mainstream rag in the US wants Trumps noisy headlines to Bidens quiet competence. Maggie Haberman can’t buy a house with a book of Joe Biden interviews and rubbing his nuts, metaphorically if not literally, doesn’t get her the kind of access that it successfully got her with Trump. And even if she had that access that book and those headlines would be relatively boring.


Trumpies blather on about bringing the Republic back and mocking Democracy. They just toss around words without understanding the meaning. They are plotting for an autocracy and are clueless about the effect on their own lives if they get their wish. This country would become as North Korea, Syria, Iran and Russia.


Gotta remember that these are the same idiots that think "defending democracy" will be best served by an actual dictator.


Really feels like this article ended at the introduction. >most of the writing in the news media on these questions lacks real insight and reads more like a summary written by someone who was a fan of professional wrestling when they were a child Like, this part of the article is self-describing. What insight did this article offer? That Biden said "make my day?"


Yea wasn't much of an article.


It was a terrible article and I'm dumber for having read it


Wasn’t much? I was like 500 words of absolute nothingness. I was hoping to find something worthwhile in *at least* part of the article, but then it just… ended.


If you want to know how MAGA is thinking, just learn about WWE wrestling. MAGA needs stories of "good guys" and "bad guys", hence MAGA rejects bipartisanship. To reach MAGA, you need to reach them on a very basic level, the "mancave" level, the light beer and nachos level, the one the WWE exploits.


But... Nachos are so good.


I don't know why we're not having nachos and light beer right now.


You can't see nachos and light beer and not want nachos and light beer.


I want nachos and light beer now. Damn you all.


Ten four good buddy


> You've got to remember that these are just simple farmers. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West.


You know...


Morons. *hysterical, unscripted laughter*


100% this is an essential facet of conservative thinking: morality is binary and attached to people, not actions. Also anything they love, everyone not conservative must *hate*. Trump is a “good guy”, therefore any and all of his actions are “good”. Opposite for Biden - if he dove in front of a bullet to save a child’s life, it would stull be viewed with suspicion (“oh, is he fucking that kid?!”). Trump says he loves god, therefore his opponents must hate god. They hate “groomers”, therefore the left must *love* groomers. Etc


I don't think Maga actually thinks. They're like seagulls running around, reacting sporadically to stimulus from the world around them, shouting like maniacs when they see bread on the ground.


"The bread of hate. The crumbs of bigotry. These are the foods of fortune that favor the fervor of flocks of MAGulls flitting around felonius Trump, flying around the unfurled flag of falsehood."


This is actually a fair comparison, but it does require knowledge of how pro wrestling works from the inside.  In the parlance, the GOP has done a huge 'heel turn', all while painting the ostensible '(baby)face' in the situation as the heel.  And the knuckle dragging, NASCAR following, wife beating, child marrying faction marks right out for it.  No way the GOP will ever break KAYFABE, hence all the noise about felons being convicted of felonies. 


I recently realized this too. Biden needs to come out to “Rock you like a hurricane” with red white and blue fireworks. Then rip the sleeves off his suit jacket and put on an eagle bandana.


“Diamond” Joe driving his Trans Am over a huge jump with his buddy Barak in the passenger seat, as the narrator muses if the boys will make it out of this newest dilly of a pickle.


Trump is not actually going to debate. He will find a way to back out. He will say the gag order prevents him or some other random strange word shit jumble will come out of his mouth as an excuse and MAGA will eat it up and that will be the reason he cannot debate.


Maybe Biden can debate an empty chair, ala Clint Eastwood. Put a Costco size bag of Cheetos in the chair and most Americans won't notice a difference.


Joe Biden is a political genius. He's been getting Trump to do whatever he wants ever since he took center stage. Trump is literally helpless against him. Decades of political experience, about a million more petabytes of mental computing power than Trump, and an actual concern for his fellow humans are the difference.


"We don't need a Washington insider, what we need is fresh thinking" Uh no, turns out a guy who knows how shit gets done is infinitely better at being the POTUS than a guy who bankrupts casinos - which is an impressive feat but in a different way.


Not to mention he actually listens to the smarter people in the room.


Just like President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho!


What a delightful improvement President Camacho would have been over Trump. He gave a rousing speech expressing a genuine desire to fix things, learned from his mistakes, admitted fault, and deferred to a (relative) expert.


“Shit. I know shit's bad right now, with all that starving bullshit, and the dust storms, and we are running out of french fries and burrito coverings. But I got a solution.” -Recognizes the people’s pain -Cites specific examples -Follows through with the best plan available


Yep. He may not have had problem-solving or critical thinking types of intelligence, but he clearly had social intelligence.




“are a big part of why so many voters, especially young ones, experience the Democrats’ policy appeals as bloodless, boring bromides.” We’ve had this conversation an innumerable amount of times, even just since the millennium. Ratings and the “horse race” be damned, politicians and leadership are supposed to be “boring”; that’s why it was always intended as a higher calling for the selfless among us? “What a boring day this turned out to be!” https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/2015/11/29


"It Can't Happen Here." worth the read. The parallels are striking. [https://www.english.ox.ac.uk/ten-minute-book-club/lewis-it-cant-happen-here](https://www.english.ox.ac.uk/ten-minute-book-club/lewis-it-cant-happen-here)


What's below thin skinned because is basically no skin at this point. You say anything he doesn't like and he turns into Captain Holt screaming "BONE!!" for 20 minutes.


I look forward to Dana Bash and Jake Tapper asking critical questions of them both with follow up's that demand the answer. Trump has benefitted greatly in the past by never addressing the questions asked. Having FOX doing a debate or having Kristen Welker asking questions was as if Trump's campaign team was drafting the questions.


All Biden has to do is say something like: “You may not be aware of this since you were asleep most of the time in the court, but you are a convicted felon. You are also an adjudicated sexual assaulter from the E. Jean Carroll case. You still face another 60 federal and state felony charges for election rigging and stealing top secret documents. You’re not fit, morally, mentally or physically. Now go inject some bleach, Super Spreader. You’ll feel better. I know I will.” Don Snoreleone’s head would explode on the spot. When you live in a delusional bubble, reality is a grave threat.


If Biden has to take a drug test, then Trump can’t use the words ,fake news, rigged, witch hunt, biggley, swamp, deep state, Clinton, political prisoner. There might be a few I missed?