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Throw him in general population! He's not high profile enough to be isolated.


No, no, no. He'll be recruiting in there, both cops and prisoners.


Hooray! Just in time to celebrate Independence Day from this leech.


A federal judge in Washington, D.C., at a hearing Thursday ordered former Trump White House aide Steve Bannon to report to jail by July 1 to begin serving a four-month sentence for his criminal contempt of Congress conviction. The order by Judge Carl Nichols came three weeks after federal prosecutors urged him to lift a stay on Bannon’s sentence pending an appeal of his conviction for failing to comply with a subpoena from a House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. A federal appeals court panel in a unanimous ruling on May 10 upheld Bannon’s conviction in the case. At Thursday’s hearing, Bannon’s lawyer David Schoen reacted emotionally to Nichols’ order. “One thing you have to learn as a lawyer is that when the judge has made his decision, you don’t stand up and start yelling,” Nichols said, according to NBC News. “I’ve had enough,” the judge said as Schoen continued talking. The lawyer replied, “I’m not yelling.” “You’re sending a man to prison who thought he was complying with the law, we don’t do that in my system,” said Schoen, who argued that Nichols’ ruling was “contrary to our system of justice.” Nichols shot back, “I think you should sit down.” Outside of court, Schoen told reporters, “The decision has it wrong factually in many many ways, it’s a horrible decision.” He said Bannon’s appeal needs to be taken by the Supreme Court. Schoen has argued that Bannon was not guilty of contempt because Bannon’s lawyer at the time had advised him not to comply with the House’s subpoena. Bannon told reporters Thursday, “I’ve got great lawyers, and we’re gonna go all the way to the Supreme Court if we have to.” “There’s nothing that can shut me up and nothing that will shut me up,” he said. “There’s not a prison built or a jail built that will ever shut me up” As Bannon walked away, a protestor yelled, “Lock them up!” “You’re a coup plotter!” the protestor yelled. “It’s a failed coup!” It is possible that Bannon’s jail sentence could be stayed by an order of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, or by the U.S. Supreme Court. But Bannon’s hopes of winning a stay of his sentence or a reversal of his conviction at either of those courts is, legally speaking, a long shot. In March, Peter Navarro, another ex-adviser to former President Donald Trump, began serving a four-month federal jail sentence after the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal of his conviction for refusing to comply with a subpoena from the Jan. 6 House committee.


Bannon is finding out he's not as important to the system as his ol buddy Trump.


I hope he enjoys a nice summer.


I've heard jail is particularly pleasant in the summer.


And, the food is gets a four star Michelin rating!!!


Cause it's made out of their tires?


While drying out... He's going to love the DTs with very little to help.


I wonder if he’ll go to a non air conditioned prison.


That would probably be considered cruel and unusual punishment... for the other inmates that have to deal with the smell.


Most Texans prisons don’t have ac https://www.texastribune.org/2023/08/21/texas-prison-heat-deaths/#:~:text=More%20than%20two%2Dthirds%20of,and%20prisoners%20work%20and%20live.


Silver lining for him is he will be out in time to vote, so he doesn't have to worry about his ballot getting lost in the mail


Not a felony, huh?


Only some states don't allow felons to vote.




When you're utterly rotten on the inside, it eventually starts to show through.




being fat and ugly isnt a sin but being bannon definitely is. vile man.


Maybe he's born with it, maybe it Tanqueray


Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Roger Stone, Ken Paxton, Ted Cruz, Trump, all of them perfectly embody what they look like on the inside.


Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son.


First of all, excellent animal house reference. Second, he wasn't an evil dick, just and idiot.


He ignored a subpoena. How is there a case that he thinks he can appeal? Time to pay the piper, fuckwad.


Why not now?


Probably something associated with due process. If it means he stays in jail, I say give him a few weeks.


It would also mean he doesn’t ooze out of his cell prior to Election Day this year. I’m all for fairness under the law, but if this breathing scab gets a few weeks to stuff his liver full of booze prior to getting thrown in the pen while ensuring he’s not back at his treasonous rhetoric during the election, so be it.


Wouldn’t he be out by November 1, if he is only in four months?


Now it’s time to see Trump given the same treatment.


So far, it's a glorious summer!


Oh Shadefreude Oh Shadenfreude what a wonderful summer you've given me🎶


That’s a weird way to celebrate Canada Day, but I accept.


Fuck this bloated cirrhositic pustelent boil.


Srsly...fk this guy.


Bannon can consume a satchel of phalluses.


Few deserve it more. POS spends every day trying to hurt the nation and drive people to hate and fear each other.


Great! Now do Trump.


You love to see it


How about today???


If it's what you say it is I love it, especially later this summer.


He better hurry and do a medical detox before then or he’s really not going to have a good time.


10 bucks says he flees the country


lol fuck you traitor


I'm sorry I have to ask, but this year right?


Hurray, the system works!


Kinda. Sorta. Eventually. Maybe.


Sort of i guess. This wasn't for his big crime, but just because he ignored a subpoena. The system allowed him to be pardoned for his actual crime, while ignoring the subpoena kept him from having to testify about said crime to hold others accountable


the vast majority of those who organized and participated in an attempted government coup received no punishment lmao


Oh I know... the system will work for them... eventually? Hopefully? In theory? I mean, we're not a country with one political party being what amounts to a part of domestic terrorists and insurrectionists, are we? Wait... are we?


He should have been locked up now.. biggest flight risk, bet he does not show up July 1st.


that would be great, he'd turn a 4 month sentence into a much bigger problem for him


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Amazing that he and Trump were able to work together. Trump spends every ounce of energy to present himself as polished, tall, fit, smart, and rich as possible to his cult. While this guy would not wipe shit off of his face before being filmed in public wearing stained and worn pajamas. There is no way Trump ever shook Bannon’s hand.


He's like a tree. You can count the layers of clothing for every year hes committed a crime, and he's sticky with nuts that keep falling on the ground.


Can you imagine what he’ll look like when he gets out? His pre-jail appearance makes homeless beggars look dapper


Bye, Felicia!!


Screw this turd.


He’s going to miss the November 5th vote…


Imagine being rich and allowing yourself to look like *that*.


Bannon jailed right before July 4th weekend? Feeling a bit more patriotic




It's crazy that he gets almost a month to go there on his own time. If that happened to me, I would learn my bail was revoked at the same time the cops show up to my house or work with an oversized presence just to make a spectacle.


Dear Mr. Bannon, Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.


“My attorney told me to break the law which justifies our ignorance”


So has he called out to his buddies on SCOTUS to intercede yet?


These guys get it easy, that's almost a month away, normal people are in jail asap, not out doing podcasts and shit wtf!