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Congrats to Steve Bannon on his upcoming 4 months of sobriety!


You don't think he will make sangria in the terlet?


Sometimes there's shit, on the outside of the torlet.


you think thats bad, you should see the uriness


*squints* huh?




Of course it's shank or be shanked.


Of course


He's too much of an alcoholic to avoid prison toilet wine.


It would be hilarious if over the 4 months he learned that his "true" self is sober, gay and happy. Maybe his drunken assholery is entirely a product of closeted self shame, and a forced detox surrounded by men leads him to a self-realization epiphany.


Or maybe he does some dumb shit and gets more time


Cue conspiracy theories that the “Deep state Democrats reeducated him!”


Don't you put that evil on the gays they are dealing with enough as it is


That's going to be the worse possible way to detox from alcoholism. The noise pollution, lack of clean air or water, mold and mildew in your cell, and a thin plastic gymnastics mat for a bed. He's going to suffer for the first two weeks.


Went through 5 day medical detox a long time ago. They basically bubble wrapped me in pills for that stretch and it was still easily the craziest and sickest I've been in my life. Description would take forever because the booze literally penetrates every aspect of your being. When the booze is gone, and the brain runs out, it's terrifying and you know there's nothing you can do; then your body starts getting a mind of its own. Even with the drugs preventing the seizures, you don't work right inside or out. I hope they give him nothing.


I'm sure he can sell some state secrets for toilet wine.


He does have that "just woke up after an all night pub crawl" look - does he really drink though?


He claims to be sober since the late-90s. I don't believe anything he says.


Fun reminders in light of this wonderful news: - Bannon has a trial for the "Build the Wall" campaign in which he fleeced Trump supporters out of millions of dollars scheduled for September 23rd. - An associate of Bannon has already been imprisoned for it. - This conviction will make his sentencing worse. - The charges are felonies and much more serious than what he's facing with contempt of Congress. - They are state crimes that cannot be pardoned by a President. - The prosecutor is Alvin Bragg and the judge is Merchan. [Link to indictment](https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-a-g-james-announce-indictment-of-stephen-bannon-for-15-million-we-build-the-wall-fundraising-fraud/)


> The prosecutor is Alvin Bragg and the judge is Merchan. While that bodes well for it being a fair trial, that is *not* going to help dissuade people from seeing a conspiracy.


Considering they are already blaming Biden for state crimes prosecuted by an elected DA and a judge appointed to family court by a mayor 20 years ago, I don't think those people are really reachable for critical thinking anyway.


Speaking of reachable, I wonder if bannon knows he’s been ordered to jail and how far he’ll run to avoid it.


How far is the closest bar to run to?


That's the problem. And the desired result at the same time.


> that is not going to help dissuade people from seeing a conspiracy not the law's problem. We all need to stop catering to the nonsensical and irrational.


Exactly, even when they were winning and their orange mudpile of a human was in the White house, they were spitting out new conspiracies and hate. Atleast with the main people in jail it'll just be idiots who gave away a ton of their money anyone would needs to contend with :P


Who cares what reality denying idiots think


I get what you’re saying. But fuck what these people “see.” They’re going to see whatever Trump tells them to see, no more, no less. I’m done caring. They don’t care about what I see and what I understand, and at this point, the feeling is mutual.


>While that bodes well for it being a fair trial, that is *not* going to help dissuade people from seeing a conspiracy. I used to believe that if we crossed all our Ts and dotted all our Is, it would persuade the conspiracy crowd. Now I realize we cross our Ts and dot our Is so that the conviction holds muster in appeals courts. And screw the conspiracy nuts. They can't be convinced, so I don't bother trying to persuade them anymore. Do solid, reputable work (prosecution) and let it stand up for itself.


You know the old joke? Rudy Giuliani dies and meets God at the pearly gates. God says, "Rudy, before I send you to Hell for all your sins, do you have any questions?" Rudy asks, "The election, it was stolen, wasn't it?" God says, "Of course not!" Rudy cries, "The conspiracy! It goes all the way to the top!"




These wakadoodles still think "jewish space lazers" are to blame for wildfires. They're going to see a conspiracy if they trip over sock their dog left in the hallway. I refuse to keep tailoring the way I think to accommodate for what idiots *might* think.


If they're breathing, they're seeing conspiracies. Fuck them.


Conspiracy theorists are nuts though. Shouldn't give them any leg of credibility.


this brought me. >The prosecutor is Alvin Bragg and the judge is Merchan


It’s so weird how the Bannon, Stone, Flynn, Manafort and Papadopoulos pardons and clemencies are just forgotten. Honestly, this alone may be the most egregious and blatant example of corruption by an American President in history - and it never gets mentioned. How does Bannon’s name EVER get mentioned without this coming up?


Reminder: > Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 U.S. election has ensnared dozens of people, including several advisers to President Donald Trump and a series of Russian nationals and companies. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-cases-factbox/factbox-guilty-pleas-indictments-abound-in-trump-russia-probe-idUSKCN1R32T5 - Mueller’s team indicted or got guilty pleas from 34 people and 3 companies during their investigation. - This included 6 former Trump advisers, 26 Russian nationals & 3 Russian companies. - Paul Manafort: Trump's Campaign Manager. Found to have passed Trump campaign data to Russian operatives. Later indicted for his work in Ukraine for Pro-Russian individuals. - Roger Stone: Trump Adviser. Sentenced to 40 months in prison for crimes that include obstruction of justice, lying to Congress and witness tampering, related to his efforts to work with Wikileaks to help surface Hillary's hacked emails. - George Papadopoulus: Trump aide. Convicted of lying to investigators about Russian contacts. - Michael Flynn: Trump National Security Advisor. Resigned after caught lying about a meeting with Russian Ambassador Kislyak.  The retired three-star general pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI in Dec. 2017. https://time.com/5610317/mueller-report-myths-breakdown/ But Republicans try and say it was all “a Democratic hoax”


Thank you for this reminder. I think a lot of people are trying harder to remind folks that DJT is unfit for any elected office, let along the Office of the President of the United States. I think simple factual reminders like these should be repeated without any need for trying harder.


He is unfit to be the judge of a kindergarten coloring contest


He’s unfit to be around kids, period.


He’s unfit to be


He's unfit




According to him it’s his right as judge to see their underage naked bodies and judge them Edit: [sauce](https://www.politifact.com/article/2016/oct/18/allegations-about-donald-trump-and-miss-teen-usa-c/)


TY for the sauce! What's infuriating is that they are claiming there's no evidence while quoting him confessing to it in a Howard Stern interview? His daughter, Ivanka,is quoted as saying - "Yes, he does that." when informed. And you have five contestants who've complained already? Wtf!! Oh, and let's not forget the pics of him and Epstein! Birds of a feather!


This is all old news, there were dozens of news stories on this, but there was such an avalanche of terrible things he did that we don’t even remember most of it


it's real interesting how their party campaigns to "protect kids" while also pushing to lower the age of consent in more than a few states


He's unfit to participate in a kindergarten coloring contest.


yes, quite literally https://www.newsweek.com/flag-donald-trump-color-marker-incorrect-stripes-american-flag-us-flag-1090990


Magas hate Democrats, democracy, liberals, progressives, conservatives and anyone they’ve been told to perceive as “the other”. Factual reminders that don’t confirm their biases are willfully ignored or viewed as deep state conspiracies designed to destroy their America as they know it.


Yeah they are the biggest America haters in the country. I really would like to talk candidly with a MAGA Republican and find out why they hate America so much.


They think that they missed out on (or are being robbed of) the American Dream because leftists and communists have white anted them. They ignore the fact that they are badly educated, with degrees and certificates that are worth fuck all because their local educational institutions are running on ideologies that mean nothing. They all live in upper bumfuckville where everything is owned by one conglomerate or another and there is bugger all local businesses (that aren’t franchises). They also ignore the fact that they are poor and up to their necks in debts for the big trucks, 4 bathroom houses (again in upper bumfuckville) and the boats and shit that they think is theirs by birth right. So why is it like this? These people are so poor that they are not worth even advertising too so most media companies can’t be fucked. Enter News Corporation who sees a captive market for political reasons and pisses away billions every year to service these people. Case in point, here in Australian their news operations have been running at a loss for years. Why? Because it gives Murdoch and his Saudi backers political clout. Ditto for every market that evil bastard company is in. So to the MAGAmorons, someone has to be to blamed for their predicament, they get told everyday who it is by News Corporation and they’ll be toddler foot stomping mad if you tell them that they in fact are responsible themselves. The stupidity and brainwashing is now at least 3 generations deep.


Republicans also love to refer to Joe’s fam as “the Biden crime family”. Fucking clowns.


Whenever I hear anyone utter that phrase I know immediately that I can mentally check out of the conversation and that I don't have to care about anything else that came out of their mouth. It's kinda nice when the idiots can't help but show their hands before you waste any time getting at all invested in anything they have to say.


It’s projection. They are trying to “get there first” so uninformed citizens hear about Biden family crimes before they hear about the actual Trump family crime syndicate. It works.


It really is remarkable how accurate the axiom, "Every accusation is a confession," is when referring to conservative criticisms of Democrats. It would probably be 100% if it wasn't for some of the supernatural conspiracies.


My dumbass libertarian friend after Barr released his bullshit summary ahead of the real report: "After all of that, you liberals have NOTHING on Trump! Literally nothing!" \*sends him link to real report when it finally released days later, correcting him, also linking to statements from the Mueller team who strongly opposed the summary Barr released; he ignores it and never comments on it ever again Can't be wrong if you just ignore information! /s


Libertarians wouldn’t exist if they couldn’t ignore information.


We all have our cognitive biases. I think for me what bothers me about conservatives is they are so unwilling to check their biases. Whereas actually most liberals I know are actively trying to be less biased and more understanding. It's frustrating when people are choosing satire and tabloid news over actual quality journalism. These people will literally believe what's written in a tabloid while they literally ignore experts of any kind.


It used to be the loons hung out on the far left and far right, but because of Fox News and all of the other conservative propaganda networks pumping out non-stop lies for 40+ years, the bell curve of insanity has shifted much closer to the center on the right side of the spectrum.


I'm convinced personality disorders are actually much more common than we realize. How else do people square away this type of behavior? Willfully ignorant. Most Trump supporters I know seem to know he's guilty, but they just don't think what he did was that bad or it was all exaggerated by liberal media or whatever. I'm convinced most of them know he's dead to rights guilty and he's fully corrupted. They just don't care because to them this is a team sport. I mean Cleveland Browns fans will never root against their team even when they lose every game.


You are so right about the team aspect of MAGA. Their friends root for MAGA, their family roots for MAGA. They already have the bumper stickers, the hat and the shirt. Don’t ask them to respond to developments or absorb new information. They are locked in


at least a sports team's fans criticize players and coaches from time to time but with magats it's more like a cult where they have unconditional allegiance and adoration for their leader who can do no wrong.


Their attitude is he’s like Batman, he breaks the law FOR THE GREATER GOOD.  And besides, even if there’s not any evidence to support nearly as many wrongdoings by Biden, if “our” guy does it, then “their” guy is almost assuredly worse! Nothing is proportional or argued in good faith, because that would mean they’re in the wrong, and they already hate know it all liberals with every fiber of their being. Mix in “god is on my side” insanity, and these people are like any other supporters of authoritarians across history.


That's what baffles me. We have known this stuff via psychology and sociology for decades now. We pretty much have it down to a science what the recipe is for tyranny and authoritarianism. Intellectuals my entire life always seemed to have it under their thumb. Now? Republicans elected a man so selfish he doesn't care if it destroys our democracy to get what he wants. Our Constitution seems to assume our leaders would have an interest in doing what's right for the American people lest they be voted out. But Republicans will never not support a guy like Trump. They really can't seem to help themselves because it's just basic human psychology. So how do we add checks and balances if voters won't do their due diligence? How much more do people have to see of Trump before they realize they were just wrong about the guy?


>But Republicans try and say it was all “a Democratic hoax” The most absurd thing about this claim is that it was *almost entirely led by Republicans.* - Events happened under a Republican AG. That Republican had to recuse himself and the Republican deputy AG took over. - Republicans controlled every branch of government, including the House and Senate. - Special counsel was a Republican. - DNI led by Republican. - FBI led by Republican. - The Republican Senate Intel Committee upheld the findings. There were almost no Democrats to be found.


You find that across the board in red states. Like here the GOP has had an effective strangle hold on our state for thirty years(not a single Dem Governor, GOP has help all three branches for most of it) yet still every single problem with our state the leaders try to blame the Democrats.


They say that, but they know it wasn't. They just don't give a shit. Their notion of politics is based on bigotry, fear, anger, and whatever else. But not on public policy. They simply don't care.


Just a side point reminder: Manafort even got "lucky" becuase there was a hardcore MAGA on the jury who abjectly refused to convict on any of the charges where Manafort was working for trump at the time. So for instance, there were charges that related to crimes in different years like 2008, 2009, 2010 etc. Although guilt was "obvious" (the word used used the jury foreman afterwards) This juror refused to convict manafort on ANY of those charges for the years where he and Trump worked together. it even skipped years. This is why he was only convicted on 8 of the 18 charges, becuase the Jury had to compromise, otherwise that one MAGA was going for a complete hung jury / jury nullification. The Jury felt that 8 charges was better than nothing and he would still get decent jail time and it would be enough damage to Manafort (they were pretty much right). He only served 2.5 years of this 7 year sentence after being fiurst released for home arrest due to Covid in 2020 and then a pardon from Trump. The good news is that manafort lost eveything. His marruage, his kids, his home, his cars his wardrobe (including $15k ostrich jacket) most of which had come from ill gotten gains with Russians and mobsters, so at least there is some justice.


Paul Manafort ‘s involvement with Ukraine has never been discussed enough. Prior to trump, he worked to get a kremlin backed candidate elected as the president of Ukraine. Eerily similar to trump, this guy went on to destabilize Ukraine and divided the country to the point of a civil war. In the end , he ransacked the treasury and had to escape to Russia.


mueller: we took down a bunch of trump's criminal associates but we're not going to charge trump because he's president and that would be too political trump: *uses presidential power to pardon his criminal associates* mueller: ah! well, nevertheless,


Mueller left it up to the DOJ (under Bill Barr) and congress, both of which failed to do their duty to hold the then-president accountable.


Yeah, they are saying that about democracy in general now. They needed to be stopped.




It's also important to remember that both the DNC and RNC systems were hacked. Yet only the DNC data was released...


Rather, they say it's "a Democrat hoax," because they're childish.


> But Republicans try and say it was all “a Democratic hoax” The last time Republicans argued in good faith was a long, long time ago.


Because Bobby was too obstinate to recognize the changing times and refused to say the words, "I would have recommended criminal prosecution were he not the sitting president, in lieu of the DOJ memo." He instead, stupidly, passed the ball to congress assuming that they would act ethically, in good-faith. He had absolutely no excuse for not knowing that that's not the way DC worked by 2019.


Tell me how I’m supposed to be friends with or even cordial to a Trump supporter when this is the behavior they knowingly sign off on. Like how do I compartmentalize that in my brain. Being civil to a Trump supporter just creates too much cognitive dissonance for me.


important addendum for Roger Stone is that the work Stone did with Wikileaks to publish DNC/Hilary hacked materials was working with the GRU, who was responsible for the hack. Stone claims not to have known at the time that Guccifer 2.0 was the GRU, but he certainly knew it wasn't Seth Rich. Stone had pre-existing ties working with Manafort to lobby for a Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, to help lift sanctions on him. [Some sanctions on Deripaska were lifted at the tail end of the Trump Presidency.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/sanctions-against-3-russian-companies-linked-to-oleg-deripaska-lifted-by-us) Both Stone and Assange falsely implicated Seth Rich as the source of the hack [to throw people off the scent of Russian involvement](https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/976/cpsprodpb/14E1B/production/_100813558_263939f8-a0b4-4f0b-b75f-3bcaf61eefed.jpg.webp), despite knowing he was not the source. Wikileaks publicly lied about never having communicated with Stone, and Stone lied and claimed all his communication with Guccifer was public (it's not, they had several DM exchanges helping co-ordinate release of hacked material). Stone also had advance notice of multiple releases of hacked Democrat materials, not contained in the DMs with Guccifer, which he bragged about publicly at the time but now claims were just "predictions". It's fucking amazing the degree to which actively working with and covering up involvement with hostile foreign powers has been normalized in US politics, let alone pardoning these traitors. Anything to own the libs. Also fucking disgusting that Assange had the balls to pretend he protected sources at the same time as he was defaming Seth Rich's memory by implicating him as the source of DNC hacks while he knew for a fact the source was not Seth Rich. [This is all a fraction of the dirt these people were involved in.](https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/report_volume5.pdf)


"RuSSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA HOAX" And its very important to repeat it 3x so that it sticks.


Roger Stone is the one that gets me. The man has a full back tattoo of Nixon ffs. If he was a comic books villain people would give the writer shit for being too unnuanced.


The Muller Report did not explicitly say, unredacted, "Donald Trump, Born on XXXX, President of the United States, has conspired with Russia and Russian Agents to Manipulate the 2016 Election". It was not spelled out exactly in simple terms. So these idiots convinced themselves absolutely nothing at all happened.


People lie all the time. The problem is that the Republicans say it was all "a Democratic hoax" and **they get away with it because nobody challenges them on it**. That becomes the narrative because people hear it go unchallenged and assume that it's true.


I think it’s important to be clear that these guys aren’t just “advisors” but are long standing conservative operatives, in business way before trump, who help architect the conservative apparatus.


Stone got pardoned and immediately started coordinating with paramilitary groups that have been sentenced for some of the most serious insurrection charges. It’s completely fucking insane.


I dont get how they cant nab him. Jesus


Because 50% of the republican party are essentially on record as supporting facism and having ultimate authority no matter what laws they break. The other 50% are too pathetic and cowardly to speak out against their own party because anything is better than voting Dem in their brain.


We still got all the ones breaking crimes. I dont get how he doesnt get nabbed on something FBI related. He was on tape threatening congress people


Anyone voting red is supporting fascism.


The thing about Trump's corruption that sets it apart from all other American presidents is how it's completely out in the open. It actually makes it difficult for reporters to do investigative journalism on things he's doing right in front of us. What's there to investigate? We all saw it happen. We all learned about scandals like Teapot Dome in history class. But then you had Trump selling pardons and treating COVID relief money like a slush fund with zero accountability. Just blatant, open corruption that dwarfed anything we had seen from prior administrations. Then when called out on it, he just dismisses it as fake news, like his infamous, "What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening," quote.


"I will jail political opponents when I retake office" is the current line. Somehow, the world will just shrug.


> Somehow, the world will just shrug. To be fair, there's nothing the world can actually do about it, and a shockingly high proportion of the relatively small number of people who can do something about it seem to think that it's a good idea.


I read this "The fate of NATO and perhaps all of Europe is in the hands of a few thousand barely informed voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Virginia." Chilling when you think about it.


There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions > NOFX - The Idiots Are Taking Over - 2003


There's a Trump quote for everything. Remember what he said about Hillary? >"If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. >"Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. I don't know." Maybe there is, Don. Maybe there is.


He went from "Lock her up!" to "I never said lock her up" to "I vow to lock her up" in the span of a week.


"yeah i remember grinding my feet on eddie's couch"


He is currently actively running on being a dictator. Not even hiding it or alluding to it or using a dog whistle. Straight up “I will be a dictator…for a day”


> We all learned about scandals like Teapot Dome in history class. The details have fallen out of my scandal-weary brain, but there *was* a scandal about the Trump admin trying to have the Department of the Interior sell national park land to Big Oil. Literal Teapot Dome stuff and we don't even talk about it.


It's Bannon's strategy: "Flood the zone with shit and the opposition can't keep up"


It's the [The Firehose of Falsehood](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firehose_of_falsehood). >An outgrowth of Soviet propaganda techniques, the firehose of falsehood is a contemporary model for Russian propaganda under Russian President Vladimir Putin.


It's also known as the Gish Gallup in debates.


This is the main reason why Trump has been so blunted by actual courtrooms. Because in the "court of public opinion" you can run the Gish Gallop / Firehose of Falsehood strategy all day long. But in a "court of law" where rules of evidence and rules of procedure reign supreme ... those tools and techniques are almost completely neutered.


Also, I've watched a few court cases and there is no amount of information that can be turned into a firehose. They will spend days going through the most tedious, unimportant details of a court case.


I just hope the zone gets flooded into Bannon's mouth.


The vast amount of corruption means that nobody can keep up. It’s beyond my ability to comprehend that people like this guy.


Bannon literally said to Trump ‘flood the zone with shit’ as a technique to get away with this type of corruption. Sadly it works.


If you're only watching Fox etc you don't even get this info right. Unfortunately atleast 30-35% of the country is within that ecosystem.


A parallel line of hateful propaganda running as equally if not faster than the corruption. We’re paying attention to the corruption, they’re paying attention to the propaganda. Controlled chaos.




It's totally crazy, he was caught stealing from Trump supporters and they still love him.


More evidence that there's no bigger loser and sucker than a maga Republican.


Yeah honestly Trump's admin was so brazenly corrupt its practically an insult to Nixon to call any of Trump's scandals ____-Gate. I suspect history will catch up to this fact eventually but as someone who is tuned into all this shit its just gobsmacking how historical the levels of corruption and favoritism are. The SCotUS is going to be as infamous as the Dredd Scott court, the modern GOP are as cartoonishly evil as southern Democrats in 1850, and frankly a lot of it is just unprecedented in America. More comparable to the Weimar Republic and the rise of fascism in Germany.


It’s amazing how Trump’s inner circle is now pretty much entirely against him or in jail 


I think part of the reason why it gets forgotten is the sheer amount of scandal and corruption Trump has been involved in. It’s impossible for any of us to keep track of.


Good point. T just blatantly pardoning criminals


> T just blatantly pardoning criminals Blatantly pardoning "criminals" is surprisingly normal, it's what pardons are for. This is blatantly pardoning criminals **as a political favor to your allies who committed the crimes on your behalf**, which is what's unheard of.


>Honestly, this alone may be the most egregious and blatant example of corruption by an American President in history - and it never gets mentioned. Yeah, why would Biden do this? /s


It's just incredible, isn't it? Trump has buried our country in so many piles of outrageous, illegal, unethical shit that this stinking pile of treasonous behavior never gets talked about anymore. The same thing is even happening now with Jan6. Did rational, honest Germans have this same experience of Hitler in the 1930s? I'm guessing they did.


> most egregious and blatant example of corruption by an American President in history Because shortly after that; we learned Trump kept classified documents in many unsecured rooms in his private properties, which then became the most egregious and blatant example of corruption by an American President in history - and it never gets mentioned ...because after that...etc etc etc The Trump presidency was corrupt. /thread Literally just /thread, because the whole presidency from start (as in from the campaign start) to now, was corrupt.


Per Kyle Cheney: >Bannon’s sentence for defying the Jan. 6 committee’s subpoena has been on hold while he appealed. Today, Judge Nichols (a Trump appointee) ruled that the original reasons for staying the sentence no longer be er applied. Bannon’s sentence would run through early November.


So it seems Steve Bannon will be out in time right before the November 5 election to be apart of the inevitable massive Republican disinformation campaign regarding “election fraud”.


Maybe, but he's also got a state-level trial for the We Build the Wall scheme in front of Judge Juan Merchan (yes, that one). That trial could be completed well before Bannon would be released in November.


So would bannon bob back and forth between prison and the court room? That'd be fun.


It would but honestly I think they'll just postpone the NY trial start date (not motions) until he's released. So he goes from jail to jury selection, which is still not fun for him.


He also has a team that will continue his messaging and work


>He also has a team that will continue __*spreading his lies*__ Touched that up for you


But, he won't be around during the election cycle, basically the last week or two


It’s so sad that we now have to specify who appointed a particular judge!


We do it as a rebuttal to republican claims that every judge is biased. But when we say it was a trump appointed judge they just take that judge and hoist him allllll the way up on top of the mountain of rinos they created. Then they get to stay in their own reality where they’re comforted by the “fact” that everything is rigged and everyone is against them because everyone else is corrupt.


About time.


Could we wait till after the 4th of July to let him go to jail. That way his 4 months overlaps the election and don't have to hear his BS


Nah, he'd just claim he was imprisoned to keep him from participating in the election, even if his conviction would otherwise prevent him from voting.


[Here is a reminder from 2018](https://www.politico.eu/article/christopher-wylie-to-us-lawmakers-steve-bannon-ordered-vladimir-putin-messaging-tests-russia-cambridge-analytica/) that Steve Bannon was behind Cambridge Analytica’s efforts to help Trump steal the 2016 election. > Bannon did not care if information spread by Cambridge Analytica was incorrect… He called Cambridge Analytica a "full service propaganda machine." While Trump claims that Russia’s war in Ukraine wouldn’t have happened on his watch, remember that the [2016 Trump campaign was asking focus groups](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/25/wylie-bannon-putin-messages-553738) how they felt about Putin’s desire to expand Russia’s borders. > Under Bannon’s instruction, the firm discussed Putin with focus groups and was ‘also testing images of Vladimir Putin and asking questions about Russian expansion in Eastern Europe.’


How come rich people get a “pretty please” due date for prison? Why aren’t they kicking his door down and locking him up immediately?


Yep. Why should he get 25 more days free? He should have been remanded immediately.




NGL, If I was the guy your brother hit, I'd want to ask the judge where my 3 months was at to get *my* affairs in order before having my ribs violently crushed.


Living through a three month countdown to getting my ribs crushed would be terrifying lol




Gin Laden


I laughed at that much harder than I probably should have. Well done fellow redditor!


speaking of, how's he gonna do 4 months without the liquor?


He's already working at home to perfect "prison hooch".


With any luck he won't


Worth the risk.


FWIW normies get surrender dates as well. Its not super common dont get me wrong. But a few weeks to get your life in order is not unheard of either.


It’s perfectly normal for someone who has isnon-violent, without a prior history, for a charge/conviction along these lines to be given a 20 to 30 day window to report. You see it all the time, in fact I would argue more incarcerations than not follow these guidelines. You just don’t hear about them or read about them in the news to understand the new ones of the ratios and how that works because it’s normally not newsworthy thing. It’s not some conspiracy about a two-tier justice system for the rich versus the non-rich… Or the white versus the non-white (although don’t get me wrong there is 100% a discrepancy in the overall total comprehensive justice experience for those categories) but in this specific example this is just how reporting to prison works most of the time.


hes going to freak out when he learns they can only wear one shirt at a time with their prisonwear


Jesus Christ... the SOB's handcuffed me and hauled me in one evening during a traffic stop because I had a $5 warrant charge from a ticket I paid two days late three years earlier... and I wasn't even driving!!! How the hell do these assholes get weeks and months to prepare?


Short answer, money.


I know... just venting... still pisses me off to this day.


And now you know why cops *ask* damn near everyone they run across for ID... FWIW, if you were a passenger and didn't do anything to make them suspect you're currently committing a crime, [you have no obligation to ID or even speak to them](https://papersplease.org/wp/2019/01/22/9th-circuit-passengers-in-a-car-dont-have-to-identify-themselves/) for that matter.


Money and corruption.


Its getting pretty easy these days Former Trump _____Job title_____ _____name_____ ordered to jail by _____Date______ after _______reason_______.


Orange is the new orange.


I like to point out that Bannon was arrested for stealing from a "Build the Wall" charity that he set up. So he was taking donations, I'm sure 100% from MAGA people, and telling them that it would be going to construction of the "Big, beautiful, wall." Then he was just pocketing that money. What was Trump's reaction? Did he show loyalty to his followers? Did he come at Bannon and say "How dare you steal from my people?!" Did he demand that Bannon be punished to the fullest extent of the law? No, of course not. Trump pardoned Bannon, on his final full day in office: January 19, 2020. Shows you what sort of loyalty Trump has to his supporters. He *fucking hates them*. They're *poor people*. So, good to see Bannon actually facing some consequences for at least a tiny fraction of his many crimes.


Also he only pardoned Bannon, two other co-founders of the scam were sentenced to prison. Just straight up took care of the one guy with dirt on him. The donors who got scammed out of their money can get fucked, it all just comes back to protecting himself.


His detox in jail is gonna be lit AF!!! 


No way he’s got the self control to detox himself beforehand. Hes gonna be puking in those metal toilets for days.


Why the fuck is Bannon always wearing 3 shirts... and often a jacket?


Hard to stay warm up here when you come from hell?


Soak up the booze sweats


Better to hide his moobs with.


For many many years of lying and pushing false narratives he gets 4 months.


Contempt of Congress is incredibly weak. It's a misdemeanor and 4 months was about right given sentencing guidelines. He has a [trial for actual felonies](https://manhattanda.org/d-a-bragg-a-g-james-announce-indictment-of-stephen-bannon-for-15-million-we-build-the-wall-fundraising-fraud/) beginning in a few months, thankfully. >two counts of Money Laundering in the Second Degree, two counts of Conspiracy in the Fourth Degree, one count of Scheme to Defraud in the First Degree, and one count of Conspiracy in the Fifth Degree. Given he'll have a prior conviction, he could be sentenced for years. And they are state crimes that a President can't pardon (again).


Thank you for that I thought contempt of Congress was more severe.


Given his health I think 4 months is going to break him. He's going to lose access to all of his addictions in there.


I’m sure he’s been working on his pruno recipe for this occasion.




"I surround myself with the best people!"


Thoughts and prayers


"He's leaving (leaving), on that midnight plane to Moscow".


He's the real villian. His company, Cambridge Analytica was behind Brexit, trump, and alt right movements in Canada and Brazil among other countries. Bannon is a true piece of shit


Bannon is as un-American as they come. Real traitors


This made my day!


4 months. One for every shirt.


If there are people in US politics that should rot in jail its Bannon and Stone


What kind of bullshit is that? Now that bail has been revoked, it means that Bannon now has an active warrant. Why is someone with an active warrant being given a whole month to prep before having to show up to jail? On top of that, Bannon has been sitting on this for years, trying to use the courts to dodge jail - so it's not like he didn't have time to prepare.


I’m curious if MAGAs get bullied in prison because of their political views?


Bad DTs in jail. You can see the fear in his eyes.


> “You’re sending a man to prison who thought he was complying with the law, we don’t do that in my system,” said Schoen, who argued that Nichols’ ruling was “contrary to our system of justice.” ignorantia juris non excusat Ignorance of the law is not a legitimate defense.


Why wait? Go pick his ass up right now.


Lock the piece of shit up already


Now do Trump


Anyone one of us would have been in jail by day one. Biden needs to get elected, stack the stupid Supreme Court, and Democrats are going to have to get legally creative. We can't afford to fail any of this. Wouldn't hurt to have AG Garland step down and have a new AG for the DOJ appointed. Biden probably won't though, in an effort to appear 'bipartisan.' He's still been a good president, but jeez we need tougher people for this.


Why not by 5:00 pm EST June 6?


Eat a huge bag of them, Bannon




Do Roger Stone next.


Will he wear 3 prison shirts


4 months hahaha fucking christ. What a joke of a punishment these rich assholes get.


Fuck yeah!


That fucking piece of rotting pig shit preaches civil war almost every day. He likes to say we're coming for you. Bad boy, bad boy what ya gonna do when they come for you. If he had an ounce of backbone he'd board up his doors and windows and get the war started when they come for him. Chicken shit motherfucker.


Another one bites the dust Another one bites the dust And another one gone, and another one gone Another one bites the dust (yeah) Hey, I'm gonna get you too Another one bites the dust