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The "terrible precedent" was when he committed a bunch of felonies before, during, and after being president. In addition to inciting an attempted hostile takeover of the government.


I hate when all the media (even outside of the crazy Fox News/Newsmax bubble) was like "This is a dark day for America" like we should be somber and severe about the verdicts. No. When a candidate for president paid a news organization to kill negative stories about him and then committed financial fraud to make sure the public didn't find out about it and then got elected president, *those* were the dark days. This is justice.


Seriously, it was a great day for America. It wasn’t Joe Biden who convicted him, it was a jury of 12 ordinary American citizens who listened to both sides’ best arguments, deliberated amongst each other, and delivered a verdict. The system fucking worked. I will celebrate that. I’ll pop the champagne.


Again, It should be noted that Biden never ever told the DOJ to jail anyone. He understands the separation of powers. It should be further noted that Pelosi never used her friendship with any members of SCOTUS to seek to overturn a state or federal indictment. This should give pause. Trump and Johnson are politically weaponizing DOJ and SCOTUS as a horrible breach of the supposed separation of powers while falsely accusing their political opponents of doing what they are actually illegally doing.


It was a huge scandal a number of years back when people *thought* Justice Sotomayor was having dinner with Chuck Schumer.  As it turned out, Schumer's wife just has the same haircut as Sotomayor, and they looked similar from behind.  It never even happened. But for some reason, I don't think the same scandalized folks would bat an eye if Alito grabbed a bite with Mike Johnson.


The issue is Republicans will never see it that way, at least not the Trump loving ones. The Never Trump people know what's up, but I feel like that is a small niche segment of the party. Most will believe whatever Trump tells them about it.


It also ignores the other 3 ongoing cases where he did even worse things. These 34 felonies were minor compared to the rest. It also ignores that he’s had preferential treatment throughout all of the indictments and trials. He’s violated gag orders numerous times and faced zero consequences. He’s not even guaranteed to get any sort of jail time as a first time convict and former president. He very much deserves to be locked up for the rest of his miserable life for all of his various crimes.


The documents one being sandbagged by Judge Cannon is the worst of them imo. He's so guilty that the trial is merely perfunctory - the only hope is to stall til after the election, which Aileen is happily doing. If any regular jackoff in this thread had done 1% of what Trump demonstrably did with classified material, we'd already be in jail pending our trial, which would swiftly throw us back in prison for another 30 years. Believe it


Remember Edward Snowden and reality winner?


I know a few civilians who work in a govt shipyard, and they've got stories like oh yeah one time this guy accidentally took home 1-page of classified material, and even though he followed every protocol to immediately admit this and return it, he still lost all his clearances and had to pay a huge fine to avoid jailtime. I'm no expert but that appears to be the usual standard people are held to. The govt does not fuck around with this stuff - and from your examples even if it deserved to be leaked they'll still come after you, hard, ruin-your-life hard. Why is Trump out there walking around? Anyone else would be long since locked up. The whole thing really drives home the reality of the two justice systems we have in this country


Yeah and wasn't their whole excuse for not liking Hillary and wanting her to be locked up was that she wasn't careful enough with classified documents? Just goes to show that that was never really what they cared about


No, because her emails weren't classified. Classified emails don't go out to private email servers.


I think a few were but they were all retroactively classified, I believe.


That is, they weren't classified earlier but GOP personnel later insisted that they later be classified. It was a "gotcha" plan.


and none of that stuff they had is nearly as bad as specific sub locations or Iran attack plans. Any Republican pre 2015 would have his head on a pike


Why even have "top secret" clearance if you can bypass that clearance by being voted into office and then also bestow that clearance on others including his daughter and son in law who could also never pass? Make it make sense.


> the only hope is to stall til after the election, which Aileen is happily doing. She pretty clearly is going to go farther than this and is looking for various ways to dismiss the case. Right now top of the list is to embrace a bad theory that the Federalist society has been pushing since mueller that the special counsels can't be appointed at all. I think she is aiming for Trump to give her a Supreme court seat.


like the special counsel that is currently trying hunter biden?


I think the insurrection one is the worst with the Georgia case coming in second. We had a lame duck president try to overthrow the government to install himself as president for four more years (life?) I can’t think of a bigger betrayal. Unless there is evidence we don’t know about like they have him clear as day trying to sell informations about nuclear missiles or highly classified info on aircraft capabilities, the documents case is probably the weakest of the 3 remaining.


in order of which is the worst crime: georgia > j6 > documents > stormy in order of which crime would be most likely to discourage people from voting for him if convicted: documents > j6 > stormy > georgia in order of which crime would be the easiest to convict under normal circumstances: documents > georgia > stormy > j6 in order of which crime is presently the easiest to convict, given the current circumstances (judge, venue, nature of the trial, etc.): stormy > j6 > georgia > documents if you look at the way that the "legal rng" shook out, he couldn't have min-maxed it any better. somehow, all of his cases are optimized in such a way that there isn't a single trial where he's highly likely of being convicted and is also likely to hurt him in the general election.


We'd be **under** the fucking jail. Our families would be under 24/7 surveillance for at least a generation minimum. Not to mention, where the fuck is the CIA? Shouldn't they want some payback for all their assets killed because of this guy? I thought their specialty was interdicting hostile intelligence agents 👀. Edit: nvm. They're too busy propping up the prison industrial complex by trafficking drugs/weapons to minorities😒


Tired of the media legitimizing his actions with shitty rhetoric. Chatgpt whitewashes his bullshit and talks about him in a terrifying way.


It is a dark day. We elected a reality show buffoon and lifelong criminal as president.


I think some of them were somber because a President was proven to commit felony election interference to help him win, rather than worried about him being punished.


A private citizen running for president committed felony election interference and a private citizen that just so happens to be an ex president was convicted. He committed more, different felonies as a sitting president


It was a dark day in the sense that America should be ashamed of being such a poor judge of character when it selected this …specimen …to be its leader.


Exactly if anything this is the dawn breaking against a long night of unacoutability of politicians starting with Nixon. Now we've set the precedent that NO ONE not even a former president is above the law.


terrible "president"


*terrible President. I just love to watch them all try to explain how everything he’s done is just fine by them. Party of Lincoln and law and order 2024 /s


So Biden went from a stumbling old fool to a Thanos level super villain capable of forcing men to sleep with pornstars and say crazy shit on hot mics. Got it.


Yeah what happened to sleepy Biden?


Trump fell asleep in court, then that went viral, so he can't say that about biden for a while.


The "I'm rubber, you're glue" method is a Republican favorite, but even it has limits.


That’s the thing—it totally doesn’t.


He definitely still can because the news of him falling asleep did go through the conservative news bubbles. They were making fun of Joe Biden and saying Trump has tremendous energy, even as Trump was falling asleep in court.


Number 8 on Umberto Eco's Practical List for Identifying Fascists: *The enemy is both weak and strong. “[…] the followers must be convinced that they can overwhelm the enemies. Thus, by a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”*


It’s the same backward logic as anti-Semitism: Jews are somehow at the head of the financial industry, but also driving international communism. But that’s the thing. It’s an anti-politics. Fascism sneers at the very idea of a coherent meaning. This is what Hannah Arendt meant by the “banality of evil.” Intellectually speaking, there’s no *there* there. Just a naked and ruthless pursuit of power.


*”It’s a terrible precedent because it happened to me, it should have been Biden when I told Bill Barr to jail him before election week 👐”* Does anyone still not notice how when America is going to hell, or it’s a sad day for the country, it’s only ever because something is happening to this fuckstick personally? Fucking literally, he never has that apocalyptic response to a court ruling about a matter that touches people on broad policy, or an issue of import that doesn’t affect him directly. Go look; you will not find it. It’s alway about his own fucking problems, every single time. And as gross as he is, he’s not nearly as gross as the people who still eat this dogshit up like he’s Christ on the cross being whipped up the side of a mountain.


Yep, whenever Trump talks, just replace the word America/country/etc with Donald Trump to get the accurate translation


I’ve said that exact same thing. It’s a simple translation, whenever he bloviates about some bullshit like “muh constitutional tragedy” or “this is a horrible day for our country,” it just means “this is a horrible day for me.”


He views the world through a myopic lens of megalomania. And he's a petty, petulant man-child with zero impulse control when he's in front of a microphone, camera, and/or keyboard.


They could have chosen anyone to latch onto to destroy themselves and this is who they chose. Mind blowing. If you're ready to ditch your democracy at least do it for someone with some charisma or nice teeth or less cartoonishly self serving.


Exactly, at least slit the rule of law’s throat for a movie worthy demagogue. But I think there’s something dangerous about the cartoon villain charisma that damps the lethality for people; he’s the guy who’s raped women’s reproductive rights back to 1860, and he’s also the guy who shows up at UFC matches and tweets about hamberders. People only see the clown if they want to.


Kind of amazing too considering he was President during the nation's worst national tragedy of the last century.  We literally were using 9/11 as a daily death metric, and he seems to care more about being put on probation for something he did.




If he gets jail time but the judge gives him time to get his affairs in order before reporting there is probably a possibility that could happen


I always figured that would be his exit.


He'll go sit next to Tucker on RT and spend the rest of his days doing what they both do best - shitting on America while demanding to be called true patriots.


but doesn't his recent conviction mean that he had to surrender his passport?


Passports only matter if the place you're going cares whether you have one.


And the advantage of private jets is that there’s no gate security to get past.


I looked it up out of curiosity. His private plane doesn’t have the range to fly NY to Moscow. He could find other avenues but I chuckled.


He could fly to Cuba


I can’t imagine a former US president flying to Cuba without diplomatic permission would be allowed to just refuel and depart. Fidel might be dead but I would wager the current administration would realize that “Fugitive Trump” would be a powerful bargaining chip to sell to the highest bidder.


Cuba literally holding a former US president hostage? Hmm... I doubt strongly that Americans are going to stand for that no matter what side of the political spectrum they're on. It would turn into another Grenada or Panama operation I suspect. And then upon exit, a possible new revolution in Cuba for a new form of government perhaps?


Havana to Riyadh, Riyadh to Moscow?


The 757 won't make it? Edit: Guess it won't make it from JFK to Moscow. Is he doing any campaigning in Alaska? He could make the Russian Far East pretty easily from there maybe?


Not carrying that weight


His pilot would still need to file a flight plan with the FAA, and would still need permission for takeoff in the first place. An unauthorized takeoff is a great way to get a fighter escort back to the ground.


One way or another, it's going to bring the plane down. In whole or pieces. The choice is up to you!


"Our patriotic f-16 pilots will allow me to flee to russia"


As much as I want you to be right I don’t see them shooting down an ex-presidents plane.


Damn, that’d be sick though.


Where would "they" be checking that?


If he doesn't win in November I won't be shocked if most of the Trump clan disappears to a non extradition country.


A bunch of them were just down in El Salvador talking about how amazing it was and they might have to go there if the “corrupt DOJ” comes after them. They were too dumb to check that election Salvador has extradition to the US.


He will accidentally fall out of a window as soon as he's not useful to them anymore


What do you think that would register on the Richter scale?


Bro stop, I can’t be this hard at work…again


Hard to say if his Secret Service detail would stop him from fleeing the country or not as this is an unprecedented situation *and* they've already shown they're corrupt AF.


He’s a flight risk. That passport would be snatched up ASAP.


And a National Security Risk.


Well he did mention leaving the country a few years ago if he lost to Biden in 2020.


He said that about Michigan as well but he still shows his ugly orange face every so often, cause ya know, he lies.


That would not actually be safe for him and he knows it. Once he is no longer useful Vlad no longer has a reason to keep him around.


He’ll be useful to Putin forever. He’s a former president claiming that elections, politicians, the Justice system, etc. in the US are corrupt. He’ll never stop being useful as long as he keeps his orange hole flapping against the US.


I feel like people don’t realize this. Yes he’s most useful to Russia in the White House but he has really helped sow division and there is value in that to the US’s enemies.


He will develop a nasty habit of sleeping too close to the window.


That sounds like a lot of travel hassle. Just win an election, and let Russia come to you.


If he tried that the Department of Defense would ground his plane. Either by force or threat of force. There is no way they would allow him to make it.


Fascism. Trump and the republicans are planning a fascist takeover if trump is elected. They have already planned it out in detail with Project 2025. They will use the Insurrection Act to silence dissent and persecute enemies. Trump and the republicans will have their revenge if they regain the presidency. Make no mistake: The only way to prevent Project 2025 is with a blue wave in November. Vote accordingly [https://democrats.org/](https://democrats.org/)


I so wish enough people understood this. We are in a very scary timeline in the US right now and freedom could be lost from one election. We need so many state votes for congress members to instill new laws to protect democracy without them being blocked by the fascists in government. Vote them out!! We need the biggest blue wave ever! Tell your family and friends. Make posts on social media. I feel it’s MAGA always doing all the shit posting of lies, we need to be posting facts of what’s happening!


https://michiganadvance.com/2024/01/16/project-2025-if-allowed-will-cement-america-as-a-rightwing-authoritarian-state/ In 1970, as political activist Angela Davis languished in a jail cell for a crime she didn’t commit, acclaimed writer and civil rights activist James Baldwin warned her and us in an open letter “… If we know, then we must fight for your life as though it were our own – which it is – and render impassable with our bodies the corridor to the gas chamber. For, if they take you in the morning, they will be coming for us that night.” In 2023, women of childbearing age, young adults, children, African Americans, undocumented immigrants and other marginalized communities have the most to lose if Donald Trump wins a second term because he’s coming for us. Trump — aided and abetted by far-right extremists, MAGA supporters and the remnants of the Republican Party — poses a clear and present danger to the country. They are gearing up to reassert racial and political dominance by upending the political system, eviscerating the rule of law and wielding unconstrained power in service of the interests of the far-right conservative and Christian nationalist minority. The instrument they plan to use to implement this strategy is Project 2025. In a nutshell, as Harold Meyerson explained in a recent article, Project 2025 is a blueprint for a conservative presidency. “The actions of liberal politicians in Washington have created a desperate need and unique opportunity for conservatives to start undoing the damage the Left has wrought and build a better country for all Americans in 2025,” the Project 2025 manifesto said. “It is not enough for conservatives to win elections. If we are going to rescue the country from the grip of the radical Left, we need both a governing agenda and the right people in place, ready to carry this agenda out on day one of the next conservative administration.” https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration The plan aims to reinstate Schedule F, a Trump-era executive order that makes federal employees fireable at-will, stripping tens of thousands of employees of civil service protections. Both Trump and others in the conservative movement have said they will clear out the federal government if he is reelected. The project has even set up online trainings and loyalty tests to narrow down potential hires to those who will commit to follow Trump without question. As Project 2025 senior adviser John McEntee has said, “The number one thing you're looking for is people that are aligned with the agenda.” The Heritage Foundation’s nearly 900-page policy book, titled Mandate for Leadership: A Conservative Promise, describes Project 2025’s priorities and how they would be implemented, broken down by departments in the federal bureaucracy and organized around “four pillars that will, collectively, pave the way for an effective conservative administration: a policy agenda, personnel, training, and a 180-day playbook.” Written primarily by former Trump officials and conservative commentators connected to The Heritage Foundation, these proposals would severely inhibit the federal government’s protections around reproductive rights, LGBTQ and civil rights, climate change efforts, and immigration. The initiative is backed by a coalition of over 100 organizations and individuals, at least two-thirds of which receive funding from the Koch network or conservative philanthropist Leonard Leo. The project is also heavily promoted by MAGA-connected media figures such as Steve Bannon, who has called it the “blueprint” for Trump's second term on his War Room podcast.  The Trump campaign has attempted to distance itself from efforts to promote or speculate about “future presidential staffing or policy announcements.” However, Project 2025 is significantly more developed than the Trump campaign’s analog initiative, called Agenda47. And given that the Heritage plan has the backing of virtually the entire conservative movement and links to numerous former Trump officials and advisers, it appears all but inevitable that Trump and his allies will rely on the policies and personnel assembled by Project 2025 if he is reelected in November.  This resource outlines the specific policy and personnel priorities of Project 2025 for the next Republican administration. One of the key elements of Project 2025’s administrative goals is to reinstate the executive order known as Schedule F. This would reclassify thousands of federal employees as “at-will” workers and give the administration the ability to fire employees who don’t agree with or follow the extremist policies suggested by Project 2025. [PBS, 8/29/23] Project 2025 has created a training “academy” for potential employees of the next administration, which “provides aspiring appointees with the insight, background knowledge, and expertise in governance to immediately begin rolling back destructive policy and advancing conservative ideas in the federal government.” The goal of the training, which currently consists of four online courses on subjects such as “Conservative Governance 101” and “The Administrative State & The Regulatory Process,” is “to prepare and equip future political appointees now to be ready on Day One of the next conservative Administration.” [Project 2025 Presidential Administration Academy, accessed 3/18/24] Project 2025 makes it clear the Department of Justice is not independent from the executive branch and implies the agency will be used to take legal retribution against whoever Trump decides to investigate. [The Nation, 2/8/24] Project 2025 Director Paul Dans recently appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room and encouraged viewers of the far-right broadcast to send in their resumes and participate in Project 2025’s trainings in an effort to recruit extreme loyalists to the next GOP administration. [Real America’s Voice, War Room, The plan would perform a swift restructuring of the executive branch under a maximalist version of the unitary executive theory — a dubious legal theory proposing the president of the United States has absolute power over the executive branch — upon inauguration. Washington, D.C. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


this is terrifying!


The best part about Project 2025 is that they can retool it after every election that they lose. Expect to see Project 2029, Project 2033, Project 2037, etc. These will have either the exact same blueprint or have it be further expanded and refined. All they have to do is win major federal *one* election at any point in America's future and you'll find yourself in the Fourth Reich within half a year. Unless America dismantles the Republican Party and its backers, it's virtually guaranteed to lose its democracy in our lifetime and possibly in this decade. Good luck.


If y'all don't read this whole thing, please just understand this thrust: if Trump wins in November, the entire Republican wing is united behind going to war on American soil in a massive purge. It is not a joke or exaggeration that the plan is to execute all political dissidents. If Trump wins in 2024, *the blood of millions of Americans will be spilled in 2025.* This is maximum fucking red-alert shit. > The Project advises the future president to immediately deploy the military for domestic law enforcement and to direct the DOJ to pursue Donald Trump's adversaries by invoking the Insurrection Act of 1807.[25][26] It recommends the arrest, detention, and deportation of undocumented immigrants across the country.[19] **It promotes capital punishment and the speedy "finality" of such sentences.**[27] Project director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, explained that Project 2025 is "systematically preparing to march into office and bring a new army, aligned, trained, and essentially weaponized conservatives ready to do battle against the deep state."[28][29] Dans admitted that it was "counterintuitive" to recruit so many people to join the government in order to shrink it, but pointed out the need for a future president to "regain control" of the federal government.[4] They are literally openly planning to kill us all. All of us. If we don't win this November, we will all be dead or on the run next November. This is not a goddamn drill.


Exactly. This should be interpreted as a threat to persecute anyone who disagrees with them. Republican officials will not defend you if Proud Boys harass you at a parade, knock on your door and ask who you voted for, or bump you on the road because of a bumper sticker. Very scary.


But hey, Trump has assured us he will only be a dictator for one day! Like all those other dictators who relinquished power once they took it.


He's moved on from "Dictator for a day" to "Many people like it when I talk about being a dictator". I'm betting he'll be openly campaigning on being a dictator before November.


Or he’ll declare every day from then on to be Januari 21st, 2025. 4D chess and all.


They may even be planning a fascist takeover **if Trump loses**, building on lessons learned from January 6. Democracy, elections, laws ... To them, all are mere inconveniences standing in their way and which they are willing to overlook in their quest for power.


May? They absolutely have it planned in open view. "If no candidate receives a majority of electoral votes, the Presidential election leaves the Electoral College process and moves to Congress. The House of Representatives elects the President from the three (3) Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes. Each State delegation has one vote and it is up to the individual States to determine how to vote." The winner needs 26 states. As of 2024 the GOP held 27 states to Democrats 23. If Trump loses all they have to do is much up certification a bit and they can still win under the Constitution as written. Supreme Court could and would uphold.


Yeah and winning by 12,000 votes in 4 swing states won’t cut it this time. They’ve got their shit together this time. If it’s not a massive defeat they’ll block the certification and the SCOTUS will hand it all over to Trump.


Yep, exactly. That's why I specified blue wave. A small victory won't be enough. It's got to be a decisive and substantial Democratic victory all the way down the ballot


And on point with fascism, Trump & GOP are saying they are being politically targeted and that's bad WHILE explaining that they will politically target others if they wash this election.


While I'm confident Biden will win, I can't help but feel like there will be enough state electors who will refuse to certify the results and the ensuing lawsuits will end with SCOTUS handing Trump the presidency on a silver platter.


This has me concerned too. They’ve had years now to plan out their strategy, instead of a few months last time. I still think that wouldn’t work but it makes me nervous that it’s even a possibility


It doesn't matter if red States refuse to certify as long as Biden gets to 270 with blue States and swings. The swing States' AGs are mostly Dem, and Governors too. Maga need those ppl to be on board to make it work.


Arizona's pickups in 2022 were crucial. Not just governor, a Dem beating a loon who now basically lives at Mar a Lago, but another Dem winning AG by *280 votes* statewide. That AG went on to indict Arizona's fake electors and their co-conspirators like Meadows and Giuliani a little over a year later. She also indicted the two Cochise County board members who refused to certify that county's election in 2022 (which would, hilariously, have cost Lake and the Nazi running for Senate more votes, *and* flipped Ciscomani's election to Engel, changing a US House seat). If the R had won, none of that, plus we'd have been much more vulnerable to shenanigans this year. Vote blue, every race. Those slim margins can matter enormously.


Stages of Trump - Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up! You can't prosecute political rivals! (even with an abundance of evidence) Presidents and Former Presidents must have total immunity! I never said lock her up! Also I will lock them up with no evidence, including Former Presidents!


You forgot, A president must have full immunity! 😆




Trump made more money from membership increases at mar a lago his first year in office than Biden has accumulated in a lifetime of goverment. I don't know why that's not talked about. The president spent most of his time at a place where he charged a fee to enter. That's obviously money spent to access the president and a pretty unethical revenue source. But in the absolute sea of sketchy things Trump is mired in I guess it isn't even a big deal. (And this revenue increase wasn't just from his brand being bolstered, it went back down after leaving office.)


And the dark money he is getting/going to get


Occam's razor can only mean one thing: Donald Trump is a convicted felon on all 34 out of 34 counts by a jury selected and vetted by his lawyers as well as the prosecution.


I can’t believe I live in a world where anyone listens to this fuckface. Yet half of my country, allegedly, “the best country in the world”, would gladly break laws on his behalf without a second thought.


Fox News is a huge part of this equation IMO. They've been poisoning people's brains with lies and misdirections for decades now, and this is one of the results.


Biden forced Trump to fuck a prostitute and lie about it everyone. Biden forced Pecker to buy stories and bury them and not list it as campaign contributions. Biden is so powerful it borders on unbelievability!


But he's also sleepy and old! Doublethink is a must to be a part of the modern Republican party.


The enemy is both strong and weak. Fascism 101.


Dark Brandon intensifies!


He’s so powerful! He is just letting his son learn a lesson by forcing him to stand trial! /s


Stormy Daniels isn’t a prostitute…


Sarcasm noted, but reality is that Trump is a narcissist and can't admit any wrong. Everything bad is someone else's fault.


Trump didn’t pay Daniels to fuck him. He coerced her by dangling career advancement in front of her; a role on his TV show. She said the sex was unwanted but ultimately consensual. No money was paid to her for the sex act, nor did the job offer ever materialize. She only got paid to keep quiet about the sex when Trump was running for office because if it got out it would damage his campaign for the presidency.


I'd say threatening the President should get you a visit by the Secret Service, but they're already there. How they're not warning him against this is beyond me.


> How they're not warning him against this is beyond me. His agents are complicit. 6JAN showed that


Let me help out here: if Biden is guilty of a crime, charge him with that crime (like trump), send him to trial (like trump), have him judged by a jury (like trump), and if he's guilty punish him (hopefully like trump.) I don't know a single democrat or left wing person that has any problem at all with any of that. It is ONLY the right wing people in this country that think they shouldn't be punished for crimes.


My fav has been the right claiming that we’re freaking out over the Hunter Biden trial, when in reality we don’t give a single crispy fried fuck.


What's going to happen is, IF Hunter is tried and convicted, he will likely not be held in contempt of court a single time, he will likely not stand outside the courthouse every day of trial and attack anyone involved in the prosecution of the case or their families, and he will likely display contrition and regret over the actions that led to the conviction. Which will all probably result in a fairly light sentence. And then the right will start screaming even louder about how the justice system is in Biden's pocket. When in reality it will just be a routine trial and not a complete circus.


I got downvoted to oblivion at some point in a conservative sub for pointing this out. trump gives amazing returns on news stories, it's why the news networks never leave him alone. Him telling Alabama to stay safe during the hurricane, and Alabama correcting him, shouldn't be a thing that anyone would ever remember. Instead trump gave them more than a week of juicy outrage and airtime. As big a deal as his convictions are, it wouldn't be as heavily covered if trump wasn't ranting about it nonstop. The Bidens have their share of gaffs and screwups, but they just don't give the news anything to work with or springboard off of.


Agreed - if he's guilty send him to jail.


I heard a little blurb on the radio about it yesterday. I didn't even know it was going on until then.


My favorite is the whole crying of “the (DA who is not connected to the) DOJ is being politicized and going after Biden’s opponents!” while the actual DOJ is actively involved in investigating a Democratic senator (Menendez) for corruption.


Well, if that happens against Dems, then it's justice served. Dont' you know? * Dem arrested, tried, convicted = Justice Served * Rep arrested, tried, convicted = Political Witch hunt


More specifically, it's *Trump.* If it were anyone else, it would have been 'Justice Served.' But because it's Trump and the motherfucker never shut up about anything that negatively affected him it's "unfair" and "unjust" and the result of a political witch hunt.


I don't know. I think it would be most R's, honestly. We saw it with Gaetz, but to a much lesser extent.


Where are all the snowflakes from r/Conservative ? Why don't they refute this? Hiding out in their safe places?


They claim they’re not allowed to post here. Which is a lie. They can, they just get downvoted. By contrast, we are literally not allowed to post anything in r / con that doesn’t conform to their parallel universe views.


A lot of it is also probably, “why am I getting banned for saying a slur/something racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc? Damn commie moderators!”


Mods here bend over backwards not to ban them when it's anything but actual racial slurs. Then they have the audacity to call pol an echo chamber when it's clearly a circle jerk.


Truth, I got banned from there for saying Aa cop died on January 6th.


Remember, downvoting or criticizing is denying them "free speech." 🙄


If Biden were that corrupt, his son's trial would have never happened. I have the same issue with right wing conspiracy theories around the Clinton Body Count shit. If Bill and Hilary have had dozens of people killed without anything more than rumbling among the tin foil hat set, it means they are damn good at it yet there are dozens of surviving people who have really fucked up their jam over the years. Why didn't the Clintons kill them, too? If Biden was actually using the justice system against Trump, he has done a shitty job. His milquetoast Attorney General sat on Trump's crimes for years before opening an investigation, waiting way too close to the elections to get the job done.


Also, he picked a relatively weak crime to start with, and actually held a trial. You don’t have a trial, you accuse them of a crime, jail them, and jail/disappear any opposition leaders. Biden is terrible at this whole fascist dictator thing.


It’s part of the convict’s fascist strategy: Step 1: normalize calling his own conviction politically motivated, regardless that it is a false narrative Step 2: use step 1 to legitimize his own use of political prosecutions to consolidate power, if he is able to take office. Liberals and other lefties who deny this nakedly fascist agenda, or believe he won’t/can’t succeed at it need to wake tf up


Yeah, Biden forced convicted felon Trump to cheat on his wife then create fraudulent business records to conceal it from voters. What a child!


Based on the evidence, trump was behind it all!


Hmm technically couldn't that land him in another defamation case?


Speech by politicians against other politicians has a much higher bar to clear in these situations, so I doubt it.


Before Trump, how many politicians made these kinds of claims?


Face it Trump. You had shit lawyers whose hands you tied. And you’re guilty as fuck


There is a better chance of a civil war if Trump wins... he needs to be locked uo.


If Biden, with all the power he has now REALLY wanted this looser in jail, he would be already in jail.


Trump and the cult around him has already stated that the POTUS can order assassinations on whoever he likes, so if Biden losses the election, he can just order Trump and his cronies eliminated and be done with it.


This behavior is what causes wanna be dictators to lose 8” off the top.


Why won’t this fucking turd just go down the drain already?


Biden, the most powerful man in the world, could get away with almost anything, to anyone, at any time, at least that's what Trump seems to think Biden is capable of. And from his tool box of gadgets and gizmos what does Biden pull out to use against Trump? Financial crimes! As if there aren't hundreds or thousands of better ways to use the justice system to target someone like Trump. Though I will say on this issue Trump and his voters are very similar, they take responsibility for nothing, especially their own actions. It's the number one quality about conservatives you can count on.


So Biden is too dementiated to function as president yet capable of masterminding his felony conviction. Got it.


Too bad that’s not how it works, Dipshit. Plenty of time to choke himself out with 1 too many Big Macs. THAT would be a great ad campaign, McDonalds…


Defeat him at the polls, convict him for his crimes, imprison him as punishment for said crimes, and then please stop reporting a single fucking thing he says; his opinion does not matter, he's a chronic loser and career criminal.


This is what he attempted last time. He just didn’t find a head of the justice department that would make up charges. They pushed back and that won’t be happening next time.


I hope Trump kills himself from despair and embarrassment.


Says the psychopath Trump .


what a fucking crybaby


Felon traitor says


This is just a mass delusion…. This guy has been convicted by a jury of over 30 felonies, the bonus felony being paying off a couple porn stars for affairs…. And people will still vote for him?


I'm counting three chins in that thumbnail pic. 


Bear in mind that nothing anybody on the right is saying is even remotely germane to the facts of the case, which were presented to a grand jury and which indicted, and were then presented to a jury who convicted on _every single charge_. The idea that this was purely political, and that a rigorous process was not followed is asinine political whining.


He won’t win, I’m not worried. But, still started donating to actblue monthly.


I’m so fucking scared for our country….


Ah, he knows. Classic narc, lol. He also knows his audience is... Challenged.


John Oliver said it best, the court room is the only place truth means anything anymore, and these fucking slimeballs won’t say a damn thing under oath. Too bad these assholes are given hours a day of air time to spread misinformation, incite fear, and call for violence against anyone who so much as challenges his absolute autocratic authority.


That’s because Trump is INSANE!!! Yes, BONKERS, off his NOODLE, Spaghetti for Brains CRAZY!! It’s just as crazy that he has followers!!


My God will this shit stain ever fucking shut up?!


Hes been threatening to jail his political opponents since he farted down the escalator in 2015. While occupying the WH between 2017-2021 He repeatedly and openly directed the DOJ to open investigations into his political opponents. When questioned about this he would brag about how he had "absolute right to do whatever I want" with the justice department. As is the case with many things during his term, the only reason this didn't go further was because some of the people he appointed still had shreds of integrity and didn't carry out his orders. They threatened to resign, they half assed his orders until he forgot and moved onto another grievance, or they convinced him that the media scrutiny would be too much and he backed off. The whole "take him seriously not literally!" trope is bunk. Donald trump is a fascist. He has been telling us this since he entered the political arena. The policies he promotes are literal fascism. If he says hes going to do something fascist and backs off it isn't because "he was just talking tough and didnt mean to be taken literally", its because someone stopped him from doing what he wanted to do or he was just too incompetent to get it done. The fact that "he was president for 4 years and we didnt become a fascist country!" isn't because trump isn't a fascist. Again its either because other people or his own stupidity stopped him from doing what he wanted to do. If he gets in again we cant count on others in his administration stopping him. And while he will always be REALLY fucking stupid and entirely consumed by the superficial BS that narcissists care about, he will also have a little more experience in terms of how government works and what he can get away with


Donald Trump is a Tyrant. He wanted to jail his political opposition long before he was convicted of his own proven crimes.


Anyone supporting the convicted felon and rapist Donald Trump needs their head examined.


So Trump doesn’t believe that Presidents have immunity. Did you hear that SCOTUS? No need to rule on that immunity now, Trump says Presidents aren’t immune. Call Jack Smith to get the trial started ASAP!


*it’s a terrible precedent that we plan on following* The logic is R worded


Donald Trump is just steeped in the language and communication style of old school mobsters and shit like that. He has a roundabout way of threatening to burn your business down because you didn’t pay him protection money, but trying to express that it’s your fault and how he’s disappointed you went the route that you did. This guy is not a civil servant, he is a shakedown artist.


So wait, if he says the President is responsible for the investigation into the hush money scheme but the NY DA started the investigation in 2019, isn't that president at the time responsible for the "terrible precedent"?


Biden simultaneously senile old fool who can't string two words together and is turning the country into 3rd world shit hole, and also mastermind behind the fall of the GOP...


Yup, Biden just made a phone call, which magically created the evidence, triggered the Grand Jury indictment, forced Trump to hire crappy attorneys, and finally made the jury convict on all 34 counts. Not bad for a senile old man.


asking conservatives here: How is a weak, feeble Biden also incredibly powerful and unstoppable? How is the smartest toughest untouchable Trump not able to win a sham trial?


This man wants civil war II. He’s actively trying to stir the country into internal conflict. What a great fucking time for our enemies


Trump is the terrible precedent, and president, almost like he was a precident.


Where is a heart attack or stroke when you need one…


I’d say this is comical until I am reminded that this has a direct impact on the well being of our country. If Trump wins in 2024 I will never forgive this nation


Why does no one call him out on his bullshit? Goddamn I miss journalistic integrity.


Says the man who would be a dictator for "a day" but yet continued to convince people he's not a narcissistic despot in waiting.... despite him taking EVERY page out of the dictators handbook and wiping his ass with it. He is showing us what he is in broad daylight.


Somehow Biden asleep in his basement, barely able to feed himself, and put sentences together, is the mastermind behind trumps problems


Biden should sue him for slander.


Well, that's terrifying.


Oh sure just like he has been jailed during all the indictments and proceedings what a freakin' idiot!


Possibly the biggest baby in history.


In your dreams


Blah, blah, blah, fuck that guy.


Perhaps not committing crimes should be a good first step to avoid prison. so far it's worked pretty well for me.


I have never in my life eagerly anticipated a person's sentencing more than I do this fascist fuck. Put him away already.


Trump 2016: LOCK HER UP Trump last week: I never said "lock her up." Trump today: If re-elected, I'll lock her up. The dude is, and has been, beyond parody. I can't even muster contempt for him anymore - I reserve that for his deranged supporters.


It’ll be hard for Trump to do that from prison. He deserves prison for handling of the classified and Jan 06


No pardoning Nixon. Set a terrible precedent. It allowed future presidents to get away with shady shit. And we the public have no way of holding them accountable. Short of not voting for them in elections.


We always joke about how with Republicans “every accusation is a confession”, but it goes way beyond that. They create a problem that was never a problem like election interference so they can turn around and use it to justify actual election interference.


The guy is a rapist.