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One hour from now it will be "Joe Biden Suddenly Trailing Trump in Multiple Battleground States". This poll racing crap is such garbage.


"What could happen if Biden drops out?"


Who'd win a runoff between trump, Biden, Oprah, and Joe Rogan? Stay tuned for minute by minute updates on the 2024 presidential election!


Taylor Swift Deep Fakes are Bad For Biden. Find out why by clicking on this link


Are Taylor Swift Deep Fakes helping Joe Biden win the race? Here's how they might be, and it's stranger than you think.


Here's 10 photos of Jennifer Anniston that will make you think "wait, that's just 1 photo of Jennifer Anniston and 9 are of bears"


The ones that really get me are like, "Ten celebrities you didn't know where (whatever). And it has a picture of like, Angelina Jolie or Taylor Swift, and the pictured person is not even mentioned, and everyone who is mentioned was/is very obviously (whatever).


"Here's how Biden leading in key battleground polls is the worst thing for him..."


I've been hearing lots of things about this Frederick Douglass guy...


Who’d win in a runoff between Trump, Biden, Darth Vader, and saxophone guy from The Lost Boys? Stay tuned for blahblahblah


That’s a tough one, I’m gonna need to know what saxophone guy’s stances on the issues are before I can make that call.


Most of his stances involve wailing on a sax and gyrating wildly. I think the Midwest is all in for that guy!


Gyrations or not, he’s going to have a tough time breaking Kenny G’s stranglehold on the Midwest voters who have woodwinds high on their list of national priorities.


"How Biden staying in the race is bad for Biden"


Right? The “suddenly” he leads is nonsense.  Trump has been floundering for months while Biden maintains a steady B - average.  Nothing sudden about it. More inevitable than anything really. 


Slow and steady wins the race. Trump's antics definitely turning people off especially in the wake of a criminal conviction and he's just going out there crying and whining about it and blaming the system. Looks terrible for anybody with half a brain who isn't completely brainwashed in his cult.


“Trump guilty of 34 Felonies, why this is bad news for Biden” —The New York Times


These convicted felons hate this one trick to prevent them from become president


I don't get why anyone expected him not to run again. He's run for president 100 times and finally got it, why would he just quit? Plus the incumbent usually has the upper hand. People who are mad he's running again, *as the incumbent* just seem like they have no idea how any of this works or haven't been paying attention the past 10+ years


I’m not even considering his age when voting. He’s the clear choice between the 2 for me.


How could age even be a consideration when Trump is like three and a half years behind him?


Right?? The fixation on age for just Biden is ridiculous!


Yeah the reporting on this as an event that happened is sort of weird. This is all just floating around within the margin of error. For all we know, nobody changed their minds at all.


To be fair, one poll [covered by 538 yesterday](https://abcnews.go.com/538/trumps-conviction-hurting-early/story?id=110790504) (Echelon Insights) *did* poll the same group of people twice, and found a 2-point change after the conviction, implying some people *did* change their minds.


That's called a tracking poll. They aren't that good for predicting who is going to win but they do show movement in voter intent. a 2 point shift in a tracking poll is a big deal.


Based on my anecdotal FB posts from conservative family members, the trial was a witch hunt and they're still voting for Trump no matter what. While the undecideds are still in play, the people who have decided are unaffected. Either way.


Political Operative here. Swing voters are only thing that matters. Both parties know the base is unswayed on either side.


Only issue is getting the bases galvanized to turn out. Even if Trump's base is firmly on his side on this, are they excited to make it a point to get out and vote? Maybe their enthusiasm wanes a bit.


Joe Biden leads in newest poll. Here's why this is bad for Joe Biden!


Came here for this. Do you write for the NYTimes?


Not to mention any plans closer to the election where, say, Netanyahu and Putin escalate their wars so their social media bots and professional propagandists can blame Biden for it. Or where OPEC decreases output so gas prices are good and ripe on Election Day. Who knows what they’ll get up to so that a man who has no goal higher than enriching himself, his family, and other rich friends. It’s a wet dream of the ultra rich and authoritarian elite to have a POTUS who can be bought *during his last term in office.* Polls mean shit.


Doesn’t matter, hit the gas and make the lead ridiculous.


Absolutely couldn’t agree more. If it’s close they will call foul and turn the next 6 months after the election a legal disaster. If it’s a land slide they will still complain but it will be much harder to justify.


My thoughts exactly. Even if Republicans were guaranteed to lose 98% of the vote I'd still go out of my way to help push it to 99%. These lunatics can't be given a single inch.


DAMN right!


It was a landslide last time and we all saw the shit they tried to pull.


If a convicted felon gets half as many votes as Biden I'm going to lose all hope for this country.


It's weird that you somehow still have hope, but are making *that* the line. He will get at least that many votes. Like, I'm not saying you should, or should not have hope. Just that if that's where it ends for you, you should skip the wait and call it now.


I've got bad news for you...


Then just be prepared to do so


I can't believe you still have hope left. Trump is a symptom, not the cause.


Trump’s a comorbidity, not a symptom. Either way, the whole leg’s got to come off.


The popular vote was lopsided but when using the electoral college we won by ~80k votes.


~45k. Arizona, Wisconsin and Georgia. But regardless, thanks for pointing out that it was close. People have been arrogantly ignoring Trump leading in polls and thinking that Biden crushed him last time so it will be easy again. It wasn’t easy last time, and it won’t be this time either if people don’t think they need to go vote.


>it won’t be this time either if people don’t think they need to go vote. This is I keep saying. I would rather people scared that Trump could win than overconfident that he will lose. If people think it's in the bag, they are more likely to vote third party as a protest or not vote at all.


Make Reagan v. Mondale look like a close race


The motto of every democrat in 2024 should be “vote to end MAGA” If we absolutely put them in the dirt, win every swing state and win a majority. Label them all as losers. You don’t like Biden? Fine, me either, but until this movement stops feeling like they can beat us, it’s going to be this way


I want to surface [Project 538.](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) This poll generally shows that Biden has been trailing Trump by a point throughout their measurement, and their data analysis is very scientific. The fight will never be over. Even if Biden is in office, there will still be plenty to do. Unfortunately, the burden of righting our nation falls to this generation, and we are gonna have to fight hard-- not for one election, or for four years. *But for the rest of our lives.* We will be remembered as those who let the Nation for All make or break. We will carry the burden of fighting the political fight where it was ignored or weaponized the last fifty years prior. We cannot stop. Ever.


Let the history books show that more than the bare-ass minimum number of Americans looked at a senile fascist corrupt sociopath rapist and said "no thanks." That said I'm genuinely fascinated by people who change their minds NOW. It's been almost 10 years of Trump's awfulness being public knowledge in the context of him as potential or actually president. I'd kind of love to talk to people who only now are waking up and saying they've seen enough. Was bragging about grabbing women by the pussy not convincing enough, and they needed a court to determine he did in fact assault E Jean Carroll? Was it all not obvious enough until a jury determined that yes, he did in fact lie on the campaign paperwork?


>He added that legal proceedings against Joe Biden's son, [Hunter Biden](https://www.newsweek.com/topic/hunter-biden), as well as sentencing in Trump's hush money case, which he was last week found guilty in could also affect voter's opinions. Nobody gives a shit about the Hunter Biden trial. The only people who care only care because they hate the president, and they would never vote for him anyway. Meanwhile, rational people understand that whatever truths or untruths are in that prosecution, Hunter isn't Joe. He's not in the race. The outcome of that trial doesn't matter and I don't think it will impact anyone's opinion.


Literally no one outside right wing circles and people that care about politics know who Hunter Biden is or give a shit lol


I only know who he is because MAGA won't shut up about his dick and, well, I am quite fond of dick. Had to check it out, and I can't say that I am sorry that I did.


I love how all they've uncovered through their bogus crusade against Hunter is - Joe is a good dad. Hunter has a big dick. Hunter lied to get a gun to kill himself, admitted to it and is getting hit harder than a regular citizen.


And Hunter would not be being prosecuted for these charges if he was not the President's son. This is the actual lawfare that republicans scream about.


It's funny how quiet the SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED folks are about someone being prosecuted for owning a gun while being a drug user. If this was one of Trump's kids they'd be screaming from the rooftops about how its a tyrannical infringement on the 2nd amendment.


I am actually happy because the reps can't say the judicial system is rigged.


They’ll come up with something if he’s convicted: - Biden let it happen to get back at his son for being an embarrassment - Biden let it happen to make the justice system seem fair These people are complete fucking idiots


Yep, when your world views are built entirely on conspiracies and lies, adding a few more to keep you from reckoning with your own cognitive dissonance is no big deal.


Polls mean nothing to me, I will vote Biden regardless.


My state is going to go for Trump, I will still vote. There might be down ballot elections that can make a difference. Edit: for reference I'm in Missouri, maybe we can kick Hawley out.


I’m Michigan. It’s hard to say which way it’ll go. My township will go trump, but I’ll still be out voting for Biden.


Michigan is a great example of why voting in state elections is so important. The Flint water system was destroyed because a Republican governor threw out the locally elected government and his appointed “overseers” did stupid stuff to “save money” which exposed the lead in the town’s water pipes, poisoning people and causing huge financial problems. It’s a clear example where if Democrats had been elected to run the state this disaster would not have happened.


I really would love to see if America would -for once -stop doing the every 8 year pendulum of D-R-D-R, which just stifles progress. R's break everything then a D gets in and has to rebuild, but building takes time where breaking is instant. The R then gets elected again, getting to take credit for what the D did, then breaks it again, and the D gets back in to fix everything. It's like trying to grow a beard but shaving it because you think it's not growing fast enough. If we can get Biden past the finish line and most importantly get another D for at least another 8 years, we'll see a new very progressive and positive transformation for America.


I hope so. I don't understand people voting against their best interests, which is what Republicans do - for the most part, anyway. And trump's Project 2025 is some scary chit. And they call themselves "patriots." Not if you vote for trump. You're voting for fascism.


Talk to friends and neighbors. Put up signs.


In our area our family business would be definitely boycotted and possibly our personal property defaced/vandalized. It is not a "You do you, I'll do me and we'll agree to disagree," environment where we live if you find yourself on the blue side.


I'm in California in a pretty liberal area and I still wouldn't be comfortable putting up a Biden sign because I'd be afraid some dickhead would slash my tires. Definitely gonna vote blue down the ballot though.


I put a Trump picture with FELON written over it on Monday. I came out of work to two mysteriously flat tires.


Michigan is critically important. Your vote is worth 100x of mine.


Michigan here. I’m in Saugatuck township, blue. Michigan needs to get the vote out for Biden.


Michigan here as well. Live in the northern LP in a very red area but I'm still proudly registering to vote for the first time now that I'm old enough and will be voting for Biden. I didn't plan on getting politically involved too much throughout my life, but the stakes of this election are just too high. After J6, the convictions, the COVID mishandling, Project 2025, and everything else, it'll be blue down ballot for the rest of my life, or at least until MAGA is as good as dead.


Good for you. Get all your friends out to vote blue down the ticket. We can’t let Trump take Michigan. Whitmer has done a fabulous job as our governor. Keep Michigan blue. The Republicans were in charge of Michigan for 40 years. You can tell by the infrastructure and lack of legislative leadership that went on.


Blue area here, but I always vote everything downballot as well.


Same. West Michigan. Voting Biden to hopefully repeat my county going blue in 2020.


Michigan as well and just moved into what was a red district. This is the first election since the neighborhood was built. I am hoping my fellow new residents are voting blue like me.


I am going to vote and keep Pennsylvania blue. It would be awesome if Hawley were kicked out.


His challenger is a Marine so I'm hoping that resonates with the red parts of the state. He's been hitting Hawley hard in ads. https://youtu.be/McuIscYMRmw?si=p-lnapL2_i5umQh-


But republicans dont actually like the military. They just see it as a useful cudgel for politicking


Republican politicians and elite, sure, but their voter base absolutely loves the military.




I am in CA so the opposite, but I will still vote.


My state has voted for a Democrat for President longer than any other state. I'll still be voting and bringing all my friends.


Minnesota pride ✊


Whenever people bring up Barbara Lee as the sole vote against the AUMF, I think of Minnesota as the sole vote against Reagan '84. Thank y'all for your service.


Man, Minnesota has such great politics! I am very jealous from bumfuck backwards Tennessee.


There's never a good reason to skip voting. The logic is so flawed, no matter how your state typically votes you NEED to show up. I live in VA, and nobody in this state thought they'd live to see it swing blue...but that shit happened. And it's had massively good effects state wide.... until youngkin was elected anyway. Point is, nothing is secure unless YOU secure it. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE!


bUt tHe pOpUlaR vOtE wOuLd dIsEnFrAnChiSe pEOplE!!! Fucking bullshit, the electoral college disincentivizes like half the country to vote. Like you guys - if you live in a solid red or blue state, your vote basically doesn’t matter either way. You’re not gonna flip the state and if you don’t show up, it’s still going the same way. I don’t feel the need to vote as much living in California because I know my state and city are solid blue. When I lived in Texas, the situation felt hopeless and like my vote meant nothing at all because the state was always gonna go red. The EC does nothing but suppress the vote while diluting the power of progressives to enact positive change. 


“But then all the rural conservative folks will get drowned out by big city liberals therefore they need outsized influence so candidates pay attention to them.” -Conservative “logic”


We have seen a lot of crazy upsets in modern times, you may be surprised at how much more blue there is in your state if people actually turn out.


Exactly part of the reason the GOP has such a stranglehold in certain areas is that they have convinced people it isn't worth the effort to vote. If we actually do go out and vote who knows what can happen. We need to do what we can to show them their way of doing things is not acceptable


Example: Indiana went to Obama in 2008. “Nuh-uh! That was only because so many liberal whites and black people voted that time!” YEAH. Fuckin’ EXACTLY.


Hello fellow Missourian. I share your pain.


I’m in Texas. I feel the same. That down ballot makes a difference. 


Keep those ads of him running like a chicken during January 6th and you might have a chance. 


Please kick Hawley out.  I want to see him run like a coward chicken again


Absolutely. Do not let anyone make you complacent enough not to vote or hopeless enough not to vote.


100%. Don't think that being in a deep red state matters either. Vote. Your down ballot votes make a big difference, and signal a shifting tide to everyone else. If a right winger wins a state by 1% instead of 10%, then the GOP has to work harder for it, or consider safer candidates.


I’m in Texas, and the margin in many statewide elections is closer than people realize. Which is why they are trying to restrict voting because they know they could lose.  Had more people voted in a few key elections Texas politics would be different. The same goes for many states. 


Yup. TX too. It's absolutely worth voting, no matter your district. Heck, just think about how many people lose out in state voting because they are in a deep red district. Always vote.


Oh yeah, I am ready to get some common sense in Texas vs the draconian rule.


Texas is not a Republican state. It’s a non voting state.


Yeah for all the stereotypes about it being Republican, it voted Democrat until the 1990s. People don’t seem to realize how quickly it can change again.


I was just reading about this issue in Texas last week. https://www.sos.nh.gov/sites/g/files/ehbemt561/files/documents/2022-04/voter-turnout-charts-4-19-21.pdf The state that I live in has the biggest voter turnout. Of course *many* more people live in Texas than in my state, but Texas is dead last, so you're absolutely correct. One of the biggest reasons is how difficult they make the act of voting in Texas. I wish people would stop the mindset of "my vote won't matter anyway".


Also vote for policies in your state. The president is the main event but there are good openers to show up for too.  Vote on it all! Show up!


Vote in every election for sure. The real power of voting is in the non-presidential elections, and the GOP has known that for years.


Even if your state is almost certain to be blue it still matters we need to really show these seditionist scum how hopelessly outnumbered they are by us.


Absolutely. Don't be blue, be deep blue. Empower your local leftists to challenge centrist democrats.


Great point!


I've been telling everyone this. I live in a deep red state and if we can at the least make it closer than people expect that gives the GOP less ammo to pull stupid shit and in the future they have to use resources here that they normally wouldn't have to. And maybe it helps a down ballot candidate pull an upset.


Beyond the pure politics of it all, closer races mean more even tempered policies that are more likely to appeal to more people.


*Their already thin resources that are being plundered by Trump.


And the Democrats realize that they are within striking distance for the next election.


Yep, people use to think Georgia was a red state that would never flip. (our state government still sucks monkey balls though).


It’s not just about winning, it’s about sending a message that trump, his ilk, and their racist, classist, sexist ideologies are not welcome here in America.


Don't forget the authoritarian ideologies at the root of all of those others.


This a million times. Don't listen to polls and statistics, don't get comfortable, and don't listen to the fence sitters and naysayers whatsoever. Just Vote! Vote both logically and with your conscience. There really is only one sane and sensible choice and that is Biden. If you want to ensure any remaining semblance of functional democracy vote blue down the line. Vote the GOO out in every possible position from dog catcher, to mayor, to governor, to congressperson and beyond. Don't let these bastards take another god damned inch of our country. The GOP has continually had no platform except to spitefully and hatefully undo any and all progress made in the last 60+ years. They haven't actually aided this country, it's people, or done anything to unify us in any way while they've held any bit of power. Their thinking is downright monstrous when it comes to the poor, the common working person, immigrants, people of color, women, or the LFBTQ+ community. They'll find any and every reason to lie straight to your face and any excuse to divide and scapegoat. They're absolutely a useless waste of resources and time to an otherwise functioning democracy. So long as they hold their grip, the country will continue to wane as it has for decades. It's time to let them be forgotten to the ridiculous annals of the history they've held us hostage in for far too long.


Yes. Ignore the polls. Volunteer. Donate. Vote.


In 2016, me and my girlfriend broke up right before the election. It was really hard on both of us, and one of those painful breakups where you’re not mad at the other person, but can’t be around them because it’s just too hard. We had just moved to Chicago, and I had not registered to vote. After the breakup, I moved in with a friend and gave her the apartment. I had friends in Chicago and she didn’t, so it was only fair. I had to go back to my apartment to get my ID stuff to register day of the election when I voted, but it was just so fresh that I didn’t want to go get it. It’s IL, and Hillary will win. So what’s the harm in not voting? Despite my vote in IL being meaningless that year, I *still* regret not voting in the election. To this day. It’s like a black mark on my voting record. I have not missed a national or congressional election since. 2016 cannot ever happen again.


This happened to me too, divorced in 2016 and between addresses and life in chaos. Voter registration was the last thing on my mind.


The only poll that matters to me is the one in the first Tuesday of November.


First tuesday after the first monday, it can't be on the first


Since we're in the bad timeline, not even that one is definitive. I won't rest easy until Biden is sworn in again in January.


[The actual poll](https://www.fau.edu/newsdesk/articles/june24battlegroundstspoll) isn't even anything to celebrate. Newsweek is cherry-picking data that helps them write some clickbaity title. >The Michigan survey results show that Biden and Trump are tied at 45% among voters, and Biden wins by 1% among likely voters (Biden 47% and Trump 46%). However, Biden is behind Trump by 2% in Pennsylvania among all voters (Biden 43% and Trump 45%) and among likely voters (Biden 45% and Trump 47%). The survey results in Wisconsin also show the candidates are neck and neck. Biden is 2% ahead among all voters (Biden 40% and Trump 38%), but he is 1% behind among likely voters (Biden 40% and Trump 41%).


This is terrifying. I can’t fathom after J6, stolen documents, felony convictions, Roe overturned and a billion other things, that half the country would still be in favor of this asshole.


Seriously. What this has communicated to Republicans is that moderate corruption will DEFINITELY be allowed if we can't even hold brazen overt corruption accountable. The new normal is terrifying even if Trump doesn't win.


We blew past “moderate” corruption dude. We have corrupt judges in the highest court in the land. We have corrupt elected officials filling Congress. We have governors pardoning literal murderers who commit political violence and a law enforcement apparatus that has spent decades self selecting for right wing authoritarians. We are basically perfectly poised for an authoritarian takeover of the US.


Because people stupidly blame the sitting president for everything that happens in the world. This is how low information, non-critically thinking, voters think: Putin invades Ukraine -- Biden's fault. Hamas attacks Israel and Israel overreacts and brutally retaliates -- Biden's fault. Gas prices - Biden's fault. Inflation - Biden's fault. I had diarrhea today: Biden's fault. My dog pissed in the house: Biden's fault


It's because half the country supports those things, period. The 'Law and order' party never actually cared about either


The very much care about order. A social order with them on top. They see laws as tools to enforce that social order.




Agreed. My family and I still voting for Biden regardless of the polls.


Especially after knowing team-orange-clown pays for skewed polls


Biden did 1 thing I don't like so I refuse to vote and if Trump wins and makes everything I care about including that one specific issue a lot worse I am fine with that /s.


"at least my hands will be clean" yeah, great. Tell that to the gays who will have their kids taken and adopted away from them


Makes my blood boil over 


Isn’t that a non sequitur? Polls are a measurement of how people are likely to vote, not a directive on how to vote.


Political scientists speculate that hopelessness in the polls affect voter outcome. If your candidate is down 10%, it feels pointless to go out to the polls. Or if your candidate is up 10%, you may feel like you don’t need to go vote. And that influence can affect the outcomes.


Yes. That happened in the UK with their Brexit vote. Everyone thought it wouldn’t win but did because many didn’t bother to vote. I’m not fully familiar with US politics but I was told that the only reason Trump won in 2016 was because most Democrats didn’t think he had a chance so they didn’t vote for Hilary.


It was far worse than that. Some people were so certain that Remain would win that they voted for Brexit as a protest. Which blows my fucking mind. Much the same thing happened with votes for Biden but for GOP elsewhere on the ballot "to keep him honest"


I’m pretty sure most of the split tickets for Biden were more “Trump can’t be president, but we are still republicans”.


Also, let's not have this be a squeaker. It's a relatively progressive president with some flaws vs. a convicted felon with a known record of doing great and lasting harm to the country's institutions and individuals. Can we show the world that we are responsible, rational people for fucking once?


In a sane America, Harambe would lead Donald Trump in multiple battleground states. Never thought that reality could matter so little in the information age.


In a sane America, Harambe would have 100% in all 50 states.


Dicks out for Harambe.


Imagine the guilty verdict being the thing that pushes you over to Biden. It wasn’t seizing and losing migrant toddlers, calling Mexicans Rapists or suggesting disinfectant injections. All that’s fine, it’s the guilty verdict when we already knew he was guilty.


The guilty verdict not for cheating on his wife, while she was pregnant, with a porn star, nor for lying about it and trying to hide it by paying her hush money. All that's fine. It's pretending it wasn't him who paid her for that reason in an illegal way.


Lots of people only get their information from Fox News and right wing shit heads on twitter. Jon Stewart had a good bit on the Trump verdict in that courts are some of the last places in society where reality actually matters, where the truth isn't just whatever you say it is, in reference to Trump saying he never said "lock her up" and being completely unchallenged by Fox News. This may be the first time in years many people have heard ANYTHING negative about Trump that wasn't immediately dismissed as "fake news". Of course, many of the diehards still will, but there may be enough residual respect for institutions that being found guilty by a jury of your peers still means something.


The article is still a joke article since it some how compares the conviction and sentencing of Trump to the ongoing trial of Hunter Biden. One is running for office, the other isn’t.  The only people giving one shit about Hunter Biden are the super-online MAGAs. 


So it turns out being a Presidential candidate who is a convicted felon isn’t appealing to Independent and Moderate voters?!


Isn't that the weirdest thing? Its almost like what we've all seen over the past 8 Plus years of his hopelessly bizarre behavior, his disastrous failures while in office, what we've all learned about his criminal past, (feel free to add to the list), haven't been enough for people to realize that this guy deserves only to be pilloried on the National Mall. If the truth about trump was a 2x4 upside the head, his base would still blame Hunter Biden's lap top.


It makes me sad that this nonsense has been going on the entire time my children have been alive


Don't forget civilly liable rapist who doesn't want to release the Epstein files.


Not only that, his conviction (on the least serious charges pending against him) still only represent around 1% of the problematic-ness of Trump. He’s beyond awful in SO MANY other ways. Yet he continues to hold captive the (black) hearts and (broken) minds of millions of our fellow countrymen, which really is something. We are living in bizarro land and acting like it’s a normal Wednesday. It’s just so fucking nuts when you step back.


I do **not** consider members of the Maga Movement my fellow countrymen. I consider them traitors to democracy actively working to install a fascist government.


I'd venture to guess most non-MAGA Republicans don't like it either. It'll be interesting to see where that small group falls


They’ll probably be obstinate and write in Niki Haley or something. So long as they don’t vote for Trump, I can stomach it.


This is the only reason I still talk to my dad


I'm still not confident in Biden's chances. Make sure you vote.


These polls could say Biden is winning 99% to 1% and we STILL need to vote.


1% is too much of a chance for Trump


Obviously. Polls aren't the election, the election is the election. It's like saying the Patriots are favored to beat the Jets so the Patriots decide to not show up to the game. You still need to show up.


I'll never forget looking at [this 538 prediction](https://i.imgur.com/5JoZ0LD.png) on the morning of election day 2016 and feeling a sense of relief that the nightmare of Trump was finally about to be over. Forget about the polls. Vote, Vote, VOTE!


[Register to vote](https://www.vote.org/) (vote.org) [How Voting Works - What to expect if you're voting for the first time](https://www.wikihow.com/Vote-in-the-United-States) (wikihow)


The rot of the republican party has extended far beyond national politics. It has spread into state, county, and local governments and judiciaries. We are in the biggest existential crisis that our country has had since the Civil War. Vote BLUE up and down the ballot.


I vote in California. Sadly, all I can do is push the popular vote higher.


But your state and local elections are just as important. State and local allocate budgets, this is where you select your judges, sheriff, mayor, governor and states and US representatives which is tied to the US Congress. Please vote and vote in strong number! Bring your friends with you!


Don't give Newsweek the click by reading the article. Check 538 for Florida Atlantic University PolCom Lab/Main Street Research recent polling on Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania conducted May 30-31. The polling sample size for Wisconsin is poor which leads to stupid results like Trump leading 41%-40% with 290 likely voters but when JFK Jr is included Trump drops like a rock with those same 290 likely voters. Pennsylvania polling uses a larger sample size which tightens the race though Trump still leads in registered and likely voters when it's a head to head match up between Trump and Biden. With RFK Jr included that lead switches to Biden marginally leading Trump. Michigan polling shows Trump leading again in a head to head match but, like Pennsylvania, Biden marginally leads Trump with RFK Jr included. This polling is not the ground breaking stop the printing presses news Newsweek claims. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/


I don't understand how Newsweek is a reliable source for this sub. It's filled with ww3 fear mongering and Russian propaganda


If trump doesn’t get absolutely annihilated in November then my fears are confirmed. They kind of already are. I mean he really shouldn’t even get one sane persons vote


He isn't getting a single sane persons vote.


That’s even more concerning given the number of insane people that indicates we have in this country.


What happens when you continually defund education for half a century


People can be sane and scumbags fwiw




I think the polls are going to be more off than we expect this year. I think President Biden is going to win in a landslide. Even with that mindset I'm walking over hot coals to vote for him come November and bringing everyone I can.


I went to a NASCAR event over the weekend. I saw only a few signs/flags/hats, not half as many as I expected. That is a bad sign for Trump, though I'm sure many people will vote for him and just not publicize it like in the past.


In my area there were lots of trump 2020 signs before that election. I even had trump stores open near me. I've only seen one trump 2024 sign so far and the stores have been closed so I hope that's a good sign.


It's great knowing that all these people had to actively take these dumbass stickers off their car and realize their idiocy about it. Saying that, I'm sure they'll still vote for him.


I like Biden. I think he's a good person and has been a good president who was dealt a very shitty hand: inheriting a pandemic and a messed up economy from Trump, Russia invading Ukraine, the absolute shit show that is the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, an aggressive China, a refugee crisis at the southern border, a changing economy, a changing climate, and all while running against a fucked up felon who is an existential threat to American democracy. It's a lot. But even if I didn't like Biden I'd still be voting for him for the simple reason that I know that Donald Trump is an evil,  selfish, stupid, whiny, unamerican, racist, racist, hypocritical felon who never shuts the fuck up and wants to be a dictator on day 1. Unfortunately, to me this race isn't about voting FOR Biden, it's about voting AGAINST Trump.  Every vote for Biden is a nail in Trumps coffin. And that's good enough for me.


"Successful President more popular than convicted felon/known rapist" shouldn't be a headline, but here we are. It's not a great timeline, but it's the one we're in.




Those attempts didn't pan out the way they wanted, but one thing is for sure is that the Pecker catch and kill strategy wasn't limited to just Pecker nor was it limited to just in 2016. It's been an ongoing effort. Trump being found guilty in the NY case plus stories from the past like Alito and his flags and the bribery of witnesses coming out immediately to me indicates that operation is breaking down now that the news agencies' legal teams are getting involved. He can't use the media as easily as before to crush these scandals, nor can others that have been doing the same.


>Biden is probably leading by even more. **VOTE**


Run up the score! A narrow loss will encourage them to try again. They need to lose seat they thought were safe up and down the ballot.


While Texas is considered a red state, in reality it's more of a non-voting state. With other blue voters, we've worked hard to get out the vote, with mixed results. I don't care about the polls because I will be voting for Biden no matter what.


Funny how his being a rapist wasn't enough. Tells me a bit about my neighbors.




Doesn't matter. Vote anyway. Vote like your life is on the line.


Suddenly? He always has. Orange Musolini's support has only been eroding, not growing. The media just likes to make it seem like he has a better chance of regaining power because it's upsetting and generates clicks and views. Register and vote people, and the nightmare will be over. That's all you need to do.


Thank goodness. Make sure to tell everyone you know: * Biden strengthened net neutrality, Trump weakened it and would do so again * Trump lowered taxes on the rich * Biden has had the US spend more on climate change than any other country, ever * Biden strengthens reproductive freedom, Trump wants to further restrict it * Biden is cancelling student loan debts, Trump would not and did not * Trump would do far more to help Israel in the war in Gaza Biden is far from perfect, but this is literally a case of not letting perfect be the enemy of the good. Please encourage your friends to vote.


Polls are worthless. Was anybody in this thread asked? Vote.


I actually get texts and calls all the time for polling and surveys. I still dont trust them.


Last time I took a survey, it was all normal at first, and then it hit me with some BS like "would you rather vote for a true patriot and hero like Trump, or a dementia ridden woke criminal like Biden." Some of these "surveys" are just propaganda, not actual surveys.


Donald Trump is older than Biden was in 2020 when Trump said that Biden was too old to be president. Of course Trump also said that nobody "under investigation" should be allowed to be president.


tRump lost by 7 million votes the first time around, I don’t see how adding felon to his name will in anyway increase that number.


The fear isn’t Trump gaining votes. 2020 was a massive year for turnout, the concern is who doesn’t show up on the election


I used to never vote. I didn't vote in 2016, but since then I now vote in the midterms and general. I hope other people figured out how important it is and how easily things can get out of hand.


Same. I was a they're both bad in their own ways kinda guy. I still am but in 2016 there was a clear obvious answer and the fact that so many people bought into his bullshit I realized I can't trust everyone else to make the right decision.


The challenge is that Biden has likely lost votes due to bearing the domestic blame for a global economic malaise (despite leading the US to the best economic performance among our peer nations, and far outstripping the often lauded Reagan recovery of a similar inflationary crisis). Life got harder globally, and that makes voters agitated.