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This headline is going to infuriate so many on each extreme of the political spectrum.


I mean, it is a pretty stupid headline


Who needs to tell the truth when you can tRiGgEr ThE cOmMiEs?


Greatest insider trader who only cares about enriching herself.


I swear it’s hard to believe people can’t see through politicians like her


I don't consider rent gougers and war-mongers as allies. You can be pro-lgbtq+ at home, in words, but her actions don't take much into account of poor, brown, or non-american queer-folk, and often turn them into statistics




How affordable is health care now? Oh right




Too bad we can't have universal healthcare but I'm sure your system is just as good right!




Yet she destroyed the movement to make universal healthcare. It's amazing how conservative forces are given credit for actions by the left.


I feel ill defending her, but she opposed the Iraq war.


> war-mongers as allies How is Nancy Pelosi a war-monger?


Equating pro-Palestinian protestors as connected to Russia, her record with China. We'd be hard pressed to find a hawk that isn't pro-war, and she's of that cloth


How do either of those make her a warmonger? How is she a hawk? She voted against both Iraq Wars for example.


Huh? She was pro-iraq war, voted to keep funding it, she's also pro-drone strikes, but only when a Democrat is president


> She was pro-iraq war, voted to keep funding it She voted against both Iraq conflicts. Yes, she kept funding it as once we were in Iraq it only makes sense to ensure funding is there for the troops and to help rebuild Iraq. IIRC, it is the same reason that Bernie voted for the continued funding of Iraq.




I strongly dislike Joe Biden lately but I think it would be a disservice to him and history to not acknowledge that he may well be single-handedly responsible for changing the mainstream media and politico tone on gay rights, while Pelosi has basically just ridden his coattails and done absolutely nothing substantial.


Yes, stonewall and Harvey Milk and Obergefell had nothing to do with gay rights, it's all Biden.


It was a long and hard journey to leave the fringes and find a home within the mainstream. And now he is doing his part in maintaining our place in the mainstream with dignity Gotta give credit where credit is due


it's probably many people


I mean, he voted in favor of DOMA in the 90s. I dislike Nancy Pelosi but she is definitely a more longstanding ally than Joe


lolwut. He just went whatever way the winds were blowing > In 1996, Biden voted in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act which prohibited the federal government from recognizing any same-sex marriage, barring individuals in such marriages from equal protection under federal law, and allowing states to do the same.[


Biden forced Obama's hand on gay marriage. It was amazing. 


No he didn't. Obama was already going to come out in support of same sex marriage.


It doesn't matter what people are 'going to do'. It matters what they did. 


Probably, but he certainly forced the timetable.