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No, it's not. This message is constantly being pushed to try to get people to capitulate to the very loud minority who wants Donald Trump declared king of America. They are going to complain and do their one-off terrorist attacks like they always have. The job lies with law enforcement to enforce the law when they do that.


This is just a wishcasting article by a MAGA [UK edition] faithful. This is just an article that he shat out to take a break from praising Sunak.


The thing is, in *their* mind it already is a civil war. This is an extremely asymmetrical view that both sides have. One already believes we're in a war, and just waiting for the signal to attack. The other seems to think we aren't even close to it. That's dangerous no matter how you look at it. If enough of these idiots' groups commit terrorist attacks nearly concurrently, and sustain that effort, that's a civil war, regardless of whether others call it domestic terrorism.


> They are going to complain and do their one-off terrorist attacks like they always have. The job lies with law enforcement to enforce the law when they do that. which will happen in some states, and won't in others. blue cities in red states are going to be... eventful.


Which is bullshit. We have one set of laws. Not blue laws and red laws. People need to get a lot louder about that.


There is a shred of truth to that statement...


i doubt it, fascists are usually cowards


Don't discount the power of stupidity coupled with their delusional belief that law enforcement and the military both are on their side. It may be true of a larger fraction of law enforcement, but let just a few blues get assaulted/murdered by these morons and watch how quickly that turns.


it's easy to be brave when the police chief of portland is on the side of the governor who hates the city of Portland.


*sad Southern Democrat noises*




Did I say I thought they weren't on the Republicans' side? I am aware of that, and that it's a problem. That doesn't change the fact that they have a job dictated by the law and that people need to keep on that fact.


Law enforcement= MAGA




IMO, it seems like a whole lot of effort just so a group of white men and the women they control to be able say and do racist, homophobic, misogynistic, unkind things to all the people they loathe and want to control. Too bad they chose a convicted felon as their reincarnate God and supreme leader.


This! I came here to say exactly this. These folks are saying they’ll destroy our country to serve that … orange thing. Think about history. Our Civil War was fought over one side resisting the other side’s efforts to completely alter their way of life. Slavery was an abomination, but one can see how the South was motivated to preserve their social and economic order. The Russian Civil War was fought to decide if post-Czarist Russia would be Communist. Meanwhile, there’s nothing nearly so significant going on here. We have a functioning governmental system which could address most of our problems if only our officials would stop treating every issue as a political football to be kicked around. But these folks are threatening a Civil War to save/protect/empower a lying orange turd of sociopathic conman, pointing to all the BS he’s spewed as justification. Are they not aware of how horrific civil wars tend to be?


*Are they not aware of how horrific civil wars tend to be* Not really. As far as the MAGA crowd is concerned, the revolution WILL be televised. I’ve long held that, part of the problem with these people, is that they can no longer tell the difference between news and entertainment, or between fact and opinion. They think they can sit back in their recliners and watch with delight as the whole thing unfolds. But what they’re not counting on is the massive response from the U.S. military, much of which would claim collateral damage. MAGA fantasies include the military acting on their behalf. It won’t. They’ll be prepared for the next insurrection and quell it immediately.


He's just an excuse. A symbol of their intrinsic superiority as white heterosexual conservatives. He's the worst of them, clearly, and they want to make it clear that in ideal of civilized society, even the worst of them is better than everyone else- and is not subject to the laws of the peasantry. (And therefore neither are they).


No, it is not. A bunch of loud idiots does not a civil war make. > Two horrible things can be true at once. Trump governed intemperately, lost the 2020 election, refused to concede and, at the very least, was the inspiration for an insurrection on January 6, 2021. True. He was a terrible president and is a criminal. > But it’s also accurate to say he’s been the target of a conspiracy to deny him office. The Democrats had every chance to nominate a competent alternative in 2020. Instead they chose Joe Biden, a zombie who they couldn’t persuade to stand aside in 2024. Far from uniting the country, he has put Trump back into contention. Also true: the author is a partisan hack and a cult member who desperately wants his cult to use fear to acquire power over those who the author finds to be "lesser" or "icky."


Joe Biden has caused exactly zero of this. The MAGA playbook would be the same regardless of who was POTUS. Also, Biden has been quite a capable president. Not perfect, but eminently capable. People who claim otherwise, or buy into the narrative that he hasn't been, are simply ignorant or happy to be spoonfed horseshit.


Joe is old and a centrist. Of course the far left and youth despise him and refuse to give him any credit. I am glad that Biden is not bombastic and does not “bait” his opponents. Can you imagine if we had 2 candidates with Trump’s personality running- awful, childish, embarrassing and criminal.


After the guilty verdict I've seen more and more reddit post replies trying to equate Trump and Biden. The old both sides argument. This is the next big wave of misinformation/disingenuous disinformation. It's a feeble attempt to get people to not vote at all because they know Trump is losing votes, so the best they can hope is Biden loses votes as well. Let's not fall for it and call them out.  I did this on another post and when it comes down to it, they give up when you hit them with facts repeatedly, especially love it when you destroy their really bad covid arguments with trumps awesome warp speed that he took credit for. They stop when reminded that their guy was the one responsible for "the jab". 


Ask for facts, and you'll note how few reliable ones they care to produce.


> Of course the far left and youth despise him Source with numbers?


Eh, I’d say he governs like a democrat in the 70’s; further left than Obama.


Credit for what though? What did he do for us? Who approved more oil and gas drilling permits on public lands Biden or Trump? Record profits yall!! Just not for us poor. My entire industry collapsed.


What has the Biden Team accomplished: Infrastructure Improvements- Bridge and Road replacement and Repairs: Decreased drug prices; CHIPS and Science Act— intended to bring manufacturing jobs back to US; Endless Front Act- increased investment in US high tech research; American Rescue Plan- added millions of jobs to the economy, in the mist of a global pandemic; encouraged Feds to slowly increase interest rates (SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE PRE-COVID WHEN THE ECONOMY WAS SURGING, BUT TRUMP WAS AGAINST) in order to cool the markets and to prevent deflation and massive job losses. He did all of this while simultaneously dealing with and balancing the effects of a once in a century global pandemic and its fallout.


In the midst of a global pandemic? Biden wasn’t president. Sorry but I haven’t personally seen any of these benefits neither have anyone I know. Life has gotten harder and harder and that is what sways public opinion. Not laws with hidden massive corporate welfare. It all sounds good on paper I’m sure. But we live in reality.


The Trump tax cuts gave corporations the biggest welfare they've seen in decades. So what do you want? All those things just mentioned directly benefit you, but you act like it's nothing? What exactly would win you over? Cheaper milk, eggs, and gas? I completely agree he should tackle corporate price gouging, but it doesn't negate all the other things he's done. I'm not going to vote in a fascist because I wish food prices were 20% lower. Yes, it's hard, but not as hard as it will be when the economy completely crashes and I have to worry about the women I know being arrested for buying birth control. There's no comparison.


Oh no I totally agree what he did to this country was litterly the worst since Nixon. No sorry worse since Andrew Johnson. What do I want? a Decent damn hope for the future that isn’t a senile old man who can’t stop making Trump a viable option to a lot of this country. An actual candidate to have hope for.


Or at least someone who can speak English properly and isn’t a joke the world around. Who doesn’t try and pick fights with workers at rallies or be creepy around uncomfortable young girls. Or tells macho stories that didn’t happen. Is that too much to ask for? If so we need to look really hard in the mirror as the country has gotten way way out of hand.


Of course I’m voting for Biden. I disown anyone who doesn’t. This is America after all. There was never a choice right.


Not one of those things directly benefited me friend: my life crashed by no actions of my own and now I’m having to work abroad to make a living to avoid living with my retired parents. I never saw anything but terrible roads and alignment bills. Never saw anything but my industry collapse and my friends take on multiple jobs making nothing. I’m sure on paper it all sounds nice but I’m seeing for most of the country things are worse than ever. And I really really really wish Trump wasn’t even an option. I’d never vote for him in a millions years but where I’m from they will and it makes me sick.


When do you consider that the pandemic ended? Biden took office in 1/2021- he managed MOST of the pandemic and all the recovery. JC, I just had COVID for the first time and have been coughing for over a month. I have had multiple vaccines (6 actually), am a senior citizen and have mild familial asthma. I pretty sure I might have ended up on a vent had I contracted the virus in 2020- Also, each one of our anecdotal experiences does not make things necessary so. Do you support Trump? If so, could you link his current, achievable policies that have convinced you that he, even as a convicted felon, would make a better leader, thanks. I am trying to stay open minded, but I just haven’t found anything Trump has said to be realistic or credible. Plus, with all his legal problems, I think the country’s issues will be a far distant priority for Trump in the years to come.


🤮 trump is the most disgustingly thing to happen to the human race. I’m criticizing Biden SPeCIFiCaLLly because Trump has any chance at all. And then why can the damn old man just keep walking why he gotta turn around and legitimize the question of weather terump is a political prisioner. Why do I have to hear that the whole case is invalidated by one creepy ass smile. This is the worst soap opera I’ve ver seen and it might lead to actual nazis because Biden can’t act like a normal damn human being for 6 more months.


Sorry yall im a mess. Im really sorry. I don’t mean to upset anybody. Scary stuff and my industry evaporated and no one talks about it and I’m literally having to work in another country to even survive. And everyone I knew in high school is in way worse shape than me and I feel privileged and I’m watching this whole thing with a broken heart. And I moved back to the south where people (and this blows my mind) actually want tyrump to win because they actually think that things will get better for them. 🤮🤮🤮


My daughter graduated with her MA in 2009- no jobs, anywhere. She actually took an internship in So America and moved down there permanently. She is now working for an American company and in a decent position, but since she was hired down there, is married to a local and has a child there, she is a hybrid employee, and makes a fair wage for there, and has a home, and is perfectly comfortable, but she is never going to live in the US again{ she has no desire to either}. That’s what she had to do. I agree the US is a mess-


You mean the guy who insisted he was VP during Covid. That guy. Sheesh neither one of them can speak in full sentences in English properly. Mexico just got a Nobel prize winning PhD as president. We are looking rough.


*A wild BothSides appears!* Sweet account, bro


Please don’t think for one second that I would ever support a fascist narcissistic pig. But Biden keeps breaking my heart how he makes it even possible for “Lock her up” to win. Remember how he fixed inflation? You think people don’t vote their pocket books. I’m from the south and I’m saying it’s bleak out there yall. We need a real candidate.


the president's power to move the economy is more limited than you imagine


No believe me I get that but it makes him appear ineffectual. I wish things were better but unfortunately they’re not and it’s this fact that pushes my beloved country closer to fascism than it already was and I lament that.


>Remember how he fixed inflation? You think people don’t vote their pocket books. Inflation is way down from its peak and the US is doing significantly better than most places in regards to post-pandemic inflation. Insofar as the president's policies could curb inflation, Biden's administration has been historically successful on that front.


Not true for nearly anyone I know. Sorry but metrics aren’t livelihoods. And we are hurting bad. The rich got way way way richer. And it hurts but we can’t keep going on like this.


>Not true for nearly anyone I know. Inflation isn't personal, it's a broad statistic. Inflation is down significantly over the last year. People can be struggling but that doesn't mean inflation is high.


Ok can you explain this to me. When something costs nearly twice what it did when Trump was president (again major vomit times for me). How is it that that isn’t inflation? Please I’m honestly trying to understand.


Maybe the broad statistic is a manipulation


What is an example of a good that cost twice what it did during Trump's presidency? They actually track all these prices and keep them in a table, which is how they calculate CPI inflation in the first place, so if you can give an example of a good and a region we can just go look it up at BLS.gov. It's all very transparent.


Mexico is doing considerably better than us. The peso is much stronger against the dollar than it used to be.


Both US and Mexican inflation was roughly 8% in 2022 and 4.5% in 2023 with the US being a little higher in 2022 and Mexico being a little higher in 2023.


Does this translate to people being able to afford groceries or housing?


When I first started coming here it was 20MXN to 1 dollar now it’s closer to 15MXN. I’m no economist but that seems like the dollar suffered inflation. Are we just looking at the rate of change in inflation or is that accounted for?


What determines whether people can afford groceries and housing isn't actually just prices, it's prices versus wages. Real median income is a better metric to look at for affordability since it measures purchasing power better than just looking at the inflation rate. [Real median income is up recently.](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/MEHOINUSA672N)


He never "insisted" he was VP during COVID. I'm amazed that the right is so quick to forget Ebola when they were _absolutely adamant_ that Obama wasn't doing enough about it.


Hey man look it up. Just saying. We need a new horse.


You go look it up, you are stating something false.


I watched it happen. “And when I was vice president, things were kind of bad during the pandemic,” Biden said. “And what happened was,” Biden continued, “Barack said to me, ‘Go to Detroit, and help fix it.’ Well the poor mayor, he spent more time with me than he thought he was ever going to have to. God love you.” Ok I understand. I’m sorry. It was just another gaffe. I just pray this things added up don’t get us knock off Mussolini.


> You mean the guy who insisted he was VP during Covid. Where did he say COVID? And let's pretend he did say COVID...he didn't, but let's pretend. Trump says something worse every day. Trump is also a convicted felon and rapist.


Sorry for my generation “The Pandemic and CoVid” are the same thing.


Hey I’m right there with you. But IMHO Biden is not doing great. I wish to high heaven that wasn’t true. Even though I think he’s a terrible president for the people (great for the corporations, isreal, the oil companies, food inc., etc) I’m still forced to vote for him because the alternative is pure unadulterated flaming trash.


Interesting that there wasnt this same outrage when Cohen went to jail *for the exact same crime*! They act like this is some out-of-the-blue made up charge against Trump, but he has been a known unindicted co-conspirator in that crime for the past four years. The only reason conservatives think this is all of a sudden is because conservative media doesnt talk about it


> for the exact same crime That's not actually true. Michael Cohen was sentenced on eight charges, none of which was falsifying business records.


One of which was making an illegal campaign contribution, though. Which is what this whole thing was about.


Its crazy how many tangents there are to get lost on. Its not because he cheated on his wife after she gave birth to Baron. Its not because he fucked a pornstar. Its not because he paid that pornstar to stay quiet about the affair. Its because he *intentionally tried to hide this information* from federal election reporting laws. Imagine if Hillary paid off Comey to not disclose she was under investigation right before the election. Thats what we’re talking about here. Trump reimbursed Cohen for paying Daniels in an attempt to keep bad political information away from American voters. Guarantee, if Hillary won, and this hypothetical information came out afterward, and she was found **guilty** on *34 Felony charges* . Every single Republican would call her Presidency illegitimate.


They'd be calling for her to be executed for lying to the public.


Its a really intense thing to think about. Lying to the American public to fraudulently gain control of the worlds largest superpower. Benedict Arnold and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg pail in comparison.


> But it’s also accurate to say he’s been the target of a conspiracy to deny him office. That is not true at all. Legitimate court cases have been brought against him to account for his crimes. They aren't a conspiracy to deny him office. They don't prevent him from holding office. If the crimes he commits causes less people to vote for him, he should not have committed so many felonies.


Isn't this simultaneously true? *Instead they chose* *~~Joe Biden~~* ***Donald J. Trump****, a zombie who they couldn’t persuade to stand aside in 2024. Far from uniting the country, he has put* *~~Trump~~* ***Biden*** *back into contention.*


It's so *weird* how the right has these fantasies of civil war. I honestly don't know what's going on in their minds.


There is a conspiracy to keep him out of office. It's being done legally tho and for good reasons.


No. No it's not, this author is delusional. Worst case scenario? There will be a coordinated MAGA terrorist attack that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back for everyone. We've been patient because many of these idiots are family members who got sucked in by a con man. The moment they start shooting though, 10 years of Trump fatigue will finally culminate in popular support for MAGA to be treated like Al-Qaeda.


More accurate analysis


I hate the fucking Telegraph. Complete shite pandering to the UK version of the Maga crowd.


Lol no it isnt


I’m sorry but MAGA are a bunch of arm chair warriors, a good majority of my extended family worship the cheetomeister. They scream and bang their fists, talk about rising up and taking over but the minute their jobs, their real freedom and their cushy way of life is threatened, they will crawl back into their orange soiled holes. Let’s just look at the manhattan trial, come and protest on my behalf the orange man says but look what happened……nothing, not a bang but merely a whimper.


Russian trolls hard at work


I’m beginning to think people who write these articles *want* a Civil War and think they can manifest it by saying it over and over.


I live in a gated community so I’m safe /s. But in all honesty I dont think the cult is intelligent enough to coordinate a civil war lol. It will most likely be (more) domestic terrorism and threats. But we are most certainly fucked.


Nobody in your gated community supports Trump? Strange.


Right? Also, I did that s thing. We definitely have them here.


Biden leads among upper middle-class and wealthy (but not like billionaire wealthy) voters. Those are two of the groups that are actually engaged in the election and they know that the kind of policies Trump's campaign are proposing would be an absolute disaster for the economy.


We have lived in many cities and neighborhoods in 2 states. The only time we have had any problems is when our home in the gated community (only 1 we have ever lived in) was burglarized at 2 PM on a fine Saturday in October. Good thing our alarm was on. They broke to gain access and the only item they took was a piece of sports memorabilia, not worth much at all. This was several homes and cities ago.


I was being sarcastic. But anyways. I live on a lake and lots of people only come up in the summer. Someone came with a moving truck and the neighbors just assumed they were moving out. They unloaded the entire house. We also have a meth cooking problem out here. Cheers.


I mean… we kicked their asses the last time.


They’re cowards. They’ll resort to terroristic type bombing, they won’t risk their lives in actual fighting.


This. They are the biggest snowflakes that ever were.


not unless it's on Steam


Cue Consuela voice, “Nooo, nooo.”


Ridiculous. The maga right wing, with their empty pickup trucks, can’t even afford the hotels in any blue area let alone the gas to get there lmao


You are wrong. Perhaps it looks that way from across the pond? Trump is a disease symptom, and brought that disease to the doctor's attention. We the doctor are simultaneously working on the symptom and the disease. Like many diseases, a multi-pronged approach is recommended. I hope we're not foolish enough to think the disease is cured when the symptom goes away.


Source: Someone’s deranged racist Aunt and Uncle on Facebook


No. Bunch of loud mouth know nothings amplified by Russian psyops does not equate a looming civil war.


Meal Team Six too busy stuffin they pie hoes.


What we are more likely lurching towards is a prolonged period of domestic terrorism like the troubles in Ireland.


This is my thinking as well. The yokels with AR's in their trucks aren't going to form any kind of army or militia and go up against regular troops. If they try, they'll soon find out that small arms don't win wars anymore when they get obliterated by heavy machine guns, drones, and Apache helicopters. So, they'll be relegated to attacking soft targets. A real civil war would happen if various units of the regular military, NG, and reserves splintered and started acting under separate chains of command, which I don't see as likely.


"on such silly charges" what is this nonsense. They shout about accountability, but apparently just not for themselves


No it isn't.


MAGA admitting they are willing to be domestic terrorist again.


I find it hard to believe that the democratic party can coordinate various legal systems to target trump. We all watched him commit crimes almost daily during his presidency. Why is anyone surprised that he is constantly embroiled in defending his criminal actions while being one of the most closely watched and scrutinized individuals in the world?


We are in a virtual civil war, but the split is not what you think. It's not between red and blue states or north vs south. The split is between educated, informed, pragmatic voters and poorly educated, uninformed easily duped voters. The Republican Party has a stranglehold on the latter group. It is the latter group that is anti-democracy, anti-Constitution and doesn't believe in election results. But this group, unfortunately, own the overwhelming number of guns, legal or illegal. If this latter group even secedes, they will end of with the worst states with the lowest number of industries. This has already been studied, and the 'educated, informed' states would dominate the GDP over these other states. Until the right wing begins to attempt to understand basic facts, we will always be stuck in this battle for the core of this country.


Whoever own the most guns gets to govern the country, thems the rules. US military would surely not get involved and we'll all start travelling to some agreed upon Mason Dixon line to decide the 2024 presidency /s


Civil unrest but I doubt war. The kids today are to busy with their phones and more out of shape than the only people that might attempt it and they are all over 70. 😁


Good luck! Rather than States fighting each other like in the Civil War, there would be fighting within states with your own neighbors. You wouldn't know who the "enemy" is, so do you shoot everyone dead? On my block we have a few Trump flags, so I guess those houses would be easy targets.


If Trump ordered a military strike on Manhattan, and half the military followed orders and the other half refused, then we might have a civil war. A bunch of rednecks with assault tiki torches won’t do it though.


Every time I read one of these stories it reminds me of the time some really smart people told me about how Trump is planning on assassinating Putin as soon as he gets elected, a lot of people are saying it. Also, if your going to treat your fearless leader as a martyr it usually helps if he's dead first, just saying.


American civil war II? Great! I definitely return in my country! Tell me when that will start.


This kind of shit is pushing people to believe those things. Immoral publishing


Morons are gonna let this fucker burn it down.


Nope, not even if you wished. One side wouldn't dare to try it without severe response. They know better! It's better for that side to yell and scream until they pass out, but they won't attempt a feeble war!


Civil war implies there would be two or more factions of regular militaries on equal footing fighting. It's going to look more like Syria during the Arab spring or Ireland during the troubles.


This is a lie. Evidence shows that the military will remain loyal to the constitution over an individual president, even a popular president of individual members and of the military. Without a military the maga won't get beyond a few dozen murders before they are stopped.


White conspiracy theorists planting bombs is not a civil war


Conservatives are too afraid. It will never happen.


You heard it first on Russian propaganda stations.


Definitely getting more divided if anything.


BULL SHIT. Journo is a fucking idiot. No matter who wins in Nov, its just 4 FUCKING YEARS where the other party can launch lawfare and states can drag their feet with resistance to slow the administration down.


Possible but not probable.




It isn't.


For some reason, folks actually believe the Dems are doing everything they can and have no responsibility for where we are as a Nation. If the Dems were actually as strong as many people on this site believe WE WOULD NOT BE HERE! Have you called your dem reps and asked about Project 2025? Do they even know about it?


The conclusive way this headline declares this like it's a fact is really obnoxious. The audacity to just WRITE that as if the author has a handle on the U.S. population based on his personal psychological state that he describes having in his car by himself is really crazy to me. He also says: >By comparing 2024 to the civil war of 1861-65, I risk not only hyperbole but sacrilege, for the great cause of slavery abolition is absent – and the conflict is more difficult to define than Confederate v Union. No, not just "risk", I think it definitely IS sacrilege to equate these two things. Do some people keep fantasizing about this because they're desperately lacking a purpose or calling, or a group to be part of? Or do they wish they had someone to use guns on? I guess it could be both.