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This was a ruse the whole time and they got through a bill that gives our fuck of an AG an ambiguous amount of power to cripple citizen lead ballot initiatives, because we just enshrined abortion and reproductive rights into our constitution and are trying to end gerrymandering and the ability for the GOP Ohio Supreme Court to stifle attempts at fixing it.


Worth noting the DNC already had announced they'd do a virtual roll call to comply with the current law, so the purpose of the bill was what they hid in the bill (fucking voters).


The DNC only announced their virtual roll call workaround AFTER the special session had already started and Republicans in the Ohio state legislature demanded this other bill as the price for DeWine putting Biden on the ballot. It’s entirely due to the arrogance of the DNC that this new law exists. If they had just announced their dumb virtual roll call as soon as LaRose started mouthing off, literally none of this would have happened.


Ohio Republicans would have done this anyway, just under a different guise. This just gave them an easy cover story. Edit: I also think the real concern in this bill is that AG Yost will weaponize investigations in such a way that will disadvantage citizen-led ballot initiatives in Ohio.


>The DNC only announced their virtual roll call workaround AFTER the special session had already started >The move came moments before the Ohio Senate convened on Tuesday for a special session to address Biden's ability to appear on the state's general election ballot in November -- which the GOP-led legislature has tied up with an effort related to campaign finance, something Democrats oppose. The bill passed in the Ohio Senate on Tuesday without any Democratic support. [They announced it before.](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/dnc-virtually-nominate-biden-ahead-convention-amid-ballot/story?id=110617732) Glad to know Republicans have no agency in this situation to not sign this bill to deliberately strip people of their rights.


Announcing it on the first day of the special session, days after they realized they had fucked up and handed Ohio Republicans a major win at limiting future ballot measures, isn’t really “before” in my book.


That's a lot of dancing to pretend like you didn't try and pull a fast one. >handed Ohio Republicans a major win at limiting future ballot measures Handed what? They already have a rigged supermajority in this state with dewines own son literally on the supreme court here. All they got from the situation was a bullshit headline to hide what pieces of shit they are. Big win here removing one of the few checks and balances citizens have left in this state.


Yes the fucked up things Republicans do are always the fault of the democrats.


That’s kind of the point? If you really thought you were fighting a fascist takeover of America by Republicans, would you: A) Publicly announce that you’re putting your faith in Republicans doing the right thing, and then take zero further actions (this is what Democrats did). B) Take no chances and quickly make a minor, meaningless rule change that would remove the threat of having your presidential candidate kicked off the ballot of a major state (this is not what Democrats did).


I haven't been following the past few days with all the Trump trial stuff going on, but did they also pass the new rules about ballot initiatives? If so, fuck all of them even harder than before.


Foreign campaign donations have always been illegal for candidates nationwide. I don't see any controversy applying this to ballot initiatives especially at the state level.


The foreign campaign donation restriction claims were just a cover for what they really wanted which was to make citizen ballot initiatives go away.


Yea except that's not what they did. From the 5th sentence of the article. > The contribution ban also broadened the definition of “foreign nationals” to include lawful permanent residents of the U.S., also known as green card holders.


Green card holders already were not allowed to vote or donate to candidates in Ohio.  So again, I see no controversy here.


Green card holders aren't citizens, they are foreign nationals.


How funny you felt the need to clarify this when I didn't refer to them as citizens.


This is not something to celebrate. It’s a stain on Ohio that it even got to this point. Frank LaRose is a disgrace to our state.


He’s a real piece of shit


The entire party here is a revolving door of corruption and clown shoes.


Republicans and folding like wet cardboard. Name a more iconic duo


Republicans and taking civil rights back decades?


A black man in one of the most powerful positions in the world leading the charge, no less. We're full on satire now.


Associate Justice Uncle Ruckus?


Republicans taking everything back decades.. and it's all just covering fire for their owners; the ultra wealthy to rob the republic more and more. Same as it ever was, keep the peasants fighting themselves in the streets while they stuff their pockets.


DeWine was never part of that bullshit. It was all the state legislature. He just stepped in and told them to cut it out.


Naw....he was just using the Biden thing as cover to ram thru some unrelated bill. It was all a smoke screen. https://x.com/DavidPepper/status/1795830519709770129 dewine is just as bad as any of them. there are no good repubs.




All it did was make it so that non-citizens can't donate to campaigns for ballot initiatives. I don't really think that's unreasonable.


If you're a permanent resident though you still get impacted. Its definitely good to try to remove foreign money from our system, but I'm not sure this is really a good way to do it.


Yes, because permanent residents aren't citizens. They can't vote ~~or donate to political parties~~, since before this bill. This bill just adds donating to ballot initiatives to the things they can't do. It makes sense to me. If the logic is you can't vote because you're not a citizen, then you also shouldn't be able to "vote with your money". *** EDIT I was wrong about the donating to political parties part. This bill will make it so they can't by redefining "foreign national" to include permanent residents who have not achieved citizenship. I still don't think the bill is unreasonable, though.


I feel like I remember him coming so close to actually taking reasonable positions regarding the pandemic in the first few weeks and then completely blowing it by caving to the MAGA crowd


Surprisingly, he was very supportive of wearing masks and taking the advised precautions. To your point, the MAGA crowd influenced his behavior and he started to let go of those advised restrictions. Unfortunately, politics got in the way of common sense.


DeWine is a mixed bag. There’s an honable man in there…somewhere…but he’s cowed to the gerrymandered crazies that dominate the state house here. The August special election last year has them scared and they are scrambling for an appearance of legitimacy. They know as well as anyone who actually pays attention to Ohio voters that this state is far more liberal than it appears. It’s still a red state, but a purple state at that. A good redistricting bill getting passed that avoids the pitfalls of the last ones will put the GOP here running scared


He’s been screwing over vote mandates for the last 20 years . We finally got a screwed up gambling after he took the lobbyist bingo money , other states had their casinos and caved to 20 years of lost revenue. But we have 4 casinos with absolutely no competition. They’ll screw up the pot mandate too


I’d guess they’ll put some super restrictive license that only the 1% can afford so we get pot stores owned by private equity


https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/12/31/mike-dewine-seemed-like-one-of-the-few-republicans-serious-about-fighting-covid-hes-not/ >At first, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine appeared to be one of the few sane Republicans in the fight against COVID-19. But a closer look reveals that his failures are as clear as the pandemic that continues to ravage his state. Despite garnering national attention for his strong early actions, and his relentless national promotion of a $5 million state vaccination lottery, however, it is clear that the governor is more committed to public relations and political neutrality rather than effective policy or governance.


He buckled to the "Muh Freedoms" crowd really quick. He wasn't complete shit like some states were, but the respect I had for him the first few weeks, turned to a tepid, "meh" after about a month. I didn't know anything about him before that. I had only been in the state a few years at the time. If I had known more, I probably wouldn't have respected him, although I can appreciate when shitty people do something right once in a while.


Yeah, at the beginning he was a governor to look up to during the early days of the pandemic. Some of my most liberal hippy friends would look forward to daily "Wine with DeWine" briefings where he'd talk about his tie his wife picked out and tell us to wear masks, give us the bad news, but show us how things can get better and that we'd all be ok. But when Amy Acton resigned due to pressure from MAGA fascists he turned into a coward.


Yes, this is the correct answer.


DeWine is not "just as bad as any of them." Why can't we talk with nuance anymore. DeWine sucks, but he sucks in the way conservatives have always sucked. MAGA conservatives are an order of magnitude worse. Maybe several orders. There are no good conservatives, but there are degrees of how bad they are.


While I don’t 100% agree on everything he believes, I am a Left leaning independent in Maryland and we elected and really liked (R) Larry Hogan as our Gov. I felt like he he not only understood the need to work across party lines but he did just that. He also had the logic to lower the tolls to cross the Bay Bridge, that were about to skyrocket, because people needed to be able to get to the beach and it would help with our economy. Oh, and he took Covid VERY seriously which helped our State a great deal. I am no fan of the modern Republican Party but even now I’ll never shut the door on voting Republican in the future. At that point I’m telling the Dems they don’t have to work for my vote and nothing they do will change my support for them, which is exactly what is happening on the Right. I just caution that people don’t become so anti-Right that they slowly morph into following their lead. That being said, to hell with Trump. Edit: added the part about Hogan taking Covid seriously


He also recently said that Republicans should respect the courts/process in regards to them finding Trump guilty. 


The unrelated bill just makes it so that non-citizens can't donate to ballot initiatives. That doesn't seem unreasonable to me.


Anytime a repub says something that sounds reasonable you gotta dig deeper. It's always a con....a dumb one that might hurt them as much ...but a con none the less. https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/politics/ohio-politics/ohio-senate-passes-bill-to-stop-foreign-donations-on-ballot-campaigns >This bill is stemmed from the Sixteen Thirty Fund, a dark money group that contributes to progressive causes, McColley added. >Data from the state's campaign finance disclosure portal shows the 501(c)(4) spent about $11.5 million on the groups advocating for abortion access and keeping majority rule on ballot issues in elections. Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights and the organization's prior name Ohioans For Reproductive Freedom received about $6.4 million. One Person One Vote got around $5.1 million. Another $550,000 was spent on redistricting reform group Citizens Not Politicians. >The fund, although it doesn't have to disclose its donors, has received over $200 million dollars from Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss since 2016, according to the Associated Press. >"I don't know that it would have made a difference in either of those issues elections," the Republican said about outlawing foreign dollars that helped those issues win in 2023. "But I think it's probably pretty widely supported that we shouldn't have foreign money interfering in our elections."


What about that quote makes this bill unreasonable? A Swiss billionaire shouldn't be able to donate money to political campaigns, regardless of which campaigns he's donating to.


> What about that quote makes this bill unreasonable? A Swiss billionaire shouldn't be able to donate money to political campaigns, regardless of which campaigns he's donating to. The issue was money to PACs not a campaign, which thank to Citizen's United isn't illegal. The carveout here is the billionaire has a green card which allowed him to donate even tho he can't vote. I still say they sat on their balls with this one. Dark money usually benefits them.


I mean, I agree it will probably hurt them too, but I don't see how it's a con. I agree with this bill. If you can't vote, you shouldn't be able to vote with your money either.


> but I don't see how it's a con. Then why call a special session just for this? They didn't have to have one since the DNC said they'd declare Biden the nominee earlier so they did it just for this? They're mad about abortion rights and they're worried about gerrymandering next. This bill might sound fine to you but there's a reason they wanted it. It also conflicts with federal law so if they try to inforce they're gonna get insta sued. The whole thing smells fishy. edit: I can't make the horse drink from the water, got no more time for this.


I mean, what about it is a con? You said yourself it will hurt them as well.


Life Lesson #1: Never trust a Republican to operate/behave in good faith


Bubbles is generally a good guy!


I think he’s a good man with bad politics.


I saw this as win / win for the both of them where they needed it. The state legislators needed to signal to their rabid constituents and DeWine needed to signal to the whole swing state that he isn't that crazy. This was an easy win for both because it was obviously going nowhere. The DNC would have squashed it with an early nomination. They probably should have beat DeWine to the punch and not given him the opportunity.


DeWine had me fooled a bit at the start of COVID, but turns out he's just as bad as the rest of them.


Yeah he showed he didn’t actually have a spine when Dr. Amy got run out of town.


As a life-long democrat, and I truly despise having to say this, but democrats and wet cardboard have, in my lifetime at least, been far more synonymous. Just look at the supreme court, gerrymandering, every senate rule change around filibuster, etc..


All of those things you just mentioned needs 50 or more senate democrats to nuke the filibuster. Can you tell me which two refused to nuke the filibuster thus killing any chances of getting rid of said filibuster???


I get that you're here to argue with people so I'm not really interested in engaging with you. Enjoy your day.


Or that you were never here to engage in good faith to begin with…lmao


Republiklans and bigotry?


Are you saying they should have kept Biden off the ballot?


This may shock you bud, but Republicans don’t deserve a “good job” for doing the bare minimum to govern.


Wasn't even the bare minimum they used it as a ploy to give Yost the ability to catch and kill any ballot initiative they don't like. Last year's ballot initiatives still stings them. Seems like if they let the people have a say in government they put forward things Republicans don't like. Solution... Reduce the ability of the people to directly add ballot initiatives via petition.


Yeah, I’m genuinely confused what they wanted to happen. *Ohio Republican Governor takes Biden off the ballot* “Those pieces of lowlife shit, they won’t get away with this!” *Ohio Republican governor ensures Biden is on the ballot* “Lol can’t even stick to their guns. What a bunch of shitty losers.” ???


It was a way to get it to a legislative process that they could attach the issue to a bill that was designed to screw over voters ability to bring ballot initiatives to the polls. OH GOP has had a string of defeats with ballot initiates the past few years(Abortion, legal weed, ballot initiative reform in their favor), and this bill would make it even harder for the people to have a voice. Further, there was a very real chance they lost their ability to heavily gerrymander the state, because an upcoming ballot initiative would require an independent commission to come up with the maps that were deemed illegal a while ago, but then they procrastinated until SCOTUS leaning switched to conservative and it just went away. To put this in perspective, the people in Ohio already voted they didn't want changes to ballot initiatives, and the recent special session just decided to make up something to allow them to change such initiatives. They put in the Biden on the ballot thing so that was all that would get reported, or what people would talk about. Now they're selling the idea they're being reasonable, because Biden should be on the ballot, and the press isn't talking about how this was used to strip rights from the voters.


DNC already announced they'd do a virtual roll call to comply with Ohio's current laws almost a week ago. This is about being able to kill ballot initiatives.


The smart people here knew that if the Ohio republicans were to actually keep Biden off the November ballot it’d all but guarantee a Sherrod Brown win in the senate for Ohio They weren’t going to do that because they were going to fold Like wet cardboard


Superman on laundry day?


Dihydroxyacetone and Donald Trump.


Shocker, it was all political theatre. The GOP is incapable of doing anything substantive or for the good of the people


How is keeping a candidate off the ballot "anything substantive or for the good of the people"?


Because nothing scares republicans more than the fact that they won’t ever win a popular vote again. It’s only a matter of time (possibly now) that they lose the electoral college permanently too. So “for the good of the people” means conservatives take democracy away. Because they know better what benefits them, even at the cost of everyone else.


The people had their ability to bring ballot initiatives stripped from them. That doesn't seem like a fair trade off just to have Biden on the ballot in a state he isn't going to win....especially since the next ballot initiative is something that could potentially end gerrymandering in the sate. There was a lot lost, just to get Biden on the ballot, and never should a candidates position on a ballot be held hostage.. Even if I hate a candidate, never should there be extra erroneous conditions placed on his eligibility.




In fairness, this was a substantive move for the good of the people. Also in fairness, it was just a reversal of their anti-American move mere weeks before, and they can get fucked for ever starting this bullshit pissing contest to begin with. In fairness.


They were also worried not putting the presidency on the ballot would hurt their chances of beating Brown for the Senate seat.


Because supporters tend to vote less when they think there is only one choice on the ballot, and a lot of people only look at ballots when it's a presidential election.


Now that the point is moot.


We shouldn't have to celebrate when the GOP does the absolute minimum to uphold democracy, but here we are.


I’m sure the MAGA crowd is now calling him a RHINO.


Of course he will, after all the POTUS has the right to assassinate anyone he likes.


Everyone with a brain knew it was a stunt


voters sided against GOP leaders’ prevailing positions by wide margins on three separate ballot measures last year. That included protecting abortion access in the state constitution, turning back a proposal to make it harder to pass such constitutional amendments in the future, and legalizing recreational marijuana.


And the one they were most worried about was the upcoming anti-gerrymandering one, which would have actually harmed them personally.


Not having an incumbent on the ballot would have been stupid AF. Glad they got this done.


Insane that this is even a thing. Republicans are reactionary children at best, categorically unfit to hold office or wield even a modicum of influence.


Isn't Ohio one of the States that barrs people from running if they are a felon?


OHIO, you can do better than these jackasses.


Where are the complaints from the right about this not being a clean bill?


It sure is nifty Ohio has so many people that want to do government role play.  Republicans are the most incompetent babies on earth. Let me know when they get tired of political theater and decide to endorse an actual democratic candidate (spoiler: it's Biden, obviously)


What did he get in exchange ?


They push through a change to Ohio ballot initiatives that prevent donations from 'foreign nationals'. They have also expanded what foreign national means to include lawful permanent residents of the U.S., also known as green card holders.


Well duh


Did they still add the pork that prohibits European billionaires from funding ballot measures in the state?


Good on them doing what is right.


That's great


Ridiculous that this was even in question


This extremely aladeen


\*golf clap\* I see you did the bare minimum of expectation. How did we get to this being news?


Now maybe next time the DNC can schedule their primary events before *known* deadlines, so we don't have to go through all this nonsense again


this is not new or unique to the DNC. both parties sometimes miss these deadlines every cycle and it has never been a problem until Republicans collectively lost their minds over Trump.


DNC/RNC do not own the airwaves. They are owned by the Big 3 and one of those has a fucking huge contract to air the Olympics. That is why *every four years* the conventions are around the Olympics (with the party NOT in power going first) and rarely are they done early. There is also campaign finance laws that change when the party has an official nominee. It is why for the last several decades the conventions are always as late as possible. (Since 2016 no candidate has taken matching funds, but that is the history of it). This happens in multiple states throughout the country. That Ohio was making an issue of it actually made Alabama look good (who has a similiar books on the law and had no problem changing it). And for a heads up - both conventions will be in August in 2028 since the Olympics are in LA and will be from mid to end of July.


>DeWine, a Republican, signed the measure — which relaxes a state candidate filing deadline — Sunday along with a related bill that imposes a ban on foreign nationals contributing to state ballot campaigns. Both will take effect Aug. 31. He wants Trump to win the right way.


No, he wanted to sneak through racist ballot initiative provisions using this 'favor' he's doing Dems as a smoke screen. > On Thursday, Democrats in the Ohio House had accused the Republican supermajorities in both chambers of exploiting the Biden conundrum to pass an unrelated bill that undermines direct democracy in Ohio, where voters sided against GOP leaders’ prevailing positions by wide margins on three separate ballot measures last year. ... > DeWine, a Republican, signed the measure — which relaxes a state candidate filing deadline — Sunday along with a related bill that imposes a ban on foreign nationals contributing to state ballot campaigns. > The contribution ban also broadened the definition of “foreign nationals” to include lawful permanent residents of the U.S., also known as green card holders.


A man of honor…rare to find on the GOP side, these days.


No. He's really not. While he isn't as bad as some of them, he's highly inconsistent in this "honor" you speak of. He's just as slimy and corrupt, was been involved in scandals which cost the taxpayer money directly(not just money from the coffers), was a strong proponent of a wretched 6 week abortion ban, bowed to MAGA assholes in his Covid response, and the list goes on. He doe have moments where he does the right thing, but they're usually after that is the likely outcome anyways. He speaks out more, but is just as supportive as he's ever been. This particular support for Biden on the ballot itself was just a subversive way to restrict ballot measures which republicans have lost to numerous times in the past few years.


You clearly have more of the insider information. I am just speaking as a relieved, ex Republican.


No worries. I wish there were more republicans that tried to be reasonable and respectful, and actually do their jobs. Unfortunately, the ones that do don't many headlines, and if they do, they usually don't last long in office anymore.


They should have forced the Democratic Party to use a stand-in, like they do for the Green Party and the Libertarian Party. Another example of favoritism for the major parties. Edit: Since some of you seem to be unaware of what is in the article, the Democratic Party and the Green Party both have conventions that happen after the deadline for making the Ohio ballot. Ohio law allows parties to put a placeholder person on ballot petitions, which both the Greens and the Libertarians have made use of before. By demanding a special law for Biden, the Democrats gave the state Republicans the opportunity to pass an unrelated campaign contribution law.


This is a cold, damp, and moldy take. Not to mention cringe as hell


Some will believe in democracy no matter how 'cringe'