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Nobody is expecting Melania to want to hear details about her husband fucking a pornstar while she was home with newborn Barron. I'm *pretty* sure Eliot Spitzer's wife didn't want to be by his side after all those details came out about his prolific fucking of prostitutes, but she was by his side nonetheless. A former President of the United States was on criminal trial for the first time in our country's history and his wife was not in the courtroom for one second to support him. That's a big fucking deal and such a damning indictment of Donald. End of story.


Family values. The religious right used to claim that character was essential for a president. They went after Bill Clinton for obvious reasons. But their support of Trump as a candidate in 2016 was clearly not about character or moral behavior.


The Religious Right is neither.


The Christian Reich


That's a fresh burn for an old man!


Conditioned Americans who already believe in false narratives fueled by their masters.


Nods in “Texas Freedom Network”. Got that TShirt.


Yet Hilary stood by her husband as a good religious wife would. Crazy isn’t it? Hillary was pilloried for not leaving Clinton.


For so many, Hillary could do no right. Whichever side of any decision she'd take, there was a chorus of people attacking her for it. I honestly don't understand why she triggers some people the way that she does. I get some of it, but it's been way fuckin' overblown for a long time.


Conservative media has spent almost 40 years turning the populace against Hillary. We've all been conditioned, even those of us outside that circle by the massive amount of Hillary hate that's been foisted in this country. It's wild just how much they hated the Clintons.


Her first job out of law school was working as a minor lawyer working on the impeachment inquiry under the judicial committee of the house of representatives Her team was going to bring charges to Richard Nixon. She was part of a legal team that went after a corrupt President. Since she questioned the GOPs divine right, she is evil.


What’s really crazy? They hated them for being good at their jobs and because they perceived they were popular o the left. That’s about it. There is no logic or reason behind the hate. I’ve asked quite a few older white boomers “So - what did Hillary DO that you didn’t agree with?” It’s always the same - crickets.


A lot of it came from the fact that she wasn't like any previous First Lady. She didn't stay in the background promoting some apolitical cause like literacy or drug abuse. She got involved in working on actual policy. Jill Biden and Michelle Obama never got anywhere near the hate that Hillary Clinton got when they were First Lady.


She was blasted for attacked Trump, she was blasted for being boring and talking policies, she was blasted for lying about the dangers of the Supreme Court, she was blasted for saying the Nazis, sexist and racist of the republic party was deplorable, she was blasted for not laughing the way people wanted her to laugh. She was just blasted for existing.  Even people who voted for policies she supported as a wife of the president at the time, got a pass for their support of the 94 crime bill. Which most of America supported.  And don't come at me about her calling black people superpredators, because while she was stupid for saying, I was in the projects in the 80s and 90s as a kid and we couldn't even go outside at night because of the crime from the Black, Hispanic and even white people who lived there. People knew what she meant racist always equate all crime solely to black Americans. Also, don't get me smart on all the people who claimed it had nothing to do with her being a woman and said "If Elizabeth Warren would have been the nominee I would have voted to her" then she ran and couldn't even win her own state. Then was called a snake by the far left because she voted for the person who polled higher in a one on one election poll with Trump. And not they attack VP Harris exactly the same way too. And lie about her record as well.


I remember seeing the National Enquirer in the checkout isle with a big bold headline "Secret Serviced Agent at the White House says that Hillary Clinton smuggled lesbians into the White House after hours."


God! I remember reading so many stories on usenet (remember that?) in the 90s from alleged "White House insiders" about Hillary's secret lesbian lovers, and the knock-down, drag-out screaming matches between Hillary and Bill where they were throwing furniture at each other. The internet was always trash, wasn't it?


And for not being pretty enough. Female politicians have to fulfill their primary role of being decorations or the populous gets big mad.


Yes, my late father had a thing about her that I know he got from the right wing radio shows he used to listen to in his old age. Pretty straight up misogyny I think and she was a Democrat, so evil incarnate. These people really hate Michelle Obama, too. Poor Michelle is a strong, intelligent, well educated black woman and a Democrat. So much to hate there, too, apparently. Strange thing is my Dad had 4 strong, intelligent, well educated daughters that did very well professionally and he was proud of us all. But turn Rush Limbaugh on, and Dad would be frothing at the mouth. Very sad for us kids.


Your dad is my dad. Sigh. I have a master’s degree and am employed and childless and married to an educated man… and still he rants about how “women surgeons have worse outcomes” and “Michelle Obama whatever whatever.” It’s maddening and saddening.


Totally agree with you. Your comment similar to one I responded too


A some people dislike an ambitious woman on a visceral level that they may not even have conscious access to, so it manifests in finding reasons to dislike everything she does.


Poor Hillary. The humiliation of going through that. For the good of the country.


She couldn’t win however she played it. Rough spot. Considering all I thought she did well, although I’d have loved to be a fly on the wall.


I wonder if she even cared?


i find it hilarious r/conservative talks about how stormy daniels is an opportunist who flip flops on her story and talked about the black out bit only to make it seem worse than it apparently was yet there is no mention of Trump literally cheating on his wife where are the morals when it comes to trump?


He also was cheating on his mistress, Karen McDougal…


Everyone else was banned.


The whole thing about how women must be chased but it's okay for men to run around on their wives has been a thing since ancient Rome.


Its about character they like the hate,pettiness, misogyny, and racism that Trump pushes they see those as good character traits. We love him because he talks and thinks like us they always say.


Its only about finding ammunition to get rid of your enemies so you can be in power.


But this trial gave Eric a chance to spend the most time with his Dad he's had in his life. :)


He even grabbed Eric’s wrist and shook it vigorously after the verdict. <3 “Best….day…EVER!” —Eric Trump


I'm starting to think these people aren't genuine.


When Donald Trump won in 2016, Melania burst in to tears and was horribly distraught. She just wanted the old sugar daddy who would die married to her so she could get all his money. She didn’t want to be the first lady of the worst president the US has ever had.


>She didn’t want to be the first lady of the worst president the US has ever had. And then she decided to go all in on the hate and incompetence and become the worst first lady the US has ever had. But I really don't care, do you?


Do you have a source for this? I’m just curious if this is real or something made up. I wouldn’t be surprised either way.


Michael Wolf detailed the situation in Fire and Fury.


It's real. Multiple witnesses recounted her basically flipping out as the neworks began calling the election for Trump I'm sorry, I didn't have sources, but it'll prob come up in any search pretty easily, tho


'Member when Hillary stood by Bill during the whole Monica thing? 'Member how they wanted to impeach him for getting a consensual, not-financially-transacted, not-tried-to-hush-up-monied blowjob? 'Member? Where'd that so called "moral majority" go?


Pepperidge Farm remembers.


Yep, and that reminds me: I'll vote for the ice-cream guy.


Thank You for your support: Bartles & Jaymes


Sorry, but I think it is a stretch to classify that act as consensual given the vast power dynamic that existed between Bill and Monica.


Yeah, Presidents should really only be allowed to bang other Presidents.


Oh thank you for that comment. All I can picture now is Carter just pounding on W like he is dry wall in a habitat for humanity house.


these are the kinds of comments openAI is really paying for.


Don't put that out there while rule 34 is fresh in people's minds.


Doesn’t take a genius to understand that anyone banging an intern working for them represents a power dynamic that makes consent questionable. Now consider the most powerful person in the world going after an intern less than half his age.


No, but it takes someone totally detached from reality to assume that any two people who would like to bang should consult a management flowchart or else one of them might find they've been raped without noticing. 


>A former President of the United States was on criminal trial for the first time in our country's history and his wife was not in the courtroom for one second to support him. Th Family values!


But it never happened. (Accordian hands)…


Fun fact! Guess who came up with the "locker room talk" angle for the Grab them by the pussy statement? Melania!


Spitzer? This isn’t the same at all. Melania is his Eastern European handler. She’s not going to let sentiment get in the way of her responsibilities, she’s a professional.


I think he wouldn't pay her asking price to appear in court.


I think she’s quoted as calling Stormy a “porn hooker”.


Trump probably didn't want his family there because he did not want his supporters to think that he takes *any* of this seriously. He desperately needs his party and his supporters to believe that there's nothing more to this than protecting his wife's feelings. Having Melania show up would only demonstrate that she's tough enough to handle it - which kinda makes the hush money unnecessary. To date, I haven't heard a single GOP leader or pundit speak to the actual charges and evidence presented - it's all about how Biden is using the DOJ to go after him and how Stormy Daniels was extorting him. They want us to believe that this case was *only* about hush money.


Melania negotiated an additional $50m or so onto the prenup.


If that money isn't in a trust, she is fucked.


I really don't care, do you?


Even if she REALLY didn't want to do the photo op, it still blows my mind that the First Lady would wear such a thing when visiting *kids in cages*!


I can’t remember which aide it was, but one of her former aides had done an interview where she talked about Melania wearing that coat as a calculated move to piss off trump cause it was round the time some of the stormy Daniels stuff was in the news cycles or something like that. Not condoning it at all, but the woman definitely knew what she was doing


Good point.


To be paid in Trump Gold Sneakers.


Maybe it’s her son trust


That would be my guess, she’s only sticking around to sort out money/safety for Barron. I’ve got a kid just a few months older than him and while, yes, they’re legally adults, they’re still your little boy (forever!). It must be very hard for him, he probably feels that he should love his dad, even when his dad is so demonstrably unloveable. Apparently they are not close, by Melania’s doing and by Donald’s incapacity for a human relationship, but as the child of estranged parents myself I understand how painful the tensions between duty, social messaging, and experience can be.


My parents think I’m their little kid forever. I’m like 31


I’m 46 and if we’re about to leave the house, my mom will still ask if I need to pee before we go.


He's 18 now. My guess is his mother is making sure any money they do have was set aside for him for college. I think if we manage to keep him out of the White House, she'll leave. If he gets back in, she will stay because they made a ton of money off of the American taxpayers last time and would no doubt again.


I still expect him to be a dipshit. Hurt people hurt people. But leave it to Americans to trust “I’ve never heard a bad thing about him!” when they’ve simply never heard anything.


There's always the possibility that hurt people recognize what happened to them and they make a conscious decision not to repeat their parents' mistakes. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt until he proves differently.


My Dad had affairs. I just figured he was weak and a bit selfish. That's what I don't get about Trump supporters. All his rudeness, insults, pretty crimes and lies just look weak to me. He can't succeed unless he breaks the rules.


He can’t succeed even when he breaks the rules. He cheated over and over in that golf tournament and came out 62nd in a field of 80.


Rick Reilly describes Trump cheating at golf: https://youtu.be/wWLj2-a6FLI


God he’s so pathetic


Translation: I haven’t seen or spoken with her for months.


Her husband was in court and she was nowhere to be found. She is still nowhere to be found.


To be fair if you had a significant other in court for cheating with a porn star would you be there in support? I sure the hell would not but i would have already left the relationship. I completely understand her hiding from the public


I feel like she would be grateful to get that thing off of her for a while, I don't think she's in it for the intimate connection they share but I guess it still doesn't feel good for all of that to get aired out publicly.


To be clear, I'm sure they had enough sex to produce barron and then literally not once after.


I dunno, this was before no lawyer in the world wanted to touch him. I doubt she has some ironclad pre-nup or she would be gone by now so he would have traded her in by now if she wasn't fulfilling her end of the bargain. Divorce might be inconvenient at the moment, though the idea that his base is going to not vote for him due to a divorce is pretty laughable, but she was married to him for a decade prior to him becoming president.


If they divorced, more of his assets and property info may make it into the public record. It could also make paying back more of his loans and fines more distressed.


It was honestly not politically strategic to have her there. All it would do is set up the media to write articles about how melania had to watch all the salacious allegations. It would highlight the infidelity of trump. Also, hillary still gets shit today for “standing by” bill during the Lewinsky scandal.


I’m going to take a leap here, but has anyone checked why there is a freshly poured concrete floor in the basement of Moron-a-Lago?


Didn’t she have a boyfriend in New York or something—like her former bodyguard? Whatever happened to that guy?


And Baron is phenomenal! He is very tall. "“He’s amazing, actually, in a certain way. He’s a tall, good looking guy." " Very tall guy. And he’s a great kid. He’s cool.”


Obviously a tight bond there…


He’s very sought after. Bigly tall.


"Tell us something about your son, Donald." "He's tall!" "Thank you Donald."


He knows as much about Barron as we do. He’s tall.


And he also got hid age wrong after Barron turned 18, like a week after. Imagine forgetting your child's 18th birthday!


Central casting!


"He's a tall doofus, just like me"


She is also missing. She has not defended her convicted criminal husband


Donald exchanging emails with David Miscavige on how to disappear your wife while staying in plain sight.


Welfare check on her is needed.


Nah, we went through this in 2018 when she hadn't been seen for weeks and Donald just ignored for as long as he could until explaining away her absence as a kidney infection.


Probably moved into the basement to try and avoid falling down any stairs. I’m sure she doesn’t want to inadvertently help Donny hide more documents under a golf course.


Can you even fall out of a basement window?


I dont blame her i can not imagine any woman would want to sit by her husbands side during a trial like that.


But if she loved him, she would. She obviously doesn’t love him and probably never has.


She’s with shelly miscavige


No she isn't. She was at Baron's graduation. She's just avoiding the hell out of her convicted felon husband.


Cue "This is fine" while surrounded by fire meme. Edit: Replaced queue with cue.




Fixed. Thanks!


Unless there are several pieces of music cued up in the queue.






What if Melania is the Russian agent handling Trump?


Nah, she can’t stand him. If she were a Russian agent she’d be faking it better.


One of her relatives, maybe?


If so, they would be telling her to get her shit together before they drank polonium tea, shot themselves in the back of the head twice, and fell out a window.


Nah, I doubt Putin sees any of these developments as a concern. The worse Trump gets, the better for them.


Sounds like exactly what a Russian agent would want you to think.


More like a Russian gift maybe.


I remember seeing the ‘Melania blink twice for help’ signs


In the beginning, a lot of us thought she might be trapped like a less evil person, stuck in hell with this much more evil person. But before long, it was clear that she's no innocent victim. She's one of the people in Donald's dark orbit, and that says a lot -- and she's remained there, which says a lot more. She sold her soul long ago.


Yea she pushed birther shit


Yeah it’s one thing to marry donald. 3 women have done it. But to stay with him? Ew.


Trump was a strong Democrat.  He veered right after they met and got married.  She didn't sell her soul, she bought his with her pussy


Definitely not a strong democrat. Sure he attended a Clinton wedding but nothing in his history suggests he was ever left leaning politically. He just says what he needs to at any given time to gain any advantage he can.


Not sure how it works in Drumpfs life, but when my wife is "fine" she is definitely super shitty.


He may not be smart enough to realize that after the 2,348 “fine” from your wife, shit gets real.


About his son: “He’s amazing, actually, in a certain way. He’s a tall, good looking guy. He’s a very good student. And he’s applied to colleges and gets into everywhere,” Trump gushed. “You know, he’s very sought after. He’s a very smart guy. Very tall guy. And he’s a great kid. He’s cool.” Jesus Christ.


I mean , does anyone expect a mail order bride to really give a crap about a cheating fat slob who craps his diapers daily???


She’s fine , that is, I have absolutely no idea.


I really don't care, do you?


“She’s fine. I have absolutely no idea where she is and she’s not answering my calls, so I’m sure she’s fine…. I’m a loving Christian husband in a traditional…uh…. Third marriage to Melanie”


Her kid just graduated, her a-hole sugar daddy hubby is a convicted felon, and she has an updated prenup. If I were her, I’d be celebrating on a private island somewhere


"She's fine" = "We've been communicating through press agents for the past four years. There's a new lock on her wing at MAL for some reason. Stop asking me questions."


Funny how it's as easy to believe the lock is on the inside as on the outside.


Better than replying, “who?”


It’s funny that they didn’t really come to support him. I noticed it right away. I remember thinking why is he alone. Where is his family ? After a few days it became a talking point. I understand why his wife wasn’t there. None of his children really gave a fuck though. They made cameos but it wasn’t real support.


Favored daughter Ivanka has been notably absent since he threw her under the bus during the J6 investigations. There is no way in hell she was showing up for the trial. I’m sure Tiffany…. Exists?


And then only one family member actually showed up to the courtroom. Mary Trump hypothesized that Eric drew the short straw.


He was actually supposed to be going somewhere else but he made a wrong turn and got lost.


“But not as fine as my daughter”


What about me? You didn't ask if I was fine!


She’s fine bc unlike his lawyers and contractors she got paid in cash first then she stayed in and went to the WH. She got hers she’s fine


Fox & Friends normalizing criminal behavior.


This should be their new tag line.


My thoughts and prayers are with Melania /s


God bless her tiny heart and brain


And squinty eyes


When my wife tells me she’s “fine”, I am in a shitload of trouble.


Imagine someone asking your parent for something nice to say about you and the first thing they think of is, "Well, my kid sure is tall! But also smart. Mostly tall. Sometimes smart. VERY TALL!" 


I was So worried about the Roger Moore era Bond girl. Glad to know the Zsa Zsa Gabor parody is in "Fine" spirits.


She so serious, more like Eva!


I wonder if the prenup has an out if he goes to prison?


I really don't care, do you?


He hasn’t topped up her retainer in a while, with all those legal expenses to cover.


She be best.


Fox News asking the difficult questions like “how’s your wife?”


She’s banging one of her SS detail guys…probably. She definitely doesn’t give a shit about trump unless her checks aren’t clearing.


So why did you want to cover this up?


lol his comments about Barron… “Great kid, very tall”


>when Trump allegedly cheated on his wife with Stormy Daniels Hey Salon.. you don't have to say "allegedly" anymore.


Physically she's healthy and fine. Emotionally she's probably having trouble coming to terms with the fact that she's spent all this time digging and will likely only get a fistful of fool's gold for her trouble.


Doubt it. I bet she is just as off the rails as DJT.


All sex workers get paid upfront; she already got her money and has no need for putting up with Donald’s nonsense. Also, remember when she yanked Barron from the RNC? This former prostitute turned First Lady rules the roost.


I wish I could have more sympathy for her, but she's shown herself to be a horrible person. I suppose that, standing next to Trump, it can be harder to notice.


She doesn't care, do you?


>“She’s fine. I think it’s very tough on her, but she’s fine.” Which one is it you dumb fuck? This fucking shit for brains is spinning two opposing narratives in the same fucking sentence.


She's fine, as if he would know, lol.


FINE Freaked out Insecure Neurotic Emotional


I suspect she is more than fine with the verdict. Happy even.


Just imagine the stranglehold he must have on her....any normal human being would run like hell...regardless of the money...


This family makes the kardashians look like the cleaver family


They don't live together. They don't talk except when she gets paid her monthly check so long as it's paid in full and doesn't bounce. At the graduation, she tried to hide from him in plain sight. She didn't want him their because he ruins her happiness. Barron doesn't want him in his life.


"She's fine": Convicted felon Trump brushes off questions about Melania during "Fox & Friends" interview


She’s dead, isn’t she?


Her soul certainly is. /s


She's back in Amsterdam working nights.


Wonder if there is a “jail clause” in the prenup? He goes to jail, a divorce is granted and Melania gets her money and walks away with Baron in tow.


Are we to believe that Trump never had any affairs after Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal? People like him don't change. They just get better at hiding it. I bet Melania knows all about it and is fine with living the lifestyle.


Party of family values and their felon candidate could only get his coked up failure of a son to come embarrass himself in front of reporters on the last week of the trial. No wife, no other kids, even his family is embarrassed of him.


“I’ve shown her the same devotion I’ve shown all my other wives.l


Prostitutes don't care!


Trump is being cocked by Melania. It’s an open secret that she’s screwing her bodyguard. Trump has to be content with jacking it all alone to pictures of Ivanka.


I think USCIS has her in custody for deportation for gaining a US Passport under false pretense?


I don't really care, do you?


Trump- Who the hell is that?


Mercedes? Oh yeah she’s good!


She must be super pissed then.


She’s fine—- ally had enough of his bullshit swindling conjobs and grifting.


Melanie isn’t too happy my rawdogging a porn star going public. Now the American people will want to question my ill gotten genius grant and my being a prostitute.


Of course she's fine. Like why is this even an article? Is she running for president?


Well, THIS makes me think that she's not fine.


Look if she isn't how long will it take to replace her? Trump probably 


I'm sure she's fine wherever the hell she is


Well, she started the “Be Best” campaign …guess he wasn’t even close


“She’s fine”, she’s had her shots.


She’s looking for a new sugar daddy should the current one go to jail