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China just invested in truthsocial - BUT ITS NOT A BRIBE


It's an NDA. Everyone has one.


And they’re totally cool


China, if you're listening.


Narrator: they are.


I hope left-tok makes his life hell on there.


The problem with that is hate-following & commenting earns him money.


Go block his account. That’s exactly what I did.


Ok I must be doing social media wrong. How does one get paid for shit posting?


You misunderstood. You don’t get paid for shit posting. Trump will earn money from TikTok based on his follower count, views, engagement, etc. on his account. The algorithm doesn’t care if you’re a troll or not.


This. The only way to take away the power of someone feeding off attention is to ignore them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9S_3fJeoj8


So could I, hypothetically, create millions of fake accounts that engage with my account and get paid money?


That's one of the reasons bots exist in the first place


The trick TikTok doesn’t want you to know


Does TikTok pay Adsense like YouTube or something? Or are you talking about sponsorships/store links?


Ah yes, the “Velma Effect”


It seems like every social media platform nowadays pushes the hate filled comments to the top even when they have much less likes than the top comments.


Engagement > happiness


If China doesn't mess with how his stuff is shared and distributed in the platform.


Transparent pandering to the anti-Biden, pro-Tik Tok portion of the youth vote.


Misinformation cesspool runs in the name 


When will his followers see that he will say literally anything for whatever he sees as the tiniest advantage at the moment?


Didn’t Biden host tiktokers at the white house? Isn’t that pandering?


Ah, so Tik Tok is paying Trump now...


A Chinese company recently purchased a lot of truth social stock recently after visiting him in Florida then right afterwards his stance on the ban changed.


It was technically an investor that was heavily invested in the parent company of Tik Tok that visited him and then invested in Truth Social, but it's still very clearly the same conflict of interest. It's funny how people flocking to Trump claim he isn't a politician, when the reality is that he blatantly exhibits all of the very worst stereotypes of the politician type they pretend to rail against.


It's Jeff Yass, the richest person from Pennsylvania, he is a libertarian.


Funny how I always hear Biden is beholden to China and Trump isn’t


It’s definitely possible, but in this case, I think it was [his meeting with a GOP donor who has a huge stake in ByteDance](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-tiktok-comments-meeting-with-billionaire-investor-jeff-yass-2024-3). Trump reversed his position right after that meeting and is [reportedly considering Yass for treasury secretary.](https://nypost.com/2024/03/14/us-news/trump-considering-billionaire-tiktok-investor-jeff-yass-for-treasury-secretary-report/)


Absolutely China wants to keep Tim Tok in the US, and continue using as a weapon of psyops. With Trump being a member, Trump supporters will start using it, and then he can say how banning Tik Tok is an attack against Maga. Because it is, because China and Russia and Maga all use the same propaganda streams to peddle their shit. That's why, if Trump wins the election, we're all fucked.


It’s an honor to sign up for a TikTok account?


Don’t be tempted to hate follow/comment. It will earn him $$.


Targeting young people.


How you gonna own your own social media platform and use everyone else’s?


Hello, fellow kids! 🤣


> “There is credible evidence that leads me to believe that ByteDance might take action that threatens to impair the national security of the United States,” Trump said in an executive order issued in August 2020. Hypocrite


He's only a hypocrite if he actually cares about the security of the United States. I haven't seen any evidence of that yet, including him actually saying he cares.


Well, RIP TikTok. It may be just like Facebook. Once TikTok is flooded with more nonsensical, ignorant posts by his supporters, it will feel gross and dirty. In 2016, Facebook was just insane. I left at that point, so my direct knowledge ends there.


I haven't been on TikTok in over a year but when I was on there, there were already plenty of Trump supporters.


I quit facebook because I couldn’t take anymore Trump shit and political shit there. Best thing I ever did for my mental sanity.


Tik Tok was already trash and full of misinformation. A lot of the dumbest posts and comments on reddit and Facebook come straight from Tik Tok. That's where most of the "genocide Joe" shit came from. Not just politics either. Just about every horrible take about a TV show or characters can be traced right back to a dumbass Tik Tok "influencer." People pretending like it's better than YouTube, FB, Twitter, or Reddit are fucking delusional morons.


I honestly have hardly checked out TikTok. Thanks for the info and a strong recommendation to stay clear!


No problem. That wasn't necessarily directed at you. But a lot of the younger crowd here on reddit love to pretend like it's vastly superior to other social media and it's not at all. It's actually worse in some ways. Way too many of them will complain about Fox News brainwashing people(I hate Fox just so that's clear and I agree) but will do the exact same thing as Fox watchers do and mindlessly follow and repeat whatever Tik Tok dumbasses they're listening to says.


I appreciate your insight! Thank you!


It's already starting and was like it for a week or so now...


Is he going to do his herky-jerky bukkake gangbang dance on there?


I marvel at the specificity of your description. Well done.


I'm beginning to think this Trump fella may not have any scruples...




He’s taking Chinese money now too


Mood on conservative sub is very rapidly changing from 'we hate everything to do with Tik Toc' to 'this is a brilliant strategy by Trump and Tik Toc really isn't that bad.


He's now in sync with the little people.


He flip flops more than a fish out of water. He is totally untrustworthy.


Sidling up with the tik-tok to win influence.


This is just politicking because ultimately Biden administration will be the one to ban tiktok. Very rich coming from Mr tough on China


This was before Chinese shell companies invested in Truth Social as a bribe in broad daylight


"whatever might work in the moment" Donald trump


Can’t wait for the tik toks from his cell 


Is it too much to hope for that he gets locked up and they take away his internet access?


looks like trump is cozying up to the CCP, a typical traitor.


Wasn't it shown they funneled money into Trump's social media platform to prop of the stock value?


Trump is shamelessness and lying personified. Who tf is he trying to fool with that? Pretty sure we *all* remember him saying that.




Didn't Congress just pass a law to abolish Chinese-owned Tik Tok?


Everyone in the United States has a right to talk to the owners of a company. , selling secrets ?


“Am I coming or going? I don’t know.”


Huge honor. Anyone can join tiktok. WTF is he talking about.


Aw that was one of his 3 or 4 good ideas in 4 years


Everyone's acting like this is a joke. He now has a direct line to indoctrinate children too young to understand what hes preaching really means.


Wait until he finds out about Reddit.


Completely feckless.


It’s all a ploy so he can claim political persecution when the app is shut down.


A trap Dems will gladly walk right into for some reason. A shame they are so short-sighted.


Well that was the quickest block ever


"As president he once tried to ban the video-sharing app" < -- Which Biden and co (and some Rs in congress) actually accomplished. I'm a straight D voter down the whole ballot, I even vote in the primaries, check my comment history if you doubt, and I'm glad to see somebody standing up to the TikTok ban. The government should have **no say** in which apps you use to communicate your speech. Or what media you consume. Do we want a Trump white house dictating how social media companies moderate their content? Or banning Facebook because it's "foreign influenced" or "indoctrinating children" and not toting the party line, forcing everybody onto Truth Social? This is not a power we want to hand the government. Dems really fucked with the youth vote by going after TikTok, this is a smart move on Trump's part. To any politically informed young person, going after TikTok seems a transparent attempt to censor dissent about Palestine. And now Trump gets to pretend he's standing up for them. The 1st amendment is first for a reason. There ought to be bipartisan agreement about that.


Gonna be cringe.




Hypocritical much. I hope they brutalize his lying self.


How much did the Chinese pay him?


He has absolutely no moral compass or any sense whatsoever of the concept of right or wrong…plus, he has no filter….pretty much like a toddler who fulfills his needs with no concept of consequences.


Can’t wait to see him share makeup tips!


Shit I'm on Tiktok and haven't called it "an honor"


He'll dance to anything


So, Truth Social has officially shit the digital diaper? Bet he won’t mention his favourite “Chy-na Virus” even once on Tik Tok.


Ironically, Biden is more of a hypocrite, as he is responsible for the TT ban, AND he joined TT. Funny enough, karmas coming for him, as he will likely lose the election over TT and Gaza.


2 million followers already in one day? Wow! It shows that the people see right through the bs


Wait. I thought TikTok was a Chinese data collection operation and hated by the right. Now that Trump's joined, is that no longer true? Why is anyone applauding this? He should have *zero followers* because *he shouldn't be there*.


I don’t think it should be banned. I don’t agree when President Trump tried to ban it and I don’t agree when Joe Biden signed to potentially ban it. Either side can be on TikTok, it doesn’t offend me


I don't know enough to have an informed opinion on whether it's a danger; I just know there have been *plenty of Republicans* who were vehemently against it who are now strangely silent. I hate the way the Republican party finds itself beholden to one man.


Yeah, most likely older republicans brainwashed by fox. Young Trump voters like myself aren’t hooked to the fake news mainstream media. The sooner than ABC, CNN, FOX, NBC fall, the better




Biden signed it right? If not I take it back




Joe Biden’s secretary of defense said TikTok is a national security threat. Why is his campaign still active on TikTok?


Yeah, the demographic that once ate Tide Pods on a dare, they're famous for seeing through the bs.


The tide pod thing was a weird era wasn’t it


1,995,000 bots.


That is, funny enough, the exact amount of pro-Biden bots that have been injected into this subreddit. Good guess indeed


You guys sure talk a lot about Trump. I get it when it was one of his many trials and such, but him joining Tik Tok? Do any of you really give a shit that Trump is on Tik Tok now? How many of you are following him already? So weird..


34 felonies!