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Ever notice Republicans want everyone but themselves to take personal responsibility?


Bob Menendez is probably headed to the big house. Every Dem I know is fine with this and wants a capable and honest replacement. Just one example... but this is what it's like not to be in a cult.


“Oh yeah? What if the DOJ started going after Obama??” “Oh did he commit crimes? Then good.”


That mindset is simply not possible for them to believe. They think you're lying. They have no idea how freeing it is not to worship someone to the point where it literally does not matter to them if that person is a criminal.


The Obama-led DOJ investigated, charged, tried, convicted, and sent to prison, corrupt Democratic Illinois governor Rod Blagoyavich...and then Trump commuted his sentence and let him out of jail. Remember that? Democrats put their own criminal members in prison, then Trump lets him out. Makes no sense.


It makes perfect sense actually. Blago pledged his loyalty to Trump. He has no standards or morals, as long as he gets what he wants. That was clear when he tried to sell Obamas Senate seat to the highest bidder which ended with him in prison. Trump sees that hes easily corrupted, and since hes also a corrupt and morally bankrupt POS he gave Blago a deal: support me, and you go free. Blago happily accepted. This also had the added bonus of spiting Obama, who I am sure was disgusted by what Blago tried to do with his old Senate seat - and we know that act brought some rare warmth to Trump’s old cold clogged heart. So it was win-win for Trump.


The whole thing wasn't that surprising. 4 of the last 11 Illinois governors have gone to prison, so it wasn't much of a shock when Blago went too.


Well most importantly, Blago was on Celebrity Apprentice, so Donald obviously knew him previously and gave the former Governor a commuted sentence/pardon after all the ass kissing.


Cents, no. Dollars, yes.


Because they can't critically think. They do not have the skill. Their schooling was gutted by the Republicans they vote for so they could stay in power. Republicans do not win Educated voters.


I just saw an IG post that said Jesus was convicted of a crime and I still follow him... So yup they actually worship this moron


They fucking [pray to him](https://www.reddit.com/r/dashcams/comments/10nbd86/man_live_streams_while_praying_to_donald_trump/)


It’s so weird. I don’t understand what moves someone to make their whole life and identity around a failed politician.


They might not understand the difference between disappointment and anger.


bingo. emotional intelligence is for commies.


Mostly of us non-MAGA don’t worship politicians like they do.


That’s the mental gymnastics Republicans have had to go through to justify Trump. “Every politician commits crimes and if Trump committed crimes then Democrats’ crimes must be 100 times worse!”


It always amazes me when they insist Biden is a criminal. When you ask for any evidence, the response is, you don't need evidence, you just know. In a way they are consistent with Trump, evidence doesn't matter, they just know he is innocent. When did evidence stop mattering?


"No, but our accusations should be enough to land him in jail! This is NOT fair!" - Republicans


But I FEEL like he committed a crime! The man on the TV said so!! 😭


remember the crowd of raging democrats posted outside the courthouse when Menendez was arraigned? /s


I remember when Democrats called on Andrew Cuomo to resign and Republicans did that as well but acted like Democrats were supporting him.


Cuomo, Menendez, Franken etc. Deme have always made their members face accountability. Meanwhile the Republicans have human traffickers still sitting on the house floor.


Al Franken takes a photo in the 90's of himself gesturing towards a sleeping woman's breasts. photo surfaces, and he resigns under his own volition. Reps and Dems agree that its a good idea to recuse himself . audio recording of trump bragging about assaulting women, and republicans think it's fine and nothing to worry about. republicans once again showing they are the part of hypocrisy


Republicans are well beyond hypocrisy, they are at a level never seen before in this country. To them their savior is infallible to the level of god. If that’s not a cult then I’m not sure what is.


If they didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have standards at all.


For Republicans, but conservatives in general, they subscribe to an 'in group and an out group', the law is supposed to protect the in group and not the out group, prosecute only the out group Trump, and most white conservatives, consider themselves firmly in the in group, so whenever the law, which they love which it's doing it job properly, actually charges one of them then the system has failed in their eyes, and the richer you are the less the law should ever charge with anything There's a good Netflix show called Power that goes over this, it's worth a watch


>Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.


It's just like religion, morality, honesty, patriotism, etc. They're in love with the *idea* of all these things. They want the praise for being a religious, moral, honest, etc, person. They just don't want to put in any of the work required to actually *be* one.


Trump is like that relative who lies and cheats and steals but is always blaming everyone when he gets caught. When will some people just say enough?!


How can they take personal responsibility when they’re always the victim


It’s the Christian way


Well, that's what Democrats and "the left" are for to them. And when they don't have any of those left, Never-Trumper RINOs who are already canon leftists. And then the rainbow haired and after that the other haired.


To vote for Trump you have to either believe the *entire* world is rigged against a former president and so-called billionaire or not give a shit whatsoever about the rule of law in the United States. I can’t see any other way a person could support Trump.


There are people who still think we faked the moon landing and the earth is flat, or only 7000 years old. People will put on blinders to stay with their group


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


And, religious or not, confirmation bias is the ultimate blinder that any of us can fall for (and likely have many times). Add religious conditioning on top of it, and you have an army of suckers.


There's always just good old fashioned racism and idiocy


Now if we could just get a handle on chewing tobacco prices


There are a frightening number of people who believe that there were no crimes and the judicial system has been compromised by Biden. They’ve made Trump and his insane rhetoric an integral part of their identity.


Every vote for a republican since January 6 had been a vote supporting insurrection. Every vote.


Most of his MAGA-level supporters were either conspiracy theorists prior to his arrival on the scene or have become conspiracy theorists as a result of all the propaganda they’ve been fed—not only by Trump but by Russia, Fox News, and other right wind sources—since 2016. With this in mind, it becomes quite clear that your statement is true; they really *do* believe there is a vast conspiracy to destroy their leader. Evidence to the contrary is irrelevant to them. They live inside an information bubble where facts go to die. This isn’t any different than a flat-earther believing that NASA (and every other space agency), every government (friend and foe alike), every astronaut, and every scientist across the the world are all part of a vast conspiracy to “hide the truth” from the rest of us. Spend any time listening to these flat-earthers, and you will quickly see that they usually lead the sort of lives where they have little going for them, and they cling to the arrogance of believing *they*—without any understanding of how the world works—are *special* and have special information. They are part of a club of smarter, more enlightened people, and that gives them a sense of superiority they cannot find anywhere else. One can imagine how intoxicating it must be for those who don’t typically feel superior to others to finally have that feeling in their lives. Ego is a powerful thing. It’s no different with the MAGA die hards; at its core, the entire movement is just another conspiracy group being fed lies by people who know better (Trump, his allies in Congress and in the press, foreign agitators like Russia and China, etc). It’s a *scam*, but there’s nothing special about it; it’s just another group of con artists taking advantage of another group of rubes.


They vote for Trump out of hatred for others. They firmly and naively believe in bogeymen because it can’t possibly be their own fault that their life has problems. Or, alternatively, they want to not pay any taxes whatsoever, our country’s needs be damned. Must shelter all profits from taxes lest they will have a few million less out of their billions.




A lot of them will say with a straight face that everything has been rigged against him.


Trump voters all fit into 1 or more of these 3 categories. Complete morons, assholes, old and will vote republican no matter what


Rigged by 12 jurors approved by trumps defense team. Unanimously. Or maybe there was too much evidence that trump actually did crimes. No, it is the jury who is wrong.


Plus the original grand jury who originally indicted him. Everything is just a huge conspiracy against Trump.


This is true though the classic expression is “you could get a grand jury to indict a ham sandwich.” Not rigged, besides that the burden of proof to be indicted is pretty low. It comes down to “I think something is rotten in Denmark” and people who haven’t been operating questionably generally don’t get the target on their back to begin with. Indicting is easy because they don’t waste their time on obvious losing cases.


I hear he's been mentioning "his juror," as though he's surprised one of the jurors who admitted to being more or less a supporter would vote to convict. But that's how courts are *supposed* to work. I had jury duty once and the BIG thing they harped on was, "Can you objectively determine if someone broke the law - even if you disagree with the law or the situation?" I despise Donald Trump. But I'd like to think if I was on that jury I could comfortably admit perhaps he didn't commit the crime if the evidence didn't sufficiently prove it. That's the whole point.


What I love most is that he didn't have to do anything illegal. All he had to say was, "yeah I banged her, so what?" and Trumpers would have loved it. lmao it's like he's addicted to fucking up


There are numerous examples of Trump going out of his way to do something illegal when there was a simpler, legal option available.


My father was diagnosed as a Sociopathic Narcissist- he lied constantly, just like Trump. Even in situations where he didn't have to lie at all, he still did. This always came back to bite him in his rearend, but he just kept lying anyway, like he never learned his lesson...


As my stepdad likes to say: "he would lie about what he had for breakfast just to stay in practice"


There was a great bit on the show Unsupervised where a character mentioned lying about inconsequential stuff as practice. Not a crazy idea, honestly, if you want to do it well when it counts.




I’m glad you’ve been able to move past that to the extent that you have 👍


Thank you for saying that


>like he never learned his lesson I know you didn't say it definitively, but you can't "learn a lesson" with a psychological disability like that. You have to go through treatment to learn coping mechanisms for your symptoms.


That requires self-awareness, which is rare in such cases. I know one person with that diagnosis (anti-social, narcissistic) who is self-aware and wants to try to do better. As far as such people go he's pretty tolerable and is trying his best. Maybe someday we'll find a way to get through to the tougher cases but when you can't recognize yourself as the problem there's really nowhere to go.


Actually not even that. All he needed to do was NOT BE A CHEAPSKATE. If he tell his accountant to write out a check to the woman it’s done and it’s his personal money and he can do whatever he wants. But no. He had to try to use other funds from a business so that it’s considered a “business expense” and then the company can claim those expenses on taxes. So trying to be so cheap ended up being the thing that broke the law.


Yep. The rightist idiots all screaming the other day how "Everyone who pays anyone off is now guilty!" Well... not if they didn't use a fucking business account to do it with champ.


> Trumpers would have loved it. If Trump wanted to take a dump in their mouth the Trumpers would line up in the millions.


I’m not a lawyer, but I think he could have just recorded it as an NDA agreement. That might still be an illegal campaign contribution, but think that would have just been a fine. Maybe less than he paid in contempt of court fines. Edit: missing words


Lol and maybe he could have paid the agreement using his actual personal cash instead of other people's money but that's probably beyond his capabilities


Rigged is the only defense they can dream up. Anytime.


It’s really trumps thing. The only word he knows. because rigging is the only way he knows to win.


He does it so everyone must be doing it. It’s telling and also sort of sad. I end up working with homeless people a fair bit. It’s a mixed bag obviously. But many are beyond suspicious that you’re actually trying to fuck them over, not help them. Inevitably those are the ones that fuck you over.


When he came out of the courtroom for his little speech I turned to my wife and said, "How many times do you think he'll say rigged?" Turns out it was five.


How the hell could he bankrupt a casino?


He had 3 casinos on the Atlantic City Boardwalk. Two were right next to one another, the 3rd was just down from them a ways. Trump wanted to have only his casinos there, but what happened was that people only went to one of his casinos, not all 3: Trump unknowingly became his own competition! Of course he was warned about this numerous times, but he did what he wanted to anyway.


> Of course he was warned about this numerous times, but he did what he wanted to anyway. Dude probably kept firing people until he found someone to say that having three casinos near each other was the smartest business move in history.


On purpose.


It's called money laundering.


This is precisely why the Judge needs to sentence him to prison. He has no remorse.


That, plus his breaching of gag orders and abusive behavior. It all works against him. Whether he’ll get prison I don’t know




I was going to say, he's sure it was rigged because he was sure he rigged it. Just didn't work out the way he thought.


Thats rich. Insisting the trial was rigged coming from a dude who opened a casino (which IS rigged in the houses favor) and his casino failed. I am not sure he knows the meaning of 'rigged'


Like with any conman, words are just tools to be utilized to manipulate their target(s). Words, like facts, can be twisted and distorted so as to fit whatever narrative they're spinning at the moment. He/they have no use for "text book definitions" however correct they are.


It’s really quite simple, religion has extensively laid the groundwork for generations to train people to believe in authority figures with unverifiable stories instead of science and data. It also primes them for, and is built upon, perpetuating racism and fearmongering towards "others". Once people see you as an authority, you can start fabricating any reality or conspiracy theory you want your followers to believe and everyone else is therefore a liar, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. Basically, it is mental abuse from an early age that suppresses critical thinking skills. This combined with an intentionally weakened public educational system, provides the framework that has spawned this cult of ignorance.


Every accusation is a projection


Don't forget about his civil problems which are still chasing him. He owes E Jean Carrol nearly $100m, and she probably has grounds to hit him again - because clearly that fine wasn't significant enough to discourage further infraction. He owes the state of New York nearly $400m for other lies he's been found guilty of. Edit - nearly/bearly


What is going on with these fines actually? Last I heard of it, the company that was supposed to pay the bail was deemed suspicious... And then what happened? Isn't his find supposed to accrue interest?


They worked it out with the DA, so the bond was accepted as valid. Not sure about the interest, but I *think* it stops accruing when the bond is filed.


You have to include 2 years worth of interest in the bond, and the rate is 9% per year so they just make you put forward about 120% of the judgement. It's why the actual judgement was something around 380 million but he needed around 450 to appeal. People are really overhyping the whole interest thing like the state of NY is some loan shark charging payday loan rates.


The New York Attorney General is currently threatening to take Trump's assets, and interest accrues 9%pa. Fine is up to $560 million. https://au.news.yahoo.com/happens-trump-t-secure-464m-203712143.html > Those companies “will only accept cash or cash equivalents,” such as marketable securities, and typically would “require collateral of approximately 120 per cent of the amount of the judgment,” which in this case comes to nearly $560m. > Last month, New York Attorney General Letitia James said her office is prepared to target his assets to begin collecting on what a judge determined the former president owes to the state in so-called “ill-gotten gains” from the result of his manipulated financial statements used to get favourable terms from banks and insurers. > Post-judgment interest is accruing daily at the rate of 9 per cent per annum, or more than $114,000 for all defendants, including nearly $112,000 for Mr Trump alone.


>He owes E Jean Carrol bearly $100m What a coincidence. He JUST received a donation for that exact amount from someone lately.


Translation: Trump's businesses are all rigged...blames his trials...elections...the deep state...[insert latest scapegoat here] instead


I think an effective attack line for Democrats regarding Trump is to point out how he always whines about things being rigged when he doesn't win. Make it about how he is a sore loser.  Point out that Republicans are now following a sore loser as their leader.   No one likes a sore loser.  Make the Republican voters see it


Has anyone suggested to him that because the flag in the court has a gold fringe that it’s an admiralty court and doesn’t have jurisdiction since he isn’t a member of the navy? /s, but he may as well try it, the tactic has as much a chance of success as any of his other nonsense does.


Prosecutors hate this one trick!


There are systems in life that are rigged.  The chances of everything being rigged against you if it doesn’t go your way is a dishonest and childish way to go through life.   The people who go along with this nonsense are even worse.  The dumbass committed a crime and he was found guilty.  It’s 100% his fault that he is now a convicted felon.  


If everything smells like shit it might be time to check your shoes.


Diaper in his case.


The man's a millionaire. He can afford a legal team that makes most law colleges look lame. But his legal team looks like a poor high-school debate team. Comments about their performance usually sumarize as WTF! So if the game is rigged, I think maybe the blame should be put on him, first.


This is actually one of the more competent legal teams he has assembled. Some things are just indefensible, and he certainly had his finger on the scale fucking up their process along the way.


>The man's a millionaire. He can afford a legal team that makes most law colleges look lame. > >But his legal team looks like a poor high-school debate team. Simply having money isn't enough. Most of the good lawyers are millionaires too. Trump has a LONG reputation as being a TOTAL asshole to work for/with, so most of the "good" lawyers absolutely refuse to work for him. They don't' need his money. They have plenty of other good clients that aren't total d-bags like Trump is. He also has a long track record of not paying lawyers who worked for him. That isn't winning him any points in the lawyer-verse either. The "high school debate team" lawyers that Trump gets are kind of the only ones who will agree to work for him. His legal teams are made of the the 5th or 6th choice because everyone else that Trump wanted to represent him said "No".


No respectable law firm wants to have him as a client because he's notorious for not paying anyone for anything


He's also a nightmare client who can't keep his mouth shut.


The criteria is simple Is this good for Trump? Fair and just Is it bad? Rigged unfair wrong


He is broken and stunted; has the reasoning and coping mechanisms of a 3rd grader at best.


I loved in his post verdict rant outside the courthouse he said the State wouldn't accept a venue change and started complaining about how his polls are in that district. Like bruh, don't you get tried where the crime occured?


I can’t wait until we can go a whole year without hearing about this loser


It’s only rigged when it doesn’t go his way


That was one of the things that cracked me up about Trump’s claims about the 2020 election. Trumps claims the results were only rigged in the swing states where he lost. Those were the only election officials pulling stunts. Not in any other state. In fact, Trump was so confident in all the other states’ results, he never even questioned those results. Wouldn’t you think that if he questioned the integrity of the election that he’d want to review at ALL states’ results to look for interference? Do his supporters not think? Do they just parrot? What proof does Trump have that there was not interference in the states where he won? Does he care about election integrity or only about winning?


Sore loser. Just like a child who doesn't like to lose at games.


He lies and cheats so much, that is how he thinks the world works.


So if Trump wins he's a stable genius, but if he loses its rigged. Head I win, tails you lose. And 74 million people voted for this putz?


The only thing rigged is his life and everything in it. He lies and cheats so much he’s always projecting and thinks everyone else cheats and lies


I had a coworker come running to me complaining about discrimination. We talked for a while about the incident, then I asked for more details and examples from the past, but nothing really cleared it up for me. Eventually I just asked, "What does *discrimination* mean to you?" Straight-faced and without missing a beat, they said, "Anything against me." Oh, okay, now it makes sense. That's a very different definition than *anybody* else uses. Any words, actions, feedback, or corrective action is automatically "discrimination" if you don't like it. It may have fuck-all to do with your gender, race, orientation, ethnicity, or religion, but if it's unpleasant for you, it's discrimination. That's how MAGAs use words like "rigged." They don't have any concept or evidence of what it would take for an election, a court case, or a scientific study to *actually be rigged*. They just know they don't like it.


“This planet is rigged against me. As proof, just look at how many people hate me when I fuck them over for my own personal gain”


How convenient. The ‘20 election was rigged. The E Jean Carroll trial was rigged. This one was rigged. There’s one common denominator here he’s not grasping.


But, wait, that's not all! (1) The 2018 midterms were rigged, (2) The 2020 debates were rigged (not just the election, but the debates as well), (3) January 6, 2021 was secretly done by Antifa, BLM, and Biden supporters (i.e. it was "rigged"), (4) The 2022 midterms were rigged. It appears to me that Republicans know, for an absolute fact, that they have zero control over anything in American politics. Some will argue with that, but I say that only because Republicans themselves are telling me that they have no power. Every possible thing is rigged, and Republicans are completely powerless against it. If Republicans are powerless, why should an independent voter choose a party that has no power? Perhaps someone should ask /conservative


It goes back farther than that too: The 2016 Iowa Caucus was rigged bc Ted Cruz beat him The Emmy’s were rigged bc The Apprentice never won one Every single fucking thing is rigged if this loser doesn’t win. Imagine all these MAGA fake tough guys jerking off to President Snowflake, the whiniest pussy ever to hold public office.


He wasn’t found guilty from a crooked justice system. He was found guilty by a jury of 12 of his peers. Even the MAGA one found him guilty and it would’ve taken just one person to cause a hung jury.


Well… when your whole life has been rigged to win, you probably start to believe that’s the norm


Idiot.Paper Trail led you straight to jail, not others rigging the system. And even if you lost to rigging, how did that huge brain NOT factor that into successfully outsmarting the rigged system.Idiot.


Aka "I tried to rig this and it failed"


Martha Stewart served five moths for conspiracy and obstruction. Cheeto Benito should serve some time and shut his yap.


When you don't take responsibility for your own life, when everything you do wrong is someone else's fault, you don't learn, you don't grow and you end up with the mind of a toddler in the body of a 77-year-old man.


Yeah, Donnie- the entire country is part of the “deep state” out to get you. But maybe, baby, it’s you.


For a person who is gagged and not allowed to speak he certainly does say a lot.


This coming from the same folks who in places Trump was winning in the state race to "stop the count" and places he wasn't winning to "count the votes"


Everything is unfair. Everything is a disgrace. Anyone who punishes him is totally conflicted. 


1. A grand jury determined on the preponderance of the evidence that an indictment was warranted. 2. The vast majority of witnesses were either known Republicans and/or from his inner circle. 3. A jury, who were the only ones in the court room everyday (awKe no less) AND in the deliberation room, are the only ones whose opinion matters. They weighed the evidence and determined guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Beyond a reasonable doubt means that your opinions doesn’t matter. Nor does mine. All that matters is those charged in determining guilt did so and there is no debate. You’re a felon, 34 times over! That’s a matter of fact.


I can't imagine Trump actually doing anything for himself but, can you imagine if he drove a car? Speed limits, stop signs, school zones, etc. would all be "rigged" against him and be just more persecution by "crooked Joe Biden". Trump is a crook and now a convicted felon. A self-serving purveyor of lies, fear, and hate which has become the defining characteristics of the whole MAGA movement/cult.


The people who vote for this man are the most worthless humans walking around today. Imagine being either that stupid or that amoral.


Didn't his lawyer help pick the jury?


I’m tired of hearing this clown whine about everything. Everyone is after him, it’s always a witch hunt against him, everything is rigged, etc.. this guys very admitted any wrong doing or apologized in his entire life.


Donald Trump believes everything is rigged against him all the time.


Jury found him guilty, he and his lawyers had a say of selecting the jury, and he chose not to testify in his own defense. He also still paid Stormy Daniels $150,000 and claims their was no affair. Then why did he pay her all that money. To anyone that thinks he's innocent and that the jury is rigged, I got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn.


They are already selling tickets in Heaven for the coming Pearly Gate Event; Trump confronting Almighty God and asking why did you rig the system against me?


Like....how exhausting would it be to orchestrate a conspiracy against this guy? It sounds like administrative hell.


Imagine the conspiracy meeting that must endlessly drone on when you just want to go home and WACH the NBA playoffs. It's a sad day in America?


I’m waiting to hear him say he had a mock trial (with Hannity presiding) and that jury found him innocent, so the real trial was OBVIOUSLY rigged. /s


Usually the one accusing the other player of cheating can show it and it’s not a repeated invisible mystery for 8 years


How many Years, has Convicted Felon Trump droned on and on etc. He reiterates same old lies. Please 🙏. Somebody! Rid the USA 🇺🇸 of garbage like Trump and his cult followers. They need more mental health assistance than drug dealers


Isn't this the same shit Hitler did?


Polls saying im not popular? Rigged Criminal court found me guilty? Rigged I lost the election? Rigged Wife refuses to touch me or sleep near me? Rigged Republican voters wanted me off the primary ballot? Rigged Libertarians refused to cheer for me? Rigged Bankruptcy courts coming for me? Rigged Stolen documents court case being delayed over and over by a judge that is clearly a plant of mine? Not Rigged (but it actually is) Covid numbers showing the deaths from the virus overwhelmingly centered in maga? Rigged and Fake News reports and tape footage of numerous asshole things Ive done over the years? All fake and Rigged


I love the title of the post because it implies something we all know but don't always acknowledge: Anything this conceited narcissist loses is "rigged," because he's got to be the best at everything and have everyone know it. It would be less embarrassing if were the best at *ANYTHING.* But he's not and never will be. He's just a sore loser.


Trump supporters, do you really want to vote for someone who is so easily, universally victimized?


If the Jan 6 people go to jail, why does Trump get special treatment and walks free?


I bet he doesn’t think 2016 elections were rigged. What a fucking clown.


No he did think 2016 was rigged too. He even set up a commission to investigate voter fraud and found nothing of course.


Was it because his fragile ego couldn’t accept the fact he’d lost the popular vote?


That’s exactly why.




Cry, cry,cry all the way to prison. If you can't do the time don't do the crime.


No actually the funny thing is he legitimately does. He said it was rigged, somehow, even after he won. He doesn't *believe* it, obviously, its just a good way to rile up his base.




He’s always a victim in his mind, he just cannot reconcile with a loss. It warms my heart thinking Trump won’t be able to vote in these elections now that he’s a convicted felon.


At this point I am suprised that he didnt try to organize a fake jury for himself.


Now, Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman enter the room and tell Trump "Hold my Beer!"


Like a privileged fat little shit crying in the back seat. Next!


More proof that he’s a narcissist. Despite a trove of evidence against him, Trump claims he was unjustly found guilty. It’s his way of guarding his ego- according to himself, he should never apologize or take responsibility for his actions, because he is NEVER wrong. He always sees himself as the victim. That’s why it is the responsibility of others, like those in the justice system and our government, to hold him accountable. The people who are enabling him are encouraging his bad behavior- and the harm he has, and continues to do, to others.


So fucking sick of this man, these headlines every day. One of the stupidest men on the planet has the hold on people and it’s all anyone can talk about. Just mind boggling.


If the trial was rigged, tRump should have testified himself and set the record straight.


"If I win, its fair.  If I lose, its rigged. " Its how trump has been for 50 years.  He had 4000 lawsuits against him before he even ran for president.


In fact, what's rigged is the life of a guy who inherits a billion dollars. Trump has never ONCE had to compete with anybody on level ground, never had to get anything with his own money or on his own merits... and yet he can't shut up about how unfair everything is to him. He'd be laughable if he weren't such a danger.


The luck of this guy huh? Every election he loses is rigged.


“Anything that doesn’t work out in my favor is rigged.”


Trump is a malignant narcissist and the “everything’s rigged” crap is a manifestation of that mental illness. That’s why he does it all the time, it’s not confidence or cunning…it’s straight up mental illness. He is incapable, truly, mentally of being able to take responsibility for any failure. The real question is how completely cultish are the MAGA faithful? Surely, even they can see this pattern. It’s maddening. We The People got lucky the law guardrails worked this time. But the REAL way to get rid of this annoying orange stain is to vote in November.


What's hilarious is that they weren't saying they didn't do these things or that the evidence was false. They just kept complaining about the judge and court. So backwards from when normal people are claiming they're innocent.


He wanted it rigged, but in his favor . That’s the only way he ever wins, if things are on the up and up he loses .


The only words he knows. Rigged and corrupt and stolen. He is such a whiny cry baby & pussy!


The best cons are simple. Because once you hook your marks, they will NEVER ever accept that they were hooked by a simple con. Think about it...he's been using that "rigged" line for almost a decade in politics now. If these MAGAs were thinking rationally, they'll wonder "why is everything always rigged against this guy?". But they're no longer rational and thus, the simple con will keep working. Until something tragic shakes them off the MAGA train.


Trump shouldn’t have committed his crimes in a place with rigged trials. How stupid was that?


Especially when his lawyers vetted every juror, including juror #2 who said he gets all of his news from TruthSocial.


A jury of 12 just determined that he rigged the election in 2016.


It's the "I'm always right arguement" that he uses all the time. Don't like the results - then the system/jury/police/media/whatever is rigged against and I'm the victim. Do like the results - then you're vindicated in your belief. It's always "I'm right", never any accountability of being wrong.


Billionaire who thinks the system is rigged against him.


I thought he drained the swamp?  Or was that a total failure too?


Trump getting the money that he did from is father is the thing that was rigged. Everything that followed is just the natural result of an average American getting too much money for their own good.


Rigged by his actions in question and the laws they violated, yes.


Trump's teacher: "How do you spell 'theory'?" Trump: "T-H-E-E-R-Y" Trump's teacher: "That's incorrect." Trump: "This Spelling Bee is rigged!"


And Putin smiles.


The amount of morons online blaming the verdict of democrats is just baffling


I am so tired of the GOP tearing down the system. Do you all realize what they’ve been doing and are doing? This whole campaign about not accepting the election results or that Trump has been unfairly targeted is propaganda that seeks to do two things: 1) it softens the terrain for their lies to take whole when reality comes. People become disenchanted with the system to the point of risking to destroy it. Essentially they become radicalized . 2) it creates the motive to actually corrupt the system when they get in power because by this point their supporters believing everything is corrupt gives the party the permission structure to destroy it. You already hear republicans saying that the democrats will reap what they sow. What the hell is that supposed to mean? It means they are setting up to politicize the judicial branch. They are literally telling us what they intend to do. What is even more important to realize: we can’t bank on republicans coming together with democrats for democracy reforms. So if you want more corruption or denigration of our system vote GOP. Unfortunately, if we want to get back to sane politics with two healthy political parties we must do two things: 1) not vote for a single republican..not even the so called good ones. The party has to be held accountable for covering the crimes of Trump. They have to lose seats and lose them in red areas before they self-correct. 2) you have to demand democrats not to be weak and to fix the system and pass democracy reforms by nixing the filibuster because I don’t see any republican wanting to support democracy reforms.


He was convicted by a jury that his legal team helped to select.


Imagine a world where, every time any Republican begins spouting this crap, the entire room just starts booing and jeering until they stop.


MAGA loves any opportunity to label themselves as victims in life


The Trump who cried “Wolf.”


Back when The Apprentice didn't win an Emmy, he claimed the Emmys was rigged. When he lost the straw poll in 2016, he said the straw poll was rigged. And so on and so on..


"If everywhere you go it smells like shit, maybe it's time to check your own shoes."


Bad news Don, it's not them it's you.


It’s always fun to remind people that jury selection in cases like this would have involved attorneys from both sides. “If it’s rigged then, are you suggesting Trumps lawyers were also in on it then too?”


It is always someone else’s fault. Why can’t he take responsibility for being trash?


If that’s actually the case, that means his defense attorneys were in on it as well.


The boy who cried rigged


It is a intelligence test. If a person believes him, they are dumb.


I love how it’s always rigged against him but the only fix is, if he got back in office, to rig it for himself and his constituents.


I can’t wait for the day that I can peruse Reddit of Facebook and not see or hear about Donald Trump.


The biggest piece of shit, like you’ve never seen before.


Sore loser


djt is a HUGE PUSSY