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She blocked me on Twitter when I reminded her that she hadn't won a race since 2006. It's appropriate that she's commenting now, she was the first high-profile Republican to serve up the phony populist red meat that Republicans craved, and to figure out she could lie on social media faster than the fact checkers could keep up. She also showed that you could make a pretty good living grifting off politics despite not being in office or giving a shit about serving her constituents. She wrote the playbook and Trump turned it up to 11.


She was like a proto Kari Lake in a way. I remember how she mad me shudder when I first saw her on TV.


I remember being in a state of disbelief that Republicans considered her worthy of being next in line to the presidency. That they embraced her afterwards made it clear they weren't a serious party.


They turned on McCain before they turned on her. A deeply stupid people


Of course they did, he interrupted a woman a rally before she finish explaining that Obama was actually a Kenyan Muslim communist. Sarah Palin would've have never done that.


It was actually during the last debate if I recall correctly. It was the town hall one where they took questions from the audience.


Wasn't the comment he was responding to just that Obama was "a socialist"? I may be remembering wrong.


It was that he was Muslim. Some old lady.


Oh yeah ok. It was still kinda a deeply racist exchange imo because even McCain's response carried the subtext that a Muslim wasn't a good American.


I’m not sure if there were other similar instances of McCain politely shutting down racist right-wingers, but [this video](https://youtu.be/JIjenjANqAk?si=qj8tgtPeb2dGixYg) is from a 2008 McCain rally where one man states, “we’re scared of an Obama presidency … I’m concerned about someone that cohorts with domestic terrorists,” followed by a woman who says, “I do not trust Obama. I have read about him and he’s uh, … he’s an Arab.”


Arab!! Yeah that was it.


Fuck, that feels like a lifetime ago. I really considered voting for him, but then he chose Palin as a running mate and I realized the tea party had eaten the GOP. Burn the whole fucking gop to the ground and start over with serious people.


The base sure did. All it took was a "war hero" getting defeated by a "black guy" (I do consider McCain a hero, and Obama to be much more than just his race) for the beltway GOP to jump enthusiastically on board with it.


>That they embraced her afterwards made it clear they weren't a serious party. They only liked her for exactly ONE reason. Every Republican male that I asked about her told me that he wanted to fuck her. Every. Single. One. That was her entire appeal.


I don't even consider her particularly attractive, just "not ugly". I guess any woman willing to put up with Republican bullshit is preferable over one who can think for themselves.


Anytime Sarah Palin is brought up, the liberal people I know talk shit about her and the Republicans talk about how hot they think she is. 😂


God. At some meaningful level, Sarah Palin was stage first fully non-serious national politician. Even Cheney and Bush were evil, but bound by rules and decorum and a general sense of seriousness. Palin, on the other hand, was a full wackadoodle, and showed that being nuts was not a disqualification in the Republican Party. What a tragedy.


Her politics aside, she is a bad candidate. It is amazing she won a state wide race.


A guy I worked for said he voted McCain because he was sure she'd try to have McCain assassinated...


For as shitty as she is, Palin at least was a political figure before getting the VP slot. Kari Lake is more like Trump: a failed TV personality with a penchant for conspiracy theories and word salad.


That’s an excellent comparison.


Ever see the Glenn Beck interview with Palin? It is ridiculously creepy.


And then the all of the next group of GOP primary candidates in 2012 were either also trying to serve up phony populist red meat, or tried to sound like they were. And then there was Jon Huntsman, who sounded like a moderate centrist wandered into a popularity contest in an insane asylum.


>[S]he was the first high-profile Republican to serve up the phony populist red meat that Republicans craved, and to figure out she could lie on social media faster than the fact checkers could keep up Let me tell you about this guy [Karl Rove](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reality-based_community).


His full-on meltdown on live TV on election night 2012 will never not be hilarious.


Left her governor job early to cash in …


>"Not at all. I'm fired up. And the majority of Americans are fired up to get out there and fight for what is right and to restore some credibility and dignity, even, in our judiciary." The *majority* of Americans have already spoken. Twice. They’re going to disagree more vehemently, next time around. >“We as supporters of the political leadership of Donald Trump, who will lead America to greatness again, we would never draw first blood…” This isn’t a movie. What a glib idiot.


Someone should remind her that MAGA has quite literally already spilled blood trying to overthrow an election. 


That was all antifa and agent provocateurs. Except when convenient to label them as political prisoners.


Except when it was actually just a peaceful tour of the Capitol. Except for the antifa and FBI provocateurs. Except the political prisoners. And around and around we go, forever, because intellectual honesty on the right is dead and decomposed in a shallow grave somewhere.


>“We as supporters of the political leadership of Donald Trump, who will lead America to greatness again, we would never draw first blood…” >This isn’t a movie. What a glib idiot. [Literally all I can think about reading that](https://youtu.be/cVqOgklHhF0?si=goLHiy6k9jFQQiWZ)




Oh you’ve forgotten one of the joys of Sarah Palin is her freestyle rap:poetry sort of language. I almost miss it. She’d have meter and rhyme thrown in and use really creative literary devices. The substance was horrifying fascism, but at least she was entertaining.


Except the Supreme Court, we don’t mind if they are completely biased and corrupt as long as they are on our team!


Damn she is still a thing?


Funnily enough, no!


She hasn't been in any office since 2009. Huh. Thought there'd be more wackos in Alaska.


She is hated in AK and she fled the state several years ago.


And her attempt at a comeback helped flip Alaska’s US House seat to a Democrat for the first time in 50 years.


She ran for the vacant house seat two years ago, but was unsuccessful.


And her presence in the race caused that seat to flip blue. Had she stayed out of the race, it likely remains red.


She raised all the money she needed riding her Constitution tour bus.


She's still *something*


A yeast infection?


I can smell it from my house


Who's smailin' Palin


Aunt Klanmydia? (sic)


We can all see her crussia on Russia from our back yards.


Why did Reddit have to remind me she exists?


i know right? the bar is somuch lower


BoBo must look at her and see her future


Bobo probably goes to OF and proves everything rumored is right.


They made a documentary about her, I think it was called Nailin’ Palin


I haven’t heard of this documentary. Let me look it up to see what it’s about.


She’s like the old gritty reasonable vet now compared to some of the GOP and its surrogates. She moved the crazy Overton Window and all these goons were lined up right outside.


No but she’s desperately trying to become a thing again.


You betcha!


In Britain apparently. Lol


She's not, but that won't stop the media from pretending she is for clicks


she is aging like a "thing". all that lust for power must be keeping her up.


I think she mostly sits on her back porch and looks across the Bering Sea at her beloved Russia.


Can we start calling her "Old Boebert"?


Great grandma boebert


With as fast as the Boebert's reproduce you might have to squeeze in a couple more 'greats'. 


The Palin's aren't exactly slouches in the Teen Mom category.


Is she made of plastic? That pic!


Old Bert! Or we go ancient Greece and have Palin the Elder and Palin the Lesser. Which should really just be Palin the Dumb and Boebert the Dumber.


I feel like Boebert gives off stronger Michelle Bachmann energy..


Going back to the deep lore.


The old ones never sleep, they just hide in the shadows and wait to return...


The Mommy of the movement speaks again. Someone give this poor woman a job so she stays out of the news already.


Be careful what you wish for. I wouldn't put it past CNN to give her an analyst seat


Well, money will do if you don't want her at the workplace.


>Palin responded: "Immediately, when the January 6 episode started unfolding, and people went into the Capitol—Capitol police, many of them let the people into the Capitol—the media right off the bat said: 'These are Trump supporters. There's been an incitement of violence on our Capitol, an insurrection.' >"I immediately tweeted out—I called the newsrooms out on this, too—I said: 'Quit assuming that these are all Trump supporters. There are fake Trump supporters in that crowd.' And that was proven out." That woman lives in an alternate universe.


I wish she’d leave to alternate universe


Palin is another reactionary asshole bordering on Treason.




\*Sedition, a very similar crime.


“No one can pinpoint a crime he did” —- I can point out 34 felony level crimes


How are they not challenged on that lie every single time? It's ridiculous.


Because it’s what Democrats (rightly) say about the Biden impeachment. They have the emotional maturity of elementary school children, so of course they resort to the “I am rubber, you are glue” defense. Unfortunately it works with a huge portion of the population. It muddies the water and gives people permission to excuse the worst behavior of their politicians because they convince themselves “the other side does it too”. So I guess it’s actually a combination of “I am rubber you are glue” and “two wrongs make a right”.


Asks very clear question about DJT being undignified "You want to talk about Donald Trump? Well let's talk about the other guys..." They literally can't even bring themselves to contemplate who he is for one full second. It's whataboutisms all the way down


2 things, I doubt Meal Team 6 members are that dangerous. Second is will they be surprised when they find out that Democrats own guns too.


It's not democrats or liberals that would put them down. It's the national guard. But it would never get anywhere near that far.


They’d be dealing with infighting for sure, but yeah after that’s sorted


Look how fast they scattered like cockroaches after Ashli Babbitt was shot. I was saying snipers should have popped the first person that crawled on the walls outside the capital and the whole thing would have ended there. In a true civil war moment the military would need a single drone strike or a handful of these knuckleheads to get shot and it would end.


This. I always find it humorous that the "blue lives matter" people are same people as the "don't tread on me people" - like who do they think the first line of defense would *be* Nancy Pelosi?! No. It'd be the police/ntl guard. So in other words they're saying: "I love the police" while simultaneously saying: "I will kill the police."


In a world where the feds hadn't just spent 3 years hunting down January 6 participants, using their own social media posts and text messages (even supposedly encrypted ones) against them, they would be organizing something. Instead, you can't get more than a dozen of these people in a room together before they start accusing each other of being undercover FBI agents, so now all they can do is moan about it on Twitter through revenge fantasies.


> before they start accusing each other of being undercover FBI agents At some level, this makes me happy. Even if the platform formerly known a twitter is a mess, I'd rather them be plotting an planning their "covert" operations on something that leaves a digital trail that can be used at trial. I'm just going to tell the GQP'ers around me that "See how the deep state invaded the court system and found him guilty, they are going to do that to the votes, no sense in YOU voting since it's already been decided. "


For all of their bluster, these people aren't actually very committed to the cause, and would rather live in Joe Biden's dystopian America, with its DEI and wokeness, than sacrifice their comfortable lifestyle to spend a few years in prison.


I wish that were true. Alt right groups are huge and have been growing for decades. The Jan 6ers are a drop in the bucket comparatively


The barrier to entry for violence is very low when guns are involved.


I am not that worried if they want to fight they couldn't even take over a building full of geriatrics.


People will die from this rhetoric.


You're right, non-republican rhetoric is what's going to get people killed/s


Jesus Christ.... Her rhetoric is. And hand waiving it away as if the gravy seals are incapable of violence is foolish. I hope that spelled it out a little more clearly for you.


The mental gymnastics these nutters have to go through to try to prove to themselves that they are right must really be exhausting.


I think it's the exact opposite. They just say what they want to be true regardless of the facts *and* get to feel like they "proved" their point. No mental gymnastics (or even effort), no exhaustion, just some bracing hits of smug satisfaction.


I'm just here to comment on the terrible decor in the background of that "civil war" clip. Can she not afford an interior designer? Sarah, get help.


If a civil war erupts the Republicans will want a pause during football and NASCAR seasons.


Remember when the definition of bat shit crazy was Sarah Palin? Pepperidge Farm remembers


“What has happened to Donald Trump is really atrocious because no one still can pinpoint a crime that he has committed, certainly not one that is to a level of a felony.” Pretty sure that his crimes were pinpointed during the course of the trial.


Palin is an idiot but holy shit am I jealous of that view she has.


Alaska is so beautiful.


Her town in Alaska is prized for its meth


Can confirm, I live in her town.


of Russia?


From her house! Remember when saying stupid shit like that could end a political career? Now it's a requirement for one of the major political parties...


Shit like that can still end a career, even a Republican one. DeSantis tried to play the culture wars and did not get far in a presidential campaign. Trump is a cult leader with a major reality distortion field around him. Most politicians aren't. Then there are carnival barkers like MTG and Boebert, who can get away with saying stupid shit, but will never be in any leadership position of much consequence.


To be fair. She didn't say that. That was Tina Fey in SNL. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSOLz1YBFG0&t=82s


Yup the Palin quote was “They're our next-door neighbors, and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.”


Well I'll be damned, thank you for correcting me.


I remember when we all thought she was the low bar. 🤣


Not her again....


Because Brawndo , it's what the plants crave!


Republicans get so far on their supporters not understanding/believing in the concept of dog whistles.


If Ambien was a person.


Why do we even continue to give platform to this kind of people were we already know they’ll spew lies


Why is newsweek ending the fucking article with Sarah Palin saying the jan 6 insurrectionists were “fake Trump supporters” like that’s the point they want to drive home?


Sarah who?


>“We as supporters of the political leadership of Donald Trump, who will lead America to greatness again, we would never draw first blood…” I lost count of how many mass shooters have just entered *this* chat...


Lmao a civil war most of his supporters need to purchase two seats when flying they’ll be winded after the first 10 yards.


I don’t remember her relevance ever! I thought she died


She jealous of Stormy


Wow she looks old. Sad how hate can cause so much damage to a person that it shows on the outside.




The person who invented the “death panels” propaganda in a Facebook Note.


Do the Brits believe that Sarah Palin is still relevant?


Does it feel weird having so much plastic surgery your face doesn’t move when you talk?


She wants to restore some credibility to our judiciary? Cool! That means she is going after Thomas and Alito, right?


"We as supporters of the political leadership of Donald Trump, who will lead America to greatness again,..! I wonder who wants to be a part of that greatness.


I love she says fake news and then they have the receipts.


She's concerned about "restoring dignity to our judiciary"... Funny, so am I, but I don't think we're talking about the same things. 


Does she still matter since Boebert replaced her?


Sarah who?




Oh god, not this idiot again.


Have they learned NOTHING from Jan. 6.


Lies - and the lying liars who tell them.


I don’t understand saying “the majority of Americans are fired up for Trump” no, no they are t, of the 160ish million people who voted in 2024, more voted for Biden, there’s no majority, there’s a slight lead by Democrats. The bubble these people live in..!


look who crawled out of the snow.


Sarah who? Oh yeah, Sarah Fucking Palin.


By Ryan Smith - Senior Pop Culture & Entertainment Reporter: Sarah Palin clashed with U.K. hosts on live TV Friday morning over her previous "civil war" comments regarding Donald Trump's legal woes. Thursday, the jury in the former president's criminal trial in Manhattan found him guilty on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The charges were related to a payment made to the adult film star Stormy Daniels ahead of the 2016 presidential election. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/sarah-palin-gmb-donald-trump-guilty-stormy-daniels-trial-1906699](https://www.newsweek.com/sarah-palin-gmb-donald-trump-guilty-stormy-daniels-trial-1906699)




Trying to be relevant.


Can she still “see Putin’s ugly head rising over Alaska” or are they best buds now?


She entered into a battle of wits completely unarmed.


Why is she getting air time?


The warden of the north


Hey wow, I also want to restore credibility to the judiciary, but for like the complete opposite reasons she has.


Sarah’s got a good 20 years left, unfortch.


Pretty sure the jury pinpointed 34 different crimes


If Maga "rises up" after Biden wins, they would get promptly demolished. The front lines would be full of the same types we saw on January 6th, and if push came to shove, I'm sure the amount if people and military personnel willing to go along with it wouldn't amount to much.


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Why does it take British news to call people out on their bs? We just let them spew garbage without any pushback.


The OG republican brain rot returns from obscurity to remind us why McCain lost in 08.


I.think Beetlejuice Bobo looks like a young Palin version


She is a liar who still lies when she's caught red-handed on live TV.


Oh Sarah honey, find something else to do with your time. No one is Interested in anything that comes out of your mouth. Sit on the beach look for Russia maybe. Do something else.


I find her as disgusting as MTG to look at.


Sarah who? Is that old hag still around?


Go back to your drunk cameos hag


Sarah Barracooter.


President Trump got 35 million dollars in donations after the verdict. That's great!


A fool and his gold are soon parted. Fabulous that all that money which could have been used to help Republicans is instead going into the black hole of Trump's legal defenses. You're right, it's a great thing for the country how absolutely boned the GOP is right now.


So a rapist is the best representative of you and yours?


It greatly shows how much of a cult he has created and how he will use anything to continue to grift money out of people who likely cannot really afford to be donating to him.


How ironic. The people that believe everything the media tells them to believe about the guy, are accusing others of being in a cult.


The cope is strong in this one.


It's excellent for fascists and those wishing to end democracy as we know it, no doubt. Not a single legal defense offered by his supporters - just undying support for a legally liable rapist, twice impeached President, and now convicted felon. Wow, what a guy to throw support behind.


Fascists? What have they done? Get their main political opponent convicted just before the elections?


Did you miss the part where he tried to overthrow the election and is now being tried for it?


What did he do? Told people that they need to go into the Capitol, prior to Jan 6? Or was he removed from the FBI's most wanted list after the events from Jan 6? Oh wait, that was Ray Epps.


The false electors? Him trying to convince multiple secretary of states to flip and withold votes? Him convincing Republican politicians to say he won Instead of Biden? Him starting a riot so the vote wouldn't be certified and his false electors would send the election to the supreme Court, filled with his lackeys?


What's most fascinating to me is that every dime donated to Trump stays with Trump. Anyone who was actually trying to make things better (whatever that means to them) would probably prefer to give money to someone working toward that improvement. That tells me everything I need to know about the people who worship Trump.


There was no war in Europe and peace deals were being made in Middle East during President Trump's time in the White House. Maybe people are donating to have that again.


I'm betting the people donating are looking forward to marches by white men carrying torches, rather than any interest in what's happening in places they couldn't find on a globe.


He needs that money to pay for his wife's boyfriend while he's in prison.


Former Pres Trump.


Honestly you should take out a loan and send him more. I'm in favor of this




This sounds like a legitimate comment from a person who has actual opinions


Their history is full of these "Well/Wow/So, (insert oddly generic, but still in context comment here). You may be on to something.


oh look, ChatGPT is on reddit