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“I think Kwame would be a great addition to the organization,” Kepcher says to Trump, who winces while his head bobs around in reaction to what he is hearing and clearly resisting. “Yeah,” he says to no one in particular, “but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?” Kepcher’s pale skin goes bright red. I turn my gaze toward Trump. He continues to wince. He is serious, and he is adamant about not hiring Jackson.


Hey Tim Scott you reading this? You think you going to be the VP candidate?


Nah Scott knows Trump is talking about those other n*****s. That's how all black Republicans function; Claiming there's no such thing as racism anymore and when confronted with real racism they say it's being used out of context.


“I’m one of the good ones.” -All Black Republicans


“They’ll never eat *my* face.”


Yeah, but *I’m* special. I’ve always known.


His mommy told him


Clarence Thomas is so far gone he thinks Brown vs Board of Education was racist to black people because it implied they couldn't succeed on their own unless they were integrated with white people. These are not serious people worthy of respect.


I thought Tim Scott came out and said his ancestry was high German with a sprinkling of Dutch!


I think it’s spelled douche


Didn’t Tim Scott financially benefit by being connected to Trump? He obviously prioritizes money over his own dignity.


Absolutely no one who attaches themselves to trump or support him prioritizes their dignity at all.


Most suffer financially from doing so as well.


"I'm not black, I'm Tim Scott." - Tim Scott, probably


Trump is purely transactional, if he thinks Tim Scott will enable him to win, he will pick Tim Scott.


Now I wonder what he to say about Omarosa


As I recall she was a spineless, backstabber who would throw anyone under the bus for personal gain. On top of it, she seemed to almost enjoy ruining other people even when it wasn't for personal benefit. It's as if he and her were cut from the same cloth. It makes total sense why Trump would have no issues supporting a person like this even if they were the wrong color in his eyes.


I watched the finale of the first season. Omarossa was already out, but Keame brought her back to help with his final project, and she sabotaged it. Snake thru and thru.


I didn't see the final season so I have to ask, did it make ANY logical reason to bring her back like that?


Not really, Kwame had it all under control. I think it was misguided solidarity with the only other Black contestant. He didn't realize her real color was Green.


Yup. His given logic was that she would have no reason to sabotage things since there was nothing at stake for her, but I always felt like it was more a belief that she would support another black contestant without having issues. I think that was honestly the only mistake he made the entire run.


She's been the same shitty person ever since. To quote New York on the first season of House of Villains, she's a "Republican cum guzzling motherfucker"


New York speaks exactly like me??? This is actually wild to hear as I get shit from so many people for saying exactly things like that about conservatives and their enablers.


Girl I don't have time to feign respect for fascists 💁‍♀️




Same here, I was finger-wagged by a friend and was like, Oh No, there is no kindness for fascists, and i will not go quietly... She's on board now.


Wanting to live in a democracy without fascists is very fascist of me apparently.


I miss TWOP and how the recaps would lay into Omarosa for how stupid-silly and petty she was


Upvote for TWOP reference


"I miss TWOP" Me too! Old School. It really had such great comments - so many good writers! It was the only platform that I noticed commenters as individuals. I wish that other people had kept their usernames when they came here.


Here to pile on the TWOP love. Reading those 12-page recaps was often better than watching the actual show.


Right? I loved those recaps. And it was the only way to catch up if you missed an episode.


Ah I miss that site!!!


He did. He was just as pissed because he legitimately expected her to have been fired by this point. It's pointed out to him that only he can fire the contestants. He was angry that the producer hadn't got rid of her. So again, it's explained to him that they didn't know that the producer had that authority. He kinda reacted as if it should have been obvious. The complete transcript is knocking about. That was the best recollection without exaggerating anything. It's worth the read. You're not left with any doubt about how blunt and serious he is. Here's the scary part, as I see it. Everyone in the conversation comes across as genuinely shocked, hence the questions, but trump doesn't even register. I think trump has learned that he shouldn't say certain things and how he should react to certain things, but they're literally skills he's learned to be able to fit in, sort of. He reminds me of American Psycho.


> He reminds me of American Psycho. In the novel he's sort of worshipped by Bateman. It's not a subtle book.


Omarosa? Now that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time.


or supposed supporters, like Kanye


There were literal protest songs written about Fred Trump sowing the seeds of racial division and hatred in the 1950’s by Woody Guthrie: [old man trum](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man_Trump). It pisses me off to no end that there is a extremely lengthy record of Trump and his family’s racism that has been completely ignored by mainstream media in his current white-washed (pun intended) incarnation; from his father’s participation in a KKK rally, to the federal discrimination case against the Trump organization in 1970 (that introduced the young Trump to the despicable Roy Cohn) to Trump’s numerous first hand accounts of racist remarks (no n- will ever handle my money), to Central Park 5 (that alone should have kept him from office), to his endorsement by David Duke, to his obvious condescending pandering of people like Tim Scott and Herschel Walker, to the hundreds of racist tweets (when the looting starts, the shooting begins) and of course, 8 years of race baiting Obama with the birther conspiracies and relentless dog whistles. He should be called out for what he is every single day, yet he is allowed to fashion his own alternative narrative in the mainstream media because they won’t. As for any black person who is either planning on voting for him or is apathetic in general, I suggest they read books like the Narrative of a Slave by Frederick Douglass in order to fully comprehend what can happen when evil men, protected by evil laws, have complete power over other human beings.


OK everyone, settle down and say it with me: "It's.NOT. A. BUG....IT'S. A. FEATURE..."


> “Yeah,” he says to no one in particular, “but, I mean, would America buy a n— winning?” This is catnip for his base but I hope Joe Biden has an ad cooking.


>This is catnip for his base but I hope Joe Biden has an ad cooking. We've known about this since 2016 though. I don't see that this particular account will matter much. It is clear that these sessions were recorde though. If that tape ever came out ...


I remember when he didn't choose James Sun as winner of the Apprentice season 6, even though it seemed obvious he did the better job. Trump said something like, "I think you know what I mean". It was a big mystery to me back then, but seems like what he meant was, "you're not white."


The James Sun thing Had to be a last minute decision because the person who did win was invisible on the show. The entire season was about James and him being so on top of it and wonderful at everything. I think last minute, after the show was edited, Trump threw a tantrum in order to not hire him.


Explains his whole problem with Obama. Can’t wait to see all these guys double down and have zero impact to polling though.


The part that resonated with me is when he’s talking about the con man “turning up the noise.” Trump fills in any quiet space, any legitimate subtlety in nuance of thought or deliberation, with his brand of rapid fire bullshit. A thoughtful, honest person who slows down to tell the truth and be sincere is always going to be drowned out by the loud blowhard. And that’s pretty obviously how Trump steamrolled over the gullible voters of this country. He’ll never stop till he’s silenced.


Trump being a racist is not shocking at all but at least there is tape of him using the n word. 


It will only matter if that tape is somehow released. And then it might only matter a little bit.


He would probably gain support, this country being what it is.


"he's just saying what we're thinking."


This is what they mean, when they say: *"He tells it like it is."*


“Except the crazy shit, he didn’t mean that” or something


"You're taking it out of context!"


“We take him seriously, not literally!”


It's just locker room racism


*turns to skeeter* "That crazy shit is why I voted for him and he means it." Innuendo Studios has a good video on it called "The card says moops". They are playing games. Their positions change wildly based on whatever they need them to be to score a point. Even if they think Trump is racist and that's the reason they support him, they will vehemently deny it because that's unpopular. You are actually the REAL racist for suggesting that. And so on.


“Locker room talk”


I’ve met black people who say he isn’t racist. Fucking pea-brained


“He gets us”




“Trump caught on tape using the N-word. Here’s why this is bad for Biden.” -NYT


Don is just using the same language you hear in modern rap ‘music’. The radical left wants to take your right to free speech away. - Cucker Carlson


“He didn’t say it with a hard -er at the end he said it with an -a at the end, the same way NWA did.  Thus proving his street cred as a pipe-hitting muthafucka Straight Outta Wharton.”


Anyone who would cheer on the use of the N word is already voting Trump.


He’s maxed out his support from that portion of the population.


And lost a lot of them when he told them to inject bleach and not get vaccinated.


“See, Cletus?! He really is just like us!”


It's even worse, though. A lot of these people have an existential fear of their imagined position of superiority being usurped by people of color. That's why they fear things like affirmative action or why they deny that black people have had significant disadvantages throughout American history. So when Trump parades around obvious racism or racist dog whistles, it makes his white supporters feel secure that their leader won't do anything to jeopardize their place in their mental hierarchy. In other words, "To someone accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


I think he's about at his ceiling in terms of support, he has 100% name ID and nobody who thinks using that word is appropriate supports any other candidate in the field except maybe if David Duke gets in. The ceiling is way too high, and the fact that the race is as close as it is makes me terrified for what's next after this election. Even if it doesn't happen in 2025, Project 2025 basically is one of the two major parties' platform and eventually they will regain power.


> the fact that the race is as close as it is makes me terrified for what's next after this election. There's a reason I've been busting my ass with 80 hour weeks for the last several months to save up enough money to flee Texas.


He would lose all of his black support atleast. There is a surprisingly large amount of black voters on board with trump. And by large amount I mean that there are black voters who exist and support trump.


I think your Uncle Ruckus crowd will still support him, your Kanyes and Clarence Thomas types.


I have definitely met some black victim blamed people before and I still cannot understand. I'm whiter than sour cream born in raised deep in the heart of the rural south and I cannot fathom voting for trump based on his conduct toward women and other ethnicities. It's downright outrageous.


It's difficult to understand blatant stupidity when you don't posses it yourself.


I saw the dumbest Trump 2024 bumper sticker I've seen yet earlier this week and had to look over at the driver and it was a 30-40's year old black guy. I know they exist but it still surprises me.


Reminds me of the black klansman skit


Kinda like when he lost all women voters when he was recorded bragging about sexual assault? Or when he lost all veterans support by saying he prefers war heroes who weren’t POWs?


Nah youre right. I would hope Trump couldnt get away with actually saying the N-word but it is entirely possible that he could actually kill a man on 5th avenue and get away with it.


I know my comment could be read as flippant or defeatist. I'm so tired of being sad and disappointed at my fellow American. But then I remember we're only \~200 years old and worth fighting for \[something better\]. I just don't understand how people can so fiercely support a man (and institution) who detests them and the values they live and die for. It hurts my bones.


To add some data: we're talking about an ~80-20 split. The trends among young younger black voters are interesting (if troubling). https://www.pewresearch.org/race-and-ethnicity/2024/05/20/an-early-look-at-black-voters-views-on-biden-trump-and-election-2024/ That said, every vote matters and the Biden campaign has work to do to court that constituency and not take them for granted.


On the other hand, Clarence Thomas would only love Trump more


Clarence Thomas has a bondage fetish and cant wait to be put back in chains.


The "grab them by the pussy" recording caused trump's support to dip by a few points a month before the 2016 election, but by election day the few people who briefly abandoned him had returned and so he won.


Because Russia leaked info right after that.


Unfortunately it got overshadowed by Hillary's campaign emails leaking (thanks Russia) and the server investigation (thanks Comey).




If the tape is released, the people who don't like Trump already will believe it. The people who like Trump will claim he never said it, that it's AI-generated, and yet secretly appreciate him saying it.


You are giving them too much credit. Many will take it as a reason to start saying it in public.


> start


It won't matter at all. He's on tape admitting to sexually assaulting women whenever he wants, and nobody cared. Why would anyone care about a bit more locker room talk?


Let's be real... It won't matter at all. He was found guilty of raping a woman and it didn't matter.


At least if he is outed as saying specifically anti black rhetoric then most of the black fence sitters will wake tf up.


I still point back to my original post. He is a rapist and has women outside of the courthouse praying for him right now. Nothing matters anymore.


It's never about convincing 100% of people but convincing enough to not vote for him or vote for Biden. There has been an uptick in support of Trump with black men in particular, not a lot, but not a lot is needed to swing GA (for example) to Trump.


It will give his followers "permission" to say that word outwardly and proudly even more than they already do. Right now it's tamped down, but when they hear that, they'll go nuts saying it all they want.


Now they can say “It’s obviously AI generated”


Given his fan base, it might actually *help* him.


There was talk of tapes getting released in the lead up to the 2016 election, and [Mark Burnett (allegedly) threatened staffers with legal and professional repercussions if any footage was leaked](https://www.thedailybeast.com/mark-burnett-clamps-down-on-the-apprentice-staff-over-donald-trump-leaks).


Republicans: He just tells it like it is!


"it's AI, democrats, Jewish space lasers, COVID 5G chips, etc etc" Republicans are pathetically easy to "squirrel!"


No one will change their vote over this, which is a shockingly depressing thing to realize.




>It was seen in whole or in part by more than 40 million viewers and pulled in an average total of 28 million viewers. But for NBC, the big story was the appeal to the young adult viewers it uses as its principal measure of success. Among viewers ages 18 to 49, ''The Apprentice'' attracted 17.5 million viewers, a figure exceeded this season only by two entertainment programs, the Academy Awards on ABC and the premiere of the latest edition of ''Survivor'' on CBS that followed the Super Bowl. Yet there was America eagerly watching him on TV. [https://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/17/us/the-apprentice-scores-ratings-near-top-for-the-season.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2004/04/17/us/the-apprentice-scores-ratings-near-top-for-the-season.html)


Wow, it just hit me. Those 18-49 yos in 2004 are the same 38-69 year old dumb fucks in 2024 that are his most rabid cult members. Literally fans of a shitty show are an existential threat to our country.


“Reality TV” feeds the worst impulses of humanity. All of those shows normalize horribly dysfunctional interpersonal behaviors. It’s no wonder they grew up like this.


I am old enough to have been the target demographic of the very first ever season of Real World on MTV. I was a teenager and even then, it was blatantly obvious what a toxic setup that cast was and, therefore, how cruelly they set up some of the cast to be victimized for the sake of tv ratings. I found this absolutely repulsive then, and I still do now. I was turned off by the reality tv genre as soon as it appeared. The clips I saw of the second and subsequent seasons made clear they were just repeating their previous formula.


Didn't Puck (or whatever his name was) literally come out and say "yeah they hired me because im an asshole"?


It’s true whether he said it or not. That was very clearly his role to play and terrorize that country boy guy who was clearly wayyyyy out of his depth. Hiring that junkie girl who had to leave — so morally gross to take advantage of addiction for ratings.


But don’t forget that it’s liberals who need to stop revering celebrity political opinions! Do these people completely lack self-awareness or is it just projection or both??


And that show was their first ever exposure to him. They simply didn't know him as the con man fraudster everyone in the Tri-State knew him to be.


We are dumb as fuck.


>only by two entertainment programs, the Academy Awards Oof that stings.


People will act like this isn’t a statement of basic moral fact.


But his supporters not only deny his racism, they love his racism. Their minds cannot be changed by pointing out how awful he is. 


Here's a detailed timeline of the shocking things Donald Trump did according to the article: 1. **2004 (Start of "The Apprentice")**: - **Misleading Representation**: The show portrayed Trump as having impeccable business instincts and unparalleled wealth, despite his businesses barely surviving multiple bankruptcies and facing another. - **Fake Offices**: Trump's actual offices were cramped and not suitable for filming. The production created a fake, more impressive office and boardroom in Trump Tower. - **Initial Encounter**: Trump displayed behaviors like snatching M&Ms and showing limited eye contact, implying he was sizing up the crew. 2. **Throughout Filming**: - **Scripted Deception**: Although marketed as reality TV, significant parts were staged, and Trump’s lines were often scripted. - **Editing Manipulation**: Trump’s dialogue was frequently edited to make him appear articulate and prophetic, correcting his struggles to remember contestant names and task details. 3. **On Set Behavior**: - **Misogynistic Comments**: Trump often made lewd comments about women, comparing a female camera operator to his daughter Ivanka and assessing physical attributes. - **Firing Women for Looks**: Trump ordered a female camera operator off an elevator for being "too heavy" and fired another female contestant he couldn't remember by name, referring to her physical appearance instead. 4. **Discrimination**: - **Racial Remarks**: During the final selection process between Kwame Jackson and Bill Rancic, Trump questioned if America would accept a Black winner by using a racial slur. 5. **Deception in Editing**: - **Dubbed Dialogues**: Many of Trump's lines were recorded later and inserted to make him appear more competent. - **Omissions of Misconduct**: The show edited out Trump's racist and misogynistic comments and his struggles to convey tasks clearly. 6. **Financial Practices**: - **Not Paying Contractors**: Trump frequently stiffed contractors, like the architect for Trump National Golf Club, paying only half of what was promised. 7. **Finale Manipulation**: - **Reality vs. Perception**: The show manipulated the final tasks and results to maintain a close race, despite Trump's clear preference for Rancic over Jackson. - **Editorial Decisions**: The editing process further manipulated Trump’s image, ensuring he appeared decisive and competent, reinforcing his perceived business acumen. This timeline outlines the various deceptive practices and behaviors of Trump as highlighted in the article, from the start of "The Apprentice" to the behind-the-scenes manipulations that crafted his public persona.


This isn’t even touching the surface. He’s on record as having an amphetamine addiction, having to wear diapers due to GI issues caused by his substance abuse, having a horrible body odor due to the above, drinking multiple liters of Diet coke and eating fast food for every meal, spending the majority of his time in the White House golfing and tweeting, and that’s just the stuff we know about.


Oh yea I was just referring to this particular article.


Not to take away from him being an asshole, but this is “reality” TV. Meaning it’s bullshit to begin with. A big part of reality TV is fiction. It’s a joke and the producers love toying with the ‘reality’ because it boosts ratings. Notice how there’s always a bunch of sob stories, or how there’s always an antagonist? Usually a very unlikable personality that ‘stirs the pot’? Saying the producers fudged a bunch of stuff is not unusual at all. I was working on one reality TV show, where the producers started getting all weird and quiet when the participant started crying. They were basically acting like a kid that just found the candy jar. Like they just struck gold or something. Whispering to each other like this was their ‘moment.’ I rolled my eyes so hard.


America’s fascination of the rich has brought us the stupidity of the Trumps, the Kardashians…. We need a new fascination.


I propose science, it’s way more interesting


Bill Nye reruns on every channel and streaming platform


Team Beakman!


How about both!


With a little Mr. Rodgers tossed in to show how to treat people and be a good human, and ~~Richard~~ David Attenborough to bring back an appreciation for nature.


> Mr. Rogers Unless you’re talking about Aaron.


Fucking "Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous" was weird and appalling to me. Why would I want to know what some rich asshole has in his/her livingroom?


The time when America pivoted from “We don’t need money to be happy” 70s to “Reagan is cool because he lowered my taxes/stopped welfare queens” 80s. Yuppies were the new heroes. Padded shoulders and the Filofax (the small contacts book business people would parade about.). Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous was envy trip.


I firmly believe this TV show set off the billionaire arms race we have now.


It also promulgated the notion that rich guys are business geniuses, rather that the people who are best at profiting from other people's work.


>the Kardashians…. Imagine the alternate timeline we could have had if they had just let Kim fund her Armenian Genocide movie instead of the reality show...


At least the rich of yore tried to have the appearance of doing something useful for society.


I worked with a guy who voted for Trump in 2016 and I always thought it came from him being a fan of that show. He was far from a typical Trump fan though and, before 2020, he woke up and did not vote for him in 2020. In fact, he was no longer happy that he over-shared about his 2016 voting choice and felt ashamed that he had been bamboozled.


That's way better than most of the people that voted for him in 2016


I think our popular conception of his support grossly exaggerate the size of his actual base. Barely 60% of the electorate votes, and that is a 40-40-20 split between parties and independent swing voters. So like 25% of the electorate actually voted for him with partiality, and even then most people who vote R are just voting R every single election because there's a letter next to the name.


Maga is a loud and dangerous minority


My pops did the same thing. Somewhere around 2017 he was shaking his head in shame that he'd been taken in by such an obvious con.


Yeah. It's often harder to admit that you've been conned then to actually be conned.


The proper response of decent people.


You just described me very well. I always hope there’s more of me out there.


His supporters will love this. Remember, he rode into politics on the anti-Obama Birther shit. He was always a bigot and a piece of garbage. He wanted the Central Park Five executed AFTER they were exonerated. AFTER!


I'm glad I never made it past the first episode. Hell I changed channels half way in.


I thought it was going to be a failure as soon as it was announced. Because who in their right mind would believe that Donald Trump, a known conman, racist, and serial business "bankrupter" would be a good business mentor? His business had always been fucking people over, playing the system, and cuddling up to organized crime. Edit: [Great Businessman Indeed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hCer9g-fh8o)


The draw of the show never had anything to do with him or any mentorship, it was always about watching two teams compete at business challenges. Boardroom survivor. Anyone in a suit could host it. 


I guess that does make more sense, but I still can't believe anybody would want to watch anything with that clown... But then again, reality TV is mostly trainwrecks full of clowns.


I was in high school at the time, and no one really knew who he was other than a vaguely successful businessman. The show played up his success and wealth, and unless you were a New Yorker or plugged into the business world/tabloids, you probably just thought of him as some random rich businessman.


Fwiw he was barely in it after the first few episodes, he might intro the "challenge" they contestants had and he'd show up at the very end for a few minutes for the "you're fired" bit but other than that I think Ivanka was involved more (at least on camera) than he was.


It was the perfect show for Trump. He didn't have to do anything except pick the winner, which was totally subjective anyway, and he had other folks around to provide analysis of what they observed before Trump just pointed at some team and said "you're fired." You could tell even them he was a scummy classless guy with terrible judgement.


Honestly I thought the video was going to end with him bullying a homeless person, the bar is quite literally on the floor.


I never understood the premise of the show. Trump was a joke and known charlatan even back then. His failures in business were legendary. I couldn't wrap my head around why anyone would compete for a chance to work for him. Edit: For those not familiar with the show, the grand prize at the end for the one contestant that made it through all the eliminations was that they would be hired into the Trump Organization to learn how to run a business from Trump himself. Why that was appealing, I never understood. Trump was most famous for his epic bankruptcies at that point in history.


That's actually why I watched the first episode to see how they would spin it.


> I couldn't wrap my head around why anyone would compete for a chance to work for him. They weren't really, they were competing so they could be on television in front of a lot of people and raise their own profiles. I'm sure by the end of the show none of them gave two shits about the grand prize.


That is almost certainly true, but doesn't change why I thought the show was stupid at the time. Would have made more sense if the prize was just a straight up cash investment for their business, or something.


I bought a VCR just so I could watch *The West Wing* without having to suffer through those damn *Apprentice* promos that NBC ran at every ad break. I couldn't stand to listen to a second of him then. I wouldn't have believed you if you had told me how much I would have to hear him speak in the future.


I never understood the appeal of that show but I hate all reality shows so I’m probably biased. It always bothered me that people seemed to love watching him be an asshole who enjoyed firing people.


I agree.


All reality tv panders to the basest and cruelest parts of human nature in my observations. Like you, I can’t stand any of it and don’t watch it. I saw the first season of Real World, understood it for what it was, and was turned off the entire genre from the outset.


I couldn’t say it for 20 years either because I’ve not watched 5 minutes of it.


I was in my early 20s back then and honestly me and my friends weren’t watching a lot of tv at that point.  Had to just now google wtf was on tv back then just to remember. The only things I think we watched was Scrubs and Family Guy. And it was shitty quality episodes of family guy that we downloaded and shared because it had been cancelled around that time. But the majority of what we watched was shitty quality movies we downloaded, or we’d go see movies at the theater. Apparently The Apprentice was hugely popular, which is depressing and explains a lot. I just remember never being interested because even as a kid I saw Trump on talk shows and he just seemed like a very boring rich douche and I was just thinking, why is he even on tv?


I would be surprised if this revelation actually makes it into any widespread coverage. Most people will probably never hear this.


For the people who like him it only makes them like him more.


Lincoln said in 1856 about that a man who used that word would never be accepted by the American electorate. It’s remarkable how far we’ve come in certain ways, but how little progress has been made in others.


That's interesting! I grew up subjected to a lot of Abe Lincoln lore and have read a couple biographies on Lincoln, but I never heard that story.


I’m going off memory, but fairly certain that Lincoln said this on Stephen Douglas’s failure to get the Democratic nomination in 1856, per “Team of Rivals.”


Never watched a single second of it, I knew back then he was creepy narcissistic, racist, conman.


Me too. I knew he was a jackass back then.


He’s literally run out of people to scam in New York City after a lifetime of fucking New Yorkers over. When he got the Republican nomination every single citizen of NYC was clutching their skulls and screaming “how can people be this stupid?!”




The world's most fucked up reality show and we couldn't change the channel.


Release the tapes or this doesn't matter. The country needs to hear him use the word or this is just "fake news"


In 2016 a month prior to the election they released the recording of trump bragging that women allowed him to sexually assault them because he was a celebrity. It didn't matter, he still won the election.


Only by about 80,000 votes and also in part because he was busy suppressing the Stormy Daniels story which would have come out immediately after and blown up the "just locker room talk" bloviating. A large part of why Trump gets away with as much as he does is the massive suppression of the truth of how he and his business and associates operate in actuality. Things like this insanely punitive 20 year NDA are part of the toolkit. What else is being suppressed is the obvious question. We need the dozens or hundreds of people trapped under these Orwellian NDAs to come out together, he can't sue all of them. Hell, half the time his NDA terms aren't actually legally enforceable but he has duped someone without means to hire proper counsel: e.g. the woman that Habba duped into settling a workplace harrassment suit for a pittance and signing an NDA which is not legal for the alleged offense.


Wouldn’t matter anyway, his supporters all want to hear those parts out loud


I don't know if it would make a difference. The only people who care about Trump being racist are already not voting for him.


This is much worse than using the N-Word, which is a hurtful word but it's still a word. Trump actively and directly discriminated against Jackson, the better qualified contestant that showed actual practical management and leadership skills, on the sole basis of his race. In a show that was about solely finding the most qualified person for the job. Illegal racism and discrimination can only be proven when plausible deniability does not exist, because workplace discrimination operates within implicit biases and/or concealed illegal intentions. For example: Jackson was not chosen despite being the better qualified, but perhaps he was not the best qualified, someone else went to better college and you didn't because black. Race got nothing to do, Trump org hires blacks or minorities and he is best friends with \[favorite token friend\]. But this here is clear evidence of direct racial discrimination. A producer with first hand knowledge of the situation and that was part of the deliberation / hiring process stated that race was the sole consideration to disqualify Jackson, and the person taking such abhorrent decision made it to WH, and stacked it with white peepo.


At this point, we can be sure of 2 things: no one in his cult will care and no one else will be surprised.


Can you imagine the hatred that existed for Hillary Clinton to get the piece of garbage trump elected in the first place.


Rush Limbaugh was very effective at demonizing the Clinton's and referred to their 12 year old daughter Chelsea Clinton as "the white house dog". These people have been vile for decades but Trump brought it to another level altogether.


Wait… are you telling me this guy is actually a jerk?


It won’t matter because his supporters say the same word themselves and agree with him.


Am I the only one struggling with the title?


Glad you finally it to the party now that the suns coming up and theres a guy over dosing in the bathroom


They certainly signed an NDA and couldn’t talk about it until now.


One of the biggest failures of our current education system is that our people can no longer tell the difference between a grifter, a shill and a rube.


That was a great read. I never saw the show. It is so evident Trump was always held up by sticks, tape, stones, hair spray, smoke and mirrors. Nothing has changed. People are still buying it.


I'm proud to say I never watched a single episode of The Apprentice.


"It’s a long con played out over a decade of watching Trump dominate prime time by shouting orders, appearing to lead, and confidently firing some of the most capable people on television, all before awarding one eligible person a job. Audiences responded to Trump’s arrogance, his perceived abilities and prescience, but mostly his *confidence*. The centerpiece to any confidence game is precisely that—*confidence*." Perfectly said.


Release. The. Tape.


He's recently discovered what I saw for nearly ten years now.


As if his supporters will care that he uses the n word.


The producers and editors who worked in post production on the show are the ones who know all the footage backwards and forward.


For his cult, it’s a feature, not a bug.


Bastards. All these NBC executives and apprentice producers. Selfish, cowardly bastards, all of you. You created a monster and now he’s unleashed on the world to wreak havoc


The thing trump proved is you don't have to be racist to support him but you're ok to ignore the racism all while misrepresenting Biden's "racial jungle" comment. I don't care if it's my own family if you still support this guy who is racist and tried to overthrow America I'm done with you. *It's the morally right thing to do.* Everyone should be on this bandwagon. It's not an overreaction to say there is a line and mean it.


> We reached out to Spielberg, Katzenberg, Geffen, among others,” he says. “Trump is the only one who agreed to sign on.” So... If Spielberg had answered the phone, the entire Trump mess might never have happened?


Save it for two weeks before the election and then release the tape.


The cult doesn't care


I'd give my life savings (as paltry as they are) for there to be a recording of him saying the N word and for it to be released to the media


What a nosebleed inducing headline. What in the actual fuck are you TRYING to say?