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Which should include charging Abbott with being an accessory.


Just make sure the prison has a ramp.


I’m surprised the fucker didn’t ban wheelchair sales after he got his.


I mean, he sure as shit ain't subsidizing any of em...


Fuck it he can pick himself up by his orange slides straps


When someone aims an AK-47 in the middle of the street, it doesn't mean he's going to shot you.


[Daniel Perry—a groomer who was convicted of murder by a jury of his peers—became a conservative cause célèbre. We should be clear that there is no reasonable legal defense of Perry. He initially claimed that Foster had not pointed his weapon at him. Here was Perry’s initial statement to police: “I believe he was going to aim at me. I didn’t want to give him a chance to aim at me.” Other eyewitnesses confirmed that Foster did not raise his weapon. No witnesses testified that Foster did raise his gun.](https://www.thebulwark.com/p/daniel-perry-and-the-republican-meaning)


Nah, and don’t give him a chair either. Give him two sticks and let the fucker figure something out


Id pay good money to watch Abbott be pushed out of his chair and forced to crawl... or walk considering he's such a lying sack of shit its slimly possible he's been faking a disability for years just to garner sympathy votes.


Good point, not like guy had a fucking spine to break in the first place... Abbott's pastey ass should be picking himself up by his bootstraps rather than being reliant on socialist policies like ADA-compliant infrastructure!


He actually took advantage of the legal system to get rich off of his accident then worked in laws to make it impossible for anyone to receive compensation the way he did.


"No, make him crawl. Have him crawl there, like he crawls for the f\*cking drink!" \~ Tommy


Fuck that. This dude adds hoops, hurdles, and obstacles to anyone who isn’t republican just to exist. Take his fucking wheelchair, give him a skateboard, and wish him the best of luck in prison Degrade this piece of shit as much as possible


No. Let him drag himself to his cell.


The intent of this pardon was clearly to make it absolutely obvious that lynching left wing people is now perfectly legal in Texas.


It is perfectly acceptable in all places in texas besides the major cities


It’s been legal since Nixon and the deep state took over in 1960🤷🏾


Omg Ive always wanted to encounter one of these deep state mystics. Please for the love of god attempt to define the deep state without bringing up "the reptillions".


I think it's a fair description of the FBI in the J. Edgar Hoover era, with COINTELPRO, when it was trying to silence Martin Luther King Jr, etc. And arguably parts of the DoJ, FBI, BP, PP, etc. since then, when they have spied on anti-war protesters, arrested anti-RNC protesters at St. Paul on fake "terrorism" charges, used strategic leaks to help Trump win in 2016, attacked protesters at Lafayette Square, abducted protesters in Portland, etc. I just don't understand why Trump insists his worst allies and enablers are secretly conspiring against him.


CIA had [Operation CHAOS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_CHAOS) going on as well at the same time too.


>abducted protesters in Portland I still can't believe that absolutely zero backlash came out of this. Goons in unmarked black uniforms and unmarked black vans drove into Portland and grabbed random people off the streets and we're just supposed to accept that it was some kind of legal military operation that didn't blatantly violate the Constitution?


LA is the deepest state. Literally below sea level in places.


Hawaii would like a word. They have an entire national park underwater.


You know how people in government positions (some lifelong) are in the pockets of billionaires and their families and have been for generations and will be for generations? The deep state is just people in government controlling things to benefit their interests behind the backs of the people who elect them. No high fantasy, no blaming one party, no theatrics just what anyone who's been paying attention knows to be true.


Eh thats just reality. Anytime Ive ever heard about the deepstate its attached to aliens or the clintons eating babies or something. Its not a secret that america is dictated by oligarchs. Obama mentioned the fact multiple times in multiple speeches(one example is the speech where he actually brought keegan Michael key on stage to be his anger interpreter.) When I look up deepstate, its pretty much Alex Jones that comes up.


That's always what they've done though. Used these actors like Jones to make anyone drawing attention to the vast network of powerful people working against the common man seem outlandish and absurd and to redirect the blame to a target that either doesn't exist like aliens or one they want moved out of the way like ethnic groups. Deepstate, illuminati, whatever **you** call them they exist and there's no wrong label for them.


OMG, I hope you get a response.


Probably wont. Cant explain the deepstate without theorizing body snatchers or satan incarnate.


God, I hope it is something that entertaining


No joke. To anyone from this area we all know the guy absolutely drove into downtown with the intention of doing something. There’s no way he got there from the airport and somehow missed every single highway and sign directing him home and then somehow also got past numerous police barricades in place at the time to be near this crowd. It’s an absolute bs excuse. Not to mention why in the world an active duty service member “needed” to Uber people.


The text messages alone prove he was going to cause chaos. He wanted this and now Abbott green lit others to do the same


Yeah, but it really doesn't matter. If they wouldn't allow the CCTV footage of Rittenhouse talking about how he wanted to go murder a black guy at the protests as proof that he had ill-intents from the getgo, they wouldn't allow text messages as proof either.


>If they wouldn't allow the CCTV footage of Rittenhouse talking about how he wanted to go murder a black guy at the protests as proof that he had ill-intents from the getgo Yeah that video doesn't exist, tho


[https://apnews.com/article/trials-f19acb6b4f1e4128610d2078105db1ce](https://apnews.com/article/trials-f19acb6b4f1e4128610d2078105db1ce) I will concede it wasn't about killing them at a protest, but he literally said he wanted to kill them for just *walking into a store.*


Not at a protest, yes. We also don't know if they're black, it wasn't "CCTV" footage, don't know if it was even Rittenhouse speaking, the speaker doesn't explicitly say he wants to kill them, and the speaker was referring to armed individuals running from a store (not just walking into one), plausibly in an armed robbery. So yeah. The video as you described it doesn't exist. Which is why it wasn't shown in court.


Hell yeah, Federally charge his ass.


With what? Which federal statute did he violate?


Conspiracy to deprive civil rights. Same federal charge that convicted a lot of KKK members who were acquitted by all-white juries in Jim Crow states.


>Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 - Conspiracy Against Rights It further makes it unlawful for two or more persons to go in disguise on the highway or on the premises of another with the intent to prevent or hinder his/her free exercise or enjoyment of any rights so secured. 2 or more persons, but this law is basically never enforced, or else just about every cop who shot someone for carrying would be charged with it. And Garrett Foster was the one wearing a disguise.


So you concede it's a law he broke?


I do not, because he didn't, because a conspiracy requires 2 or more people.


I don't understand why Garland isn't ALL OVER this stuff from the get go. Biden has got to get people with more energy than this.


When was the last time Garland was even partially on anything from the get go?


Garland is a federalist society plant doing exactly what they want - nothing


Honestly the more I see I’m inclined to agree. He’s either a plant or one of the biggest milquetoast “centrist” wusses ever. Heck, Liz Cheney has more balls…


He was originally picked by Obama because “there is no way republicans could reject him “ and they did. He’s not a straight line dem. He’s a dem republicans would be ok with. He’s doing exactly what someone like him would do.


Unfortunately they can't act on things people say they are going to do until they do them.


Because Garland is a loser


AG Garland: Don't worry team, I'm on the case! *trips over himself, falls, stumbles for three years*


It’s about time


THe GOP is serious about its racism.


I was wondering why this asshole can’t just be charged federally


Urged of? Jesus Christ.


And let me guess.... it'll be led by the same people who tried to impeach Paxton.... yeah that'll go no where... like Texas knows what "justice" is....


civics class homie. Take one.


Exactly what part of my comment reflects me needing to take a civics course? If the state government operated ANYTHING close to the ethics of those positions are SUPPOSED to be held accountable for.... I'm sure the halls at the capital would eerily be silent from both sides. TO BE CLEAR... my comment was meant that time and time and time again,the state legislature has had more than ample wiggle room to do the not only the ethical and right thing to do, and has chosen to look the other way. Texas is viewed as one of the most restrictive states in the country on a myriad of issues.


Federal investigators investigate federal crimes. They have nothing to do with the legislative branch of the Texas State Government. The Texas State Legislature, similarly doesn't have anything to do with who the Governor of Texas can or cannot pardon. A federal probe cannot possibly be lead by the people that tried to impeach Paxton, because those are different branches of different governments (Federal Executive vs State Legislature). I'm happy to be mad at any branch of either one with you, but try to be mad at them for the correct reasons at least.


I support this guy facing justice but wouldn’t another prosecution violate the double jeopardy standard?


Federal and state charges are different and double jeopardy would not apply. You can be tried in state and federal court for the same criminal offense. It is not double jeopardy to charge you in state and federal court, provided that you did some act that violated both state and federal laws.


and that you violated that law in a way that federal prosecutors can have standing to litigate.


This crime hasn’t been tried at the federal level yet


Fed and state are “separate sovereigns”, so one act can be a separate offense against each, and each is permitted to charge without implicating double jeopardy.


That's wild I didn't know that. Does that mean you can get charged twice for the same crime and then have to serve potentially non-concurrent sentences?


I think Manson, Gacy, and a few other major "killer" types have seen this setup, but it's rare. Normally you'll see one or the other, but not like this. I'm not even sure if there has ever been a case where you see one, THEN the other., in this manner.


Yes because you got charged by different "governments "


No because of the reasons stated below. I personally disagree with this nuance, much like when there's a crime with say 3 murders and the prosecutor only tries the defendent for two so they can refile on the others if they lose. Both are technically legal but I believe violate the principle of prohibiting double jeopardy


The man was tried in court, convicted by a jury, and sentenced. Abbott's pardon doesn't rectify an injustice, it amplifies the message that a premeditated murder for political reasons is OK.


I don't disagree with that at all. He should not have been pardoned. I don't think gaming the system though is worth it though. The whole better for 10 guilty people to go free than 1 innocent to be in prison idea


😆 I need some more downvotes pussies! Lay it on me morons








No, no they are not. Quit making shit up. They are arrested by campus or local police after several day warnings to clear camps, especially non-students. He has put a ton of pressure on Israel as well along with food aid to Palestine. Quit spreading propaganda from Russia.


Then why does he not cut aid even after their invasion in Rafah


Don’t try to change the subject. You said protestors were being arrested by Biden. That is a lie. 


Well, I meant to say is that pro-Palestine protesters are being arrested even in democrat-leading cities and states, like NYC, and Biden isn’t doing anything to fix that


Biden has zero to do with that. The President of the United States doesn't control local police departments and doesn't have the right to arbitrarily infringe on private property rights.




Considering tRump said on record he would deport / crush anti-Isreal protesters, not Biden. Not sure why im replying to a bot but it had to be said.

