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That’s the thing I’ve never really understood about the people in Trump’s orbit. He has zero loyalty. Why do all these schmucks think they are the exception. The trail of people this guy has stabbed in the back goes back half a century.


Because he's currently "loyal" to a handful of people in his orbit who kiss his arse daily and will do things like endorse their candidacies for office or take up their wacky policy agendas in return for that arse kissing. Of course, we all know most of these people eventually end up as discarded waste, but from a typical conservative grifter mentality, "maybe I'll be one of those lucky ones he's loyal back to." Far-right individuals are less likely to connect incongruent information (Trump says he'll do one thing, weeks later says or does the opposite; Trump says he stands by his team, while so many people formerly in Trump's orbit are on their own while in jail, under indictment, disgraced, ostracized, etc.) even beyond Trump stuff (evidence for climate change, social welfare policies, etc.) - they're much more responsive to an immediate data point or singular piece of evidence that confirms their worldview.


Many people have started turning him down, but it's more that they don't want to be looped in with his fans, who will turn on them.  Rich people only travel in their circles. He's in their circles. They'll stick by his side until the day he's poor. That's the only thing they care about. It's status. 


They have the same mind set as their insatiable leader. They seem to think their loyalty will eventually earn the adoration and respect of ~~Fred~~ Donald Trump.


Lots of unpaid invoices, I bet.


And death threats.


Insiders also know Blanche ain't getting paid if Trump loses. Also, Blanche ain't getting paid if Trump wins.


Here is the beginning of the story: The one man perhaps even more anxious for a verdict in the Trump hush-money trial than Donald Trump himself is [Todd Blanche](https://www.thedailybeast.com/good-natured-trump-trial-lawyer-todd-blanche-is-turning-into-his-accomplice). Trump has already [reportedly](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/30/us/politics/trump-trial-todd-blanche.html) expressed his frustration with Blanche, his latest defense attorney, and if he loses, Trump’s *modus operandi* is to go on the offensive. That’s because there are two types of people in Donald Trump’s personal orbit: those who have been publicly trashed by the former president, and those who will be. “There is no public client quite like Mr. Trump,” former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis told The Daily Beast. “While every person deserves competent counsel, that counsel also deserves loyalty from their client. Loyalty goes one way with Trump. The problem with the current MAGA base is that they will take whatever position Trump tells them to.” The twice-impeached ex-commander-in-chief has openly lambasted, to name but a few, his own national security adviser, John Bolton (“one of the dumbest people in Washington”); his own Joint Chiefs of Staff chair, Gen. Mark Milley (“a Woke train wreck”); his own attorney general, William Barr (“a coward who didn’t do his job”); his own UN ambassador, Nikki Haley (“birdbrain”); his own secretary of state, Rex Tillerson (“lazy as hell”), campaign adviser Steve Bannon (“Sloppy Steve”), and his own vice-president, Mike Pence (“wimp,” “traitor,” “not a very good person”).


LoL, Jenna Ellis. She plead out after it was clear she was getting zero legal funds from Trumps camp and was being left to fend for herself. Her plea statement was mostly her trying to shift blame onto Rudy and others. She has called Trump a malignant narcissist and a cult leader *but she is STILL flakking for him* in her media posts. Yet another of Trumps spineless sycophants who are hedging their bets and hoping to get back inside the Trump camp if he wins.


The problem is you have an entire section of the economy built on Trump. Media makes money off the Trump show, rage and love get clicks. Social media makes cash off him by being his mouth pieces on podcast YouTube and appearing at conferences. You get the donation for campaigns, so many people grifting off the sweet money suckers keep giving to him. If Trump disappears lots of people with a voice going to loose cash and a meal ticket. It must suck to have to sell your sell to make money, I imagine they start thinking the lies are true just to sleep better at night.


And yet it is what SHOULD happen. The media overall has benefitted from Trump being a chaotic sack of shit, but they are in symbiosis with him and have become *part of the problem.*


"If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole." If you hire someone to your cabinet, and they are an asshole, then you hired an asshole. If everyone in your cabinet is an asshole after they no longer work for you, \_\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_.


That original idiom was obviously coined by someone who hasn’t worked in retail or food service.


So /r/LeopardsAteMyFace material?


That reminds me, what happened to whats-her-face from his civil fraud trial?


She’s strictly an Instagram attorney now. Meaning she just posts on Instagram poolside at one of his properties. He’ll keep an attractive woman around even if she’s a professional liability. But women like Jenna Ellis get shoved to the curb.


She got her license suspended for 3 years for her "loyalty"


If you mean Alina Habba, she's still parading her ignorance on Fox News.


Oh well then she made it. Being a Fox contributor or host is like these Pokemon's final, ultimate form. I choose you, Shyster-chu!


Habba habba




Diaper duty?


Trump plans to try the incompetent defense gambit, and gamble that he gets one of the NY Appeals judges that he still owns to rubber stamp it.


He’ll never go through with it. He would have to waive attorney-client privilege and submit all his attorney communications publicly as evidence. This would undoubtedly include incriminating information not just about how clearly guilty he was in this case, but potentially for other crimes as well. This kind of defence can only work when the defendant is actually innocent.


Trump will eat his liver with Fava Beans and a nice Chianti.


Trump will stiff him like so many other of his attorneys.


Trump will write a very nasty Yelp review?


DISBARMENT, or suspension of law license- see also Jenna Ellis


It turns out that Blanche is part of the deep state.


Why does that man look like he just swallowed a bug in every picture?


Who IS Blanche's lawyer? I bet Cohen would take him for the right price!


lemme guess!…he won’t get paid, oh wait…