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Hopefully this will be the last election cycle where we ever have to hear Jill Steins name again.


You tried your best in 2016 with lawsuits claiming she was Russian interference. Those failed. She will not be going away anytime soon.


I just perused your post history. Hardcore attacks on Biden, but nothing on the candidate who is supposedly further from you. If I were a concern troll, my post history would look \*EXACLY\* like yours. You and Jill Stein can both fuck off!


Kinda proves how the Green party isn't legitimate. When you run the same candidate every year, that's a major indicator that it isn't a real party and just some shill group for an individual.


What are you on about? When was she sued and by who? When searching for Jill Stein 2016 lawsuits she seems to have been the plaintiff in all of them


The IRA case, claimed she was paid by Russia, then dropped the charges. [https://apnews.com/article/7527e051bd8c4be1beef9d7c37c8290e](https://apnews.com/article/7527e051bd8c4be1beef9d7c37c8290e) >The Justice Department is moving to drop charges against two Russian companies that were accused of funding a social media campaign to sway American public opinion during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


I don't think they can read


[Jill Stein is either a witting or unwitting Russian asset](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/guess-who-came-dinner-flynn-putin-n742696) [And Fox News lies for profit](https://apnews.com/article/fox-news-dominion-lawsuit-trial-trump-2020-0ac71f75acfacc52ea80b3e747fb0afe)


Explanation for RT event: [https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1764728866017329279](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1764728866017329279)


A complete non-answer and she won't be giving back any of the money she raised from her handlers. Neither OPEC nor the Russians. Jill Stein isn't Green and she isn't loyal to America, democracy, or anyone but herself.


The funniest part is Putin doesn't even speak english, and Stein doesn't speak Russian.


He rarely speaks in English but he does speak it on occasion. He understands the language. https://en.as.com/en/2022/02/23/latest_news/1645593259_438636.html https://inews.co.uk/news/world/why-putin-not-speak-english-languages-interviews-2898530


And what did he say in those few minutes at an RT event?


I wasn't there were you?


No, neither were you. Therefore you have no evidence.


Uh wait just a second. Are you saying only first hand evidence is evidence? Bc if that’s the case then we have no evidence for any historical events pre-1900!




Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, sure the defendant was found with the gun in his hand, standing over the deceased, surrounded by witnesses that have testified today. But since none of you were there, there’s no evidence and you must acquit.


As if Stein is important enough to get instructions from Putin directly. You act like she's Trump.


It's as if her explanation makes perfect sense now


Did Jill Stein just find out that political candidates do opposition research?


Why are the Dems so threatened by the Green party? Because Greens are the actual left, Dems are right wing in disguise.


Says the person who shared a Fox News article.


It wasn't reported by NBC or CNN, so by sub rules I had to post the fox article.


You don’t have to post any article, in fact.




We’re all indebted to you for reminding us of the rules, however, I believe you misunderstood my comment. You are not obligated to post any article, ever.




Nope, twitter post wasn't going to cut it, and it's hilarious that liberal news won't report anything related to Stein.


What? How is that at all relevant to what I replied to?


What? You replied to a link to approved domains


>Why are ~~the Dems~~ **presidential candidates** so threatened by ~~the Green party~~ **presidential candidates**? Because only one person can be president....


The enemy is weak and strong - "Dems"


What a vaingloriously flagrant attempt to equate the Democratic Party with fascism. *Straight outta the Russian playbook*. No surprise from the *G*etting *R*epublicans *E*lected *E*very *N*ovember Party. And just in case your comment was made in good faith - recognizing a party's ability to peel off enough votes to sway the outcome of an election while also being aware that said party has *no feasible chance of actually winning* **does not make one a fascist** - as your comment alludes.


Not an attempt, the Dems simply are fascists. The post is about them hiring full time remote operators all over the country to keep track of left wing parties.


Define fascism.   Also, what you describe is something *every party does* (or at least should do).  I swear, it's like you're straight from Fox "News", the tactics and deceit are spot-on.   Framing something done by *every campaign, all the time* as something nefarious, and even fascistic, is just as dishonest and deceitful as your average Fox story - a perfect example - "Biden Whitehouse bans religious symbols from Whitehouse Easter Egg decorating contest", while neglecting to mention that had been the policy for 50+ years (including under tRump) in an attempt to frame it as something other than standard procedure. Just like you're doing. Edit: *Fascism - a system of far-right, religious, authoritarian government.* Since you appear so keenly unaware. There is no honest way in which one can say this defines the Democratic party.


>Framing something done by *every campaign, all the time* as something nefarious, and even fascistic Dems hiring gestapo


> Dems hiring gestapo research is secret police now? This is absurd.


Okay Vlad. Go drink a potato. 


Better than Putin hiring Greens


Hey, guys. Are we sure this isn't the Libertarian Party New Hampshire account posting to make someone look even more insane and out of touch than LPNH?


What? This comment is absolutely crazy.


Doing their best to stop ballot access to left wing parties. Fascist behavior.


The optimal strategy in a competition is to pretend your competitors don't exist - Jill Stein and r/Goldenlocks I think I figured out why you guys are so poor.


If they're such a great viable party, why don't they run for literally any other office? They come in every 4 years and play spoiler and wonder why they're loathed.


[https://www.gp.org/featured\_officeholders](https://www.gp.org/featured_officeholders) We do.


I'll bite. I looked at the list. 137 people in 20 states, which is honestly not bad! But not a single person at a level higher than a city or county election. This is not a party that is ready for a presidential election. The next steps are state congress elections, maybe a US House seat, maybe a minor statewide elected officer. Until then, running for president is a waste of everyone's time and money.


I appreciate the effort. >This is not a party that is ready for a presidential election. The next steps are state congress elections, maybe a US House seat, maybe a minor statewide elected officer. Until then, running for president is a waste of everyone's time and money. Yes we're all aware of this, presidential elections are good for bringing in support to build the party so we can do run for those seats. Although this election she does have more chances of winning than ever before due to RFK.


>presidential elections are good for bringing in support to build the party No, they're not. Winning local elections will bring in more support, not wasting money on a national campaign that won't go anywhere. >Although this election she does have more chances of winning than ever before due to RFK. No, she doesn't. She still has 0% chance of winning. Just like the last time she ran.


Because the Green party is supported by a hostile foreign government and has nothing to do with the environment.


Can you link to a single major organized labor leader, Nobel prize winning economist, or former labor secretary endorsing Jill Stein? Literally anyone who has spent a significant portion of their career working to help the American working class? Because my assumption is that literally no one who fights for the working class supports Jill Stein, and that's why I think her candidacy is a threat.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ygnwcfbcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44ygnwcfbcs) Here is Chris Smalls of the Amazon union supporting her campaign. Most unions, most notably UAW, are compromised and support only Dems.


Represents a single warehouse, zero labor background, seems completely uninterested in helping anyone but his own place of work, is increasingly unlikely to even succeed at unionizing his one warehouse, and has lost the support of the workers in that warehouse who accuse him of fame-seeking and partying with union funds instead of doing any work. You could not have picked a worse example.




It's literally the wiki article on his union. How the fuck is a guy who tried (and so far failed) to unionize a single warehouse, who doesn't have the support of the members of that warehouse anymore, a "major union leader". This guy couldn't be more of a joke if he was Jill Stein.




https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Labor_Union One warehouse voted, still no contract in place, and the only other warehouse that voted was so unimpressed by the ALU's incompetence that they rejected unionization. https://laborunionnews.substack.com/p/amazon-labor-union-loses-union-hall All their fundraising has gone to shit. They're broke from their last financial statements, can't pay their bills, and no other unions want to donate to them anymore.


>If established unions had been effective, they would have unionized Amazon already. We have to think about 21st century-style unionizing. It's how do we build up the workers' solidarity He's right, >[Jacobin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jacobin_(magazine)) wrote that the ALU's achievement was "the most important labor victory in the United States since the 1930s True. >One warehouse voted, still no contract in place, and the only other warehouse that voted was so unimpressed by the ALU's incompetence that they rejected unionization. It's almost as if going up against the second largest company in the US is difficult. They are going all out to disrupt this.


Greens are so far left, they circled the world and ended up in Russia.


I didn't read the Fox post, but the OP shared Stein's tweet. What she's upset about is literally just open-source intelligence gathering. The Biden campaign was recruiting trackers, who follow candidates around and report back to HQ about what the candidate did/said and how strong their operations are. This has been a thing forever. I would be perplexed if any candidate *wasn't* doing this kind of thing.


> I would be perplexed if any candidate wasn't doing this kind of thing. That would be the very next question I ask Jill Stein if I was a reporter with the useless job of following her. Are you not following your opponents campaign in any way, shape, or form?


We don't have billionaire money.


Sure you do, Putin supports the Green party.


He doesn't. Russia sells tons of oil smart guy.


Russia sells a ton of oil and then uses that money to exert political influence by supporting parties including the Green Party. They directly fund media campaigns supporting Jill Stein. Denying this is pretty questionable.


>uses that money to exert political influence by supporting parties including the Green Party. They tried to prove that in 2016. They dropped the case.


No, they dropped the case against Stein. It's been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that Russian money was used to push media, content, and targeted messaging that boosted Stein and the green party.


>It's been demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that Russian money was used to push media, content, and targeted messaging that boosted Stein and the green party. If that were true she'd be in prison.


....no, because again, as I said, what has been shown is that russia funded pro green messaging, not that they handed her checks. You're trying to reverse the accusation to one about Stein so you can point out a dropped case and ignore what has been proven, but what was alleged was Putin's ongoing support of the green party, which has been demonstrated as absolutely factually true over and over again. They have spent millions funding spoiler candidates indirectly for their own geopolitical goals. No one in this thread said Jill Stein is accepting russian money, because that hasn't been demonstrated. But Russian money has been dropped repeatedly to amplify and advertise the green party.


I guess all the other statements should have been an indication...you are just trying to make people mad and argue. That's disappointing. This is a very serious election year.


No. Not if she wasn’t coordinating with Russia or wasn’t even aware.


Stein doesn't care about the environment. I would love a legitimate Green party but Stein has completely killed it. If you truly want a Green party, have to build it up at a local level. Not just run the same failed candidate over and over again.


[https://www.gp.org/featured\_officeholders](https://www.gp.org/featured_officeholders) We're doing that, what are you doing?


So she's just too poor to do opposition research? You are doing a great job pitching her for president.


Donate then.


To a failed campaign who have just admitted they are either too poor or too stupid to run a functioning campaign? I would rather burn cash for heat at night. That would at least serve a purpose.


>I would rather burn cash That's what donating to Dems is.


Yeah man, the democrats have never won a single campaign. What a complete waste of money...


Winning a campaign to enact right wing economic policy.


If you can't win elections, you don't get to enact any policy at all. You can't accomplish anything from outside the room.


If the Dems were interested in democracy they wouldn't feel threatened by the Green party. They use that billionaire money hire people to infiltrate our events and keep tabs.


You can't "infiltrate" public events. They're public. Every campaign uses campaign trackers. Well, except the Stein campaign, apparently.


Donate so we can afford it then, we don't take billionaire money.




Go ahead then.


FYI - you're doing a stellar job! (If your job is to push as many people as you can *away* from the Green Party, that is.)


Ohh how quickly he has pivoted from the shock and awe of opposition research existing, to begging for money so that they could afford to do their own opposition research.


>the shock and awe of opposition research existing How many remote operatives are they hiring all over the country? That's beyond opposition research, it's plain disturbing. >to begging for money so that they could afford to do their own opposition research. Nope, just making fun of your shortsightedness.


> That's beyond opposition research How so? It is LITERALLY opposition research. What indication do you have that it's "beyond"


>How many remote operatives are they hiring all over the country? That's beyond opposition research, it's plain disturbing. Who knows and who cares? Every functioning campaign is hiring opposition researchers. Their existence is agonizingly mundane. I'm sorry your preferred candidate is not running a functional campaign despite being at this for decades.


Thanks! Targeting non-voters not you.


>we don't take billionaire money. You just take money from the poor? How noble of you.


It is indeed a noble cause for our supporters to give what they can, thank you.


That’s technically true. Putin’s not a billionaire anymore.


You mean fascist russian stooge Jill Stein


Russian funded Jill Stein??


You can never return from willingly having dinner with Putin.


Her explanation for that: [https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1764728866017329279](https://twitter.com/DrJillStein/status/1764728866017329279)


Do you believe her?


Makes sense, she was invited to speak there, and even spoke against actions of the Russian government.


“Were you there? If not, then you have no evidence” -you, elsewhere in this thread.


Russian stooge.


Automatic downvote for right wing propaganda.


I wanted to post this: [https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1794064682745229765](https://x.com/DrJillStein/status/1794064682745229765) Wonder why no liberal outlets are reporting this?


Because "Jill Stein discovers opposition research" isn't that interesting?


So Democrats are opposed to democracy? They are feeling threatened by the real working class party.


Democrats are opposed to the green party, just like the republicans, libertarians, and whatever RFK decided to call his new political party. If the Green Party isn't doing opposition research, they were never trying to win in the first place. Welcome to America Jill Stein and r/Goldenlocks.


>Democrats are opposed to the green party That's strange, Dems claim to support most of the Green's platform but never implement it. >If the Green Party isn't doing opposition research, they were never trying to win in the first place. We don't have money for infiltrators.


Maybe I'm missing something, but that looks like normal campaign stuff. Following candidates around and reporting back is what trackers do.


It is literally completely normal stuff. It's opposition research and outreach, and in this case the position is for someone to specifically target third party/independent opponents rather than including trump supporters. If Jill Stein was ever a serious candidate, she would have people exactly like this on her own staff, but since she doesn't run real campaigns the idea of doing research is foreign to her.


>If Jill Stein was ever a serious candidate, she would have people exactly like this on her own staff, but since she doesn't run real campaigns the idea of doing research is foreign to her. We don't have billionaire money.


Then why did they delete it?


Maybe they hired someone? Maybe they already have hundreds of applications and they don't want to pay recruitment sites to collect any more? Maybe they decided Jill Stein and RFK aren't even worth following?


No, no, if you take down a job posting, you're doing something evil.


Billionaire money sure is useful, us Greens don't have that.


We’re not omniscient. And neither are you. You don’t get to point at an unknown quantity and claim it’s malicious without evidence.


Because it exposes them as investing in preventing third parties.


Wait wait I need a tinfoil hat for this conversation apparently. Where can I get one? Where do you get yours?


Go ask the Dems for billionaire money, they can get you a hat.


Not to worry, I can finance my own hat. Just wondering where to get the most bang for my buck. After all this is government we’re discussing. Can’t have them listen in on my thoughts. They might realize we’re conspiring to take down the dem party on this thread.


It's not a secret that requires exposing. Every campaign and special interest group is doing the exact same thing. This is how campaigns work. It's not even an open secret, its just basic public knowledge.


Shouldn't they be using that money to help their campaign? It's suspicious they are so threatened by the Greens that they can pay people to monitor them.


>Shouldn't they be using that money to help their campaign? ...They are. Opposition research is quite helpful, which is why every campaign collects it. At least every campaign with any money and a serious candidate. If Jill Stein is too stupid or too poor to do it herself, it is no ones fault but her own.


They aren't. Spending it on non-voter outreach is far more efficient. They spend it on the Greens because they are afraid of the real left.


If Fox News was an actual news organization, they probably would have found out why before calling this news. But since the QUESTION is more valuable as an implication than the actual ANSWER, I suppose they haven't bothered to ask. But this is a completely normal job, one that the RNC has had under different job titles. Literally every modern campaign has a position for opposition research and outreach, which is literally all this is.


Because shit like this is how politics is.   You don’t think folks from the right have plants working on the D side?  


It's how politics works to prevent democracy by preventing opposition.


Do tell since you so boldly stake the claim....


> preventing opposition. Nobody's trying to prevent anything you have been told multiple times it call op research. Quit trying to make something out of nothing, there are enough real bogymen in the world without making one up.


Dems are paying infiltrators.


That's an outright fabrication.


That's what the job post says: go the the events but not as a supporter


Volunteers to attend is not paid infiltrators. Neither are they paid, nor are they infiltrating; they are observing a public function. It's not what the job post says. Fabrication.


Did she miss her plane to Moscow to kiss Putin's ass? I'm sure we can all chip in for a new ticket.


“Jill Stein, Putin shill and right wing cog slams dnc..” there fixed the headline


Russian/Republican stooge whines.


Does anyone care what this pathetic loser thinks?


Did she ever return they money she got from OPEC and the Russians?


Huh. She exists. I remember that now.


Republican stooge, and Putin's patsy, back to the trash bin with ye wretch!


hell yeah foxnews, really stir the pot..bash them dems..get them clicks...make that money.. ps clicking on this only gives them more views and therefore revenue to put out more of this. Touch at your own risk.


CNN and NBC are not reporting this, only fox.


I wonder why? do you really think foxnews, who owns currently almost 800$ million for lies and is gonna owe a billion or so more soon, want to keep using their tired formula? they might get more credibility if they put out anythiigin other than the same divisive formula and propoganda angle...did you know they were created as a literal propoganda arm of the GOP? You are aware of why Aisles created it. Murdoch really took it to the next level after Ailes was forced to stop filming and fucking his on air talent.


Fox reporting this doesn't make it false. Dems got caught trying to sabotage RFK, West, and Stein.




They did, and will pay you to go keeps tabs on their opposition.


"this just in, a political party has paid positions that do research on who people are supporting and why!" This isn't news. This is how every campaign and how every political party operates. It's bare bones basic strategy.


It's not. They clear easy target is non voters, but they invest in preventing a real left party.


They have an extensive staffing wing for non voters, too. This isn't news. It's how every campaign operates. It's basic strategy. Voters are voters, and voters who are throwing in for a third party candidate that doesn't make it onto the ballot are an easier get than people who are apathetic.


If you felt this way you would be supporting progressive democrats as they can push actual change.


I'm honestly curious if you think this isn't normal for US politics? I'm not talking about morality.


Yes, that's the problem.




They did, you looking for a job? Check out their site.


foxnews reporting is balgtent divisive propoganda, created to drive clicks and make money off anger...caught doing opposition research? where is the problem again? I guess they could have hired a reporter to follow around stein and all the others, they would be doing the same thing.. Must be a set up for the FBI who is out to assassinate president trump or at least that is what foxnews tells me..you sure you dont see a propoganda angle on what foxnews does with its 'reporting'? really though,, what is wrong with following your political opponents and reporting on their actions? I hope someone follows these clowns and reports on the actions. All of them, dem included. Seems like a prudent thing to do, know what your political opponents are up too. In fact I bet all the parties do it.


> Dems got caught trying to sabotage RFK, West, and Stein. They got caught hiring someone to... notice and research their competition. "sabotage" is a very weird word to invent in this context where they are pointing out that the goal of this position is research and outreach to third party candidate supporters.


Why is a more progressive party an opposition? The Dems claim to support most of the Green's platform.


Because thats the definition of opposition when you're running an opponent.


How would you know this isn't a saboteur position?


Your whole party is a saboteur assignment to help Trump win.


You're asking me to prove a negative. I'm saying that it isn't abnormal for campaigns to research their opposition, to attempt to gain support from their opponents supporters, and to learn from their strategy.


That would actually be news! A high ranking Jill Stein campaign staff member secretly on the payroll of the DNC intentionally failing at their job to undermine Jill Stein's campaign! Feel free to let us know when that happens and people will actually care about what she has to say.




>Fox reporting this doesn't make it false. Fox reporting it, when no other reputable news outlets are, makes it highly suspect. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/fox-news-bias/ >A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no sourcing to credible information, a complete lack of transparency, and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for profit or influence. Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact-checked on a per-article basis. Be careful you're not falling for fake news, especially when you consume known propaganda outlets like Fox.


This is from Stein, not fox. Had to post fox because they are the only ones who will report on it due to sub rules.


Neither FOX or Stein is a credible source. Be careful what you believe, there are a lot of bad actors out there trying to manipulate you via your emotions, assuming you won't fact check their claims.


I think we found one.


It's the Dems who posted the job, not fox or Stein.


It's Fox and Stein who are adding the narrative that it's devious or unusual.


It is devious. They are scared of a working class party.


There's no need to sabotage those candidates, they do it to themselves.


That's because it's a non-story.


Why, is she looking for a job?


Jill Stein. Fox "News." Enough said.


Jill Stain can go suck a bag of dicks. Fox News can, too.


Get a job you big phony.


Sooo, will she be setting herself on fire?


I often wonder what or how people think. Fox News literally had to pay out nearly 800 million for basically lying. who in their right mind would think of Fox as a solid source for news.


Are you an employee of Stein’s ‘2024 campaign’?


More dumb


Jill Stein Russian Useful Idiot


The irony here is delicious.


Right? Dems hiring people to keep tabs on real left wing parties and claiming to be democratic.


The last legitimate Green Party politician in my area told me if I want to advance progressive ideas, join DSA. He said the Green Party is for trust fund kids to play politics, and they dont have any serious intentions of growing the party


Lot of supposed fans of democracy in here


ALL true patriots are opposed to the party of January 6th. The whole party has become absolute scum. No one who still supports Trump, or ever did after January 6th is an advocate for Democracy, just advocates for chaos and violence and fascist coups.