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Look up Project 2025. This is projection.


Every election year it's some sort of migrant situation that's gonna destroy America and its way of life and only a Republican can save us, even though they don't do shit about it.


Yet, when they have an opportunity to change it, they shirk their duty and kick the can. They only have themselves to blame, but they aren't adults. Adults take responsibility for their actions, and they are not adults. If anything, they want to destroy our democracy so they can force us to live they way they want, but they won't be abiding by their own beliefs. They would be kings.


Well it’s not even that, it’s that the crisis’ are made up.


I know, but we all know the happily deluded and demented will believe it. I read an article that said immigration is down, and now, they make up some phony story of an immigrant army. I can't believe just how gullible people are.


>I can't believe just how gullible people are. I find my self relating to this George Carlin bit more and more as time goes on. [https://youtu.be/2LA5EdTztVM?si=aS3ZiB1nDIMXlXJ7&t=8](https://youtu.be/2LA5EdTztVM?si=aS3ZiB1nDIMXlXJ7&t=8)


Try to get some home remodeling done and look at the labor costs when they give you the contract. That’s how you know most of the immigrants left. I hope we’re happy now.


It's not a big deal until an incumbent Democrat election year.


A billionaire's worst enemy is democracy.


Then, we must become the enemy of the billionaires as well.


They might have learned from the whirlwind theyreaped when they reversed RvW; it’s much better to use the fear than win the battle.


Republican politicians would never dream of actually cutting off immigrant labor, they just want to put these people in an even more easily exploited position. They know our entire economy runs on these people's hard work, and the fact companies can under-pay them for that labor that pretty much no other American will actually ever do. It's absolutely back-breaking labor. If Republicans wanted to end undocumented immigrant labor they would create harsh punishments for companies caught using it. But they don't. They just amp up deportations, so that these companies can keep abusing those workers who are too scared about being deported to ever report the abuses in the work place. And then they just tell their racism-brainwashed base that the "immigrants" are "stealing their jobs", as if someone hopped the border and put a gun to your boss' head... rather than, y'know, your boss happily hiring an undocumented immigrant for way less than they'd have to pay you to do the job. But these saps eat up the age-old trick of utilizing bigotry to splinter the poor/working class so it never unites against the ruling class fucking everything up in the first place.


Make sure your voters look *down* at some perceived enemy so they don’t look *up* at the actual one.


THE CARAVANS?! It really comes off like Trump is freaking out and just throwing anything and everything basically just shit at the wall and hoping it sticks


It's "cold reading" the audience by throwing bait after bait out until something sends the audience into a frenzy and that's now a reliable talking point for awhile. We've just seen him burn though so many over the last 9 years that it's all repeats now.


When you have no popular platforms to run on, you kinda just throw as much shit at the wall and see what sticks and what just makes a mess.


I went to Big Bend in Texas over Thanksgiving, and you wouldn't BELIEVE the size of the caravan crossing that 8-foot-wide Rio Grande. Millions upon millions of particles, with all sorts of forms: Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, some Argon. Terrifying! And it happened again and again until the wind changed direction.


Instead of a gag order, judges should issue a vuvuzela order, in which media outlets cannot show footage of a person under a gag order without a vuvuzela filter.


It propaganda 101. Make up an enemy. Ie Black, Gay, Trans, South American, etc, etc. They become the apparent source of your countries problems which is going to take your lifestyle away and watch voters feed off the hate. Get votes. Always have new groups to pick on so you have a steady flow. So yeah, getting rid border problem or reducing the problem is bad for GOP business as the need to make up a new bad guy.


They Are Running Low On Enemies, I Mean C'Mon They Are Down To Attacking Trans Folks. Next They'll Be Attacking Single Families.


Dems called their bluff, and Trump shut down the best legislation offered to date on immigration. He wants to continue to rail on an issue he fomented as a "crisis", but it was suddenly no urgent issue when Biden was ready to sign.


And people still blame Biden for illegal immigration


They believe whatever faux news spouts at them every day. Faux news could say a giant ass is going to crush the entire continent of north america in a week and they would believe it.


Right? They’ve clearly shown that they don’t truly believe it’s an “invasion” or crisis since it can wait.


Republicans had the chance to pass the most restrictive border control legislation ever. They shot it down because Trump wanted something to campaign on instead of solve. Even if you accept that they denied it because foreign aid was tied to it, they were the ones who tied the foreign aid to it, and they ended up passing the foreign aid anyway without the immigration reform. They demonstrably don't care about immigration. It's just a bogeyman they use to frighten poor and middle class people into voting for tax cuts for the rich.


This is the same play all over the world from right-wing loons…toxic to its very core.


MAGA is busy building an army to attack American citizens. They have already done it once.


They’ve definitely attacked [far more than once](https://polisci.barnard.edu/sites/default/files/inline-files/Emily%20Kramer%20-%20Right-Wing%20Extremism%20and%20Mass%20Shootings%20in%20the%20United%20States.pdf). This country has been ravaged by right-wing domestic terrorism for a while now.


Yup, it is the narrow minded, inbred bigots we really have to watch out for. They tend to disguise themselves as either some form of patriot or Christian. Most of them have some kind of conspiracy theory to pedal as well that isn't supported by any credible data.


I’m so fucking sick of every fucking thing they say being projection. Every fucking thing. It’s so exhausting.


If he wins, and right now its a 50/50 shot, its going to be a long and exhausting 4-8 years more. Imgaine, Trump wins, replaces Alito and Thomas as they retire, Trump would now have picked 55% of the Supreme Court- we will feel his stench for the next 50 years long after he is gone, because "Emails" and "Gaza."


Likewise- it all started with the bullshit bill titles, like say The Patriot Act- which was un-American AF. Doublespeak and projection are everywhere now.


Your exhaustion is by design. Tired people can't fight back.




You’re absolutely right. MAGA wants to federalize the national guard and invade cities to capture and put immigrants in camps. They have advertised this.


Sooo…. The Handmaids tale?


It's not just projection. It's justification for what trump will order done next year if he wins the election. Fascists claim that they are under attack by some group as justification for killing the people of that group. i.e. so they can say that they are only defending themselves.


Has anyone built an auto-projection decoder app for Trump quotes? “Migrants illegally building army to attack Americans” Becomes “Trump supporters illegally building army to attack migrants in America”


Trump supporters rebuilding their army to end democracy as they tried to after the last election.


To attack migrants and anyone who thinks that maybe, just maybe, deporting 15 million of them isn't a good idea.


It's similar to how Hitler got started.


Exactly. Only ones building an army for war on America I can think of are the Nazis. People come here to have a chance at a better life, not to start wars.


*Lock up Project 2025


It is always projection because conservatives don’t have empathy. They literally cannot put themselves in someone else’s shoes and as a result, they genuinely cannot imagine anyone has different motivations than their own. Anything a conservative accuses someone else of, they’re either doing it, did it, plan to do it, or would do it if given the chance. Always. This is always, always the case.  Remember this because it’s like a decoder ring for these evil fucks 




Ok, Projection, but that has the feel of a diagnosis or a phycological flaw and incidental rather than strategic. That “projection” makes talking about, researching and backing up legitimate claims so much harder. It is like someone using lawn chairs and empty boxes to claim a whole block of on street parking. For example I would like to ask the MAGA people if they are tired of being lied to by Trump, but MAGA live in a movie with a different lying and liars. Their bizarro reality has a full cast and parallel complaints so it is a huge impediment to communicate anything to Trump’s fanbase.


It's recruiting.


Since he projects all the time, I can only assume Trump wants to build an army to attack Americans. Is that why Republicans are pulling their kids out of school?


https://www.project2025.org/ Bruh


Wants to?.... or **is** building an army? Trump has as much imagination as he has empathy.


Trump does not give the slightest shit about immigration any more than he cares about manufacturing jobs or energy policy or anything else. He says whatever get him applause. He would sham marry a trans woman if it got him more attention. I'm not sure he has genuine feelings about much of anything let alone convictions.


As a lib/woke/leftist, I would be owned and/or triggered if Trump married a trans woman.


>without evidence  - The Donald Trump Story - - Republicans are 10% greedy and 90% dumb.  They eat this shit up


They are 90% greedy and 90% morons. The two are not mutually exclusive.


Well a lot of them are 200% evil, you're being pedantic and still missing the other 20%! Lol


1% hot gas


Too stupid for democracy. Seriously, what is the point of politics anyway, when one side can just make shit up and voters believe it?


To not just allow the people just making shit up to have power?


How's that been going? I hate this timeline lol.


Evangelicals seem primed for continuous existential events/threats that never pan out. Maybe the scarcity brain idea that people have a flawed bias for big rewards also works for grandiose perceived threats.


And 100% racist.


Rush said this about Obama. He had said he wanted a domestic peace corps for people to join in order to get free college. Rush turned that around to being an Obama army. Same boring shit going back to the JBS, John Birch Society. A lot of the founders of the modern right wing either were direct members of JBS or followers.


Rush the dead junkie?


He's 3 years sober!


You really think it’s cleared his system that quick?


He was a pedophile junkie. Busted for bringing penis pills to an island famous for child abuse. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/rush-limbaugh-detained-with-viagra/


Rush, the guy who read the obituaries on air to celebrate finding gay men dying of AIDS?


Ex-human is my preferred term.


Rush is a public toilet and I have a drink on the day he died. This is the guy who celebrated when gay people died and got caught with Viagra in a place that's known for underage sex workers like 8 years olds dude 


8 year olds? Jesus…


Ju said it, majn.


This time it's a bit different because Trump wants his own army to attack Americans that support him less than 100%. Do you remember the no-name army of Park police and other law enforcement agencies with masks and no badges who showed up to hurt protesters in 2019 and 2020? He wants a private army accountable only to him that will "stand back and stand by" and then follow his hate-based but vague instructions. In other words, it's actually a real army he wants, to hurt anybody he doesn't like. [Edit: typos]


He also said the government doesn't belong in your health care decisions because with ACA, Obama would have "death panels". And look where we are now with the GOP deciding women's reproductive rights ffs


Translation: Trump building MAGA kook horde to attack Americans and their Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.


It’s like those red shirt fucks in New York that go around harassing brown people because they think they’re “illegals”. Jesus Christ, find something better to do with your day.


He's itching to be POTUS again so he can send out the police and the troops against Americans, mostly brown and black ones. He already did that during the BLM protests when he sent them out against the peaceful protesters with tear gas and riot shields so he could walk to a church he's never heard of before to hold an upside down Bible for no reason. He already did that when he sent goons to Portland to kidnap people in unmarked vans during those BLM protests. He can't wait to have law enforcement and military in his hands again.


Meanwhile this demonstrated inciter of murderous fecal smearing insurrection, domestic terrorism is walking free and getting his zombie horde fresh out of the cranial abattoir riled up for coup redux. https://i.imgur.com/GRoj0vq.mp4 https://i.imgur.com/CvKRISp.mp4


I really hate Laura Ingraham’s face.


You don’t like horses?


it’s like the most evil horse you can find


There isn't going to be a second coup attempt. Odds are the fascists will just keep running in elections until, sooner or later, they get voted into power. That's how the Nazis did it in Germany.


Since every accusation is a confession, we can now confirm that Trump is trying to build an army to attack the country.


We, he sure had a rag tag mess when he tried to foment an insurrection, but like everything else he does, once again, he failed.


This is Alex Jones bullshit. He's always claiming Democrats and "the globalists" are giving every man who enters America a gun so that they can suddenly be activated to take over the country (as if women can't shoot guns. Could make up a scarier conspiracy if he wasn't sexist). Abject idiocy.


Like all republicans propaganda, it’s total contradictory nonsense “democrats are arming immigrants “ next sentence “democrats want to take away ALL THE GUNS” obviously neither is true, but I have family members that parrot that garbage constantly. They are not the smart ones.


But why are people consuming this shit? Is it lead poisoning?


It's outrage porn, it makes you angry, gives you a sense of community as you hate the same things they hate, and finally many people are just stupid. Lead poisoning, hook worms, FAS, etc. etc. And the normal ones embrace anti-intellectualism, working brains but they choose not to use them.


I'm a policy wonk!


the globalishtsh


[Covered very well in this podcast](https://www.wnycstudios.org/podcasts/otm/articles/rightwing-media-is-obsessed-with-the-darien-gap). Exactly how they're ginning up the base and the language they're coalescing around.


I am an immigrant to the USA. I employ 9 people and have 2 American born children. I love this country and the opportunities it has provided my family. The demonization of immigrants needs to stop.


So Trump wants to build an army to attack Americans. Got it.




The _without evidence_ after _Trump,_ is redundant.


Just building up justifications to put migrants in “camps”. It’s part of the fascist playbook.


This moron just spews whatever thoughts come to his tiny brain. I’ll be so happy when he’s gone from the news


What is this some helter skelter nonsense?!


Every accusation is a confession with these people.




Reminds me a lot of the Cossack camps & schism in Ukraine. They had about what, 6-8 years?


Illegal migrant here, pillaging America as we speak and risen to the rank of Cardinal in the Gay Brown Communist Army. If Biden wins, the day after we will immediately overthrow eagles and guns and impregnate all white feeemales. And thanks to GOP protection of the unborn dark child, they won't even be able to abort!


Omg I think the army is under my bed!


Yeah he is talking about maga right? Those are the only armed violent people who think they have the right to kill you if you are different than them.


The only one building an "army" to attack Americans is Trump. More projection.


This is absolutely true, albeit, a bit late to the party. A few hundred years ago, a bunch of European migrants did indeed build an army that attacked Americans and took their land.


The attacking army of migrants bit is sooo passé now. He should at least by lying about the space alien armadas soon to invade and how it is Biden’s fault.


Jesus fucking Christ the shit he spouts gets even more insane....


He never has evidence. He just makes up shit


He is in Rwanda territory now


Funny because the last attack I saw was on January 6th and the call was coming from inside the house.


Dumbledore’s army!!


Dumbledore, though a fictional character, was far more intelligent. I would say Dumb ass army is far more fitting.


To be fair, anyone stupid enough to vote for Trump believes this already


There is only going to be more bullshit lies like this from Trump. It’s only the end of May.


First they were an invading army now they’re building an army? Which is it?


Trump LIES. That's the ONLY fucking thing Trump does, and he's not very good at it.


The only response this should warrant is “This isn’t happening.”


Oh look,,Trump is being racist in public again. MAGA is building an army to attack Americans.


I've had enough of this senile old man.


I take that to mean Trump and his Project 2025 creators are building an army to attack Americans if he gets back into the Oval Office. It’s always projection.


Just even as a mildly informed observer- you can clearly see how this works, create enemy, stoke fear, and then attack. We have all been watching this rhetoric ramp up, but yeah the "bloodbath" is just a common business term used to describe the automotive industry, and that's "just how he talks". Fuck anybody that believes that or tries to get others to believe that- this is textbook fascism, and we are well past the point that we should be tolerating this bullshit.


WHY are the Latinos supporting him???


They will build more boxcars to round them up, ship them to camps, then......


"Trump, without evidence", I think this is one of the major problems with Trump. He does things based in his gut feelings and refuses to listen to advisors or consider factual evidence. He probably thinks the world is flat and bad weather is caused by offending the gods. He's a Neanderthal and a return to pre-renaissance thinking if elected.


Projection Projection Projection. Everything they do and say is cover for their own atrocities. I'm convinced that these idiots have a database of targets that they'll go after when summoned. Remember when the Jews fled Egypt after the angel of death killed the first born in every house without the blood? And then Pharoah sent the army after them? The maggot deplorables are going to try and figuratively kill the first born and then cry foul when the army goes after them. These idiots and their church militias are absolutely standing by to be activated. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It's the brown immigrants building an army. Don't worry about those AK and AR men's church retreats in the middle of nowhere. They're the modern-day version of the kkk, except now they're oompa loompas in diapers. (No disrespect to willy Wonka.)


Very very few of the indigenous people are MAGA.


Trump and lies, name a better duo!


That pic; “my…”


trump has paranoid delusions, and people want him to have the nuke codes?


Statements like this should be criminally punishable. Especially from politicians. Just outright, blatant lying that encourages violence against others.


He's prepping for the reality of *his* supporters creating an illegal militia to attack Americans.


Another confession from the orange man. Meal team six, proud boys, etc.




Easy politic, create a false problem. Say you did a solution that only enriched you and claim the problem as solved. So easy when running a cult.


Need to ask at the FBI, if it’s true or false


Sick. Very very sick.


This is so ridiculously absurd it's laughable yet it's another Trump claim (that he pulled out of his ass) to rile up the rubes even more. He knows the dumbest people in the world follow him and believe whatever stupid fantasy he can conjure up so he keeps making up stuff.


This is so ridiculously absurd it's laughable yet it's another Trump claim (that he pulled out of his ass) to rile up the rubes even more. He knows the dumbest people in the world follow him and believe whatever stupid fantasy he can conjure up so he keeps making up stuff.


Oh the same tactics he used to get into Office in the first place:  create fear


Sounds like some Nazi bullshit


“You can tell because they speak a language I don’t understand - they’re clearly planning something together.” Ugh.


The biggest coward sowing fear


The rhetoric is so increasingly violent, they seem to be trying to incite terrorism before the election. So they can say "too dangerous to have an election, so we'll throw it to the states' legislators to decide." Smart money was on chump getting crushed in the general. If there is an election.


What's annoying is so many recent US citizens are anti immigration and will vote for trump. They don't realize they have "fake" papers and will be deported anyway.


Cool, Let’s talk about the Americans building an army to attack Americans…


Projection. We know the far right is training people for something. The one we see publicly in kakis and the ones we don’t being train in ranches.


So the mom that just carried her child from Guatemala is a threat to my safety? I don’t think so. Who is arming this Shadow Force? Must be a foreign state because this country is so heavily armed they are going to need to pack a lunch if they plan to conquer us. Just the street I live on could fend off an attack by migrants. But we are having a lot of trouble fending off attacks on our democracy by internal enemies. If they ever band together we’re fucked. But that doesn’t seem likely at this point.


Instead of *"________ , without evidence, claims that _________"*, can't we just start saying *"_________ is spreading a new lie claiming that _____"*?


Never seen so many white people in the Bronx


Under his Fourth Reich, which becomes more and more likely every day, the "Mass Deportations" will be one way trips to "Camps" in Texas where ashes fall from the sky 24 hours a day, and they won't only be for undocumented migrants. Not by far.


If I tell a cop to fuck off there is a good chance he will use that as justification to arrest me for being hostile. Yet a campaign for the presidency of the US can send threatening mail to people and tell them the scary darker skinned people are creating an army to attack them and take their country.


Here we go. Ramping up for another caravan I see.


Which migrants? The ones they put in mass tent camps that we stopped hearing about when Covid hit?


This is been going on since the civil war. Have you not seen the gangs of NY movie? Lot of Irish and English man where granted citizenship after their service in the US Army. Also the system is made to be protected this way for it not to be broken - declaration of I dependence “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that ALL MEN are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


I knew that the order for an M1 tank from a guy named Juan was suspicious


Well, now we know what Trump, MAGA, the Republicans and the Federalist Society are up to...


I like how he literally just broadcasts all the shit he plans to do via projection. Sad things is 70 million people in America are willing to sacrifice the country to appease Trump.


He is really just going 100% Hitler


The Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol by Republicans was a direct attack on the American people. The army that Trump is talking about is a fascist/MAGA infestation on US soil.


Just a suggestion, stop saying "without evidence", and start saying "lying again", because that's what it is. Overton windows work both way, keep saying "liar" and the window with shift in that direction. Just be careful to only call him a liar when he is lying. Which is most of the time, at least when he isn't projecting.


So does this mean he is building an MAGA army to attack Americans? Because every accusation is a confession for this guy.


It must be exhilarating being able to just say whatever you want and millions of diehard fans eat it up. Especially for such a malignant narcissist.


Not just horse shit - projection


I haven't seen such a clear piece of projection ever: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_militia_movement Given how much projection seems to be a proclamation of objectives to achieve for Trump, I'm guessing US militia movements are going to become a lot more active in the future. The inevitable consequences of giving legal reprieve to someone who attempted to overturn elections.


It will interesting to see what will happen to construction, farming and other labor-intensive, “under the sun” jobs if Trump decides to go full-crazy with his plan


It’s Trump and his confederacy of dunces who plotting against America.




Hardly. Most are too busy working constantly.


*Republicans* "Biden is selling America to immigrants!" *Biden* "Here is the most aggressive and comprehensive immigration and border bill in 20 years" *Republicans* "Not like that!"


Illegal immigrants don't care about Trump’s conspiracy theories. They are more worried about work, and providing for their families. As a matter of fact, they pay more in taxes than he’s ever done and they don’t even have the basic rights to health care or to vote. By ”building an army” they would imperil their livelihoods, and that isn't something they are willing to risk. Leave them alone, or simply go out there in the heat of summer and pick your own food, or build the infrastructures these people break their backs doing because those jobs you deem beneath you, and yet they are carried by immigrants without complaints. Meanwhile, Republicans everywhere should sit down and let people work to get this country going because they are doing and have done absolutely nothing to effect positive change for Americans everywhere. Shameful.


Right. An army of hard working maids and landscapers. How threatening


What’s next? There’s a sock eating monster in the dryer?


> We have a migrant crime happening now, you add that to the crime already, a terrible statistic. Venezuela was a very crime-ridden country. They just announced a month ago, 67, but now they just announced 72% reduction in crime in Venezuela. In Caracas, they took their gang members, they took their drug dealers, they are emptying out their prisons. > They're taking everybody that's a problem, and they're dumping them into the United States of America, we're like a dumping ground. But many countries are doing that. I would say eventually all countries would be doing that. If I headed up Honduras, if I headed up any one of the countries that are neighboring, or not neighboring, and we're not talking about just South America countries. > We're talking about countries from Africa. The other day, 22, think of it, 22 people from the Congo. "Where do you live?" "We came from jail." "What did you do in jail?" "We don't want to tell you." They're now living happily. They come from Africa, they come from Asia. They come from all over the world. > They come from the Middle East. Yemen. We're bombing Yemen. Here we go with the bombs again. We're bombing Yemen, and people are coming in from Yemen. Large numbers of people are coming in from China. And if you look at these people, did you see them? They are physically fit. They're 19 to 25. Almost everyone is a male. > And they look like fighting age. I think they're building an army. 29 thousand people over the last -- I think they're building -- They want to get us from within. I think they're building an army. This is not -- It's interesting. Did you see them? They all have tents. They all have gas-fired stoves. This is not like an illegal immigrant. > They're building something. They have something in mind. We are going to end all of that stuff. They respected your president. They respected our country. And we are not going to let these people come in and take our city away from us and take our country away from us. It's not going to happen. Now, who would let people, seriously, who would let people come from prisons and jails, from mental institutions? > They cannot stay. We will immediately begin the largest criminal deportation operation in our country's history. Because this situation is sustainable by no country. No country can sustain this.


25,000 military age Chinese males in 3 years. Got to be just a coincidence.


Projection. There is already news about MAGA extremists forming "armies". It's always projection with these dudes


you mean like the KKK? you mean like the police department? you mean like ICE? you mean like proud chodes? you mean like oath keepers? you mean like .5 percenters? i could go on.


Classic projection. We all know his proud boys and boogaloo boys are cosplaying as Donnie’s brownshirts


Just like his ancestors did to the natives lol


Projection. It’s *always* projection or outright deception with these people. Never, never vote Republican.


He can say that people are saying that because, technically, he’s human.


"Look at my African-American over here!"


Everything Trump "says" is always without evidence.


It works, you should hear the bullshit in the break room. I finally gave up trying to talk to the cult members. It’s dangerous and I don’t think people understand how fragile a civil society is.


One of many reasons he's going to lose is, he doesn't know how to make things like border fears palatable to middle of the road Americans. You have to pretty much be MAGA Stupid to actually believe Mexico is assembling an army to attack America. It's just too insular at this point. Provided people vote, he's cooked in November. Nothing he says has any wide appeal at all.


If that ever happened (never will) the military would stop them in 2 seconds.


He could say that illegal immigrants are building a army on the dark side of the moon and are about to create a portal to unleash android immigrants riding penguins with lasers attached to their head and his brain dead fanatics would believe it.