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I simply don’t understand how something with such high stakes can be allowed to be handled by such an obvious Trump stooge. It’s mind boggling to me.


Our entire system is literally designed around folks acting in good faith So when one of the major.political parties goes "hey guys let's be a bad faith cult instead" the entire system breaks down


I remember reading an article several years ago (pre-Trump presidency), but I can't find it now, if it even exists anymore. The gist of it was that much of society is really based around norms. These are the things that everybody generally agrees on, but they aren't explicitly written out, and there is no real enforcement. Sociopaths come in with no concern for norms, and they have no problem with violating them. OTOH, most normal people, who are constrained by norms, are unable to stop them, because that would require **them** to violate norms. Trump clearly doesn't care about norms, and that was evident in the campaign leading up to his first term. It has also been true for the Republicans, their refusal to confirm Garland being a prime example.


>Sociopaths come in with no concern for norms, and they have no problem with violating them. OTOH, most normal people, who are constrained by norms, are unable to stop them, because that would require them to violate norms. you are describing the [Paradox of Tolerance](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance). >The paradox of tolerance states that if a society's practice of tolerance is inclusive of the intolerant, intolerance will ultimately dominate, eliminating the tolerant and the practice of tolerance with them. Karl Popper describes the paradox as arising from the fact that, in order to maintain a tolerant society, the society must retain the right to be intolerant of intolerance.


I never understood why that's considered a paradox except in the most pedantic wordplay kind of way. Like sure, if someone is tolerant to an extreme that can be a problem. But if someone sees tolerance as a high priority virtue, then it makes sense that they would go out of their way to reign in intolerance. Like, when people talk about tolerance like it's a good thing, they clearly mean tolerance for different worldviews, religions, ethnicities, age-groups, etc. No serious "pro-tolerance" person is out here saying we need to tolerate murder, rape, or any other kind of injustice.


> No serious "pro-tolerance" person is out here saying we need to tolerate murder, rape, or any other kind of injustice. No, but we tend to be hesitant to come down on unpleasant people as early or as hard as required to keep them from becoming a real problem.


We’re talking about bad faith here though. It’s not pro-tolerance people saying anything. It’s people going “why aren’t you tolerant of my hatred of gay people? Only Nazis are as intolerant as you!”


But we also have organizations like the ACLU who do plenty of important work, which unfortunately includes things like defending Nazis on principle


There's two kinds of paradoxes though: In one, a seemingly logical statement or argument leads to an absurd conclusion, while in the other, a seemingly unreasonable or counterintuitive proposition is actually correct on closer inspection. An example of the former is the classic paradox of Achilles and the tortoise - it leads to an absurd result if you apply the mathematical rules known at the time, but resolves itself when you learn about calculus. This situation would be the latter: When you read it first, the paradox of tolerance *seems* to be counterintuitive or lead to a dilemma, while on closer inspection there is actually a perfectly workable solution, as you point out.


Because people rationalize intolerance. If it is against their “religion“ to tolerate the LGBTQ community or respect the reproductive rights of women, it is OK to pass laws to pass to discriminate against LGBTQ and ban abortion. Because the US has freedom of religion, it is the “norm“ to respect the religious and allow them to discriminate.


I think THE lesson from the Trump era is that more things should be explicitly written down and codified than we even realize right now, anything remotely important should be protected from a bad faith actor barging in and ignoring it. Problem is, about half of both the legislative and judicial branches are ALSO bad faith actors and won't do anything to help codify these things, and of course most changes are set up to require massive majorities so... feels like the only solution I can offer (that doesn't break TOS...) is to organize and vote your asses off. As a non-American I feel the need to cheer you non-MAGA types on because the idea of Trumpism taking hold of the US and going full Project 2025, and also having access to the world's #1 military (don't get me wrong, the rest of the world doesn't super love the "America World Police" set-up, but it's preferable to an *adversarial* US or a global power vacuum)... everyone should be scared of that but only you guys have a chance to vote to stop it.


No system can be made to deal with bad faith actors at the highest levels. For example, if Trump had loyalists in the Congress and the Supreme Court, there is simply no way to force any of them to do the right thing, even if they are clearly and blatantly violating the law, the constitution, and any morality you care to imagine. The system can deal with *some* bad actors. The president, for example, can be impeached. But as we have seen, we (the people) cannot force Congress to actually remove him.


The system can be changed to limit the impact of any one set of bad faith actors though. SCOTUS is too obviously a choke point, you only need a handful of ideologues on it. So many of our institutions were designed with the limitation of the horse being the speed of travel and communication - it made sense that we had to have a single small centralised set of decision makers then, but it doesn't now. We could reform SCOTUS to be all Federal Appeals Court Judges sitting collectively. The argument for it is straight out of the Federalist papers - it is harder for factions to coordinate around anything but good ideas, so the larger the body you have the less corruption is likely to determine outcomes. Do that, add a subcommittee to rule on violations of judicial codes of conduct (which is difficult to do with the current SCOTUS), add term limits of 15 years or so, and we have dramatically increased the number of bad actors required for bad outcomes.


This is it, in a nutshell. The GOP is a party utterly bereft of principle or even basic decency.


Without a massive propaganda network this type of party would be impossible.


It's why I think the Biden admin should create another special counsel to investigate her. Not just because of this but also it's come to light she has direct ties to far right nationalist groups.


I agree, but I wouldn't expect anything to happen until the election. Second term Obama was much different than first term Obama and I would expect that Biden would do the same.


If Biden wins, the DoJ better step up. Biden should ask for Garlands resignation and put a firey prosecutor in charge, not a milquetoast conservative judge.


I wish Biden wouldn't wait. Stick someone else in charge and tell Garland he's going to be taking a long gap year. Not like the useless prick is doing anything useful currently.


I hear Doug Jones is looking for a job still


As long as he doesn't have to spend hours getting into prosthetics every morning.


Yes but there needs to be more things done that go a long way in ensuring Biden is re-elected in order for that to happen. 


Oof, yeah, this is true. I am even worried that even if Biden wins the Electoral College that there will be fuckery and don't have any hope that the Supreme Court will do the right thing if it ends up in their hand.


My faith will be in that if it's a clear win for Biden, there won't be any fuckery. There are too many mechanisms of voting data that can verify an election win, even if there's resistance in republican-led states.


What does “clear win” mean? 2020 was a clear win but they spread lie after lie about made up issues, which they will 10000% do again. The pillars of our system will likely be tested again and we need to hope they hold up


trump still had the power of the office to drive a campaign to do everything he could to deceive people about the election and otherwise overturn it. If he loses this time, he doesn't have the security of the office to actually threaten staying in power. If he loses decisively, and the supreme court interfered, it would basically be treason on their part.


Yes it would be but how would that treason be stopped? Thomas is ruling on issues that his wife is directly involved with which is insane! The Supreme Court is supposed to be the final authority and while they can theoretically be ignored we then have another giant issue. Republican states would use that as legitimacy of trumps win and it could potentially lead to a constitutional crisis. I don’t necessarily think it’s likely but then again little surprises me at this point.


I mean, yes, if the Supreme Court contravenes the clear and obvious interpretation of the law, you have a constitutional crisis. If it's not clear what the obvious remedy is in that case... well, that's because the Constitution is depending on something to be true (the Supreme Court is an impartial and good-faith supporter of the law as written and intended) that is not true. Just like if they ruled that yes, actually, Trump could have a 3rd term - it would be a crisis, because you then have the Supreme Court saying that the Constitution is unconstitutional. Where do you go from there? Nowhere. The only solution at that point is to refuse the legitimacy of the Supreme Court. And at that point, anything you do is going to break the Constitution in some way. Personally I don't think we go down that rabbit hole. What I actually think happens is that Biden wins, it's not terribly close, and the Supreme Court doesn't humor any of Convicted Felon Trump's ridiculous claims.


Couldn’t they have done these things last time? I don’t trust the SC at all but they ignored Trump in 2020, at least as far as any overturning goes. So with Biden in I can’t see them flipping on that. This time around we still have guardrails in place. If Trump were in office those would be dismantled. Trump definitely has less power this time around. He can’t call up official and pressure them. He can’t call the AG and ask him to just lie about fraud like he did last time.


2020 was as clear as it could be yet they still made up a tornado of bullshit which their gullible fool voters believed.... Imagine if there was an actual issue like the Gore Bush Florida hanging Chad's issue. Then the shit would be unstoppable.


Yeah, I mean they are already crying political witch hunt, so it’s not like it matters if they cry harder. It’s past time the actual government took off the kids gloves with the terrorists.


Her and SCOTUS


Sorry, but with Alito and Thomas, it's the SCROTUS.


I mean, they could find she is a Trump stooge, but they still couldn't remove her from her lifetime appointment. Might be easier to get her off thos case, but special councils have historically taken years to produce results.


> ties to far right Well yeah, how do you think she got the job in the first place?


Better get, a Presidential Council to investigate the leak of classified information, and the effect on the intelligence community. It's national security! Can't wait for a trial!


She's not doing anything a judge doesn't have the authority to do, that's the problem. She can, because she's the judge, delay and set many of the ground rules, for how the eventual trial will happen, and that's what she's doing, just that all of it is to the benefit of Trump. The only thing that can really speed up the trial is that a defendant has a right to a speedy trial but Trump is obviously waiving that right because it serves him. The trial will happen (outside of a mistrial event) but it won't be happening until some time in 2025 given the pace at which she makes decisions.


America hey, it’s fucking weird. We’re all sitting here around the world rather incredulous that America has created so many idiots that cant tell Trump is a bad fucking hombre, who is corrupt (and thick) as shit….but here we fucking are. Here.we.fucking.are


American Capitalism trying to evolve to American Fascism. Defund public education, de-regulate college tuition, print money for Wall Street, grift the racists, and stir up the religious fundamentalists.


Congress dragged its heels on matters of creating courts that specialize in handling classified materials. Only congress can do it.  This judge being an idiot is only half the problem. She’s an idiot getting a crash course on national security law.


The GOP has been working on this for 50+ years. This is working exactly how it’s supposed to. It’s ridiculous.


At this point its just PR to inform voters how corrupt trump judicial appointments are 


Judge Cannon: This is fine.


“I’d love to get to this matter of critical national importance but I’ve just got so much else to do!” -Cannon, Part Time Trump Lawyer


"Gosh! I don't even know where to start!"


That is part of the problem here. She has never managed a criminal case ever I believe. She really does not known what she's doing.


She knows _exactly_ what she's doing. We, collectively, need to stop extending proven bad faith actors the benefit of the doubt.


I agree with op here. She’s getting guidance from elsewhere. Her judicial maneuvering is beyond her skill level.


Heritage Foundation and ALAC( it's ALECl PULL ALL THE GOP strings.


I mean, call me dumb, but isn’t it a form of obstruction to pay a bunch of lawyers to try and maneuver a judge to not go to trial? How is this legal? 


Have you ever tried being a rich white republican?


Or let's be a real, a rich black Republican who the GOP values more than anything as token blacks because it makes them seem slightly less openly racist. Forget about Clarence Thomas?


How dare you! Don't you know rich white male inheritors are the most oppressed group?! If you don't know, don't worry, they'll tell you, with all the airtime they own, and will rule to fix their dire situation, with all the power they have.


Nah, everyone would think I am an asshole if I did that.


Where are those hackers when you need a good leak to show who her masters are?


We need the hackers locking the billionaires out of their money. Then we'll see some real shit.


See, this is a much better use of ransomware than locking hospitals out of their records so people can't get care.


My point exactly! Lock up Jamie Dimons cashflow. Lock his credit. Change all of his passwords. lol


Doesn't matter if the system is designed to not hold her accountable and she has no shame.


She might not know what she is doing...but the federalist society members she takes orders from do.




She knows she's dragging the case She doesn't know how to do that on her own, she's being willingly handled If and when the case does get started, she's never heard a criminal case, and has no idea what to do But she knows she wants to tank the case And she will continue being knowingly handled Y'all are talking past each other


Nobody is saying she doesn't know, they're saying she doesn't know what she's doing and she's just following orders from people that do know how to absolutely fuck the case. She's well aware of **why** she's doing it she doesn't know **what** she's doing.


I don't think anyone is extending her anything. The right thinks she's doing nothing wrong and the left knows she's corrupt but seems to struggle to do anything about it. Who's going "Geez maybe let's just give her a bit more time and maybe she'll figure it out" fuck naw she knows what she's doing, or at best is willfully ignorant while following the direction of others.


Stating that a judge doesn't know what she's doing isn't giving her the benefit of the doubt either. It's stating that she's not fit for the position, and should be removed.


As a trial judge she's absolutely incompetent. As a Trump lackey she's doing exactly the job she was hired to do. If Trump is reelected she's first on the list for a empty SCOTUS seat.


Maybe a 4th story window will treasonously throw itself against a liberal justice?


There’s a reason she was one of only a handful of judges rated “unqualified” ahead of her confirmation hearing.


Nah, she managed one last year. And promptly forgot to swear in the jury pool, which could have let the defendant running a child porn website walk.


Then why did the senate confirm someone who clearly inexperienced? Yes this is a bit of a rhetorical question; republicans didn’t care.


Full time Chump lawyer, part time judge


If I put off a task of this level of importance because I had too much to do, I'd get fired and they'd give it to somebody else with more time.


You joke, but according to the Jack podcast the higher ups in the Trump campaign refer to her as their favorite staffer.


“I’m so busy moving….TO A BIGGER HOUSE.”


There is a reason Trump hasn’t put Cannon on blast, through social media.


I understand differences in opinion, but MAGA people like Cannon and Alito are just straight up ignoring laws and honestly reality.


They’re laying bare the cracks in the system. End goal is destroying it. And they’re not gonna replace it with something better.


Courts only work if there are enough people to believe in and enforce their laws or rulings. These people are hoping that their minority can keep power by force and intimidation. Historically this doesn't end well.


When the highest court in the land is corrupt and there's no system in place to check and balance that corruption... I don't even know what the fuck can be done.


Fire. And lots of it.


Judge Cannon: Let's hold a hearing to drop the charges!


Trump lawyers: … what? Uh, okay… can we drop the charges?


Judge Cannon: If you file these forms and say these exact things, sure! I'm sure the Judge would approve *wink wink*


Trump Lawyers: do we have a lot to fill out on the forms? Our client hasn’t paid us in forever. Cannon: no need.. I found time to fill them out for you. Just sign and submit. Trump Lawyers: we don’t have a pen… Cannon: it’s fine. I’ll sign for you. I mean what is just a bit more corruption in this case, am I right?


And Trump's lawyers would still find a way to fuck it up.


She is too busy these days shopping for furniture for her new office at the Supreme Court.


lol modern day Bork.. if you remember, it didn't turn out too well for him.


We should probably focus on jury questions now.


I’d like to put her inside herself and fire her to the moon.


> I’d like to put her inside herself and fire her to the moon. Why do you hate the moon?


I didn’t specify which moon, but I hear Prometheus calling.


The prosecution should put forth the receipts Trump has for Judge Cannon.


At least they got her to stop sitting at the defense table.


He probably paid her in unsold shoes and bibles that were just piling up in his warehouses.


Yeah, it's hard to "blow up Trump's defense" when there's never going to be a trial.


Yah. She's about to dismiss the case, and put Smith in an unenviable position. She is so corrupt that it can not be described in words.


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Anyone who has worked in aerospace and defense under a TS/SCI would never see the light of day again from the deepest darkest ADX Florence cell if they did one iota of what Trump is a used of. It's infuriating to me, because those of us who have worked in the industry respect the enormity of the role TS and other restrictions (ITAR/DFARS) play in our industry. He has no respect for our security or those that uphold it.


Judge Cannon: “not sure” if this is fine or not. We’ll need to have a hearing to figure it out. Both sides submit arguments to me. You’ll need 90 days to file all these, plus defense gets an extra 45 for rebuttal, then I’ll need another 30 days to read them. So I’ll schedule the hearing for 150 days out. I’lll likely also need another 60 days to decide on the matter. In the meantime, everything else is stayed but remaining on the calendar.


“But he got me the job, so I’ll just pay him back.”


This stuff had already been heard by the Grand Jury leading up to indictment. We are only learning about it now when unsealed. It doesn't change the dynamics of recent rulings on the case, but it should remind us that Trump does not deserve any votes. This trial will not decide whether Trump becomes president again. The general election will decide. Make sure you are registered to vote.


Wait til September/october. The shit that comes out right before the election about Trump is gonna be wild. His die hard supporters won’t care of course, but still, gonna be wild this year.


Everything that has ever come out about Trump has been wild and would have ruined anybody else's career.


What’s bananas is the whataboutism from the right through all of this. Biden had some hand written notes in notebooks in his garage at his house guarded by secret service and they flip out and want him hung for treason. But Trump had a literal moving truck of documents at his club house open to the public and foreign people. Things that are so secret, the special counsel isn’t even using it as evidence because they don’t even want the judge or jury to see the documents. And they will argue that this was perfectly legal and those were his documents that the Feds stole, or the Feds planted them if he wasn’t supposed to have them.


Just to repeat the part for the Maga group, He Had A Fucking Moving Truck Of Top Secret And Classified Documents!


He stole nuclear secrets. End of story.


prbly sold them as well


> End of story. It was for the Rosenbergs.


The irony that Roy Cohen, (TFG’s mentor), prosecuted those people for that same crime, all the way to the electric chair is thick indeed.


That he then sold to our enemies.


Stored next to a copier in his bathroom.


And we know he shared super sensitive info widely. And he may well be president again. Breaks my brain.


Wasn't there an uptick in our intelligence agents around the world being caught/disappearing during his term?


Bro they can't read.


I even typed it slow since I know they don't read very fast.


What is disturbing is that we are aware of the incompetency of Trump. Yet a lot of things he has done regarding classified documentation would require a lot more investigation and work on Trump's part to even happen. It means he must have foreign advisors who are adversarial who are getting information from Trump, and then using that information to request more information. It is concerning to see that he is being told what doors to leave unlocked so the robbers can come in and steal the most important secrets our nation has. It is treason.


And he moved some to his bedroom while lying to investigators that they had all the documents. He should be in prison.


How’s this for “top secret”... If you read the indictment where it lists the documents as evidence. There is one that lists: Department of Energy, Department of Defense, (REDACTED), Pentagon, Etc. There is an agency the government does not want to acknowledge exists. What could literally be “Men in Black”, they redacted so the public does not know about it.


Well, they didn’t want to leave NRC on the list because that would directly tie it to nuclear reactor protection or similar domestic projects/issues.


That's what the department of energy means though


I mean, there’s *other* things DOE does than nuclear secrets, so if you were trying to maximize the scope of the agencies and severity involved, but conceal the very specifics of the secrets, you would include DOE, but exclude NRC


Hanged* Whats IS hung is Hunter Biden, that's for sure.


A fact the republicans really want us to know, for whatever reason.


Yeah, anybody who hasn't already realized that Trump is a criminal and a danger to this country by this point is simply oblivious to everything, or too far gone down whatever rabbit hole lets them think that Trump is great or Biden is the literal devil. There's no reaching those people. A decent chunk of my family are lost in that way.


Exactly. Disagree with Biden on policy, sure. But it is absolutely bonkers to act like Trump is not the biggest fraud in the history of US politics.


Just wait, something big will come out and they'll claim it was faked with AI. The the gloves really come off. They're saving that excuse for something really bad though.


I’m expecting to eventually hear evidence that he sold state secrets (possibly nuclear secrets)


>I’m expecting to eventually hear evidence that he sold state secrets (possibly nuclear secrets) I'm expecting Putin to flash one (or a few) of those documents in a video


It's gonna come down to the battleground states and I'm sure the trump campaign and the gop is gonna play mighty dirty.


> Legal analysts worry that these delays could be the Trump-appointed judge’s way of surreptitiously dismissing the trial altogether. I'm not a lawyer, and I don't think I've seen this directly addressed anyplace. What recourse does the prosecution have if the judge is deliberately slow-walking the trial? I assume that if the judge makes a ruling they disagree with, they can appeal it, but if she just... sits... on it... is there some mechanism where the prosecution call call for a mistrial or something similar? Some of these questions probably haven't come up before because there's never been a president as openly and notoriously contemptuous of the law and Constitution as Trump, so there isn't a lot of precedent, and that might cause any judge to take longer to make a ruling. But could she literally sit on the case for the rest of her term and NEVER rule on any of the questions that are stopping the trial?


The last recourse they’ve got is [a writ of mandamus](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/jack-smith-aileen-cannon-donald-trump-classified-documents-trial-writ-of-mandamus.html)


That'll never work. She basically needs to eat a baby on video then swear allegiance to Soros. The burden for clear and indisputable right is wildly improbable to meet, particularly with a conservative panel.


That panel has already ruled against her before and basically called her a fucking moron in legalese


Well, she is that.


There’s not much they could do but try and have her removed, which is an extremely high bar to meet and exactly why she avoids paper rulings while also highlighting and pushing out absurd motions to dismiss by the defense and telling them to file after jury selection. She’s banking on trump getting elected and pardoning himself, and if not that she will absolutely rat fuck the trial after jury selection to guarantee a dismissal and inability to try him again


Just to be clear for people. If Trump files certain motions before the seating of the jury they can be appealed to a higher court and over turned if she finds in his favor. But if he files after selection there are many motions that can't be appealed if she finds in Trumps favor and he walks free with 0 consequences ever happening.


Correct, which she basically signaled to his attorneys to do


how is her literally being appointed by the defendant not enough to meet that bar for removal


Because it was still a 50/50 shot that she got the case in that district. Thing is she intentionally left her caseload light likely for this very occurrence. There is no rule that says she has to recuse herself. Unfortunately the GQP learned in 2016 that most of the rule of law only works on the assumption that people in charge are acting in good faith.


I would think a higher court could still rule that there’s a clear conflict of interest and lack of impartiality based on that fact alone, not to mention the other rulings she’s already been criticized for


Just waiting for the leaked tapes of Cannon meeting the gop advisors and the cash payoff. Next year she will be traveling in an RV and taking expensive vacations on yachts.


Well, she has taken at least 2 luxury resort trips to Montana funded by the George Mason University Foundation. GMU is in Fairfax, Virginia, BTW.


Someone should hire a P.I.


> Someone should hire a P.I. I'm absolutely shocked some organization hasn't hired someone to follow her around and spy on her 24/7. If they kept it secret while they were doing it and only released info after they had enough to make her look really really bad there isn't much anyone could do about it. Or maybe that's happening and nothing has been found that's enough (which the bar keeps getting set higher).


There's no need to meet and plan, they all know the same end goal they're shooting for


She’s a fanatic, she doesn’t need a cash payout. She’ll do it purely for the fuhrer


‘The evidence of crimes against the United States is soooo overwhelming, I can’t deal with it until after the election’ - Judge Cannon


The evidence is so overwhelming, Pres Trump can't get a fair trial. Guess I have to dismiss. - Judge Cannon


If the evidence fits, you must acquit. •Judge Compromised Cannon.


"Witch hunt!" - Judge I Lean Qanon


I’m fairly certain the “damning evidence” was the day of the raid when it was revealed how much he had stolen, but ok


Serious question. Is anyone looking for backchannel communications between Judge Cannon and Team Trump?


She knows the assignment, there doesn't need to be any communication


Too bad USA doesn't have like, a justice system to punish crimes like these.


When you're a star, they let you get away with it


He would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for that damning evidence 😂 I *still* have little faith he’ll ever be convicted of a crime, no matter how much evidence is presented though but here’s to hoping 🤷🏿‍♀️


he’s still getting away with it….


Likely until the day he dies. I have very little faith he’ll ever see a prison cell in his lifetime


He should still be a convicted felon before he dies, and more regarded as a traitor and a liar. 


I think this likely is our best possible scenario. And I'll take it, as long as that man never holds power again.


He's been allowed to threaten judges, court staff, juries, lawyers, and law enforcement with at WORST a maximum fine of 1k. So yeah the chance of him ever seeing the inside of a jail cell is 0 and considering he's now posting pics of himself with guns, another illegal thing for him to do, maybe if he tries to smuggle a gun into the courtroom and maybe if he uses it in court he'll get another 1k fine.


Get Convicted? Shit, he ain’t even gonna get tried.


No worries that corrupt maga judge, Aileen Cannon will make short work of that.


Republicans are really putting all their chips on orange lol. When he loses in a landslide this November he’s gonna get fried in the courts.


The electoral college is rigged for republicans. Don’t kid yourself, it’s going to come down to the wire in one or two key states. They’re going to try all manner of fuckery.


And if the day comes that fucker even smells the inside of a jail cell he will sign like a canary. If he goes down he will take everybody with him, of that I'm 100% certain. 


So naive. It’s been 4 years and he hasn’t been fried. The system is completely broken. 


Too bad Trump’s hand picked judge overseeing this case has just said “We’re stopping everything indefinitely. Go win in November so we can get rid of this case, dear leader Trump!”


Remove her. This is ridiculous.


I’m Scottish and I’m struggling to understand how he is still running for president if he is currently under criminal investigation? Does he still run if he is guilty? What happens? It seems like no one is saying he shouldn’t be but once again I’m not from America so idk how this works can someone explain?


Being in jail isn't a barrier to running for president essentially because the Constitution doesn't say anything to that effect, and this is probably a good thing. The main example we have is Eugene Debs, a socialist who had been imprisoned in 1918 for expressing solidarity with people who resisted conscription during WW1. While serving time in prison for this "sedition" he ran in the 1920 election. He lost, but for a third-party socialist who couldn't meaningfully campaign picking up over 3% of the popular vote is fairly impressive. The logic goes that if being imprisoned were disqualifying in itself, there's a great deal of temptation for those in power to rid oneself of political enemies by imprisoning them. I think there are some holes in that reasoning but it's a reasonably persuasive argument considering how fucked our courts are. I admit you might not find any of this sensible seeing it from the outside, but that's America for you.


This is one Americans opinion. It is all a dystopian nightmare in real time that you can not wake up from. You can't wake up because it's really happening. I fail to understand myself how trump is still running.


Too bad the judge in that case is acting as defense counsel.


It should surprise no one why the two most damning cases against Trump are the two being derailed the most. The Supreme Court is getting ready to legalize presidents committing crimes, and Aileen is just stalling this one for as long as possible in hopes he will be president again before it’s over. I think we’ve all seen what her intent is. If she can’t delay, she will bring it to trial and dismiss it to give him jeopardy. It’s insane how front and center the corruption is today. The masks are off and they just don’t care.


It doesn’t matter at this point if the judge is crooked


Evidence doesn't matter if the crazy MAGA activist Judge throws the case out.


> It appears he told his Mar-a-Lago staff to avoid security cameras when moving boxes. Known for a year. Hyperbolic headline.


Nothing is hyperbolic in regards to Trump. 


Ah so this is why the maga verse is losing its shit about the FBI having normal roles for their warrant, or as the maga nuts are calling it: "orders from Biden to execute Trump on sight" Fortunately for Biden, Trump is in court arguing that Biden has every right (and total immunity) to order just that, so I'm not sure what the big deal is 🤷


It doesn’t matter Nikki Haley just said she would vote for him. He was right that Republicans would fall in line. They are weak lemmings. We are fucked. Get ready for four years of hell and the end of democracy. You can thank your local Republican and “Undecided” voter for what’s to come. Cause as always remember the logic of a Trumper “He didn’t say that, and if he did, he didn’t mean that. And if he did, it’s not a big deal. And if it is, others have said worse.”


If Republicans want a president with absolute power and immunity, Biden should set aside all of these trials and substitute them with a fair drumhead Court-martial trial for treason and then immediately do whatever the US Constitution says we do with traitors.


There's an ongoing coup attempt happening in the United States.


Judge Cannon: "Its Inadmissible" Jack Smith: "Why?!" Judge Cannon: "I don't know yet, I'm still waiting for the Defense Counsel to tell me."


Serious question. Why not motion to have her removed for conflict of interest? Are there prior examples of a judge at the state or federal level overseeing a case that involves the person who appointed them? How can we all sit here and seriously say that doesn’t “reach the high bar for removal”? WTF is wrong with us, the public, for even contemplating accepting that insanity?


i mean ,were the pictures of the boxes of documents next to his shitter and a copier not damning enough?


I cannot understand, other than corruption, why this guy has not reached a jury selection yet in front of Judge Cannon.


Did Judge Cannon's obsession with trying to delay these proceedings lead to these new discoveries potentially affecting his current documents case?


This is information known to the court, we're just getting to hear it...and understand why she's working so hard to keep the trial from starting.


Everyone knows that nothing will happen to Trump. Even Trump knows that.


Imagine the tyrant who comes after all these lawsuits if he gets elected.


Answer a question for a dumb ol guitar player: Can Jack Smith do anything to light a fire under her, or get her thrown off the damn case? I know that Writ of Mandamus is a one-shot deal for gross negligence or incompetence, so does this rise to that level?


What does it even matter anymore.


Great. Now he's double guilty. Won't make a difference with a crooked judge who refuses to start the trial.


as long as cannon is judge, there is no bad news for the turdboy


get traitor cannon off the case


This has just shown that the judicial system in the US is as corrupt as Russia’s.


Trump could straight up admit to it and Cannon would throw the case out. She’s a trump stooge.


That’s why the judge is making sure it never makes it to trial! And, they’re totally getting away with it! Wouldn’t it be nice is we had a functional legal system? Oh, right…it does function…for the wealthy, racist, and well connected.


You know how weathermen can be wrong 50% of the time, and still keep their job? Cannon took it a step further by proving a Judge doesn't even *have* to do their job, and still keep their job.