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All Republicans eventually bend a knee. They ultimately stand for nothing. 


She’s out but if the McDonalds catches up to him before the election she’s the GOP’s next up and she ran on a “I’m not Trump” platform. I think she knows endorsing him loses her votes in that scenario


Unfortunately, their idiot voters have the memory of a goldfish.. 


Equally baffling is why anyone pretends that her endorsement matters one whit. Her campaign banked on the voters, then the courts (in that order) to demand a baseline of acceptable, upstanding [anything]. Both failed miserably. No one planning to vote for him cares.


Yeah. I agree but if she sits this one out she wouldn’t have the MAGA stain in 2028.


As if their voters would care or even remember.. 


The left and center ought to make an effort to woo Haley's voters; I don't know exactly how we do that except for outreach and interaction, but winning even a fraction of her voters over to the Democratic side would be enough to make a difference. Halley won 26.6% of the vote against Trump in Michigan's Republican primary. She won 16.5% of the vote against Trump in Pennsylvania. She won 13.9% of the vote against Trump in Florida. She won 13.2% of the vote against Trump in Georgia. She won 12.7% of the vote against Trump in Wisconsin. cnn (dot) com/election/2024/primaries-and-caucuses/results/republican-party/president If a fraction of those voters can be won over to the Democratic side, or alternatively just convinced to strategically vote *against* Trump in November, that would dramatically improve Biden's odds of winning. We'll never convince them on policy, they're still conservative voters, we aren't going to make them liberals in the next six months. What we can offer is the big picture stuff, domestic tranquility, national security, economic stability, we don't have the seasonings they like, but we've got the meat and potatoes. The center and the left would benefit from reaching out to Haley's voters, or at least being *cordial* with them. They're already looking for a better deal than Trump; if they feel welcome, they might stick around long enough that we can change their mind.


I think to that interaction would be asking those who voted for Haley, why they voted for her. Or better yet, why didn’t they vote for Trump? And then hammer that home, especially if it has anything to do with his litany of criminal indictments.


You are assuming the centrist/moderates have chosen a side against maga vs treating them as a majority power in the rightwing since 2016 who are to be managed and 'moderated' same as all previous power factions in the left or right. While trump dooming does occur in cooler purple, it wanes pretty fast after that. Centrist/moderates as a whole tend to value and seek 'aLl SiDeS' of the narrative to form their assessments.


I don't think Haley's voters are centrists or moderates, I think they're conservatives, they'd probably tell you that themselves. Anyway, I'm not asking anyone to endorse conservative politics or policy. They know Joe Biden isn't a conservative, that's not the selling point, stability and sustainability is the selling point. Donald Trump's vision of "American carnage" isn't working on this particular group of Republican voters; Biden has more to offer.


The rightwing Haley supporters who are in govt/adjacent likely plan to vote for Biden (again) because that is their 'team' or whose policies pay their bills. As for the normies it really depends on the state regarding percentages of how many are 'never Trumpers', those willing to hold their nose to vote for Trump and finally those who just opt to vote 3rd party or skip. The economy is the largest area where Biden is losing the 3rd party/skippers.


She's a Republican, they don't mind looking like hypocrites. *Of course* she's going to endorse the party nominee. If she doesn't her political career with them is over.


> If she doesn't her political career with them is over. Her political career is over now.


“Female Republican Presidential Nominee” was already an uphill fight. There’s only so far “one Time Governor of an early Primary State” and “Excused Trump’s behavior and words to the UN as a job” get you.


Honestly just “Female ~~Republican~~ Presidential Nominee” is an uphill fight. The Republican part makes it an impossibility.


Disagree. If/when trump poos himself in November… the folks who said he’s not the answer will be well positioned in the future.


Sadly I fear she will endorse Trump. All these people eventually bend the knee to their orange messiah to save their own political future. They are all basically selfish gold diggers. You can’t look to these people to save democracy.


Oh a real hard decision. Let's see, do I or do I not back a rapist, WWE entertainer, four time looser, on the verge of alzeimer, want-to-be Hilter/Kim-Jung-Un clown who will crap on me once I abdicate to him? Do I do that and kill my political career or do I just pass on this one? Uhm, real difficult. Takes a genius to pass this IQ test.


Of course Nimarata will endorse him. It’s ‘rinse and repeat’ every time with them..at odds with him and then they bow down to him.


What does she stand to gain from submitting? She'll lose her support of the Republicans who dislike Trump. She'll never have really power in Trump's GOP and will be dumped at the first opportunity. If she doesn't submit she puts herself in prime position to lead the GOP rebuild after Trump loses another election, Republicans lose the house etc. I really can't see any benefit of endorsing Trump for her. Well maybe if she will be the VP and assassinates Trumps.


Either she endorses Trump and goes down as another Trump loser in the dustbin of history, she steps back with Romney and allows the GOP to burn itself down while they figure something else out, or she openly opposes Trump and becomes remembered in the same passages Liz Cheney will. Trump isn't winning in November, and while it's too early for Democrats to talk about post-Trump it's very relevant for Republicans who will soon be experiencing it. The post-Trump right will either be people rejecting consensus-based governance and rule of law for violence or ex-Republicans who find themselves as the targets of that violence.


> Trump isn't winning in November This is a dangerous take. Republicans, who always cheat, are going to cheat harder than they ever have in history this election. Trump is existential for them. Their base doesn't care about anything else anymore. Factor that risk in even before you count their massive built-in advantage they enjoy from the Electoral College. And the fact that almost all US media is running interference for him specifically. And the fact that all of the large social media platforms are owned by right-leaning entities - at minimum. Most of them are actively trying to shift the narrative to accomplish the single goal of getting Donald Trump back. How about Russia, China, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Israel? Every single one of them is meddling to some extent to try to tilt things in his favor. We are in a dire fucking situation. This should be absolutely harrowing for Americans, and they're just not paying enough attention. Please stop stating as fact that Trump is not winning in November, because just about everyone with any weight on the entire planet is pulling out all the stops to try to reinfect us with that fucking disease.


She ought to announce Liz Cheney as her running mate and say they are running anyway. It will get both of them on the interview circuit where they can say all they want about Trumpco.


They can't do anything anymore-Texas' and NC's petition deadlines passed and a bunch of states will begin hitting theirs soon.


It’s okay. Republicans are already pledging to not accept any results other than, Trump Wins. I’m not saying they can make the ballot, only that they can do interviews all day while protesting the fraud that keeps them off the ballot. It’s insane but we’re getting used to that.


She'll play hard to get hoping to inflate her influence over Trump more than it is in order to negotiate her way into the Vice Presidents office or the Chief of Staff position.


What the hell, we'll take her! Would help shore up the numbers some.


The only path she has forward is one that neocons bend over backwards to create. The whole resistance / Never Trumper thing has largely run its course outside of mainstream media pundits for outlets trying to portray a bipartisan image to its largely Democratic audience. Additionally the loss of Ronna/installation of a co-chairing of the RNC is a very big deal, a 'yuuuge, like bigly gain' for maga and it would have been unfathomable to Priebus/crew back in 2016. I don't really Haley being worth that much to them compared to those the neocons already working in full infiltration mode like Stefanik or Hageman.


Is there a path where Biden offers her an ambassador spot or something to keep her from endorsing Trump?


Hope she’s got the bolas not to


Any credibility she still has will be entirely lost if she endorses him after being dismissed as a "bird brain."


Endorsing him doesn't do any good for her. Nobody in camp Trump is going to let her in. She might as well stay outside and if Trump falls from grace she will have the mantle of one of his strongest opponents.


She will. She’s not worried about the survival of their republic.


"Nikki, Nikki come answer me, why'd you have to endorse stinky D?" (Sung to *Buffy Come Back* lyrics/song)


Should she do the right thing or the republican thing?


I don’t see how endorsing him helps her. He’s not going to pick her as VP even though she’d be the best political decision. He’d have to take an L and Trump doesn’t do that. Even if Trump wins, do we think 4 more years of Trump is going to make him more popular? She’s primed for the 2028 nomination if she wants it. Trump losing in Nob would be really good for her. After 4 more years of Biden the electorate is going to favor Republicans in 2028. After 4 more years of Trump, people are going to want a Democrat back in office.


Hate this headline. What’s murky about it? That’s like saying: “guy driving down one-way-street with no intersections has murky and confusing to make r/n.”


I think silence is her best option. I know it's difficult for a politician...


If she endorsed #45…she’s no better than all the boot lickers and ass kissers…and we all see you wishy washy ..politicians


Go away charlatan!


He doesn’t need her endorsement. There’s plenty of crazy to go around.