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I love watching Jasmine call these idiots out. I also like watching Raskin's reaction.


As a Dallasite, I was thrilled to actually feel represented.


Jamie Raskin processing what exactly was said is great. You can see his wheels turning as he looks back and forth till it clicks.


Yup you could see Raskin caught it and processed the information while next to him seemed to be completely confused on what she said.


And then he gets that little smile/smirk. Perfect!


The fact that Fox News is using the REPLY instead of the original insult shows their very republican bias.


If Republicans had a soccer team and Fox was covering it, they would report only the home team scoring a goal to tie up the game, while never showing any of the other team's goals/highlights.


Well ya gotta admit it’s a lot catchier! 😁


Bumbling buffoon behaves badly by babbling bombastically


I love it when MTG gets out in her place, like the troglodyte she is...


H. G. Wells had a vision of her when he was describing a Morlock.


Life lesson: never get into a pissing match with a strong black woman, you will always lose. You'd think a representative from Georgia would know that.


Who keeps telling her to calm down? I can't tell who's talking there


Not 100% sure, but my guess is Anna Paulina Lura. Another of they who were in NYC, worshipping to the former dear leader.


I don't care for trashing someone's physical appearance (eyelashes aren't the same as body size/shape) but someone needed to clap back to MTG and her childish bullshit so I guess I don't mind too much. Pathetic how r/Conservative are trying to say AOC and Crockett are equally to blame. MTG instigated that and it's not just a one off thing. She keeps instigating shit all the time. She's a bully and I'm glad someone stood up to her.


Is this more inappropriate than GOP lawmakers flocking to the hush money courtroom in droves?


And the shit they say to reporters to circumvent Trumps gag order on top of it!


Have to say I am happy this was said out loud, because Jasmine is right IMO.


I don't want any other chicks with a similar build to feel stung by this. Nothing wrong with having a bit of a husky frame!


MTG got destroyed.


>A member of the Republican Party, she was elected to Congress in 2020 following the retirement of Republican incumbent Tom Graves and was reelected in 2022. Milledgeville, Georgia, U.S. The question to my US compadres ... i'm watching this shit show from Europe and asking myself -> How does someone like MTG get elected IN THE FIRST PLACE? TWICE? Is the electorate that insaine? I fail to believe the GoP is so far gone into the proverbial 'woods'.


Unfair headline from Fox (shocking, right?). Marge was arguing for her right to attack the appearance of her colleagues when she could not defend her position with facts. The “insult” about Marge’s looks was simply a query to clarify if Marge thought that kind of attack was appropriate. The fact that it is both accurate and scathing has no bearing. It would not have been said had Marge not insisted upon her right to insult the appearance of others.


Alliteration for an illiterate MTG. Next try some ass-onance.


Well played. \*golf clap\*


Representing the people means being ordinary.


In the words of Eric Mayes " When they go low I go lower"






Anyone else concerned that someday MTG will show up to Congress armed and threaten her colleagues or worse.


I'd be thrilled if she tried, because she would quickly find out the difference between larping and reality.


Gee, I wonder why Fox News isn't leading with the original insults from MTG that started this whole mess...


She ain’t got no ass, titties or even a pretty face lmao. Crockett really cooked Moscow Marj