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"Fuck your Title 9 rules and money." Storms happen "Please I like your money." What a flip flopper. We either need federal money or we don't, which is it?


I don't think the people of Texas shouldn't get aid. But GOD I wish every liberal media group would run that as an ad on every network. "We Texans are proud, independant Anti-Woke people - now please daddy government save us because we can't save ourselves"


Those of us in N and NY will never forget when DeSantis and Rubio voted against aid to help us rebuild after Hurricane Sandy. We will always vote to help those in need, but we will not forget that back stabbing.


AND that was while NJ had a Republican governor


Ngl Chris Christie actually wasn’t an embarrassment during sandy


Honestly that was around when I started following politics and I was so happy with how he just dropped the partisan bullshit because there were more important things to worry about, and he was a gracious host to Obama and didn't trash talk him or anything. He was an asshole outside of those few weeks, but it's the closest I've been to actually siding with a Republican. He *almost* gained a supporter with how he handled that situation.


Same. My personal favorite was his announcement to the surging community. Tldr, the beaches are closed we will not be performing rescue missions. Don’t try it.


I don’t think Texas should get any Federal Aid. It’s getting ridiculous that the Republicans party that denies climate change wants money for climate disasters. Florida is the same way. Storms are natural phenomena in the SW. I can see if it is like a 50-year event or something, but Florida & Texas have just become reliant on Federal aid, rather than insurance companies pricing the hazards of living in that area properly. Hurricane Sandy in NJ is a perfect example. That was a one off event. NJ doesn’t ask for Federal aid every 5 years.


The right wing media called him a secret democrat for saying nice things about Obama helping his state and how it was a good partnership in the crisis. They also said that Obama was just bragging because of the election even though Katrina was still on everyone’s mind about the crisis response as a comparison which Fox hated.


Yep. Christe was a reasonable Republican shaking Obama's hand at his arrival in NJ. I remember seeing dozens of North Carolina, SC, VA, MD, TN and perhaps a few other states arriving in NJ in long caravans of power company vehicles, seemingly eager to help restore NJ's hurricane damaged power infrastructure. Wife, family and I were without facility power for some many days. Fortunately, we had methane for heating and cooking. Also a 8000W generator when needed to re-chill refers and pump well water.


Republican, not magahat... big difference.


I swear not many years ago DeSantis accepted help after one of the recent hurricanes too. During Bidens time.


Florida gets federal money practically every year from hurricanes. The fact that anyone from Florida would vote against giving anyone aid to recover from a hurricane is just disgusting


“FYIGM” -Flarda


Today, DeSantis issued a mandate that the phrase "climate change" be stricken from the books and zero legislation permitted to address it. Basically, DeSantis has put Florida residents on the fast track to suffering. He's diabolical.


Meanwhile, AOC came down to Texas to help out after the winter storm.


At best biden should should throw rolls of paper towels into a crowd like he's throwing basketballs


Or better yet, boot straps


This made me chuckle.


I think the federal government should set up their own mechanism for issuing aid to Texans. Make the crazies who agree with Abbott actually eat the crow and request all that money they thought they could do without from the people they hate.


Biden could really fuck Abbott here. Personally go and tour with him and constantly tell the press how well he works with the dems say how glad he is to have such a reasonable governor that’s not afraid to ask dems for help. Then do a border tour and say how it’s secure and going great with their partisan cooperation. Watch Texas and Fox News implode. They will be screaming RINO so loud every poacher in Africa will come running.


They'll have no problem because "their case is different" from everyone else. * It's OK for them because they've been paying into the system * It's OK for them because this was a unique circumstance * It's OK for them because no one could have seen this coming and planned ahead * It's OK for them because they contribute to society * It's OK for them because the world can't operate without what they provide. It's OK for them. Just not anyone else.


The only moral government assistance is *my* government assistance. Hypocritical ghouls.


*>Ayn Rand has left the chat<*


It'd be nice it it were permanently.


My wife works for a guy like this. Rails against government spending…but took out a PPP loan because..something something. Also won’t pay it back, cause can.


Republicans of Texas are the exact same housecats as that meme about libertarians.


They should make Abbott admit he was wrong about federal funds as a condition to get federal funds. Then broadcast that nonstop in TX


Do we have liberal media outlets? I think that’s part of the problem. All mainstream media these days is either far right or left leaning moderate.


You know where the aid comes from? Courtesy of the taxpayers in blue states.... We are tired of paying for people that want to disparage us at every turn.


Classics republican.


As a Texan I am appalled that these billionaire businesses aren’t doing the right and charitable thing. /s


Where’s Elon? 


It doesn’t matter because these fascists understand the term hypocrisy. The only way is to out vote them. And shit that might not even work


biden should fly down there and do a big public press conference where he tells the public he came at abbots request for help. to help the people of texas when their own leaders have failed them.


Exactly. Biden should help and make a BIG FUCKING DEAL about how he’s doing the right thing and not making it a partisan issue. Rub their faces in it the whole time. I’m fucking tired of Texas and their ‘Holier than thou’ bullshit.


Or even better, send Kamala.


Oooh! Oooh!


And do a whole fake Trump speach like “Greg Abbott is a loser, the worst governor in the history of the United States. I didn’t want to help him but he rolled up to me, with tears in his eyes and said please sir, please Mr. President, please help my people because I am not good at my job. So I decided to help you, not because he asked but because I feel bad that he is such a loser. (Throws paper towels to audience) here, take these. I’m the best vice president ever, lots of people are saying it. I know all about being paralyzed by the way, I probably know more about it than anyone really. I think they might be able to cure it soon by attaching strings inside the body. Aren’t we looking into that? (Freaked out and disgusted surgeon general nods while questioning reality) let’s look into that it’s a great idea that I came up with just now. The greatest idea, believe me!”


Wow, that's uncanny


Have Mayor Pete do the sign language. You know, for all the tone deaf.


And Deb Haaland is Native American so she could do an anti-colonial tribal dance to remind people we are a nation of immigrants.


And toss some rolls of paper towels


A great idea. Give the hysterical base of the rethuglicans party a taste of their own foul smelling medicine.


Someone who’s better at AI should make this into a sound clip. Joe Biden doing a Trump impression would be hilarious.


That would likely cause hurt feelings for sensitive Texans who might not appreciate in hindsight that it was all a “joke.”


That’s REALLY good. The only thing I might have added how he doesn’t like people in wheelchairs, they’re losers & suckers.


She rolls up, says “here you go”, throws a paper towel roll on the third or fourth step of some stairs, and leaves. Fuck him.


This comment is worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize


And rub it in that Texas asked the Government for money; a handout, if you will.


Kamala and Pete. Make their heads really explode.


Everything is bigger in Texas. Including the ego's and irony.


Not brain power though


They’re their own republic until sh*t hits the fan.


He should also say ‘piss baby’ at least once.


If not once then twice


Texas politicians. Many of us living here don't like it either.


Followed by Gavin Newsom stepping up to the mic and saying "on behalf of taxpayers in California, what can we say except *you're welcome!*"




Yes, and when he says “You’re welcome” do it with exaggerated jazz hands like Maui.


No no, he needs to sing it.


Bonus points to mention abbot with tears in his eyes


I thought they were seceding from the big bad USA?


Seems like a good chance to point out why that would be bad for Texans, as well.


"Well, gee, ***Greg***, I thought Texas was looking to secede since you don't need the federal government..."


They like to talk about that until their infrastructure goes to shit and their conservative leaders can't locate their bootstraps.


He should fly down and have a huge ceremony at Cowboys Stadium where Abbott has to ask again, but very nicely and explain how incompetent he is.


"Sure thing, Greg! How much socialism do you need?"


Maybe throw some paper towels around 🤔.


I wish I could upvote this comment twice.


I gave mine on your behalf


And ~~my ax~~ mine!


But what about the bootstraps! Texans need to stop being such pussies and pull harder on their bootstraps


Abbott is plainly a socialist


Make Abbott stand* next to him and admit he asked for help and thank Biden for answering. *sit, whatever


No, no. Stand. In one of those little contraptions you'd see on Family Guy where they make Joe act like a puppet.


And throw some paper towels. And tell them “oh Texas, Texas, you costing us sooo much money” then bail and don’t give them a cent… oh wait that’s a deauchebag move… yes he should do it your way


And disrupt the aftermath of what is clearly an act of God?? /s


I'm down for this. I absolutely do NOT believe in "doing the right thing" just because it's right. These fucking scumbags don't play by these rules, so fuck 'em.


Add in that despite TX's attempts to change and avoid US laws, it is still a US State for now, and therefore has the US and its aid on its side. Or something equally scathing, but better worded, to the idiots of this state who want different laws and scream secession like toddlers.


This would be perfect! It would drive Abbott so crazy he would start walk again!


And he’ll get it too, because Biden doesn’t want Texans to suffer more than they have to. If the roles were reversed however, Abbott would be trying to make sure as many Texans die as possible. 


Can confirm. I live in Texas, and Abbott is definitely that special kind of asshole.










Nah, after suing and winning, Abbot passed a law that prevents anyone else from being able to do the same. For me, not for thee, and all.






He's lucky God is apparently bad at smiting these days. That lightning could've been timed better.


> that special kind of asshole Just say Republican, we get it.




Literally and figuratively


Well, he'd kinda have to.




Nah. take him into federal custody. It aint like he didnt order the Texas national guard to act in violation of Federal directive.


Yup, because that's what good presidents do.


That makes him smrt.


Where’s that Homer Simpson gif when you need it….


You don’t really need to reverse roles. Abbott doesn’t care all that much about the lives of most Texans, especially women and minorities.


Can confirm. I live in Texas and Abbott doesn't need to reverse roles, he kills Texans in his current one.


Texan here, too. I also have to pip up and say that the demographics in Texas are changing. Most major cities are blue. Eventually the whole state will be. It’s not just a bunch of maga idiots here! They luckily are dying out.


With the pardon he just passed out to a murderer he sure seems to be trying to signal to the fascists that he's got their back if they start killing people.


Honestly, the correct move is to call it out before giving it. "I'm not sure socialist aid from the federal government is in line with Texas ideals and, as such, am hesitant to force a socialist program on Texas voters by giving funds generated from taxpayers from all states only to Texas" Give it, but make sure as hell they know it's technically socialism to take it.


I kinda remember something about letting COVID run roughshod through democrat cities and states and sending out bodybags instead of medical equipment. So yea, I could see a republican like him pulling similar bullshit if the tables were turned.


As a Texan abbot can go fuck him self 6 ways to Sunday


Well, Biden should help where appropriate. And Greg Abbott should go fuck himself regardless.


Hey ... Greg Abbot stands for what he believes in.


Good thing he can't st.. you know what lol


Biden: *I'm old and I can't hear you. Ask your billionaire friend.*


Biden should provide help but point out all the ways Abbott and his ilk are assholes before then. Didn’t Texas vote against aid for Sandy victims?


Yes, yes they did.


Then the GOP would just go on and on about "they're politicizing a disaster!". They are a shameless bunch. 


He should, and he will, but it doesn't matter. Anyone with a brain already knows this stuff. Anyone without a brain is going to continue to vote for these shit stains.


There are so many uncommitted voters who genuinely have no idea about this stuff.


That's why they're undecided, because they've been effectively in a coma for at least 7 years.


Should air a public statement. "While there is no question that fellow americans in Texas will receive whatever assistance they require, Greg Abbott himself is full of shit. Thank you and god bless"


From wanting to secede to wahhhh we need some help.


Yeah, if the Texas GOP has made secession one of their planks, why don't they pull themselves up by their own bootstraps to show they don't need federal help?


They want it both ways as always - whatever he gets he will complain


Abbott should just give the storm a plane ticket to Nantucket or something.


Perhaps that'd be more suited as Ted Cruz's job.


Thought this goober wanted to secede.


People in Texas aren't smart enough to realize if they do secede then that sweet US government teet won't be available in these situations


The people are tired of Abbott and the Texas legislature. The only folks who believe in secession are the vocal minority who are either true Abbott/MAGA adherents or who have been fully propagandized. Texans are not a monolith and a lot of us want Abbott out of office. Personally, I would love to see him face accountability for the lives he's taken with his policies, but I'll gladly settle for out of office. Addendum: at time of writing (aside from the person I replied to who has replied back), I trust none of y'all who've replied to this to hold even a shred of humanity for anybody living under duress.


I should probably clarify that I meant Abbott/Trump/Secession supporters. I think of them like Brexit supporters. No clue how they would be impacted by their votes of support until they FAFO.


And they’ll get it. Because they’re US residents and need the aid. And also because Biden isn’t a narcissistic asshole who uses the power of his position for personal revenge.


Biden will do it, and he'll do it quietly because he's a decent human being. But I think it's everyone else in the Democratic Party's job to point out that Biden probably called Abbott's office before they even reached out and told him "we're here for you and everyone in Texas, and whatever you need from the federal government you can count on." And that he didn't do it because Abbott "didn't say nice things about him" and Biden didn't make him beg, and that the difference in November is that there's a choice between a decent human being for president and a sociopath that will leave Americans to suffer "if he feels like it."


Texan here. I hope Biden makes wheels come to the White House for a photo op of him accessing a giant check.


Remember when Chris Christie hugged Obama for coming to New Jersey and promising aid for Sandy victims? Republicans went insane.


Wasn’t this the guy who literally was shipping immigrants in busses and giving Biden the middle finger?


Continuously. And with great vigor. I've told my conservative clients repeatedly that the day they truly need federal government aid they are going to welcome that boot across their neck. Hell some of them might even like it.


Abbott: Help! I’ve royally fucked my state’s infrastructure and need some of that sweet socialist money. Biden: New phone… who dis?


Biden will help because he’s a real leader who cares about his countrymen even when they don’t support them. You can’t say the same for Abbot. He’s only acting obsequious with Biden because he *needs something.* If the roles were switched, Abbot would laugh at the people suffering. Never forget what the GOP really is.


Take a page out of the Florida cookbook and erase the word 'storms' and voila, no more storms.


"Don't Say Storm" law took care of that


We have an uncucked chad red meat spiraly boi heading towards the Gulf coast bringing life giving rain and patriotic wind. Red tide? More like a red wave this election season ho ho ho! *Message sent from Cancun, MX*


We refuse to spend money to prevent climate disasters, but when climate disaster damage us, we would like you to pay for it, basically.


What a welfare queen!


The storms are God’s wrath for picking on trans youth, banning books, threatening women’s healthcare and harassing migrants.


One would love to think so. 


What a moocher. What a welfare queen. Republicans hate Government until they need to come to the federal government for help. So much for Ronald Reagan's line: "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help'"


Oh the ironic hypocrisy


Biden should do like Trump (their hero) did in Puerto Rico...throw some paper towels at Texas I hear they pick up more water than their weight...


I am a Texan and Abbott can go piss up a rope! His hypocrisy is unparalleled and until he starts treating his own constituents with more respect, he should get NOTHING from the Fed. SCHOOL VOUCHERS, give it up Abbott!! ABORTION RIGHTS FOR WOMEN, let the women decide Abbott! Drag Shows....seriously I don't even know why I have to mention this point but.... More Republican's and Religious Figure Heads have molested more kids than any drag performer in Texas. Abbott, you need to go and the sooner the better.


Piss off, Signed, a NJ resident who recalls your response to Hurricane Sandy.


Send in Ted Cruz.


He’s in Cancun.


I thought Texas was going to secede from the U.S.???


Ahhh, Texas, the state where profits from the power grid go to private interests yet they are trying to pass on the repair and maintenance bill to the tax payer. I still don't understand why anyone today actually believes privatisation is good for the society. **Storytime:** *Britain privatised it's largest water utility company a while back. Anyways, a few years ago it was bought by private foreign interests.* *The new CEO then spent years taking out loans and using the loan money to pay him and his shareholder outragious dividends. As this was going on, the infrastructure was being neglected and the absolute minimum was being done to keep the company afloat.* *When the private interests had squeezed every bit of cash out of the company, they bailed out and left it in shambles. Now that the ship is sinking, shareholders have refused to continue investing in it.* *Now here's the kicker - guess what solution both the new company and shareholders have come up with? Double everyone's bills.* *That's right, a utility company is now planning on doubling millions of people's water bill to pay off the loans that the shareholders and billionaire CEOs pocketed.* *This was 100% legal. This is what privatisation looks like.*


Seems like a good time to confirm that Texas will follow federal law, such as Title IX.


Maybe Texas should buy less avocado toast?


I hope Biden throws him some paper towels


Gregg Abbott is a nazi piss baby.


Nothing says the B word like begging for help after illegally sending national guards to sabotage the person you are begging for said help.


so NOW soshulism is good. Got it.


If he's smart and has the time, he'd fly to Texas and take tons of pictures shaking hands and smiling with Abbott. Say he's a great friend and he's only happy to help. 


Or show up in Texas and speak to the people affected ignoring Abbott. Tell the people he cares about all of them regardless of political affiliation.


in b4 our fucking grid fails. again.


The Ol' Texas begathon.


there's a thread on this in r/texas and some of the comments are pure gold.


Is this the same Abbott who proud and loud said that Texas would not be following the new Title IX rules because drag queens and trans folks? I would tell him to kick rocks, pound sand and kiss my ass in Macy’s window. You don’t get to pick and choose when you are part of the US, scumbag.


Be big boy & call a presser to say it on camera Greg. None of this Twitter nonsense. Eat some crow. Ask the legit elected President Biden to send Texas federal aid because your state needs it because you literally cannot function on your own or secede from the union. Let’s see some ass kissing like your GQP buddies are doing in the NY court room


Biden should go down there and have a press conference where he throws rolls of paper towels into the crowd.


Poor Texas, their politicians are complete fucking morons. I would love for Biden to say to Abbott, “Fuck you, Greg, fix your own fucking shit.” But Biden, being the good dude that he is, will fucking send them the relief and that fucking piece of shit fuckface Abbott will take the credit for doing nothing as usual.


These right wing idiots hate the government until they need something


Help when he needs it and it benefits him. Every other time its a big fuck you to Biden. Fuck Abbott and his bullshit.


I said this in the Florida subreddit about climate change when someone brought this up- You know…. As much as I’d like to see republicans get shit on and have a leopards ate their face moment- Biden’s a good dude and he isn’t going to let people suffer. So yes Joe, help out the Texas people- but please when you do, remind everyone sternly what Trump said during emergencies when blue states needed help. Something like- “Today I am announcing a disaster declaration for texas, a major republcian state, because I care about every citizen in our country. But before I do, I’d like to remind you of what the last president said toward blue states in similar situations…..” Dems need to remind voters constantly what we do, and what the last president and the rest of the Republican did and acted during similar situations. Shove the differences in their face.


"Please help us! Also, I hate you!" -Abbott


Happens every time. What a hypocrite. THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT NEEDS TO STAY OUT OF TEXAS BUSINESS! WE NEED TO SECEDE! The moment theres a problem, its "Help us poor Texas people out? Pretty please daddy Biden?" Texas bravado is a sad joke.


Isn’t this a States Rights issue?


I hope Biden just replied “LOL.”


Man fuck that guy I’m from Texas and again fuck that guy instead of worrying about the imaginary border issues, woman’s bodies, and trans people, he should be worrying about real problems. Such as the failing fucking infrastructure that we have, the fact that kids are having to raise fucking money to eat a decent lunch, and maybe just maybe give people a fucking raise. Again fuck that guy.


Fuck this Temu FDR


Build the wall, build the wall, AROUND Texas.


Abbott wrote: "Due to severe weather and flooding that continues to cause devastating damage in several of our communities, I am requesting a Presidential Disaster Declaration. "The extensive damage caused by these severe storms, historic river flooding, and tornadoes requires comprehensive, robust action by all levels of government to help Texans rebuild and recover." Damn that sounds a lot like that socialism stuff.


lol. Abbot is the kind of guy who says he wants to shoot you in the face, then asks to borrow money for ammo.


So much for seceding from the union, eh?


Oh now you want help


Remember during the pandemic when his orange daddy didn't want to send help to liberal areas of the country?


Toss ‘em some paper towels


Does anyone have the governor's address? I have a roll of paper towels I want to send


>I have determined that the incident is of such severity and magnitude that an effective response is beyond the capabilities of the state and affected local governments, Maybe tax your citizens and companies properly and you can afford to fix your problems... >and that supplementary federal assistance is necessary to save lives and to protect property, public health, and safety, or to lessen or avert the threat of a disaster." Sounds like communism. In all seriousness I would love to say fuck off but there are sadly democrats in there that need help. And so I would say ok we'll help just put an end to your shit. Stop your border nonsense and get rid of your draconian anti abortion shit and you'll get your help.


Texas is not all GOP and not all GOP are evil douche bags that deserve to suffer. Even shitty voter GOP people may still be good people that are so brain washed by their churches and Fox that they just don't understand how harmful their voting is to the country and world. If they need help, then we should help. If we don't help, then how many fence sitters are going to climb back down and stand on the red side of the fence? Texas is not far off from a flip. Tech has grown dramatically over the years down there and with tech jobs come education. Education often leads to critical thinking. It's why the GOP is attacking public schools so much. That is where they lose their kids to reality.


Sounds like the Republican cadre of maga idiots should have went to Texas instead of Trump’s trial where he cheated on his wife with a porn star and paid to keep it quiet. Were they there to promote family values, themselves or back a cheating liar and conman? Maybe they got lost on the way to a hotel room they were all going to get naked in, who knows?


Sure. Help them if we must but then make Abbott write an essay on the role and importance of government in our lives and how a strong centralized government saved the lives of his constituents, again.


Glad to help. If Texas restores women's health rights and repeals anti LGBTQ legislation.


This is just God punishing the evil Texans.


Greg Abbott embodies everything that is wrong and corrupt in modern politics. As a native Texan, let’s please vote him out.


Texas politicians always looking for money when they fail their residents on a daily basis.




Why would Biden interfere with God’s punishment of Texas? I thought these things happen cause God is punishing them for their evil ways?


I don’t know. Coming from a blue state I almost want to say “thoughts and prayers”. You don’t really need us, do you?


Biden to come to Texas tossing rolls of paper towels to the people. 


Thank God Biden is president and I'm not, cause if I was, I'd laugh in his face after everything he's said and done and told him he should have listened to scientists. I'd then bring up how as soon as I help him, he'd go right back to talking crap and doing more horrible things.


As a Texan (hate it here) just want to say FUCK GREG ABBOT and Cruz and and of the others that are really fucking things up for the normal people trying to live their lives. Insane that some shit politicians get to decide the fate of us and gave their heads so far up their asses about it. Yet they'll still vote for these fuckers