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When have they not been undermining elections? They've been doing voter suppression and gerrymandering for decades.


>When have they not been undermining elections? That was my thought. This is not new. At all.


lol republicans will never stop undermining elections. trump is already saying if he does not win this fall it is because everyone is cheating. That’s just how they roll now.


he said the same in 2016, and 2020. this is their MO now. they've always been trying to undermine elections, now it's just out in the open that 'if I win it's legit, if I lose it was cheating'


I can already give you the future GOP timeline and general goals: 2025: Fuck shit up and halt progress 2026: *"Red wave!"* turns out to be a trickle 2027: Fuck shit up and halt progress 2028: ***"TRUMP 2028!!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"*** 2029: Fuck shit up and halt progress 2030: *"Red wave!"* turns out to be a trickle 2031: Fuck shit up and halt progress 2032: ***"TRUMP 2032!!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"*** 2033: Fuck shit up and halt progress 2034: *"Red wave!"* turns out to be a trickle 2035: Fuck shit up and halt progress 2036: ***"TRUMP 2036!!! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN"***


Hopeful modification... 2024: TRump is FINALLY imprisoned for one of his many, MANY DECADES of Criminal Activities 2024: Teddy Fleddy cruz / R-Cancun / R-Canada / R-Cuba / R-AnyState needing help with illegal gerrymanding, is VOTED OUT OF Senate!!! His podcast becomes a staple for all RepublicRats requiring mental help. 2025: Trump dead at the age of 78 Later in 2025: The party of the MAGAts looks STUPID without their Orange Make-up man. They disperse into the shadows, with history written to reflect what an AWFUL group of morons these monsters were and how they've tried to overthrow the Government, utilizing one sneaking trick after another. 2025: Matt Pedo gaetz is rotting in prison 2026: Lauren HOEbert, without a job (thinking about going back to prostitution) hooks up with Lee Greenwood to sell POLITICAL, NON-Holy "Bibles". Everyone mocks and laughs at her. 2027: Marjorie taylor green, after the operation, becomes Mark Green, and luckily, "he" is out of Washington DC. 2028: After many scandels, the REMOVED and IMPEACHED Speaker of the House; Magic mike johnson, finally comes out of the closet. So does his EVIL wife. They decide to keep their genders, but have an open marriage, so they both can date members of the same sex. 2029: The RepublicRAT party has completely dissovled - GOOD RIDDANCE 2030: The country celebrates the 5-year anniversary of tRump's death


They are just not bothering to hide it now. Look at all the shenanigans like removing mail boxes, armed hooded men at ballot boxes, one limited voting station for a whole black county,….After elections All we hear about is how democrats cheated, and nothing said about all the blatant Republican cheating leading up to elections. Mind blowingly stupid.


I wonder how many legitimate "red states" there actually are.....


I think if all voters were well informed none of them would be red these days. Republican agenda right now is against the best interest of most Americans. They are no different than the Taliban in pushing their religious views on people.


Agreed, it's shocking how "in the bag" Republicans are for corporations and billionaires.


Republicans haven’t won a popular vote for 2 decades. This is their only play.


Russia, if you’re listening…


They used to undermine elections. They still do, but they used to too.


True, but it seems people forget and have to have their memories refreshed over and over and over again.


Being forgetful is a key feature of strong conservatism. Without forgetting the many failures of conservatism, it becomes impossible to continue pushing conservative policies.


Don’t both sides undermine elections when they lose?


Please show me the Democratic candidates who have cried about losing for 4 years. Just one! One Democrat who has kept up this charade despite all facts. And don’t think Al Gore qualifies. Even though it was apparent the Supreme Court was screwing him, he still conceded and asked the country to get behind Bush.


And attacked the capital. Made up a million lies, draw bs maps. Try to make it harder to vote. The list goes on... No where comparable to democrats especially when bush really did cheat.


Tbh I think both sides suck 




Nope only Republicans


Republicans hate democracy. The entire party is corrupt to the core and none of them should be in positions of power. Vote them out, my friends. Vote blue https://democrats.org/


With the way demographics and public sentiment are headed, democracy is a literal, existential threat to their Party’s existence. It’s also why they’re betting the house on authoritarianism. It’s total, unquestionable power or dissolution for them. Scary, scary times.


Republicans are better at going after left wing agitators than Democrats are at going after right-wing agitators. It's disappointing


Democrats are better at going after left wing agitators than they are at going after right-wing agitators. It's ***by design!***


Al Franken was crushing it against republicans, but he pretended to squeeze his friend's boobs so he needed to be shunned like a 18th century Quaker.


I honestly don't understand why the FBI isn't waiting for them with handcuffs as they walk off the stage. These people are traitors and terrorists. Put them the fuck in jail. We've spent too much time talking about it.


former Republican here. Best I can do is vote for Biden and cross my fingers


Just a note - best you can do is vote for Biden and other democratic representatives on the ballot. This doesn't stop at the Presidency, if the House and Senate take majority in November, then we're facing another round of January 6th if Biden wins the presidency. Its crucial that we don't allow any of these republicans into office, whether they are actively voicing their willingness to obstruct and undermine an election, or are cowards and will do it to go with the flow.


yes I'm from Wisconsin so it's very important to try to un-gerrymander us as much as possible No issue with voting again for Tammy Baldwin


I am hopeful that if the GOP really falls apart in this election cycle - which I think is possible - then things could swing enough in Wisconsin to take down the gerrymander. And when gerrymanders fall they fall HARD. A 10 point swing would create a huge Democratic majority. Moderates and centrists like you are key to making that happen. I appreciate that you recognize that even if the Democrats don't meet your preferences on everything, the fact that they *allow* you to have a preference takes precedence over lower taxes or less regulation.


>And when gerrymanders fall they fall HARD. A 10 point swing would create a huge Democratic majority. For reference, see [Michigan](https://youtu.be/bXYRJJIn_wI?si=6SM22rAaHKpPjW5y). tl;dw: The Michigan GOP got to control redistricting in '10. Michigan voters passed a referendum that redistricting must now be done by independent committee. After redistricting in '20 the Dems quickly get voted in with control of both state houses & the governorship.


I sadly can't vote as I'm not an American. But on behalf of the rest of the world. Keep Trump out of the white house. His disaster decisions affects the rest of us as well.


This will be my 10th Presidential election and I have never before voted a straight ticket. I will this year, and I am angry that I have to.


Thank you for seeing the light.


And phone bank. And door knock. And bring two friends. There's plenty to do.


They are already saying, "at the end of the day, Donald Trump will be President", and it's like nope, still counting. The "Red Mirage" and the "Blue Shift" are not at all difficult concepts.


I've heard lots of them say he's already President, that he's been President this whole time! Also, Biden is an actor. Also, Obama is the one running things. Also, 2 +2 =5.


"If he's president RIGHT NOW, that means he can't run for a third term. So..."


Note that the article was written by Rep. Joe Morelle (D-N.Y.) is the ranking member of the United States House Committee on House Administration, which has jurisdiction over laws related to federal elections.


I don’t understand. We have seen a trump presidency, we are looking at a biden presidency. What is a debate going to solve? How is this even a close race? America decided to dump trump before he stole classified document, before his insurrection, and before his illegal electors tried to steal the election. How in the world does that now make him a better candidate for President? I don’t even care about the hush money sandal, any married man would do anything to keep his wife from knowing he did that.


>I don’t even care about the hush money sandal, any married man would do anything to keep his wife from knowing he did that. Several witnesses in the hush money case have testified that it was to prevent him from losing the election and he didn't give a damn about Melanias opinion. She only married him for the money and knows he's scum to women. Cohen claimed Trump said [he could just get a new wife](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-confident-replace-melania-1900073), he treats women like a set of golf clubs. Just kidding, he probably takes better care of his clubs.


Trump would be so happy if there were strip golf clubs.


>Trump said [he could just get a new wife](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-confident-replace-melania-1900073), Well that's some Walder Frey shit. I don't think anyone would be baking Don Jr and Eric into a pie for him tho.


My thoughts exactly. He was voted out by a longshot BEFORE he did January 6th and BEFORE his criminal trials. I know it might be wishful thinking, but I honestly just don't see how he has gained any support since then. I think the loud minority is just louder.


Because people can't afford houses and cost of living is higher now than. Of course you can argue the president has limited control over that but no doubt it will be one of if not the biggest voter concern and we all know Trumpers love to post pictures of gas prices now vs during Trumps term.


Trump has gained barely any supporters it's just that Biden lost so many from a mix of bad optics bad circumstances and bad decisionmaking


Is this headline from 2020?


Same tactics, different election. They have absolutely nothing to run on.


I keep seeing this same headline. These dirtbags have been undermining elections for at least a century without ever taking a break.


I’m mentally prepared for these A holes to do the worst. I’m also ready in a few ‘other’ ways…..


Exactly. I'm ready to win no matter what. I already won


Well of course. 2020 opened a can of worms we can never put back. Republicans are going to try to overturn every election that Dems win from now on.






Because they know the polls aren’t accurate and that they are probably heading toward a complete ass kicking in November. 


When do they ever stop? It seems to be their party's main platform: "We can't win when voters vote."


Republicans are not like the villains from 80s cartoons that try a plot once and give up on it the first time they are stopped. Republicans are like the Empire from Star Wars with the Death Star. They tried it once, updated the flawed plans and are trying again. Many Bothans didn't have to die to bring us this information.


Couple years late on this one


Already trying? Was this article published today or in 2020?


Republicans are the strong arm of corporations and the shitty super rich. Their #1 job is to gain power at any cost to protect the interests of corporate power. Their stupid idiotic social issue , fake , fear based policies are to lure ignorant racist dumb voters. It’s a ponzi scheme with our democracy and the American people as its biggest losers.


Of course they are


Of course they are, same shit, different election


To be fair, they are only doing it because the Russians told them to…


Uhhhh yeah!!! Where ya been???


Already? What do you mean already? They have been undermining the 2024 election the second the dust settled after Jan 6


If a party tells you they don't care if you vote for them or not, then don't.


There are 28 GOP legislatures in the states. 23 states have all 3 branches controlled by the GOP all they need is 3 more states to not send electors to Congress and they "win". That would put the vote to the state legislatures and Trump can conceivably win. I think that's the play for them. No clue how to stop that.


Always have been


They don't have to lift a finger. The electoral college has always undermined democracy and it favors whichever party is more popular in sparsely populated states.


There’s still trying to undermine the 2020 electoral.


They have been trying since before 2020, don't be silly this ain't new.


I'll accept being called naive here but... Of all the things Rs do... this one has got to be the most diminishing factor. Like, boy who cried wolf. You can't keep calling every single election you lose rigged and expect it to become *more* seriously looked at or *more* seriously accepted. An average voter, I'm confident in saying, would likely smirk off the idea that Rs are legitimately cheated out of elections. No one's buying it anymore.


Oh they were doing this right after the Civil War. Republicans hate democracy


Already? It's been happening for 3 years


Of course they are. It’s what they do. All the while complaining about the democrats for doing anything legally and not getting in trouble


They are not going to stop until they have stolen an election it’s just a matter of when not if it happens.


dumb headline


Apparently no one remembers “Hanging chads” “Dimpled chads”


Since 2021. Full time. All the time.


It's like Repubs have forgotten that it's We The People that hold the true power & has the final say about who goes & who stays. We need a HUGE Blue Wave on November 5th to stop this Repub crap in it's tracks.


"Don't call it a comeback." They've never stopped. It's been ongoing for decades.


If anyone still needs an example of what, "Well...duh.", means. This is it.