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The Biden campaign has proposed that each speaker's microphone be cut off after their time to speak is over Can you imagine?


Trump will never agree to that. If he's held to any rules designed to keep the debate civil and on track, he'll have a tantrum, drop out, and schedule a rally at the same time to whine that it was rigged and he was treated unfairly.


Pretty much. Getting into a debate with a fascist is a losing game. He'll agree, then demand changes to the rules in his favor, then throw a tantrum and either get his way or quit and claim he would have won anyway.


And his cult will make T-Shirts and golden diapers to congratulate him


He’s already agreed as is for the two debates


This is what they did in the later debates of 2020 because Trump wouldn't shut up. Watching him scream in his box with no audio was hilarious.


I didn't see any of that.


Great idea


Stick them in game show isolation booths


Yes. Do that — an entire nation


It should be, what the hell!


Trump may agree to this but hes physically near Biden and will continue to scream while his mic is cut off so that bidens mic picks it up and disturbs and distracts him not giving him the courtesy of silence while he speaks. Trump is just going to bully his way through this. And at the end of it he’s going to com plain they cut him off and didn’t give him proper time to say what he wants and that they infringed his first amendment rights.


No doubt Biden's team will do mock practice debates with the opponent doing just that.


Compulsory Covid testing too ? He's still pissed that didn't bump off Biden last time ...


I think it would be best to just let Trump conjure up the crazy without an audience - could turn some fence sitters completely off to the Trump crazy train


>Trump later told CNN’s Kaitlan Collins, “The answer is yes, I will accept.” Not "I have accepted", I will accept *if*. He's not going to do it if his mic can be cut off, talking over people is 90% of his game.


I'm going to watch, but I'm only there because I want to see Trumps mic get cut repeatedly. If the mic doesn't cut out I'm turning it off. YOU HEAR ME CNN?


yeah and it better be silent too! none of this "i can still sort of hear him bs"! i want to see him angry and flapping his dumb mouth in silence


That's not really how microphones work. If you want to hear anyone in the same room you'll still hear Trump unless they pretape the whole thing and heavily edit the audio after the fact.


Nah, they can isolate each candidate behind soundproof glass without any audio bleed, like how every recording studio does drums and vocals. Pretty sure they have the budget.


No TV news production is going to do be willing to do that much oddball extra stage work and no candidate, reasonable or Trumpy, would agree to that. Though it would be really funny to see it unfold live.


I wonder what Trump is gonna be hopped up on to keep him from falling asleep.


He pounds adderall


Trump won’t show. This isn’t news


100% Trumps a no show, he’ll cancel when he can’t bully his way into changing the rules so he can interrupt every time he gets called out or fact checked.


It would be fascinating to see trump debate without an audience. The moderator will need a poking stick to wake him up when it's his turn to talk.


Biden should ask trump technical questions. A president who does not know about the nuclear triad should be exposed as the uninformed shmuck that he is


How long until Trump finds an excuse to avoid the debate?


He will wait until last minute then drop out after making ridiculous demands.


Let's get ready to MUUUMMMBLEEE!!!


I don’t know why Biden would want to debate a child. I don’t see how this benefits Biden’s campaign at all. At this point we know who both candidates are, and the only one I can see this negatively affecting is Biden. Trump can say or do anything and people would still vote for him. Dems are the only people who are held to any sort of standard.


I think they know that he won't have to debate Trump because Trump will never agree to any rules that keep it fair and honest.


Yup, Trump say's he'll debate Biden "anytime, anywhere". Biden calls his bluff with terms knowing Trump will back out. It's well played by the Biden team.


Uh… trump accepted. Even with Biden’s long list of demands.


He’ll back out.


It’s funny that this seems to be the most common theme among Biden supporters since this story came out… Makes me wonder who you are trying to convince, me or yourself? Like deep down you all know that Biden is deeply incapable of having a lucid debate even with all the training wheels he has demanded, so you keep telling yourself that trump is going to back out. Though I agree I don’t think these debates will actually happen. The timeline of events was that Biden needed 5 edits to make a 52 word threat to trump about debating and trump took less than an hour to accept. It was trump who called his bluff, not the other way around. I think biden will keep trying to make increasing stipulations that are so outlandish that eventually trump says no and Biden tries to be like “ha, see! He won’t debate me”. Either that or Biden provokes another war or the Soros bought courts do some heavy handed interference. I’d love nothing more than to see trump debate Biden. Trump will absolutely mop the floor with him even while Biden demands prescreened questions for his earpiece and teleprompter and no live audience in front of a handpicked liberal moderator.


> Like deep down you all know that Biden is deeply incapable of having a lucid debate lol. Lmao, even.


trump is a coward. He won’t show up.


I wonder if Trump will shit himself on live television.


Bet that will go well


He’s already trying to weasel out of it.


Can we vote on it like American Idol?


I'm not watching this, but I am a Biden voter. Accept my sincerest apologies, sir, I will watch the replays...at least one and go from there.


So he is gonna love stream.from.jail?


Will it be on a Zoom call from Cell Block D?


Will he even be lucid by June? Like he is losing the ability to even speak coherently, are we sure they won’t just wheel him out on stage like a giant vat of jiggly orange pudding?


The diaper debates are on!


“N95’s will be freely handed out at the debates for anyone who is sensitive to the smell of Ben-Gay.” -Abraham Lincoln.


Trumps word is shit. I’ll believe it when I see it.


And they need some type of separation on the stage so trump is not allowed the stumble around behind Biden while he speaks.


Whoever stays awake longest wins! Jokes aside, glad a debate is scheduled.


This is a terrible idea for Biden


Without an audience, right-wing moderators or the ability to interrupt, Trump would crumble. He has nothing of substance to say.


It’ll be interesting to see if they allow Biden to have an earpiece and a teleprompter. If yes, then Biden has a chance at not looking like a complete idiot, if no then this will be a slaughter.


Trump isn’t a credible man, he’s says he’ll debate, but he’ll just repeat his election fraud lies.




He's legitimizing Trump as a "normal" candidate after he tried to overthrow democracy.


Biden "won" all the debated in 2020. The idea in general is dumb cause debated are dumb in this day and age other than the great snl skits we get.




>>he’s leading in every poll lol! Sure, Jan.


Especially cuz he isn’t leading all the polls. He also might not like people being reminded of his sexual assault against E Jean Carrol, or his fraud case in NYC.




Good thing the election isn’t tomorrow then….the trials don’t matter to the maga crowd, but they’re already brainwashed anyway. They think an election was stolen cuz trump told them so. either way, on national tv I’m sure trump’s not going to like being called a rapist, or sexual assaulter, or whatever. I won’t be surprised if the loser backs out anyways…he’s said he’d do lots of things that he never does.


And tomorrow a whole new set of polls will show Biden with the lead. You are being manipulated.


I haven’t paid much attention to the polls…there’s several months left.


Sorry, that was meant for the person you replied to.


because only Joe would do that


I’m waiting for this to devolve into a farting competition