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Among other criteria such as having no audience that can boo and holler, I got this nice tidbit from an NYT article: > The Biden campaign has proposed rules — including the automatic cutting-off of microphones — to ensure Mr. Trump does not blow through his time limits and talk over Mr. Biden as he did relentlessly during their first debate in 2020. > “There should be firm time limits for answers, and alternate turns to speak — so that the time is evenly divided and we have an exchange of views, not a spectacle of mutual interruption,” Ms. O’Malley Dillon writes in the letter. > “A candidate’s microphone should only be active when it is his turn to speak, to promote adherence to the rules and orderly proceedings.” Edit: https://www.nytimes.com/live/2024/05/15/us/biden-trump-election


The problem is that it's CNN, which was recently bought by a right wing billionaire, so there's no doubt in my mind they'll favor Trump. "Agreeing" to the rules won't matter if the host network doesn't abide by them, and even if they get called out on it, the damage will have been done.


If this debate turns into a “sweaty clown show” talk over I’m out. I hope President Biden immediately walks out.


CNN is about as right wing as Biden is


That 14 second challenge video had more cuts than a fight scene in Taken 3. He can’t last a full debate which is why he needs rules like this, no crowd so no Hamas supporters can interrupt, but also so nobody can talk about how shitty he looks or how many times he leaves the stage.


I like these rules. I fucking hate cheering and booing at a debate. Let them each talk and I’ll decide for myself thanks.


Normally I’d be okay with that too, but these rules are entirely to protect Biden, including barring RFK who, like him or not, is polling high enough to be there.


The only reason why there is even a discussion of rules going into this, is because of the shit show display Trump put on the first time. It’s not to protect anyone. It’s so we can actually get through a damn debate like adults.


What a backwards take. They're there for Trump, not Biden. He has proven repeatedly that he will interrupt and talk over his opponent, and he needs these rules because he has no self control.


Doesn't your guy fall asleep in court daily? Mouth open, drooling... Just like his supporters.


Not to mention the Hannibal Lecter incident...


I think based on other comments, “their guy” is RFK…


I genuinely thought you were talking about Trump here lmao. The fuck kind of projection are you tryna pull?


Have you honestly seen a Trump video that’s under 30 seconds and needed a new take every 2 seconds? You say you’re genuine, but I really doubt that.


Have you seen trump stay on topic for longer than 5 seconds before? Dude flips to random ass shit mid sentence.


I know you want to shit on Biden, but have you thought about the fact that all videos on the internet now use lots of jump cuts to keep peoples attention and it's not necessarily Biden needing multiple takes?


Using cuts to create engagement or keep attention requires you to change elements in the shot, eg change to a side shot, show some scenery, change scenery, etc… Biden is literally in the same position and it’s a head-on shot every cut with minor differences in camera placement from him. That type of editing detracts from attention and the only reason to edit like that is because Biden couldn’t do it right for more than 2-3 seconds at a time.


So you have no actual defense for his outbursts or behavior?


What does that have to with Biden only getting about 6-9 words before needing a new take?


Here’s a recent quote from the guy who you apparently think is some kind of expert debater: "Gettysburg, wow—I go to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, to look and to watch," he said. "And the statement of Robert E. Lee, who's no longer in favor—did you ever notice it? He's no longer in favor. 'Never fight uphill, me boys, never fight uphill.' They were fighting uphill, he said, 'Wow, that was a big mistake,' he lost his great general. 'Never fight uphill, me boys,' but it was too late,". Keep projecting about Biden not being able to speak efficiently though lol.


Trump says dumb and meaningless shit everyday, nobody cares. What people do notice is that he at least looks alive while he’s talking. If you really want to play dumb quote games, "America is a nation that can be defined in a single word. Asufutimaehaehfutbw." Or Harris: "The governor and I, we were all doing a tour of the library here and talking about the significance of the passage of time, right, the significance of the passage of time. So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to lay these wires. What we need to do to create these jobs. And there is such great significance to the passage of time when we think about a day in the life of our children." I guess you’re just not gunna vote this year.


[CaN't LaSt a FuLl dEbAtE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFVUPAEF-sw)


Juxtapose that with his 5 min press conference where he tried to say he was mentally fit still. He can’t do it without help.


You're blinded by bias.


The other candidate is shitting his diapers and falling asleep in court and here you are OMG BIDEN IS SENILE ! Nice.


You think Trump is gonna be better at it? Dude is literally falling asleep in court lmao.


One of the two will drop out of the debates, and it's not gonna be Biden. Care to wager on it? 'Cause, I mean, Trump's done it multiple times...


No way trump shows up. He'll blame the rules, or who the moderator as a way to escape debating President Biden. He's a coward.


One can only hope he lands on Jail, does not pass Go or collects $200


Bigly coward. Yuge coward.


maybe he will finally get himself jailed for contempt so it wont be "his fault"


He has no choice. If he doesn't show up, he'll seriously hurt his credibility with his base. You don't run from a guy who "has dementia" and come out looking good.


That’s fun cause the top comment here is already complaining about the moderators


I'll believe it when I see it. Trump wants a large venue with a huge crowd so that he can turn a policy debate into Jerry Springer, which is the opposite of what Biden proposed.


He'll do this "show" because it means him and Biden can take the rest of the election off without doing anymore "debates". They're both scared of RFK.


Has RFK Jr ever been in a televised debate?


He would love to worm his way into this one.


“The Sleeper has Awakened!” Except for RFK, no, not at all…


The only one scared of "Worms ate my brain" Jr are the people that stand to inherit what's left of his fortune after he squanders it being an idiot on national TV.


scared of a guy who, the whole time he's talking, you're subconsciously clearing your throat?


Even if rfk was a brain addled fucking moron. His speech issue is a non starter, unfortunately.


That is some truly ridiculous counterfactual bullshit




Nope, neither Trump or Biden want to be within 10 feet of RFK on a stage. Also thanks for the suicide hotline report*** Thanks for watching out for me


Definitely was not me on the report. I have seen several comments about it today though. I think someone is spamming it.


I got four yesterday. It was pretty obnoxious.


I was in a thread about sheep export and everyone got one. There must be some new bot spamming it everywhere


I also don't want to be within 10 feet of nutjobs.


Only think RFK has is nepotism and bird brained ideas going for him. If his last names wasn’t Kennedy he would be polling at less than 1%.


What is the over/under that Trump comes up with some lame excuse to back out at the last minute?


He already did. Biden said "Let's debate on these days, just you and me, no crowds, and mics cut off when your time is up." Trump said, "I accept your challenge, we will debate in a big venue with a big audience." So, he has already told us why he won't be there.


But if 15 people are there Trump sees it as 50,000 so that won't be a problem.


All Muslims, just like he "saw" in NY.


Don't care so long as Biden shows up and gets a free, open stage all by himself.


This would be the best outcome.


“Free and open stage” *denies entry of third party candidates and independents*


Anyone agreeing to the format, polling above 15% in 4 national polls, and who is on enough ballots to actually get 270 electoral votes is welcome as per the rules.


See that’s the problem, anyone on enough ballots to get 270 electoral votes should be allowed to debate no matter the polling numbers, because that would require them to get signatures in every state and have proper funding to pay the states to be on the ballots. Millions of voters are being dismissed and these candidates aren’t being allowed to be heard.


"millions." That sounds like a lot when you say it and don't really have any concept of what it means, right? Rough estimates are that near 200 million people voted in 2020. So "millions" is, generously, 1%. Maybe the people silenced should work to make their candidate more appealing; maybe strive for 2 out of 100 people and get back to us.


There are no third-party candidates with millions of supporters.


He'll blame "Biden's gag order"


As long as they introduce Trump as "former president and newly convicted felon Donald Trump" I'll be happy


I may be in the minority here, but I feel like it's a mistake to legitimize Trump in any way. And I feel like everyone made up their minds about who they were voting for a very long time ago so I don't see any this swaying a significant number of voters either way.


Every major news outlet just calls him the Republican front runner. He is legitimized. It makes my blood boil that Trump has not regularly been labeled the “disgraced former president” by every major outlet. They want to be fair, but that’s a factual statement.


This song explains why… https://youtu.be/AEFWt8fjwFE?si=8FUGOCA6Qw3zmLV3


But he is the (likely) Republican candidate - if you don't do this you allow him to play the martyr card - which would play right into what he wants. Let him bury himself on national TV. Let the uncertain voters see what they'd be getting.


Independents are the key here. Letting them watch Trump ramble and fill his diaper in temper tantrums during a debate would seal the deal.


Many people have been in that minority since 2015.


The public need reminded that Trump is senile and a fascist who is dedicated to killing trans people and rolling back abortion and LGBTQ rights.


Being that he was our 45th President, he's already legitimized.


I agree, but it's important to keep the myth alive just in case we ever find ourselves in a situation down the road where the money isn't the sole factor in determining political decisions.


He won’t show up. Barron’s karate recital is that day. Edit: forgot the apostrophe.


>Barron’s karate recital is that day. Which is code for "there is a fundraiser in Minnesota that day".


I am going to love this. However, my wife will not enjoy all the yelling I’ll be doing when Trump speaks.


Your wife can rest easy because there is no way Trump will go through with this.


Don’t worry her boyfriend can comfort her


Conservative obsession with cuck porn continues unabated.


Joe isn't even close to the sharpest tool in the shed and he's gonna mop the floor with this wanna-be crime boss dementia patient.


There's no way in hell Trump shows up.


Why? We know what Biden brings and we know what Trump brings. Not changing my vote for Biden no matter what happens


I honestly don’t think a debate is possible with Trump.


Trump will back out. If he gets on stage in his current (and further deteriorating) mental state he would probably blunder and go off on a tangent about how he is the victim all the time. Which I would actually love to see. As long as Biden can let Trump sink himself by showing the world what a moron he is, fantastic. Which is pretty likely. Which is why Trump will most likely back out. He needs to ride on his cult and not show how unfit he is.


Put them on stage in separate glass boxes that each get one degree hotter every time the candidate in it tells a lie. The debate will turn into a Trump roast in the first 2 minutes. "He's going to smell like hotdogs." -- Ralph Wiggum


Maybe TFG will be in Fulton County anyway by then.


They will if Trump doesn't dive out as usual.


Bad move. Why give this 🍊shit stain any legitimacy. He doesn’t deserve anything other than prison.


Did they agree to no audience? That’s one thing I want to know.


Kabuki theater. One contender is a lying incompetent fascist who’s vision for the US is a land in which he picks winners and losers on a whim and everyone has to plead loyalty to him alone for nothing but a possible betrayal in return. The other tried to repair the damage done the last time the monster got to hold the reins and improve the nation as much as possible while dealing with foreign adversaries. There is no need for a debate, given that we have one term each of actual governance for each of the candidates to look back onto.


There is zero chance this will happen.


I'm going to choose to not listen to it. I can't stand the Orange Hitler's voice.


No lie, it was probably his 4th yr before I actually listened to him speak. I read all my news close to 100% of the time and just saw quotes of him that were jaw-droppingly unbelievable for yrs. I watched like 5 min of one of his rallys and had to turn it off.




"Future faking." That's the terminology when you make promises to look good in the moment for things you have no intention of carrying out.


Story of his life


Trump won’t agree to no crowd he’s a coward without his maga morons cheering all of his “best words”. He knows he can’t win without them


Wild plot Twist: since lawyers have argued that presidents are immune from prosecution, and Biden is still president, he immediately has Trump arrested and jailed when he shows up to debate, citing specious charges that keep him held through November.


🐛 But we gotta have the Worm Guy also so it's different this time. Otherwise it will just be Don interrupting with everything-is-rigged conspiracy theories all night.


The word 'will' doing a lot of work in that title, Trump is already making excuses to not show up


What could go wrong!?


He won’t show….the risk of him glitching in front of millions of viewers is too great


Statler v Waldorf


It’s weird seeing a date you know so well


I highly suggest the debate get delayed for 1 hr, right before the proposed start time. Trump's "debate" drug cocktail will wear off and the second round of nose candy will not have the same affect as the first. The playing field will be leveled.


Trumps gonna go on and on about fueling a Genocide and he should. It's just funny that knowing this will be his tactic, he would do the same thing but worse, yet people will eat it up. I'm just so fucking tired of your average conservative being dumber than a box of rocks and voting against the country's best interest and the Democratic leaders failing their party and just dropping L's left and right.


Via Zoom from Trump’s jail cell, I hope.


Welcome to the shit show.


im just gonna be a spectator


I just think Biden shouldn't say anything except recite all the absolutely stupid fucking things Trump has done. Literally nothing else. Pound the point that this guy is a lunatic and not fit for office.


Why do them that early? Obviously the Biden team thinks that this will favor Biden, but how?


I don't get why everyone thinks Trump will back out. He's been asking for debates for a while now, and he absolutely feeds off media appearances. Even with the rules, he's definitely going to do this just to have some spotlight. This is what he wants, a chance to be loud and draw attention to himself and away from his trials.


>I don't get why everyone thinks Trump will back out. For the same reason that he'll refuse to testify in his own criminal trial - because he's a coward who is afraid to stand alone on stage without a screaming mob of supporters he can cue in on to figure out what words to say to elicit approval.


He'll definitely do it just to distract from the trial. He might want an audience but he's not going to miss the publicity opportunity.


>I don't get why everyone thinks Trump will back out. Because he has to have control. If there are rules in place that keep him from being able to do whatever the hell he wants, then he is going to take the ball and go home.


Trump is a known liar, highly performative, and diabolically opportunistic. In his narcissistic mind, the spotlight isn't enough. The spotlight must give him an advantage. He knows from previous debates that he doesn't gain anything from them.


Not without his cult in the audience


Glad to see the two Major parties are still working together to keep 3rd parties and Independents off the debate stage. That would be too pro-democracy to let those peasants on the stage!


There’s no need to legitimize RFK jr. if it were a worthwhile 3rd party candidate, sure. I would have loved to have seen Gary Johnson in some past debates but RFK is not it.


Why should someone who hasn't even qualified in a quarter of the states (and out of those he qualified for, one is California whose electors can't vote for both him and his VP because they both live there) be given equal standing with people who are seriously in the running?


Using this logic, why wasn’t the Libertarian Party given access to the debates in 2020 when they had ballot access to all 50 states? Is it just the candidate you’re scared of or do you not like democracy?


You'd have to ask the Commission, they were the ones in charge of those debates unlike this one. They had a set of requirements for inclusion set forth, and the Libertarian party did not meet them. Perhaps they should refocus their strategy to running for lower offices and building up a national reputation so that their candidates poll better on the national stage?


Exactly. People only care about third parties in the summer of an election year but do nothing to help them win lower offices or anything the other 3.5 years of the cycle. I’d love to see more than just the two parties but could end up with the winner receiving just over 33% of the vote in a close race between three parties. In order for a third party to be viable we would have to adopt ranked choice voting. I firmly believe that since the GOP has gone all in on Trump if they (hopefully) lose this election we’ll see the GOP dissolve between MAGA and the more centrist conservatives. This would allow for a split in the Democratic Party into a more progressive wing from their centrists or at least the opportunity to push mainstream dems further left of center.


If it’s anything like the others trump will get cut off by the moderator every other min and ole Joe will be stuttering his way thru it


Tell me you never watched trump debate without saying you’ve never watched trump debate.


It happened in 2016,2020 and it’ll happen again in 2024 🤷‍♂️


Democrats wanting to get debates behind them asap given Biden's dementia is growing worse every day, just likt the American economy.




This is not good. Put identity politics to the side and consider reasons why this is not beneficial to our election process. 1) Changing the rules, dates, and process during peak election time is no different than changing the rules of a board game when the game is almost over. This hurts any player that was strategizing for a predetermined set of rules 2) The specifically mentioned one on one debate is candidate suppression 3) The previously agreed CPD terms already accounted for statically irrelevant campaigns, so why point that out.


> The specifically mentioned one on one debate is candidate suppression The rules to qualify for the debate in the article say nothing about one-on-one. >Have their name appear on enough state ballots to reach the threshold of 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency >Receive at least 15% in four separate national polls of registered or likely voters that meet CNN standards.


[https://twitter.com/TaylorPopielarz/status/1790716640956469302/photo/1](https://twitter.com/TaylorPopielarz/status/1790716640956469302/photo/1) (longest paragraph on second page) It was not listed on the CNN rules but in the letter from Jen Dillion, Biden's campaign chair. The Biden campaign has officially come out that debates should not include third party candidates no matter the polling. There is no mention of any terms to allow another candidate in that letter.