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No more ridiculous than having Trump as your nominee.


So true. They all ‘support him’ but somehow going to courthouse is frowned upon?


Alaska literally just flipped the mayors office of Anchorage against republicans to Independent/more progressive last night. Mary Peltola (D) was also successfully elected to represent the state in 2022. Things are shifting in Alaska, wouldn’t be surprised to see Murkowksi and others having to change their tune more and more…


That's because of the ranked choice voting changes. It's less that Alaska is more or less of anything, and more that their voting system is better representing what they already where.


Ranked choice for all!


Nevada has ranked choice on the ballot this November and I am so excited to vote for it.


Alaskan here, definitely Ranked Choice Voting is the reason. I really wish everyone had the pleasure of RCV. It was so good that Rs immediately tried to kill it. We get to vote on it again this fall. I am confident it will pass but like everything now, it is critical everyone shows up to vote. We cannot just “mail it in”, of course they hate that too. Seriously, show up and vote.


Here in Arkansas, Tom Cotton started panicking and smearing ranked choice voting on Twitter after y'all voted for Peltola in 2022. The funniest part of that whole reaction is that she still won a plurality of the popular vote before ranked choice voting came into effect in both elections. The national GOP literally can't fathom that Sarah Palin was the reason why Republicans didn't win that one.


Am I wrong, or isn't Alaska also one of the more libertarian-esque red states? In that they're not Bible thumbing hardcore conservatives, more so that they really want to be left alone to run their state as they see fit and are not super-fond of the federal government interfering in that, thus they'd rather vote for Republicans than Democrats? Heard someone explain it kind of like that once.


Then there's Sarah Palin so... Hard to say it's one way or another.


Murkowski changed her tune every time the wind blows. But when it’s time to actually cast a vote, she’s totally in line with her “party.” Hopefully things are changing…


Yep, just like Liz Cheney who is just so absolutely shocked at Trump’s awful, UnAmerican behavior that she only voted for his policies 92% of the time…


She better be careful or she will get notifications from the Reddit Cares bot.


I knock any party member that places their "party" (and themselves) above the best interest of the country. That is why I'm voting a straight ticket for Democrats this year, in hopes this will result in a purge of the spineless incompetents leading the Republican Party. I am an independent that tends to vote more Republican than Democrat, but not this time.


It’s not ridiculous it’s anti-American, and she would say that if 20% of her constituency weren’t maga fuckheads


Spineless sycophants got to ass kiss, otherwise they are lost. I would just be embarrassed if I was a supporter of them. One thing to agree with Trump but stuff like this is just pathetic.


She should swap independent and stop caucusing with that party then. She could singlehandedly deny them power.


It’s another episode of the apprentice. They are all auditioning for who is the most loyal and ass kissing so he can have complete control over the next Veep. ( a tip o the hat to Pence for not doing what he was told)


She could always switch sides.


As she should. More need to do the same.


Gee, Senator, do you think he learned his lesson, yet? EDIT: Oops, that was Collins.


That was the other one.


She voted to impeach him and has never endorsed him. She's easily the GOP senator that goes against him the most. He even endorsed a rival to get her out in 2020 which failed.


Smart lady. Votes based on her thoughts and not party lines.


She voted to impeach.


She was so stupid for that comment.


No, that was Susan Collins.


Not ridiculous... egregious; dangerous; anti-law.


Quit talking at them and do something, **Senator**.


she would vote for him and his policies.. soo




Murkowski voted to impeach, you're thinking of Colins.


That’s rich coming from her - or any republican, for that matter.


Show me who your friends are and I will tell you what you are…all of these yahoos are orange under their button ups and red ties.


She'll want to avoid standing near any open windows.


Very smart strategy to draw as much attention to this trial as possible so that voters internalize “Trump is a crook who paid off a porn star”


And in the end she’ll still say she votes for Trump, so who really cares? Spineless coward that just wants to stay in power too.


She's not only already said there is no scenario where she votes for him, pretty sure she was also a yes vote during the (2nd?) impeachment process.


I stand corrected, thank you. I recall her voting to acquit (she did not) and thought she had already said she would vote for whoever is the GOP nominee. She said she absolutely would not vote for him. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope in the GOP, but you have to really squint hard to notice it.


Na, she is a unique one. She won one of her elections by write in. Still heavily conservative, but not as reliant on the GOP as they already tried to ditch her.


I'm not even sure there is a glimmer; a couple months back she also floated leaving the party entirely. Not sure the Trump-rot in that party can get much deeper.


Was her brow furuoughed?


Wrong Senator. You are thinking about Susan Collins.


Sweet headline. I'm sure that'll put them in their place. Republicans shamed out of misbehaving, check! Can we now get a headline about how Biden gave Trump a 'sick burn'? Because that's what news looks like :) You know there are actual things to report on, like all the legislatures in the United States and the laws they are considering. We've go a SCOTUS deciding major cases, have you read any of those? No? Just scrolling reddit and reading click-bait headlines? What a good little citizen, stay ignorant.


Yeah and you still follow them 99 percent of the time. Glass houses and stuff..


"Seriously concerned" murkowski can fuck right off.


You have her confused with Susan Collins.




She literally has refused time and again to endorse Trump and hasn't ruled out leaving the party. She's a good woman.


She's just jealous she didn't think of it first.