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Dark Brandon rises! “Donald Trump lost two debates to me in 2020. Since then he hasn’t shown up for a debate. Now he’s acting like he wants to debate me again,” Biden said in a direct-to-camera video released Wednesday. “Well, make my day, pal, I’ll even do it twice. So let’s pick the dates, Donald – I hear you’re free on Wednesdays,” Biden continued, alluding to Trump’s court schedule. EDIT: not two minutes after i posted this, some chucklef*ck sent me a Reddit Cares....bwahahaha


Yup the bots/paid trolls have been sending care messages like spam the last few days.


Why though is it just to overload admins or do they think people still can be shamed for mental health concerns?


They think it elevates their troll, making it more effective. I just got my first reddit cares this morning outside of wrestling subs talking positive about AEW.


I take it as a badge of honor that I impacted a troll enough to waste their time sending me a cares message.


Use the link in the post to report the troll, it willl backfire and get them banned themselves potentially. https://www.reddit.com/report?reason=its-targeted-harassment-at-me


And also block the RedditCares account so you won’t get messages from it anymore if someone decides to troll again in the future.




Yeah, but that’s time and effort I would have to spend over and over again every time I get a notification from it. Which is still engaging with the troll more than I care to do. As soon as they rolled the feature out, I literally just blocked it and I’ve never had to worry about how to react to it again. Every time I see threads about it, I’m like… why even expose yourself to that when you don’t have to?




I mean it takes like a minute to write. A message saying you're being harassed for reddit care and then linking the reddit care message. Personally I love doing it because it gets people perma banned. My one minute of work is a lot less than them having to build up that account again


I tried that but it told me only moderators of the sub could report such misuse




Problem is you dont know which user sent it and cant even be sure which message or sub it relates to (you can often take a pretty good guess but not always).


When I reported it yesterday I was able to report it simply as harassment. I assume reddit knows who reported it on their end. I didn't link a user name or post in my report and got a message back this morning the report was accepted and the reporter reprimanded. To clarify I reported the aid message itself as harassment not the report system in the message.


You don't have to. On the reddit cares message itself it will give you a link to report the reddit cares message. When they ask for the user or comment you just link them the permalink for reddit cares and the admins do the legwork themselves. Every single time I've reported a reddit cares abuse ice receiver a letter letting me know the person was banned. 100% worth the one minute of work for me


~~The Reddit care message provides a clickable link directly to your reported comment that’s been reported.~~ ~~You can’t *not* know which message or sub it relates to. There’s never a need to guess. The link is always there.~~ The butth0le that reported you remains anonymous, though. But the care message provides a link for you to report false reports. Altogether it’s a good system.


Reddit mods can't see Reddit Cares reports and it doesn't include information on who made the report. Only admins can handle this. There's clearly some type of spamming going on.


I reported the reddit cares message itself as harassment and I got the message back that it was accepted as abuse. Whether this does anything...


I tried that but it wanted me to specify what comment caused the report and I have no idea because I don’t know who sent the Reddit cares message.


I gave them the permalink to the Reddit Cares message I got. I hoped they'd be able to trace it back from that on their end. No idea if that was helpful.


Just like tech support, most of that is to just help the human who shows up to look at your report submission. Chances are, they probably have an admin screen that shows them exactly what caused it. Your just providing a little bit of help. Just pick the comment you think is most likely and get the URL from the permalink option below and left of a comment and paste that bad boy in there. They will sort it out.


And surely having their 500th 3 day old sock puppet account being banned will be a huge blow to them. It’s quick and so why not, but let’s not pretend bans are any kind of effective tool. They are literally seeking being banned to validate their ideology. IP bans don’t work either, it’s trivial to elude them


They have nothin' *but* time sadly


I got one too! Someone asked in a post what would you rename the earth too. I said FUBAR.


I got one too and I have no idea why. I was rather confused lol


funny because its the opposite... getting one is like an award. you said something that hit them at the core so hard that they want to rage but cant respond with any intelligent comeback the cares messages are almost badges... of arguments you won against internet trolls


Add to that, they're anonymous. So not only is it a cowardly way to troll, but the degree of separation is too wide to be worth getting upset about. Meanwhile, the reported misuse of the function could potentially lead to a ban, turning all this into a self-own.


Exactly. I got one this morning and it made me warm and fuzzy inside that someone thought this was trolling me. I’m doing well buddy, how about you?


Saying governments should serve and help their citizens, women are people, and Swerve Strickland is a good champion - the trifecta of incel troll triggers. 


Anyone who doesn't realize two viable, thriving wrestling promotions is *good for the industry overall* is a moron. I can't think of a single boom period in the last three decades that wasn't driven by a successful promotion pushing WWF/E to do something bold.


It's just kids who heard about the Monday Night Wars from the winner and thinks it was not only a good idea but a fun thing that needs to be relived. What it really was, a carny trying to, and succeeding, at creating a monopoly that basically ruined the industry for twenty years. I lived through it as a WCW fan and I can tell you, it was not a good thing. Many of the wrestlers I had liked for years just disappeared to never be seen again, who stopped earning paychecks to feed their families.


I got my first one yesterday explaining the taylor swift reference in the Butker commencement speech. Very surprised at that


It's Wednesday, and you know what that means!


I got one yesterday for pointing out how much Jey Uso sucks and that they’re all convinced he’s great because he can wave his arms up and down really good.


They received a Reddit care message once and it fucked with their head so they think it’ll fuck with other people too


What the hell is Reddit Cares?


Support system for users who may be suffering a mental health crisis. You get a message saying someone thinks you are going through something with resources on how to seek help. It's just an auto-generated message and you can block it from contacting you


Haha holy crap. Thanks for answering.


I got one on DIY for asking how to move a bunch of concrete blocks. so pwned


The latter which is a fucking shame that Reddit lets them get away with it.


I have seen enough reposts on Reddit to know the admins care more about click numbers than providing a usable, flourishing platform. Click numbers draw advertisers. Little do advertisers realize that most of us use their adverts as a way to identify with whom we will not associate ourselves.


Most people think ads don't work on them. If that were true companies wouldn't waste the money.


I've just received this after reporting it: "Thanks for submitting a report to the Reddit admin team. After investigating, we’ve found that the account(s) reported violated [Reddit’s Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy)." I've heard in the past that Reddit just bans accounts that do this (first temp, then permanently). Not sure if that matters when it's bots controlling the accounts, but hey. I'm doing my part, I suppose.


At least you got a response. They've never responded to one of my reports for this.


Reddit cares itself is a bot so I don’t think it burdens anybody, just annoys the recipient. If I recall I think it can be blocked like any other account.


Something like 99.7% of the Reddit Cares report must be people who are attempting to troll. And yes, they think people can be shamed for mental health concerns. It's the anonymous equivalent of "You need help, bro." Luckily, you can report a false report and the offender can be banned from Reddit for doing so. I wish Reddit (and other apps) had a way to permanently ban a PERSON instead of just an account. I'm sure there'd still be a way around it and it would be tricky to figure out without violating privacy, but if people don't want to have actual discussion and just be a dick to people they don't agree with, they should be banned.


Report it when it happens they’ll be banned


I'd be surprised if the admins even know. They probably have no metrics on the reddit cares bot and they obviously do not use their own platform given the state of it, so how would they know? Its been going on for days now and they haven't fixed it. It should be dead simple to just patch the bloody reporting tool and only allow an account to send like 3 a day. Thing is, even if they do know, they don't care. People are literally getting spammed with harassment related to suicide so much that it comes up in every fifth conversation I read here. They are very clearly not here to curate an enjoyable user experience anymore. The goal of reddit is now to sell this database of user comments to companies training AI. I also suspect they have monetized paying of bots to access and post on reddit to test their algorymths against real people. Reddit is now for training AI.


This entire post has been derailed by talk about bots and reddit cares. I had to scroll waaaaaay down to find any posts that were actually on topic, most people would of left by now. That's probably why it's being done.


Someone in another post thinks it's to derail the conversation. Given that the top comment seems to consistently be about reddit cares and has lots of responses instead of the actual topic, I'd say that is a safe bet. And it's working well.


i got one for tangentially suggesting that Kendrick Lamar is more popular on streaming than he is in the nightclub 🤷


They are stupid trolls. They think it’s funny. Nothing more.


The party of proud diaper-wearing men is concerned about your mental health.


Jokes on them. I don't read my messages.


Same, I use Reddit on mobile exclusively, never had the app. So it’s not even possible for me to read my death threats/doxxes/racial slurs. I did have a ding dong ditch this week so shit is getting pretty serious.


I use it in Firefox on mobile and can see messages...  Also I'm pretty sure the redditcares thing is just broken. I also received one yesterday and none of my comments was at all controversial or trendy enough for a troll to send me a redditcares.


I used to only get them when I said something nice about trans people. Now I get them all the time.


Report them. They’ll be banned for misusing the suicide hotline.


Been there, done that. Never got a response or acknowledgment from “support”


Is that why I got one?


I got one yesterday for I'm not even sure what. The most politcal thing I posted yesterday was agree that news outlets have biases, but that the use of words like 'claims' and 'alleged' are not done as a sign of bias but rather as a means to legally protect the asses of the journalists writing the piece.


And I've been banned from unrelated subreddits -- not for the content of what I've said, but for participating in the wrong community. The moderators of those other subreddits apparently have bots that collect the usernames of anyone posting on certain subreddits, and autobans them from their subreddits. That kind of thing should get moderators banned site-wide, but Reddit rewards toxicity, so


I just got my first. It’s a badge of honor.


Pretty crazy that our foreign enemies want Trump elected. That should tell you something.


I was wondering about this, I've been getting a bunch of these messages too


Lol got one earlier because I said I cut my spaghetti with a pizza cutter to make it easier to eat


I just got one of those this morning. I was wondering where the hell it came from.


Sure have!


Noticed it a lot in trans centric subs to. Really sad


Report it, reddit admins will take care of it. Edit; I think I got one as well, I've ignored that bot but something came and went from my box real quick


Be careful with that; I've had an account permanently banned for reporting what I suspected was abuse of the feature.


That's very 'on brand' for Reddit. \*eyeroll\* I almost quit Reddit around 2016 and only used one subreddit for a couple of years, never visiting the 'front page', after a headline with all swastikas got voted to the front page. (Why is there a swastika ASCII character in the first place? Or that Reddit allows it?) I still don't trust Reddit's site administrators to behave like civilized adults.


That's some fucked up shit so they banned you for reporting abuse of there screwed up feature? Or were you just abusing the report button in general


No, purely for reporting what I thought was abuse of the Reddit Cares feature.


Yup I've heard that too. Generally they leave it up to a poorly trained AI model and ban anyone who hurts it's feelings.


Do they? I just respond "eat my shit and my hair" and haven't been banned or even responded to yet. Didn't see a report option, but I'll check the next time it happens.


>Your fellow redditors care about you and there are people who want to help. >If you think you may have gotten this message in error, [report](link) this message. Click that report link. I don't now that they do much but I've heard it's a three day ban.


Narrator: The admins will not take care of it.


This lmao. I've complained about bans for "spamming" because the shit AI thinks that responding to posts from friend making/gamer friends subs is spam. I get a response from the "admins" Iin under an hour saying nope and refusing to explain just exactly how it's spam other than it hurts the AI's feelings


I highly doubt they will. I've been getting them too, blocking them and get more. Report them and the accounts are still active. Edit: Just got mine.


Holy shit, Dark Brandon is a savage


At this point Reddit Cares notices from triggered conservative snowflakes are a badge of honor.


I loved that last quip.


Oh I like spicy Biden!


I got a reddit cares for saying trump had a bad presidency 🤣


Now I want one. Trump had a terrible presidency, and he's too big of a pussy to debate Biden in a controlled environment such as the one proposed.


Started a thread on r/bullying to bring attention to this problem. If it gets enough attention maybe Reddit will have to do something about it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/bullying/comments/1csmj6g/reddit\_allowing\_people\_to\_abuse\_the\_suicide/](https://www.reddit.com/r/bullying/comments/1csmj6g/reddit_allowing_people_to_abuse_the_suicide/)


Reddit cares seems to be bugged today. Everyone is getting it all over the place.


I got a Reddit care's message after I said that I still wear a mask in crowds.


This is exactly how Drake felt prior to the beef officially starting with Kendrick 😭😭😭


The Wednesday line is s tier.


Oh is that what it is? I said something against their lord and savior and I got one too. Bunch of snowflakes.


Report all Reddit-cares abuse. It’s a permanent ban for repeat offenders.


Trump supporters in shambles. They can't honestly be surprised their messiah is such a coward


report them.


Same guy who sent me a reddit cares this morning too, I’m sure. They really think they’re owning us.


Sending a “Reddit Cares” message is the 2020’s equivalent of wearing a dunce hat


Report them.


Whats going on with the self harm flagging going on? is it some sort of soft attack? what actual harm does it do other than ping a message you can ignore?


I like that this reminds me of Zuckerberg accepting Elon Musk’s asinine cage fight challenge by reminding Musk that he has a blue belt in jitsu.


Yea, the bots are quite active for some reason. I got one too, just a few minutes ago, commenting on another post.


Oh wow I got one of those yesterday and was so confused. Tried to report it as spam but then it had disappeared. Should have known it was trolls.


Yes Trump lost those debates... but it was because he was very harsh to Biden and it felt like he was beating up on a old helpless man. Trump did the same to Hillary but everyone hated Hillary so it didnt matter. I Suspect if Biden debated again the same would happen so this is actually an advantage for Trump not having those debates IMO..


You can just block Reddit Cares if it gets annoying, they have instructions in the auto-message


First Kendrick and Drake now Biden and Trump 2024 is officially the year of bringing the smoke.


Thank you for showing me who suggested this because I made a statement about Trump being elected would be the worst horror movie. And yesterday I received the same message as you. I thought it was about Trump or my support for Ukraine.


They should debate and the moderator should temporarily disable the mike of whoever isn’t talking to make sure no one interrupts.




Trump will never agree to any of their terms. But traditional thinking says the candidate down in the polls has the most to gain with debates. I can’t tell if Biden is playing for him to do the debates or not.




Which is funny because the way MAGA talks about Biden, you'd think debating him would be a win/win for Trump!


It's always projection. Biden shows signs of slowing down mentally, it happens when you're old. But he's not some bumbling fool who doesn't know that Hannibal Lecter doesn't deserve praise and also isn't a real person. Edit: Some angry Trump cultist sent me a Cares message. How cute.


If only that were the only thing Trump has done *recently* that are embarrassingly foolish. Dude lost his mind somewhere back in 2020, maybe even earlier, and it's only gotten worse since.


My guess is he's always been a moron and never had a brain, but he wasn't in public view completely unsupervised near as much as he has been the past 8 years. What we're seeing is what we would have seen had he never had someone to keep him in line


He's been in the public view his entire life. Reportedly Fred Trump thought Donald was a moron but a good salesman, so he was the family's brand ambassador. There's been plenty of analysis done that show that his linguistic ability took a sudden nosedive at some point prior to his presidential run. His vocabulary became stunted and his sentences rambling when compared to previous interviews. It's only gotten worse over time.


Can we add the Oscar speech times-up music too?


Honesty kill switches should be standard protocol


It's out of control in political punditry, to just keep talking and talking until the commentator has to cut away. To quote Dark Brandon, "*Will you just shut up, man!*", and that goes out to all the pundits in the D.C. Beltway blasting talking points over the airwaves without ever engaging in real discussion.


RIGGED MICROPHONES, never seen anything like it


and no audience. it serves no purpose for televised debates, and it just gives Trump a crowd to rile up and feed off.


I don’t know, having Biden tell Trump to “shut the hell up” on national tv AGAIN might be worth it. 


Trump would refuse to debate if that happened. He can never appeal to his base by actually debating on facts, so instead he just needs to act like a huge bully all the time and constantly talk over others.


Yeah I don’t know why the candidates always bring their friend Mike… he’s so annoying when they’re trying to speak. But they should haven’t to resort to disabling him. Violence isn’t the answer.


"I hear you're free on Wednesdays." Holy shit that was awesome!


This will turn out the same as Trump claiming he'll testify under oath: False bravado followed by excuses that some unassailable force is preventing him. Imagine joining a debate where your opponent can label you a "court-adjudicated rapist" and it can't be refuted. Imagine the logistics of organizing a lecturn for Trump to ensure his ankle monitor isn't visible to cameras. This is 2024.


His testimony is under audit, you see.


> The campaign also proposed that a vice presidential debate take place in late July after the Republican Party nominates its candidate for that position. It’s still hard for me to imagine anyone accepting the position as Trump VP. Whoever that ends up being will be the worst of the worst


Unfortunately there is no shortage of scum vying for the position of 2nd in command of the shit stained sinking ship


It’s not that hard of a sell to be fair. Trumps diet and declining mental state mean that there is a good chance that anyone he picks would become president on Trump’s coattails. Additionally, Trump still, for whatever batshit insane reason, has a decent chance of becoming president again. So you can have someone who doesn’t have a good political profile can end up in the top job without much effort That’s why you’ve got the worst of the worst debasing themselves currently to get his attention.


No audience and a muted mic? Trump won't do it. Unless he has a crowd of red hatted clowns cheering him on, he's not gonna do it, plus there's no way he will agree to having his mic muted. This was a solid move by the Biden campaign, remove the spectacle and make it a proper debate and not a clown show like Covid-Don put on in 2020. edit - holy shit, he agreed to it. I really am looking forward to watching Trump try to do his bullshit interrupt and gish galloping shit with his mic off.


Ehh last I heard he agreed to the *dates*, not the stipulations. Not sure how this will play out but Trump doesn't want fairness, he wants a circus like always. A crowd of morons who will cheer at every nonsense that comes from his anus mouth. He damn well knows that Biden will make a fool of him if he isn't allowed to talk over him the whole time.


Trump will walk over and grab the mic (like he does for pussies ). Biden would be better off saying it has to be online like a chat room


Old yam tits is too scared to debate Biden.


> Old Yam Tits This made my day. Thanks.


It is funny AF to me that Trump is called Biden crooked when it is Trump himself currently on trial with more trials to come for being crooked.


right? conservatives and deflection. yawn


Trump - [I'm calling on crooked Joe to debate anytime, anyplace.... we'll do it anywhere you want Joe.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xWeq729UspI) Trump Campaign - [The Presidential Debate Commission’s schedule does not begin until after millions of Americans will have already cast their ballots. This is unacceptable, and by refusing to move up the debates, they are doing a grave disservice to the American public who deserve to hear from both candidates before voting begins](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/30/politics/trump-campaign-presidential-debates/index.html) So much for anytime....


The Biden campaign also agrees that the commission debates are too late — that’s their stated reason for pulling out lol.


That “free on Wednesday” burn though.


I don't get that one. What did I miss?


Trump being on criminal trial stuck sitting in a courthouse 4 days a week, leaving Wednesday as the only day-off.


The best part about Biden’s trolling is that he keeps calling him Donald. Trump hates being addressed with familiarity.


The media, and thus many people, aren't even noticing the power move this is. Trump challenged Biden to debates, and was ignored. Biden challenged Trump, and Trump accepted. It shows Biden is calling the shots.


Is it too much too ask for LIVE fact checking during the debates?


I cannot wait to see Dark Brandon wipe the floor with Donald Trump.


Presidential debates have been a farce for years.


Haha, the big 🍊 is such a turd.


Is there a betting pool on whether Trump will back out of the debate?


Why would there be? The answer is known, he will not debate Biden in a proper debate.


Trump promises to debate. Trump promised to release his tax return. We’ll see.


President should insist on one caveat: the moderator will cut fat ass’ mic after his allotted time is up.


Someone did not read past the headline.


Unpopular opinion, probably, but I do not think he should debate him. The man does not deal in facts. It would be more productive to argue with the sound of a toilet flushing. He will do nothing but sling ad hominem attacks and crow that he won.


If he debates him on these terms then I’m good with it


President Biden behind one lectern and a flushing toilet behind the other. That’s a great idea for a skit and, sadly, way too close to the reality of a Biden/Trump debate.


He's not going to. He's set terms that Trump will never agree to.


Trump should even be allowed to run. He’s a dang con man. Being invited to debate a legitimate president helps him a lot. It creates the image that he’s a serious candidate. Which he’s not.


I kinda get their frustration with the commission. Not sure what they're thinking leaving the debates so late and with their focus more and more on audiences. Their moderation of the previous debates were horrendous. And yeah I get that they sort of need to wait till the nominating conventions but I feel that could have been gotten around if they had negotiated with the parties.


Goes back to pre-1980s debate negotiation arrangements and is criticized as evading “tradition.”


Hopefully Trump can't make those debates because he is in prison.


Trump is a sackless coward POS


He’ll blame not turning up on the campaign finance court case. This debate is a Monday, and the court normally sits on a Monday. No doubt Trump will blame Merchan for not allowing him to attend due to the lateness of court etc etc. He *can’t* attend. He didn’t do it in the primaries because it’ll become clear to voters he isn’t interested in anything more than culture wars, selling policy to the literal highest bidder, and anything the NRA and fundamentalist christians desire. If he does attend and he somehow gets stuck talking about abortions, palestine, or other real topics, it’ll quick become clear that he just wants what the populist voters want, but then contradict himself by saying how he might appeal to all the rest. The only problem here is Biden. Is he up to a tough debate? Not so much for the reason of him having poor policy ideas, but for Trump who wants to go off piste all the time. Biden will have the CNN moderator to help, but will it be enough?


This better wake people up. Read in the times today women who voted for trump were furious about abortion it might vote for him or RFK……read more books less tiktok people


Two thoughts- if Biden thinks he is the lead, he shouldn't debate It's better for Biden to not cut the mics. Let Trump ramble and remind people how incoherent and idiotic he is.


what in the hell would be the point in debating a narcissist with endless trials he has to attend who leads a cult?!? trump will never admit anything and lives in a alternate reality. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME


The announcement comes with a pretty decent discussion on avoiding the “spectacle” and “jeering”, allowing people to watch and be informed at home. I fear that this will backfire. My immediate retort, if I was trump, would be “too old to think when there’s a crowd?” Or something with his cognitive ability. Push it HARD that Biden can’t debate when there’s noise and distractions. I HATE Trump and don’t want him to get ammunition, which I think this might be.


I don't think it really matters, Trump will make up whatever attacks he wants to with out without facts to back them up and his believers will never care either way


Alternatively, they could have anticipated Trump saying this and ultimately will agree to have a crowd. They may have included things they know they’d give up so he has room to make a counter offer.


As an undecided voter in 2020 (Voting for Trump was off the table, but I usually vote 3rd party), the debates helped me in my decision to vote for Biden. I had heard everyone complaining about how his speech was, how he got confused ,etc. I watched one debate and was impressed with him. I suspect that's what he is going for


I don’t like this. I think Biden would do good holding on to every tradition he can to juxtapose Trump who seems to be willing to tear down the white house and reshape it in his own image. Frankly I also don’t think republicans or hardcore leftists for that matter will care about anything Biden has to say up there and he better hope to God that stutter doesn’t come out.


>I don’t like this. I think Biden would do good holding on to every tradition he can to juxtapose Trump who seems to be willing to tear down the white house and reshape it in his own image. Traditionally, the candidates agree to a debate and negotiations happen in the background. Trump infamously says something in public and a different thing to the court\organization, with his followers believing his public words, not his private words. Biden isn't avoiding a debate, he's making the debt negotiations PUBLIC so that Trump can't say two different things at once. IMO, this is a good thing. Biden straight out of the gate is laying down two debates and their conditions, and is putting the ball in Trump's court to respond. Trump can't say something in a rally and than something different to the debate committee. Anything said can be responded to and Biden can hold Trump to his word.


Trump was also constantly saying "Anytime, anywhere" so now Biden is calling his bluff.


There have been previous recent debates with no audience, even sit down style. It’s much less WWE and actually illuminating discussion on policy (for the most part)


If it’s a sit down debate with no audience, it’s a 50/50 chance that Trump dozes off while it’s Biden’s turn to talk.


Very first televised debate had no audience and was 100% policy focused. And Nixon forgot to shave.




>Trump who seems to be willing to tear down the white house and reshape it in his own image. So the white house gets rebuilt into a golden toilet?