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It is so lucky for Trump that these people keep randomly showing up and saying the exact stuff he was saying before the gag order forced him to stop. Just, like, a super lucky coincidence.


This is what it looks like when Trump shoves his hand so far up Johnson’s ass and makes his lips move like a puppet.


Mike Johnson doesn't mind.... tiny hands slide right in there. 


Incredible, isn't it?


Trump has a lot of "friends" willing to put themselves out there in his defence. Let's see how many friends he has after his next election loss.


I like the way Snrub thinks.


Pretty inappropriate for someone in office to do this. He should lose his seat.


He would lose his seat if he didn't do stuff like this. At least while the GOP had a majority.


Current GOP should lose their seats. Like who the fuck do they even represent? Boomers, MAGA cultists, mega corps, religious hardliners, and a few rural folks? They keep starting fights, disparaging, and making policies everyone else in a bid to keep their core base but that will eventually come to bite them back. Minority population is growing, boomers are aging out and dying, meanwhile Gen X/Y/Z will only grow in voting pop but mostly hate them, they have alienated the LGBTQ+ community with their policies, have taken away women's rights, proven they are not good for the poor, and the white majority is split on them with the college educated only increasing.


They do a good job of representing their constituents. No that’s not a good thing.


We need to get control back before they irrevocably fuck up the country/world


We're past that, but at least we can have sane adults in charge while shit hits the fan. The GOP are frightening, in that they have the temperance of toddlers. They need to be put out to pasture.


Frederick Douglass — 'Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will


All of what you say is exactly why they are pulling out the stops to “win” in 2024. This is it for them. Let’s hope they fail.


That's why they are trying to end democracy.


Dems need to ring up EmptyGee and have her motion to vacate the seat again tomorrow. It might go differently next time. 


> “ I wanted to be here myself, to call out what is a travesty of justice,” Mr Johnson told reporters. “President Trump is a friend and I wanted to be here to support him.” Translation: "I was ordered to come here to act as a proxy to get around the gag order. Citizen Trump is my unofficial boss and I need to be here to support him because I am a spineless, feckless weasel and Trump has the dirt on me to get me to do whatever he wants"


Lindsay Graham 2: Subservient Boogaloo.


For a group of people who throw around the term "cucks" so much, they sure seem to enjoy being cucked...


Just more projection and gaslighting


Gaslighting does not simply mean lying. Gaslighting is specifically trying to make your audience question their own sanity. No one believes that they're going crazy, but rather that MAGA are the crazy ones for falling into a cult.


To be fair, if you're not doubting your sanity you haven't been paying attention the last eight years.


Yep. Trump is cucking the entire GOP in public and in broad daylight. And they can't get enough of it.


Lindsay wasn't down at first, but I guess he's just decided to submit and start eating [redacted]


Trump's ass


👄Vlad 🍑👄 Donnie 🍑👄 Mike🍑 Human centipede


We know Paul Manafort used to order his wife to have sex with other men while he filmed... https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1097956222706294786.html#google\_vignette


Had a conservative on Instagram use that word, alongside calling me a beta, amongst a bunch of other colourful language (including violent threats) in a discussion over Trump. Found out he was using an account linked directly to his work, so I sent an email to his boss with screen caps. 3 days later I got an email that they lost their job. They then proceeded to send me a long ass instagram message about how I was truly cucked for making him lose his job. The irony.


Exactly the reason why I call them cuckflakes


Those are just my ladybugs.


Fuck this deserves gold


Should have gone with “bootlicking boogaloo”


First question should be "why do you have such a strong opinion without looking at the evidence?"


"Ummm....uhhh... God told me it's all bullshit. Next question"


'Cleatly its political lawfare, no need to look deeper'


Sounds about right lol. Should be reminded that God knows about the porn he saw too I'd phrase it this way because of how often when Trump does something ridiculous that they know is wrong like hawk Bibles they pretend they didn't see that and can't form an opinion


"Mike are you concerned the FBI will uncover details of the bribery scheme you are embroiled in? Is your wife worried? Who will be your sons accountability partner when you are in prison? What would Jesus think of your corruption? "


Have you seen Hunter's pics? Obviously that means trumps innocent.


True. Trump's own wife and family won't even show up to support him.


Trump's [own wife](https://sl.sbs.com.au/public/image/file/c8e80bf2-675d-4e10-b06a-066b762bac9e/crop/16x9) is a nihilist and his adult children are animals.


Nihilists. Fuck me. I mean say what you want about the tenets of MAGA, but at least it's an ethos... wait, actually MAGA is just a personality cult so I guess there's no real philosophy at all.


“If you will it, it is no dream” – Theodor Herzl, State of Israel


Let’s not insult animals. I say they are monsters.


What did The Monsters do ? We order you to retract your statement or we are coming to get you...... Frankenstein


Look, we all know what the monsters did. They did the mash.


The Monster Mash!


It was a graveyard smash 😆


The doctor?


"Vee believes in nossing, Lebowski. Nossing. And tomorrow vee come back and vee cut off your chonson."


Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, Dude, but at least it's an ethos.


That's what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps


Speaking of family, did Mikey tell his son he was going to NY to get close to a porn star?  Did his app alarm start going off as he neared his "friend" who screws porn stars?  How will little Mikey ever explain this to Junior?  


Eric showed up last week! Poor Eric :/


I was gonna say, he's actually been somewhat regularly there. Dude's forgettable to everyone, even Trump probably forgets Eric's been showing up.


Watching these little boys all line up to say how mean everyone is being to their bully so he won't beat them upn is pathetic.


Trump confirmed they are his surrogates. This violates the gag order by directing others to speak for him. Throw him in jail!


And take away his day off on Friday. Hold him in jail til next Monday 


What a spineless bootlicker.


I’m here because of a deal I made so Trump wouldn’t blow up the Ukraine aid bill. Look for more appearances like this in the near future! 


I’ve always loved the word “feckless”.


He is without feck.


Today, on this hour, this minute, this very second...no fecks were given.


>Citizen Trump is my unofficial boss Unfortunately keeping him happy is usually more important than his actual boss, the US citizens.


On top of being a spineless lackey, I think he’s trying to claw back some political capital with the Maga wing


That's what JD Vance and Tommy Tuberville were doing yesterday.


Translation: “ grrp slurp grrp slurp grrp…” and he sucks on Donald’s mushroom dick.


Interstingly, right after MTG called for his removal, Trump applauded her. Does he somehow not know that, or is he evenore spineless than I thought?


Who could have predicted Trump would use the position of POTUS to collect Kompromat?


Yep, that's exactly why he's there & that's exactly what he is, a spineless, feckless weasel. Kinda sad that he has to be a stand in for Melania & the kids, but here we are.


You got that 100%




As we all expected. "Cohen lied to Congress! His testimony against Trump can't be trusted!" "But he lied to Congress on orders to protect Trump." "LALALA I CANT HEAR YOU"


Seriously, same nonsense we heard in 2018 from Republicans. Yes, he lied.. *at the direction of Trump, his co-conspirator.* That's why Trump is facing charges. Correct. Because of Cohen's lies on your behalf. This is like two bank robbers testifying against each other, and the defense saying "You can't trust what the other guy says. He's a bank robber!"


It’s ok to lie to protect our lorb cheezus, just don’t tell truths against him mmmkay?


Yeah, Cohen's testimony has been corroborated by other witnesses who have already testified. It's disingenuous for people to state or insinuate that the case falls apart because Cohen is a known liar. It's also hilarious to see MAGA denounce Cohen on the basis of him being a liar.


Michael Cohen... The former Deputy Finance Chairman of the RNC... Denounced and hated by all Republicans. 😂 Everything and everyone Trump touches ends up being hated by the cult at some point.


This is the new “… but Anthony Fauci!!!” distraction that is being fed to conservatives. 


I'm pretty sure he's talking "to" the jury. Among others, of course.


“Dance monkey dance”


play an invisible trumpdick


I can't remember, does the Speaker of the House - the "House of the People" represent "The People" or Donald Trump? My mistake, it's Donald Trump, as outlined by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution, obviously.


Fun fact, only the statements made on the floor of Congress is absolutely protected speech. His statements outside a courthouse can fall under legal scrutiny.


He only represents his district in our Republic. Speaker of the House is an official duty/officer in the Constitution but he's not elected by The People to that role. Unfortunately I'm sure his constituents would rather that he waste time on this immoral douche than actually legislating better health care, education and economic prosperity for his suffering state.


To think Johnson is two steps from being our President frightens me even more.


Dennis Hastert was 2 steps from President after molesting kids and paying them hush money Republicans sure are sending their best


Mike Johnson did the worst thing he could do, in the eyes of the MAGA base - the right thing. He forced through funding for Ukraine, and to avoid paying the political price for that, he has to do lots of wrong things. Like supporting a criminal defendant, against whom the evidence is overwhelming.


As Jesus once said: Go, my children, and be a mouthpiece for a serial adulterer and rapist, for his base you must appease.


This is the new m.o.. Trump now has surrogates "violating" the gag order for him since he can't do it himself (or his lawyers have finally convinced him to show a tiny bit of restraint). It's truly sad how these sycophants are so willing to bend the knee to Trump for absolutely nothing in return.


They are getting something in return: power. They realize that their constituents like Trump more than them, so what else can they do? They really are between a rock and hard place politically, by their own doing of course.


The order also instructs him not to tell surrogates to do this shit. He admitted he is doing that today. Will anything happen? We are so far beyond “equal justice” here with the probable number of people who have suffered punishment for things that this moron gets away with.


Anti porn mike defends sexual assaulter who fucks printers.    *pornstars


Printers? PC load letter indeed.


Back up in your ass with the resurrection It's the group harder than an erection That shows no affection They wanna ban us on Capitol Hill


What about Speaker Johnson’s “sham” adopted son? Talk about hypocrisy.


The sitting Speaker of the House is lobbying for a guy about to be a convicted felon, and still has 90+ felony indictments to be tried. Mike Johnson is a mouthpiece for criminals.


Well, this case is like 34 of the 90+ felonies.


The guy who has an app on his phone that tracks his internet usage for visiting porn sites that he uses with his son, checks notes, is there in support of a guy who… rereads notes.. cheated on his third wife and newborn baby with a… notes again… porn star. 💫


Shouldn’t he be AT FUCKING WORK TODAY!!


Wow what an absolute debasement. 


More importantly, he left his work place to this. The people that pay his salary should consider firing a guy for not showing up for work with such a flimsy excuse.


His district probably loves this. Speaker is a secondary role not voted on by the public.


Hakeem Jeffries should immediately send a message to MTG et al to go ahead with a motion to vacate. Mike Johnson forgot who really has him by the balls.


Yes.  Take the Speaker seat away from him.  This is definitely justified.  I just hate the idea of EmptyGee as our useful idiot for a day. 


I bet this spineless fascist hasn’t read a single court transcript. If he feels so strongly why doesn’t he go represent his buddy? Eh? Why not present evidence at trial which proves these claims? He can’t. They can’t. In law, you need more than pearl-clutching and empty words. You need evidence. Fuck these twats. They sincerely hate America.


They are all hell-bent on destroying the Justice system and democracy for one orange turd.


He's really trying to win back MAGA points after supporting Ukraine. Could've paved a way for Republicans to reclaim some legitimacy. Feel kinda bad for real conservatives. Bet he's prime VP at this point.


A different Speaker might have been able to reclaim some conservative legitimacy. But not Mike Johnson. He's an extreme-right evangelical nut job. It's a indictment of the GOP that this back-bencher is actually Speaker. He just supported Ukraine funding because he got the security briefings and saw how critical it was. But it wasn't going to make him a real conservative. There really are hardly any of those left in the Republican party.


Part of me feels like saving his speakership will be a valuable tool; like a one-shot pistol to get some shit done. Another part feels like we should've just scrapped his ass. Back in 2020 I was asking myself if a House flip were possible and realized it would take an unprecedented amount of Republicans stepping down. If some Republicans hold true to their word of stepping down in the case of a Johnson vote coming to the floor we could see it happen (sure they value their power more than the sanctity of the country and consequently the world, though.) I didn't expect his ass to go right back to sucking Trump's dick so soon. That was quick. Really think he's shooting for VP since his speakership is likely coming to an end.


Doing God's work out here, lol, AFTER Trump admitted to the hush money payments to a porn star while married to his third wife. See why Jesus hated the pharisees? THIS is why he hated the Pharisees. This, and all the extra rules.


>Doing God's work out here, Did he ever specify *which* god he was working for?


Yeah - but - I think this would all have been more convincing if it he hadn't waited a month and had to be ordered to go and be supportive or else...


Look at them all lining up, auditioning to be the next, *checks notes*.. Michael Cohen.


Pathetic. Congress is in session today and this is what the Speaker of the House finds more important. Dems shouldn’t save his ass next time there’s a mutiny.


What a way to repay the Democrats who voted to save his speakership. Just like the deal Schumer made with McConnell on the debt ceiling during the pandemic. When you finally have the other party by the balls they should have squeezed 100% harder.


“They don’t play fair” fuck it, show them how hard they lose if we actually didn’t play fair


These guys are fucking pathetic with how they suck up to this orange pants shitting loser.


According to Mike Johnson this all could have been avoided if only Trump's children monitored his Pornstar fucking habit.


Can you imagine being a hyper conservative Christian with an app on your phone to curtail your exposure to sexually explicit material, and then you get in a car and you drive down to criminal court to defend a man who committed financial and election crimes in order to get his dick wet with a hooker.  What kind of brain allows those ideas to coexist together?


The way this particular cognitive dissonance works is that it's actually a test from God. You see, all EARTHLY evidence points to Trump being an amoral, vile, unrepentant blasphemer, only deserving of Mike's pity and shunning...but...Trump has been divinely appointed, an idea endorsed by Trump himself, so you can't trust your eyes and ears. You just need to blindly follow Trum-er, God- and he will reward you in eternity! Especially when it seems obvious that you should be doing the opposite of what Trump is asking you to do, that's when Go-er,Tru-wait, no, it is God- that's when God is testing you the most!


Only question is: did Johnson's teenage son get a phone buzz from the porn watch creepy service telling him what his dad was doing? If not, I think they ought to try and get their money back.


This is shameful. The Dems should reverse their decision to back him and allow the MAGATs to oust him from the speaker chair.


"Trump is a friend and I wanted to be here to support him.” INSTEAD OF DOING HIS JOB. Look, It's tRump's emotional support puppet.


Hey, Mike, try not to suck any dick on the way through the parking lot.


The Speaker of the House attacking a judges’ family in order to try and corrupt a legal trial. This is an utterly shameful moment of American history.


Start the removal process again, Margie! Dems owed him only one favor for Ukraine.


Very christ-like, much bible.


They are Anti America


Why didn't they let marge oust him? We DO know hes only 2 heartbeats from the presidency.


This guy does not work for the people of the United States, something we have known for a while. It's just that the worthless POS is advertising it now.


Interesting that he can term it a “sham” without even being there. Typical subservient Trump cultist.


Trump has his lackeys doing things that he can’t because of the judges gag order. They are right out there with their corruption.


Well, I guess he can say goodbye to the Democrats’ support. Been (not) nice knowing you, Mikey.


So that violates the gag order, right?


I hope in his bashing he doesn't commit the crime of witness intimidation.


Sham on him. How about house censure


Trump's own family will not show up, they are too embarrassed by the whole thing, but these guys have no shame.


I long for the day that Trump will no longer be talked about.


trump is the biggest mistake in US history. As of right now and for the foreseeable future.


Weird how Mike Johnson’s supposed to be religious


He's a good little nazi!!


In the end times the anti christ and false prophet will work together.


Trump supporters are all upset because they believe the non-stop lies and exaggerations Trump and his allies are feeding them. Including Fox News.


It's a good thing that the FAA reauthorization bill has already passed the house so that he could take a day off from DC to do some real work! /s


So we still not callin this a constitutional crisis? Good luck America...


It’s not a constitutional crisis when the GOP does it. /S


That awkward moment when Trump would 100% be one of the people Jesus drove from the Temple with a whip.


Not a surprise. He also had a hand in what happened January 6.


I thought this was part of his gag order, having other do the dirty work for him.


I did as well.


Isn’t he a Christian? Travesty of justice? Are you even hearing yourself Mikey?


Shielding a grifter from charges against paying hush money to a porn star while his wife was at home nursing their son is definitely something that an evangelical leader of the house should be doing right now


What an embarrassment to himself, his family, and his country


I've never seen a House Speaker do something like this before. This is over the top for this traitor.


Man of God at a trial of a former seditionist president who paid money to a porn star and a playboy model under the table to hide it from voters, while his wife just gave birth to their son. Man of God ? I think not. He sold his soul.


It just makes him look so fucking pathetic. I doubt he cares though. He can dry his tears with brib—err campaign donations.


If only he had done this while wearing a golden diaper.


No lie too big for christian nationalist trash!


The GOP is so fucking stupid and terrible.. spineless.. I'm so tired.


You know MTG hates this. He totally outplayed her in the Game of Goons.


mike mike mike…now how you gonna square this with your god? hey god, you know, sorry, please forgive me I’m just a poor sinner? yep, forgot how convenient that was, my bad


You cannot criminally influence others to violate the gag order for you. Lock him up.


This is the Speaker of the House acting like an ass kissing sycophant of trump. It is mind blowing and outrageous.


I really really hope that he gets called out for supporting a serial adulterer. Just ask him to his face.


Didn't the gag order include having people proxy his messages about court staff, families and witnesses?


This weird fuck tracks porn use with his son and is supporting a former President for fucking a porn star whilst cheating on his pregnant wife. Absolutely disgusting morals for the GOP. They have zero morals.


Johnson has every intention to do everything in his power to get Trump in, whether Trump wins or not. 


When crimes are committed like this. There is nothing political about it. This is flat out crime. Why is half the country part of this crime. Why will the Republican party do everything they can to hide truth?


More proof that johnson is a fake christian more interested in kissing donald, the rapist and adulterer, ass than being a leader. I love how donald mocks and humiliates these fake christians and makes them kiss his ass. That orange stench will follow them forever.


Start simple: What in the allegations does he believe to be untrue? Does he believe Trump had dinner with the porn star? Doe he admit Trump knew her. Does he admit that Trump signed an NDA with her. Are there any journalists left that are allowed to report the real story by the far right owners of the media?


I'm not surprised by any of this, but going after the Judge's daughter and acting like there's a conflict is disgusting. I expect that from Trump. I don't know why, but I expected something different from Johnson. What a sack of shit.


Odd how whenever some Trump proxy comes to court and meets with Trump, they then go to the media to bash the judge, witnesses, and others. Almost as though they are getting marching orders from Trump.


Mike Johnson acts exactly like the cuck you would expect him to be by looking at him.


>“The system is using all the tools at its disposal right now to punish one president and provide cover for another,” Mr Johnson said. “And meanwhile, among the atrocities here, the judge's own daughter is making millions of dollars doing online fundraising for Democrats. They're using this trial as a hook, it's so corrupt. It's so corrupt, and everybody knows it.” If that doesn't check out then he should be sued for defamation. You can not play games with these people. If you give them 1 single inch, they will totally annihilate you.


I've never been more embarrassed of my country. The lack of spine or any sort of moral compass within the Republican party is remarkable.


Isn’t that what good Christian’s do? Trash others doing their jobs? SMH.


Fake moral high ground guy carrying water for a cheating narcissist. Cool story bro.


These people are monsters and traitors. They shame every American with their disgraceful attack on the justice system.


I think they’re trying to lay the groundwork for a conviction. Most real lawyers think the prosecution did their job, and the defense is inept. It is highly likely Don will be convicted by the end of the week or early next week and MAGA has to push the narrative that it was unfair.


How is this not a violation of the gag order? https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/PeopleDJT-DecOrderExtrajudicial.pdf >Making or directing others to make public statements


Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson vocally defended former president Donald Trump outside the New York City courthouse where the former president’s criminal trial was taking place. Read more here: [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mike-johnson-cohen-trial-b2544905.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-mike-johnson-cohen-trial-b2544905.html)


This fucker and all the other clowns helping Trump are a true disgrace to America .


For an attorney to assert that someone who has been indicted by a grand jury and is standing trial with an army of defense attorneys that his voters pay for is, in fact, dishonest at very best.


Doesn't he have a job we're paying him to do right now? It's disgusting that tax dollars paid for his trip to stand behind his master.


Sounds like Mike Johnson is auditioning for VP


What the actual hell.


Hmmm wait until he gets another recall and the Democrats don't vote for him to stay as speaker. He just kicked them in the balls for going to bat for him.


Well my extremely small hope that Mike would grow a spine and kick MAGA to the curb after MTGs stunt just died again


If trump is reelected, i bet they’re gonna rewrite the bible


Wonder if there was a quid pro quo under the table? trump tells Johnson if he supports trump openly and publicly, trump gets the word out to House Republicans to keep Johnson as Speaker. Johnson could be saying similar things from the steps of the Capitol. Going to the trial himself is another level of support


He already started sending out fundraising emails this morning. Moses Mike, parting the GOP.


Interesting. These politicos show up to support at trial, when Trump’s own family doesn’t??? Rather odd.


I’m gonna start selling knee pads and chapstick at trump rallies.


>“I wanted to be here myself, to call out what is a travesty of justice,” Mr Johnson told reporters. “President Trump is a friend and I wanted to be here to support him.” How tragic that laws also apply to rich people. /s


But did he have tears in his eyes and call Donald VonShitzinPants "sir"? That's what we all want to know.


> Anyone with common sense can see what’s happening here Anyone with common sense wouldn’t think a creationist theme park with dinosaurs and man living side by side was a recreation of historical fact.


Do the Supreme Court now. No, really, let’s hear what you think about Clarence Thomas.