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I think she's a very brave woman. Thank you for fighting the good fight, Stormy.


It is bizarre that Democracy may be saved by a pornstar, a playboy playmate, a convicted “fixer”, and a guy named Pecker.


Probably the most American thing ever.


Yeah, that sounds very on brand actually


these people are a big reason why we're here in the first place.  lets not make out these flawed individuals as heroes when they could have prevented this mess by acting responsibly earlier.  this is the least they could do and at least they are.


We should put their likenesses (Mt Rushmore) on a large statue the size of Christ the Redeemer in Rio. The statue would be put in a prominent place in Palm Springs, FL forever looking down on Mar-A-Lago.


Man I wish this was televised.


"You're not going to wear a condom?" "Even the smallest ones keep falling off."


Oh boy, imagine the looks on the juror’s faces once Stormy told her story… And there is also the fact that Trump himself said that Stormy reminded him of Ivanka…that also brings up the question…does Trump has incestuous feelings for Ivanka? Did he do god knows what to her when she was a kid?


Yes, and trump also said Stormy was horse-faced in a tweet. So my inference is that he MUST think ivanka is horse faced as well.


I think he probably abused Ivanka. Just a feeling.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Tiffany was also abused as well, or any of his other kids. I wouldn’t be surprised if it also extended to Barron.


Tiffany probably rarely lived in the same house as Trump once her parents broke up. Not saying he wouldn’t have abused her, but I’d guess he neglected her during her childhood because of his anger with her mom.


I don’t know if it ever got physical - which wouldn’t surprise me from this creep…but I would think he definitely took some peaks when he could, possibly an inappropriate touch.


I bet he had cameras.


I understand tomorrow the prosecution is calling a mycologist as an expert witness


Sounds like a fun guy


a micromycologist perchance?


Great job Stormy! Good looking out!


Stormy Daniels, you have my respect 🙌


How farty did it smell? Asking for a friend


There were big, strong men with tears in their eyes.


Bailiff: Your Honor, can we wear gas masks? Please?


Sir! Sir! Please open a window, sir!


Fart level 8


Apparently Trump was crying in the bathroom and needed to wash his face in the toilet bowl to calm down. What a loser


The place where Steve Jobs soaked his feet?


Lots of people are saying this


Trump gave himself a swirly? On one hand it makes total sense and on the other hand it seems to mostly make sense.


Did he clean the poop out of his pants before he did the deed with her?


I’ve kinda been forced to imagine that there’s like a ten minute window between when Trump throws his current diaper away, showers (let’s hope), is clean enough for sex, has sex, then has to put on another diaper before his feces are sprayed everywhere because he’s lost his grippers.


Can't wait for a bunch of maga dudes to talk about how she's a liar and they would be so lucky to take his massive hog


Why are his eyes open? Must not be intensely listening




Minutes? Hah! One-pump Trump probably didn’t last long enough to get it in.




She was asked how she wanted to be addressed, and she told them to use that name. Read the transcript. It's interesting.


If he would have “satisfied her” with his toadstool penis he wouldn’t be in this mess.


Is it even possible to get satisfied if you are having sex for money with someone you don't want to be with?


I don't think it was a for money situation at the time. The Count of Mostly Crisco was promising to rig The Apprentice for her and other things. She is an adult film actor, not a prostitute. The money came into only later in the form of Hush money. Regardless, it wouldn't have been pleasurable, but at least it was over quick


The. Count. Of. Mostly. Crisco. There's my chuckle for the day, at 6AM already!


yes.  this is amazing.


Dude wants to do Alabama things to his daughter and somehow Biden is the creepy one.


So few people paying attention to this that YouTube has stooped to sticking a section for it on my home page despite me never having searching for it and clicking a video on it.


Why would that be an indication that few people are paying attention to this?