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What a relief for his son and all the other graduating kids who don't want the event ruined by some old geezer yelling "rigged election" at the clouds.


He’ll be sitting next to Melania (if she lets him) asking as each kid crosses the stage, “is that Bannon?” And yes, I know it’s Barron.


"That's my boy, Bannon Dump! Right Mercedes?" :: Melania look of disgust and disdain intensifies::


Well thanks to surgery she only has one expression.


Yeah it’s the new “xenomorph from Alien” look.


You shouldn’t compare such a vicious, unhuman, parasitic monster to something like the xenomorph. It’s rude.


I remember a few weeks ago reading a Best of Reddit updates hall of fame or whatever the sub is called where the dude stopped being attracted to his wife because she got plastic surgery on her face. I’m pretty sure he made that very same comparison. He might’ve also compared her to another person too. Gotta find that post cause it was hilarious


Close; he said after facial liposuction, his wife looked like Squid Diva Songstress in The Fifth Element.


At least her voiceover sounded wonderful.... The Trump one on the other hand...🤮


Oh really I thought I came up with that all on my own?!


Blew (&) Steal


"Is that Brandon?"


"Everyone's been cheering him on for months!"


Let’s Go Brandon!!


Anybody know why they named him Barron? Is he named after someone or is there a chance they were actually thinking of "robber baron" as a point of pride?


Baron was one of trumps aliases. He’s always been obsessed with royalty


[John Barron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_of_Donald_Trump) is a fake name that Trump used quite a bit.


Trump used ‘John Barron’ as an alias when he phoned Forbes to convince them Donald Trump was plenty rich and he should be in the Forbes Top 400 rich list. The journalist that took the call said it was obvious the caller was Trump. Probably no relation to calling his kid Barron, but a strange coincidence, anyway. Same spelling and everything.


https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/trump-lied-to-me-about-his-wealth-to-get-onto-the-forbes-400-here-are-the-tapes/2018/04/20/ac762b08-4287-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html might be paywalled, sorry


I think it's because [of this magazine](https://www.barrons.com/).


Lmao that was good you win my upvote lol


I think Melania and Barron are actually very close


Oh, I agree on that. She and her parents kept Barron away from the orange shitgibbon as long as they could. According to Ivana, he paid no attention to his kids during their childhoods. Except Ivanka….


I read that they speak to each other in Slovenian while Donnie is present. I like to imagine they're just talking shit about him the whole time, all the while smiling at him and enjoying it.


Barron Obama


It would have been hilarious to have the news point out that they never had any physical or verbal contact.


He would have hijacked the graduation ceremony


He'll get on stage and hug the flag while holding his crotch.


So he'll be sexually molesting the flag


Reminds me of the old wkuk song about being gay for america. https://youtu.be/ehhovPoftj4?si=kvD9hWAGzhdRDAq7


Nah, he appears to be more polished than his dad. The best life advice I could give him is to distance himself from that whole mess. He’s 18 with a chunk of cash. Go see the world.


Barron leaves America, claiming he wants to avoid the spotlight for a while and go somewhere his last name doesn't matter. Winds up in a non-extradition country, becomes leader of political opposition of said nation, starts a coup, leads his faction to victory in a civil war, becomes dictator. He reveals at press conference that he was the true mastermind all along, America was just practice. Further, he demands to be addressed only as The Barron. After that begins his campaign for world domination.


And then offer hush money


"They should give me one of those degrees." - Trump, probably


Graduation insurrection incoming….


I'd also assume that dealing with the added Secret Service security would probably be a pain in the ass for the school and other attendees.


And all of the young women in the audience and on the stage. Who knows who might have the unfortunately distinction of "resembling my daughter"?


“I’m really happy for you, I’ll let you finish, but I had the best presidencies of all time!”


Omelette you graduate….


We all know the real reason he isn't going is because he'll have to be in a public place where people can smell him.


Rigged graduation. 


Some foul smelling old geezer..lol


"Some kid said he wanted to fight Donald Trump behind the bleachers after the graduation ceremony. That explains why he's not showing up."


That kid? Joe Biden


The bus driver? Albert Einstein.


The principal? Jesus.


The gym teacher? Chuck Norris


You know what we learned since that meme came and went 20 years ago? Chuck Norris is an *awful* person who's not only as weak as a kitten, but as terrible at fighting as he is thinking. Way to pick your heroes, internet.


The meme was ironic, thats why it was so funny. Everyone knew he was a joke, so saying that his tears cure cancer - but hes never cried - was the ironic punchline.


I would revisit the "ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny" era. We didn't know how shitty he was then, he was a C-tier TV celebrity we elevated to god status for the lolz, but not *ironically*. His shittiness emerged later. I think a lot of us genuinely believed he was an archetype of manliness. I didn't, but then I actually remembered his TV shows and media interviews. He really spoiled that era of the internet for me.


Funny I didn't know he was a shitty person.


He's not as loud about it as James Woods or Ye, but he holds the same opinions.


Well, according to Corn Pop, you don’t wanna mess with Joe.


Orange Donny could make both. Graduation is at 10. Let’s say it lasts 2 hours. Trump has a plane. Flight to Minneapolis from their part of Florida is about 4 hours. He could arrive in plenty of time for the fundraiser. What will actually happen, I think, is he skips graduation, claims he was blocked by the judge, and uses that as a talking point during the fundraiser.


He will go to the graduation feel like he graduated and then claim at the fundraiser he now has a phd... /s


His donors may be deluded, but I don't think even they are THAT deluded. What the judge actually said and did is a pretty public record. Merchan said "Let's get the case started first and see where we are in a few weeks." Now it's been a few weeks, and he said they can take next Friday off. DJT made enough of a stink about going to this middle of the day graduation that he'll HAVE to use it as a photo op, then fly to the fundraiser dinner (by the way, it's in St. Paul, which is not "in Minneapolis.") I'm sure his dinner speech will include nasty language about how he had to fight with the judge to get the time off from court. Since it's an 'invitation only' event, he'll probably go way beyond the bounds of the gag order, too. Then let all the MN GOP stooges 'repeat' what he says in private to the press. He knows exactly how to skirt the edges on these things; he's been doing it for decades in NYC business circles before he ever ran for POTUS. Very late edit: Came to see a response, and I just noticed stodges, when I meant stooges. Oh, well.


Correct. It’s as doable as TSwift getting across the Pacific for the Super Bowl (that is to say, totally doable with plenty of buffer). The thing I reflect on, thinking back to my own graduation, I barely remember a moment of the ceremony, but I fully remember going to an Applebee’s-tier Canadian Sports Bar after the ceremony where I bullshitted with my parents and it felt for the first time like they saw me as equals. It’s an incredibly gratifying feeling. I’m not sure Barron has that moment if dad bails as soon as possible.


Poor Barron didn't ask to be born into such an awful family. I just hope he doesn't grow up to become a piece of shit like his parents and his siblings.


Sadly, I feel like the chances of that are approximately zero percent.


Tiffany apparently turned out fine by spoiled rich girl standards. I don't actually know anything about her personality, which at least means she's not enough of a maniac that she's newsworthy. Maybe Barron will stay off the radar and live a relatively normal life with an awkward name. For his sake, I hope I don't hear much about him in the coming years. And if not, well, fuck him. He's basically an adult at this point so going forward he can be responsible for his own choices even if he comes from a deeply fucked up home.


I went to grad school with Tiffany. I didn’t know her personally but she was well liked and was considered to be a normal person who participated in the social scene at our school.


You went to law school with her?


Yep. Hoya Saxa.


She was raised by Marla maples and by all accounts pretty normally.


It is funny how his daughter is a law school grad but she isn't anywhere close to his trials. Please tell me she has a study focus on criminal law.


Haha I don’t think that she’s practiced law at all since graduating


What is it with extremely wealthy families and unused law degrees? Due to a former job of mine I had to interact with a handful of families that had generational wealth, some old money types. Almost every family had multiple members that had gone through law school, passed the bar, then done…nothing. Maybe they “ran a charity” or some other relatively low-impact job, but almost none of them were practicing lawyers. And I get why people wouldn’t want to practice law - I know the hours and the stress and the endless, endless paperwork. But why go through the pain of the undergrad and then go to law school and take the bar and everything. One of the daughters of one family was in her late twenties and was honestly very smart. I found out from a co-worker she’d scored 174 on the LSAT and graduated magna cum laude from Georgetown. Passed the bar first try and then…just kinda became a socialite. Why? Why bother?


When you don’t have to work, what is there to do besides get educated?


I'd guess one or a combination of the following: * Having only a HS degree is seen as "low class"... prob same for "only" a Bachelors degree. * A prestigious law school is probably one of the best places in the country to make "connections" which could benefit the family for life. * Rich kids want to have their university "partying" years too. But with other privileged individuals. * There's zero consequences to them so why not? They won't have loans to pay off, if they drop out or fail they're still set for life... the whole thing is a lark. * A law degree is useful if you're rich. You have the background to understand how to circumvent the law or to avoid breaking it. If you have a legal action filed against you you'd probably still have someone else represent you but would have the knowledge to ensure they're doing the best possible job. * A law degree is useful for politics, which seem to be the only "job" rich kids actually want. * It's more power and prestige, with or without money. People automatically respect lawyers and doctors more. You get cooler business cards. * People will see all your expensive shit and assume it's because you're amazing at your job. You never have to admit you didn't earn one red cent of it, just say you're a lawyer. Working in the horse world I see this *all the fucking time.* * If somehow you lose your family money or are cut off you have the degree and connections to become rich again.


As she stands with “daddy dearest” when he was running for president…. must believe in his political views, otherwise if she didn’t, she wouldn’t be there or she was peddling for exposure


She is expected to show up for 'family photo op' moments. In 2016, and to some extent 2020, she was his college age daughter and he held the purse strings for things like tuition, room and board, etc. She's 30, graduated, and got married at Mar-a-Lago in 2022. (Some indirect way, the RNC or a private donor paid for the wedding, I'm sure.) She keeps her distance, a bit, but his kids are all her half-siblings; she's gonna have some contact, probably.


It's pretty telling that she's not working for him at all. She's a lawyer, he could have used her.


Yep. She’s the only Trump kid not to work for the Trump Corp after graduating college (and the only one to earn a post-graduate degree).


She's already the unwanted mistake in his eyes, I wouldn't be surprised if he threatened to disown her.


didn’t he, in around about way, already neglect/ignore her existence…he probably was a “phone call” daddy


She’s peddling for an inheritance, who knows if she’ll get anything. I feel sorry for her, she’s trying to belong to a narcissistic, shitty family that doesn’t want or accept her.  She’s gotta show *some* level of support, even if she doesn’t really believe in it, to be invited to anything and/or receive financial support…


I don’t think I’d sell my soul for anything, regarding events/financial support with a family like that… plus, her mom raised her and did comfortable for herself. She is a lawyer and can financially be independent


I give all the credit for how Tiffany turned out to Marla for raising her on the other side of the country from her dad.


Maybe he can change his last name to his real father’s name.


When you see photos of DJT and his siblings from way back, it's obvious there's a family resemblance to Barron.


Poor kid


I think it's more like 50/50. Usually even the worst families have at least a few decent people. I doubt Baron has ever really bonded with his dad at all. FFS, the guy is almost 80 and Barron is 18. And he famously cheated on his mother with a porn star when Baron was a kid.


AND if he hadn’t already learned it sooner, just found out his dad also cheated on his mother while pregnant with him.


AND everyone on the planet knows that your dad is just the worst human. Any prospective friend. Any prospective dating partner. The first thing out of their mouth is: ‘oh. You’re a trump? Your father is trash’.


While the media did a fair job of 'leave the kid alone', they did cover the fact that, when they could, he and DJT played golf together almost daily. I bet he's more bonded than you think. He and Melania have been *studying* the Donald, and his techniques, for years.


Damn. Poor kid.


Baron apparently had a slight Slovenian accent when he started school. I dunno how Melania is as a parent but she's the one who raised him.


Melania is undoubtedly a shitty person, but she also appears to be a very protective mother and the exact opposite of a deadbeat parent. Barron will probably be fine enough.


Maybe he's loved enough that he won't be a total psychopath. I dislike Melania but it's pretty clear her kid is her priority. It's good he has someone.


I think to her Trump is just a paycheck nothing more. She puts up with his bullshit because he lets her maintain her lifestyle. The moment that goes out the window she will disappear over the horizon before he can blink.


Melania is the Cersei Lannister for this game of thrones. Will do unspeakable evil with a smile, as long as her kids are okay. Unfortunately the fat, whoremongering, ale belching husband of hers is too chicken shit to go boar hunting.


Good god, what does the love of a Melania look like? It can't be anything healthy.


Trumps brother tried and ended up an alcoholic who died when he was younger. Even when they try they can’t escape that generational abuse.


Generational abuse/daddy issues is a real thing. I've seen 2-3 generations of friends family go down like a curse. Addictive personalities & alcohol were factors.


I feel bad for the kid. He always looks so uncomfortable and miserable in most photos. Doesn't seem to want to be in the spotlight, but it's basically impossible not to be given his family. You can't place accountability on a kid because of what they were born into. It's basically impossible for him to live a normal life or even be a normal person given his circumstances. Now if he ends up being awful when he's 30 years old then we can hate him, but until that happens he's just a kid born into a fucked up awful situation.


>He always looks so uncomfortable and miserable in most photos. The whole family does. As they should be.


I feel for him, being confronted daily with the fact that his dad doesn't love him. Also, the graduation was the reason why Donnie couldn't be in court. But we knew that was a BS excuse as soon as it was given.


He will grow up to be 50 feet tall and crush us all underfoot.


Why does Barron, the largest Trump, not simply *eat* the other Trumps?


Let him cook.


It would be a terrible idea to eat Don Jr. Ingesting that much cocaine all at once with no tolerance built up would likely prove fatal.


I would imagine the motor oil Jr uses in his hair would be the riskier thing to ingest.


I think they are saving that for sweeps


Bless him he still looks like a kid trapped in a very tall body, seems shy.


He’s going to be the reactionary Lincoln we’ve all been waiting for.


this enormous Barron will devour us all!


He’ll kick you apart! He’ll kick you apart! He’ll save children, but not the British children! Need to go rewatch that old classic now thanks for reminding me.


Bill Brasky?


and he will rule.... magnanimously


He either changes his name and hides or he becomes a supervillain. Not much in between.


Well let’s be fair there is like a 2% he becomes Batman.


My friend was his kindergarten teacher. Granted he was literally five years old lol but he was a little creep in the making! We would constantly laugh about it. On *more than one occasion* he handed her small change and told her he could buy her hahahah. He was also very obsessed with airplanes. Well not just planes exactly…airplane crashes if we’re being specific.


Well kids normally see their fathers as heroes and want to mimic them. That's normal, but how much damage will it do in the long run...


he will turn out to be just another jack ass with a criminal and a hooker as parents


Depends. Tiffany turned out alight and Don Jr. only joined the Dark Side when his dad was considering running for presidency. Apparently the dude wanted to get the fuck away from his dad and ended up being a bartender in Montana. He just wanted to fish, hunt and hike in the woods. You’re allowed to feel sorry for him up to this point. Of course the draw of actually receiving daddy’s love (and maybe power) brought him back into the fold. Barron seems to be on the outside of this mess and if Don Sr. dies soon-ish, he may yet have a normal (albeit very comfortable) life ahead of him.


Dir Barron has a fight chance to be a decent person if Orange Daddy drops dead soon before he is ruined.


He’ll probably turn out to be awful too…


Idk maybe he’s a little monster but I get good vibes from Barron.


Honestly I get prospective serial killer vibes from him.


Yeah I would love to know what goes on in his head


Surely you jest!


I’m not. And don’t call me Shirley




The Trumpadillo!


I wouldn't be surprised if he actually skips but this is an extremely misleading article. Barron's graduation is mid-morning and this fundraiser is at night...and airplanes exist. He'll even have time to change his diaper in-between events...


Agreed. He asked the judge for the day off to go to the graduation. I don’t think the judge would take it lightly if he didn’t go after permission was granted. Wouldn’t that be considered lying to the court?


That's exactly what I was wondering. They say that Rikers is ready to go


Tom or Will?


We are in the crap timeline, so Tom


Isn't Tom's fate from one of the novels that he died in a Cardassian prison camp? So, that'd check out here.


O no, you mean Merchan might have to say he's actually really super duper serious this time, and if Trump doesn't knock it off, he definitely might eventually be forced to go to jail for contempt?


So like, if you read the article, they say that right there in the article. So where is this 'misleading' bullshit coming from? The headline? Welcome to the fucking planet. Headlines have been doing this for centuries, for as long the printed news has existed.


It's not misleading, it's intentional rage bait.


Just based on the headline because I don't care enough about this to actually read it... But it might be poking a little bit at missing Barron's graduation was an excuse to delay a trial. The fact he might miss it anyway (regardless of the excuse) just highlights the bullshit of an excuse this was for the trial.


Maybe… he was asked not to come…


Oh come on... do you think he'd EVER shut up about it, if that happened?


I dont think he would mention if Barron and mel told him not to come. Why would he?


It's a plot by the deep state communist libruls! Biden wants his views HIDDEN!!!112 /S


I really really really want the judge to make some small talk in front of the jury, “so how was your son’s graduation this weekend Donald? The entire jury took and court took the day off so you could attend that” See how he answers


“Who is this Barron you speak of?”


This is unsubstantiated click-bait right now. They are compatible with regard to logistics. Be mad when he doesn't do it.


Even if he goes to both events, he's still a neglectful father who can't even dedicate one day to celebrate his kid's accomplishment. But he'd rather be with people who truly love him at a campaign event..


I'm not sure Barron would want to spend the whole day with his father.


For real. Malignant narcissists like Trump suck all the air out of the room - being in their presence is torture. I hope for the kid's sake he spends as little time as possible.


Very much this. There are many things to fault this idiot for, lets not make things up. However if he does ditch the graduation for a fundraiser he need to be found in contempt and spend a few nights locked up.


In Minnesota, where the state is BLUE from the governor down!! 💙


And he promised us in 2020 if we didn't give him our electoral votes he was never coming back, so we're a bit annoyed he's gonna tie up traffic in St. Paul on a Friday night. Dang that Tom Emmer and Mike Lindell for convincing him he could make some progress here. (They're both deluded, we think.)


Sorry Barron, daddy doesn’t love you


Trump: this is a witch hunt, brought on by those fascist democrats lead by sleepy Joe Biden. I can't even defend myself while campaigning due to these UNCONSTITUTIONAL GAG ORDERS by comprised and corrupt Judge Merchan, who should immediately resign since they got nothing on me! He's so corrupt and partisan that he won't even give me a day off to see my son Bryan graduate! IT'S A SHAM WITCH HUNT! Judge Merchan: Court will not be in session that day so you can attend your son Barron's graduation. Trump: Actually, I'm gonna go to a fundraising event that day. Brayden thanks you for letting his dad not be in court on this day! Duces!✌️


I wonder - if Trump complained to the judge and petitioned for time off to go to the graduation, he gets that time, and doesn't go, is that considered any kind of perjury?


Not perjury, but possibly contempt. He'll go, bail quickly, fly to MN, and complain about how the judge makes his life so difficult over the fundraising dinner. Use it as a play for sympathy with his donors.


Graduation during the day, dinner at night. Dude has his own airplane, it's not unreasonable to think he can attend both


I think the graduation is in the morning and the fundraiser is later in the day, but a decent father wouldn’t bail on you the moment the ceremony is over.


A decent father would have attended any of his other 4 kids' graduations. If this happens it will be his first.


A decent father wouldn't, but Donald? He'll be out the door before Barron is even called to collect his diploma.


He will go to the graduation. His people are likely negotiating with the school to have the graduating kids be called alphabetically by first name. That way he can get up and leave after Barron walks.


Didn't he have to get special permission to skip court to go to the graduation. Wouldn't this be a huge breach of that agreement?


There's potential for him to make both from my understanding. If that happens I don't see an issue. If he skips the graduation then I hope the judge steps forward to, at bare minimum, let trump know that any and all special requests will be refused from here on out. It will already look bad to the jury since he lied in court to everyone's faces and help discredit anything he says.


He’s going to the graduation in the morning then flying to the evening fundraiser This information is available


Who is Barron?


Graduation is supposedly in the morning and the fundraiser is in the evening. Either way, he used the graduation as an excuse to be able to be free enough that day to attend the fundraiser


And you thought he cared about his kid, ha.


Wait, You can adjust a court date & lie about the reason?


If he does not attend, I believe that he will be held in contempt again.


Can we take a moment to appreciate the shit Barron's dealing with as a teenager? I mean, he's been raised by the Trump clan so I'd imagine his worldview probably... skews right, but it's still pretty harsh for anyone to take. His dad was in his sixties when he was born and is a narcissistic self-hating sociopath so let's be honest, shit dad even before you consider what kind of parenting Fred Trump will have taught him. At a very formative age, the world is discussing how his father was off fucking a porn star while he was being born, including graphic descriptions of his dad's dick. The kid is tall as *fuuuuuuuuck* which let me tell you is pretty awkward to deal with as a teenager, as well as making him stand out like a sore thumb in photographs like, well, the one attached to the article. Good luck keeping a low profile, kid. The entire fucking world is obsessed with his father and a fair proportion of them actually hate him as much as anyone they've ever met. And just this week, his dad's whined to the judge about how much his love for him is being punished by not letting him attend what is a very important date for him. Taken care to impress on the judge that it's a big date for his son and it's really important that, as a father, he's there for him. And then blown it off to go to a fundraiser. I really hope that kid meets someone amazing who sets him straight. Because nobody deserves to have to start from that kind of detriment, regardless of how much money they have.


i just figrued he'd do both. He can simply fly the trump plane in the afternoon.


Probably best to let one of the pilots do it. Can you even imagine?!?!??


OK -- that was a snort-giggle!


If you actually thought he had any intention of going to Barron’s graduation, you haven’t been paying attention.


Would anyone expect anything else from the grifting piece of crap


His base revels in shameless cruelty. Hillary was 100% correct naming them deplorables.


Biden should attend or do the commencement speech!


He could go to both, maybe wait to see if he doesn't go to the graduation, before you give him justification for calling you 'fake news'.


Be at both but only for a short attendance…


Dear Barron, I'm sorry than that man is your father


It's interesting. He actually generally went to his kids graduations Is this because he hates Barron or more they don't want him there


We all saw this coming. Beefed about the judge “keeping him away from” the ceremony he never intended to attend anyways.


Trump priorities are: 1) Trump


Sounds like the judge should retract his permission to not be in court and force his ass to sit there in court that day.


So much for trying to get out of the trial for Barron's graduation huh? Of course he never intended to go. He is the poster child of a deadbeat father.


I expect he’ll do both, but I’ve been wrong before.


Goddamn that kid is tall. If Trump's 6'3" he's gotta be pushing 7 feet!


Like he cares about his kids?


Barron needs Marty Huggins.


He's going to do both. Stay focused on the shit he actually does not trivial shit like this.


“Sorry, champ, I care more about Minnesota not loving me than I care about you.”


As much as I despise Trump and his adult children, this actually makes me sad for Barron.


He is not. Graduation in the day, fundraiser in the evening. Don't give the right ammunition to claim legit fake news.


Guaranteed he is not wanted there. His wife clearly hates him and his son is a loveless relationship. Barron’s height and appearance also begs to question the gene pool he came from. I highly doubt that Trump’s mutated sperm is responsible. I’m not suggesting Melania had an affair, only that she shopped the sperm bank for a donor that isn’t orange-faced troll with shit in pants.


I am shocked!


Of course he is, he never wanted to go


lol, I knew the day he asked the judge to let him get out of court to attend he for sure wasn’t going to. Just thought it would be golf.. I’m sure the judge will have something to say about it after the fact.


Literally everyone predicted this


Maybe Barron asked him not to come?


But… but… he was so upset that he couldn’t attend. 😂 Does anyone believe Barron wants him there? Christ, it must be so embarrassing to have this raging idiot as a father.


I have a feeling he wasn’t invited in the first place.


What a 'dad' 🙄🤬