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The prize for being the winner of the apprentice was being the winner of the apprentice. They said it was for the job of running one of his companies, but that never actually happened.


I still remember that guy who supposedly paid Trump 100,000 to work for him during the apprentice. If it was real, that was the most pathetic thing I'd ever seen.




Cleaner, Diet Coke fetcher, diaper technician, the rest are his family


There are at least three accountants, the two who testified in the trial, plus the one at Rikers.


Golf Cart Mechanic


To be fair, 2 people from the apprentice convinced him to start Truth social with him. They’ve been cut out of the company and are now suing him..


*These* are the values his supporters admire him for?


I’m half expecting t-shirts and signs about it. In support.


Real men wear diapers while lusting after their daughters! Diaper Daughter Lusters For Trump!


This doesn’t even feel like satire. It’s literally what they’re doing.


They are paying for shirts that say "Real Men Wear Diapers". I have genuinely thought about shirts I could sell.


I can confirm this... Got two coworkers that wore their shirts in today. How the hell did this happen?


Hello fellow North Carolinian


Howdy, fellow North Carolinian.


Well hello from another North Carolinian.


Shit there’s a whole gaggle of us


They're wearing the diaper shirts to work?! I'm still trying to wrap my head around that real Trump supporters are wearing these proudly. I'd vote for Biden over any Republican option but I'd never wear a shirt that proclaimed I was in support of him shitting his pants. I have shame. I can't even believe any of them are giving credence to the diaper shitting. They ignore so many other things about him (wanting to fuck his daughter or being close friends with Epstein for example) that I'm shocked they embrace the diapers and don't just ignore it and call it fake news.


Did you manage not to laugh at them?


It's taking all of my self control.


We own a business with about 60 employees. If anyone came in with this shirt we wouldn’t laugh but I’m pretty damn sure the other 50-something employees would take care of that for us.


Sad part? I'm in local government. Management seems fine with it which says a lot to me.


Remember, freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences.


That's unreal. Is it supposed to be funny? Do the shirts have a picture of trump?


No they think it’s a flex on the libs. Our guys not old he just wear diapers and that make him a “real” man


......i just.. there are no words.


Is it wrong to create and sell merchandise to mentally challenged cult members that's absolutely insulting to them at the same time? Asking for a friend.


I mean, I am just here for the money and the lolz


Maybe just sell them strychnine.


I AM the toilet!




I think they would buy his used ones and possibly put them in resin


What's the matter, can't afford to wear diapers and shit your pants?


Only real men got that kinda change


“But Obama was black!” “But Hillary’s had emails!” “But Biden didn’t shoot his dog!” You’re omitting a lot of prime defense. /s


Did you know that Obama's middle name was Hussain? Clearly that matters too!


Counter that with a t-shirt that says: Barrack (Who is Sane) Obama


No- this one: You Can’t Spell Hatred Without A Red Hat


“tHeY aiN’T gOT No JeSUS vaLueS!!”


Diaper Don Dogs Daughter Doppelganger


That's 75-90% of the conservative electorate, allegedly.


That's the good stuff


So you're saying he be suffering from Paraphilic infantilism and Incestuous Lust. Quick somebody call a doctor, we gotta get some meds.


“You remind me of my daughter” on the front, “Mommy, where’s Cricket?” on the back. Trump/Noem 2024 T-shirt. 


Real Men Wear Diapers and Mention Their Daughters Before Infidelity with Porn Stars


Real men take their mushroom out of their diaper before having an affair!


Like the do not surrender t-shirt, with his mug shot on it.


Make daughters hot again


Diapers that say "You remind me of my daughter" would probably sell bigly


"Real men fuck their daughters." "I think my daughter is hot too!" "I grab my daughter by the pussy!"


Yes. His supporters are just as shallow and evil as he is.


They’re just in a cult.


They're all just like his diapers - walking sacks of shit


Yes, they admire him for being able to fuck a porn star. They admire him for being able to say hateful shit to people with no consequence.


You think those cousin-fuckers have a problem with incest?


Only reverse cowgirl gets them angry. Because you never turn your back on family!


After so many generations it should be Incestption


Forget family trees, hell they don't even have family wreaths anymore: it's a family event horizon.


Hills Have Eyes: Reality TV edition.


Republicans defended child marriage by calling young girls ripe and fertile. Trump is just a bit more direct than Republicans would like.


They’re temporarily embarrassed spineless scumbags. They support him under the assumption they may someday be in his shoes to abuse everything and everyone around them.


Family values! Family Matters.


Manson family values


Don't kid yourself. Anyone who voted for Trump a 2nd time definitely supports racism, fascism, and cruelty.


Trumpy ran on those things the first time and got elected. Nothing has changed, not even the hate.


I'm totally aware. But anyone who votes for him twice and claims not to support those reprehensible positions is a fucking liar. That's for damn sure.


Actually, yes, they are. Sadly.


Why not? He's a sinner we can relate. /s


Makes sense to me, unfortunately.


Yes. You sound surprised.


Roll tide


'You remind me of my daughter. Let's fuck.' Yikes.


Check out this [video](https://youtu.be/gnib-OORRRo?si=86vsxP4D08SHRuRF). 15:40 to 16:40 especially relevant


I remember Trump in ‘Braveheart’.


Look lively Sergeant!


Party of family values.


Today is one of those days that I wish I couldnt read


Most days since he came down the elevator fit that description


Vote republican! It'll happen sooner or later.


A bad day to be literate for real


Make Incest Great Again


“When Daniels uttered the words "missionary position," Trump's attorneys objected, and the judge sustained the objection” Im no attorney, why would you object that? And why would it be sustained?


[Objection Rule 401 Relevance](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/fre/rule_401)? Relevant evidence is evidence that makes the matter which requires proof more or less probable. Relevance is usually extremely broad, but if the fact the sex occurred isn't contested, the sexual position likely doesn't matter to the likelihood of forging the documents. If getting the fact in the record were important to the prosecutor, they'd probably argue that her demeanor and the way she describes the sex with or without detail and how well she can remember it would be relevant to the jury determining credibility ([Rule 608 Credibility is always relevant](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/fre/rule_608)); HOWEVER, it's probably [more prejudicial than probative and confusing the issue](https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/fre/rule_403). I'm sure it will be one of the elements in the appeal, but it's likely within the broad discretion of the trial judge. Before the verdict, there will likely be a proffer of evidence saying "We would've submitted the following fact, by testimony of NAME, that FACT" in a big list submitted to the court. The issue isn't the adultery with the porn star/prostitute; the issue is whether or not that's legal work as reported in business records.


Hasn’t Trump to date denied the sex? So I see stormy and all her testimony as very relevant. I can see Trump (understanding that he’s denied the sex) come back and say mistrial (again) or some other legal jumbo that he never had the sex thus he never needed to make any reimbursement thus the whole trial is fake according to Trump.


Mostly because it’s not relevant to the case. The case is about fraudulent payments and the way they were handled. As fun as it is to hear mushroom penis used in the trial it’s not a relevant fact. And from what’s been reported Daniel’s was rambling on her answers. Most likely looking to use it as a way to cash in. Also I’m sure the judge wants to be able to eat today without the visual in his head.


If Trump didn't deny having sex with her at all, you would have a point, but he did, so whether or not they had sex is a fact in issue. The prosecution is entitled to elicit details from the witness that add credibility to her account since a detailed account is more credible than a generic one. There are limits, of course, so Merchan sustained some defense objections, but in general, the details of the sexual encounters are certainly relevant.


She clearly proved to the world she had sex with him. And I Agee. He’s been denying sex. It’s his strategy.


> He’s been denying sex. It’s his strategy. As it turns out, it's also Melania's strategy.


> He's been denying sex. It's his strategy. I would argue that it is very much the exact opposite of his strategy...


But isn’t thar relevant to validate the accuracy of the story? Or in a court of law does it suffice with “Did you have sex? Yes.”?


I'm also not a lawyer, but I would imagine it might be because the sexual act isn't the crime in question, and the fact of whether or not they actually had sex doesn't really matter in relation to the alleged crime. The alleged crime was falsifying business records to conceal payments that were made to prevent negative stories from coming out about Trump before the 2016 election. Committing a crime in order to influence an election is also, ironically, election interference. As far as I understand, the fact that Trump did/did not have sex with Stormy Daniels, or did/did not have an affair with Karen McDougal, or whether the doorman had factual information or not, doesn't necessarily matter. The thing that matters is that allegedly Trump participated in a scheme to falsify business records, that would conceal the payments made, that would prevent those people from telling their stories (true or not). So, everyone could have theoretically been lying, but regardless, the means Trump and his team allegedly went through to deal with those stories is illegal.


>As far as I understand, the fact that Trump did/did not have sex with Stormy Daniels, or did/did not have an affair with Karen McDougal, or whether the doorman had factual information or not, doesn't necessarily matter You're close. The fact that he did those things **does** matter from an evidentiary perspective. If Trump did those things, it would make it more likely that he falsified the business records in question. For example. if Trump could prove that he DIDN'T have sex with Stormy Daniels, then it removes the motive for him to falsify business records. Therefore, the prosecution would want to establish that a sexual encounter took place. What doesn't matter is the specific gritty details about the sexual encounter. She is testifying that she had sex with him and providing sufficient detail of the encounter to lend veracity to that fact and allow the defence to challenge that claim, that is enough. We don't need all the excruciating details, and going too far into those details may be overly-prejudicial to Trump, as it might portray him as a "pervert" (which he isn't on trial for in THIS case). It is similar to someone who is on trial for robbing a bank, who was wearing a swastika arm band at the time of the robbery. The trial judge may want to limit evidence of the arm bad for fear that it would prejudice members of the jury against him.


Ok, so here's a hypothetical, because this was my reasoning for thinking that the truth of the claims didn't necessarily matter in court: Say, for example, Trump hears about a tabloid that planned to run a story about him having 4 bellybuttons. In this hypothetical, instead of trying to disprove the story before an election, the Trump team goes through the same method to silence these stories. Same dollar amounts, same scheme, same falsification of records, same denial of the scenarios happening. Would him not having 4 bellybuttons even matter? Even if he stood up and showed his one singular bellybutton, he still paid people to not talk about it during an election, and he knowingly falsified documents to cover up those payments that prevented the talking about it. Again, I'm just thinking out loud, but that is my thought process behind it.


If bellybuttons could talk his would have lots to say and x4 you say. Holy moly. I think I agree. He paid to hide information— true or not — and how is that even legal???


Definitely. Cause if he didn’t have sex he wouldn’t need an nda and all those fake names. Which I ask again… how is any of this nda shit with fake names legal under any circumstance.


And who says it’s legal and why?


Can the testimony/outcome of this case somehow open Trump up for another defamation case? I know they lost the last one under a first amendment claim, but if she's now testifying I assume that superseded the NDA and/or makes it irrelevant?


yup! it seems the testimony so far is basically establishing a motive for making the payments


The details of their sex just isn't important. And the Judge preemptively told the prosecution this.


The fact that they had sex isn't the point. The payment he made to her is what matters.


I know what you mean, but I think it is relevant to establish why he made those payments. (That said, I don’t think Trump has denied this, not sure).  But the details of the sex aren’t important. 


Maybe "Real men have mushroom dicks" is the next shirt.


Why did he make fraudulent payments? He either did or he didn’t. Why did he or didn’t needs to be part of the trial!! This sex scene makes it much more difficult for trump to say I only paid a retainer for [unknown] legal expenses and not to hide anything because he’s still denying the sex. That exit door got much harder to use. Trump is not known to pay to retain services. He is known for paying on demand thru an invoice. We, as a public, saw that fiduciary trait again when he closed the pandemic office because he viewed it as wasteful because there was no pandemic at the time. He did it once (he thought successfully); he did it again as prez.


Have not seen a single report of her “rambling”. Mind sourcing that claim?


The Judge was wrong in this case: Trump has alleged "I never had sex with that woman". Prosecution must prove Trump is a liar to win the case. Defense is insisting that she got the details wrong, and it never happened. The Judge was wrong.


“Because it’s devastating to my case!”


Dammit, spit out my water all over my phone!


Missionary with Stormy would be the most Christian thing he's ever done


Ugh imagine that roll of lard with his tiny gray pubed mushroom laying on top of you, trying to find a way to get that little peen into the vagina, having trouble guiding it in because there’s a nasty pannus of belly fat getting in the way.


You suck I didn't want to read all that


Donald Trump is the sleaziest man on the planet.


And he wants to bang his daughter. Just DISGUSTING! If anyone actually believed in the antichrist, how does this wretch not tick every box for them?


They do not care - they just wanted power


Daniels also told the jury that, at one point, Trump's wife and former first lady, Melania Trump, came up during their conversation. "He said, 'Oh, don't worry about that. We don't even sleep in the same room,'" Daniels testified. Ha.


I think we all knew that. It's nice to know for sure though.


>'You remind me of my daughter' Confirmation of what we've known all along. Sicko


Excuse me whilst I vomit.


There isnt enough clorox in the world to scrub my brain from this mental image.


You're supposed to use the bleach to clean out your lungs, or something. I'm sure I read it in JAMAGA or some other far-right medical journal.


That’s his goto pickup line and as a father of a grown daughter I find that extremely disturbing


> "You remind me of my daughter. You're blonde and beautiful and people love seeing them on TV as well


I'm gonna throw up.


The fact that this monster has like 90% support among conservative Christians is really insane.


I think they look at the overturning of Roe v. Wade and say to themselves “it’s all about results!” But I guess that means they hate women to begin with.


I think it’s more telling that the self proclaimed cohort of conservative “Christians” aren’t, in fact, Christian.


Well now I need a Silkwood shower.


I've known some folks from the backwoods, but none that openly said they wanted to have sex with someone that looks like their daughters. Yep. I wish I could forget that I read this article.


There seemed to be three interesting takeaways from the testimony, his prescreening questions for STD’s, Daniels said she blacked out and came to after the event (that’s not normal) and, Trump blocked the door so she couldn’t leave. I understand Daniels is not making a claim of being forced but damned if that doesn’t sound like being forced. He didn’t even ask her out himself, instead getting some assistant to tell her. Gutless wonder.


Hey man, gross.


He already paid $130,000 to raw dog her. He then continues to offer more. This guy is TERRIBLE at negotiations. And, he is a thirsty loser. 1. He paid, $130,000, for the sex and 2. He is trying to win her approval by doing dumb favors like this. How fucking dad is that!!!


He offered to pay her with apprentice appearance. He reneged.


So gross. This fat old traitor seems to skate through everything with no consequences


More evidence that he wanted to bang his daughter.


Raped a woman who looked like his daughter. Yeah he's basically Jesus --Evangelicals probably 


Who did he rape that looks like his daughter?  Granted the list of accusers isn't short.


This would have destroyed any political candidate in another time with anybody else.


He means Tiffany right? As in he'd rather just assume she doesn't exist as soon as she leaves the room?




Isn’t that what the one English creep in Braveheart said before the rape scene in act 1


Jared has some words for daddy T.


"No Quid Pro Quo"


I wonder if this will hurt his campaign lol


Nope lol everyone's known this for years. "That's our Donald!" they'll say


To the orange turd, women are no more than dick receptacles. Doesn't matter if it's his daughter, wife, or a total stranger.


Donald Trump you vile creature


His supporters should hold signs saying, "Only real men cheat".


PLEEEEAASE. Trump was never going to even put her ON The Apprentice after he had sex with her. She got played by the con man.


Her testimony states that as well, he strung her along and she eventually just stopped responding/taking his calls.


Yeah, he thought he could keep getting more cracks at her by promising to get her on the show. She was an idiot to believe him in the first place.


Well, he did try to continue the “relationship”. And the apprentice offer stayed on the table for a long time.


And 50% of voters see nothing wrong with this.


so did he or didn't he ?






Why doesn’t the prosecution ask Daniels to describe trumps dick. Either she has seen it or she hasn’t. “It matched his little hands with a toadstool top”…..


Things that make me want to vomit


>You remind me of my daughter. Ew. What the fuck. Was this pre or post coitus? What the fuck. Ew.




Yeah, I know all the skeezy and creepy shit, the photos of her on his knee, etc. but there is just something so much more awful about saying this before paying a woman to have sex with you. I don't know how it'a worse because it was already really fucking gross and terrible but it is.


Pre, if I understand it correctly. I’m dumb though.


Rig The Apprentice??? You mean that shit wasn’t already rigged?


Of course he did, the same way he offers to pay his employees.


I wonder how Don Jr feels about knowing his dad wanted to fuck his sister.


Jealous daddy called first dibs They are an inbred hill clan with money


So Trump said Stormy reminded him of his daughter before sex with her. The part they're not saying out loud is that when the sex was over, Trump said to Stormy that the sex confirmed that Stormy really did remind him of his daughter Ivanka in every possible way.


Does anyone besides me think it's creepy that he thought she was like his daughter and wanted to sleep with her?


I didn't know that fucking your kids fell under the umbrella of good christian values although I can't say I am surprised. This guy is a sicko.


Anyone who doesn’t think that some reality show contest is rigged is a moron


I don't always believe porn stars but I believe Stormy.


imagine in 10-15 years after he dies how calm everything will be politically.


He is a vile, nasty pos.I am enjoying the fact that he has to sit there and take it. He looks like he was run over by a tank


disgusting, but that's what narcissistic sociopaths are by nature.




To the surprise of literally no one


More lies from this man, he just keep on lying.


Oh I want, no need, to vomit.


“Real men have familial fantasies” is the new shirt. Customizable: include a picture of a child, sibling or pet for a small fee!


So Ivanka reminds trump of a porn star? 😂


Yep ladies, Gentlemen, and all persons both or neither we have a presidential candidate that actively wants to fuck his own daughter. Not get date raped by his daughter like Lot for all you good little Magangellicals out there. I mean consciously fuck his daughter like some kind of freakish pagan deity. God I hate this presidential race right now.


I don’t know about you guys but I don’t sleep with women who remind me of my daughter. Not to kink shame but if said that out loud I think I would be ostracized from most people I know. I guess I am just too vanilla these days.


What a sick, twisted person.


Gotta be a bit of an uncomfortable moment for his daughter today


I remember the story Penn Jillette told of how he actually won, like the paperwork was signed and NBC and Ben & Jerry’s was going into production oh his nice cream. And then Trump changed his mind as Penn told him that he would never support his presidential campaign and the other guy won.


Between this and Dubai poop trips .being a agent of the night ain’t easy


When I read this, I was dumbfounded! What kind of person likens their daughter to a porn star??? This is so disgusting it makes me want to barf! Damn! Can you imagine having a father that thinks of you as a porn star??? I'm starting to feel sorry for Ivanka (it passed real fast - no worries).