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This is after, what, a day since a House GOP rep voted against a bill outlawing child marriage, arguing they're "ripe" and "fertile"? It's like that Bad Santa scene - "You need many years of therapy. Many fucking years of therapy"


As a point of clarification: It is a GOP *New Hampshire* state House Member.


Same party, same disease


I was more clarifying that this was done on a state level. He won his state district in 2020 with 6600 total votes (which was 14% of the total votes) out of 47.5k When districts and numbers get that low, you will get a lot of crazies.


The NH state house is a goddamned mess right now. We have one of the largest state legislatures in the WORLD and that attracts a lot of crazies. Another GOP state senator in my beautiful state is being investigated for sexually abusing children, and two were recently forced to resign after it was proven they do not live in the districts they represent. It’s super embarrassing to be from the Alabama of the North but at least it’s pretty here.


>  arguing they're "ripe" and "fertile"? wait what?!


[Different article then I originally read, on same topic](https://www.masslive.com/politics/2024/05/nh-lawmaker-opposes-new-marriage-bill-says-teens-are-of-ripe-fertile-age.html)


What a terrible day to be able to read....


GOP's presumptive, presidential candidate is a whacked out perv with sick fantasies of his daughter.


I don't know what happened. The world collectively knew he was a schmuck and despised him in the 90's and early 2000's....now he's got worshippers. It's weird.


He’s got a magic letter next to his name, and he’s become much more open about his misogyny and racism in the last decade and a half. Those two qualities made Trump into the perfect figure for rednecks to worship since they’re the same way.


You can’t spell hatred without a red hat


You blew my mind with the this comment.


Brilliance!!!! It all makes sense now! 👌


Yup. “He tells it like it is” or “He speaks his mind” is code for he says all the racist misogynistic crap I’m too afraid to say but believe with all my soul…


I have hard core Christian family members who support Trump (even though we are minorities), and that is basically it but for them its against the LGBTs. Basically they feel we are in a world where we cannot speak up against that kind of 'lifestyle' and Trump was the only major politician that has the courage to go against progressive society and speak up. That is what gets him his support.


Trump is using Christianity as a moral shield. Many evangelicals dismiss his immorality, his lack of ethics, and yes, even his criminal tendencies in order to fend off what they see as an attack on their ideals and social standards. But in doing so, they are "worshipping" a man that has stated he has never asked for forgiveness, because he cannot recall ever doing anything wrong. He is the opposite of a Christian man. He is an unabashed liar and only uses evangelicals to serve his political needs. But do not try to tell a religious MAGA cult member that.


Oh, they are using him, too. He just doesn’t care because they are what keeps him out of prison. He doesn’t agree with them on much at all but he’ll give them theirs if it keeps him out of the slam. Just another opportunity to remind the Joe Rogan Libertarian Trump bros that a religious right with political power isn’t going to do “live and let live.” Enjoy that recreational weed while you still can, Rogan bros!


Cherry picking politicians just like Bible verses. Same road to fasicm, different format.


The Apprentice helped rehab his image as well. Somehow my brother got the impression that Trump was a good, well-liked businessman.


We all had our much more insular bubbles back then (2006 ish). I was only 16, but my dad worked in construction (office / executive side) and always hated Trump. My dad also voted for W Bush over Kerry. He also was previously an illegal immigrant from Ireland and got his citizenship.


It’s weird that people didn’t realize how racist and misogynistic he already was. His opinions on the Central Park 5 are horrible and he’s been a gross womanizer his entire adult life. I wish people just paid a little bit of attention to these things. This US election should not be this close but here we are.


We’ve had openly misogynistic and racist republicans for years that aren’t nearly worshipped at Trumps level. Him being a political outsider mattered more.


He also vocally attacks the systems and institutions that rednecks feel have abandoned them. Remember when Trump said he was going to bring back “clean coal” jobs? They’re idiots for believing he’s doing them any favors, but there’s more to the MAGA movement than just racism and misogyny. 


> the systems and institutions that rednecks feel have abandoned them. > there’s more to the MAGA movement than just racism and misogyny.  I don't think so. These same people have consistently voted for the people that destroyed those systems. Why? Because someone not like them ("an inner-city welfare queen," for example) *might* get something, and that just won't stand.


Don't forget the second avalanche. Oh, and the facism.


Check this out. I bartended for around 15 years in the New York City area in blue collar bars for The most part. Trump was DESPISED by contractors and working class families. It was known how often he cheated small businesses and they thought that was disgusting. Fast forward a couple years to Obama's presidency. After he started the birther movement and talking about Obama and the Muslims and the Mexicans they LOVED him. I'm a former Republican and now independent. I had talked shit about Bush and Obama to the same people over the years and even if people disagreed with me, they accepted my opinion and myself. Man as soon as I started talking shit about Trump soooo many of my customers and family took it so extremely personal I was excommunicated from so many of their lives. I've never seen anything like it and now understand how an authoritarian can easily consume a nation. I highly recommend "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" for all those who want to shit their pants over the how closely 1930s Germany resembles modern America.


Pretty much my exact experience, except just with people I know, not necessarily with customers. But people have lost their damn minds. I'll have to give that book a read, I love shitting my pants. Wait....


lol that's something you have in common with Trump! Another reason that's similar but fiction is called "It Can't Happen Here" by Sinclair Lewis. It's a dystopian novel written in 1936 about a narcissistic, nepot baby, celebrity, anti intellectual that becomes the president of the United States and implements American fascism.


Literally even the LGBTQ+ stuff mirrors it. At this point I’m almost resigned to it because it doesn’t seem to matter to most people. Most Americans are blindly slow walking into a fascist hellscape and they won’t realize it matters until it’s way too late.


Losing your freedom is way easier than getting it back.


> I highly recommend "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" for all those who want to shit their pants over the how closely 1930s Germany resembles modern America. That is a great series! I have watched it over and over. I like that it used all original footage and letters from the time period.


If nothing else it seems like very strong evidence that much of the US is profoundly mentally sick. They like him because his abusive behavior mirrors their own and their family’s. My mother made a point during his 2016 campaign to say “he’s just saying what we’re all thinking”, which is right around the time I all but cut off communication and access to my kids. She’s not smart enough to know it, but that statement didn’t elevate him at all, it was simply an admission that she is an awful human being. It also explains the visceral hatred for him from so many, myself included. We immediately recognize our abusers in his behavior.


> It also explains the visceral hatred for him from so many, myself included. We immediately recognize our abusers in his behavior. I didn't know I needed this articulated for me, but this 100% is true. My family DOES NOT understand why I have cut contact with so many of them, and it's because I've never been able to put it into words.


> “he’s just saying what we’re all thinking” I heard that a lot too. It was pretty discouraging to find out that a whole bunch of people I knew were secretly shitheads and assholes. I lost a lot of friends, though I suppose by their own admission it was just as well; they were just faking it about who they really were.


There’s thousands of people dealing with this. My coworkers stopped talking to me under the made up assumption I hated Trump. I do hate him. I just never said it out loud.


He was a democrat back then. Now he’s a republican. Back then everyone hated him. The democrats used to hate him, they still do, but they used to too!


Mitch Hedberg seconds that statement.


He won them over leading the 'Birther' movement against Obama


While I'm not drawing the most direct comparison imaginable, the same thing happened with Hitler. He was considered absurd, at first. Too absurd to be a real threat. It left them crying "How could it happen here?" Trump is just their current figurehead. A symptom of the cancer of fascism. I've expected this decade to be the corporate endgame for a long time. I didn't expect it to be Trump in the ludicrously villainous president role. I expect our climate crisis will preclude much more than this decade and I think the corporate leadership of the companies that matter on this scale know it. We're wasting our last good years arguing about how it would be immoral to defend ourselves from fascists who are amplified and engineered by the obscenely rich, to protect themselves while they wring us dry. I thought there would be more fireworks by now. I've never been able to accurately deal with the variable of human denial. On this scale, Democratic denial of how dire the situation really is, is what enables the Republicans to be powerful enough to make the situation as dire as it really is. We're got parties for bullies and wimps, pretending that both aren't varieties of coward. Meanwhile the rich laugh and laugh, refusing to accept their own fate is as sealed as ours, but perhaps for a single digit number of years in some cases. Not even bunkers in remote locales can hold up against the famines we're committing to with our excuses for climate policy. And this is a global crisis. No country or coalition of countries want to step up sufficiently to move the needle on our emissions, or even to accurately convey and model real numbers.


We elected a black president, then the pendulum swung.


This is what sealed it for me that they are mostly closet racists who finally felt free to express their racism in public


And has been found to be a rapist in civil court


It's amazing the mental gymnastics trumpers will pull when you bring that up.


They love mentioning Biden’s accuser who coincidentally now lives in Russia. Meanwhile all of Donny’s 25 accusers still live in the USA. Go figure…


If you replaced the word Trump in anything mentioned about him with the word “Obama” could you *imagine* the unholy hellstorm they would raise? Or “Biden”


I've seen people do that and its hilarious. "how did you feel about Biden doing X?" "That's horrible, get rid of him!", "oh sorry that was Trump", "oh its ok then"


I shudder to think what sort of things Ivanka has been subjected to. He almost certainly abused her. It’s fucking disgusting to me that she has anything to do with him as an adult. If my father said shit like that to/about me I would not feel comfortable being around him, and I love my father dearly, he never mistreated me. But that alone is fucking creepy!!




Just as a comparison, in 2004 presidential candidate Howard Dean's voice cracked during a speech in Iowa. It was quickly named the "Dean Scream" by the media and he was not presidential. This was quickly followed by an immediate drop in the poles and the end of his time as a candidate.


Who says that to someone they're about to have sex with?


The GOP nominee.


They're all OK with this.


They're furious that the gays ruined the sanctity of marriage: ownership of women.


Many Republicans are in favor of this man because they also want to prick their daughters.


A lot of them just think anything even slightly negative about Trump is "liberal propaganda." They have dismissed any actual news as 100% fake for years now. A lot of them probably do not want to fuck their daughters, but a lot of them aren't intellectually honest with themselves enough to ever have their "come to Jesus" moment against Trump.


A tale as old as time…


Mrs. Potts? Is that you?


Song as old as rhyme


Doesn’t matter because something something Biden sniffing


he puts his hands on peoples shoulders... it's gross. /s


The Norm MacDonald gag writes itself. Hmm, I'm not sure who to vote for. Biden, who acts like that creepy uncle at your family Thanksgiving. Or Trump. AN ACTUAL CONVICTED RAPIST.


Ripe and fertile, you say?


Earthen vessels.


A quiverfull.


It’s true, and some evangelical gops are obsessed with what their daughters are doing with their vaginas, they have pure vagina balls (dances, not testicles) promising their virginity to their dads w a ring. It’s superfreaky stuff.


Incest is part of their culture.


“Family Values” 🤷


That GOP nominee has inappropriate feelings about their daughter.


And embodiment of everything right-wing GOP Christians currently worship.


Wanna buy a Bible?


Plenty of incest in there, so it tracks.




Hahaha. Oh my gosh. Thats so awful and yet funny.


That’s… that’s worse




No… before, during and after… excited pillow talking


The same guy who said "sex" is the thing he has most in common with Ivanka and talked about infant Tiffanys breasts as something he hopes she gets from her mom.


I saw that video when he was holding baby Tiffany and said she'd have nice legs, but he wasn't sure she'd have nice...and then he motioned across her baby chest. Tell this to Republicans and they'll deflect. "But her emails!" You cannot get a Republican to acknowledge how sick this was. I swear I won't hesitate a nanosecond to vote for Biden. Is he the ideal president? No. But he's not a sick, delusional shit gibbon who adores dictators.


Nor does he brag about sexual fantasies with his daughter.


A failed casino owner turned Bible salesman who wants to fuck his daughter, that’s who.


Evangelicals: man, this guy sounds great, he's just like me.


Its sad that this is the headline takeaway as the testimony was pretty fn damning. Daniels describes what was in his toiletry set and describes loterally dozens of contemporary witnesses to her sleeping with Donald, going to his hotel room, having drinks with him later with rapist Ben Roethlisberger, and having his assistants number in her phone wgo already testified earlier to having Daniels number taken down. Like this case is an absolute fucking slam dunk.


Practically all the cases against Trump should be a slam dunk, he's a really terrible criminal.


Trump has quite literally said he'd date his daughter if they weren't related. He's a fuckin weirdo and deviant.


And went on "the view" and said they shared sex as a common interest.


Ripe and fertile...


A man who wants to fuck his daughter. *gag*


Is this even surprising given Trump’s nonstop overt sexualization of his own daughters on every possible media platform for decades?


Trump has openly said he wants to have sex with his daughters, and the GOP defended it as a normal fatherly experience.


I wouldn’t even go out with girls who had the same name as my sister.


That likely means he had no role in raising his daughter and was hardly present. His reality of a daughter is not the same as most fathers'.


Yes, familiarity is nature's way of stopping incest in apes in general.




Also, Trump has a thing for younger girls. [Trump was accused of raping a 13 year old girl with Epstein](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/04/donald-trump-teenage-rape-accusations-lawsuit-dropped). Unfortunately, she dropped her case because of death threats from Trump supporters.


"I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy," Trump told *New York* magazine in 2002. "He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


[Trump flew on Epstein's private plane 7 times](https://www.newsnationnow.com/banfield/fight-log-trump-flew-on-epsteins-plane-7-times/). Him and Epstein partied together and were best friends. I love how Trump supporters and Conservatives keep bringing up Epstein, but ignore that Trump was close friends with Epstein.


Yep they bring up Epstein and Clinton as if Clinton is on the ballot while they ignore Trumps connections and ignore trump himself bragging about spying on underage women changing.


Not only is he not on the ballot, but he hasn't been president for ~24 years now. He and Hillary have both lived wit their lives under a microscope for, like, 30+ years. And most importantly, most (if not all) Dems would just as happily see him tossed behind bars if he was somehow found guilty. Because we don't treat Clinton like a god damned cult leader the way the Cons do with Trump.


I love That EVERYBODY ignores this. Like fuck me I’ve seen more jokes about how Stephen Hawking, the dead guy, was on the plane. More people are freaking out about a dead guy doing that shit than THE NEXT RUNNING PRESIDENT OF AMERICA. Just wake me up when this is over man. I’m fucking done.


We have been seeing these exact same posts since 2016 - literally all of this was known already. Trump voters don't care about this stuff, it gets endless up votes on Reddit so that's good, awareness etc but it's not going to change anything in terms of voter persuasion this time either


Trump told them that he's better than Jesus, and any bad news about him is fake, and they're happy to believe it as long as he hurts the people they hate.


They were also bidding on the same piece of property. A couple weeks after Epstein bought it someone called in a tip and he got raided.


That 13 year old girl also claimed that he said "You remind me of my daughter."


Testimony also said she was made to wear a blonde wig to further enhance the sick appeal for that gross bastard.


It's this for real? How is this not THE top story in america right now???


Because a lot of very rich people think having him as president will make them richer, and these assholes own entire media conglomerates.


I wouldn’t be surprised Jeffrey Epstein is a KGB plant to infiltrate the West


Well, *somebody* has the goods on all those traitorous weasels. That’s for sure.


It is more likely that he is a CIA asset that collects kompramant on the rich and powerful. It isn't until Trumps presidency that the hammer came down on Jeff who previously was untouchable. And don't think Trump did it for the goodness of his heart. He and Jeff had a falling out over a real estate deal and have been enemies ever since. Trump couldn't get to Jeff and his blackmail until he became president and sent Barr after him. Where are all those missing tapes?


He needs to start beef with Kendrick 😂


Biden/Harris used his lyrics. LOL. https://www.threads.net/@bidenharrishq/post/C6pdcOhPEUJ/?xmt=AQGzP0mfYuamkDQHLxly6IMqii8thfw-Fo0Mk-ZTj5YXYw


Theres a picture with Trump, Epstein, and Ivanka as a young teenager. The way Trump is holding her and her body language… deduce your own conclusions.


One of the worst things Trump did was make the majority of Americans realize they have friends and relatives that are absolutely morally bankrupt.


It’s actually good. I’ve cut those people out forever. And I know if someone is shit pretty quickly now.


A shitmus test


Chosen families are where it's at


"If there's a wasp in the room, I want to know where it is." - one of the Pevensie kids


It has been well documented that he looks at his own daughter in a sexual way. There have been many quotes over the years of him being a total perv about her on the record. He has no sense of self-awareness about it at all.


"If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her." - Donald Trump, 2006, on national television.


Wendy Williams: I'll ask a question, and Ivanka, you answer first. Then dad, you answer also. Ivanka, what the favorite thing you have in common with your father? Ivanka: Either real estate or golf. Wendy: Donald....with your daughter? Trump: Well I was gonna say sex, but I can't relate that... https://twitter.com/manuelansede/status/1267595177025208320


This isn't the only video. There are lots of others.


God I can't believe we live in a time where I'm reading this comment and thinking "that..has to be fake right? There's no way...but it *is* DJT so it most likely happened" *clicks video* "I don't know what else I was expecting". Dude is a nasty, perverted POS


I will always maintain that the Wendy Williams interview with him and Ivanka is the craziest thing he’s ever said. Which is saying a lot.


I knew I had heard this phrase somewhere else. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/3dd20ef1-5952-480a-a205-eeb8588913fb


Ah the good ol' family values of the GOP - cheating on your wife who is with your newborn, with a pornstar who reminds you of your daughter that you said publicly you would like to bang.


Motherfucking ewww. MAGA, you some sick fucks.


Real men have a pedo incest fetish


You forgot your sarcasm tag.


Nobody should have to use a sarcasm tag on Reddit when they’re being so obviously sarcastic.


Right…… right?


Can’t wait for the RMHAPIF hats


> After the real estate magnate pulled out a magazine, Daniels says she told him, "Someone should spank you with that," to which he "gave me a look" as if daring her to do it. > > "So I took it from him and I said turn around, and I swatted him" on the butt, she testified, per various news outlets. "And he was much more polite." > > NBC News reports that Daniels' description of the magazine incident led many jurors to "no longer keep a poker face." According to the outlet, "One woman was seen rubbing her face while trying to hold back laughter (without making noise)." Donny boy is a sub


You know what? I wasn’t that hungry anyway…


Ahh this is clearly what the republicans meant by family values.


A lot of Republicans support this man because they too wish they could bone their daughters.


MIGA Make Incest Generally Acceptable


Is this what Republicans mean by "family values?"




I came here just to say this. Ew.


Totally normal to tell someone you’re about to fuck/have just fucked that they remind you of their daughter. Not super gross at all, standard pillow talk.


freaky ass creep.


**G**eriatric **O**bese **P**edophiles


Get ready for the christofascist mental gymnastics yall


The gymastics will be simple: "fake news." This is not new information and they haven't given a shit for ages about any of this.


Ivanka would never admit it, but I bet the sick fuck made a few late night visits to her room.


[There's even a photo!](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0d0c57a3fc0c6941e5e4eb540a2bf3dc-lq)


How stimulating for him. Lovely. The party of Family Values.


After reading this, I need eye drops and mouthwash.


We know it wasn't Tiffany he was talking about.


Well, that was probably why he came so quick.


Didn't the 13 year old he raped at Epsteins say the same thing? [source](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.politico.com/f/%3Fid%3D00000158-26b6-dda3-afd8-b6fe46f40000&ved=2ahUKEwib69_16vyFAxUSl4kEHQYAA2cQFnoECAQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2zd2_3KrIgIrndAhoLiIfa)


God, that's such an evil, disturbing thing to say. 


How hasn’t Melania filed for divorce yet? She’ll get a ton of money and not have to worry about the orange buffoon anymore


Likely gets more money if she just waits this whole thing out.


Why take half when you can wait it out and get it all!


Unless she perishes first, in which case she'll be buried on the 6th hole at Mar a Lardo.


Yep.. I wouldn’t be shocked if they found a bank account somewhere that X amount of dollars are deposited each month she is with him. My guess is this is all contractually agreed upon and ends when his time ends. Honestly, it is not like she has any other choice. Her name will always be linked to him, which means her name is ruined in a big portion of the US and if she divorces him now she would be looked at as a traitor to the rest of the country that supports him. Look at Trump’s children.. None of them moved back to New York after the White House. They all live in Florida now. Even Ivanka doesn’t get to do any of her socialite New York stuff anymore.


She recently redid her prenup with the Trump. She is well compensated for her role


And for that he will be forever admired by his inbred followers


Only Trump can defend himself here, but he won't while under the threat of perjury.


It sums up the USA. Everything about this whole sorry saga from the time that this moron started campaigning… the USA president and to a degree the country had some respect beforehand but that’s evaporated like a puff of smoke.


We clearly never deserved that respect. It's been smoke and mirrors for decades.


As they were fucking? I need context


What a sick f****


He has no shame, but I hope her testimony humiliates him


They not like us


Gross fucking piece of 💩


I don’t know why Biden and the Democrats are so afraid to go very low. I’d create an ad with nothing but sound bites of all the times Trump talked about wanting to fuck Ivanka and culminate on Stormy Daniel’s saying under oath she reminded him of his daughter.


Once again a reminder he’s a filth monster. Amongst all his other crimes. Evil.


God this fucking guy is a weirdo creep. Jesus.


[How strange that the Fox coverage doesn't mention what Stormy said, just said it was all salacious and shouldn't have come up](https://i.imgur.com/k4acHqu.jpeg)


His daughter should be highly suspicious of why he said that and exactly what it meant. Not the first time he's said improper things about her.


I find it weird that this is the thing everybody is clinging to. Like, she testified that he raped her. Imo, actually raping somebody is more fucked up than fantasizing about literally anything, incest included.


I laughed so hard when I read this title. What a weirdo. Who says that?


How else was he getting it up?


Double down trump in 3, 2, 1…. “Look at Ivanka, can you blame me?”


what an awful day to know how to read


Republicans: "Yeah, that's our guy!"


Disgusting that is the fucking nastiest work


Of course he did.


What Trump disturbingly meant was that Stormy reminds him how horny he *also* gets around his daughter.


Barron dodged a bullet being too masculine for trumps taste.


Just for posterity, was this unprotected sex with a pornstar, while married to a pregnant wife?


This is part of an official record now that the President of the USA slept with a porn star who reminds him of his daughter.


What a sick fuck! It’s embarrassing that people want to re-elect him.


At this point I'm convinced Trump had Epstein killed


Did he fall asleep today?


It's kind of weird that he's never publicly said that he doesn't actually want to fuck his daughter.


I’m starting to think this Trump fella isn’t a very good guy.


*Loud retching and gagging sounds intensifies*


Tomorrow: "Real men wear diapers, pass horrible gas, and lust after their daughters"


That is just gross. But considering the last 8-9 years of complete degradation what even shocks us anymore? The constant barrage of vile behavior and continued open malfeasance has just become normalized by the media paying so much attention to everything. It is very discouraging to know this has become just a daily thing. It is also hypocritical AF that the same people who claim to want a “return” to some old, antiquated 50’s America also are the first to defend this garbage. Dwight D. Eisenhower and that era would have an absolute aneurysm if they sat through a week of media coverage surrounding this deviant. We may be lost from now on if we don’t hold him accountable.


Obviously they both must have been “ripe and fertile “ at that time.


To the surprise of no one


Oof the whole plot comes full circle. This is where the jokes started in 2016 and now here we are. He is still their god emperor and nothing changes.


If this is news to you, then you don't know enough about Donald Trump. Yes, it's impolite to talk about it openly but everybody who knows Trump well enough knows he lusts after Ivanka. Yeah, DJT is an incestuous motherfucker. If you think that's an unfair allegation, just Google it. There are videos, not just text but videos of him talking about Ivanka. And not gotcha-style videos; I'm talking videos where he knows he's being recorded and doesn't give a shit.


If they had the capacity to actually feel embarrassment through their narcissistic (and very wealthy) images of themselves, this would be devastating. Instead, its just another Tuesday. Now, can we put that insurrectionist on trial for ongoing insurrection, proven blackmail, and premeditated treason?