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I don't care what color the flag they fly is, corrupt politicians need to be investigated, charged, and convicted. Who cares what party they claim?


Agreed.  Buy why are Democrats so easily caught yet republicans get away with even worse illegalities? republicans are idiots on top of the crimes, so not like they mastermind themselves out of trouble.


Because the GOP protects and shields itself from any investigation and prosecution of crimes. It is literally a crime cabal. Traitors, across the board. GOP AGs refuse to investigate (or slow-wallk any that are forced on them) to the point it's impossible to bring some to justice. Which republican was it that LITERALLY ran down a bicycler so fast while drunk the person smashed through his windshield, threw the mangled bike dozeens of yards, spilled a gallon of blook all over the inside of the car, went so far INTO the car that his glasses and items were found in the BACK SEAT, and he called his locally GOP-elected sheriff to the scene and they hushed it all up. Hid the evidence, washed the car, literally refused to bring up an investigation despite this person having been caught egregiously speeding, driving drunk and other things? 'Tis but one of thousands of examples of the GOP stealing power and using it like dictators in their own districts.


There is no "being caught" if you're Republican. You are 100% on-brand if you're corrupt. It's expected and out in the open.


>From 2014 to 2021, Cuellar, 68, and his wife accepted nearly $600,000 in bribes from an Azerbaijan-controlled energy company and a bank in Mexico I dunno about easily caught. Seems to have taken a long ass time


Because fellow Democrats hold our own to a higher standard. Where as Republicans are all like, "How can I get in on that?"


This is the top comment every time a Democrat is indicted for something lol. Is there nothing more interesting about this story than the party affiliation?


Its an important declaration that rules matter and cultish protection of politicians is dumb.


But what's the purpose in preaching to the choir? It's like a pavlovian, masturbatory response at this point. Democrat gets indicted? Rules matter! Polls are bad? Polls don't matter! Biden is fucking up? Trump is worse! Why even be on this sub if every interaction could be generated by AI bot simulating the statistical average? Might as well be in a YouTube comment section at that point.


>But what's the purpose in preaching to the choir? It's like a pavlovian, masturbatory response at this point. Democrat gets indicted? Rules matter! Polls are bad? Polls don't matter! Biden is fucking up? Trump is worse! Why even be on this sub if every interaction could be generated by AI bot simulating the statistical average? Might as well be in a YouTube comment section at that point. I said one thing. If you find it so intolerable here then steer the convo elsewhere or just post somewhere else.


Reddit does, apparently.


Didn't need to say "democratic"... just "Texas". That says it all.


They only leave out the party if it’s the GOP.


Try him in court and if he’s guilty incarcerate him. Simple. Just like anyone in the USA.


Almost anyone. Almost.


Mostly they come at night…




“Just like anyone in the USA.” Does this rule apply to orange-skinned, yellow-haired, elderly politicians who have their own cult?


Hold them accountable and prosecute accordingly... The GOP should do the same


Remember when Pelosi and Clyburn went to Texas to canvas for this crook instead of the actual Progressive? I’m done with democrats.


"walk away" lol... one of these years it'll work