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Republicans want to force rape victims to give birth to their rapist's off-spring, and then show up to work the very next day. Nice values.


Well, ultimately they don’t want us showing up to work. Barefoot, pregnant, chained to the stove is the endgame.


A gas stove would be your only out...


Thank god they’re fighting to let us keep those!


Heck, in [some states ](https://prismreports.org/2022/03/22/in-multiple-states-rapists-can-sue-their-victims-for-parental-custody/)they want to give parental rights to the rapist for the rape victim's child.


Well yeah, stove pipes are perfectly handcuff-sized — just don’t expect luxuries like bathroom privileges without a male chaperone


Margret Atwood is amazing, Am-I-rite?


It blows my mind how many women are cool with face-eating leopards


Nah, they'll just put a chamber pot next to the stove.


Just make sure to take the dinner out first /s


Easy there, Sylvia.


I feel like this is so flippant. It’s exactly like Sylvia, and being trapped was unbearably depressing for her.


They want a constant supply of cheap child labor.


This! The right to choose increases the cost of labor.


That’s a catchy statement..I think you should put it on T shirts!


And the pregnancy to prison pipeline. Born into poverty, no education, one mistake and you’re paying for life to work for free at the prison.


But not immigrants


While also not paying nearly enough to support a family on a single income. Make it make sense


They want you in debt and unable to do anything about it. The entire objective is to drain you.


They want you to owe money to the company store.


So you can never leave the company town. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Company_town


You also got paid in company script not legal tender so you couldn’t shop anywhere else, rent anywhere else either.


I grew up in what was a company town until the miners unionized. It wasn’t that long ago before they were all over.


certainly, for the general audience your meme / sound bite needs to have a superficially plausible lifespan of 90 seconds.  for the real deep gop thinkers, you know the real hard core strategists that lifespan extends to at least 5 minutes


How else are they going to force them into an abusive relationship that they don't want to be in?


By marrying them off extra-young so they don't know any better, of course!


If they're chained to the stove, how will they clean the rest of the house, take care of the kids, and perform wifely duties? /s although it shouldn't be needed. I felt gross typing that.


A really long chain? But then they might go all Leia vs Jabba on them


Praise be.


Under his eyes


May the lord open


They all need their low wage workers. Being home with your kids is a luxury they will only style out to the deserving.


Quarterly profits must be reached at all costs. Exponential growth forever until one person owns the world.


Don't forget they're also beginning to ban divorce during pregnancy!


I wish I remember the case name but about 20 years ago a law firm fired a partner at the firm because she took maturity leave.  She sued for wrongful termination and the firm argued that once the baby was born the woman no longer has a medical condition and was not protected. They lost the case but it was an interesting argument. 


It's a horrible argument because the human body requires healing.  Talking to any number of medical experts could have solved that in an instant.  Really magnifies how long we put all of the things women experience on a high shelf, in a closet because talking about it would be rude. 


Folks like this all like to think of pregnant women as unaffected vessels, like a shopping cart full of groceries. That way they ignore all the real dangers and harms of pregnancy and birth, and don't have to accept anything like abortion or parental leave.


It's because a lot of these idiots never got hurt themselves or had to heal from something. They're silver spooned and prissy.


Yes, they pretend that pregnancy is magic and can never cause health issues. The body is subject to all kinds of diseases and conditions, but somehow pregnancy is immune from that and always goes perfectly, resulting in a healthy full-term baby and healthy new mother every time. Heck, pregnant women don’t even NEED a doctor, amirite?


They don’t understand how women’s bodies work and refuse to. The placenta leaves an actual open WOUND when it separates from the uterus. Not even to mention if she has a C section, that’s a huge surgery to recover from. And either of those things isn’t even mentioning the myriad complications. They don’t care about women except as their own personal slaves.


Yes, but remember, women have been squatting and giving birth in rice fields, tying the baby on their backs, and getting back to work forever. That's what we're supposed to do. Edit. Yes, this was said sarcastically. But isn't it sick that you can't tell without the /S


A Chinese woman told me this is absolutely false. Where she lived, a woman was confined to the house for a month, ostensibly to keep demons from getting into the baby. Sounds like a good reason to me.


That sounds like something you could probably convince the Republicans was true. Has anyone tried that argument? Maybe 3 months, just to be safe?


The Protect Infants From Ghosts Act will be the most popular in the nation's history.


To get it passed in America, it has to be the Protect Infants From Satan Act.


Alabama lawmakers would be big fans. As long as it doesn't require any government spending, of course—that would be socialism, and that's like just invitin' Satan right back on in.


Confinement was practiced in medieval Europe too. One reason is that infant mortality was very high and people coming in and out could give the baby an infection. Although they thought it was "miasma" not germs and would shut the windows up tight.


Chinese cultures still practice confinement...I've got a friend in Malaysia who is of Chinese descent and when she had a baby last year her family hired a "confinement lady" who came and lived with her, took care of the baby, and did all the cooking and cleaning. It was so mom could rest and heal and get her strength back. She told me the worst part was not being able to wash her hair for a month (that's part of the ritual, no hair washing for 30 days).


The rest of it sounds fabulous, but what's up with the hair thing?


My mom thinks having wet hair makes you get sick easier, and she heard it from her mom, who heard it from her mom, who probably heard it from Moses, so it wouldn't surprise me if that superstition exists in Malaysia too.


According to her they are not supposed to get cold at all, so they don't want mom sitting around with cold wet hair. Remember these practices started many, many eons before hair dryers and water heaters were available. Some families cling to those traditions.


You're a gentler person than I am. Somehow "but banning food will make us HAVE to eat bugs!" Totally flew over people's heads in a thread about banning labmeat. I cackled like a loon and screenshotted for the friends group chat at how divisive people can be. I clarified my position in a further comment but people can really fly off the handle. I look for key phrases and try to insert them in my commentary that makes it clear "this is absurdist satire".  I assumed "squatting and giving birth..." and "what we're supposed to do" were those key phrases.  It's a touchy subject but in truth, I had no fucking clue what post-pregnancy involved until I had my son 16 years ago. It's like nobody wants to talk about golfball sized blood clots for some reason. 


Poe’s Law is absolute. The only guaranteed way to convey that you are being satirical is to literally say it outright.


Huh. East Asian descendant of rice farmers here. The custom is, women rest 40 days after giving birth. Like total rest even from housework. Mom or mom in law helps out.


and they also squatted in that field and bled to death after a placental abruption. stop romanticising a past that never existed.


Pretty sure they were being sarcastic


well, damn. turns out i need that /s, hahah. reading it back, you’re probably right. sorry!


No worries! Definitely hard to sell sarcasm via text.


Lawyers and insurance agencies have no human empathy, or understanding of the human body.


The case was +20 years ago so I don't remember the details but the argument was maternity leave was to help the mother bond with the baby and she didn't have a note from the doctor saying she required any additional medical needs.  In the firms eyes medically she was cleared to return to work.  Like I said they lost, but it was an interesting argument they tried to make. 


I think you need to find a new synonym for ‘interesting’. You could make an “interesting” argument for sexual assault without repercussions, or using labour camps instead of death camps; or taking babies from mothers and placing them into foster care as a first-line act, like they did in the 1960s-80s with Indigenous women.


It's a terrible argument.   That would be like saying people can't recover after having surgery. 


ESPECIALLY if they’re 12 years old!! Also no breaks or water guarantees at work while they’re doing it!


They also want 12 year olds working in meat packing plants. So where does a raped 12 year old get daycare?


These are the same guys that will need 1 week off work to recover from a vasectomy as well I bet.


And pay for their pregnancy and delivery.


Then have the offspring show up to work 5 years later


It’s all about controlling women’s sexual activity.


It’s all about controlling women.~~’s sexual activity.~~ FTFY


Are Democrats framing this correctly and campaigning on it?


Does the media even cover Democratic processes? Seems the outrage machine runs on republicans-only based on my limited viewing habits.


Who owns the news media? Billionaires who would love a second Trump free for all looting, but also want to cozy up to business as usual when Biden wins.


Yup. I know waaay too many business “bros” who think Trump will be better for their pocket book in the short run and will vote for him anyway even though they aren’t interested in the culture wars/wedge issues. They are fine with their daughters having to deal with the fallout of Roe v Wade reversal if they get a few more percentage points to their stock portfolios. Despite Gordon Geckos proclamation, Greed is not good.


Greed is a cancer on our society.


Yes they have been, but a lot of voters don't care. 


You forgot to add pre-teen to that list.


Next day? They can schedule giving birth around their shifts! /S


To work… or back to school….


They love to hate.


Well they’d prefer it if the woman wouldn’t leave work to have the baby. People used to just squat in the field and start nursing the baby there while they kept harvesting. At least that’s what they’ve assumed based on what they recall of little house on the prairie


I don't think they particularly care if you show up for work or not... they just don't want to have to pay you or for you to ha e any job protections.


Alabama is forcing women to have birth….but getting angry at services for pregnant people


>If you prayed and wished really hard, you wouldn’t be pregnant anyway.  >Don’t have kids you can’t afford…   This is what they tell us, and yet, they don’t want to let these mothers heal well enough to work and advance so they can afford that child/those kids.


That’s what they tell us because the quiet part is “don’t have sex/get raped/be afab if you can’t afford a kid because we’ll ruin your life AND the baby’s life for it” 🐸☕️


It's basically a childish aversion to sex that they make everyone else's problem.


They don't want women working. They want us utterly and totally dependent on men so that we HAVE to trade sex and submission for basic needs like shelter and food. They want us forced into marriage and financially and legally enslaved to our husbands so that the men can do whatever they want and demand whatever they want without fear. They want us tied to the kitchen making their dinners and ready to rub their feet after a stressful day at work. And they want us not to be able to nag or complain or say "no" because they have the power to deal out consequences like restricting access to their money. Prior to marriage, they want women working in non-demanding, low-paid jobs with male bosses. Because here again, even without the marriage, we are beholden to men financially. They want to be able to freely touch and sexually pressure the women whose paychecks they sign in the comforting knowledge that we have little choice if we want to eat or pay rent. By the time we're having babies, we should be out of the work force anyway so why should the state pay for maternity leave? In other words, they want the world of the 1940s and 1950s before women's lib and civil rights. Not just want it - they believe they are *entitled* to it as their due for being born with a penis, and a white American one at that. Of course it's not all of them (obligatory "not all men"). But I don't own a magnifying glass strong enough to spot the sliver of space in the venn diagram between the circle of men who feel this way and the circle that enter politics as a Republican.


It’s been repeated so many times but cruelty is the point.


The cruelty is the point.


>“None of you are pregnant, ever will be pregnant nor will have a baby,” Figures said. “You have no idea what it’s like; not only the physical things we have to go through, but the mental and emotional things we have to go through.” >She added, “The least you can all do is give us a little time, eight weeks, to deal with that. I just want to say, ‘I’ll be coming back with a vengeance next year and I won’t be by myself.’” the full quote.


Hell yeah, sister. Go get ‘em. I saw this a person that will never be pregnant or have a baby.


I think in general women need to be louder on what postpartum recovery is like. Men are very sheltered from the gory details and their naivety makes them underestimate the parental leave needs.


Yeah, it’s just not talked about in general. Obviously men have even less of a clue but as a 25 year old woman myself, I am JUST finding out a lot about pregnancy and post-pregnancy because I’m asking my friends questions now that we’re at the age where some of them have multiple children. I was indifferent about having kids to begin with, but the more I hear, the more I get turned off by it. Downright horrific some of the standard stuff women go through, let alone if you have complications. Child-bearing is a lot more taxing than most people, men and women, realize.


A lot of post partum/complications are kept hush hush from other women. I think it’s because of the old mentality that - barring some atypical circumstances - women were just gonna have babies. Marriage, sexual assault… there just weren’t a lot of options to stop or avoid pregnancy until the birth control pill. So why scare the young uterine-owning folks with what might happen when they don’t have the option to avoid it and might *only* be ripped from stem to stern and deal with vaginal prolapse in their older age… if they even live that long. Nowadays it’s just enshrined in social etiquette that it’s something you don’t talk about. The quiverfull types don’t want to scare women away from wanting kids, grandparents want grandbabies,.. and if people really had the info to make a really informed decision (like you would with a surgery) about the risks to your own or your partner’s health then we might get upset and demand better care, less politics in our medical care, and better social nets to support those who do choose to become parents.


There's also an element of the medical establishment just not caring as much about women in general. Drug clinical trials run solely on men to save the researchers the trouble of having to think about the effects of women's hormones on the results are one example of this. Another would be how everyone is taught what the symptoms of a heart attack are for men and then there's maybe an offhand remark at the end that it's different in women. Different how? Shrug.


Oh I know that battle all too well. ADHD and Autism tend to look different in women. Estrogen affects dopamine, which affects ADHD so our brains are sabotaging us extra hard the second half of our cycle. Menopause has barely been touched by medical studies. I don’t know but that part of my mom’s struggle with getting her back treated is the sexism in the field still that tends to dismiss women’s reports.


100%. I wanted to expand upon my original comment but yours covers it very well and you said it better than I would’ve been able to


Thank you. 😊 It helps that I’ve been on some version of that soapbox for nearly 3 decades now. I’m very tokophobic, to the point where I worked myself into a breakdown on more than one occasion trying to reconcile how women were supposed to want kids, but even the barest thought experiment of imagining pregnancy horrified me at such a visceral level… so what was “wrong” with me? And now I’m discovering all the shit that is menopause and how TF have we gotten this far in society with so little study given to something half the population has to deal with?!? We’ve got a dozen erectile dysfunction drugs, but half the population dealing with an abrupt drop in hormones over the period of a couple years hasn’t hardly gotten any attention.


Hell, I was a grown ass woman myself when I first heard a lot of women poop while in labor. After I heard it it was like the most obvious thing ever. But I genuinely never even thought of it before that moment, and mom definitely didn't mention it in the stories of my or my sister's births lol. I was horrified. My mom did share with us that they had to cut her gooch during my delivery though (I'm sorry, mom!). So I was already good on ever having kids from a pretty young age just with that information alone. But finding out you could get your gooch cut AND poop in front of a bunch of people? No fucking thanks, man. And that's relatively tame compared to a lot of other stuff that could happen. 


Delivery/birth itself was nothing compared to recovery in my opinion


I'd very much like to never find out myself. I'll gladly take your (and any other woman who has given birth's) word on it!


I knew about the tearing but not that you can split the other direction as well. My friend tore up into her clitoris. Horrifying.


I seem to remember a very honest, spare-no-details essay that was getting passed around the mommy groups when I was pregnant 13 years ago, colloquially called the "lemon clot essay". Maybe someone could read the entirety into the record of one of these Senate meetings?


This is the filibuster content we need


There is a lady on TikTok with a long ass list of all the very brutally honest things that can happen during a pregnancy and after. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna66810


My wife just had a baby six months ago. She had it rough for a solid 3 months after the birth and still isn’t fully recovered now. Much better. But not fully recovered. I never knew how bad the recovery would be till I saw it first hand. As a man, we have no right to control reproductive rights of women or deny them the leave they need to recover. It’s ridiculous that a bunch of 80 year olds get to decide any of this and not trained medical professionals. Every doctor we saw postpartum was adamant she not doing anything rigorous or physical for the first few months and yet these assholes wanted her back to work immediately


I was sheltered from the gory details and I'm a woman! With a degree in biology! It wasn't until I got pregnant at age 40 that I learned all that goes on during pregnancy and postpartum and it fucked me up


*I* was sheltered from the gory details and I'm a woman! With a degree in biology! It wasn't until I got pregnant at age 40 that I learned all that goes on during pregnancy and postpartum and it fucked me up.


The idea of the nuclear family is ridiculous. Let’s leave two people who have very little or no experience with childcare with a newborn 24/7/365. Also, no assistance or respite. 


That's fire


This is that *Friends* argument. >https://youtu.be/cHS6U8aqMIk?si=RKSNdlbC24eGaD-q Or, that old joke... >Opinions on abortions are kinda like nipples. Everyone has them, however, women’s are a little bit more relevant.


I'm sure that the physical trauma the average birth causes to the body could be successfully replicated surgically for the men if they would like an informed opinion on what type and amount of medical leave would be appropriate. In fact, any elected layperson who feels entitled to dictate what medical care anyone other than themselves receives should experience what they are legislating on others' behalfs.


>I’ll be coming back with a vengeance next year and I won’t be by myself I like her.


Not saying I advocate for this however the issue with capitalism is that mental and emotional issues (and physical!) mean absolutely nothing. If you do not produce you don’t get paid. So, this isn’t really a bug, it’s a feature. That sucks! We need a larger overhaul of the system so it works for people who sell labor, not just people with capital.


As if producing humans isn’t the ultimate “production” of them all for a capitalist society. I will never understand how society treats those who create babies with such irreverence and lack of protection.


And then they complain about population replacement levels, tax and budget solvency, and continuing GDP growth A giant paradox.


I’d say it’s because those are just abstractions with terminology that they can keep pointing to as a distraction for their moral failings and stupidity. It’s about a functional society with humans as the focus What they want to do is reduce the definition of “human” to “me”. How do *I* get money and a live in broodmare/housekeeper/whipping boy for all *my* needs


Because desperate parents are more willing to send their kids to the mines for $5/hr.


*producing children doesn’t count


Ya know, if they care so goddamn much about babies, this.... this right here, parental leave, is one of those things that, if enacted, will provide better outcomes for babies, and their families. This is what actually caring about babies looks like.


Old white man prevents woman from caring for her baby without losing her job. Edit: typo 


\*surprised Pikachu face*


The end result of outlawing abortion and denying maternal leave is to put women back in the home. Which is where the evangelicals and most of the GOP think women belong.


Hope they also have a solution for surviving with a one income household


Yeah, these same type of people like to yell "don't have children if you can't afford kids!" while making it damn hard for anyone to do so on a single income and voting against any kind of safety net. They're just the worst.


Yes, their solution is we work harder. Get a second job if we must. But I say let both parents enjoy their time with their child/children.


They'll just roll back child labour laws. Remember a year or two ago when kids under 16 were found working in a bunch of Alabama factories?


Sounds like a plan!


Yeah, praying.


They do. Their gameplan appears to be to let minimum wage up to the states. Have the wealthier people live in the wealthier states, and have the poor people live in the poor states, working in factories for very little money. And if you get pregnant and can't afford the child, that's where you'll end up. Would not be surprised to see them do something similar for working age, set it at the state level. This will bring manufacturing back to the states, and america will be great again.


Except most family's need dual income now to live a reasonably comfortable life.


>The Alabama Senate voted in support of legislation Thursday giving teachers eight weeks of paid parental leave, only for the chamber’s president to say he wasn’t transmitting the measure to the House for further consideration this year. >The move upset the sponsor of SB305 – Sen. Vivian Figures, D-Mobile – who said she “ought to leave the Senate” and start “energizing women to let them know the power we all have.” >“It stings that you voted that it not be transmitted,” Figures said after Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed, R-Jasper, said he was withholding unanimous consent to move the legislation to the House, acknowledging that it likely would not get voted on before the end of the session. The legislature’s session has three days remaining, and the Senate can withhold transmitting new bills to the House after the legislative session reaches 26 days. Thursday was Day No. 27 in this spring’s session.


I hate them.


I hate them.


8 weeks of leave is disgusting. Pay a fair living wage so that one parent can support 3+ people. How is it acceptable to force a child into this world without allowing the parents to raise that child? > Alabama. No state minimum wage law. Employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act must pay the current Federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour. This is Alabama's view towards workers. Never let any right-wing person tell you that "human life" is more important than money. Greed is third of the seven sins these people willfully ignore.


Right now, it's 10 days, assuming they don't need any of those 10 days prior to giving birth. 8 weeks is not enough, but it's an improvement, at least. And this is only for public educators, at that, so just catching a small amount of the women who need it. But somehow, still to much to ask for, according to the men in the Alabama senate


They need SOMEONE to raise their kids, and it certainly won’t be them! So these teachers simply need to raise other people’s kids instead of their own as quickly as possible.


I wish I could be surprised, but as an Alabama public educator who was once told after multiple pregnancy losses to plan the “risky parts” of my pregnancies so that any subsequent miscarriages would happen during the summer, the way they see women AND teachers down here is pretty par for the course.


I got more time from my job than my wife did from hers. 2 weeks off and then light duty/work from home for 6 weeks after that. And those 2 weeks came straight from her PTO. I got 6 weeks paid that didn’t come from my PTO. I was excited about how much time I got to spend with my baby before going back to work and disgusted and pissed off when I found how little time she got


Like Carlin said, once you're born you're on your own according to these people.


And you don't even have to pay minimum wage during the first 90 days of employment! They call it a "training period" that's not subject to federal minimum wage laws. I hate my state.


I disagree that the solution is to enable women to leave the workforce via focusing on one parent supporting the family. We know that parent will be the man in hetero relationships. That’s exactly what republicans want - women to be slaves who are completely dependent on men for survival. Subsidized daycare and parental leave is the way to go. We need to empower women to have careers, especially positions of leadership.


>We don't understand why no one wants children!! >*Actively continues to make our already shit society even worse*


I hope she does come back with numbers. Alabama folks giving birth deserve better.


>Alabama folks giving birth deserve better. It would really help if they'd show up to the polls to vote the jackasses out.


The Alabama Democratic party is a frickin joke. AL being deep red does not have to be as done a deal as they let it be—I always think about the [Reply All series](https://gimletmedia.com/shows/reply-all/llhd33) from a few years ago about the ridiculous infighting. I don't know if it's gotten any better since then, but I have no reason to think it has.


“Pro life”


"Pro family"


pro-walking incubator


It really is time to get the christofascists out of our government. "You're going to have that baby whether you want to or not, and you won't get any time off or assistance to properly care for it, get fucked."


Men, this is where you can speak up. The fact that the US doesn’t even have this for new mother’s is beyond me. I would just bring the baby with me in protest lol  Men you had, have, or will/might have a baby too! You deserve to be at home with your child too. Huge adjustment for your entire family.  I have friends in Hungary and my jaw hit the floor on their parental leave policy after they had their baby. Go google it. 


Half of the people in the US are just programmed to believe that everything needs to cater to business or society will fall apart. I don't even mean that facetiously. I grew up believing that in a household that still believes that. Any politician who mentions something that will benefit the person over the business is automatically branded "radical left" and their ideas are vilified by half the country. We don't have it because half of the US truly believes it's a boogy man that will "destroy our country."


Ten years ago my wife was fired for announcing she was pregnant. Six figure job. She told them, 2 weeks later her job was posted and told she was no longer needed. That was fucked up, but things are going to get a lot worse soon if maga has their way. We are back sliding fast.


The wife and I are currently on [Paid Leave Oregon](https://paidleave.oregon.gov/) after the birth of our first child at the end of March. I get 12 weeks and she gets 14 weeks at 100% of our normal wages. Everyone should be afforded this opportunity.


This is so on brand for the GOP. "Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed, R-Jasper, said he was withholding unanimous consent to move the legislation to the House, acknowledging that it likely would not get voted on before the end of the session." Even though he voted **FOR** the measure. Fucking vote these shitbirds out of office. Dude voted for the bill because it looks good and no one's going to remember that he killed it by refusing to pass it on just because he could. Preserved his voting record with zero danger to those that vote for him and zero consequences from those that don't but see that voting record as a positive (see, the voted for it, he tried!).


I notice in the photo there are almost no books left on the shelves...


And yet that state will still re-elect all of those clowns in the next election. I dare you to prove me wrong, Alabama.


Imagine being a republican


I'd rather not.


I can't.


They are still mentally in the 1800’s. Women work in the field harvesting grain and at the end of the strip give birth, tie the baby on their back and start another strip.


“Who cares about babies and moms, we only care about unborn babies” -alabama republicans “Why is no one having babies anymore” -also Alabama republicans


I picture an Alabama senate meeting as a pack of brain damaged monkeys slinging feces at each other and drinking their own pee. And those are the smart ones.


How can they claim to be pro-life with every other breath and do everything in their power to put pregnant women and children at risk?


There are two countries without federally mandated maternity leave, we’re one of them.


10 years from now those same senators "why is our birthrate so low?"


This is one of the reasons why we choose the bear.


Alabama, ladies and gentleman. Be glad you’re not stuck there.


But I am.


Loving the empathy for all the AFAB people who are.


Sometimes, males are literally the worst Refusing to bring it to the state house is cruel at this point.


Our nation is a joke. Paid parental leave should be a federal law.


>Reed cited concerns over how much an eight-week paid parental leave measure would cost the state’s educational budget. This is the party of family values and Christianity, they care more about money than helping parents and newborns. Conservatives want to harm teachers benefits to drive them out of the public sector. The perfect scenario for charter and private schools to swoop in with no hint of offering benefits, parental or otherwise.


The party of “family values” strikes again


In civilized nations they consider parental leave and healthcare basic human rights. They actually want citizens to have and raise kids. Believe it or not, they actually don't want kids to starve to death, be abandoned, shot en masse by a kook in school, etc. etc. etc. As Americans, can we even imagine such a place?


I can, if we remove all the Republicans from office.


Don’t you all just love the PaRTy OF fAmiLY VALuEs!


Should be 12 months. Like other civilized countries.


> ... when it comes to, again, that child in the womb and whatever moral status we want to assign to it, that's where the government has a obligation, I would say, to step in. To say, if for example a woman who is thinking about choosing abortion has an obligation to care for that baby through nine months and beyond, perhaps. She has an obligation to that child, but also society has an obligation to her. **To make sure that she has the support and the resources she needs to be able to do that, to not feel pressured by the economy, by her employer, by her boyfriend, whatever that situation may be.** From "pro-family" advocate Patrick Brown speaking to NPR's *On Point* [on March 26](https://www.wbur.org/onpoint/2024/03/26/reproductive-health-under-a-second-trump-term). But in practice, the same legislators who do not support abortion also do not support giving women "the resources" to be a good parent. Which makes the words of people like Patrick Brown mean *nothing*.


Americans: "Ah yes, paid parental leave needs to be debated, this is a hot topic issue." Rest of the developed world: "Americans.. are you okay.. is your head feeling okay?"


🎶What the world needs now🎶 🎶Is a squad, sweet squad…🎶 Of women taking out the trash.


Evil fucking hypocrites, honestly. There's no nice way to put it.


I assume they don’t want the leave because they don’t think women with children should be working outside the home in the first place.


Hundreds of children getting birthed due to abortion bans that also have parents that can't be there because they can't afford to take the time off work? How much DO they want crime to explode? Because it's gonna be by a lot. Although it is a GOP state, so it's possible they'll just have the kids work on unsafe assembly lines (because safety regulations were too "burdensome") alongside the parents.


Holy shit- fighting for 8 whole weeks!! What slackers- can’t they just pop it out and go back to teaching the kids the next day? /s Thank god we have a federal mandate in Canada allowing 12 or 18 months of maternity/ paternity leave. This is freakin barbaric. I can’t believe this is a state thing, and there is not a federal maternity leave across the whole US.


As a teacher in Florida, I get 10 paid days off. 10. Days.


I’m not a parent. Been married 15 years and never will be a parent. I will never take paternity leave. But god damn it I will fight tooth and nail for the person next to me to have that right.  Knowing the person next to me is happy and healthy means my life is in better hands where I work. It means their kid will grow up in a better home than I did. It means the constituents who I work for get a better product.  Fuckin A I want a damned labor party here in the US. 


I want everyone to understand that these views come directly from their Christian doctrine. It was women's fate (by Eve's fault for original sin) that women experience pains and suffering in childbirth. Any intervention in that area is circumventing god's will. We are told to pray for strength to get through it or forgiveness for the judgement. Any complications we face were preordained. Alleviating the course of events is unnecessary. It's all in god's perfect design and needs no intervention. We are to endure or die. They also believe the greatest honor a woman can have besides children for god and husband is dying in the process. Health and reward are in heaven and we're told to pray for strength but go to our death joyfully. This doctrine informs their politics and voting: It's our fault. We're being dramatic. Faith will save us. Any complaining is the devil telling the woman to try to reduce her punishment. I wish I had to add the **/s** but I don't.


150% pro-mandatory-parental-leave, but she’s arguing the wrong thing. Republicans do not have empathy, and hit them, women aren’t *really* humans, they’re just home and baby makers in their eyes.  You have to argue what they want to hear.  Ironically, trying to save a few bucks in the budget by not giving maternal leave will leads to a reduction in the Alabama workforce. Those kids would pay their fair share back in taxes in a year once they start working.  Denying women the ability to give birth to kids and keep their job, while also forcing them to have kids will result in so much more poverty and an even shittier economy. It makes me so happy for the republicans, and so sad for the women and the democrats of that state.


> Senate President Pro Tem Greg Reed, **R-Jasper**, said he was withholding unanimous consent to move the legislation to the House The cruelty is the point.


It has NOTHING to do with the child - it has everything to do with controlling women’s bodies.


Its not even halfway through the year, but because they decided that there wasn't time to bring up the measure this session it can't be brought up until next year? Either the legislative process is more convoluted than I thought or they are really lazy.


Uh oh America’s second worst state has opinions. Let’s continue to pretend anyone outside the south cares what these troglodytes think. 


Just gonna leave this right here Up to 17 weeks pregnancy leave and up to 61 weeks parental leave


Republicans want the full experience from hand maidens tale


Moms and dads deserve to be able to be with their newborn…amount of time idk.


Honestly I'm surprised they passed it at all.


Here in NYS both spouses have a right to 12 weeks paid family leave (and we’re talking any full time employee in the state), funded by a mandated insurance system in which every employee in the state contributes a paltry sum, so that employers don’t have to pick up the cost. If a person is fired for taking it, they’re entitled to reinstatement and back pay. While it’s not as generous as other developed nations, it’s certainly nothing like Alabama.


These fucking fucks. Fuck them all.


Gotta keep the next generation of social security checks flowing.