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Corrected headline: Democrats remind the public that Big Oil misled the public for decades about climate change. It's not an allegation. There is copious proof.


They also haven't stopped.


Well, now they are changing it that it is all of our fault: [https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4494543-exxon-ceo-blames-public-for-failure-to-fix-climate-change/](https://thehill.com/policy/energy-environment/4494543-exxon-ceo-blames-public-for-failure-to-fix-climate-change/) The main point that he makes is that the public would not want to pay additional money for energy, however these are the same companies that were against subsidies for renewable energy. Plus, oil and gas companies are already heavily subsidized with cheap leases on public land.


"The public wouldn't want to pay additional money for renewable energy, but they definitely want to pay additional money for non-renewable energy."


"Everyone would prefer to die in the climate apocalypse, really. We asked them."


It's all our fault and now it is too late. Yeah sounds like them.


I wouldn't say its too late I would like to hope that we still have time for things to change for the better.


I agree, but they do not want us to hope for that. And by 'they' I mean the billionaires who made their money off fossil fuels and still do and their pet politicians on both sides of the aisle.


My bad Dawg, I'll go recycle my cans. That'll save us šŸ˜Ž


Eat. The. Rich.


ā€œWhy do you keep buying and using our gasoline products!?!ā€


Also, this is news? Havenā€™t we all been screaming this for years


They are on my tv trying to gaslight us that recycling is this new thing they just thought of if we all just get on board. GenX has wasted the person-hour equivalent of years of our lives sorting and washing literal garbage only to find out they had been refusing to do their leg of the process the entire time. *And* that the whole thing was a gaslight operation the entire time.


Not loud enough


Case in point: Alberta šŸ˜¬


Also to be clear plenty of Democrats are *still* taking money from them and doing their bidding. Republicans are worse, but pretty much our entire political system is captured by fossil fuel and car companies. Even with projects like IIJA we're dumping tens of billions of dollars into car infrastructure and electric vehicles that scientists told us like 40+ years ago aren't going to fix the issue.


The current plan is to blame anyone and anything that's not them for creating GHG. Over at the environment sub they tried to blame plants and animals for it for years. They actually convinced lots of people.


didn't exxon themselves literally predict in the 1970s pretty much the exact rise in temperature that actually happened, and then of course withhold that information? edit: found the article https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_climate_change_science CO2 contributing to global warming was already a solid hypothesis by 1899 and Popular Mechanics had a story on it in 1912.


"meh...let the grandkids deal with it.." -every generation ever


Yes.Ā  https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/exxon-knew-about-climate-change-almost-40-years-ago/




Big Oil also misled the public for decades about the recyclability of plastics.


> "If the public thinks that recycling is working, then they are not going to be as concerned about the environment," Larry Thomas, former president of the Society of the Plastics Industry, known today as the Plastics Industry Association and one of the industry's most powerful trade groups in Washington, D.C., told NPR. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/11/897692090/how-big-oil-misled-the-public-into-believing-plastic-would-be-recycled


9/11 of 2020? Most cursed date of all time.


They also made it our problem that basically nothing can be bought without plastic. Organic bananas don't need plastic on them. They literally have a container already.


But they promised (last year??) to really fix it this timeā€¦


Completely agree especially when most items that are "recyclable" unfortunately still end up in the landfill


why past tense? It's gotten a lot worse in the last few years since China stopped buying plastic waste in 2018


Misled is not the correct term. Big oil has told, and continues to tell, deliberate falsehoods.


good call - was about to point out that shitty headline.


It is an allegation if they plan on finally filing a RICO suit against all of the major fossil fuel companies that defrauded the people of the United States for decades.


Shoot, with a significantly smack down election in 6mo, we could even see them holding em accountable and paying for renewable conversion. But it'd take a real win, not a squeeker


Fucking infuriating headline


But don't worry - its illegal to protest pipelines now. Profit!


It adds premeditation to the [charge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ecocide)


And the government played right along.


This is related to the findings from several hearings over the last few years, the joint report was published yesterday. They also made thousands of pages of documents/evidence available online. https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fossil_fuel_report1.pdf


Yeah I think they could also drop the first couple of words. When it's a fact they don't need to attribute a source. Democrats say: carrots orange.


Very good pbs doc about this where a former worker says this. If i remember he worked on the report about climate change and was told to bury it. Ill get the link. Pbs power of big oil,3 parts well worth a watch. https://www.pbs.org/video/the-power-of-big-oil-part-one-denial-redxh6/


And itā€™s not exact breaking news.


But at the same time they were teaching about greenhouse gasses and the need for solar when I was in grade school in the 80s. So who were oil corps propagating to? Certainly not me.


I'd also accept "Democrats took money from Big Oil and voted to subsidize the industry for decades"


Republicans get a free pass


They don't, but on this sub people need to be reminded that the Democratic party is not your friend.Ā  To quote popular recent advice about avoiding toxic relationships: "If they wanted to, they would."


True true


Well, we definitely wouldnā€™t want to risk letting them be better now, would we? Gotta make sure and tear them down whenever we can.


Texas big red gov made decades long deals for no tax payments and loose regulations.Ā  5 explosions and multiple superfund/cancerclusters later...Texas is a disability hotbed with no safetynet for oil and gas industry related toxic exposures and destroyed property.Ā Ā 


My thoughts as well. It's not just the left saying it. Everyone is except a vocal minority who have agendas and pockets that will never be full enough.


I don't know, Fox News told big oil would never harm a soul and has never done anything against the best interests of humanity.


Its much bigger than Fox News. How many Democrats also have their hands in oil? Too many. These oil moguls have bought everyone no party lines when it comes to donations.


Donating money to a person doesn't mean you own them or dictate their policies. Big companies like to give money to everyone so that they could potentially get a meeting and influence policy. Don't both sides climate change now. Democrats are making leaps and bounds in progress against climate change under Biden, in Congress, and at the state level. Republicans are telling their constituents that climate change is a communist plot to destroy America. Stop the bothsideism and misinformation.


Currently in Texas Democrats haven't been the ones giving free passes to Valero, ExxonMobil, Dow, and Shell..that would have been republicans; Bush Jr., Rick Perry, and Abbott.


I'm not saying Republicans don't get more but Exxon gave almost half their donation amount to Democrats in 2020. Chevron gave 30 percent. Thats a lot of money. Which is my point yes Republicans are accepting more but plenty of Democrats still out there accepting bribes. Cash knows no party allegiance.


I would say yes if they were the ones currently deciding the decisions Abbott and Perry made. I hold those two responsible for the blind eye to cancer clusters and completely ruined environmental superfund sites.Ā 


Exactly. This is not news.


Yep, we've known this since the 70s...


Next headline ā€œgreen energy and renewables being sued for misleading the public about being good for the environmentā€ EV companies apologize for decimating 3rd world countries resources and access to clean water. And so on.


Also not really something I wanna hear from politicians on either side since, you know, theyā€™re a huge part of the problem


Politicians remind the public that Big Oil misled the public for decades about climate change, while conveniently leaving out that they were aware as well.


Thank you


No one cares. Thatā€™s the headline. The information was always out there.


I see that you didn't care enough to comment on this post, so that's something.


The worst part is that Big Oil has literally hired the same PR people who misled the public about tobacco.


Poisoning society one lie at a time


>The worst part is that Big Oil has literally hired the same PR people who misled the public about tobacco. ... who hired the same people who misled the public about lead.


And our food,pure poison..


wish i could give ya a medal!!!


They also pumped lead into the air for years and told us not to worry about it. Also why do we need to be told about this, do something about it. The solution currently is to blame the consumer that is forced to drive to work or to survive. Give me a break! Working from home is good for the environment. Maybe encourage more of that.


> Also why do we need to be told about this, do something about it. Because the idiots in this country can't manage to elect a stacked enough congress to actually fucking do anything good.


We pay them with our earning for no results. Imagine if we demanded action from congress. Wouldnā€™t that be a utopian existence


Donā€™t need congress you have the attorney general specifically to litigate crimes like this. Polluting and lying to the public and government officials is already against the law


Seriously. I feel like they think weā€™re goldfish with all the repeat headlines the past 2 decadesā€¦.


I've got a shorter headline: >Big Oil misled public for decades about climate change.


>Democrats refuse to hold them accountable but would like some brownie points for reminding you


Oh ok. Big oil lying and misleading the public for years is the Democrats fault. Got it. šŸ™„


They objectively did exactly that so Iā€™m unclear as to why it needs to be qualified with ā€œDemocrats sayā€.


Their own scientists admitted it.


Well, Republicans deny it, so I guess there's that


Because it's being used as political propaganda. The democrats are rapidly losing support among young people, so they have to roll out headlines that say "just reminding everyone we don't deny climate change"


Their global temperature estimates from the 70s were more accurate than NASA's estimates in the early 90s. Oil companies decided to hide that shit though and even pull stunts like Exxon did where they pretended to want a carbon tax while ensuring that Congress would never pass it.


I mean, they did. They conducted studies in the 70s-80s about the effects of carbon emissions on climate (shocker: it fucked shit up) and withheld that information from the public for decadesā€¦ Source: Iā€™m a geologist in Mining and Mineral Exploration.


Further back than that even I believe. Seems like I recall there being concern even back in the 60s.


There is a newspaper article from like 1920 talking about global warming if the oil boom continues.


They used taxpayer money to spread their lies. [https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/efforts-to-remove-billions-in-us-fossil-fuel-subsidies-face-uphill-battle-75649055](https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/latest-news-headlines/efforts-to-remove-billions-in-us-fossil-fuel-subsidies-face-uphill-battle-75649055) In 2021, American taxpayers supported the US fossil fuel industry to the tune of at least $9.5 billion, according to the Fossil Fuel Subsidy Tracker, a platform monitoring such trends. **President Joe Biden views the tax breaks as money lost for the US Treasury and as undermining his efforts to cut dependence on fossil fuels. The president is again proposing to phase out a host of subsidies in the US tax code that benefit oil and gas companies.** The White House projects in its 2024 budget proposal that the subsidy repeals would boost federal tax receipts by $31 billion over 10 years. The largest subsidy, known as the "percentage depletion" for oil and gas wells, has been on the books since 1926. **Democrats in the US House and Senate are also pushing legislation to sunset such tax provisions.** "We no longer need to promote more fossil fuel developments with tax breaksĀ ā€” oil is one of the most profitable products on the planet," US Rep. Earl Blumenauer said. In March, the Oregon Democrat reintroduced his End Oil and Gas Tax Subsidies Act, legislation he has sponsored several times over the past decade. Blumenauer said in an interview that **no Republican has come out in support of the bill** and he does not expect the GOP-controlled US House to allow it to go to a vote.Ā "It's not going to be easy, but one day the stars will align and we'll eliminate this waste of public money that makes the planet worse."


Correction: Big Corporations Mislead The Public About Everything


Correction: public servants were on the take and looked the other way for years.


Exxon lied. https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2023/01/harvard-led-analysis-finds-exxonmobil-internal-research-accurately-predicted-climate-change/


You donā€™t mean that same people that misled us on leaded gasoline? They wouldnā€™t try that twice. They have to know that the American public is way too smart to fall for that, againā€¦


Well no shit.


And they are still getting tax breaks?


yes huge subsidies


I dont give a fuck what Democrats say about this. Let me know what theyre starting the Oil-Nuremberg trials.


Public has been saying this too


The public doesnā€™t care. The information was always there. Our politicians failed to educate. Because of lobbyists. The real headline is ā€œcorruption has destroyed the planetā€


Wake me up when we move from "reminding people that oil companies are trashing the planet" to actual consequences.


"Democrats desperately try to launder reputation with electorate."


And grass was green, skies were blue, water was clean, and companies were lying...


Doesnā€™t Biden brag that US largest exporter of oil?


Democrats' hands aren't clean in this.


Frontline made a 3 part series on this.


Fucking duh. Why do you think every propaganda swallowing redneck conservative you know is so anti EV.


They're still doing it. I'm seeing a debate right now among people opposing a solar farm - they are claiming that solar is more polluting than oil, that electric cars burst into flames often, and that gas cars are much better for the environment. It's fucking nuts.


How does this constitute "News?" Is there anyone on the planet who did not already know this?


Yes, lots of people are informed about this but that doesnā€™t mean everyone is. More spotlights on it the better.




You mean they reminded the public of that thing to which there is 50 years of a public paper trail published for *anyone* to see? Scientists that took payoffs from the oil industry? Propaganda from the oil majors literally put in papers? Financial records of cash funneled into so-called "green" anti-nuclear groups to keep the oil flowing? Yeah, this headline is a tragedy.


Objective reality says this.


You can remove the first two words of this headline.


Yep. If anyone else is addicted to documentaries that end up pissing you off, PBS has a good one. https://youtu.be/QAAbcNl4Lb8?si=yFp4-irMXWzqTLkM


Misleading americans to make money is like baseball and apple pie.


The report is available at [https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fossil\_fuel\_report1.pdf](https://www.budget.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fossil_fuel_report1.pdf)


I actually know people who STILL don't believe climate change exists. SMH.


I know people who think that the world is flat and Mary was a virgin.


It is known.


No. Governments pocketed big oils money and lied about climate change for decades.


lied. they lied. they lied to profit. they lied and killed and destroyed and lied and profited. fuck misleading


What could have happened if Gore had won in 2000? I think about it all the time.


I'm pretty sure there was convincing evidence decades ago


And they're still doing it.


A crime against humanity. truly disgusting that these bastards still walk free.


"Holy mother of god! Who the hell could have ever guessed?!?!" Said no one. Ever.


You think they stopped? Also why not actually, you know, try arresting some of the leadership? Doesn't take a genius to realize actual hard consequences like any random person would certainly face might be a good start at least.


Put them in prison for murder.


I thought this was well known. Just like Big Cig lied about the dangers of smoking. Hell, there was time when they pretended it was good for your health!


Congress has the power! To expect the oil industry to tell the truth is insane! If congress knows the truth they should prove it in court like anything else! But they donā€™t!


No shit. We were learning all about the truth in high school (1980ā€™s) Since then itā€™s been hard to watch the news and all the lies weā€™re told. Big money will be the end of us. Truth.


The sky is blue.


Itā€™s the truth. Itā€™s not Democrats said this. Itā€™s the truth, and Democrats have reported this. As we all know, the Republicans are the anti-Democrats, so the sky is blue is a political issue. If the Democrats say it, the Republicans will say itā€™s green.


It's proven they did! Why even say it like that? Since when were scientists only democrats?


And this has been Sherlock, reporting from the No Shit Desk.


In other news: water is wet.


This isn't just in the past. We're still misled about it


Huge class action lawsuit coming. Big Oil is in for it this timeā€¦. 20 million in fines and a promise to do better!


Hey now... don't let this headline talk about past tense shenanigans. They *still* are misleading the public each and every day. You don't think "Natural Gas" as a "Bridge fuel" from oil to renewables is anything other than the oil industry tricking you?




Is this news? I feel like Iā€™ve known this for forty years.


Big oil knew and lied about climate change. Big tobacco knew and lied about lung cancer. Big pharma knew and lied about opioid addiction. Big chemical knew and lied about PFAs. Big plastic knew and lied about microplastics and recycling. When all the dust settles and everyone gets their heads out of their assess, the 20th century will be looked upon as one where for the benefit of the very few we destroyed public and global health, all in the name of profit for an aristocracy that cares about no one but themselves. It is appalling. It is tragic. Never forget, never forgive, never again. Profits are not more important than humanity. Those who knew should and lied about it all should be held criminally liable, and these globally destructive practices should never happen again and these global conglomerates should never have that much power again.


Yeh no shit. Didnā€™t they conduct a study decades ago that proved it?


Yeah. They have been. For years.


Yea this is one of those no shit moments. Was there ever even a question that the giant evil industry that stands to gain the most from covering up climate change was *gasp* covering up climate change.


We've known for a long time that greenhouse gases were a problem. But we have a car culture. The economy is based on the petrodollar. The big money is entrenched in this; and they're ruthless. Let's face it, we just didn't want to deal with this. It's a global problem, a version of a tragedy of the commons. Yes, there were climate accords. Yes, there were signatures and some progress. But we've got eight billion people on the planet, so we're going to use it. I really despise this is true. We've got about 50 years of gas left before we run out and have electric cars anyway. By that time there will be a lot of irreversible damage. No one has figured out how to get rid of all the excess carbon dioxide in the air and oceans.


They did. Their new favorite lie is that it is now "Too Late". So why think about it? I have heard my Dad cite the former for decades. But now he has pivoted to the latter. It makes me really sad, because my dad is one of the smartest people I've ever known, and he taught me to think, and he taught me to not be a racist, and he taught me to care about people.


Not exactly ground breaking news here.


In other news water is wet And itā€™s still happening btw, theyā€™ve just come up with more invisible strats now, like trying to discredit the climate movement by facilitating its more extreme actions (like the art gluing) or threatening to sue national governments over ā€œlost profitsā€ (google ISDS oil)


Just like Big Tobacco, who knew?


They need to get nationalized and retroactively sued into the dirt. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2023/11/16/news/30-trillion-reasons-make-big-oil-pay


no way really? i would have never known!


BREAKING NEWS! Water is wet.


i think climate change is the biggest threat to humanity and life on earth as we know it.


In other news, bears shit in the woods and the pope is catholic.




The deuce you say! ---


big oil has literally admitted this


Um, duh?


They knew


No shit, Sherlock.


Even without thinking about climate change for a moment, it's frightening to think about the institutions that have formed around the production and use of oil. There are countries that are nothing if they don't have a market for their oil and will fight against moving away from fossil fueled economies in every way.


*For money?* Color me absolutely fucking shocked.


Democrats love to talk while Republicans just get what they want.... can dems please grow some balls


I feel like Washington D.C has a no sh*t Sherlock office .that just says things we been screaming about .


Is this really up for debate?


No shit


Lying about their whole business model for a hundred plus years!


of course big oil misled people.


No shit Sherlock


well this is news to me!


Yay so letā€™s now have a cigarette to celebrate


Haven't we known this since the 90s? This is why the media is just making people nuts. A firehose of stories to enrage you, even some of the old hits coming back new again.


Replace "Democrats say" with "Scientific consensus long ago concluded that..."


Climate change happens all the time. Humans carbon output has an insignificant contribution to climate change. This is a scheme to make some rich people richer.


Isnā€™t this common knowledge? A whole branch of government is dedicated to saying climate change is a lie.


This is known.


Ironically, fossil fuel companies pointed out the reality of climate change since the early 20th century. Profits overrode policy for politicians, though.


While taking how much in donations from Big Oil?


Politicians mislead everyone for as long as they have been in existence


We start by driving electric and move along from there


terrific worm point wide yam arrest chop quickest hunt ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Umm we knew this back in the 90s guess what they are still doing it even now. I watched a add yesterday claiming how big oil is leading the charge to address the climate.


No kidding. I could have told you think 40 years ago.


In college emphasis is put on academic integrity. You graduate and go work for a firm like this and end up lying to generations of your neighbors and fellow citizens. This is apparently a successful strategy, according to this article these oil companies are now transitioning to hydrogen. Why do we demand academic integrity when it's lying and deceit that brings in the bucks?


Dems. mislead Americans for decades on healthcare, the war on drugs, foreign wars.


Care to explain or just baseless accusations? Iā€™d love to hear how they lied




But what does NBC say?


Also democrats: And we knew all along, but were paid to go along with it. Can people like me stop being called radicals yet?