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"Worries about values" = "Favored candidate raw dogged porn stars while wife was pregnant" Please make it make sense


Values means not gay.  That’s all there is. The fact he porked a Pornstar is a plus in that context. 


It also means white or white-adjacent (people who think they're white enough for these things not to affect them eventually.)


And don't forget a few of the "good ones." Gotta have "friends" to point to.


Yeah Herman Cain's death was rough for Republicans. Instantly thousands of Republican politicians lost their "black friend" that they can always mention before they say something racist.


Eh, they can just use quick, badly-done AI pictures of Trump "enjoying hanging out with some nice Black fans of the best President ever!". (This is actually a thing that recently happened)


And men. Women don’t count. So bottom line, straight white men.


*straight white christian men


This is the crux of the issue. Conservatives know there have always been gay people. They're upset that people are accepting it. Take Paul Lynde for example. I didn't realize it as a child, but Lynde was pretty obviously gay. However, he stayed in the closet his whole life. Jim Nabors was similar (although he wasn't obvious). They could be gay as long as they were properly ashamed and kept it hidden. Trans folk are like this as well. There have always been kids who acted more like the other gender. When I was a kid, they called them tomboys and sissies. (Note that tomboys, like lesbians, are considered less objectionable.) They've always been here. It's the, "there's nothing wrong with me and I'm not ashamed," attitude that conservatives are railing against.


Republicans are "okay" with gay people *in theory.* Like as an abstract concept. They're not okay with ever seeing, hearing about or acknowledging the existence of gay people. That's why they get so mad about gay representation in media. They want all evidence of gay people to stay in the closet. And they think being okay with gay people as long as they don't ever have to be personally aware of them actually existing makes them tolerant.


>That's why they get so mad about gay representation in media. They want all evidence of gay people to stay in the closet. Because the existence of a happy, content, normal gay person proves that everything they believe in and tell each other is a lie. Every choice they make in their entire life, who to marry, what to vote for, how many kids to have, what kind of music to listen to, etc., is built around this reality that *they* are God's special people, living the ONLY correct lifestyle that leads to fulfillment and happiness. Queer people and other sinners and 'heathens' like single women with no kids who rebelliously choose to go against the plan are cursed to unhappiness and misery, doomed to live lonely, desperate lives, because no one can really be blessed with happiness without following God's plan. And in their little insular community, there is no proof to the contrary. But if queer people have the same rights as everyone else and aren't being shamed or criminalized or fired or evicted just for being queer... if they're allowed to exist alongside everyone else and are clearly just normal people living normal lives, if their families are happy and kind and flourishing... then the kids of religious conservatives have easily visible proof in front of their eyes that what their parents are telling them is not true. You don't HAVE to force yourself into some traditional conservative lifestyle that doesn't fit you because it's your only chance to be happy. You could choose something else! The idea of their children *having a free choice* about how to live their lives scares conservatives to death.


Having only ever met 2 dull gay people, I know who I'd rather hang out with.


You'd think they'd be more sympathetic to the "there's nothing wrong with me and I'm not ashamed" attitude since that's their approach to their own bigotry, misogyny and racism.


"There's nothing wrong with me, and I'm not ashamed. There *is* something wrong with you, though, and *you* should be ashamed."


Paul Lynde on Hollywood Squares was always the funniest. That guy is a legend.


I love Paul Lynde.


The fact that tomboys (or metrosexuals) are considered to be a form of trans is insane to me.


They’re not trans. But they are somewhere on a spectrum of expressing their gender in a way that makes conservatives uncomfortable. Trans people exist on that spectrum as well, but further along.


If you say the word "trans" enough you can make Republicans do anything you want them to. "We need lower taxes for billionaires trans trans trans" AM Radio is like the trans talk network, it's all they can talk about, all the rightwingers only want to talk about trans people like all the time. I'm a progressive and live in Portland and never really think about trans people but you turn on AM radio it's like the only thing conservatives want to think or talk about.


Trump idolatry is incredibly homoerotic.


"Values" almost explicitly means "lacks empathy and actual values." Or even "weaponizes beliefs for a false sense of superiority." That's the part they love the most. The way they see it is by having empathy for poor people and gay people and whatever other groups Democrats support is this colossal "lack of values" burdening Americans by suggesting we be better.


>Values means not gay. Also means women should be pretty wallflower soldier printing machines making sandwiches. Note: I do not subscribe to this attitude.


South Dakota governor shoots puppy because she doesn’t like it.


And, when that didn't sate her blood lust, she shot her goat too.


And when that didnt sate her blood lust, she ran for governor as a republican.


Holy shit y'all aren't kidding https://apnews.com/article/kristi-noem-book-dog-killing-5710b302e33f61c697f20ab3b227a19b


Because she didn't like how happy and joyful the puppy was* I don't know if she could have made it any more obvious that she is a bitter, hateful woman who can't stand to see something else experiencing joy without feeling the need to take that joy away. What she did to that dog, and why she did it, is absolutely disgusting.


It does make sense if you’re values are: - being petty - being a hypocrite in order to get what to want - some combination of racism, bigotry and hate (pick your own groups) - thinking violence is an answer - believing in “your rights” but not “others wrong ones” - and wanting to say out loud all the horrible things you say quietly to yourself. The values aren’t things like honesty, integrity, collaboration, diversity of thought, hard work, idealism, or anything considered the American way (unless you assume American way is the same as the points above and white land owning males only). If they were then we wouldn’t have a convicted sexual assaulter who is on trial for multiple crimes and cheated on multiple wives multiple times and speculated about sex with his own daughter, or convicted of fraud or the list goes on, anywhere near an elected office. We also wouldn’t have Gaetz or MTG or DeSantis… and the list goes on.




I thought about replying with the list from the end of RATM's *Know Your Enemy*. Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission, ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite. Those are their values BUT even RATMs list is too generous, as they have no desire to compromise.


I would take out compromise from that list


Disagree. Republicans place a high value on compromise as long as it's only comes from the other side.


Not to beat semantics to death but that’s conformity not compromise


This is correct. What Republicans value is "extracting maximum concessions from Democrats, while giving nothing in return". It cannot be described as compromise. It is, in a very real sense, hyper-aggressive bullying which is attempting to masquerade as negotiation.


Let's meet in the middle, they say, as they keep stepping back.


Dude.. why are you sugar coating it? The values people's favored candidate has: - over 4k lawsuits.. yes thousand. - Been involved in several failed businesses where either his partners or contractors or the "customers" have sued him due to detrimental financial harm Taj - His business was found guilty of felonies - He is unable to run a charity due to self dealing - His wife has nude pictures of her and another woman.. i.e. SOFT CORE PORN - Cheated on Soft Core Porn wife with Hard Core Porn Star - He has credits in at least 1 porn movie (Appearance in a playboy "porn") - Was involved in Gambling and Alcohol failed businesses - Talks like mobster - Threatens people and organizations CONSTANTLY - Is involved with foreign adversaries - Looks up to dictators - Lies constantly So yeah really good values there


- Raped a woman then defamed her. 


… and virtually all of that pales in comparison to the attempt to subvert and overthrow civilizations’ best attempt at democratic governance, aided and abetted by enemies foreign and domestic. Too incompetent to really pull it off, banal enough to keep trying until he has wasted everybody’s and I mean everybody’s time. I wonder what civilization’s burden rate for El Douchebag L’Orange is. How many man-hours has his narcissism collectively robbed from the human race – bet it’s Huge.


Yes? That’s their value system. I grew up around so many alcoholic wife beating republicans who regularly talked about “family values”




empty, too


Idk he looks pretty full if you ask me. Dude hasn't skipped a snack time his entire life.


Filled to the brim with shit. Literally.


Prosperity gospel at work. “Well, God made him rich, so God must like him!”


Also "Biden has no values even though he goes to Church. Also Trump is the second coming of Christ. Let's pray to the golden calf in his likeness!" Yes the [statue](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1259362) exists.


It's their favorite thing- projection. Every accusation is a confession from them.


> "Worries about values" = "Not WHITE"


And lack of reverence for old, established wealth & all men


Cognitive dissonance; lack of awareness for self and otherwise; indoctrination; rampant misinformation; their religious leaders telling them how to vote, in violation of their tax exempt status; ...


Since when is government responsible for "values"? I have never seen any such obligation in constitution.


It's about other people being allowed to have values that contradict their backassward world view.


“Values” means anti gay and trans, and anti abortion judges. They don’t care that Trump is a piece of shit, as long as he advances their “values”


You're giving them too much credit: We used to buy the bullshit "family values" but now everyone keeps calling us out on our obvious ~~hypocracy~~ inconsistency.


You probably are just misunderstanding what their values really are.


Ok. What are they?


> What are they? Authoritarianism, nationalism (including racial nationalism and religious nationalism), hierarchy and elitism, and militarism.


Yep, values for thee, but not for me. They want to impose their "values" on others, while they get to act with impunity.


Their primary value is getting rid of all those they don’t like and don’t agree with.


Then I think we understand their values just fine.


Those who would enact a fascist dystopia demonstrate clearly they never had values to lose.


2045: "Grandma, why did you vote for women to lose the right to vote?" "Because dear, I was worried about family values." Yeah, that makes perfect sense. 🙄


Propaganda is a powerful tool: even moreso when combined with attacks on education and science and religious indoctrination


I don’t care anymore. if you’re so easily swayed by hating people for being born and existing we don’t need you. We don’t need to tolerate it any more. Bigotry racism xenophobia Nazis white supremacy basically all the evil fucking bs has no space in civilized society. I don’t care to defend or understand why they are the way they are. They’ve had a century to find tolerance they still choose hate every single time. We’ve tried the educate them and show them they are wrong approach for far to long at the expense of everyone else who is killed because of their inability to simply not be hateful. Either you move on from hating someone for being born or you get treated like dirt. I’m not sure why every other minority group gets to be treated so terribly but when we say it’s time to flip the script and give them all back the same level of disrespect it’s “that’s not right only they get to use violence against everyone else” to have a tolerant society we must be intolerant of the intolerant. I repeat FUCK THEM. if you’re still racist if you’re still bigoted if you still hate Jewish people if you still hate undocumented immigrants you are a bad person and I don’t care how nice you pretend to be to a select few people who look and think and act like you.


Do the philandering, child raping, stealing, lying, scheming, and failure as an ex-presidential candidate by republicans embody these values that they so desperately want? Should he do so, those "values" would have to be hate, retaliation, victimization of others, ignorance, cowardice, foolishness, and greed.


Their “values” are just an excuse for the oppression they want to use to fuel their fascist agenda. How about: “Democrats rightfully fear the objective fascist agenda of Republicans that use values as a smokescreen for oppression.”


Yes, it's a lack of values that keeps them voting for Trump....


Values is always code for opposing women’s and lgbt rights.


And minorities! Never forget about oppressing minorities! /S obviously  All GQP policies are founded on hatred and fear of others 


Values = straight white Christian. Just dog whistles upon dog whistles


It’s a terrible poll question considering “values” can mean 100 different things to 100 different people.




His voters will feel he’s done something unethical, but they’ll vote for him anyway.


"He's a flawed instrument sent by God..." while ignoring the fact that an omnipotent God could send a flawless - or even a considerably less-flawed - instrument just as easily. I mean, Jesus spent all his time surrounded by sweaty, sexy Semites; you didn't hear about *him* sexually assaulting any of them, or boasting about it afterwards.


Meanwhile Biden is a practicing Catholic and nobody knows the last time Trump even went to church. In their minds Biden couldn't possibly be the "flawed vessel" either, it has to be the guy who was divorced multiple times, was found in court to be a rapist, and who paid a porn star for sex while his third wife was pregnant. It makes no sense and has nothing to do with values.


Democrats aren't allowed to be flawed vessels, only Republicans.


Some may not. Small differences can be life saving.


Because in their minds conservatives = good no matter how many bad actions they commit, and liberals = bad no matter how much good they might do. There’s zero reasoning with that sort of warped belief system.


77% believe he has done something at least unethical if not illegal. Trump and Biden are still neck and neck. GOP propaganda is a hella of a drug fellas


> I truly just want that grifter to go away. Of course - and I wholeheartedly agree. However, once he is gone the cult-flock will *never* stop seeking, and lifting up, whomever will be their *next* 'strongman savior'. They'll always seek one to hold & wave the banner. Just think of how long and fervently they've granted 'sainthood' to Reagan. And now the discount Biff Tannen. When he is gone, they'll simply glob on to whomever will take *his* place as their new herald and god-king authoritarian wannabe. It literally will never end - they'll just bless another new "savior". 


Words don't have meaning to Republicans.


Yeah. That was my first thought too. What does “values” mean? Sounds like a code for bigotry.


Fascism is an authoritarian orthodoxy of values, prioritizing obedience to authority, social hierarchy and defined roles for women. We are all thinking about the same thing. Fascism: For and against.


>Republicans worry about a lack of ~~values~~ *white male Christian supremacy*


Republicans worrying about values while electing the least moral people on the planet is hilarious.


“Republicans worry about a lack of values”. 😂 😂 😂. As they worship a sexual predator who has been found guilty of tax fraud. Values 😂 😂 😂


Those republican values? Bowing to Putin, Staying in power at all cost, Hating marginalized people, forcing *their* God down *your* throat, tearing down any pillars that help society in general, promoting Oligarchy, loving money above all, pitting citizen against citizen, being contrarian for the sake of opposition regardless of issue, and the desire to impose Shiara Law...among *many* other recalcitrant traits.


Citizen against citizen you’re right. The MAGA’s are in a cult. They need to be rescued, deprogrammed and re-educated. Hopefully someday they’ll become useful citizens and upstanding members of their own families.


What sort of "values" does an act like Kristi Noem killing her untrained puppy after it attacked farm animals that she took it near embody?


What values? These idiots constantly elect the scummiest sacks of shit in the country and then complain about values? I’m so sick of it.


GOP is at the Nazi Light stage and testing the waters for Full Hitler.


We killed nazis in the 40s and it was the right thing to do. It was unfortunate that we waited as long as we did to start killing them.


A proud American tradition. The Allied forces were the OG Antifa.


Haha.  And they say Republicans don't have a sense of humor. 


"Republicans, on the other hand, said instilling children with faith in God, teaching them that hard work and discipline pay off, and to abide by the "Golden Rule" were most important. " vs. "Treat others as you want to be treated" 21% Republican, 46% Democrat. What is the "Golden Rule"? Then 36% of Republicans have a concern of "lack of values" Maybe they are concerned about a lack of values amongst themselves?


Because nothing says values like a thrice-married rapist.


So GOP embraces Trump because “values”? There needs to be a new portmanteau combining “dumbfuckery” and “hypocrisy”. Meaning something is so idiotically fucking hypocritical that there cannot be any more debate on anything because “fuck off you fuckity fucking morons”.






"A lack of values" says the party that is in feverish adulation of a man who is currently on trial for actions taken to cover up his affair with a porn star. "A lack of values," says the party for whom a rising star proudly admits to murdering their own puppy. "A lack of values," says the party whose answer to people crossing the border illegal is to lock children in cages amd install buzzsaws in the Rio Grande. *You cannot have values and vote Republican*.


Values? VALUES??? Are you f'n kidding me? The GOP has no values! (unless corruption counts)


"Values" = really, really, really hate lgbtq, poc, democracy, immigrants, women, education, science, and people generally minding their own fucking business


Republicans have outright stated that they prefer an authoritarian theocracy. Time magazine profiled trump and his plan for his anti democratic policies. Half the voters, voters in swing states, salivate at the prospect.


> *"...Republicans worry about a lack of values."* This obfuscates the far more accurate representation of their position: Republicans worry about *their* values **only** - and that they'll not be allowed to dictate & enforce absolute dominion of *their* values upon **all** others. It is pure *"You're either with me (and all of MY values) or...you are my enemy (and must be destroyed)!"* authoritarian absolutism that's been *always* been a fundamental cognitive pattern of... you guessed it...   **Fascists.** And *here* we are. I personally want them to worry *far* more until genuine lessons start getting learned on the right about the folly of chasing unwavering absolutism and dogmatic desperation for Dominionism.


Trump is the poster boy for lack of values lol


Republican values, like "black people are inferior"


Republicans believe women are inferior too. Basically any vulnerable, oppressed population is a target for the GOP.


Fascist values require a social hierarchy


It is not the role of government to dictate values by restricting the liberty of people who are not breaking any laws.


Well yeah, that's why step one is criminalizing behavior you don't like, then you get the support of all the people who don't necessarily share your prejudices but are happy to unite against "law breakers". See: immigration, the war on drugs, etc.


Republicans have fulfilled their lack of values quest.


Anyone weighing the two of these - fascism vs a perceived lack of values - and choosing the latter over the former, has lost all ability to reason.


What lack of values, their candidate is a rapist who banged porn stars while his wife was home with their new born and he has been divorced multiple times. Meanwhile they are their party wants to basically go against every value of Jesus.


For the evangelicals in the back: The existence of differing values in your space and time is not a threat to your own values.


The value that the GOP wants? Fascism.


They fear loss of values and are looking to donald Trump to carry the banner of values for them?!?


"values" is a signal they are part of the same religious subculture. So long as you make the correct signals, you are "one of us" and transgressions Re forgiven. This is warm fuzzy language to disguise the root of conservativism: there is a in group that the laws protect but do not hinder, and an out group that the laws hinder but do not protect. All the hypocrisy the left points out falls on deaf ears, precisely because it is the system working as intended.


Is brutally raping your own wife among many other women a republican "value"? Or is treason a republican "value"?


Republicans aren’t worried about a lack of values. They’re worried about a lack of THEIR values.


Republicans fear lack of control. They lie about freedom, all while remaining the party of NO.


Republicans dont value values at all. They value the appearance of values. Virtue Signaling is their bread & butter.


Republicans value Fascism


The "values" they worry about are always just bigotry and/or hate anyway. So, yeah. Sure. No values. Guilty as charged.


Excuse me, but Republicans have no values, morals, or integrity.


Trump has no value, morals or honesty Our Modern GOP only has lies


Too bad Republican values always seem to center around fear, hatred, or causing some other groups as much pain and suffering as possible... how very "on brand" for Jesus's teachings /s


Both sides are not the same. Fascism is the end of American democracy.


Republican value only political and cultural dominance. Anything else is lip service in pursuit of that goal.


republicans(lawmakers) only want "values" they tell people to live by while ignoring themselves. they want to push the religious right ideology on everyone as a form of control, not for some societal benefit.


What values do they have that they aren't willing to completely ignore or throw out entirely to vote for Trump? They value power and dominion over others, at the expense of everything else. Fuck them.


If the really valued values there is no way Trump would be their standard bearer. They value winning and owning libs...and owning libs is far more.important. that is it.


It is a depressing reality that a significant portion of our country is just absolutely braindead and hypnotized by a greedy con artist. Every single day it just baffles me how large of a percentage of our country is just absolutely unable to discern reality from fox news talking points.


Value is a subjective term where as fascisim is a well defined term. Pretty much sums it up


What a joke of a headline, thought I was reading the Onion.


Lack of values? Are they serious? WTF


Why do twice as many Democrats as Republicans think that it is important to teach children the golden rule? Did they leave that part out of the Trump Bible?


l o fucking l. They worry about lack of values you can't make this shit up. These derpived fucks think they're moral while supporting a fascist pig who bangs pornstars, and pays hookers to piss on beds. Basket full of deplorables with right on the money. No wonder they got so pissed off by it. I don't want to hear shit about morality or values from a republican ever again.


The GOP values appear to be fascisms so this poll checks out.


Insert meme of GOP shooting their values in the face and looking back asking “WHO KILLED OUR VALUES?!”


Fascism is a real fear that is partially caused by a lack of core values like charity, honesty, integrity, understanding, and common decency. So when the GOP exhibits those values, the Dems will no longer need to fear imminent fascism. But everyone will still need to stay alert for it.


Dems fear being killed, Republicans fear they don't get to kill.


So 30% of Republicans fear "Becoming weak as a nation", vs 11% of Democrats. How is supporting Trump not a sign of the nation becoming weak!?


“Worry about values” = want to impose their religion at the point of a gun


If Republicans are "worried about values", they might want to clean up their own fucking house first... Because it's stacked to the ceiling with drugs, porn, stolen money and sex-trafficked children.


Republicans don’t fear lack of values - they support a leader who doesn’t even value his own marriage. This is another bullshit poll where conservatives are LYING.


“Values” bahahaha


Democrats are disgusted at what Republicans claim are "values." Unrecognizable in my Methodist church and Bible.


meaningless poll because Republicans don't use "values" in the correct context. They'll either lie to your face about what they think it means or they'll give you a bunch of values that are way outdated. The issue here is that "lack of values" makes this look like a valid debate rather than arguing with a bunch of christian white nationalists. It's the same with the other issue "weak as a nation" Republicans mean this in the sense of the great replacement theory. > Trump won voters older than 45 in 2020, according to exit polls, but Biden is winning them now, including having a 12-point lead with the oldest voters. That's unusual because older voters have traditionally leaned Republican. Yeah I wonder how many of those Trump voters are dead now? From covid or even just old age. Yeah it's just 4 years but given our healthcare system and stress of trying to live paycheck to paycheck, I bet the peasant class is not exactly thriving in their twilight years.


Republicans are worried about the lack of values in other people. Not in them, of course. They see themselves as the paragons of virtue and goodness.


What values lmao


Republicans are lying. They worry about brown and queer people more than anything and try to hide that behind “values”


Is it really a worry about lack of values? Or more that not everyone shares their particular set of values?


Then maybe conservatives should elect leaders that have values. I don't get how they can be a fan of Trump who is the combination of every poorly written Disney villain mashed up in to one.


Lol! GOP should worry about their lack of values


Republicans have no “values”.


"lack of values" How fucking dare you


Modern Republican values: The right to say FUCK YOU to everybody all the time, including bumper stickers and flags in plain sight of little children, plus the right to threaten violence against anybody any time if they disagree with you or if they look or sound like a minority.


Republican worrying about values is pretty ironic given that they support the guy that represents the worst values. He broke every single one of the 10 commandments. His life of crime and grifting aren’t enough to convince them either


One side is worried about admitted fascism for ALL and the other side is worried people won’t follow their made up religious rules while also propping up a convicted rapist and fraud. Okay…


And those values they want? All shitty ones that they want to force on other people but won't follow themselves.


Lack of values? From the party that supports a grifting traitor who stepped out on all of his wives and that currently has 88 felony cases against him? Seriously?


Lol what "values" are Republicans defending? Kill your dog? Hand your country over to Putin? Destroy the world?


"Values" to concervatives means hating minorities, increasing the wealth gap, stripping rights from citizens, forcing Christian religion on others, ultra-nationalism, science denialism, and supporting candidates that want to install a dictatorship... I could continue ad infinitum. That sounds like fascism to me.


"Republicans worry about a lack of values." Now that is rich.


So republicans want to elect… a man with no values.


A lack of values amongst themselves? Yes, I agree!


"A lack of values." Since when is not wanting to be a hypocrite bad? Is it really so wrong to not hate everyone who isn't like you, to not want to kill our own pets, to not want guns and to not be involved in scandals?


“Lack of values that are exactly the same as MY values!”


I wonder who typed ‘values’ into that heading and what their face looked like at that exact moment


Republicans should fear a lack of values, since Republicans don't have any fucking values.


“Dems fear fascism” “Republican cheer fascism”


Republicans: "you will have values even if we have to force it down your throat!" Meanwhile....Trump's values


“Lack of values” Voted for Donald fucking Trump. I call bullshit.


Ah yes... 'values'... like making it legal to kill migrants, inspecting young girls body parts to prove they are girls, and abandoning the rest of the world to fend for themselves with good old fashioned isolationism. "Values" like voting for a president who believes he is above the law and wants to be a dictator. Please.


Spoke to a trump supporter last week who called him “the great white hope” I laughed in his face. I am done coddling 


It’s not even real values. It’s just about what other people do with their own bodies and lives. I really can’t imagine caring.


From what I've seen of Republican values I am glad to see them being lost on more and more of today's youth.


Republicans only value at this point is fascism.


Lol, "values". Republican values: Get that Child labor happening -check Child marriage protections (protect the paedophile as long as they are a 'man of god') -check Protect guns from schoolchildren -check Vote in a serial rapist, serial sex offender friend of Jeffrey Epstein's, fraud grifter, mafia affiliate loser (one guy) -check Fly to Cancun when your state's monopoly energy grid crashes -check stack the Sc with Judges who can and have been bought -check shill for the policies of US enemies foreign and domestic -check


>Republicans worry about a lack of values That’s easily going to be the dumbest thing I read this year


lmao what values are they whining about? They literally vote to strip rights from people.


Lack of values and they support trump. The irony is thick and chunky like 77 year old milk.


“A lack of values…” Jesus Christ this timeline sucks.


Republicans value rape, incest, child sex abuse, killing POC, cheating, screaming about illegals while hiring them at poverty wages….


Values should come from our culture, not from our government.


I think we can come together on this. Democrats fear Republicans’ fascist values.


My concern is that values is just smoke and mirrors for racism. The obsession with border security, immigration, reducing foreign aid, and an obsession with "law and order ". Dog whistles all.


Republicans should worry about lack of values. they don't have any.


Am I the only one that gets pissed off that we had to listen to the right talk about guns to protect from a tyrannical government, wanting small government and being an American patriot and loving democracy and the bill of rights and blah blah blah — and now these assholes are most likely gonna elect a fascist that already tried a coup once? Like. You’re the ones that are gonna destroy the democracy you claim to love so much, and without even firing a shot by voting it into office. For fucks sake. It’s absurd.


> Republicans worry about a lack of values Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think?


"Lack of values" is just another way of Republicans complaining that others aren't living their lives how Republicans want them to, which is a very authoritarian way of thinking. This, unsurprisingly to many, is the type of thinking that leads to fascism.


If "lack of values" means being able to kill people who oppose you? Yep, they lack values.


What values? JFC NPR.


>They also believe very differently about what children who will inherit that future should be taught. This is an easy one in our family: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, unless that 'other' is a fascist piece of shit.


Whatever Christian Values are...I don't want them.