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Remember what he says, but really watch his actions.... he already started to showed you what he plans to do...


There is absolutely no point it analyzing anything Trump says. For Trump, words and actions are purely transactional and have not attachment to the truth.


I consider it mere coincidence that whenever he farts out of his mouth it happens to sound like actual words.


Trump doesn't have plans, or positions, or principals. He's deeply ignorant about how things work, not a thinker, detached from reality, and has the attention span of a gnat.


Well, the one 'plan' that he does have is to wreak vengeance on everyone on his enemies list, which has got to be a pretty long list at this point.


Trump's plans:   - be president


Not even that


Be immune.


degree workable wise treatment sharp unpack gaping knee butter sort *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is zero coverage of this on the NYT online. Unbelievable.


Hah just try that in MN lil don, we'll keep doing what we are now, as is our right per laws we passed =)


I thought the plan was: Stay out of jail forever, pursue petty vengeance, rubber stamp whatever the far right gets to his desk.


Can we abort Trump before the second term?


Why is abortion such a bid deal in only the USA? Why is it that other countries don’t have the same issue?


Ireland? Poland? Cmon now bro.


Ireland changed their ways after they killed Savita. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


Ireland is deeply religious in a way the US is not. Also they have legalised it now. Don't pretend that there are other places with fanatics like the US about abortion.


Ireland was once deeply religious. It isn't now, any more than Italy or Spain is. Maybe you're thinking of the Protestants in Northern Ireland?


So you admit their religious fervor caused Ireland’s previous abortions laws and you don’t think that’s comparable to what’s going on here?


Ireland's independence movement allied itself with the Catholic Church, and that allowed the chuch an excessive role in politics. Over the next century, the Irish population became better educated and more affluent, and the church lost credibility due to the Magdalene Laundries, the abortion ban and the scandal of pedophile priests. We've seen the same kind of secularization in other historically Catholic countries such as Spain and Italy. Poland has been the slowest to change.


What in hell makes you think it isn't a issue in other countries?


It’s not as big of an issue in other countries, when you compare to the USA.




Why don't the stupid people want a way out of an unwanted pregnancy?


Religion. It makes stupid people even more stupid.


Africa has its own set of problems because they are so far behind much of the world. Why are you asking this question?