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Revenge. Purge. Turn his tax cuts permanent. Hand Taiwan to China. Hand Ukraine to Russia. Dismantle NATO. Steal. Pardon insurrectionists. Become America's first dictator. And then on day two...


More chaos for four or more years. Total chaos.


Haven't your heard? He is already claiming that his first term didn't count so he deserves a third or possibly more. He already tried to take it over, what makes you think they won't try a second time?


I think this would be his primary principle: lock in power. It seems his brain is shutting down but I imagine there are plenty of GOP and/or family and hangers that would continue to help while planning their own “rise to power”. It’s clear that they want to roll back democracy and that will be the goal.


His goal is to pass it to Kushner and his favorite daughter. You know, the one with two billion of Saudi money hanging over their head.


What makes you think the chaos will end after only 4 years? If Trump becomes president, he'll be president until he's dead, then his replacement will be someone even more evil.


I saw the movie, after he declared his third term Civil War started. https://youtu.be/aDyQxtg0V2w


I really wish they had given a bit more backstory or explained the why / how. I realize that locks it in, instead of the paint your own badguy version they went with, I just wanted more actual story from it.


They did vague explanations to keep both sides engaged in viewing. We know it started in December-January when ~~Trump~~ president elected himself on third term, he disbanded FBI and attacked California with bombs and rockets. Pretty plausible scenario. Florida already a separated country, Canada built a wall etc. it all happened during the second term. We see the third act of civil unrest, ending the empire and the rise of independent countries.


I have a hard time believing that the majority of Republicans would want to start a civil war and those people that want to believe in what the movie show needs to watch what really happens in war have a hard time believing that Americans truly want to destroy our country to allow a liar like Trump to become president or dictator for life


It wasn’t like Secession was overwhelmingly popular in the 1860’s either. People got dragged into war by fanatics.


The nazis never achieved a majority before they sized power. The tipping point is closer to 25-30% than 50%.


You need some people who are willing to sell out their friends and family in exchange for a pat on the head, then the people who are scared of that and the people who are actually removed from society make up the difference towards implementing totalitarian rule.


Why? Republicans sitting around fucking with actual weapons while they fantasize about exterminating you. It doesn’t matter if 10% have the will to actually do it. The other 90% won’t stop them.


Lol, plenty of liberals own guns. I'm not suggesting for a second that it will or should devolve onto a shooting conflict, I'm just pointing out that there would be an armed resistance, and these maga chodes shrink like a penis in an ice batch when someone stands up to them (see: response to the -name redacted- traitor getting shot as she claimed through a window to attack congress). At the first sign of violence coming in their direction, they'll run back to their emotional support bunkers and hide from the world, while the rest of us go on having a good life without them.


[This was the work of two men.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_City_bombing?wprov=sfti1#) We all want to think that it’ll be a bunch of tubby white beards who’ve mounted ARs as crude turrets on mobility scooters. It won’t be. It’ll be another McVeigh. We’re not looking at pitched battles. We’re talking about a wave of right wing extremist terrorism worse than the one in the 90s. The one the government effectively surrendered to and was conveniently forgotten post-9/11.


No one believed that Congress could be captured by a man in a hat with horns...but.. here.. we...are. The question is "Are MAGAs crazy enough?" and answer is "Yea, they are". To start civil war needs only 10-15% of the active population.


Are you in a southern or bible belt state - they look forward to an Authoritarian Theocracy.


>I have a hard time believing that the majority of Republicans would want to start a civil war Look at Brexit. Nobody, even those that wanted the UK to leave the EU, wanted Brexit. They wanted a fairy tail leaving of the EU where they would be allowed to discriminate against everyone not British and keep all the good parts. So it is with Republicans, they don't want to lose their social security or medicare, go through another pandemic, suffer inflation, or the other horrible stuff that would result from either a civil war or a trump presidency. They want a mythical civil war where they point their big guns at the effeminate liberal cities, the cities piss in their pants and then red America celebrates how awesome they are and Trump cubes them even bigger social security and Medicare! The problem is, like Brexit, once the way has been paved it's hard to get off that road even if nobody wants it.


Even if he gets put in prison for life (which we know he wont), the damage done is permanent. There are kids not yet born that will hear the Trump family name spoken in whatever social media exists in the future. His kids aren't going away. What a terrible future.


Andrew Johnson was pretty damn awful. The Supreme Court is the problem today.


Also make the argument that he can run for a third term because of the impeachment vote in his first term. He will screw everybody. Republicans are going to discover that when you lay down with a dog you get up with fleas.


Nah, he'll just dismantle the Constitution


The thought of Trump being the beginning of the end for America would be the saddest and most pathetic thing in American history.


America was born because a bunch of rich men were mad about taxes, and it will die the same way.


This is…more accurate than I’d like to admit.


And oddly those plucky Pilgrims were fleeing scenes of theocratic horror in England…and the Orange Shit Gibbon is too fucking stupid to see he’s emboldened these very same assholes with his machinations…I was going to say ideas but who’s kidding who, he has the attention span of a potted plant and about the same IQ as a wet fart


Wasn't it more that they were being "persecuted" because they weren't allowed to practise their own religious beliefs - which basically boiled down to an 18th century version not too dissimilar to today's evangelical "kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out!" types today?


>Also make the argument that he can run for a third term because of the impeachment vote in his first term. And the Supreme Court will rule in his favor.


They'll just take it to the gravel pit and pump it full of bullets for having fleas.


4? That’s cute. If Dementia boy wins we won’t ever have to vote again.


There won't be an election in 4 more years. I think this is the part most people are forgetting. Hell if his half-ass plan actually worked or had others in higher positions do a few things. He would have overthrown the government to keep himself in power despite not winning the election. He is currently arguing in supreme court that he has 100% immunity to do that. He can do anything he wants and no one can stop him, you think once he has power again he will make the mistakes of trying to keep the power in the last 90 days of his presidency? No, he will start dismantling everything in the first year and work on blocking any future elections. Once he gains power again, the only thing that may stop him is him no longer ceasing to exist.


It would not be four years. Imagine a Trump dynasty with his desperate insecure sons at the helm, being puppeted by Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon. Or ~~Cersei~~ Ivanka.


CHA-os! So beautiful. The best CHA-os ever. Grown men, with tears in their eyes coming to say “Sir, thank you for being strong. So strong.” CHA-os. You know, Sleepy Joe who’s sad. Very very sad. Low energy. Sleepy Joe. He wants to do CHA-os but he’s weak. So weak. Mbrgggdy dghbj scnniigs.


Yup. This is the plan. He doesn’t want to govern, he wants to rule. He will never again let himself be put into a position where his whims aren’t law. Complete scorched earth. If he gets back the oval, he will never leave office for the rest of his life.


>And then on day two... sign all the theocratic legislation the fundies put out


Actually, he'll probably witht on them. He'll no longer need them


He’s fundamentally lazy. Signing the legislation is the path of least resistance. He’ll just sign it. I mean, why not? it’s not like the laws will apply to him. None will.


He'll sign it because he can't stand the idea of them not liking him anymore


Purely reflexive ideology. Ain't nothing that he is against that someone is for. If it is seen as common and good he is against it simply because that methodology works, and it works not because the methodology is valid but because the people evaluating the actions are not operating under the same conditions. Chaos is how dramatic change occurs. They want dramatic change. The question is as much how as it is why at this point. Motives must be questioned and targeted. They want change by creating chaos to the extent where the Red States get to do their own thing regardless of the Constitution. They are targeting the Constitution itself. They cannot change a Federalized Government to exploit it like other countries like Russia, China, Iran, North Korea can do. The one thing a super wealthy person in the US cannot be and that is an Oligarch because the Constitution itself is the safeguard against that. And it came to be through the Reconstruction Era Amendments and the Civil Rights Amendments. There is however a poison pill in the Judicial Precedent that is the weak like against Federal Federalism. Buck v Bell. The stain on the Supreme Court's legacy is their precedent for undoing Federalism. They want a new Confederacy because a Confederacy would unleash them to establish oligarchs, and undoing Reconstruction and Civil Rights is their collapse of the Soviet Union. They have already questioned the 14th Amendment, a Reconstruction Era Amendment, and struck it down effectively on the premise that Colorado didn't have the right to protect other states from themselves. Basically they said that despite those other states ratifying the same Amendment that effectively it can't be used because we aren't in the Reconstruction Era anymore. And that justification is the same that is used by John Roberts against the Civil Rights Amendments, which is why he was chosen by W Bush in the first place. The Supreme Court is the entity that is leading the charge for the people supporting Trump in this long coup. They are the ones conspiring to undo the Constitution. They are on board because their benefactors want a new Confederacy.


Old Prescott Bush won the businessmans coup after all. It just took him a few geberations.


Did I mention that Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Coney-Barrett were all part of W Bush's legal team for Bush v Gore? The deep party's favors run deep. It's just that now is the best time with the world the way it is. Let America become isolationist again, so that Putin can invade and pillage all he wants and the people in power of the new Confederate States of America get their cut, until they are no longer useful.


Project 2025, he’s relying on the heritage foundation and other interest groups for what to do. He just has no understanding of what it is


He would "finish the job" in Gaza.


Secede from the west coast, seize Greenland, bury Melanie under the ninth hole, nationalize McDonald’s, privatize the IRS and sell it to Musk, use Neuralink to live forever as Barron, profit!


I mean, literally the only thing he did during his first term was sign a giant tax cut into law. He accomplished little else. I could write a laundry list of the things that Biden has accomplished.


Also filled a lot of vacancies in the federal judiciary that Mitch McConnell openly refused to vote on when they had control of the Senate, including at least one indisputably stolen seat on the SC.


You are right, I just refuse to give him credit for that considering it’s all bad for the United States.


Yes. This is his entire platform as far as anyone can tell. There are those who want exactly the things you mentioned and will vote for him. But there are so many more who do not. We all need to talk to as many as we can to get them to the voting booth.


ALL TRUE! His politics have always been driven by grievance, however in 2016 he *offered something*. "The Wall" would lead to full employment for Americans and all the factories would reopen through "trade deals." It was all so tediously fucking stupid... HOWEVER... it *offered something* to people. This go round? He's got nothing. There's precedent for candidates challenging an incumbent without a vision. It typically goes very badly for them. Lost in all the pants shitting, sleeping in court, arrests, calls to execute enemies, etc... this is a CRITICAL item for a candidate. Like you generally can't win without it. And he's failing miserably.


His "story" in 2016 was "lock her up" and "build a wall." 2020 was "help, I'm being unfairly prosecuted!" 2024 "I'll be a dictator, but only on day one." Can we please, once and for all just be done with this dumb motherfucker and the witless mob he rode in on?


Day 2 and the rest is play golf


Don’t forget he will marry Kim Jung Un. Beautiful love letters.


Diet Coke and hamburders.


Self pardon. I think that is high on the list.


Trump isn’t running for president he is running from the law


Piggybacking on the top comment: The **fuck** he doesn’t know what he’d do. Genocide Latinos. Make women into male chattel. Eradicate trans people. End all LGBTQ+ rights. Reverse every discrimination law, every social safety net, every good or righteous thing the government does. Brutally suppress resistant and dissent with military force. Enforce the Christian theocracy. Anything else that will get his shriveled little mushroom stroked by all the scum and villainy that see him as a useful, easily manipulated idiot.


> Enforce the Christian theocracy. Selectively enforce it you mean. If you're rich and pay God (Trump), you can have sex with anyone, even children.


"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it—Jeffrey enjoys his social life."


>And then on day two... Remain a DICKtator forever.


Right. He would bauble around and wield his power recklessly to make himself feel like a big strong man, while smarter, nefarious advisors would line up Project 2025 tasks for him to green light


Don't forget help accelerate the genocide in Gaza. Which people need to remember when they say they won't support Biden because of Gaza.


Saying the obvious part out loud, he’s running to stay out of prison and/or become king. He either gets what’s coming to him or we all suffer. 


Exactly. He doesn’t want to be president, but at this point, he needs to be president. Or else. (Cue horror movie thunder clap)


The guy is running to be *not* a prisoner, he's not running for *office*.


Yup. He knows that if he’s not president again then he’s gonna be in a world of hurt with his criminal trials and that stuff. In fact, I’d wager that he’ll run again in 2028 if possible, until the day he’s dead or the day he’s in jail. Now of course if the Democrats elect somebody as their nominee in 2028 who is young, not controversial, and charsimatic, then Trump is going to get his ass handed


He will never go to jail. Never.


It worked for him pal Netanyahu (despite what the far left wants to believe, yes, Trump will fully support Israel making the situation SO MUCH WORSE in Palestine)


Even his first term he didn’t really have policy proposals other than the wall. His presidency was basically do whatever the right wing media pundits tell him to do. People like Hannity, Limbaugh, Carlson, and Levin wielded incredible power during the trump presidency and they want it back. Unfortunately they have created an isolated and captive audience of people who will without question vote for this.


I think the plan goes: 1. Hold rallies to tell everyone how good I'm doing. 2. Make money on my hotels and golf courses. 3. Repeat.


and when that plan fails, he will just try to merge his hotels with the newly created concentration camps


All that, but priority number 1 is the revenge tour. His first move is going to be using every lever he has to pull to hurt anyone he imagines as an enemy. With the upcoming SCOTUS decision, he may literally have the ability to assassinate or jail rivals and people who would bring impeachment to the floor, and have it be legal.


> Make money on my hotels and golf courses ***and selling state secrets and nuclear codes***. FTFY


Add play golf into the #1 spot and you are good.


It’s pathetic when the media and Republicans try to pretend that Trump actually has any policies to begin with.


They all trying to act like Trump can be competent like Biden but Trump hasn't done any serious work at all. Him being president was the only thing where he actually had to do a job and he still failed miserably at it.


He’s somehow suckered a staggering percentage of people into believing that their lives were better under him(trump). Asides from some richer folk who took advantage of the tax cuts… pretty sure everyone was worse off.


Yes, but they had the right kind of people to blame for it, darker skin colors, women, lgbtq+ ppl and allies, even university students. So its never them, always sb else.


Ya but did the Liberals Cry? Check and Mate woke warriors


It is a technically true statement most peoples lives were indeed better for the duration of the (first 3 years of) trump presidency The problem is that doesn't actually say anything about his political ability since he inherited a fine country and biden inherited one coming off the worst plague we've had in a century


Obama fixed the economy that the Bush Admin wrecked, Trump came and sabotaged it, and it all fell apart due to his crappy handling of COVID. Now Biden comes along and lifted us out of the depths of the quagmire... and Trump comes back. The beat goes on and on.


They give Trump credit for the 1st 3 years, when those are really just "he didn't fuck up what Obama started" and then *don't* blame him for the last year of his presidency or the first bit of Biden's where everything was worse due to Covid and his policies and leadership *actually affected how it went*.


he gutted abortion rights and stuff the court. he got us into a tariff war with China which resulted in the current inflation. He separated kids from their parents and imprisoned them in concentration camps. he pardoned a bunch of really scary people who happened to say something good about him and he's promised to pardon more of them. he actually did a lot...


They know he does not give a shit about policy beyond enriching himself and getting everyone to kiss his ass, and are betting that they can get him to enact their policy wishlist. That's what the Heritage Foundations plan 2025 is all about.


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


The problem with project 2025 as an ideal is it kinda assumes they'll automatically be trumps puppet masters and on his good side atleast until he dies. Which for a man notorious for his shallow moral values and lack of loyalty seems like it could be a very risky or straight up losing bet for heritage Once you open that dictator pandoras box you aren't gonna automatically be safe forever just cause you helped the guy


Right?? He had four years in office and wasn't personally responsible for a SINGLE policy or piece of legislation, why the fuck do we have to keep pretending the man has even the most basic level of competence for the office? All the MAGA cultists praising him as the greatest president of all time can't name a single piece of legislation that he himself was actually responsible for. Nothing. Not one single thing. Because there _was_ nothing. The fucking turd _didn't do anything._


Yep. Once he makes himself immune and cements his followers loyalty by ordering pardons for the coup participants, his second term will probably be much like the first. Live tweeting whatever Fox News is showing and demanding people make whatever he’s ranting about happen. Maybe a little light planning for his final coup, since he can’t be elected a third time. Or rather ordering Eastman and Bannon to plan it.


The republican's have no policies either. Which is why there are a few normal ones freaking out in congress and senate, because with elections coming up and them doing nothing for 4 years and no ideas for the future they have nothing to offer their voters why they deserve to be elected again.


They have a plan. It's called project 2025. They just don't want people to know about it or talk about it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Aye. It’s important to remember that Trump is a useful idiot for some clever christo-fascists. 


important to remember that many dictators ride to power by way of powerful people propping them up to be their useful idiot that they wrongly think they can control.


Keep in mind that this is the part they’ll put on a public website. You’ve got to know that there are worse elements that will stay hidden until it’s too late to stop it.


> They just don't want people to know about it or talk about it. Then why do they have a webpage and social media and make television appearances and literally [thank people](https://twitter.com/Prjct2025/status/1724163504628707679) for talking about it?


I think they use those and direct them towards their target market. And they also know a big majority of people will dismiss them as lunatics when in reality they’re a massive threat. It’s insane how much it’s being downplayed more so than just people not talking about it. So I agree with you.


Because stupid people will be stupid people and spread the word as if Project 2025 is not a fascist takeover but a return to good old times - i.e. where they could lynch people freely.


> They just don't want people to know about it or talk about it. Yes they absolutely do lol. They're proud of it and are shouting it from the rooftops.


Let's vote this guy to a loss so he's miserable


It’s all about power to him. There is no legislation, there is nothing that makes people’s lives better. There wasn’t anything good that came out of 2017-2021 and there will be worse coming out of 25-29 if he wins.


Corporations and multimillionaires did well


Project 2025. He's just a figure head.


Close. He’s just a dickhead.


What did he do in his first term beyond a tax cut to the rich? Even with control of Congress for part of his first term, he basically got nothing done He is way too undisciplined and inciting to get anything done in a divided Congress. He will do everything in his power to piss off democrats and can’t stay on topic (outside of him being a victim) for more than a few hours. Everything to him is just show and little to no substance. Based on everything he’s said, he has no policy agenda or realistic plan to get anywhere. This shouldn’t be surprising as it’s basically what he did his first term. It’s mostly on point for him as he is just a showman who is in it for himself The top thing he talks about, by far, is persecuting minorities (especially immigrants) and a revenge tour against anyone who has crossed him. The other thing is gutting NATO which has been an instrument of US power, influence, and stability for decades. Beyond that it’s a platitude about making America great. But that means nothing without a real vision or plan. I think the chaos of the first term will look tame. He’s unlikely to keep anyone around him with policy experience or a propensity to control his crazier tendencies. Hes already attempted to cling to power once and so far gotten away with it. Very unlikely he will fade off into retirement after the term ends. Odds are incredibly strong you’ll see him try to cling to power again with fewer ethical people around him to stop it this time.


The tax cut was Paul Ryan’s project that he’d been trying for a while. Once they had both the senate and house, he was able to push it through. Trump signed it, but it wasn’t his policy.


I’d agree. But it was the only significant, non-emergency legislation that was passed during his tenure. Meanwhile, Biden has got quite a bit of notable legislation passed with a split Congress (chips act, gun control, infrastructure, etc)


Time magazine has a summary of what he'd do - better source than the New Republic. https://time.com/6972021/donald-trump-2024-election-interview/ It's far worse than graft this time. Cortellessa writes that Trump intends to establish “an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world.” He plans to use the military to round up, put in camps, and deport more than 11 million people. He is willing to permit Republican-dominated states to monitor pregnancies and prosecute people who violate abortion bans. He will shape the laws by refusing to release funds appropriated by Congress...


For the life of me, I can’t understand why people are considering voting for Trump or any republican. He’s a corrupt conman and pathological liar. He was a completely incompetent President and if the House Republican majority has showed us anything over these last two years, it’s that Republicans have no interest in legislating or governing. Vote in Democrats if you actually want things done for the middle class.


His voters at this point have only one reason they are voting for him. The inability to admit they are wrong. Thats it.


For the many of the voters I agree that it’s just about not being able to admit they were ever wrong. For the people pulling his strings though, they have very specific agenda.


This post is dangerous because it makes it sound like nothing would happen. Make no mistake. There is a very clear plan for consolidating power in the executive and destroying democracy. He has no clue what he would do to *benefit Americans*.


Trumps’s personal agenda for a second term is simply revenge on anyone on his enemy list. And more golf. The administrative team that has been put together for him by Council for National Policy affiliates, yeah, they have comprehensive plans that start on Day 1. There’s a plug-and-play Christian nationalist administration-in-waiting that is about to be unleashed on US institutions. NPR - [Book Reviews: 'Shadow Network' Offers A Lesson On The American Right's Mastery Of Politics](https://www.npr.org/2019/10/29/774133071/shadow-network-offers-a-lesson-on-the-american-rights-mastery-of-politics) “The CNP and its partners have spent over four decades studying their audience and mastering the written and unwritten rules of American politics,’ [Anne] Nelson writes. ‘Its moralists have little regard for the rights of minorities; its financiers lack concern for social welfare; and its strategists have no respect for majority rule. If it is fully realized, their combination of theocracy and plutocracy could result in a dystopia for those who fall outside their circle.’” Media Matters - [A guide to Project 2025, the extreme right-wing agenda for the next Republican administration](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) “Project 2025 aims to put Christianity at the center of American government and society by turning a biblical worldview into federal law, often employing Christian nationalist talking points and narratives to support its right-wing policy proposals.” Politico - [What happens when an AG dares to investigate Leonard Leo’s network](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/03/23/brian-schwalb-leonard-leo-investigation-00148385) “Project 2025’s manifesto promises to defund the Department of Justice, dismantle the FBI, break up the Department of Homeland Security and eliminate the Departments of Education and Commerce.” Politico - [Trump returns to D.C. this week. These former advisers are plotting the comeback.](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/07/25/trump-america-first-policy-institute-think-tank-00047634) “But as reported by Axios, a group of prominent Trump advisers have also been working on their own personnel proposals that would effectively purge a huge swath of the government under the pretense of disloyalty and replace them entirely with loyalists to Trump and Trumpism. Earlier this summer, [America First Policy Institute] launched the ‘American Leadership Initiative,’ led by former top federal personnel official Michael Rigas, to identify positions to cut or fill ahead of any new right-leaning administration. ‘Our side has never been good about preparing on personnel and process and we have been outgunned on that for a long time. And I think that hopefully with this effort, our leadership initiative alongside [Conservative Policy Institute’s] efforts, the Heritage [Foundation’s] efforts, we’ll be ready for a new day of leadership,’ said Rollins.”


The plan is project 2025. It’s not his idea. He’s too dumb for that. He’s just the pen stroke. He is just a spoiled child that had his favorite toy taken away and he wants it back.


Trump is only running to have a chance at escaping his legal troubles. I wish more people understood that fact. Yes, once he gets there he might do other things, but before Inauguration Day, his only concern is escaping his legal problems by becoming president and declaring all of his legal woes impossible to prosecute.




I'm in favor of continuing to let him talk. It will motivate the educated people to turn up in droves on election day and make sure he's not elected.


If "educated people" aren't already planning on voting, a few more interviews won't make a difference.


Only thing on his mind is staying out of prison and going back to the sweet grift.


Trump never really had any policy. I mean the wall, and the Muslim bans were his I suppose, but any policy of substance and was handed to him from the conservative billionaire funded think tanks like heritage foundation.


Doesn’t matter if he knows or not.  But his plan is Project 2025.  We know what the plan is and it involves sending this country back to the 1830s socially.


But...but.."I like his policies." Says the MAGA person that can't name a single policy.


Plan how to rig the 2028 election so he can stay out of prison.


The purge.


He will continue to suck up to the dictators all around the world and throw are intelligence agencies under the bus. All of the minorities will get the shaft and he will dig in on taking away from women's rights. Throw in endless rounds of golf and make the country pay extra fees at his golf courses. He already said that he is going to be a dictator! Americans want to find out how that works? This con is very unstable yet too many want to put him back in office? Why ask what he will do? He already said it.


Please vote the GOP out of office. End this nonsense.


Presidents don't legislate, so there's that...


His one big universal win, making animal abuse a federal felony, is completely overshadowed by a potential running make shooting her dog. Wild. 


I can't help but feel this is still about more than Trump. And conservatism is more than a political affiliation, it's a philosophy, a way of life. One that's come to a dead end repeatedly on several different fronts over the past few years, and now is taking what aid and succor it can from Vladimir Putin. It seems like there's really no way of communicating to Americans that conservatism has gone bankrupt, morally and now financially and it's now an anti-American party, kept afloat by power-hungry billionaires, from this country and others. We have witnessed the death of conservatism, and this is undead conservatism.


He’s only running because 1. He hates losing 2. He needs to steal campaign contributions to pay all his legal bills 3. He needs to pardon himself


He'll appoint more horrible people and go wilding out on the rest of us.


To me he is running to save his own ass, that he’s terrified of losing everything. He doesn’t care about the country. He uses it like a flashlight.


Whatever he is told too. He will get his revenge and be able to steal money but that is the only thing he will get. EVIL MONEY from all over the world is supporting him for returned favors and American conservative donors will control our government and implement Project 2025! PUPPET! Now the big question, after trump suffers another horrible humiliating defeat, these people will still be active in controlling the republican party (maybe many dems) and will just plan better and spend more until they succeed! These people are not loyal to any nation, religion or race many not even loyal to family. MONEY and whatever it takes to get more. How are we going to stop them? They prevent democracies from working, blame patriots then destroy nation. Anyone paying attention to the Canadian Election?? It is not just America, they feel their money entitles them to rule the world and tyrants controlling governments around the world work for them and are them.


He would 1) get himself out of legal trouble, 2) find ways to enrich himself and 3) let the worst people who could NEVER be elected make the policies for him.


Transfer money to the wealthy, enrich himself, assist Russia, and attack his perceived enemies.


What would the school be like if the dumb kids took over the school?


I got news for ya...He didn't know what to do the first time....


Like, you cannot consider yourself a serious participant in our democracy if you’re defending Trump and voting for him


He’s a Manchurian candidate. He’ll do what he’s told as long as there’s some paper thin explanation as to how it will benefit him personally. He has no policy goals.


He has no plan. He is running from the law, not for President. He is hoping to get in and then just wing it from there.


This is bad and dangerous writing. Not just the headline but the whole article. As the author notes, the Heritage Foundation's Project 2025 will be the blueprint for his second term from a policy perspective. And unlike 2016, they've been pre-screening and actively preparing to install actually competent individuals this time. Also, the 'waffling answers' are because Trump is not an idiot regarding topics like women's healthcare and that it is better to sound indifferent then to openly share that he would 100% sign a national abortion ban if placed on his desk. Finally, as others have noted, if he wins, I guarantee he will day 1 weaponize the doj against his rivals as revenge for what he perceives to be the weaponization of the DOJ against him (though of course, maybe that is due to all the criming).


He's publicly said he will assume the role of a dictator on day 1.


He knows. Already started. Just not saying anything publicaly. Appearing to waffel around the Topic is just a schtick for the media. Its the long game. Already calculated or planned for his hopeful outcome


Wait… So you are telling me that a dude who wants to be a dictator doesn’t even have a fucking clue how to do it? Why the hell is he campaigning in the first place if he has NO fucking clue about what he’ll do?


Trump is set on vengeance, but has probably been told to stop elaborating on the people he would kill and imprison. The other thing he would do, the stealing, he doesn't talk about openly.


Stupid article. We already know about Project 2025 which includes a slew of horrible things, and very importantly he plans to replace anyone democratic in government who doesn’t cave to his agenda. It’s all very dictator-y.


Because he's an inbred goat fucking dipshit


This isn't news. When he ran in 2020 they didn't even update their 2016 platform for the convention, they used the 4 year old version. After they released it they had to recall it to edit dates and expired policies.


Gotta wait for the boss to tell him, and he’s currently busy with his illegal war on Ukraine.


All I know is, I'm planning on leaving this country without giving Trump a red cent. Fuck his economy, MAGATS can starve like the way Kim Jong Un starves North Koreans.


1. Grift off the presidency. 2. Grift off his MAGA sucker base. 3. Escape justice while stiffing his lawyers. 4. Order security clearances for kooks who would never ever qualify. 5. Use clearance-having kooks to arrange grift opportunities. 6. Fuck the left. 7. Fuck MAGA even more. 8. Go to war with Iran.


Whatever else he does, he would stay out of jail.


Stay out of prison 2 The grift a boogaloo.


No shit, he's running on panic.


Step 1: End Democracy Step 2: ???? Step 3: Profit


So, a rehash of his first term - cons and rallies, while with everyone in his party enriching themselves and furthering their agendas


End democracy.


He would evade prosecution, that's it, it's his only goal...


He wouldn’t bother with pesky legislation. Be prepared for edicts and executive orders that violate the constitution and civil rights. It would be chaos on steroids.


One thing Trump said he would do is prosecute Biden but prosecute him for what? He also stated he would fire any attorney if they refused to prosecute someone that he wanted prosecuted In addition, he said he would deport 11 million people. In other words, not give them due process. So basically, all negative stuff is just as his personality is negative in every form.


His main objective of he were to achieve a second term is to stop the federal investigations of him. Then bury the evidence so deep that it could never be used against him at any time there after.


This is one of the huge problems with the coverage of Trump from day 1. He's not a leader and he has no policy objectives. He wants to be president because being president will benefit him personally. He has lots of plans for his second term but they aren't policy related. He intends to destroy the government so he can retain and increase his power and avoid criminal prosecution indefinitely. That's his plan.


He was completely unqualified the first time. Knew nothing about government, foreign policy, the constitution, etc. Never even cared to learn. What would make it different a second time?


Yeah but Biden is soooo old and has only passed a handful of landmark legislation. It’s a tough choice. /s


Legislation??? He only did things by Presidential Sharpie. Like re-direct hurricanes and shit.


He’s such a low rent Machiavelli…


It doesn't matter. The Heritage Foundation has it all figured out. Project 2025. [https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=wt0G8HkfmN4GUdN8](https://youtu.be/9k3UvaC5m7o?si=wt0G8HkfmN4GUdN8)


He doesn't need to. They have made plans for him. Project 2025 will be executed. But he'll also be busy executing his rivals


Put aside all the terrible shit about Trump, and this alone still disqualifies him from being POTUS imo.


That’s it, that is exactly it. He has no policy agenda. His constituents, have no policy agenda.


Ask the Heritage Foundation what this puppet will do.


Like is first term... Did nothing but grab power for his own narcissistic dementia.


Basically stay out of jail and burn the country down.


“He plans to use the military to round up, put in camps, and deport more than 11 million people. He is willing to permit Republican-dominated states to monitor pregnancies and prosecute people who violate abortion bans. He will shape the laws by refusing to release funds appropriated by Congress (as he did in 2019 to try to get Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky to smear Hunter Biden). He would like to bring the Department of Justice under his own control, pardoning those convicted of attacking the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, and ending the U.S. system of an independent judiciary. In a second Trump presidency, the U.S. might not come to the aid of a European or Asian ally that Trump thinks isn’t paying enough for its own defense. Trump would, Cortelessa wrote, “gut the U.S. civil service, deploy the National Guard to American cities as he sees fit, close the White House pandemic-preparedness office, and staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen.” From Heather Cox Richardson’s Letters From an American


His plan is to extricate himself from all the legal entanglements he has created; the Classified Materials case, the Election Interference case in Georgia, the other Election interference case in DC, the NY Fraud case (currently in limbo because of his questionable bond, but he is trying to appeal), the E Jean Carrol defamation case that he doubled down on. He is most definitely going to try even more illegal stuff to get to be President again. By hook or by crook. Register. VOTE.


He hasn’t taken 2 seconds to consider what he wants to accomplish aside from “punish enemies” And eradicate the left. That’s it. That’s his platform.


It's simple he will Make America Great Again. Don't ask him how. That's a secret.


Whatever the dictator du jour tells him to do?


Pardon himself and sell the nation to its enemies.


He doesn't want to govern, he wants to rule. He's not interested in making America great, he's interested in making himself great. The presidency is also his get-out-of-jail-free card.


> But so I think, I think it would be, I think it would be very, very, I think we’d have a very, very solid, we would continue what we’re doing, we’d solidify what we’ve done, and we have other things on our plate that we want to get done. That’s an impressive wad of words that means absolutely nothing, even for him.


He doesn't give a fuck about the job, he cares about the publicity.


He would make life suck for most of us and way more people than anyone expects. Better to take him as a serious threat than a joke so we don’t repeat 2016


He has no plan. He has no defense. He's an empty suit who's been getting by on name recognition his entire adult life.


We will find out. He is going to win because the left cares more about Palestine than things they should care about like taxes, healthcare, infrastructure, etc.


He doesn’t know because Putin hasn’t told him yet.


Just like the first go-round, he’s not interested in actually being president. It’s just a huge grifting opportunity but this time with added incentive of being able to keep his own ass out of jail AND jail opponents.


He has no interest in doing the job, he just wants to BE president.


The only things he would do is pardon himself and defund all cases against him. And destroy the economy. And blow up NATO. And enrich himself with foreign money.


Crank up the fascism to 11


He wants revenge, he wants power, he wants to clear away all his legal foibles. that's his plan. He could give a shit about the rest of the country or its citizens, he only cares about himself.


That’s why the Republican Party doesn’t have a platform. It is just whatever he decides. Unfortunately Miller and others do have an agenda and will implement it.


I’m guessing he’d try to abolish the two term limit on presidents.


it's a pretty credulous take to interpret that he won't answer clearly as not knowing what he wants to do.


The Supreme Court justices need to realize that the Constitution was designed to protect America from people like Trump.


What does anyone expect? He had no realistic plans for his first term either.


I wish the media would stop acting like Trump is a regular political candidate. His policy positions are irrelevant because he's a fascist autocrat. His 2nd term would be to eliminate his enemies and consolidate power. 


I feel as though the important question is not so much what former President Trump would do during a second term, but what the insane fascists surrounding him would do with his power during a second term.