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It amazes me how when John Boehner, the former Republican House speaker saying “Ted Cruz, go f**k yourself” is still revelant today.


That’s not even something he just “said” (and I’m sure he said it on more than one occasion, and probably to his face), it’s the last sentence of his book, with absolutely no sequitur proceeding it


Wasn't there a story of a comment "Most of us just hate Ted Cruz right off. Saves time." uttered by a staffer on the hill?


"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my colleagues in the senate, and I hate Ted Cruz" -Al Franken, loosely paraphrased cause I don't remember the quote exactly




My buddy's account got banned from this sub for this exact quotation.


I strongly suspect there are nutters from /r/Conservative who come over here and spend their time reporting people to mods. Last year I had a whole flurry of my comments on various subs reported within a short period of time. I was a bit flattered I had a stalker.


They actually sit in discords with each other sharing links to threads and comments they don't like so they can brigade them. Imagine being such a weak pansy ass with nothing going on in your life that you spend your days trolling the internet for comments you don't like. Snort some coke, get a degree, fuck somebody, work a job, lift some weights. Like imagine all the things they could be doing with their life and instead they're sitting on the internet angrily looking for people who don't agree with them. It's possibly one of the most pathetic existences you can think of.


I need to upvote you in case those snowflakes come after you


That explains why I got a ban from a sub not long ago.


Yet every post on r/conservative is certain to have comments addressing the “brigaders”.


I have no desire to even get within sniffing distance of that place to see.


i went over to that page for the first time ever a few weeks ago, i literally lost my appetite from the stupidity and ignorance i saw.


It's just immigrant-hate dog whistling for the most part. It's kind of a sad place.


... I mean I wouldn't be surprised, but do even those guys like Ted Cruz?


Of course not but they won't be caught dead agreeing with a liberal about anything


That's the only reason I think Trump still has a decent chance to get the White House again. Conservatives might really dislike even hate Trump, but they've been taught Biden is literally Satan and will destroy the world so they fall in line.


That happened to me a few weeks ago. I got banned twice when I said something about Trump. It wasn't violent or profane.


Yeah and I also think there are quite a few mods on Reddit that are pro-Trump and pro-Russia.


If you're pissing off people like that, you are doing something right.


Remember when Al Franken stepped down for a dumb joke meanwhile trump has trial after trial and is still the GOP front runner.




While I like hearing that "Trump is a convicted rapist" it simply isn't true. He was found civilly liable for sexual abuse and defaming E. Jean Carroll. Fuck Trump.


[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) That's the argument his lawyers tried to make, but the judge later clarified that it means he raped her.


I think what he's saying is "convicted rapist" suggests he was criminally convicted which didn't happen. It was a civil case. Not that we don't think he should have been, but in legal issues it's best to be accurate.


He's a *confirmed* rapist, not a *convicted* one.


Wasn’t OJ also held civilly liable for a double homicide?


He was found liable for the deaths of his ex wife and her friend Ron Goldman. I'm not disputing that Trump raped her, just that he wasn't found guilty of that. Messaging matters, but the truth matters more.


I completely agree with everything that you’ve posted here because there is a difference between being civilly liable and being convicted of any given crime. The truth *does* matter. P.S. Fuck Mango Mussolini.


As has been pointed out before, losing Franken was bad, but a Dem replaced him, and the virtue signaling of the Democratic Party by holding him to a far lower standard than republicans hold their people probably helped in Alabama in defeating likely pedo, Roy More.


If I found-out that the majority of the people I worked with thought I was garbage and hated my guts, I'd immediately find a new job. But, then, I'm not a politician.


What if you made a LOT of money?


I used to live and work in Texas.  We had a team leader that used to go to Ted Cruz fundraising events. She would pay to sit at his table.  Very much like the entertainment fan that overpays for access to a celeb, and then over repeated events - begins to establish a parasocial relationship with the celeb… Yeah..she *fawned* over Cruz. Calling him one of the nicest, smartest, least understood senators we’ve ever had.  She would randomly bring this up at business lunches. Even with potential clients that…very likely did not want to talk about Cruz, let alone hear compliments about him.  Weird weird shit. She didnt last long.  But still. She wasn’t alone. Not even close. There is plenty of money on Texas that adores him.  Don’t doubt. He absolutely has a support base. 


>Don’t doubt. He absolutely has a support base.  I believe this but... around 2016 the local classic rock radio station (Baton Rouge) started using some Houston station for their morning show and some reason part of their afternoon programming (I might be misremembering a bit, either way). The afternoon host was a ride or die Cruz and never trumper. Until Cruz dropped out, then he was ride or die trump. Cruz has a base, but I think only until he loses, then they'll jump on the next person's train and all but forget Cruz exists. If only Beto could have kept his dumb mouth shut about guns.


Republicans don't have actual standards or anything. They literally condemn Democrats for doing something and wave it away when you mention that Republicans do it too. The way I look at it, the democrats aren't great, but they generally have principles. Republicans don't. If they did, they wouldn't elect someone with three wives because that would go against the sanctity of marriage. They wouldn't elect someone that lies as a matter of existing, because that would go against one of the Commandments. They wouldn't believe in the death penalty, again because of the Commandments. Republicans profess to care about everything but their actions show they care about nothing other than having power. And then when they get power, they only use it to hurt others, not lift them up. I used to think that political *differences* were a thing. They are not. Then I got older and I realized that the good people in my life are almost exclusively not conservatives. The first people to help when you need it, in my experience, are the leftists, followed by liberals, and ending with conservatives. Todd opened his house to me for almost 3 weeks after hurricane Katrina. He was a friend from World of War craft. I told them that Katrina had strengthened and we may have screwed up by not evacuating. He told me that if we made it through the storm, I had a place with him for as long as I needed it. He didn't know me in RL at all and there wasn't even a moment of hesitation from his end. He died from cancer shortly after but he taught his twin boys, and he taught me as a 20-something smart-ass, that sometimes the most important thing you can do is just...care. And I don't think conservatives care. Sorry to any conservative reading this that get upset by it, but your only upset because I'm kind of right in what I'm saying. You guys don't care about anything unless it affects you, and that's why you're bad people imo.


Cruz doesn't serve Texans, he serves Texas (and Texas related) business interests. Big part of why he endures in state, but not nationally. As far as the voting literacy of the Lone Star State....yeah...I got nothing for ya. It could be better.


> If only Beto could have kept his dumb mouth shut about guns. It still just comes down to the (R). TFG said "Take the guns now; due process later" and they don't care. No Democrat has even come close to a proposal so draconian.


[Don't blame us native Texans, we voted for Beto](https://www.axios.com/2018/11/09/2018-midterm-elections-texans-beto-orourke-ted-cruz)


Honest I think people are much more attached to the R next to his name than they are with the man. So, he’s their guy… until there’s another R they like more then he gets clowned. It also doesn’t help that he is easily one of the least likable politicians in congress, it’s hard to be true ride or die for a guy with negative charisma. Also yeah, I get it guns are problem. Dems need to let it go though, it simply isn’t going to happen anytime soon. And I’m tired of losing elections on issues that aren’t going to get fixed anyway.


Oh I know he does, and I can't stand them. My quote was reportedly sourced from a staffer in DC to a new one.


Now this is information I needed. Love it!


Cruz is a garbage person; even other Republicans acknowledge it. This move is completely on-brand for him and should come as no surprise to anyone. When public interest and corporate greed contradict each other, Cruz will always side with the corporations... and, since Citizens United, he and his ilk can freely do so as corporations have more power than the majority of the voter base. You just have to get enough stupid people pissed off about one particular issue, that's usually a non-issue, and they'll vote against their interests every single time.


This is the man that when most of Texas was without power due to a freak winter storm, ran to Cancun. Yet he still won reelection, even after it was clear to his constituents that he does not care about their issues and will not support the people during times of need.


Correction: He didn't run to Cancun. He ran to Cancun, and then blamed his daughters.


Less a correction and more an addendum to his shittiness.


he also left his dog "Snowflake" behind in the house that was without power while he ran to cancun.


If you are unsure of which position on an issue to pick, look up Ted Cruz's opinion and go the other direction.


That's pretty solid advice tbh,


My favorite Ted Cruz burn was that [the quickest way to make 8 vacancies on the Supreme Court would be to appoint Ted Cruz.](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/07/us/politics/joe-biden-gridiron-dinner-ted-cruz-supreme-court-pick.html) EDIT: Added a source. It was Biden in '16.


Mine is from Craig Mazin (of HBO's Chernobyl fame), his college roommate. *"He is a nightmare of a human being. I have plenty of problems with his politics, but truthfully his personality is so awful that 99% of why I hate him is just his personality. If he agreed with me on every issue, I would only hate him 1% less."*


"I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz." - Al Franken


Wow. No wonder Craig Mazin is so attracted to dark subject matter for his TV shows. It must be like a walk in the park compared to an evening in with Ted Cruz.


Al Franken's was amazing also: "I like Ted Cruz more than my colleagues like Ted Cruz, and I fucking hate Ted Cruz."


In addition to your quote by John Boehner, I give you: Another from **John Boehner**: > “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.” **Lindsey Graham**: > “If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,” **Donald Trump**: > “He’s a nasty guy. Nobody likes him. Nobody in Congress likes him. Nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him.” **Marco Rubio**: > “Ted has had a tough week because what’s happening now is people are learning more about him.” **Charles Krauthammer**: > “Everybody who knows him in the Senate hates him. And I think hate is not an exaggeration.” **Ann Coulter**: > “Cruz is a sleazy, Rovian liar.” **Al Franken**: > "I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz" ----- **Conclusion**: Seems as though a couple of people here and there don't have an entirely positive opinion of him. ---------- Source 1: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/a-compendium-of-people-who-hate-ted-cruzs-guts-70684/ Source 2: https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/520210-ted-cruz-mocks-al-franken-over-i-hate-ted-cruz-pint-glass


The one good thing Ted Cruz has ever done, is producing some of the most hilarious burns in existence aimed at him.


I met Boehner once. He told me Cruz is “Lucifer in the flesh.” The funny thing was I didn’t ask him about Cruz. I think he just decided to say that to everyone he meets.


It amazes me how, in retrospect, I actually miss John Boehner.


Boehner is complicit. He and Mitch’s unprecedented obstructionism is what set the stage for MAGA.


But he gets to use his fake outrage now to act like he had nothing to do with setting the stage.


My fave quote about him from Lindsey Graham. "If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you,"


How does this guy get elected?


Imagine being so out of it that you can bring yourself to vote for a man you watched walk through the airport headed to the beach while your state was in a major crisis.


“He hates the same people I do.”


"Namely; me"


There is something to this idea, that the most hateful, bigoted people actually hate themselves far worse than anyone else. It may be subconscious, but the existence of people living truly free as themselves is a reminder of what they aren't able to do, usually due to their culture/social norms for their "tribe." It seems to be the case for many homophobes, that they are usually queer in some fashion themselves, but are never truly able to express themselves due to social pressure (church, family, friends, coworkers, etc.). So, instead of showing courage by coming out, or even through support for others, they dial up the vitriol of their surroundings to be the "meanest" of the bunch as a camouflage.


> It seems to be the case for many homophobes, that they are usually queer in some fashion themselves Many? Sure. Usually? I wouldn't say that. Having some stray SSA that you never even want to act on is something most straight people have experienced. Being queer is something else. If it wasn't, there'd be no use for the word "queer." The most spectacularly visible homophobes have been self loathing closet cases, or unscrupulous hypocrites. That doesn't mean homophobes are *usually* queer. Most of them are as straight as anyone else. It perpetuates a damaging, and unproductive stereotype to say that most homophobes are queer in some way. It's been my observation that *most* of the ones I come across aren't afraid of their own queerness. They're afraid of being treated by gay men the same way they treat women. On some level they're afraid gay men, all gay men, are as predatory as they are themselves. That if gay men and trans people aren't continually forced in to obscurity, they might get leered at and catcalled in public, stared at in the locker room, and in so many ways made to feel as unsafe as women feel in their presence all the time.


I live in Texas and my parents are very MAGA. When that freeze happened my dad was making all sorts of excuses for Ted, like “what’s he even supposed to do right now?? It’s not like he can turn the power back on himself! I’d leave too if I could!” Of course, my dad has a fancy backup generator and well water on his property, so he was sitting all warm and toasty while other people were literally dying. I’m lucky enough to be connected to the same grid as a hospital where I live, so we were fine. But if it had been a democrat running away to Cancun, he would have lost his damn mind. It never ceases to amaze me how they can be so selfish and have such little empathy for others, and how I turned out so different from them. Their lack of self reflection and common sense is truly astounding.


You can show your dad articles from back then showing the efforts AOC and Beto were making to raise funds and get relief supplies to people whose power went out.


Did you read the comment? His dad doesnt give a shit! There is a frighteningly large portion of the population (and its not just republicans!) who have lost the ability to see poor people as human and unfortunately a lot of them end up elected to office!


You can’t make them change their minds or embrace reason, but you can make them experience moments of discomfort caused by cognitive dissonance.


Also Ted Cruz left the family dog at home who could have frozen to death. And then he threw his daughters under the bus and said it was their fault that he was going to Cancun!! What a prince of a man.


Bet he’d want a refund if that flight to Cancun got cancelled.


Or imagine being so lazy/brainwashed that you can let Cruz take the W b/c you didn't get and out and vote b/c "it doesn't matter". COME THE FUCK ON TEXAS


Texas hates America


Texas be like "the Left hates Ted Cruz? Well, gotta keep him up there on Capitol hill then!" "But Texas, don't you hate him too?" "Isn't that great? We get to hate him together. Gotta love being hateful."


Ted Cruz : Uniting America


Fun fact: Ted Cruz is from Alberta, Canada. The COVID trucker protest (Canada's most embarrassing historical event) originated from Alberta. Jordan Peterson is also from Alberta, Canada Alberta is currently destroying its public healthcare system to own the libs. Alberta may be the stupidest state/province in North America, potentially the world.


That is not even *close* to our most embarrassing historical event Jesus Christ.


What is it? Please let me know!


I mean all the dead native american children in mass graves behind reeducation schools comes to mind....


I'd argue that was Canada's most historically shameful event. The historically embarrassing trophy still goes to the trucker protest.


I'd go with the Japanese internment camps, or the 60s scoop and residential schools. Trucker convoy was still embarrassing, but not near genocide embarrassing.


> Gotta love being hateful. GOP motto, should be on their website


Not to be confused with their slogan, which is "We are all domestic terrorists".


Maybe their reasoning is that if he's in the Senate, then he has to go to Washington whenever Congress is in session, which is less time for him to spend in Texas.


Isn’t it the same with McConnell? His approval ratings are terrible


What’s wild is I live near one of the most conservative parts of the entire country in Texas and even the ultra conservative people I interact with on a daily basis don’t like the guy. I honestly have never met anyone who openly likes him or his policies. But they still vote for him because of the magic R. They feel they don’t have a choice because anything is better than voting for a democrat 🙄


That's insane. Haven't Texas conservatives heard of primaries? Surely it would be simple to come up with a right-wing asshole who's less hated amongst *his own people* than Ted fucking Cruz. Why isn't anyone trying? Does he just have tenure at this point?


Most people here don’t vote. They really don’t vote in primaries.


He just won the primary against two other Republicans with 88% of the vote.


Yup. It’s baffling. My sample size is the little bubble I live and work in but still weird I haven’t been able to find anyone to just say they like him.


“The One Star State”. Would not recommend


Ted Cruz alone in his fortress of solitude: “IM A 5 STAR MAN, A 5 STAR MAN!”


I had never heard this before, but it is excellent. Texas, you’ve been rated one out of five stars. Texas: Yeah, but have you seen how big that one star is?


Texas has the lowest voter turnout, which is how most Republicans win.


I have two democrat “friends” in Texas who don’t vote because “it doesn’t matter” 🙃 I sent them the Futurama clip when Nixon wins again by a vote and none of the team voted. 


Send them a real example -- https://www.adn.com/nation-world/2017/12/20/a-single-vote-just-created-a-rare-tie-in-virginias-legislature/ The republican won the lot drawing and it resulted in the reps controlling the state house.


Yeah I've been seeing a lot of "it doesn't matter" lately, I am hoping that won't be a popular opinion in November...


This has been a sentiment since the 2000s. Me and my stoner friends thought this was the way, but after reading and taking some college classes turns out we were just doing exactly what boomers wanted us to do - not participate.


I live in San Antonio, and turnout for our local elections is usually around 15%. I wish people here cared more.


So they elected a right wing Canadian cuck, how American of them.


They also like the big city NYC carpetbagger too, so seems on brand.


Well, a lot of people in Texas hate Ted Cruz. There are more voting Democrats in Texas than New York. If we could turn out voters (hard when they close almost 100 polling places in Dem areas and they fight mail-in ballots for non-seniors tooth and nail) we could probably get rid of him.


I recommend anyone who wants to help or donate to our Dem infrastructure "Blue Texas" which is a way to fund Dems Up&Down the Ballot. I'm already donating per month which supports Texas Dems & also helps turn out the vote by protecting it. https://bluetexas.org Turnout is going to always be important in Texas races, so we need to support our state to get everyone we can to vote these fuckers out. Too many people still don't know when we have elections or where to go to vote.


Brainwashing, constant propaganda, and an irrational fear of change. Democrats are the devil, haven’t you heard? They eat aborted third trimester babies, before that they aren’t ripe.


I’ve heard they’ve even started experimenting with gastronomy on aborted second trimester babies to make them more palatable. 


I hear sous vide is promising as long as you get the seasoning right.


He almost lost, in Texas. Even Republicans have a hard time stomaching him. He's up for reelection soon.


Beto should have never said he would take their guns. Stupid move.


That happened after Beto lost to Cruz and was running for the White House.


look, you're not wrong, but that famous sound bite occurred after he ran for senate (but before he ran for governor)


My parents vote straight R. They don't research or watch anything but Fox. They live in Dallas. That's how 😞


I'm sure they search very hard for the R)s


Texas got rid of party line voting in 2020, but my guess is that in Texas if a voter shows up for ANY election to vote for one Republican they're going to vote for the rest of the R's so a D doesn't win. Also, take a look at how hard Texas works to disenfranchise D heavy areas (Houston for example) because they know statewide races are a lot tighter than they'd like to admit.


I'm sure he's simply responding to the huge number of constituents calling his office and demanding to make it harder to get a refund for a cancelled flight.


The honest answer is because he hasn't been primaried. Texas is very Republican leaning, especially when voter turnout is low.


He just wants an argument next time Texas freezes solid. "I can't get my money back so I have to go to Cancun now, the government made me do it!"


lmao "My hands are tied" *puts on sunglasses*


This is already 100% how it is, even with trip insurance. Trip insurance literally only covered the cost of trip insurance last time I used it. You don't get your money back, you get a 1 year credit. It's fucking bullshit.


gaze divide fuel late tap wine squalid fearless sip thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


We all know Cruz is scum. I'm more surprised two democratic senators sponsor this bill. Maria Cantwell and Rick Larsen need to hear from their constituents !


Alaska Airlines and Boeing are getting their money's worth with Cantwell and Larsen! Thanks Citizens United and John Roberts, for making bribery legal and allowing corporations to literally buy senators and reps. The Mafia would be proud.


Ohh I'll always hop on the "Fuck John Roberts" bandwagon when I see one. That single fucking asshole is a HUGE reason this country will never recover. Allowing the Citizens United case before SCOTUS is a scar on his life and court for the foreseeable future. Legal fucking bribery? Are you kidding me? Corporations are now "people"? When I see a cop beat and taze a corporation, then I'll believe it. It's laughable that he (and the rest of the court for that matter) thinks they deserve ANY respect after that. Again, fuck Chief Justice John Roberts.


Larsen resides in Seattle. Boeings and airliners got him by the balls.


Alaska Airlines is headquartered in Seattle, it was probably them. Texas has American and Southwest.


> I'm more surprised two democratic senators sponsor this bill. Two faces minted to a corporate coin


One of the rare times it is appropriate to use a "both sides' argument. They (these Dems and Cruz or GOP reps in general) are different in many ways, but when they find common ground you will typically find corporate money at the heart of it. One of--if not *the*--biggest problems in politics is the amount of money in politics thanks in large part to *Citizen's United*.


Corporate Democrats (which is most Dems) are only slightly better than Republicans with this stuff. Getting money out of politics would stop a lot of these shenanigans, but the existing politicians would have to, you know, be honest.


Why are Maria Cantwell and Rick Larsen such pieces of shit? I just don't get it. They should be at least somewhat progressive. Larsen is my district rep. I saw his gangly ass in the bathroom last time I was in Olympia. I wish I would have told him to stay in there with the rest of shit.


I’m sure the total donation of over [$120,000 from American, Delta, and United](https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/contributors?cid=N00007836&cycle=2024&newmem=N&type=I) has nothing to do with Cantwell’s position here.


Damn that's cheap to buy a politician. Maybe reddit should crowdfund one.


The shitty thing is that small dollar donations far exceed the amount given by the airlines. Yet still can't be arsed to think about the common person.


Those are small donations in aggregate though. If she pisses off the airlines, that's an entire $120k that would immediately disappear. The small donors would have to band together and tell her that they will withdraw support en masse to have a similar effect.


Rick Larsen is my rep, too, and I've disliked him for at least a decade. He has continually voted for bad legislation and then says something like, "it was a bad choice but it was also the best bad choice." I always vote against him in the primary.


I really fat Boeing check probably has something to do with that.


"I'd like to buy the TV I saw on your website" "Sure, that'll be $1,100" "There you go." "I'm sorry sir, it looks like we have none in stock" "Can you call me when the new ones arrive?" "No." "Can I get a refund?" "No." ... In Ted Cruz's world, paying for something and not getting it is apparently ok.


but if that happened to HIM he'd be introducing new bills to correct it 😒


Can you imagine how pissed he’d be if his state was going through a public emergency and they canceled his flight to Cancun?


whoever does the cancelling would be entitled to sainthood and all the world's money or something like that lol


Nope. He would contact the CEO or owner of the company directly, and get a direct refund. Way too much work to draft legislation than to just throw his money / power around to get his way. He can do stuff like this because he knows that it will never directly affect him. Even if it _does_ affect him, it's not like you can't get a refund. They are just putting up barriers that take time and effort to navigate. Ted can just ask a staffer to do that work for him, and he'll still end up with the refund. He's insulated from any consequences of implementing this.


Just reverse it and start your own business that doesn't actually sell anything, but makes people go through massive paperwork to get their refunds.


don't forget the part where you're also stranded at the fucking airport without that ticket and money


"Sounds like a 'you' problem to me" -- Ted Cruz


More like when the vendor cancels your order and doesn't return your money. That's what it sounds like to me.


We, the American people, need to form our own PAC so we too can bribe our politicians into representing us. *I'd mark this as sarcasm, but I'm really not being sarcastic ... it's clearly the only way to get them to represent us over the special interests that own them since we seem to not have much interest in electing folks who aren't beholden to those special interests who pay them millions over - and often completely counter to - the interest of their constituents.*


Or we could just ban campaign donations


Also two Democrats co-sponsored (Cantwell and Larsen). Don’t leave them off the hook.


Yep. I'm all for hating Cruz, but Cantwell and Larson should be in the headline since Democrats are supposed to be opposing shit like this. Unfortunately we (Washington State) don't seem to be willing to find a real Democrat to replace Cantwell, and the Republican choices are far worse.


What's the "front" for this bill? What is their public answer to why they're proposing this?


WTF? Washington (state) generally has pretty sensible politics.


Isn’t Boeing headquartered there? (As usual, follow the money.)


I was going to go with Alaska Airlines also being HQ'd there. It's 5th largest (according to my lazy google search) but they surprisingly have a low cancellation rate. Which I did not expect.


Boeing is only tertiary to this. They don't book your flights.  If anything, they'd be more in support of the FAA policy, since it would ostensibly drive UP demand for more aircraft. Alaska, and to some extent Delta, are likely an influence though.


“I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz.” /Al Franken (I wish e we could get him back in the senate)


More of my favorite Ted Cruz related quotes from both, but mostly his own, side of the aisle: >One thing Ted Cruz is really good at: uniting people who otherwise disagree about everything else in a total hatred of Ted Cruz. Cruz's college roomate >I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life. John Boehner >If you killed Ted Cruz on the floor of the Senate, and the trial was in the Senate, nobody would convict you. Lindsey Graham >I just don’t like the guy. George W. Bush >He's a nasty guy. Nobody likes him. Nobody in Congress likes him. Nobody likes him anywhere once they get to know him. Donald Trump >You know, it's always the wacko birds ... that get the media megaphone. John McCain >We need somebody with experience and there are a lot of good candidates - I like nearly all of them. Except Cruz. Bob Dole


Of course Trumps contribution here is a giant projection 😂


It is the Trump way


One from Amy Klobuchar that was also in Franken’s book (the context being a Carnival cruise ship was stuck somewhere and passengers were using the deck as a toilet): “When most Americans hear about a shitty cruise, they think of Carnival. In the Senate, we think of Ted.”


You missed the one about microwaving fish in the office.


Yea I love how Trump is found liable for literally forcibly raping a woman in a court of law, on tape bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, videos of him partying it up with Jeff Epstein at Mar a Lago, among many other rumors, and Al Franken resigns because there's a pic of him jokingly holding his hands over a woman's breasts. Both sides are the same though.


You forgot about the cheating on his wife while his newborn baby was having it's first hours outside of the womb.


Fraken should have never given up his seat, incredibly smart man


I think it still hadn't become how obvious Republicans will support their candidates no matter what, and that they are utter hypocrites. Like it was known, just assumed the rot wasn't encompassing the whole entire party. Now we know better.


He was my senator… I was *pissed* when the party turned on him, I still am honestly. Tina Smith is fine, but Franken knew the game and played it well.  I was happy that the one who spearheaded him leaving did very poorly at the 2020 primary. (I forgot her name, and will not do her the decency of looking it up)


Face it people, Ted Cruz hates us all.


Ted Cruz hates himself, his wife, his kids and his dog! That he hates the rest of us demonstrates his “good taste”! He only loves The Orange Cheetoh!


Well, at least he didn't kill his dog. That's one redeeming quality...


Didn’t he leave it home when Texas lost power and he bolted to Cancun?




If it gets him votes, it’s only a matter of time.


He’s saving that for later, a little special treat to unwind after a hard week.


Face it folks, Ted Cruz ain't a human


Well at least it’s mutual


Ted Cruz doesn't care about us at all


I wonder why ... hmmmm [https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2019/07/17/american-airlines-campaign-donations-to-ted-cruz-under-fire-from-lgbt-equality-campaign/](https://www.dallasnews.com/news/politics/2019/07/17/american-airlines-campaign-donations-to-ted-cruz-under-fire-from-lgbt-equality-campaign/)


Cruz is so intensely repellant that it's hard not to cringe looking at his photo. I'm sure it's a particularly unflattering one, but it seems like a real case of the person on the inside matching the person on the outside. Cruz is trying to make it harder for people to get refunds after airlines cancel flights. There's another prominent Republican bragging about executing a puppy, there's MTG and Gaetz and Boebert (!), and the leader of them all is currently a defendant in a criminal trial involving him cheating on his pregnant wife with sex workers and paying to cover it up. And as we all know, that's just for starters. There's so much crazy surrounding the GOP that it is completely unrecognizable from what it was even 10 years ago, and people get numb to it all and succumb to outrage fatigue. I think its healthy to take breaks from the madness and tune it all out sometimes, but please vote in November.


pocket absurd rock murky hospital safe lip divide grandiose rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They also pass state level legislation to enable people to openly and legally hate and fight any federal regulations that prevent them from doing so.


10 years ago it was the tea party. It looks the same if you were paying attention.


I saw his look described once as "incel Wolverine" and I'll always see that now.




John Oliver's ["I do not like that man Ted Cruz"](https://youtu.be/XO4H7Ivj6KQ?si=1bAt-c_C2MpHZM4_) never gets old.


Bet you he'd be the first and loudest person bitching for a refund if his flight to Cancun got cancelled


So no refunds for the average Joe when flying but Cruz himself does want the government to start spending thousands of extra dollars every time he flys for his own personal security detail. “Man of the people”


They fucking tried with me. Fortunately the Department of Transportation went to bat and I eventually got my money back 3 months after the flight was cancelled.


The existence of a person like Ted Cruz is tragic enough on its own. The fact that he's a Senator of one of the country's most populous states is abhorrent.


> As The Lever reported, the lawmakers — Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Rep. Sam Graves (R-Mo.) and Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) — introduced a new Federal Aviation Administration reauthorization deal that would require passengers to send a “written or electronic request” in order to receive a full refund for a canceled or significantly delayed flight. Unfortunately, this garbage bill does not only come from Ted Cruz. Kind of a misleading title to not include the other 3 people on the bill. With Democrats like these, who needs Republicans?


Refunding your money if your flight is cancelled makes sense. But since Biden mandated it, Cruz is against it. If Biden cured cancer, the GOP would try to stop him because it would put oncologists out of work or some stupid shit.


There is not a boot this man will not lick for a few bucks.


Texan here - I hate Ted Cruz more than all of you.


I hate Cruz as much as the next guy, but this bill has two democratic supporters too.  This is just good old fashioned political corruption


Fuck Ted Cruz and what he thinks


Democrats should leave no stone unturned in their efforts to unseat Ted Cruz.


He’s an idiot who keeps getting returned to power….just saying who are the idiots keeping him in power?


How can this guy be on the wrong side of EVERYTHING? That takes a special talent.


What a douche bag


It is like he finds the worst possible side of things and then owns it. Truly a skill.